Friday, January 30, 2015

A Full Steaming Load Of Somethin'

Hello and welcome to a cut-and-paste post with an 'alf an apology twist for no post yesterday...super apologies but flat-out with some stuff, hardly been home...(which, even if you're doing it in shortish stints with the regular day in, is still fantastic compared to where you've been in recent years-Ed)...oh absolutely...and I reckon gettin' up on that stage at the Mayoral Forum and quietly, politely carrying the evening, and succinctly confronting a few people with the reality of the complete bastard I'm not, I'd say that's really helped...anyhoos, flat-out and it's all good and I'll explain propers tomorrow (next day?)...

Please find attached today's glorious effort from The Border Watch, on behalf of Mt Gambier City Council...and there he is, The Jellyfish that Grew a Spine and Roared like a Mouse from it's Ivory Tower, former TBW Editor and current Helpmann Theatre Manager and 'new' City Councillor Frank 'The Ghost' Morello...whatta' joke Frank...come out from behind your corrupt mates and see how long that smug self-satisfied smirk lasts on ya' face champ...

Just For The Record: and as fully understood by anyone who has any idea of who I am, ever met me, etc, the last paragraph is not a threat of any sort beyond that next I might happen upon Frank I will speak to him  about the intimately complicit role he has played in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(and fair enough too, he absolutely should be held to account for his corruption-Ed)...he and I both know I ain't gunna' touch him, but still his guilt will sense, scent, find, own, and consume him and so then the Fear that renders him almost catatonic and a rather hilarious shade of translucent, hence 'The Ghost'...but I digress...

The first person I spoke to about today's TBW Rail Lands stuff was already well versed in the many issues re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda and the many lies Council has spewed into the public's face via The Border Watch, for not doing anything on the site for 8 years, eg, the cyclical excuses about the Deed, the alleged contamination, etc...this person looked at me blankly with the paper still in their hands, and said, "I've read it through twice and I still don't understand it"...(classic-Ed)...indeed, and that's part of the game isn't it?...(sorry?-Ed)...

Well, there's a whole lot of smoke and mirrors that almost makes it look like something's happening, but when you really break it down, it's just a waffly coating for a big bag of bollocks that tries to separate this 'new' Council from the the corruption, mismanagement and deceits that have thus far defined Council's conduct re the Rail Lands and the associated Agenda to build a massive shopping centre extension right across it...and that is exactly what they've been doing...

I'll say it again...ever since they were 'gifted' the Rail Lands site, City Council and the vested interests that run it have planned/plotted a huge Retail/Commercial development on the Rail Lands site, and have repeatedly lied to Ratepayers, with the complicit support of TBW, and then spent $4.28m of Ratepayers money...($2.28 of which was borrowed as per Council's extra $6m Budget borrowings from 2013/14-Ed)...indeed, and used that money to do ludicrously expensive and unnecessary things like moving the Rail Easement, the $650,000+ Death Pit of Stupidity, $200,000+ of rolled turf instead of $5,000 of grass seed, Palm Trees, etc, etc, and yet not one cent for the Old Station...

Unnecessary unless of course you've moved the Easement out of the way to accommodate the foundation of, and built a Drainage Pond to accept the huge run-off from, a huge Building with a massive roof area...note that the 'Sound Shell' that is repeatedly referred to as being somewhere in the future 'in Stage 3 or 4', is positioned right where the multiple formal plans Council has presented a large Retail/Commercial structure...(hangon, Stage 4? I'm not sure I've read/heard a 'Stage 4' mentioned before, it's always been 1, 2, and 3-Ed)...indeed, it's almost like Council is setting up a further excuse/justification for pushing further projects that they simply don't want to do, eg, pretty much everything they have said thus far is going to be in 'Stage 3' can/will be shoved to 'Stage 4' , aka 'Never'...(it's what I'd do-IB)...thanks Inner Bastard...(piss off-IB)...fair enough...

Dear Ratepayers: Council has burned $4.28m of your money, half of it borrowed, to get the Rail Lands ready for a Shopping Centre, and everything else Council has said/says on this issue is an outright lie, to your face...

I also remind availees that Council has repeatedly used 'unresolved issues and concerns re the Deed and/or the Easement' as being their excuse for not doing anything with the site for 8 years, but then, whilst openly acknowledging that they didn't know if they would be financially responsible to replace any removed infrastructure, Council just ripped up all the rails and moved the Easement...there's a reason platforms are straight, trains are, so have a go at building a platform on the entirely curved 'new Easement'...(ludicrous-Ed)...

Even this latest TBW story opens with the deliberate deceit that the project is "on budget"...(is this the stuff about how Council did a huge but clearly deceitful launch in the Civic Centre foyer with press conference and media in attendance, the whole shebang, in November 2011 of the $10million Parklands Concept Plan, as covered in previous posts?-Ed)...indeed...(and how Council clearly had not one red cent allocated/available at the time because the amounts mentioned here are borrowed or grants-Ed)...right again...(and then have borrowed $2m+, been gifted $2m, and spent the lot achieving bugger-all-Ed)...yay...  

And OMG who was it predicted that this 'new Council' would be lumbered with the corruption of the last...even if these new chums are genuine in their endeavours, they ain't gotta' snowball's chance in hell of stopping the corruption of what is just the same Council returned with a coupla' fresh new stooges...because there's so much goin' on here I'll pull stumps and address the rest,

Tomorrow: More Rail Lands Deceits 

Sorry to keep pushing advertised posts, but I had to do this today...(fair enough, it's hilarious-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

SBC, What Is Wrong With This Town?

(Quite frankly it'd be a whole lot quicker to cover what's right-Ed)...excellent point succinctly made...hello Venezuela, Japan, Indonesia, and the United Kingdom and welcome to the blog...very concerned to see on my 'statistics' page that availees in Ukraine had just suddenly stopped and then one or two per day...other countries' availees have disappeared suddenly off the blog and then returned in dribs and drabs...and just checked again now and a few more availees from Ukraine, cheers to y'all...also, a bunch of posts have 'shared' themselves back onto Google-share, after 100's had mysteriously 'un-shared' idea...

