Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Sedition Edition - Donald Trump Praises Attempted Coup In USofA

Howdy dear availees in Sweden, Finland, Vietnam, and Nigeria, but most particularly today in the USofA...last night's (yesterday's) extraordinary scenes at the Capitol building are nothing short of an attempted coup, and an attempt that obviously had the pre-organised support of a number of people, upto and including the out-going President Donald Trump...and even more concerning is that many people seem to think that this attempted coup was basically just a dress rehearsal for the real coup attempt that will be coming on January 20th 2021...and given that this has happened at the behest of, and with the ongoing support of the raging Sociopathic Narcissist Donald 'Orange Roughy' Trump, those sort of concerns are well-founded and quite understandable...

It is fundamentally non-believable that a supposedly 'organic' bunch of a few hundred random 'protestors' managed to somehow literally, actually just stroll into the Capitol building, particularly whilst the Parliament was in is no coincidence that these were the same crew, eg, members of the 'Proud Boys', whom Trump told to "Stand Down and Stand By", which he has just done's no coincidence that these 'protestors' were almost (if not actually) entirely White...what about the scenes recorded that appear to show cops/security literally opening the doors for 'protestors' and 'inviting' them in?...where's the security?... 

Conspiracy Bonfire Of The Vanities:...and just the day before, it was Trump himself who called for this to happen, Trump himself who stated that this was going to happen, 'we're going to walk down this street to the Capitol', etc...for months Trump has been relentlessly throwing fuel onto the conspiracy bonfire of supposedly fraudulent elections, and openly praised White Supremacists, and refused to denounce Rascism, etc,'s an old adage/observation that Americans don't get 'Irony', but it's ironic really that Donald's only claiming 'fraud' in the States that he lost...and to further illustrate just how deliberately Rascist and bigotted and biased Trump is, and how hard he bellows that stuff to his 'supporters', here's a short, sharp reminder of what Trump himself said regarding the BLM marches/protests...***   

Reminder: the President supports a Minimum TEN YEARS in prison for this type of behavior


*** where's his outrage about this 'Anarchy' and this 'vandalism', etc?...and right on cue, here come the Right Wing Nut Job support base, particularly in the Murdoch media and their RW media stablemates, condoning and excusing and supporting the 'coup', all screeching about how it's actually 'the Lefties' who are to blame...and no better example than this rabid Murdoch hack lunatic Right Wing apologist, our very own Miranda...take it away Mirsy...*** 

I guess we really shouldn’t be surprised at what’s happening in the Capitol after the way leftist violence was condoned most of last year. You let the genie out of the bottle, there’s no telling where it goes

***...let's just ignore the vast chasm of reality that The Devine One has managed to effortlessly vault across, eg, the differences between how Black Lives Matter protestors were met with lines of highly-militarised police/security with tear gas and 'non-lethal munitions' and tanks and helicopters, etc, actual genuine protestors who were railing against actual Institutionalised Rascism in Policing, etc, and were bashed and shot and dragged away en masse, etc, that to this bunch of 'White' MAGA incels who have literally strolled into the Capitol...and the difference? one group were protesting human rights and Rascism, etc, so they're supposedly 'Antifa thugs', and the other group are Trump supporters...and that there's the difference, one lot are protesting against, the others 'protesting' in support of...and if you thought Miranda had gone for a meander down her own personal rabbit hole of excusing and justification, etc, no no, over there on the unhinged Right Wing (Trumpian) Fox News, they're actually saying that this was an instance of 'Antifa Lefties' infiltrating the pro-Trump crowd, and that it is/was Lefties who are causing/generating all the 

Compare this velvet glove response in the Capitol to how protestors and media were bashed and shot, etc, to clear the streets so that Trump could stroll across to do that insipidly evil photo-op in front of that Washington church...authorities knew this 'protest' was coming 'cos Trump himself called for it, and even said that he was going to participate, so where are the lines of armour-clad riot police?...and how were these 'patriots' allowed to just stroll out again? it's an absolute set-up, made possible by the President of the USofA...and if you were in any doubt as to who was/is responsible and who wanted this to happen and who is happy to see it happening, etc, the answer to these questions is, the current President Donald Trump...he's openly rallied these people and courted and praised them and poured into them his often baseless Scapegoating and Bigotry and Rascism, eg, Mexicans are rapists and criminals who are taking your jobs, build the Wall, etc...and now it's his relentless 'Fake Media' and 'Stolen Election' mantras...there is one person responsible for this bizarre event, it's Trump...

And even after the event, Trump is openly praising these Domestic Terrorists, calling them "beautiful" and saying "I love you".   

Here's A Conspiracy Theory:...that this entire 'event' is/was actually a bipartisan or even Democratic controlled set-up, manipulating those poor unfortunate 'patriots' who have been unwittingly tricked into participating, tricked by having their 'patriotism' used against them by 'the Lefties', etc...that is, this pseudo-coup was motivated by a desire to create a faux-justification for extensive security enhancements and legislation, etc, for the Capitol building and other government institutions and politicians, etc...that is, use the now 'real' threat of insurrection and violence, etc, to enhance 'security', which is actually code for increased 'Fascism' to be used to control the people, etc...and it's a perfectly reasonable theory apart from the fact that it was Trump and certain Republicans who incited these 'patriots'...if this theory were in anyway true, then by definition, Trump is so gullible and so easily manipulated, etc, that he was tricked by the Democrats/Lefties to do their bidding...  

Tomorrow: Mt Gambier City Council's Lies About Evicting Aquifer Tours/Cafe

Promised this for today, but obviously globally important events take precedent, and the relentless Instituitonalised Corruption of MGCC is important, but compared to this stuff (above), well, it's only local political corruption, albeit corruption enabled and protected by broader issues of corruption within SA and Federal politics...and for those who think I'm being overly melodramatic about what MGCC have done, eg, blaming the lease process, here's what SA MLC John Darley stated about this in The Border Watch (24th December 2020)...and according to TBW, Mr Darley "contacted" them...Mr Darley, if you please...

"They (elected members) may have wished to cancel the lease for some other reason, but they can not use land tenure as a reason because that is not true."

In closing, I note that many commentators are pointing to the actions of staunch Trump supporter Vice-President Mike Pence as to how Trump is being viewed within his own Party and other areas of power, namely, it was Pence who made the call for National Guard to be called was Pence who bypassed his own President to make that call...and Pence has also stated that he will go against Trump's oft-expressed desire for him (Pence) to call the election for him (Trump)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters... 

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