Friday, April 26, 2013

Mount Gambier City Council: What New Madness?

Let's see if the reality gets this post pulled...hello Bill...still waiting for an answer....(see previous posts)

I have previously stated that it would be unfair and unworkable for Mt Gambier City Council to resign 'en masse', but I was wrong...they should... they are either corrupt and incompetent or simply incompetent; resign the same way you ram multiple issues through Council meetings to avoid appropriate scrutiny....en masse.

Mt Gambier would literally be better off with no Council; their outrageous corruption of appropriate process and relentless compromising of 'Conflict of Interest' guidelines, nepotism, 1950s small-town 'deals for mates' corruption, bizarre 'drunken sailor' spending, fundamental failures to provide basic public services whilst pursuing pointless 'aspirational projects', etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.

I'll go further; given my own chronic mental health trauma I rarely personally denigrate others over issues of 'sanity', but there are clearly several gentleman on Council whose selfishness and sense of self-importance compromises their ability to deal with reality.

For example, when Cr Merv White speaks on the Bus Shelter issue and denigrates those who differ from his opinion, and trots out his lies about how Council has listened to the public, and 'I don't know why people are complaining now', etc, is it just that this is the pantomime he knows he needs to go through to 'formalise' the inherent corruption?..or is he so corrupt and so used to just getting his own way without question that he actually believes what he's saying?..or is he just completely out of his gourd?.....'e won't 'aggle either (Life of Brian-Monty Python)

That does it; This Arvo - TFTIM Councillor Merv White, but I digress. 

Council business, like giving the Main Corner free of charge to Cr Des Mutton's son, the recent Phone Tower Approval, etc, is decided outside the chamber by a group of mates who are the Development Assessment Panel; these three will always vote together and always to their own specific advantage or for those around them.

They only need one of the other four (whom Council elects in the first place) to vote with them, and everything those three want (and their other mates/supporters within Council want) gets approved, and anything they don't want don't happen.

These same people are the ones who recently had Internal Councillor Complaints against them for this exact behaviour.

Besides, Grant District Council decides what happens in and around Mt Gambier, eg, the Bunnings/Penola Rd corruption of re-zoning Cr Brenton James land at Millicent Rd; Council Boundary Adjustments; the Jail Expansion; etc.

Wish I had a magic bucket of money like Council, because then I could spend vast sums of other people's money on pointlesss, stupid projects. Why and at what cost to replace the fencing along Keegan Drive with new rounded posts?

Why pull up perfectly good pavers and replace them with the large ugly grey ones? At what cost? People are still are saying to me 'which Councillor's relative is getting payed for all this stuff?' Not only is it unnecessary but it looks incredibly ugly.

The Border Watch contradicts itself repeatedly over issues with Council depending on who writes the story, eg, the Main Corner has 'dropped' in cost back to only (haha, only) $9million.

Who the hell is 'Auditing' Council that the vast sums of money missing and/or misappropriated on that project remain un-accounted for? What has this person/agency done about the $340,000 former CEO Greg Muller 'stole' without appropriate authorisation? Who keeps enabling and encouraging Council in this failure of accountability....literally.

Sorry for mdisjointed bits...Interweb dropping out...will finish here but more on Telstra tower etc to come. 

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