Thursday, January 28, 2021

Corrupt Mt Gambier City Council Grant Themselves 'Unlawful' Quasi-Judicial Powers To Ban 'Troublemakers'

***apologies, actually started this post 18th December 2020, and it just got pushed down the list with all the other half-finished posts, but here 'tis now...***

Howdy dear availees all over the South East of South Australia and through-out the our previous post on this issue, Monday, 14th December, 2020, PUBLIC INTEREST ALERT: Mt Gambier City Council's Latest Act Of Base Corruption, we identified the extraordinary 'Unreasonable Conduct' legislation that the wholly corrupt MGCC were intending to introduce, and at their Full Meeting on Tuesday 15th December 2020, they did exactly is now 'officially' in place...(well they were hardly going to go to all that trouble of creating that blizzard of word-salad Pseudo Justifications and carefully deceitful Implementation Loop Holes, etc, and then not put it all into place-Ed)...fair enough, and it's so complicated yet so obvious...(and the irony is that the convoluted carry-on that's designed to hide the genuine intent, that same carry-on only serves to highlight the real agenda at play here-Ed)...and as per usual, the local media reportage is appallingly complicit and/or uninformed and just trots along with the Council's version of events...

And this is why I'm so hot on the ABC South East Radio, The Border Watch, Josh Lynagh and his Facebook page, Limestone Coast Community News, and all other local media...(it's why appointments like Sandra Morello to Chief of Staff of the ABC SER is such a grossly inappropriate and critical issue-Ed)...exactly...(and why Josh mate defending/protecting Council and trying to deny the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, etc, by calling you a 'defamatory conspiracy theorist' is such a complicitly corrupt act-Ed)...indeed, repeatedly publicly denigrating me on his webpage then bleating the exact opposite on this 'ere blog's 'Comments' page, it just ain't gunna' fly...but, having said that, credit where credit's due, since TBW was re-birthed late in 2020, they have run several stories critical of MGCC that I'd have never thought I'd see there-in...(for example, the article identifying that Council has lied about it's 'excuse' for evicting the Aquifer Cafe/Tours, which we covered in recent posts-Ed)...exactly, that and the detailed article about local Council's 'Secret Meetings'...(well sure, that too, and kudos to TBW for that stuff, but in reality, all that TBW has done is dispassionately report the facts, and it's Council's own deceits and self-contradictory deceptions, etc, that have turned those articles into seething exposes-Ed)...a most excellent point Ed, kudos to TBW, but it's really Council's own actions defining how outrageous those actions are...(yay-Ed)...  

By My Own Definition I'm Over-Reacting:...'cos as long as I've dealt with the ABC SER, going on 20 years now, they have almost always and in all ways carefully cherry-picked their reportage, seeking to avoid compromising Council and/or their mates and/or other vested interests...(and weren't the ABC SER quite willingly SAPol (police) Prosecution witnesses against you in your "bizarre trial" re ICAC, etc?-Ed)...yes, yes the ABC was...(and didn't they provide an Affidavit riddled with lies and abuse, then repeat those lies and abuse unchallenged in Court, albeit 'cos Magistrate White 'cancelled' your Medical Certificate and then concluded your 3 year trial in your absence without you getting to present any defense, etc?-Ed)...yep, and ABC SER had their reporters attend my trial, but instructed them to not talk to me, and then presented complicitly skewed 'reports' that were designed to denigrate and discredit me, eg, about how I kept being warned about 'Contempt of Court', and arguing with the Magistrate, etc, but ignoring Magistrate White's repeated outrageous threats and abuse of me...(yes, the ABC SER weren't just willingly biased in reportage of your Political Persecution, they were definably complicit in the actual Persecution to the point of corrupt-Ed)...yes they were/are...

And that's how I'm potentially over-reacting, but in a context where things are already extremely problematic...(so you're saying, in that context, having Sandra, the wife of Mt Gambier City Councillor Frank, having her as boss at the ABC SER is not likely to make things any worse than previous-Ed)...absolutely, Frank and Sandra have illustrated just how complicit and bent and untrustworthy they are with their collusion regarding Don Pegler's press releases aways back in 2010, as covered in the recent post, 21 January 2021, ABC Story About Crater Lakes Precinct Ignores Aquifer Cafe/Tours...(yep, so, overall, whilst it's fundamentally ludicrous to even sanction the idea that the ABC SER will ever do/report anything that might in any way compromise MGCC or hold them to account, etc, that's effectively just business as usual-Ed)...exactly, I expect no better of Sandra or Frank or TBW or ABC, and I'm very, very confident that individually and collectively they won't let me MGCC itself, the Mt Gambier media is infested with card-carrying Liberals and their various toadying acolytes and accomplices...but for every rule there's always an exception...

And Now Contradicting Myself:..'cos I'm gunna' state here for the record, when it comes to Mt Gambier media, that there have been some very limited occasions and/or individuals where those involved have treated myself and/or other St Martins parents respectfully...those incidents/people should not need to be remarked upon, but given the overwhelmingly abusive and derogatory and threatening and betraying behaviours that we have all experienced from local media identities and/or organisations, especially the ABC SER, those few persons and their actions are quite remarkable...y'all know who you are, 'cos I've told ya's to ya' faces, so I'll leave it there...   

But, gettin' back to the substance of this 'ere post, and not least of all 'cos it'll make it easier for me to explain some of the deceitful intricacies, etc, I repeat my request that y'all avail ya'llselves of the original Agenda item from the above date, pages 238 - 275, and/or the related Minutes of 15th December 2020...I had intended to provide a detailed and concise synopsis of each section of this legislation, but as y'all 'll see, that proves to be unnecessary...instead we're gunna' do a coupla' critical issues/aspects in detail, and provide a template overlay for the let's start at the beginning...

The Genuine Agenda:...MGCC is looking to give themselves 'justifiable' powers to ban people who try to hold this wholly corrupt Council to account...this 'legislation' is solely and wholly about Council removing themselves from any and all accountability by denying access to the very few people who give a damn enough about their community to actually challenge the wholly corrupt MGCC...(well, there are those who do give a damn, just they might express their 'damn giving' in other ways, eg, extensive volunteer work, etc-Ed)...alright alright, ya' ruddy bleedin' heart Leftie, I'm talking about engaging with MGCC in a more political context, eg, asking embarrassing questions about dodgy rezoning issues or Council's relentlessly corrupt Tender/Contract practices, etc, but by application, you are correct, this legislation affects everyone..(indeed, and will encompass anyone who has any 'genuine' grievance about Council, including 'first-time' complainants/contactors-Ed)...exactly, anyone who has a complaint about Council's conduct or about the behaviour of a Councillor, etc, can and will be immediately labelled/targetted as being a 'vexatious troublemaker' and 'banned' from contacting Council...

Pseudo Justifications:...1) that this is about providing a 'safe' work environment for Council staff, to protect them physical assaults, threats, abusive language, vandalism, etc, and 2) to reduce the cost (for Ratepayers) of dealing with 'dangerous' or vexatious and/or repeat complainants...(well both are absolute lies in the context of what MGCC is actually trying to achieve, and are easily dis-proven by the simple realities-Ed)...indeed...on the ABC South East Radio on Wednesday 16th December 2020,  the reporter used the example of fast food workers getting abused, but made no reference to any actual instances involving this Council and it's I don't know whether that was the example Council used in the meeting, or if it was the ABC's own words, but on Thursday 17th MGCC Acting CEO Barbara Cernovskis was on the ABC and didn't even offer that much 'justification', it was all theoretical potential incidents...(well that's just bollocks, if there were any specific incidents of abuse/violence/vandalism/whatevs, those examples would have been front-and-centre as the unchallengeable justifications!-Ed) on Ed, spot's a classic case of peering into the vast murky silences between what's actually being said/written, and finding the truths rampant there-in...

Now We Don't See The Violence Inherited In The System:...(due credit to Monty Python, The Holy Grail)...'cos, if there had been even one single case of abuse/violence/vandalism/whatevs that they could have referenced, Council would have been floggin' that 'incident' at each and every opportunity in trying to justify their Fascist legislation...(yes they would have, I can hear it now, 'why only last week Selina, a person said "oh bottoms to that" to a young staffer who was absolutely mortified and had to have a Bex and a good lie-down'-Ed)...well I can see how hyperbolically facetious you're being there Ed, 'cos I know we both agree that there is simply no place/justification for abusing counter/office staff, and for 2 reasons...(well I know one, that it's literally never them that's made the actual decision that y'all are upset about, decisions are always a 'management issue'-Ed) on, and two?...(ummm...-Ed)'s in the same ballpark...(errr...-Ed) ...well 'cos it's never appropriate to treat counter staff or council workers or park attendants or whoevs in that manner...and anyone who has ever dealt with me personally knows that I ain't just preachin' at ya's, 'cos that's exactly how I roll, absolutely respectful...(indeed, you swear more on this 'ere blog than in 'real life'-Ed)...indeed...(and even when the cops come to ya' house you're perfectly polite, albeit brutally passive-aggressive polite-Ed)... well that's an excellent example Ed, but what's "brutally passive-aggressive"?...(well you know, stating to the officers that you know that it wasn't their idea to come, it was their superiors idea, etc, and apologising to them that they've "been sent to harass and intimidate me in my own home"-Ed)...yeah, fair call...

But seriously, sure, yes, that exact exchange has happened several times, so sue's not those cops fault, but rock-up to my house and stick cameras and threats of Contempt of Court in my face, etc, and all I do is look straight down said camera and quietly tell it exactly like it is, and to the people who really matter? seems very respectful to me...(true, and really the only time I've seen you cut crook it's always been at/to those who have the power and are making the decisions, eg, Magistrate Ian White, man you used to get stuck into him-Ed)...yeah, good times, albeit as part of a repulsively corrupt 'Trial' process...(fair call, but even then I'm not sure I've ever seen you swear or even really raise your voice-Ed)...indeed, I am very fortunate that my personal default setting is to be quiet-spoken and respectful, etc, and it's served me very well on many occasions...(well that and the fact that you're quite a large, wide quiet person-Ed)...well true, that has had it's advantages on occasion too, 'cos it does really freak-out some people when a large angry man is quietly stating how upset he is...but we digress...

