Friday, April 19, 2013

Council Meeting 16/04/13

Apologies for another late, repetitive post but went out early, got in late; also therefore quite short.

Thankyou for feed-back; made the same error repeatedly 'goal' instead of 'gaol' (for 'jail'), and I've looked at that I don't know how many times. I also appreciate support 'off-blog' for the 'removed posts issue'; cheers.

Laughed at suggestion the blog looks well researched and organised as I pictured literal wave of paperwork
that starts mid-lounge floor, rises across chairs and lounge, to peak with the distinct threat of cresting and crashing back down from the top of the spare desk; in the gloom of evening it looks like a wave gathering to break into the lounge.

Not much to say about the meeting 16/04/13 because not much happened; a number of usual reports, etc, were tabled and passed. I don't believe that the Old Hospital or Rail Lands were mentioned at all.

The poor public response to the 'Park and Stride' (700 letters-36 replies) led to Councillors discussing why. I find it genuinely concerning that Councillors have this debate with each other time and again, and that at least some of them seem genuinely perplexed as to why no-one responds..

Here, look, I'll help; always looking to help, me....hmmmhm...Is this thing on?...1,2,2...hmmhm...ITS BECAUSE YOU DONT LISTEN TO ANYONE OTHER THAN YOURSELVES, AND THEN DO THINGS LIKE SPEND $12M+ ON THE MAIN CORNER AND GIVE IT TO A COUNCILLOR'S SON FOR FREE, OR THE LADY NELSON BUS SHELTERRR...ELTERRR...ELTerrr..Elterrrr.... elterrr.......elterrr......lterrrr...........'s, it's no good..I don't think they can hear me...ahh, can you turn it up at all? 11 you say......hit it...IT'S BECAUSE YOU SPENT OVER $1.5M ON A POINTLESS MOVIE AND SOME LIGHTS INSTEAD OF A COVERED POOL, TENNIS COURTS, AND PUBLIC TRANSPORT TO ACCESS THEMMM....HEMMM...Hemmm....hemmm......emmm......mmm....

No...still no good...I don't, no-one's turned round...anything else?...a bullhorn?....that's not going to...oh, you mean speak...through this intO THE MICROPHONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
OOOHH, yes, I'll stand back a bit...sorry...hmhmm ITS BECAUSE WHEN PEOPLE SPEAK OUT YOU EITHER IGNORE OR ATTACK THEMMM...HEMMM...HEMMM...HEmmm...emmm.....emmm.....mmm.......'s no good...they're not going to turn around....

Please review previous posts re Lady Nelson Bus Shelter Issue, the Rail Lands Retail, the Main Corner, etc.
The recent post with maps/plans clearly illustrate the reality that has dominated Mt Gambier planning since 2005; certain people's (Council's) plans for massive Retail Development on the Rail lands site.

I re-iterate: there has been a specific Council agenda  to keep the site clear for Retail Development, and this has driven Council's every Planning and Development decision.

This Agenda has caused the Big W/Bunnings/Penola Rd/Millicent Rd fiasco, placement of the Library and Bus Shelter, the Main Corner Project, etc, but does not explain why Council went past all the critical things it should have done, eg, covered pool, to spend the outrageous amounts it did on the frivolous and un-neccesary lights and movie for the Main Corner.

The 'DaVinci Exhibition' got a guernsey along with the usual bumf about how this justifies the Main Corner blah, blah, blah...but Council is only underwriting the exhibition for $30,000 what they claim it will be a massively popular and profitable venture. Why not use this alleged opportunity to try and re-coup some small part of the massive cost? Also covered in previous post.

Council unanimously voted for the 'glass partitions and seating' at The Lady Nelson Bus Shelter...I don't know what to say...I don't...I'm speechless...please see previous posts.

The Boundary Adjustment issue was also raised, but I'm not entirely sure as to the progress of that, indeed I'm not sure Council is sure...

Council also did a 'review' of a 'CEO Performance Review' thingy, but they kicked me and the one other person present, out; after 15 minutes I asked Mr Humphries and Mr Sexton if I could get my things which Mr Humphries kindly did, and I left.

Again, please review the various posts re the Rail Lands Agenda. Toodlepip.

Tomorrow: The Three Rotationeers - All For One Forty One (What Our Trees Are)  
and TFTIM: MLC Ian Hunter

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