Apologies for no post yesterday, all my bad though because I forgot that Council had, for whatevs reason, moved the usual meeting from Tuesday 20th January to last night the 27th...did stuff during the day and was gettin' organised to do some posting, get dinner, etc, but then remembered and had to dodge-off down to the meeting...and I was the only person home latish and well pissed off...(ah no, did ya' get the wrong night again?-Ed), I mean I was the only person in the public gallery, there was a full house of Councillors and assorted staff, a The Border Watch reporter, etc...

(No-one from the ABC? surely the ABC attends Council meetings?-Ed)...nope, remember, we've been through this, if the ABC don't go they cannot/will not know about things they don't want to know about, it's an absence motivated by a desire for the plausible deniability of ignorance...(don't go can't know can't be held to account for failing to report-Ed)...yes, further kudos to the Mt Gambier ABC for it's commitment to not seeing what they don't want to see, on behalf of their mates on Council...

And as predicted in this 'ere blog, last night Council passed a Motion to begin organising to apply for those funds former Mayor Steve...(maaate-Ed)...was discussing on the ABC last week...and when I'm right I'm right...(even if it's usually because what you're sayin' is so bleedin' obvious-Ed)...ok, fair that context we are unfortunately both right...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, I was right in that I predicted the fiscally hemorrhagic realities about to be unleashed on Ratepayers by Council, as per former Mayor now Councillor Steve Perryman's ABC interview, and you're right because it was bleedin' obvious the moment that he said it...

I have very much earned the right to ask, what the shreck? where are the people in this town whom apparently give a damn about it? I didn't see any of them there last night, not fair enough I've missed meetings from time to time, but no-one at all? really? no-one?...apparently many people in this town are reading the blog, and I appreciate that many of them simply aren't in any sort of position to address the issues raised here-in, but what I saw last night was just about the saddest thing I've ever seen in my life...a pack of rabidly corrupt people organising to steal $millions more off Ratepayers by borrowing $millions and then defrauding great chunks of as usual...and not one person showed-up...(wow-Ed)...indeed...

(Yeah, and what does SBC stand for?-Ed)...when I want to swear exotically but not actually I always say 'ah, bocconcini'...('bocconcini', still not with you-Ed)...bocconcini is one of the Sweet Baby Cheeses...

The Human Jellyfish Grew A Spine: and roared like a mouse from his Ivory Tower...(what are you talking about-Ed) bestie, the former The Border Watch Editor and now City Councillor Frank 'The Ghost' Morello, another massively corrupt stooge...(indeed, arguably the stoogiest corruptest stooge in a roomful of corrupt stooges-Ed)'ll get no argument here champ, rolled gold stoogage...well he suddenly grew a spine last night and sortta' confronted me...(bullshit-Ed)...nah nah, it's true, last night in the Council meeting, Frankie mate...(maaate-Ed)...suddenly wheeled around and glared at me sayin' 'did you say something?' (or 'what did you say', something like that)...

(Ahahahahhaaaha ahahhaaha ahhaa ahaaa ooo-Ed)...yeah, I know...must admit that in the moment I was briefly shocked...Steve Perryman had just finished running through all the usual rhetoric about his Motion to start preparing applications for those grants from the National Stronger Regions Fund...and a bunch of bollocks about how Council is going to review it's Long Term Financial Plan and Strategic Plan and they've decided their Budget and Finances are just fine...and as first proposed just last week, suddenly Council is going to look at a 'Regional Recreation Centre' that 'might have a wet area'...but not one single word about where all that money is coming from...

(Well it's Federal isn't it, the NSRF?-Ed)...yeah, but where is the Council share coming from?'s a $ for $ application, meaning that when Council talks about applying for $10m in funding, as they were last night, then Council has to stump-up $10m first and then they can apply, etc,'s the whole reverse justification thing whereby Council try to justify borrowing yet more money by saying they have to to get this alleged funding...anyhoos, Stevo finishes his rhetoric riddled dribble and up leaps The Human Blamange, Frankie mate...(maaate-Ed)...and he's got his own amendments...(of course he has-Ed)...and I said, I thought to myself, 'oh here we go', but El Jello must've heard me because he wheeled around and said 'what?', glaring at me...

Mayor Andrew Lee immediately told me off for calling out from the gallery, and I had a quiet go back about not being able to record anything and not hearing The Roaring Mouse properly, to which Andrew Lee made some glib quip about how 'I and everybody else can hear him fine'...I replied 'well he's got his back to me' at which point they seemed to realise that they were engaging me in discussion, not me calling out, and suddenly it was back to Frankie's amendments...

And I say 'Frankie's Amendments' in the loosest possible definition in that these are clearly matters well organised between themselves, Frankie, Stevo, et al, whom get together and organise to lay the groundwork that attempts to legitimise the corruption they have planned...this follows the rank corruption of Frankie's first effort in Council late last year...(when he eventually showed up-Ed)...indeed, and immediately introduced super-dodgy rules to ban electronic recording of Council meetings...

(What a brave little man, let's see how he goes out in the street...he ain't called Frank 'The Ghost' for nuthin'-Ed), it's because when he sees me he goes completely white with fear, bordering on translucent, which is hilarious...hilarious because even though I've never so much as raised my hand to anyone, and he knows that, Frankie's own guilt re his complicit role in the St Martins cover-up, that guilt festers into fear comes to own him, and that fear is personified when Frankie runs into one of the parents he's screwed-over re St Martins, namely me...(so his guilt makes him terrified even though he knows you're not going to swat him like the shameful little bug that he is?-Ed)...absolutely, and it's quite hilarious to watch...