The Silence That Speaks when the media uses the Macca's example and doesn't make reference to any 'incidents' specific to Council, that might just be sloppy reportaging, but when the Acting CEO does not identify/offer a single example, not even the Macca's Paradigm, then that's the silence that speaks their absence as actual examples, as explained above, it appears that the 'incidents' Council is referring to are theoretical ones...outside of that, Council already has available to it various legal tools/avenues when it comes to dealing with anyone who threatens and/or commits acts of violence/vandalism, etc...for example, call SAPol and/or have Final Intervention Orders evidenced by the FIOs issued against me, albeit a reprehensibly politicised mis-use of FIOs, FIOs can and do cover physical attendance, other contacts like phone calls, and even Interweb stuff...these powers MGCC have given themselves allow them to issue pseudo-FIOs when and as it suits them, and without any ability for the recipient to challenge...(and without going via a Court process which does allow a degree of 'appeal/challenge'-Ed)...exactly...(except of course in your 'Trial' when Magistrate White just ignored your submissions re his FIOs-Ed)...yes, well, but in any non-corrupt Court process there is usually an opportunity provided the recipient to address the relevant issues/allegations...    

Reducing Costs At The Cost Of Accountability:...'cos yet again, Council's failure to identify a single example of a 'vexatious litigant' or 'recalcitrant serial complainer', etc, and any associated 'legal costs', etc, etc, that lack of example is to my experience the proof that this is a faux motivation and/or justification...(well I can think of a coupla' people who have been regularly contacting Council about some specific issues-Ed)...exactly, but if they identify those persons/issues, Council outs itself as to the reality of their motivation here, to shut-down those people specifically and any others like with the absolute shizzle about violence/abuse, this 'costs' issue is a transparently obvious excuse to shove-through otherwise unjustifiable legislation...(isn't this exactly what Robe District Council is trying to do to former Mayor William Peden?-Ed)...yes it is Ed, and we've covered that at length in several posts, including the post we did 18th December 2020...1) Mr Peden has engaged with Robe Council in what appears to be a completely respectful and forthright manner, asking appropriate and quite critical questions about Council's conduct, and 2) time-and-again the Council has chosen to throw that stuff to lawyers...(usually with a view to 'hiding/denying/ignoring' the issue-Ed)...indeed, usually...3) Robe Council hold 'special meetings' and/or pass 'special legislation' solely about Mr Peden, etc, etc, and then 4) seeks to blame him for incurring all those associated legal/bureaucratic costs, and therefore 5) justify effectively 'banning' Mr Peden from further's absolutely corrupt and it's a text-book template/example for what can and will happen with MGCC and this Unreasonable Conduct Policy legislation...   

This, This, This, But Mostly I stated earlier, there's no need to dissect each and every section of the legislation , 'cos there is a broader template that can be applied...(and that is?-Ed)...well, there's all sorts of stuff about 'Customer's rights', etc, but ultimately Council can, and will, do whatevs they want...and it can happen to you simply for exercising your right to ask questions of Council...(so, for example, and in a best case scenario, if I contact Council first thing on a Monday about an issue, and talk to a junior staffer who won't/can't put me through to the Manager/Councillor/whoevs I want to talk to-Ed) happens literally every time anyone calls Council...(sure, and then I don't hear back for a coupla' days, but it's kinda' urgent 'cos there's a related Council Committee meeting soon, or something like that, so I call again on the Wednesday-Ed)...and again get the 'we'll call you back' stuff, and again no-one does...(so I ring again Friday-Ed)...BOOM! you're called 3 times and BAM! you're harassing and/or a vexatious complainer/litigant, whatevs, and you can and will be banned...(and WALLOP that can actually happen after a single call, if Council chooses?-Ed)...exactly, it doesn't even have to be 3 calls, if Council decides...  

Death Of Democracy By A Thousand here 'tis in it's simplest terms...after bangin'-on about the security and welfare of Council staff, etc, each section of legislation pays lip-service to how important The Customer is, etc, and supposedly sets-out a series of protections/protocols that ensure/protect The Customer's 'rights', etc...(sounds good thus far-Ed)...each section has very long-winded and supposedly reasonable guidelines and 'protections', etc, that supposedly guarantee Ratepayers/citizens 'rights' to have reasonable 'appropriate' access to Council staffers and/or Councillors ...(terrific-Ed)...but, and it's a very big but...( and I cannot lie-Ed)...thankyou! every time? is that really necessary?.........but.........each section then provides a series of undefined qualifiers about what Council deems to be 'The Customer's Conduct'...(well who decides that?-Ed) I said, it's repeatedly referred to but never actually defined, and it's therefore Council that gets to unilaterally define/decide what 'Unreasonable Conduct' actually is...(well how could that possibly go wrong?-Ed)...your sarcasm-soaked concerns are duly noted and well founded...      .

(And are Ratepayers really 'customers' in the genuine sense? or even close? I thought that  Ratepayers/Citizens are the employers, that literally everybody on Council is an employee paid for by Ratepayers/Citizens-Ed) reality, yes, but I'm quietly confident that Council will/does have a weasel-worded way of circumventing that reality, eg, by referring to themselves as 'an incorporated body', or some shizzle like that...I ain't no lawyer, but I've dealt with these stooges far long enough that ya' just know there's some massive but quietly unidentified/undefined clause somewhere that allows Councils to legally behave like they're the boss...(and if you're wrong about that, hey, then you're right that Council has no legal provision/entitlement to enact these sort of punitive and openly Fascist restrictions on Ratepayers/Citizens-Ed)...yes, that's the great thing about having a bet each way, you're always gunna' be right at some point...but again we digress...

Banning Those Who Exercise Their Legal Rights:...and yet again, it's about what's being said...(or not being said-Ed)...indeed, whichevs, it's about what's happening in between the actual words that defines the real intent and the potential application/misuse of this legislation...take for example this... "Pursuing and exhausting all available review options when it is not warranted and refusing to accept further action cannot or will not be taken on their matters of concern."...( and by saying "all available review options", is that including legal recourse through the Courts?-Ed) certainly reads that way, without actually saying it...(so for example, people like Richard Paltridge who took Grant District Council and Acciona to the Environment, Resources and Development Court, who exercised his legal rights there-in, and had a massive win that stopped the horrendous proposed Allendale East Wind Turbine Industrial Estate, he could be 'banned'?-Ed)..perfect example Ed, an absolutely perfect example...and again here, Council decides/defines 1) what is "warranted" or otherwise, 2) what and/or how The Customer is "refusing to accept", and 3) what "cannot or will not" means...(so Council can say 'we will not act', and if you have a right to have that inaction reviewed by a Court, Council can ban you?-Ed)...yep  

Banning Those Who Go To The Media:..."Contacting different people within our organisation and/or externally to get a different outcome or more sympathetic response to their matter - internal and external forum shopping."...(hang-on, what does "externally...external forum" mean? does that include the media?-Ed)...I reckon that's exactly who/what it includes...(so, in the unlikely event the media cover your specific issue, then media involvement/coverage is justification for 'banning'?-Ed)...yep...this is every bit as obnoxious as the wording indicates, belittling Ratepayers/Citizens and our concerns by calling our rights to seek external support/review/action as looking for a "more sympathetic response (via) external forum shopping"...(yes, that really is extraordinarily condescending language to use at any time, let-alone in actual legislation-Ed)...mate, it's not a million miles from the sort of gas-lighting abusive control language that perpetrators of Domestic Violence frequently utilise to undermine the confidence of their victim...(oh my gourd! that's exactly what it is, belittling the persons feelings and experience of the situation and mocking their response, that is text-book emotional abuse and control techniques-Ed)'s typically what Lynagh does when someone questions him on LCCN...(yes it is, mock/belittle/denigrate the person, get them questioning their own thoughts/beliefs/conduct, and therefore exercise a degree of control over them-Ed)...yep, and here-in as actual 'legislation'...

And under this 'section' people like the Turners, whom Council corruptly evicted from the Aquifer Cafe site/lease, and who's Aquifer Tours lease Council is currently trying to steal, the Turners could be banned 'cos they've talked to the media about Council's abhorrently corrupt conduct...(but didn't the media go to them, not the other way 'round?-Ed)...won't matter, 'cos it's undefined again, so again it's down to Council to decide what definition they want to apply...this could also apply to an external third party such as this 'ere blog...(how so?-Ed)...well, we write something about the latest rancidly corrupt MGCC Tender process, for example, and Council can then use our reportage/commentary to refuse to answer relevant questions from other contractors involved or Ratepayers, etc, even if those persons haven't spoken to us...(and by that rationale, if the media spots something dodgy in a Council meeting, and reports it, Council could use that as an excuse to 'ban' the contractors/Ratepayers/whoevs-Ed) on mate...(and hang on, unless I'm much mistaken, wouldn't an "external forum" also include seeking action/redress through the Courts?-Ed)...indeed Ed, this covers all the bases, go to the media, go to a lawyer, actually go to Court, contact a former Local Government employee or Councillor, contact literally anyone just to get advice...all of these and some we've missed I'm sure, they all fall under the catch-all heading of "different people"...(well literally everyone outside of Council is "different people", and merely "contacting" them can/will get you 'banned'-Ed)...yep...

So these two sections, only a fraction of the actual legislation, gives MGCC undefined and absolute power to unilaterally ban people from contact and/or attendance, if that person has spoken to the media or a lawyer, etc, or has exercised their legal rights to external review of Council decisions via the Courts, etc...and in each and every situation Council has granted themselves the right to decide what constitutes a 'breach' of this legislation, with pseudo-protections that are immediately over-ridden by loopholes that allow Council to immediately implement 'total bans' and for a minimum 12 months...just read that legislation and see for y'allselves...   

Tomorrow: Another Litany of Scummo's/LNP's Deceits And Bastardries 

And/or a further dissection of MGCC's UCP...covered most of it's broader implications here, but there's still plenty to examine in the detail of other sections..(and we did spend quite some lineage bangin'-on about the media, etc-Ed)...true...I guess we'll just have to wait and see...(well my money's on another MGCC UCP post-Ed)...quite probably...and today we'd like to close with this quote which is very relevant to the complicit conduct of the pro-LNP Main Stream Media...

“As long as the general population is passive, apathetic, diverted to consumerism or hatred of the vulnerable, then the powerful can do as they please, and those who survive will be left to contemplate the outcome.” - Noam Chomsky

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Former Premier Jay Weatherill Gets Award For Services To Children

Dear availees, there's been a lot of discussion, disappointment, and more than a degree of disgust about 1) the whole concept/context of Australia Day, being 26th January, and supposedly a 'traditional' celebration of 'Australian values' commemorating the creation of 'modern Australia' when the First Fleet arrived in Sydney/Port Jackson in 1778, etc, and the First Nation Aboriginal people's experiences of that same event that has therefore come to be known as Invasion and/or Survival Day...this discourse involves changing the date to a more inclusive day away from actual the day of 'Invasion', the current date only used 'traditionally' since 1994...and 2) of the associated Australia Day Awards and how politicised they have become, and are they even relevant? etc...

