Monday, April 8, 2013

Letters From Crown Solicitor re St Martins Lutheran School

The attached letters are just some of a series of letters between myself and the Crown Solicitors Office re the Teachers Registration Board/CSO hearing into teacher Glyn Dorling; please see other posts.

These are effectively the first response from the CSO dated 11 January 2005, and through several exchanges, to the letter 22 November 2006, and the final communication 14 December 2006. 

Note please;
1) the CSO rep at the TRB/CSO hearing was not allowed to answer her own mail; I had written to her;
2) the straight threat at the end of the first letter "I warn you not to repeat these allegations";
3) various references in the second to getting "legal advice", and "criminal defamation", and "civil
    liability", etc, rounded out with identifying the exact section of the act that I am allegedly in breach of,  
    "section 257 of the Criminal Consolidation Act";
4) and the final thinly veiled threat, "The allegations achieve nothing except to expose you to potential civil
    and criminal liability."....."criminal liability" means goal (jail);
5) I wrote to the CSO 13 December 2006 saying 'this is rubbish, let's meet and I'll put my stuff on the
    table, you show me why I'm wrong and I'll apologise, or you fix it' (paraphrasing myself);
6) having threatened me repeatedly, up to and including specifically identifying the "section" I'll face
    "criminal liability" for; when I wrote back 13/12/06 getting all up in his grill and shizzle (for the youth)  
    he does all like not meeting you and disrespecting me, yeah?

Sorry such a long post, but again, only some of the many letters...maybe make a cup of tea first...lovely... 

Tomorrow: Woolworths Helps Dairy Farmers? - Pull The Udder One. 

also to come: We Don't Know Why, But It Definitely Isn't the De-Sal Plant.
                      (I told them it isn't the De-sal Plant..snigger, snigger)
and    :  The ICAC in South Australia
and   :   IGAP for Mt Gambier - Roundabouts and Underwater

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