The St Martins Paragraph: is where I list off a few names of the public officials directly, knowingly, complicitly involved in helping the Lutheran Church, SAPol (police), the Labor and Liberal Partys, etc, cover-up the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old children...people like Steve Perryman, his mate Rory McEwen, Premier Jay Weatherill, etc...and then I also mention that both SAPol and the ABC, amongst others, are monitoring this 'ere blog, but not with any intention of addressing any issues here-in, but rather circling over me waiting for me to cock-it up in some way that warrants shutting down the blog, etc...

Biddie Shearing: was recently interviewed on the ABC Local Radio and the opening line was, 'and here's Biddie Shearing Regional Development Australia's Tourism Development Officer...(I still can't believe that ya' know, how the shreck does some-one with her business history get appointed out-of-the-blue to that critically important position?-Ed) does someone with Grant King's disastrous business history get appointed to concurrently run RDA Limestone Coast and the local Health Advisory Council?'s the institutionalised corruption that defines South Australia lived large...   

Anyhoos, 'here's Biddie, who's been travelling the world as RDA TDO doing great touristy things on our behalf'...(deadset?-Ed)...deadset...unfortunately I did miss the next few minutes, so I didn't hear exactly where, what, and/or why this was all about, but whatevs/wherevs/whyevs, that's taxpayers money being used to pay Biddie Shearing...I note that alleged 'celebrity chef' Kirby Shearing has now walked-out on 2 businesses in town...and good riddance as I understand it...

The Rail Lands: featured large last night, again, and again it was Stevo baby with a long Motion Without Notice that was effectively a question to Operations Manager Daryl Sexton about the drainage problems on the Rail Lands, including the statement/question that the flooding (as covered in previous posts and attached below) is the Margaret St building's fault because they don't drain to the correct place, is that right Daryl?'...(to which Daryl replied?-Ed)...'no, that's not correct'...(hilarious-Ed)...indeed, 'no that's wrong because those buildings have always drained that way but we changed it doing the Rail Lands'...hilarious, it was fine but the Rail Lands works cocked it up and now Council is digging stuff up again to fix it...and at what cost?...

For a week now Council has been burying plastic drainage piping behind these buildings and is now extending it out along the edge of the grass/to be paved area, and then out to Bay Rd and along the footpath to rejoin the City drains system, thus running that water into an already over-worked underground system...(and plastic pipes buried under a foot of dirt, that's pretty slap-dash temporary stop-gap measure isn't it?-Ed)...exactly...enough for today, more,

Tomorrow: More Council Meeting Nonsense

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, January 26, 2015

Austrians, All Let Us Read Joyce

Hello Cambodia, Czech Republic, Thailand, and Russia and welcome to the blog for this January 26th 2015, which is celebrated by some as Australia Day, as being the anniversary of the first official European/English colony/landing at Botany Bay...(I think, Sydney somewhere-Ed) the year 1788, or as PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott likes to call it, 'The Year Australia Really Started'...

Ironically, some Australians have coincidentally chosen to observe/commemorate rather than celebrate today, calling it instead Invasion Day, and here's the real kicker...(and ya' gunna' love this one-Ed)...indeed, they call it Invasion Day and observe this event on the same day that others celebrate Australia Day, because, and how's this for a coincidence, they're actually observing the exact same event...(the same event, on the exact same day? wow, that is a coincidence-Ed)...

Please excuse these clumsy attempts at humour, I'm just trying to acknowledge that whilst there are some things to be grateful for as Australians, some Australians find today more as a confronting reminder of a grinding and very current reality...and again, as a First Generation White Australian I live the privileged life of White Man in a White Man's world, and not being an Aboriginal person, it's not appropriate for me to tell Aboriginal people what they think/feel/believe/whatevs...across the board, I would consider Australia Day better spent considering these 1788 realities...(that's a lot of realities-Ed)...indeed...and what's happening in this country right now, than engaging in mindless pageantry and superfluous hyperbolous rhetoric ...

Another actual genuine coincidence, that I should be briefly channel-surfing the news services during a mid-post break, and run into the Channel 7 Cities Of The Underworld program doing a show from Sydney, parts of Victoria, etc...and there's a map of the globe showing a line drawing from England across the globe toward Oz, and the dude's sayin', "...boatload of convicts were sent to Botany expensive dumping ground for prisoners...continued for many years..."...hilarious...unfortunately Channel 7 is 'pixellating' so badly at the moment it's basically unwatchable so I missed most of it and changed channels...might be able to access the program via the Interweb, and you'd only need to watch the first bit... 

(Ya' know, sometimes I get a li'l bemused by some things I see-Ed) tell, do tell...(well there's that you've just mentioned, hilarious, and Scarface with Al Pacino was on and I watched the opening credits because it has fascinating archival footage from the flotilla of boats that were allowed to go to Cuba, from the USofA, and fetch relatives, etc, back to the USofA, and Fidel, sly fox, loaded-up those boats with criminals and Mental patients...I've several times read the line, 'Castro unloaded his prisons and asylums onto boats and sailed them all to Miami'-Ed)...that is interesting, but why 'bemused'?...(because today we are celebrating ol' Mother England dumping Her precious dregs into this land-Ed)...oh here we go...(yes here we bloody go-Ed)...calm down...

Turning Back The Boats:...(I don't even need to try and make a scythingly cynical joke about the many, many issues at play re the arrival of boats in this country 220 years ago , and just how that's worked out for the peoples already living here...go on tell me I'm wrong that that is not exactly what happened-Ed)...technically I think the First Fleet was meant to be sort of a Colony with convict labour, and the same thing is officially said about Adelaide/SA, but yes, I take your point that there are certainly many things that perhaps we should be focussing on rather than celebrating, including yes, that at many locations, Australia was specifically used to dump the Empire's criminals...