Prime Minister Scott 'Scummo' Morrison has handled the situation with his usual empathy, intelligence, insight, and decorum, dismissing the First Nation's experience and denouncing calls to change the date, etc, stating that "it wasn't a particularly flash day for the people on those vessels either", and then, after being quite rightly mocked and pilloried for that bigotted stupidity, disingenuously half-trying to walk-back that crass stupidity with statements about how there's been some good stuff and some bad stuff for everybody involved...numerous times on this blog I've expressed my personal position on any and all issues involving First Nations Aboriginal people and the European occupation of Australia, here it is a first generation White Australian, I acknowledge the life of luxury and privilege I have lived merely for being born White and a Man in a Stolen Land...and here's a great explanation of what's actually happened with 'Australia Day' that I've copied from Twitter/TikTok...***

A good yarn about Jan 26...Ahhh mate, it's the day that Captain Cook discovered Australia....Nahhh, it's not actually, that was in April 1770...Oh well, it was when Australia was first discovered by White people then...Well no, that was in 1606 , and you know there were people here for thousands of years before...Yeah, but it's when we became a Nation, we became Australia...Sorry, that was 1st of January 1901, and there were many First Nations here long before...Well mate, it's a bloody tradition alright, let me have my beers, beach, and barbie (bbq)...Well it's actually only been a national holiday since 1994, so it can't really be a tradition. But we have traditions here that date back over 60,000 years...

***sums it up pretty well...and I think it does support the idea that moving the date to something more appropriate is perfectly reasonable, and given the generational traumas associated with 26th January, it's something I believe 'we' should do...and before I get stuck into the 'Awards', please note that the Committee that decides these 'Awards' is not 'independent', they are chosen by Scott Morrison, and therefore has his influence all over them...

And The Award Goes me a tired, broken old cynic, but I find it very odd that all 4 major Australia Day Awards have gone to women, and that the major gong has gone to a young women, Grace Tame, who was groomed and raped by her high school teacher...under the relevant legislation, the Tasmanian Courts then banned her from discussing the crime and her experiences of it, etc, but Ms Tame fought that legislation/ruling and won, meaning that all survivors of abuse/paedophilia/sexual assault can speak-out about it if they choose...Ms Tame is clearly an extraordinary young woman and fully deserving of recognition for her courage and strength and that same context, I am not in any way criticising these women or what they have done, etc, it's the potential politicised motivation that I'm calling-out here...   

Anyone who follows politics in Australia will be aware that Prime Minister Scott 'Scummo' Morrison spends literally $$$billions perpetually self-promoting and campaigning and rorting and pork-barelling rather than actually governing and leading, etc, and is currently engaging in a very specific campaign of pre-election self-promoting...people who know better than I reckon it appears likely that we are headed for an early election later this year, with some pundits calling August/September as being most likely...Scummo and the Liberal/National Party are also proven misogynists entirely without genuine empathy or compassion, well practised in co-opting issues to their advantage as and when suits them politically...they literally don't do anything unless it serves their own best fortunes, financially and/or politically...and in that context, having a young female sexual assault survivor as Australian of the Year, and several other female recipients, this has the potential to be massively politically exploited to counter any criticism about the LNP's culture of misogyny and bigotry, etc, and also for the failure to appropriately address the ongoing national disgrace that is the abuse of children, particularly in schools...       

I find myself in that situation, again, where I genuinely hope that I'm absolutely wrong about this, and that it is just my cynicism and my anger that takes me to this place, etc, but I look at what a cynical manipulator Scott Morrison is and how these awards could serve him politically, etc, and I see that potential for crass political opportunism...this is my opinion and is not meant as any sort of criticism of these women...I offer my unqualified apologies to these women for this opinion/observation, and do not wish to even insinuate that they are somehow not worthy of acknowledgement and accolades, your efforts and achievements are not the issue a completely different context, I agree with the criticisms that notorious bigotted Pentecostal preacher Margaret Court has received yet another Australia Day Award for her tennis career as being a vehicle for Scott Morrison to do his usual dogwhistling to like-minded Right Wing bigots...

But my bitter cynicism quickly turns to depressive resignation when I see the farcically corrupted announcement that former South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill has been appointed an Officer in the Order of Australia, in part, for Services to Children...this from the ABC News webpage...***

Former SA premier Jay Weatherill, a Logie winner and a professor specialising in Indigenous education are among the South Australians recognised in this year's Australia Day honours list.

Mr Weatherill has been made an Officer of the Order of Australia for his service to parliament and to the fields of early childhood and tertiary education.

After retiring from state politics following Labor's election defeat in 2018, Mr Weatherill became the chief executive of the Minderoo Foundation's Thrive by Five initiative.

Mr Weatherill says the program aims to empower parents and to support them with a high-quality, universally accessible, early-learning system.

"We are trying to create momentum for change to put this on the national political agenda," he said.

"I believe this is the great social and economic reform of our era and I'm sure it's within our grasp."

Mr Weatherill said he developed a passion for education reform while working as SA's education and early childhood minister.

"I became exposed to this thinking about the way in which children's brains develop in those first five years," he said.

"Once you understand that there are a million neural connections every second with high-quality experiences and the effect that has on the whole life trajectory for a child, you can't unknow that."

"It really completely became a priority and a passion for me, so when I left politics I wanted to continue to work in that field."

Mr Weatherill said the status of those who worked with children in their early years needed to be lifted.

"This is amongst the most important work that occurs in the nation but they are not recognised or rewarded," he said.

He added it had been a privilege to serve the South Australian community during his time as premier.

"You always want to be able to do more," he said.

"There are always injustices that haven't been able to be remedied.

"There are always people that have been disadvantaged that we haven't been able to help, and that's always a source of regret, but I did the best I possibly could."

***..."But I did the best I possibly could."...I've also heard/read Jay Weatherill talking about his current position as CEO with Twiggy Forrester's Minderoo Foundation 'Thrive Before Five' early education 'initiative', and how important young children are and how their welfare is so important to him, etc, etc...just Interweb search 'Jay Weatherill Minderoo' for a long list of relevant articles and radio interviews...and in my extensive personal experience of the man, every word about 'the importance and welfare of young children' is a politically expedient and massive my experience he is directly responsible for the "injustices" we have been deliberately subjected to with the St Martins Child Abuse's not the case that he 'has not been able to remedy' the St Martins Cover-up, he is complicitly responsible for it... 

Jay Weatherill, both as a senior Labor Minister and as State Premier, was/is intimately complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.

Jay Weatherill's law firm partner Stephen Lieschke was lawyer for "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling's in the Teachers Registration Board Inquiry.

Jay Weatherill, along with then Premier Mike Rann, officially shutdown Child Abuse Royal Commissioner Ted Mullighan' investigation of St Martins in 2005/06.  

Jay Weatherill, intimately aware of the St Martins Cover-up, denied any such knowledge when I confronted him on air on ABC Radio Adelaide in June 2013.

Jay Weatherill, after that denial, wrote to me ever-so politely threatening me with 'defamation'.

Jay Weatherill is a rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt politician who should be gaoled for his definably complicit role in the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up.

I thought that Mt Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin getting an award a couple of years ago was an insult to every other genuinely worthy recipient, and was an illustration of mates organising awards for mates, etc, but this award to Jay Weatherill completely eclipses that...and what really shocked me was how un-shocked I was to hear that this person had received an award for services to comes as no surprise that someone so complicitly involved in protecting a "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher would get awarded for services to children...there was a time many years ago when I would have been shocked and outraged and infuriated, etc, but now it's the even more confronting and depressing sense of inevitability and resignation that this is hardly a surprise...that sort of grim acceptance that this is not a surprise, that's a whole new level of depression and trauma...that is, what hope for ever resolving the St Martins Cover-up when key conspirators like Jay Weatherill are getting awards like this?    

If you are not familiar with the many issues with the St Martins Cover-up, eg, if you've not read the letters Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill wrote to Comm Mullighan, please go back through this blog and the many relevant posts here-in.

Tomorrow: MGCC's Unreasonable Conduct Fascism

Apologies that this UCF post keeps getting bumped, but it's nearly finished so it could even be up later today and this Weatherill stuff obviously takes priority.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Sunday, January 24, 2021

ABC Story About Crater Lakes Precinct Ignores Aquifer Cafe/Tours

Howdy y'all, welcome to TMGI...please to be checkin' out the Mt Gambier City Council's latest deeply deceitful diatribe of weasel-worded word salad about the Aquifer Cafe and Tours site by goin' to the ABC South East Radio webpage and then to 'Episodes' for Thursday 21st January 2021, at the 3hr17min mark, link attached below...(and as the title suggests, the actual interview is about Mt Gambier City Council's supposed 'Activation Plan' for the Crater Lakes Precinct, but they very carefully avoid mentioning the single most important issue/facility/tourism service, the currently closed Aquifer Cafe/Tours-Ed)...and 'cos the last ABC SER recording I directed y'all to has since 'expired' and is no longer available, I've put myself through the stop-start, 3-fingered typing nightmare of transcribing the entire but thankfully short interview here...only took me two hours of going over and over the interview, like it wasn't grating and frustrating enough the first time through, such joy...

Selina Green- Well have you got some ideas about how the Crater Lakes could be improved? Perhaps what the space needs to be better utilised? Well the Mt Gambier City Council is hoping to receive a grant to help it develop a Crater Lakes Precinct Plan. We talk about the Crater Lakes we mean the area around the Blue Lake, the Valley Lake, and the Leg of Mutton lake. Well the state government is now receiving applications for it's Open Space and Places for People program, and the Council has resolved to submit an application for a grant under that scheme. The Council's Acting CEO Barbara Cernovskis  says if successful that funding will be used to help develop a stand alone Master Plan for the Crater Lakes Precinct. She explained to our reporter Todd Lewis more about how that is going to work.  

Barbara Cernovskis- That's aligning very much with Council's strategic direction with being able to activate that space and have a look at how we can do that around the Valley Lakes Precinct and around the Blue Lake in a manner that's not going to be compromising the integrity of the area, but being able to give us as a community more opportunity to be able to recreate in the space, but also to be able to  maximise any tourism opportunities that could come out of that also.   

Todd Lewis- This has been talked about for a little while now, is the funding critical to see the plan move forward?  

 BC- Well plans like this can be costly, so the opportunity to be able to leverage some grant funding along with our own funding to be able to have this come to fruition is an opportunity that the Members are keen to see happen. 

