Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Forestry, Fish, and Euthanasia - Trees, Seas, and Peace

Sorry, short repetitive post today.

Just once I wish I had something positive to say about the Forestry Sale issue, but the basic reality is that it's  all over...with the control of supply gone, so is any industry based on security of that supply.

The 5 year supply contracts 'guarantee' that the Labor government brutally, ruthlessly forced on poor old One Forty One Plantations, means that 141 can't just ship every log out of the country for at least 5 years...it's an outrage!

Peoples jobs are secure for at least 5 years....well done Labor...a century old industry and the communities that depend on it destroyed in one term of office...well done Labor...and lying relentlessly every step of the way, including publicly in Mt Gambier and on the floor of parliament...well done Labor.

And what an inspirational and spirited effort by the Liberals to just sit there and let it happen...well done Liberals...and for Tony Pasin to attack Nick Xenophon for spelling out exactly what the Liberals could do to stop the sale (refuse to ratify sale after 2014 election therefore stopping sale)...kudos Tony.

I remember the vehement 'do or die, fight to the death' carry-on from people like Don Pegler, Steve Perryman, Pasin, Brad Coates, etc, who all postured and provaricated and then complicitly rolled over to have their bellies scratched...but that's what a dog does for it's Master.

I remember the spineless self-serving capitulation from all concerned when the Sale was announced; 'we'll fight it all the way' instantly became 'oh, gee whiz...never mind...we tried...honest...' Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. That then became the comments like those from the CFMEU's ( and Forestry Roundtable) Brad Coates; 'There's some good stuff in there we can work with', etc. Charming.

No such rolling over for NF McDonnell though...no sir...they leapt straight onto their Master's lap and started licking It's face...good boy...there'll be special log contracts, land re-zonings and other treats for you...(hmm, a lap Judas Goat?-Ed)

Now 'NF McDonnell' has been appopinted to the new SA Forestry Industry Advisory Board... I'm going to call it the Forestry RhomboidTrestle...it is a continuation of all that preceeded it, pointless and devoid of credibility...So many Boards, so few jobs.

I'll say one thing for Labor...they sure know how to set up a Board loaded with their mates.

Fishy Findings - Post mortem results allegedly indicate that 'Morbidovirus' (?-spelling, sorry) is/are responsible for the deaths of at least 5 of the now 30 something dolphins that are known to have died recently in SA coastal waters.

How many have died and not been conveniently washed up onto local beaches to be found?

I heard a rep from BioSecurity SA on ABC Radio stating that this is un-related to fish deaths that were due to 'algal blooms', unless possibly the dolphins have eaten infected fish...maybe. I reject his assertion that "an upwelling" has raised the water temperature leading to the bloom, because 'upwellings' bring colder water.

I completely reject the assertion that the De-Salination Plant has played no part in these die-offs. Please refer to previous posts re the multiple pollution streams that are clearly a part (and probaly the major cause) of these multiple die-offs.

Voluntary Euthanasia - I support it.

At 84 my grandfather was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer but refused any treatment, and spent his last few days heavily sedated with Morphine. He died within a week of diagnosis; well, within a week of telling us and going to Daws Pk Repatriation Hospital.

I believe that he would have made that decision himself if he'd had a choice.

At 46 I have survived Cancer twice and live with constant chronic pain issues partly related to Chemotherapy/my illness in 2004/05. When and if I decide that I'm going, then I am, and I ain't going to ask anyones opinion or permission and I will end up where I'm fairly sure I'm headed anyway.

Religious organisations can take their opinions and shhhh...keep them to themselves. Who the hell do you think you are Pastor Robert Cotton (The Border Watch 26/04/13) to call me a murderer?

I guarantee you Robert that every day I prostrate myself before my God and She forgives me my sins and condemns me for my refusal to repent...I am only what I is after all.    (top grammarings-Ed)

Tomorrow: Victorian Child Abuse Commission 

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