A Daze Of Knights: is the collective noun for when your PM drops a bucket of Acid and suddenly goes right off his li'l shiny skull and awards Kniggethoods to the Queens Greeker half, Prince Phillip, and yet another military figure, General Angus 'Burgers' Houston...(dude, I'm glad as heck it's The Monkster who's trippin', because I sure as hell thought I was-Ed)...indeed...apparently PM Tones consulted one person about bestowing Oz's highest honour (apparently) on Phil, not an Australian, and that person was 'Burgers', whom himself was about to be put to the sword. in the 'good way'...and again only one person re 'Burgers' award, and that person was the first Knigget Tones appointed just recently, Peter Cosgrove...and in the words of PM Tones,"...the monarchy has been an important part of Oz since 1788..."...

Please find attached below 2 items from The Border Watch Friday 23rd January 2015, one of which caught my eye and one of which didn't, so's cheers to that person for pointing me to this...this miss is also a quick reminder to y'all and oneself, memo to Ed, that I'm just one person and I'm trying to do a bunch of stuff with this 'ere blog, and try to be informed, accurate, etc, and sometimes I'm going to miss stuff...but now that I've found it, here comes another massive Council rort for mates/relatives/whatevs, and haven't we all been here before doing this exact same rort...

See below the advertisement as placed by Council's CEO Mark McShane...(or as I like to call him, Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans-Ed)...sweet...and please note that 1) literally at a whim and with no Public Consultation, in 2011 Council commissioned the ludicrous 'Volcano' movie thingy for The Main Corner, where it regularly plays to houses packed with air...commissioned and then casually spent/burned officially $650,000, likely higher given it's alleged to me that some costs were 'diverted' to other Council department budgets, as with other aspects of The Main Corner project...(yay-Ed)...indeed...

And 2) that there is only 8 working days for a prospective Tender to get their info together and prepare some sort of quote/brief...(that is brief, it's almost like Council have already got someone chosen and are just goin' through the motions to make it look like they're doing a proper Tender process-Ed)...almost...the second attachment is a self-explanatory letter...reckon I must've met this lady but I can't put a face to the name...make a cuppa' and get comfy and read this letter, I genuinely laughed out loud...

Tomorrow: Stuff Man, Can You Dig It?

Just A Thought: I wish that Famous Fiscal Femme Heather Ridout would move to Sydney's slightly more famous Manly Beach so that I could refer to her as 'an Economic Manly Girl'...thankyou, thankyou...oh, and get stuffed Matthias Corman...thankyou...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Joining The Dot-Points

Hello Macau, India, Italy, and France...hey y'all and welcome to the blog and some staccato dot-pointing to try and round-up some loose ends...(herding cats time?-Ed)...yeah, a bit like that...again apologies for no post but again I'm trying to move my own life forwards, which in many ways starts with just leaving the house, and if I'm not at the house that means no post because SAPol (police) still have my laptop...

I've tried doing hand-written stuff but it's just pages of cross-outs and arrows, etc, and I'm not even gunna' try to do it on my phone...(ooo gourd no-Ed)...using the computer's 'typesetting' programs to re-structure/reposition sentences and paragraphs is a massive boon when doing this 'ere blog, and given that I generally start with only a vague idea of what's hopefully going to be in each post...(you'd never guess, he said with just a hint of sarcasm-Ed)...fair enough, but being able to change stuff around is not just helpful but essential...

SAPol Raid: of my home in May 2014, now over 8 months ago, was an act of outright intimidation from SAPol and their paymasters, the Weatherill Labor state government and their besties the Liberal Party...Two Party System be hanged, there's one Agenda in control in Adelaide, and it's Paedophilia...this raid is in response to this blog and the issues I cover...I remind availees that SAPol came to my home on May 7th 2014 and told me that I was in strife for having written something on the blog about a (if not the) major 'Authority' in the state, but they wouldn't tell me exactly what, and I still don't know...

(Hey, are you allowed to discuss that?-Ed) idea, and that's part of the plan isn't it, a raft of ludicrously undefinable but all encompassing laws that can be used to threaten, harass, intimidate, and bully people into silence in situations where no real charge exists...this is purely about crushing dissent and making it unlawful to even talk about the Institutionalised Corruption of South Australia, a corruption irrefutably mired in and motivated by pro-paedophile attitudes and/or behaviours...over 8 months after my home was raided, and without having been charged with anything, and having heard nothing since from SAPol or the Dept Public Prosecutions whom allegedly sent them, and I can't even name the Authority...WTF...

I repeat, SAPol knew who was writing the blog because I put my name to every post, they knew where I live, and 2 Adelaide-based Anti-Corruption detectives came to my home to interview me, but wouldn't tell me what it was about, and then the next day came back and 'raided' me and took my laptop...I was repeatedly told "expect to be charged" for merely talking about a state Authority supposedly doing it's job, an Authority I now probably cannot even identify, and then they charges, not nuthin' since...I declined to be and therefore was not 'formally interviewed' and I certainly have not seen or am even aware of any transcript, etc, or that there is even anything officially 'on the record' re those 2 visits to my home, other than that they happened...

It is exactly what it appears to be, an intimidatory slap-down of the blog/me because they can't tackle the blog front-on because that would mean trying to explain some of the truths here-in...

I Feel Like I'm Being Watched:...(well that's because you are, remember? both SAPol and the ABC have stated outright that they are monitoring this 'ere blog-Ed)...exactly, and that's another point I'll be making quite frequently here-on-in, namely, that both SAPol and the ABC are monitoring The Mount Gambier Independent/me, Nick Fletcher...(and me-Ed)...yes, and you Ed, 'they' are monitoring 'us'..(it's us and them laddie-Ed)...whatevs...they are watching us, but not to use the evidence here-in to address these issues and identify there own multiple gross failings across many issues but one in particular...(St Martins?-Ed)...oh aye...they have no intention of addressing/dealing with at least some of the gross criminality in their own organisations, no, because SAPol, the ABC, and I suspect/assume the Education Dept still, various lawyers, etc, etc, are all watching the blog/me, waiting, hoping that I'll say something that means they can get'l ol' me...