TL- What will be the focuses of the application you put forward? 

BC- So it's really about the cultural implications. The Crater Lakes area is of significant cultural value to the Boandik people. The Mt Gambier volcanic complex is gazetted, it's a state heritage area, so it's really being able to incorporate activities, and that can be developed that include our First Nations people as well, as well as the improved recreation and whether there could be a level of commercial activity there, but once again all of that would still need to be in the context of not compromising the natural integrity of the site, in order to achieve those activation outcomes. 

TL- What have the elected Members expressed in that sense ? What are their main desires for this plan, I'd imagine they'd probably be in that same boat of not wanting to ruin the total am(e)nity of the area? -

BC-  Yeah, and that's exactly what the Members are thinking. So it's not about commercialising in a commercial sense, it's really about being able to activate, which there may be a commercial element, and whatever is done is done in a manner that doesn't compromise, as I said before, the natural integrity of the site, being able to capture the cultural stories and experiences associated with that site, and being able to include the stories and the experiences and our First Nations and Boandik heritage in that area as well. 

TL- Has there been an even bigger priority placed on this plan since the recent push for regional travel in light of COVID?-  

BC- I think that's put the spotlight on to it, however Council has been really keen to do something in this space for a long while, and the opportunity has presented now for us to be able to put the energy and the resources behind taking that next step, to be able to think carefully what is it going to look like   and how can we plan the activation strategy with that site.

The there's ya' go, absolute nonsense...(well indeed, that is a mind-numbing cavalcade of deliberately non-specific bureaucratic jingoism-Ed) is isn't it...(umm, by '"activation strategy", is that referring to tourism?-Ed)...urrr, I think that's part of it, Barbara repeatedly mentions 'tourism', and  certainly tourism is a big part of any discussion about the Crater Lakes, I mean, the Blue Lake is an iconic tourism destination/experience...(well the Aquifer Tour certainly was an 'experience', until Council evicted the business operators, Trish and Gary Turner-Ed)...well quite, yes...(ya' know, one could be forgiven for thinking that Barbara has been taking obsequious obfuscation lessons from career tourism non-achiever Biddie (Tietz) Shearing-Ed)...ahhh Biddie, good call, she's a classic, being inexplicably appointed to one critical Tourism position after another, having achieved absolutely zilch in any of them...(and regularly being interviewed on the ABC SER about her/their latest plan to have a plan, it's almost like her 'career' is a template for this interview-Ed)...well, I think there's a broad template for these people to follow, to be able to speak volumes without actually straying near a definable fact and/or truth, it's a sortta' Perpetual Plausible Deniability Text, say heaps but nothing that you can actually be held to account for...

Language there ya' fuckin' go, for all the fuckin' damage MGCC have done to Tourism with their fuckin' lies and mismanagement, and there's still absolutely no fuckin' plan...(well that's not strictly true, is it?-Ed)...fuckin' what?!...(well Council has a whole series of plans mate-Ed)...mate, this had better be fuckin' good 'cos I'm absolutely dead-set ready to go completely postal worker on Council's sorry arses...(so you mean to be viciously attacked and sacked by Prime Minister Scott 'Scumo' Morrison, only to be completely exonerated by an independent report that Scummo then tries to hide? like that?-Ed)...what the ffff?!!!...(like what happened to former Australia Post CEO Christine Holgate-Ed)...oh right, well sure, Ms Holgate's sacking was a deeply misogynistic attempt to distract away from Scummo's various other acts of gross incompetence and moronic bastardry, and he has tried to hide that report, which, as you identify, has exonerated Ms Holgate of all supposed 'Charges'...fair call...however, I was referring to the context where-in postal workers are often joked about as being the sort of disgruntled workers who express their displeasure by shootin' the place up...(ah right-Ed) whilst I'm obviously talking about 'going postal' in a blogging sense, ie, shootin' my mouth off with a barrage of angry words, etc, I am very genuinely a blogger on the edge!...(nah nah, I get that-Ed) were saying, a series of plans?...

***If y'all want to read more about the Holgate/Australia Post bastardry from Scummo et al, Twitter champ Ronni Salt does an absolutely excellent thread at this link,***

(Yeah, Council clearly has a series of plans-Ed)...where?...(well, we've previously identified that, despite everything that Council has said about their disastrous decision to evict the Turners from both their Aquifer Cafe and Tours businesses, that Council's first plan is/was to destroy the Turner's businesses-Ed)...well that's a great call Ed...(and Plan 2 is part of that, namely, to vacate the Cafe site for someone else to use-Ed)...indeed, and I'll add that in that context, it's a 3-way plan, in so much as it is/was about destroying the Turner's businesses as an act of vindictive personal retribution...(spot on, and from there, and as literally everyone is identifying on 'social media', Council clearly has a 'plan' to hand those businesses to a Councillor's relative/mate/whatevs-Ed) what many people are also identifying as a direct replay of the bastardry that the Queen Elizabeth Park Trust and Council subjected proprietor/leasee Bill Burley to in trying to kick him out of the Blue Lakes Golf Links site...(yes, as with the Aquifer Cafe/Tours, people were saying that Council planned to install a relative/mate at the BLGL-Ed)...exactly...I refer dear availees to TMGI's recent posts on the Aquifer Cafe/Tours issue, where-in we've clearly identified that it's just another example of the deeply and rancidly corrupt MGCC doing exactly as pleases and/or serves themselves, and fuck Ratepayers and responsible and highly respected business leaders like Mr Burley and the Turners...  

ABC South East Radio Is Corruptly a massive way, if not completely...I have genuine respect for Todd Lewis as a journo, having dealt with him several times regarding my "bizarre trial" (a quote from his reportage in The Border Watch) that context, there's no doubt in my mind that either 1) he was specifically told to not ask about the Aquifer Cafe/Tours and what was happening there, etc, and, 2) to not raise the obvious issue, even politely, that it's farcical mismanagement that in 2021 MGCC doesn't have a 'Master Plan'...(or allegedly/apparently any plan-Ed)..indeed, no 'plan' for the Crater Lakes Precinct...(how many shreckin' times have we heard in the past about exactly this 'strategy' to have a 'plan', etc, etc, and yet here we are!-Ed)...yeah I know, there was gunna' be a ski-lift to Centenary Tower, and a zip-line across Valley Lake, and a hotel overlooking the Blue Lake, and a shop in the Valley Lake, etc, etc...anyhoos, the fact that neither issue was raised means either 1) Todd chose not to, or far more likely 2) he was told not to...(or 3, he did ask but it was removed from the interview-Ed)...sure, that's possible...

And in one sentence, let me explain/quantify just how corruptly compromised the ABC SER is...Sandra Morello is the Chief of Staff...(oh sweet baby cheeses, enough said-Ed)...I hardly think so...(what would you think if I said I thought you'd hardly think so?-Ed)...don't start that...for those dear availees unfamiliar with Sandra's work, she is notorious for her deeply corrupt political reporting with The Border Watch, most spectacularly when she was caught-out just prior to the 2010 SA State Election, publishing verbatim press releases for candidate Don Pegler, in TBW, but under her byline as actual articles...(don't stop there-Ed) releases that had been written by her husband Frank Morello, former TBW Editor and now Mt Gambier City Councillor...(ah ah, use his real name please-Ed)...alright, Frank 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' Morello...and Frank gets that moniker 'cos he dead-set soils himself when we cross paths in public, but in MGCC Meetings he's all piss and vinegar and swingin' around and having a go at me, etc...(and of course the time in September 2017 when he ambushed you outside a meeting, made vacuous 'defamation threats', abused and denigrated you, etc, and then scurried back into the Chamber leaving others (Mark Lovett, Mark McShane, Nick Serle) to threaten and abuse you some more-Ed)...yeah he's all class Frank is... 

Sandra Morello Is A Third-Rate, C-Grade Pseudo-Journalist:...and the fact that she has been appointed to COS for the ABC SER is a text-book illustration of 1) how corrupted the ABC is, and 2) how the 'Mates Network' operates in Mt Gambier, making sure that complicit stooges and corrupted collaborators and mates and relatives get these plum positions/contracts, and actual talent and actual merit and actual appropriateness ain't got SFA to do with it...(sorry, are we talking about Biddie again?-Ed)...well quite Ed, one would be forgiven for thinking that, 'cos it's exactly the same thing we're talking about...I'd be more than happy to sit down with Biddie and have her provide me any actual evidence that she has ever actually achieved anything in her multiple Tourism 'appointments'...(ain't gunna' happen mate...and wasn't she on MGCC for a stint?-Ed)...oh yeah, and a frequent mentionee in this 'ere blog for her many and varied complicit efforts re dodgy Council tenders and contracts, etc...and we can talk about what happened in her first tourism job with Robe Council and how/why that all went so horribly pear-shaped...but like you say mate, ain't gunna' happen...

But what about these plans of what you speak, about...(well, apart from the Evict/Destroy/Punish Plans, several alleged plans are specifically identified in the interview transcribed above-Ed)...and of course in previous reportage Council has quite specifically stated that they have a 'strategy/plan' for the Crater Lakes...(you sure that wasn't an announcement about planning to have a strategy?-Ed)...good point mate, no I'm not...(or a strategy to have a plan?-Ed)...welll...(or a plan to have a plan, or a...-Ed)...okay, thankyou, we get the picture...('cos that's exactly what they're doin' here, again-Ed)...yeah, I get what ya' sayin', and it's de rigueur for Council to make such announcements and not follow through, and/or misrepresent about the status of some 'plan/strategy', etc, etc, and it's what I was referring to before about Biddie and a career spent announcing her/'their' plan to have a plan...but where are the plans in the above interview? I don't see anything there...(well it's the same stuff again isn't it, Council has a strategy that involves planning to apply for a grant that will supposedly facilitate them being able to formulate an actual 'Master Plan'-Ed)...ahhh, they have a plan to seek funding so's they can have a plan, that relates to their broader 'strategy', whatevs that actually is...(exactly, they have a plan to have a plan-Ed)...clear as mud...  

Master Plan Debates:...will undoubtedly involved copious long-worded reports and a raft of reviews and long-winded debates, no doubt to be held in multiple secret 'Commercial In-Confidence Meetings'...(didn't MGCC have something like 50 'Confidential Meetings' last year alone?-Ed)...or through the 2019/20 financial year, yeah, there was a report about that in The Border Watch, but I'd have to go back and re-read it all, it covered all local Councils...(is it worth a post all it's own?-Ed)...yes it is Ed, yes it is, try to remember and we'll get onto it asap...but with this Precinct Master Plan, it's another prime opportunity for Council to bury themselves in a blizzard of bureaucratic red-tape...(and let's not forget that Council's vast efforts in preparing plans and doing 'consultation', etc, etc, for the FARC, was actually a carefully deceitful manipulation of Ratepayers to get them/us to vote for a $39m FARC that Council already knew was gunna' cost at least 50% more than that-Ed)...and then Council tried to justify/refute that deceit and manipulation by saying that the original Ratepayer vote was only ever about accepting the funding, not about the actual cost of the project, etc, etc, yeah, we haven't forgotten... 

