Monday, April 8, 2013

New Pope Speaks Frankly About Child Abuse

I'd just like to say a few choice words about the recent Papal Pantomime, namely &%##*^&&%$$#)?><::>:"*&%?((*%$....ughhuughhh...ughhuughhh...ughh#*)^*@#&^$#<:>:"?((&&%....ughhuughhh...
...ughhuughhh...ughhuughhh....allright big fella, that's enough...just catch your breath...I know you're upset, so perhaps best I take over from here...alright?..ok then.(Ed)

I know that I have been a little bit 'one-trick-pony' with my recent posts (it's always about bloody St Martins, the Shrekin' Lutherans, Child Abuse, etc) but please indulge me; it is after all that which drove me to politicianing in the first place, and there's 10+ years of corruption and anger, etc, to's gonna' take a lotta' time and a lotta' posts.

For example, This Arvo: Crown Solicitors Office Letters; two letters amongst many, containing multiple personal and professional threats. When the authority that would prosecute such a case, threatens with referrals to specific legislation, etc, that is a professional threat....Just add it to the pile he said with a grin...please refer to previous post re Piper Alderman Lawyers, the Lutherans, etc,etc,etc......

And it's hardly my fault that the Catholics are so relentlessly, so self-importantly polluting the public media with their new Pope and all the insipid pomp and cultish ceremony that goes with it; or that PM Julia Gillard, who is undeniably complicit in the Cover-up of Abuse at St Martins Lutheran School (well covered in previous blogs) chooses to mouth off through said media about the "moral" obligations, the "terrible crimes", etc, when 'opening' the Child Abuse Royal Commission.

Rubbish...they are all working very hard to make it look like they're doing something, but it's all words, all empty promises...I've been through it too many times already. Every exertion is about controlling the reality, minimising the damage, denying responsibility where possible. It's all smoke and mirrors.

I completely reject the election of Pope Frank as nothing but a farcical continuation of that which proceeded it; a cynical posturing by the Catholic Church to give themselves some sense of 'credible deniability' across a range of issues, but particularly the institutionalised Child Rape that defines the Catholics.

This 'new Pope circus' was always about distracting from the realities with a self-grandising carnival of mindless medieval mumbo-jumbo and pathetically patriarchal pontificating and patronisation....ahhhhhhh

Dear Mr Catholic; don't tell me which promenading peacock that your 'God' apparently says is boss of me. 

Who the hell do you think you are, that you group of self-important old men should tell me which one of you is above me, indeed God's representative on Earth...holy bollocks Batman, it's the Cassocked Crusader, sent to save us all from our sinful selves but apparently not from child-raping priests......

It was only ever a matter of time (indeed to my mind the primary motivation for the sudden change - Popes die, they don't retire) before Pope Frank started in on the Child Abuse issue, and he didn't disappoint me.

The facts: Pope Frank was elected by the same Bishops (Archbishops...whatever) who have been routinely, regularly covering-up the systemic, institutionalised abuse of children by priests, etc, and are by any definition responsible for those abuses.

These are the same stout yeomen whom have repeatedly moved priests to avoid detection, thus exposing other children in other diocese to those perpetrators; threatened, denigrated, and abused families who try to get some action; lied through their teeth to the media/public; etc, all to protect the precious bloody Church. The Lutherans are just as bad.

The real issue is, which is the horse and which is the cart? That is, do Bishops, etc, seek first to protect the Church which means covering-up the abuse that unfortunately occurs, or, as many non-Catholics believe, that the Catholic Church is a child-raping sect of lunatics, whose fundamental business as a collective of Child Abusers is the core of a structure specifically designed to gain access to children.

Do a few 'bad eggs' take advantage of the Church's desire to protect itself, or is the motivation of the Church the desire to access children?

I don't think that any non-Catholic who has seen George Pell in action in the media, is left in any doubt that Mr Pell is not going to do anything to take responsibility for the criminality of the Catholic Church.

Is that because he is irrationally, emotionally devoted to the Church and therefore cannot see the crime in the first instance; is he a perpetrator himself and therefore doesn't think it's a crime or is desperate to hide his own criminality; is he morally and ethically vacuous, solely motivated by the personal promotion, power, etc, to be accessed within the Catholic Church? etc, etc...Who knows.

Even now the Catholic Church is using language like 'we will co-operate with the Commission' and 'we'll provide documents if requested', etc. Plausible denial time folks...'oh, they didn't ask for those documents', 'we didn't know about that question', etc...blah, blah, blah.....

Pope Frank himself is using the 'history of the Church' when discussing Child Abuse as though this has all  happened in some distant time and place, it is not a current problem in a Catholic Church that is somehow suddenly to be exonerated from what it continues to do...protect paedophiles.

This Arvo: As Above 

Tomorrow: Woolworths Helps Dairy Farmers? Pull The Udder One.    

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