(I'd suggest the 'Pulled Posts' complaints would make a good list of those also reading, gidday y'all-Ed)...good point Ed, that would be a very reasonable assumption...and I have one of my own...I reasonably assume that, given that these authorities/persons would dearly love to shut down this 'ere blog, that thus far we haven't said and/or done anything that would support that action...(wow, you're right...for all of the supposedly scandalously scurrilous and potentially litigious statements you've made in individual posts, let alone the collective mass of those statements on this 'ere blog, the worst that anyone has managed to muster in response are vacuous, bleating complaints to Google to have posts pulled down, complaints full of bollocks like 'my lawyer says I have a good case for defamation against Nick Fletcher'...and still nuthin' happens...well apart from the cops raiding ya' home-Ed)...well apart from that...

(Throw them on the pile-Ed)...what?...(throw those 'Defamation Threats' on the pile with all the others going back more than a decade, including the Crown Solicitor's written threats to gaol ya' re their intimately complicit role in the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...good point well made...if what I say is wrong in it's broader substance then I should be held to account, that's perfectly reasonable, no probs, show me I'm wrong and I'm the first to admit it and own that mistake and try to rectify the situation...however, I haven't just been broad in my criticism/condemnation, I have been very, very specific (where possible, without exposing 'sources' or risking the blog, etc) and have on more than one occasion made specific accusations of criminality against named public figures...Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, and Greg Muller are just 3 that immediately come to mind...

House All That Jazz Stuff:...starting at the beginning, because the moment you remove Mr James Morrison from the Jazz Academy equation, it immediately becomes just yet another series of completely inappropriate...(I'll call them dodgy-Ed)...ta...a series of "dodgy" secret meetings conducted outside of Council Chambers by wholly corrupt public officials, engaging in an exact replica of the massively corrupted processes that define this Council and have all but destroyed Mt Gambier...does anybody in this town truly understand and/or care what the levels of corruption in this Council have cost the City and it's citizens? and if so, why is nobody doing anything to try and stop it?...(but you are-Ed)...fair enough, I meant, 'anyone else', why isn't anyone else doing something to stop this?...

I'm not an Accountant or a Journalist or an Economist or not nuthin', yet I can see the massive wall of debt welling on Mt Gambier's horizon, and just this week Councillor and former Mayor Steve Perryman was on the ABC Local Radio stating just how Council's going to deal with it...(I'm sorry, I must have missed that...I caught the interview where he crassly tried to reverse-justify Council plans to borrow another $10million by saying that there's $10m of government grants available but they're $ for $ so we must have our own $10m to get that $10m more-Ed)...yeah, that's the plan alright, just borrow another $10m and hope that gets us at least some of that alleged $10m available...

The Plan: is to try and borrow $10m to build an even bigger wall of denial between the approaching reality of what they've done, and being held to account for it...(but that just means that there'll be a whole pile of wall waiting when that other wall gets here and then Mt Gambier'll get hit by a combined $16m wall of consuming, swamping debt and the best part of bugger-all to show for it-Ed)...yep...(yay-Ed)...

And these breaches of fundamental Protocols/Guidelines/whatevs have not occurred once accidentally or even twice incompetently, but over and over and over again, again and again, clearly quite deliberately corruptly...I've never been to a Council meeting where there wasn't clearly gross breaches of their own Protocols and Rules, particularly on issues of ' Conflict of Interest', and the Minutes are incorrect/altered, etc,'s absolutely farcical...and it's years of this 'Deals In The Carpark' politics by Mt Gambier City Councillors and other public officials that have cost Mt Gambier dearly...

I refer back to some of the meetings I've covered in previous posts, particularly the consecutive meetings (August-September 2013) where I stopped a vote re The Main Corner by speaking-out and Cr Des Mutton, who's son is directly involved as both a cafe owner and the former (original) Leasee of The Main Corner (also in previous posts)...Des, mate, got up and left the Chamber and the vote stalled because of no quorum (not enough Councillors left to vote legally)...but then, under 'Public Exclusion' at the end of the evening, another MC issue saw Councillors whom had previously left the Chamber, remain and vote through whatevs it was...that's in one the next meeting, Cr Jim Maher, absent the month before, gushingly played down the importance of the failed vote and said everything's fine...(fine?-Ed)...just fine...and they voted that through...

Re the 'student housing' in Harrald St and the Old Town Hall Jazz Academy stuff, I've tried to narrow the wide although roughly similar range of claims that the housing involved was initially meant to be 'Public Housing' of some description and that there have been a series of 'odd' occurrences that have fortuitously seen the jazz students all housed there at $130 per person, 3 to a house, etc, but I've been unable to find out anything more exact...I will continue to pursue this issue as possible because it remains very much my very genuine concern that not only will a healthy majority of people in Mt Gambier gain little if anything from the Jazz Academy, but that everything/anyone else that gets in the way will get shoved aside...have 'PH Tenants' been shoved to open up this housing for the students?

There are many other issues re this Academy/student housing, eg, zoning issues for putting a privately-run student accommodation campus in the middle of a residential street...and that one issue in itself creates more questions because I must admit I don't understand to what degree this is a private business or a state-run facility, that is UniSA, because it's clearly promoted as being both, eg, the Graham Greenwood stuff (in The Border Watch) describing it as a "long-term, private business operation", but it also appears to be receiving large amounts of public funding and other support, and the reportage seems to swing from one end of that scale to the other...more laters...

Come On Fellers, It's Basic Maintenance: In many areas of Mt Gambier, City Council continues to fail it's basic responsibilities re maintenance, and street/park trees are an obvious example's so simple, it's such a basic understanding of how to manage street/park trees (especially the native gums, etc, that should make up the vast bulk of any Council plantings, because we are in Australia), that regular pruning helps to grow a stronger, healthier tree that therefore prolongs the lifespan of street/park trees and makes them safer for pedestrians, drivers, etc, because they are far less likely to drop limbs, fall over, etc...letting trees get too big/too wide/too stringy makes them far more dangerous than is necessary...