And only MGCC could make something that doesn't actually exist, be proof of the lie about something that they've said exists but doesn't, whilst lying about the initial lie...(whaaa?-Ed)...well Council have previously stated that the Turner's eviction was 'unavoidable', itself a lie, but then stated that Council are after the Tours lease as well as the Cafe site lease, so they clearly have a 'plan' to operate those tours or a version there-of using that access lease...(fair point-Ed)...and as above, we've already listed several of the ludicrous ideas that Council has already tabled/floated when it comes to 'activating with some commercialism' the Crater Lakes area...(not forgetting that the main financial driver/support for any business in that precinct is Tourism-Ed)...yes it is...(and that Tourism is very much a seasonal prospect, with the vast bulk of visitors around across the Summer/Xmas/School holiday period-Ed)...absolutely, as would be known to anyone who had the faintest idea about that...(or had bothered to ask the only permanent businesses operators in the Lakes Precinct what their experience was-Ed)...being the Turners...(who, across 30 years of successfully running said businesses, could tell Council that for long periods, especially through Winter, there are very few if any tourists in town-Ed)...and therefore any 'commercialisation', eg, a ski-lift or a shop, whatevs, would have to be able to function at a loss for most of the year...(or not function at all thus reducing costs, etc-Ed)...or not at all, but then be able to cater for the sudden and massive influx across Xmas/New Years, etc...

(And where's the money coming from for all of this 'Planned Activation Commercialisation'? Council apparently can't even afford their own Master Plan', and has to seek a grant just to come-up with that!-Ed)...and not forgetting the giant white elephant that leaves no room for anything else, ever...(the unfathomably expensive Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre?-Ed)..yes, the $39million, sorry nope $57m, sorry $64m, FARC that everyone is convinced will continue to 'blow-out' by many $$$millions...(yep, and Council has sunk Ratepayers into said unfathomable quagmire of ever-escalating debt without any clear plan as to how to pay-off the $35m-$40m (plus???) that they've borrowed already-Ed)...having strictly ruled-out any rate increases...(which everyone thinks is an abject lie-Ed)...well of course it is, Member for Barker Tony Pasin himself said that that's exactly how Council was going to fund the running costs of the FARC, rate rises...(yeah, but that's just the 'running costs', what about repaying the massive loan/s?-Ed)...indeed, that's yet another MGCC weasel-word deceit where-in they very carefully tried to separate 'Construction Costs' from actual 'Running Costs' when talking about rate increases, albeit every word of it was still a lie... 

So there you have it, an interview about 'activating the Crater Lakes', and not one mention of the dual absurdities of 1) evicting the incumbent, successful, and only permanent Aquifer Cafe/Tour businesses, and 2) lying about it, and then the equally farcical 'we have a plan to have a plan'...(and nothing about costing any 'commercialisation', etc-Ed)...yep, it's 100% vacuous vagaries about potential possibilities, without a single actual 'activatable fact'...(and how long before any grant application will get approved-Ed)...well according to this, as of last Thursday 21st January 2021, Council hasn't actually even applied yet...(oh it just gets better and better-Ed)...don't it though... 

Just one last point, where Barbara says "the opportunity has presented now", that's weasel-words for distracting away from and/or denying that this "opportunity" was created by Council by them evicting the Turners...

Tomorrow: That Post About Council's 'Unreasonable Conduct' Fascism

Yes, promised it last time, again, but we will get there, just thought this stuff was important enough to take priority...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...oh, End Language Warning... 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

He Doth Protest Too Much, And Yet Not At All - The Ambulance Chaser Reprise

Howdy dear response to our last post, A Disaster Cocktail With An Ambulance Chaser, Monday 18th January 2021, the subject of said post, former Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh Lynagh took all of 12 hours to post this 'Comment' on this 'ere blog...***  

What an absolute load of shit. How hypocritical of you to lie about me online given your constant criticism of others for apparently doing the same about you. You had every opportunity to fact-check this, to contact me, but instead you've gone and made up a complete bullshit story about me based on what, some gossip someone passed on to you? I wasn't at the scene, Nick. I was 100m down the road from it. I didn't "question witnesses" - I've never talked to a single witness here. I didn't approach a single person. I didn't talk to anyone there. What you've claimed here is a complete fabrication. Your theories about me having connections with emergency services are also completely false. I also don't have a scanner or any app that notifies me of incidents. A member of the public contacted me about it, and I was at a house right around the corner from it. Same goes with the house fire. I haven't made a single negative comment about you in years, and you're still writing essays about me. Get a new hobby, Nick. Because making up fairytales online about people you don't have the guts to actually meet in person hasn't exactly worked in your favour so far. Enjoy using this comment to fuel a four-part series about me. Surely there's bigger things to deal with in the world than someone on Facebook reporting news. If you don't have the decency to contact me before lying about me online, then don't expect me to be reaching out to you to talk about what you want me to talk about. I already offered to sit and talk with you, and you threw it back in my face. I made a genuine attempt to meet in person and hash out whatever issues exist, and you had zero interest in doing that.  

***...(fascinating, what do you call a person who is a proven hypocrite who lamely accuses someone else of hypocrisy, whilst simultaneously avoiding the actual issues?-Ed)...well for the sake of this particular post, I call them Josh Lynagh...(aha, nice one man-Ed) again is Josh furiously back-peddling away from the realities as he knows them to be, and studiously ignoring those issues he can't dismiss with his faux-outrage and hyperbolic abuse...and the opening abuse immediately reminds me of watching and/or listening to Liberal/National Party politicians at the dispatch box in Parliament...(where-in the volume of their lies and the degree of personal abuse is directly related to the level of deceit they know they're spewing?-Ed)...indeed, the louder they talk/yell and the more abusive they get, the bigger the lie...and that's exactly what we've got here from Josh...if y'all 'ave read the previous post you'll know that 90% of it was about Josh's penchant for making inflammatory statements and losing arguments, etc, then removing/censoring that content, as evidenced by the 2 very specific examples provided...y'all will have also then noted that Josh completely avoids these issues in his 'Comment'... 

1) People rarely lie about me, it's far more likely to be anonymous personal abuse that doesn't actually address any of the issues I cover...I clearly identified that what I've written is what others have said about Josh's attendance at a violent assault and his resultant 'coverage' on his Facebook page Limestone Coast Community News...(upto and including an exchange on LCCN that Josh 'lost' and then promptly removed-Ed)...indeed, and Josh admits he was present but denies other aspects of what has been said/alleged to me about his actions...I do note that Josh carefully avoids addressing the issue of the related terse exchange on LCCN and the fact that he has removed it...he's all piss and vinegar when it suits him, but doesn't have the courage of his alleged convictions to wear/own any contradiction and/or condemnation of his actions... 

2) I've not contacted Josh to ask his opinion/version...what a hypocritical li'l coward...with everything Josh has had to say about me on LCCN...(you mean the stuff where he holds forth about you and your ICAC trial?-Ed)...yeah, that stuff...(the stuff about how you're a 'Conspiracy Theorist', and 'Defame' people and talk "nonsense"? that stuff?-Ed)...yeah yeah, all that stuff...(as with this derogatory,  mocking 'comment' about you from LCCN, March 2018?-Ed)...yeah Ed, exactly like this...*** 

Sorry, I forgot to warn you guys that our conspiracy theorist blogger friend would be reading these comments and would likely address them in his blog.
Here's over 2000 words mostly consisting of nonsense and conspiracy theories as a response to this post. Enjoy. 
***...and exactly how many times did you contact me Josh before making these very specifically derogatory and discrediting statements about me? sorry mate, what's that? how many? what, not shreckin' once? so you deliberately denigrated me and tried to undermine my statements and my credibility, etc, and did so without contacting me once...(and smugly tries to ingratiate himself with the readers with snide, smart-arse comments about "our...friend", and then concludes with the equally obtuse "Enjoy"-Ed)...yep, smug, smart-arse and obtuse describe it perfectly...(and did he even attend your 'Trial'?-Ed)...not that I saw, no...

3) Josh has previously stated on LCCN that he 'contacted the heads of the emergency services and received their specific permission to attend and report incidents'...others have challenged this assertion as itself being a falsehood, but who knows...  

4) Scanner stuff...I have merely identified what others have theorised to me about Josh's ability to just 'be there' when stuff kicks-off, and then I've clearly identified that a) it's apparently not illegal, and b) SAPol and AmbulanceSA apparently use encrypted radios so a scanner would be pointless...if anything, I've carefully researched and then I've argued against the likelihood that he could be using a scanner...that said, I find it an extraordinary and extended series of 'coincidences' that Josh just happens to be 'just around the corner' for so much stuff...
5) 'I haven't said anything abusively derogatory about you for years';...(wow, yeah, 'cos that makes it all okay mate-Ed)...absolutely, why would I still be upset that Josh has repeatedly sought to denigrate me and discredit me and undermine what I'm saying?...(well no, actually, I was joking, it doesn't make it okay, if anything it makes it worse, 'cos he's not taking responsibility for the damage he's done, indeed, he's dismissing it as irrelevant-Ed)...denying, ignoring, dismissing, all classic Josh traits when it doesn't suit his self-promotion and/or self-protection...  
6) 'get another hobby...fantasies';...more derogatory abuse designed to discredit me personally and deny the reality that Josh already knows about why I started this 'ere blog, and why I continue despite the relentless personal abuse and corrupt political retribution, etc...

7) 'Don't have the guts to meet me';...Josh, mate, remember the last time we actually physically crossed paths? ya' mate?...'cos I was 28th March 2018, when we stood opposite each other at the Main Corner lights, then as we went across, you scurried past me in a wide arc, carefully avoiding eye contact, and then watched me in the reflection of the bank window...hilarious...I recorded myself on my phone as a 'self-protection' just in case something did kick-off...I needn't have worried, you couldn't get past me fast enough...and I'm the coward... 