The Pipes Are Galling:...why has SA Water chosen to hack-up large areas of the Blue Lake/Valley Lake touristy lookouts on Keegan Dve just prior to Xmas holidays, the South East's prime Tourism season?...I get it that new pipes were apparently necessary and that meant extensive groundworks, etc, but the arguably primary tourist lookout area in the Mount (HooHoo Lookout, the Surge Tank Lookout) is an absolute mess...I'm sure it's not deliberate, but why wouldn't SA Water wait until the end of school holidays before ripping the shizzle outta' everything?

Ah, The Sin Of Dinos: is a joke I've used before to describe/name the embarrassingly incompetent attempt by the now former Assistant Treasurer Arthur Sinodinos to de-fraud $20million via dodgy deals...I note that having been busted for this attempted crime, Arfa' was stood down as Ass-T, and has now quietly stooged his way permanently outta' that position and onto the backbenches..(why is the prick not in gaol?-Ed)...because that's what we are Ed, we in Australia are not an Egalitarian Utopia, we are a fuedal class-system run by paedophiles and the corrupt where the law applies to us plebs, not the glorious glitterati of the Liberal Party and their mates the Labor Party...

I won't go into the extensive and well-documented details of how Arfa' intended/organised to fraudulently gain $20m by being involved in attempts to approve a project that he would personally profit from...(and the massive wage he accepted re that company/deal-Ed)...indeed...but again I make the observation/comparison that had Mr Sinodinos tried to organise a bank robbery to the degree that he had been involved in this deal, it wouldn't matter that the robbery ultimately failed due to the incompetence of the gang's own members, a crime has still been committed...(the Law is for the Poor to fear-Ed)...indeed...

Wind It Up, Guvna: say I to the expected back-lash to (Dr) Steven Cooper's Acoustic Report re Wind Turbines...I won't chew up multiple posts trying to re-explain the study, but please do access Dr Cooper's report and if you can the excellent ABC Local Radio interview from last Thursday (22nd January) is not any exaggeration to say that this is a ground-breaking, world first study in that there has not been any genuine attempts to do this testing, which has allowed Turbine proponents to state that 'there's no proof that Turbines cause health issues', which strictly speaking is true, because there's been no testing, so how can there be evidence either way...(clever, don't do the testing and then say there is no evidence-Ed)...

**I am going to quickly make the direct comparison between this and the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, because this is what SAPol (police) did to us families, constantly running us in circles with the perpetual lie that teacher Glyn Dorling wasn't charged with anything because there was no evidence, but the reality is SAPol had/has no evidence because SAPol did no investigation...this blatant lie from SAPol quickly disintegrated under the weight of it's own corruption and SAPol started trying to run the ludicrously self-justifying lunacy that there wasn't enough evidence to warrant an investigation, and therefore, without doing any investigation they couldn't find any may need to read that through a coupla' times, but it's exactly the justification that SAPol has presented parents...**

And look out, here comes Prof/Dr/whatevs Will Grant of the Whatevs Uni in downtown Whogivsaflying to enlighten us as to his opinion re Dr Cooper's study...(I'm sensing that Will has somehow displeased you-Ed)...indeed, he whom was on the ABC Radio on Friday pissing pointless criticisms straight into the wind...because this post has already blown out, I'll give this champ a few paragraphs,

Tomorrow:  Getting Even Dottier

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Friday, January 23, 2015

Happy 2nd Birthday, Pack My Windy Strides 'Cos I'm Steppin' Out

***apologies for another day missed, but had unexpected visitors last evening...(just say 'visitors', the 'unexpected' is a given-Ed)...fair enough...anyhoos, here's this from yesterday, so please excuse confusing date references...cheers...***

Hello to Aotearoa (New Zealand), the USofA, in Poland, and in Ukraine...welcome to the second birthday celebrations for The Mount Gambier Independent...(actually, it was yesterday, 21st January-Ed)...shhh, don't want people thinking I'm so disorganised that I'd miss my own birthday...and a bumper issue with much furious flailing at various topics, as is my wanton need on addiction teeters...that last bit's actually from poetry I wrote more than 20 years ago...

There seems to be very little 'mainstream' media coverage of the alleged ceasefire in Ukraine, but there have been several lengthy items on the broader front...I don't know why I feel some strange affinity with Ukraine, other than that there have been Ukrainians reading this 'ere blog pretty much from the thoughts with you all, I can't say more than that because I don't know enough about the reality of what has happened historically, and I don't trust most of what I hear now media wise, on any topic...

Self-evident are the contradictions in 'official ceasefire' and what is actually happening, the daily killing of civilians and soldiers on 'both sides'...and even that just melds into the general appearance that certain deaths in certain places are considered worth less than others...nothing excuses what happened in Sydney recently, or the recent attacks in Paris or London, there ain't nuthin' about any of these that can be justified, but a whole village in Nigeria has been completely destroyed, and there are 10,000s of people missing, including the most infamous abduction of 300 girls from their school, and almost nothing...I know I've done this stuff before, but it continues to be what stands out at me from the maelstrom...daily bombings continue in Iraq, and even as I type, I'm trying to think of a specific recent attack and I can't drag it from the montage of misery in my head...

It just seems very trite to whinge bitterly about local albeit genuine issues like the swamp of debt that Mt Gambier City Council has planned for the City...(oh gourd, I heard this stuff this morning, go on-Ed)...former Councillor now Mayor Steve Perryman...(Stevo, maaate-Ed)...and also now Presiding Member/Chair/Whatevs of Council's Operational Services Committee, was on ABC Local Radio talking about how they're going to review their Strategic Plans and their Long Term Plans and there Budget Plans and then apparently somehow miraculously discover $10million for 'future projects' around Mt Gambier...including a covered Aquatic Centre...