8) 'what you want me to talk about'; mate, by your own words you have clearly stated that you have extensively discussed the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up with 'others'...and beyond that, it's got absolutely nothing to do with what I want to talk about, it's 100% what needs to be talked about, and you are apparently happy to discuss it with taken from your 'Comments', as covered in the previous post...***

I know a lot of people doubt what you've said about what happened there, but I don't. All I know about it is what you've told me, and what a few other parents have told me. Stories from both sides.

*** by your own admission Josh you have frequently discussed the St Martins Cover-up...I don't suppose that any of these "people" who "doubt what (I've) said" are some of your colleagues from Mt Gambier City Council?...(particularly the Councillors who are intimately complicit in the Cover-up-Ed)...yep, particularly that who you've talked to and who doubt me and whom provided you with the other 'side'?...and obviously I don't need to know actual names, but who are the "few other parents" you've supposedly discussed this with? were they people directly involved? were they Lutherans? so many issues here...(and what in the shreck is "both sides"?-Ed)...well quite, there is no "both sides", and you damn well know it, this is straight-out discrediting and undermining the realities as you know them to be...and your repeated references to me as a 'Conspiracy Theorist' are about achieving the same gaol, discredit me and thusly deny/refute the realities...

If I've made an error in my original post yesterday, it's that I didn't explain myself well enough...for example, I have absolutely no interest in meeting with you Josh 'cos you've proven that you cannot be trusted to tell the truth, so what's the point, and I completely dismiss your fake offer to meet...(that is an entirely disingenuous 'offer' made to deceive and manipulate his 'followers'-Ed)...of course it is...I refer to the above facts about Josh's previous conduct, eg, mouthing-off about me and my 'Trial' without bothering to contact me, and the way he scurried past me refusing to make eye-contact the last time we crossed paths...I thought I'd made myself abundantly clear, I don't trust you Josh 'cos you can't be trusted, and I have no desire to spend anytime with you...but, as I clearly stated, there are far bigger issues at play here, eg, the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption defined by the St Martins Cover-up, and in that context my personal animus is irrelevant...

My second error follows directly on from that first one, namely, I thought some other parents wanted to meet with you Josh to help you to an accurate understanding of what's occurred at St Martins and with SAPol (police) and Child Protection and the Lutherans, etc, etc...apparently I was wrong, nobody wants to meet with you Josh, what they actually want is for you to rectify the discrediting falsehoods you have already broadcast, and most particularly as your comments relate to discrediting me and what I've exposed about the horrendous realities of the St Martins Cover-up via this 'ere blog... 

Here's some simple homework for ya' Josh's some of my 'Conspiracy Theories' for you to check-out, mate...firstly, read the blog again and re-acquaint yourself with the vast library of documented facts about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and after that, check it all for ya'self, eg, go to the South Australian Parliament webpage and look-up the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry no. 54 into the Teachers Registration Board...go to the official pre-amble about why the Inquiry has been established, and read where it refers directly to "a school in Mt Gambier", that school is St Martins...then read our submissions...then go to the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission and look at the submissions that several families provided, myself included...(but the FCARC rejected parent's submissions and refused to accept anything to do with the St Martins Cover-up and refused to even look at it-Ed)...exactly, and furthermore, the Lutherans were not even called as witnesses and never asked a single official question...go for it Josh mate, 'search term' ya' li'l heart out right through the entire years of FCARC and see what ya' find... 

Language Warning...and when you've finished finding fuck all there, mate, go to the SA ICAC website and 'search term' my name and my 'Trial'...see if you can find a single reference to me and/or this massively important precedent prosecution of the bizarrely undefinable yet all-encompassing ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, 'Confidentiality Legislation'...see if you can find where it's even mentioned the extraordinary outcome that a private citizen was 'Convicted' via a 3year trial and fined $540,000, etc...and again, you'll find sweet fuck all...not one single mention...see if you can find it reported in the Adelaide media at guessed it, fuck all...but you already know all this stuff, don't ya' mate...End Language Warning... 

(And that's how Josh's conduct is way worse than just ignorant abuse mate-Ed) so?...(well he claims to have read the blog and to be aware of all the things you've said, etc-Ed)...yeah, so?...(so he's seen all of the documents you've posted about the St Martins Cover-up, eg, the way that the Lutherans threatened ya'self and other parents-Ed) those letters from complicitly corrupt lawyers Piper Alderman screeching about 'defamation' and 'damages for their client', etc, all that stuff?...(exactly, and that Labor Premiers Rann and Weatherill were fully aware of the realities and intimately complicit in the Cover-up-Ed) when they wrote to SA's Child Abuse Royal Commissioner Ted Mullighan and told him he couldn't continue to investigate St Martins?...(yeah, all that stuff, and how the rancidly corrupt former Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen betrayed you parents, including openly attacking you on the front page of The Border Watch in May 2005-Ed)...ahhh, good ol' Rory, arguably the most Pro-Paedophile Corrupt person I've ever personally met...(and then there's the various written threats from the Crown Solicitor-Ed)...yeah, attack and threaten a parent of an abused child in trying to deny/defend/hide their rancidly complicit role in the St Martins Cover-up, great work Crown Solicitors Office...

(And who could forget the extraordinary self-exposure and self-conviction of the rancidly corrupt betrayer, lawyer Bill DeGaris?-Ed)...indeed Ed, a perfect storm of self-incriminating idiocy from an alleged legal professional...(Josh has undoubtedly read the various 'defamation' threat letters from Bouncin' Billy, and your excruciatingly eviscerating responses, where-in Billy's complicit role in the St Martins Cover-up is irrefutably defined-Ed)...and we've covered that stuff again only just recently via TMGI Facebook page...(and that post addressed to The Googles about how Billy deceives and manipulates them into pulling-down TMGI articles, that post is still Top 3 on a weekly basis, and has been for the last 6-8 months-Ed)...hilarious... 

(So Josh has seen/read most if not all of the irrefutable, documented proof about the St Martins Cover-up that's been posted on this 'ere blog-Ed)...your point?...(that knowing all of that, having witnessed all of that, he constantly refers to you as a 'Conspiracy Theorist', which in this context, is undeniably about him trying to discredit you and trying to deny the realities of the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...well that's what I was saying about how he's effectively as complicit as anyone else involved, regardless of when he was born or when he was on Council, etc...he's set himself up as and presents himself as the accurate and balanced source of news for the Limestone Coast...(and yet, knowing what he does about the St Martins Cover-up, rather than report and disseminate the reality of the message, instead he chooses to attack the messenger-Ed)...exactly...(and by any definition, that is being complicit in the cover-up-Ed)...yes Ed, yes it is, absolutely complicit...

(And then of course there's the reams of documentation that TMGI has posted that proves that the Parliament did change the ICAC legislation after you were supposedly 'Reported', and that those changes identically address questions raised by your Legal Eagles with ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, etc-Ed)...yep, again you're right, nobody's 'Theory', absolute fact as proven by the Leagles' letters and the Parliament's Hansard record of proceedings, etc, all as presented here in this 'ere blog...(and as eventually acknowledged by Magistrate White when you backed him into a corner about it-Ed)...yep, in his Addenda as posted here-in...(and also proven, that you were never 'Charged', nor even Summonsed and thusly they started your 'Trial' in February 2015 without even telling you it was on-Ed)...maaate, change the legislation retrospectively and then start a 'Trial' without 'Charging' or even telling the defendant', all perfectly reasonable conduct of arguably the most critical 'Trial' in recent SA legal history...(and then the fact that Magistrate Teresa Anderson recused herself from the original 'Trial' in November 2016, citing her concerns about an 'Abuse of Process', as recorded in the Court's own official Certificate of Record-Ed)...yeah, but then, without explanation, Magistrate Ian White gets parachuted in from Adelaide, and the 'Trial' just continues anyway, and he abuses and threatens me and ignores it when I catch SAPol Prosecutions straight-out lying, etc, etc, etc...

I take your point Ed, that Josh knows all of these facts, and that they are facts, and that they are in many instances facts proven by the documentation already available on this 'ere blog...(and that despite that, and arguably because of that, he seeks to avoid actually addressing the issues, and simultaneously to discredit you-Ed)...and I think that's the exact point we're making mate, and I'll say it again, Josh has sought to discredit me personally and carefully avoided actually discussing the actual issues/facts, etc, with an agenda of helping to deny/refute the realities of those often appalling issues/facts...and in this 'Comment' he's at it again, completely ignoring that which doesn't serve his agenda and/or suit him, and instead slinging hyperbolic abuse...  

See, that's the difference between you and I Josh, mate...I am a man who has endured literally decades of extraordinary abuse and threats and denigration and persecution and public humiliation, not least of all by people like you, and mostly for speaking-out about the horrendous truths of the St Martins Cover-up...and I have suffered massive personal trauma and loss, it's had a devastating effect on my Mental and Physical Health, such that I've ended-up on the Disability Support Pension for Agoraphobia, Depression and Anxiety...and it was after a decade of being screwed-over by the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia that I finally started this 'ere my own admission, this blog was/is a last-gasp act of desperation spawned by the abject failure and/or refusal of the complicit authorities to appropriately resolve the St Martins Cover-up...and I include The Border Watch and ABC South East Radio in that list of complicit authorities...  

I am one of a handful of parents who have fought tooth and nail to try and 1) get some sort of justice for our kids, and 2) to fix a fundamentally dysfunctional Child Protection System to try and protect kids into the future...and the reality is, if teacher Glyn Dorling can get caught and exposed the way that he was, and then literally every authority from SAPol to the Teachers Registration Board and the Crown Solicitor and the State Premiers, etc, etc, if they all commit themselves to protecting the paedophile teacher, what hope do kids have?...and nearly 20 years later, nothing has's an abhorrent disgrace and an absolute indictment of South Australia...and for our efforts, us parents have all been subjected to the same abuse, denigration, threats and complicit Pro-Paedophile Corruption of South Australian authorities and the Lutheran Church...unfortunately, there is nothing special about what we have experienced because it's Standard Operational Procedure for these various institutions, particularly religious organisations, SOP to protect the perpetrator and the institution by attacking the victims, the parents, and/or 'Whistleblowers'...the only thing exceptional about my personal experience is that I've become the focal point of the St Martins Cover-up SOP backlash and therefore my life has become a text-book study in Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Retributional Political Persecution...  

You, on the other hand, are a cowardly observer standing on the sidelines and carefully choosing what you do and don't get involved're very careful to not upset the 'wrong' people, including the wholly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, of which you were a Member from November 2014 to November refuse to take even minimal responsibility for your own actions, and snidely and condescendingly retaliate against anyone who dares to even question you...and when you get called-out and caught-out, you remove/censor that stuff and try to pretend that it hasn't have repeatedly removed factual statements about St Martins posted on LCCN by a committed parent directly involved...why would you do that?...I may be a deeply imperfect person, and not always handled things as well as I might, whatevs, but on the very few occasions I've genuinely erred, I have owned it fully and apologised accordingly, etc...but when it comes to you and dealing with LCCN, I have nothing to apologise for...   