(But haven't Council just ruled that out as not ever possible because any new pool wouldn't make a return and therefore cannot be justified, ie, it must be able to justify it's own existence with a viable Business Plan before it could happen?-Ed)...oh Ed, you are so last year...and the year before...and the year before fact, that's what Council has been bleating for as long as I can remember, 'the pool must be able to financially justify itself to justify the initial cost'...(exactly like they didn't do with the Library or the Main Corner or the Old Hospital Demolition or the Rail Lands or pretty much anything else?-Ed)...yes, exactly like that...

I readily own indeed embrace my deep and abiding dislike for Mr Perryman as being a wholly corrupted individual who, along with numerous other local politicians, is specifically and personally responsible for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and a raft of rancidly rorted public projects/monies that have bankrupted Mt Gambier...I remember with great affection those hilarious 2013/14 Budget meetings back in May/June 2013 (previous posts), and li'l Stevie's farcical attempts to try and bully me and/or generate some sort of conflict/incident...(epic fails-Ed)...but I find nothing amusing about the man himself...

And re the 2013/14 Budget, Council self-approving and then borrowing $6million on the Ratepayer's credit card and then spending it all inside 12 months is not laudable fiscal probity, it's a farcical fiscal clusterf***...pardon my language...but I digress...

I choose to identify my animosity and resultant personal disposition only to highlight how irrelevant it is, for the language in Mr Perryman's well rehearsed jibberish is self-evident as carefully constructed reverse justifications for what Council plans to do...(and what's that?-Ed)...try to yet again extend their borrowing capacity and this time they're going for a grandslam $10million...(how do you know?-Ed)...I don't know, I'm just guesstimating that, based on previous behaviours, Council will argue that they have to borrow that money to get the grants, which are $ for $...the entire discussion/spiel was just the same template of alleged but actually manufactured urgent need to get on board with potential funding with the reverse justification that if we don't go for the government funding now, it'll be gone and we won't get another chance to apply and then it'll cost more in the future, etc, etc...

And key phrases like 'engaging with local community groups for ideas and opinions'...(yeah, I didn't hear that golden phrase 'Public Consultation' though-Ed), neither did I, doesn't matter though because this is more about getting their mates in these groups to push the Council agenda, eg, the repeated bollocks from Council and The Border Watch that the Rotary Market was going to move to the ridiculous Rail Station Platform site...stallholders were never going anywhere and Council and TBW knew it but kept saying appears that a couple of people in Rotary were making comments to support Council that were not officially sanctioned and/or the will of the large majority, to stay at Fletcher Jones...

I also note 1) recent Council-based claims that they'll just set-up another market on the Rail Platform extension thingy, 2) the double page feature this week in TBW with big photos of stallholders and how great it all is where they are now, etc, and 3) the two groups that have recently 'self-appointed' in Mt Gambier, one of which has Rory McEwen and Steve Perryman in it...(wow, corrupt much?-Ed)...indeed, and the other is directly linked to Council...I apologise to whoevs in these groups is actually genuine, but apart from that, they are farcical facades for institutionalised corruption and promoting Council's agendas...(what's the difference?-Ed)...again, indeed...

It Must Be My Birthday: because it was just now announced on ABC Radio that the South Australian ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) is 'investigating' the wholly criticised and in my humble opinion perfect example of the rank corruption that defines the SA Labor Party, the infamous $100million Gillman Land Sale (without any public tender, etc)...the ICAC Comm Bruce Lander has released a statement that this is not actually a corruption investigation, but looking for any evidence of maladministration...(then why is the ICAC doing it?-Ed)...well I guess that's what happens, and then when they (ICAC) do find corruption, then they investigate it...

Comm Lander states there is "no time frame", but this 'Inquiry' follows the Auditor General's report which says that the Labor Cabinet submission was "misleading", and Judicial criticism that this deal was "unlawful" and "irrational"...Liberal leader Stephen Marshall reckons he don't know if this ICAC thingy involves Premier Jay Weatherill, and then identified that he (Stevo) is 'restricted in saying things about ICAC stuff'...he described both this Inquiry and it's 'public launch' as being "extraordinary" (unprecedented relative to political decisions) and the first time ICAC used section 25, and there's currently also a Parliamentary Inquiry Chaired by Liberal Rob Lucas...apparently the Weatherill state government says that it welcomes the Inquiry...

(And the question being frequently asked is 'should the Ministers involved, Weatherill and Koutsontonis, should they stand aside if the ICAC discovers and then decides to pursue issues of corruption', and the answer is no they can't-Ed)...can't? don't you mean won't?...(no, no, can't...I'm no lawyer nor nuthin' but my limited understanding of ICAC stuff would seem to indicate that they couldn't stand aside because then it would indicate that they are under investigation, and ICAC legislation is awash with stuff about not talking about ICAC investigations-Ed)...interesting observation Ed...

Kudos Where Due: because this morning I absolutely have to suck down a big slab a' humble pie with a kudo chaser because the ABC Local Radio just ran a fantastic interview about/with Acoustician (Dr) Steven Cooper re his testing of Wind Turbine Emissions at Pacific Hydro's  Turbine site at Bridgewater Bay near Portland...a big fat slice of humble pie never tasted so good...(you don't reckon this 'ere post may have affected the coverage side of this-Ed)'re not the first person to ask that, but don't know, don't care in that context, what's important is that it's being discussed in such a thorough and balanced manner...

Sensational Stuff: because here is the first genuine attempt, in the world, and yes I do believe it's genuine as such, the first actual testing of the various noise/vibration emissions from Wind Turbines as I believe exist, having stood under and/or amongst Turbines at both Millicent (Lake Bonney, SA) and Cape Bridgewater near Portland in Victoria...on relatively calm days these Turbines were emitting all manner of whistles, grinds, whirrings, etc, and immediately obvious pressure changes and a range of 'pulse' sensations, and I've used the word 'sensations' quite deliberately, because that is one of the key reference terms in resident's diaries for the study...