I don't just have a bit of skin in the game, Josh mate, I have my heart and my soul in so much of the stuff I blog about, I am the skin in the game...(and frequently the meat in the Pro-Paedophile grinder-Ed)...well that's a grotesque metaphor, but unfortunately a very accurate one...

So Josh, mate, any time you're ready to admit your faults and/or failings as they relate to St Martins, and publish the truth about the St Martins Cover-up, you already know what the truth is and have at your disposal, via this 'ere blog, every document, etc, that you need to justify/support publishing that truth...we all look forward to reading it...

Tomorrow: MGCC's 'Unreasonable Conduct' Legislation

And yes I know, I promised that last time, but this other stuff needs to be addressed, so, tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, January 18, 2021

Disaster Cocktail With An Ambulance Chaser

***...still pushing to do a daily post, but as is often still the case, did this one for an arvo, then just had to walk away from it for a coupla' days...still spent time on Twitter, TV news, etc, but that's a sortta' arms-length kinda' engagement, where-as, addressing this sortta' stuff below is deeply and intimately confronting and traumatic and can and does often take a real toll...anyhoos, onwards and upwards...***

Howdy dear availees in the USofA, the UK, the UAE, and the everywhere else...gunna' play a quick sortta' game with ya's today, in that I'm gunna start into the post and challenge y'all to figure out whoms it's all about...("whoms"?-Ed)...who/whom/whatevs, and the first clue is in the title of this 'ere post...and it's a descriptor that the 'whom' was again allegedly recently confronted with...("allegedly"?-Ed)...yeah, well, I didn't witness it directly myself, but I absolutely trust my 'sources'...("sources"?-Ed)...mate! are you gunna' contribute anything today, or just question everything I say?...("everything you say?"-Ed)......riiiight...anyhoos, I trust/believe what I've been told, and I have tried to check, but, as was also put to me, the person was confronted about their conduct but that confrontation/exchange has already been pulled from the (their) website involved...(so, clues in the title, confronted but removed, on their own website...gee, that does sound awfully familiar, any more clues?-Ed)...this person has a history of holding-forth on 'Social Media' websites, not just their own, and then also removing that material or having it removed and then returning to deny/redefine/distract/deflect, etc...

In this instance, recently there was a serious/violent assault, and this person had it up on their website almost immediately it happened, along with a photo of a bloodied 'accused', albeit with their face blurred...I've checked and this is still on the webpage (as of Friday 15th January 2021) explained to me, this person was actually witnessed at the scene, going from person to person trying to get info...(hang on, how did this person know to be there, what had happened, etc?-Ed)...well that's a question that a few people have been asking for sometime now, 'cos this person seems to have the happy knack of showing up at 'incidents' very shortly after the incident has occurred, be it car accidents, house fires, and in this case, a violent assault...(indeed, but how would this person know about this stuff ahead of any other reportage, and then be there, etc? how?-Ed)...well the 2 most likely/popular theories are that they have someone in the cops or ambos or whoevs whom calls them and gives them a heads-up...(yeahhh, possible I s'pose, but hardly likely is it?-Ed)...yeah, which is why the most likely explanation is that this person has a 'scanner' and monitors emergency bands for any juicy titbits...(is that even legal?-Ed)...good question...I thought that 'scanning' was illegal, but apparently that's not the case...this is a coupla' years old, but according to the SA Scan website...***

Contrary to widespread belief, scanning is perfectly legal. However, you should not use information obtained from listening for commercial gain or criminal activity. Monitoring phone conversations on your scanner is also forbidden. Apart from that, you can pretty well scan as you please, though discretion is advised when using scanners in public. For instance, being an 'ambulance chaser' and turning up at accident scenes, hindering emergency services is an extremely foolish and inappropriate thing to do. Genuine scanner enthusiasts don't want to give politicians an excuse to ban or restrict the hobby, as has occurred in other countries. 

***..."being an 'ambulance chaser' an extremely foolish and inappropriate thing to do."...and that's the official position from the genuine enthusiasts...Language Warning:...'scanning' ain't illegal, it's actually quite good fun, but there's always the possibility that some idiot's gunna' fuck it up for everyone else...End Language Warning...(it's an interesting issue isn't it? I mean, whether or not a 'scanner' is involved here, has this person, by showing up at a crime scene and questioning people and then sticking it on their webpage, has that person potentially compromised the police investigation and/or any future charges?-Ed)...I further note that SAScan reckon that SAPol (police) and SA ambulances use an encrypted radio system, but that's well beyond my understanding, eg, can that still be 'scanned' with appropriate equipment?...I simply dunno'...    

But this is all a bit of a distraction from the main point here, namely, that this person was confronted and challenged about their I understand it, the phrase "ambulance chaser" was used to describe their actions in general, and specifically as it related to this incident...apparently it was quite a terse exchange, which is understandable given the intense nature of the subject matter and the 'challenger's' displeasure with the author, etc...whilst I do share concerns/displeasure with the 'ambulance chaser' aspect of this situation, the real issue for me is the censorship of the 'challenger', in that this exchange was almost immediately removed by the webpage person...(and this person has a habit of manipulating the debate/history with this sort of removal/censorship?-Ed)...indeed they do Ed, indeed they do, and they've done it to and/or about me a coupla' times now...(well given the info you've provided here-in, I'd have to say that the offending person is Josh Lynagh and his Facebook page, Limestone Coast Community News-Ed)...yeah, well, it was fairly obvious to anyone who's at all familiar with Josh's work, but spot on...Josh has apparently intimately involved himself in this assault incident, upto and including photo (s?) and questioning witnesses, etc, and when someone's been critical of his conduct, he's censored/removed that criticism...

Recently Josh yet again contacted me with his disingenuous faux-confusion and feigning ignorance and fake sympathy/empathy, etc, etc, about 1) the reality of his own repeated conduct, and 2) my statements about him, which are, as he well knows, reaction to that explained above and again below, it ain't the first time he's tried to reconstruct history with his carefully self-exonerating version of events...he writes what he knows to be untrue or a heavily bastardised version of the truth, etc, and here's his latest effort, posted to 'Comments' on this 'ere blog (7th December 2020) after I had identified that he'd had nought to say about the extraordinarily corrupt conduct of the Mt Gambier City Council in evicting/destroying the Blue Lake Cafe and Aquifer Tours business...***

Hi Nick, I was planning on putting a post up over the weekend after TBW reported on it, but I've just been swamped lately. It's been a very busy few weeks, but things are starting to settle. I had several posts scheduled to post today, one of which was about the closure. I hope it's to your liking. Also in regards to me apparently pushing information on behalf of council, a former-councillor actually decided to confront me in McDonald's of all places a couple weeks ago because of the critical reporting I've been doing lately on council, the Hub and the multiple code of conduct breaches by elected members. I guess not everyone likes council being held accountable for their actions. Anywho, I hope you've been well. I can't say I've seen you in at least a year but I'll be sure to at least say hi if I do.

***...bollocks! the only people Josh has ever been "critical" of are those people who question him...he is routinely and regularly mocks his 'followers' with condescending statements like, 'didn't you read the post, hahaha'...Councillors abusing each other on Social Media is petite pomme-de-terre...(whaaa?-Ed)...small potatoes, it's small potatoes...whilst it might be personally indicative of what an abusive bully that Councillor is, eg, Ben Hood, and how his behaviour affects a handful of others, etc, compared to broader issues, eg, the Institutionalised Corruption evident in MGCC's conduct, Social Media spats are relatively insignificant stuff...(said he effectively engaging in a Social Media spat-Ed)...fair call, but the broader issues we're covering here-in are far more damning and critical than the medium involved...(yeah, I can see that-Ed)...I can't see where Josh has ever "held (Council) accountable for their actions", re-running stories from other media sources is not holding anyone to account...(if anything, it's the 'Commentors' who do all of the 'holding'/criticism, etc-Ed)...indeed, as they often do on many other Social Media webpages and media websites, etc...

I cannot/do not see where Josh has ever genuinely criticised MGCC for the extraordinary litany of deceits and manipulations and outright lies that Council has spewed onto Ratepayers regarding the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre, let alone 'held them to account' for any of it...and this seems like an appropriate place to remind or inform dear availees that Josh was a Councillor, a Mt Gambier City Councillor, from November 2014 to November 2018, and as such was/is one of the people directly responsible for and involved in the FARC deceits and manipulations and outright lies...(on LCCN and other websites Josh has repeatedly run the MGCC line about issues and/or defended Council's decisions/actions/inaction/whatevs, and even deliberately lied about issues where he knows the truth but denies or contradicts that truth-Ed)...yes, yes he has, and there below is a perfect example of how he operates in this context, ie, it's a fact 'cos it's from Council but it ain't Council's official decision'...(well that just doesn't make sense, that's one pig's arse that just ain't gunna' fly-Ed)...hasn't stopped him from trying, chocks away...

As definition of the reality of his own abuse and criticisms and quite deliberate manipulation of his 'followers' with carefully constructed disinformation, etc, here below is what Josh has had to say about me on occasion...I note that he has removed his statement, "He defames people", quite possibly removed after I identified that saying that as a statement of absolute fact rather than as opinion...(or better still, as a question 'has he/does he defame people with those comments?', etc-Ed)...well quite, as a statement of fact it is in and of itself 'defamation' a statement of fact, Josh has accused me of committing a crime, a crime I have not committed, as evidenced by the litany of official but definably vacuous Defamation Threats I've received, in writing, from the Crown Solicitor, the Lutherans and/or their lawyers Piper Alderman, lawyer Bill DeGaris, the Education Dept, etc, etc...(not to mention the dozen+ times that Magistrate Ian White threatened you with Contempt of Court-Ed)...well it's a bit different...(but it's absolutely relevant as a further quantifier as to the constant barrage of abuse, bullying, and threats you've been subjected to, across nearly 2 decades, and literally all due to your continuing advocacy/activism regarding the horrendous St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...fair and accurate call mate, it is indicative of a culture of persecution and cover-up, etc, as it does directly relate to the St Martins's what Josh's had to say about me...***

Nice try, but these are very different operations. You won't see me posting about conspiracy theories and constantly attacking people in posts riddled with defamation.
Limestone Coast Community News
Sorry, I forgot to warn you guys that our conspiracy theorist blogger friend would be reading these comments and would likely address them in his blog.
Here's over 2000 words mostly consisting of nonsense and conspiracy theories as a response to this post. Enjoy.

***And here below is a classic piece of y'all can see, this screen shot was taken from the 'Growing Up In The Mount' page (Facebook?), and was provided to me several weeks after the "yesterday" exchange referred to (8th November 2017)...again, I did not witness the original exchange...(not least of all 'cos Lynagh contacted the page mediator and had it removed that very evening-Ed)...indeed he did, but I've spoken directly with the "someone posted" identified here-in, and with someone else who did see the discussion as it happened...***

***...(and aren't you the " a Council meeting"?-Ed)...yep...Josh was losing an argument about the Rail Station and Council's actions, etc, when he deliberately de-railed the discussion, pun fully intended, by trying to discredit his opponent... Josh accused that person of 'getting all their info from a certain blog'...(oo oo, say it's us, please say it's us-Ed)...of course it was us...and in this carefully reconstructed re-interpretation of the original exchange, Josh again deliberately misrepresents what I and this 'opponent' had repeatedly carefully explained to him before he even joined Council...(and that is?-Ed)...the exact reality of Council's genuine agenda for the Rail Lands...(which is?-Ed)...moving the Rail Easement to facilitate massive Commercial/Retail Development adjacent to the Centro/Lakes Plaza, right across the site, an agenda that by necessity sees the Old Station getting demolished...

In the original exchange Josh tried to discredit  his 'challenger' by denigrating this 'ere blog, then claimed that I had called him a paedophile...(well that's not true, the closest you've gone with that is referring to the entire MGCC as being "Pro-Paedophile Corrupt", which they are-Ed) Josh deliberately sabotaged the discussion about the Rail Lands using 'Paedophile Corruption' as his tool, then used that same issue to have that exchange removed the same evening, then he's gone back onto GUITM early the next day with this deliberately deceitful dross...note how he uses ludicrous hyperbole about 'driving up the steps', absolute nonsense that he knows to be untrue, uses that to mock and discredit the statements of the person whom destroyed him the night before...(but it was/is a lie to say that Council had plans to renovate the Old Station building, it had sat there for years after the $$$millions spent on moving the Easement and the pond, etc-Ed)...yep...(and the recent partial exterior renovation appears to be a half-hearted stop-gap attempt to silence criticism on this issue, the inside is still an Asbestos-riddled mess, and Council has repeatedly and are still refusing to allow any 'Artist' tenants, or any tenants at all-Ed)...again, yep...I also note that the large Sound Shell and extensive covered plaza area of Council's original official 2011 $10m Parklands Concept Plan have not eventuated...(a 'Plan' that proves the Commercial/Retail Development 'conspiracy theory'-Ed)...yes it does Ed, in fact, several different versions of extensive development...

And Josh knows all of this 'cos he's had it carefully explained to him, more than once...but the real gem here is one I've seen Josh use several times, or slightly different versions there-of, and that's the closing paragraph...this is "completely correct" 'cos it comes "direct from Council", but it's "not the views of Council as a whole in any way, shape or form"...(ummm, it's true 'cos it comes from Council but it ain't what Council thinks? that doesn't even make sense-Ed), no it doesn't...(and as written by a then serving Councillor?-Ed)...yep...(so, a serving Councillor claims his is the un-challengeable truth 'cos it comes straight from Council, but none of it is Council's official position?-Ed)...yep...(talk about having a bet each way, and in this case, on a race that doesn't even exist, apparently-Ed)...well that's a bit of a tortured metaphor, but I can see what you mean...(my metaphor is no more "tortured" than the statement itself contorts reason!-Ed)...fair call mate...and from ways back on 19th December 2019, here's some more of Josh's work...***

(part 1 of 2) Note: I'm doing this as a public post because I have no other way to contact you. You clearly put a lot of your time and energy into this blog that people largely don't take seriously which is a pity, because you're passionate about a lot of issues that are important. You've seen the posts I've made about allegations of sexual abuse and rape. You don't see anyone else covering these things. I'm sure you saw the posts I made which helped towards an appeal of a sentence of a convicted rapist from Penola that actually put him behind bars. Corruption is clearly not something anyone should be advocating, and obviously I don't. The fact that you so often associate corruption with me is something I find offensive, because you have no evidence of that. You called me "complicit" in the cover-up because I ended up on the council that you claim was involved in the cover-up in 2002. I was a child when that happened. Clearly I wasn't involved. I know a lot of people doubt what you've said about what happened there, but I don't. All I know about it is what you've told me, and what a few other parents have told me. Stories from both sides. But clearly this is something that has seriously affected you, evidenced here by the majority of the posts on this blog. You can paint me as whatever you like. You have used a lot of colourful words to describe me, and regularly insult me about things that happened months or years prior. But the truth is you know very little about me. You'll notice not once have I called you names, and this is the first time I've written publicly about you in a very long time. I think you let things consume you, and your methods of trying to fix them aren't solving anything. I think we live in very different worlds.

 (part 2 of 2) I'm sympathetic to the situation you've been put in, no parent should have to go through that - and I guess a lot of that has lead to what we see today with your posts, how it's clearly consuming you. I'm sure you can see that's not healthy. Credit where credit's due. You've always put your name to things and haven't been afraid to stand up publicly and do something about what you're passionate about. That's the opposite of cowardice. It's the ongoing commentary about me instead of talking to me personally that has spawned these comments. You've had opportunities to talk to me personally and you didn't. You've made no effort to contact me. I'm fairly sure I was the only candidate willing to talk to you back in 2014, because despite thinking some of your ideas were a bit odd, I could see you were passionate about some important things. I'll still even defend you to this day. Just tonight I had people at the supermarket ask me about you, and I said "well, honestly I think his intentions are good and it's clear he's passionate about the right things" - I'm not out trash-talking you everywhere. The wave of comments last night, yes, that was spawned by me. I made a post on my personal social media account directing people to the post, and some people made comments - not all of which I agree with. The "you touched my son" one - personally I found that to be quite disgusting. As a result, I won't be posting about you or your posts on social media anymore. You did say that nobody put their name to their comments, but I'd just like to point out that I did. Always have and always will. Call me a coward all you like, but I'm not hiding (and you know how to get in contact with me) You can take this comment however you like. I'm sure you'll be able to twist it and see it as disingenuous, or perhaps I'm trying to stop you from making your open letter post (I know you'll do that anyway, and it doesn't phase me) or you could see this as some set-up for something. That's up to you. But at the end of the day, I know you're a hurt man who has struggled to process things for a long time, and I'm sick of being a part of that. You don't know me, I don't know you. Surely your time could be better spent focusing on helping yourself, and I'm not going to take any of that time away from you. 

*** much goin' on here, and I ain't got the energy, so I'm just gunna' dot point it...1) not sure what he's saying about being responsible for gaoling a paedophile, etc...2) Josh has fully encouraged people to 'not believe me' with his constant statements about me 'defaming people' and my 'conspiracy theories', etc...3) "stories from both sides"...(sounds like Trump, "good people on both sides"-Ed)...Josh knows exactly what the St Martins Coverup is 'cos he's had it explained to him by at least 2 parents, myself included...this is massively 'passive aggressive' undermining of the reality as he knows it, there is no such thing as "both sides"...4) hasn't called me names? well what's 'defamatory conspiracy theorist'? through-out he belittles and discredits me, even the faux-concern stuff is gaslighting derogatory name-calling, eg, 'people don't take you seriously', "both sides", "seriously affected you", "consume you", "consuming you", "your ideas were a bit odd", "I'm sure you'll be able to twist it", "a hurt man who has struggled to process things", etc, it's all discrediting and derogatory language, often presented as faux-concern...

As Josh well knows my "methods" include spending years trying to get official bodies like SAPol and Child Protection and the Teachers Registration Board and Premiers Rann and Weatherill and Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan and local politicians like Rory McEwen and lawyers like Bill DeGaris and Tim Bourne, etc, etc, etc, to get any of these deeply complicit and often openly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt persons to address the gross abuses they know were committed against our children by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling...(including you and other parents organising Child Protections involvement, and then literally forcing an albeit deeply corrupted pro-teacher debacle of a TRB Inquiry into Dorling, which itself precipitated a parent-generated Parliamentary Inquiry into the TRB-Ed)...and in the context where we parents have spent years lobbying and writing submissions and letters and providing documents, etc, etc, only to have been routinely deceived and betrayed and attacked by these persons, it's not my "methods" that's the issue, it's the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that we have been subjected to...(indeed, and it was only after a decade of this Institutionalised Corruption that you then finally resorted to creating this 'ere blog-Ed)...exactly...(to then be subjected to years of further abuse and harassment and threats and gross Pro-Paedophile Political and Judicial Persecution-Ed)...methodically subjected to one might say... 

("I still even defend you to this day."...absolute bollocks, as proven by his own conduct, often on his own webpage-Ed)...indeed, repeatedly and publicly calling someone a 'defamatory conspiracy theorist' is a very strange way to "defend" know exactly what you've done Josh and what you've said about me and how you've sought to discredit and denigrate me, etc...

But, angry and disappointed as I am, I'm more than prepared to put all of that to one side if it can in any way see a resolution to the St Martins Cover-up, and any of this other stuff...but the St Martins Cover-up is the big issue, and to that end, I and a coupla' other St Martins parents have discussed this and are prepared to meet you at a public cafe or wherevs that is 'neutral' and that suits you, and as soon as possible...bring whoevs you like for emotional/legal/whatevs support, you know that 'physically' you're perfectly safe 'cos that simply ain't an issue...we will sit down and calmly and quietly re-explain everything to you, and you can ask us to clarify anything you don't understand or have already misunderstood, etc, and you can record it all if you want and access whatevs documents, etc, etc, etc...

I am not looking for nor do I want nor am I offering an apology, ultimately it is not about me...what I want, what we want is for you to use your LCCN webpage to explain the facts about the St Martins Cover-up and address the misinformation you have already published or disseminated, eg, there is no "both sides", our children were abused and the teacher got-off scott free, and there-in lies the realities of the Pro-Paedophile Corruption that I repeatedly reference...there is no 'versions' of this reality, this is what happened...I know that you'll get this message, and you can respond here in Comments as you have previously, or just go to TMGI Facebook page and message me I've said, my personal issues/animosity aside, and if you are genuine about Child Protection, etc, then you will meet with us and then act appropriately...we'll be waiting for you to contact us...

Tomorrow: More About The Fascism Of MGCC's 'Unreasonable Conduct' Policy 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...