As well as audible noise and other relative factors, this study has offered resident's the issue of 'sensation' as part of the study, and it has proven very informative...I'll cover this at length in the next few posts...but first, kudos again to the ABC, and particularly to Pacific Hydro for not just funding this study but supporting it in the ways that they have...gotta' admit I don't understand why, but cheers...

Float My Boat: was the message from the ASC (Australian Submarine Corp) to the Federal Liberal government's brand spanky new Defence Minister Kevin Andrews during his current first visit, particularly after it looked like the Libs were going to welch on their rolled gold 2013 pre-election promise to build Oz's next subs here at ASC (in Adelaide)...and Minister Andrews is going to do a live press conference and we're expecting a major announcement sometime very soon, so we'll be crossing there shortly, and, wait, I think we can go there now...

(In your best hushed reporter's voice)..."...and after that comment of course David Johnston was moved from Defense Minister, and we wait now as new Minister Andrews steps to the podium, everyone here at ASC hoping that he brings the love in the form of these lucrative contracts, and here is the Minister now..."...Good evening, am I happy to see you or did I just put a canoe in my pocket?-KA...and that's the end of that joke...

Tomorrow: More Turbines and All That Jazz Stuff Revisited

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Just for hilarity sake, please find attached some of the palaver that Council is spewing out to try and force this ludicrous Park and Stride program on people...excuse lay-out, that's a double-sided A4 pamphlet...the posters are in windows across town, these at The Centro/Central/Lakes/whatevs Plaza...Council should provide as many parks as possible as near to shops, etc, as possible, and then piss-off out of it and stop telling people what to do...(and stop burying carparks under ludicrous 'nodes' and 'platform extensions' in what appears to be a bloody-minded campaign to force people to walk-Ed)...absolutely...wall to wall bullshit...laters...

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

More ABC Involvement In St Martins ABC Cover-up

Hello and welcome to the blog and apologies for no post yesterday, was in and then out all day and then went to a Council meeting that wasn't because I had it right that it was the right night, but it was apparently the wrong night this time round...(yay-Ed)...and then went to do stuff instead, got home laptop of course...(yeah right, what's happening with that then? it's been what, 8 months now?-Ed) idea, but yep it's been 8 months, just over in fact, since SAPol very politely raided my home and took it as an "exhibit" whilst repeatedly telling me "expect to be charged" and 'we're here to gather evidence', etc, etc...

Apparently I've committed the heinous crime of blogging/talking/whatevs about a state authority allegedly doing what it's supposedly supposed to do...not for defaming or threatening or whatevs, for merely talking about it doing what it's meant to do...the truly bizarre thing is that everyone else involved is apparently squeaky clean, and I get SAPol in my home raiding me and stealing my stuff...(haven't heard a word since?-Ed)...indeed, I had to go to legal advice to get them to try and find out what they could do to help, and the first thing they had to do was write to ask for official written permission to even talk to me...

I'll say that again...even though I've not even been charged with anything, my legal advice's first necessary action was to write and ask for permission to even talk to me...(wow, I've heard it a few times now, but it just gets more and more insidious and bizarre-Ed)...that's exactly what it is...I maintain that this isn't about appropriate application of appropriate law, this is about utilising recently created laws to attack and crush opposition, dissent, criticism, etc, and those laws were created specifically for that purpose...and those laws are so thorough that I can't even identify the specific legislation for fear of transgressing the all encompassing legislation itself...(without even having been charged?-Ed)...indeed... 

Thankyou: for the feedback/critquing/advice/whatevs that I continue to receive re the blog...two of those things raised with me cover several bases, namely 1) that given that pretty much everybody in town is reading and/or aware of this 'ere blog and it's often very unpleasant content...(I thought you said you wouldn't put any pictures of ya'self in-Ed)...oh hilarious, you know that's not what I mean...(ah, then it must be the groaningly woeful attempts at humour-Ed)...thankyou, that's enough...(in fact, if I'm not much mistaken, we may well be in the middle of one right now-Ed)...look you...(it's just so hard to tell-Ed)...rightfj8648sdfg45...(orr you can dish it out carncha'? but when it ckiu476hgj-Ed)...give me thatjrsankhggp86[wj658...right, that's twice in a week, privileges denied...(noooooooowhatevs-Ed)...

Unfortunately, due to technical issues, Ed will be unable to join us for the rest of this post...(I'm right back here-Ed) you're not...ya' know dear availee, there's nothin' more annoying that a confected literary device used to create a sense of engaging discussion rather than rasping dissertation and litanous lecturing, that then insists on working in the 'Self-Deprecating Dead Joke Zone'...but seriously, this is a rather circuitous route to the point that the issues covered in this blog are known not just by many people in Mt Gambier, including a goodly number of the goodly godly leading citizens, but also by SAPol/the Anti-Corruption Branch, and the ABC, both of whom have told me they are monitoring the blog, but not monitoring with a view to use that info to pursue and resolve these issues, but instead to pursue and get me for essentially merely speaking these self-apparent truths...

(Well, they're all too busy doing 'Ice' probably, according to Mt Gambier SAPol Supt Trevor Twilley. on the front page of The Border Watch late last year-Ed)...well I think that's a joke in very poor taste Ed, unless of course you're using deeply cynical humour to scythingly highlight the extraordinary seriousness of 1) the extraordinary statement itself by Supt Twilley's re his knowledge of the use  of 'Ice' by senior local people, as made on the front page of The Border Watch, 2) the reality of what these comments identify, and 3) TBW's appalling shop-front poster that said, Drug Use In High Places....(yeah, all that second one, that 'not a joke' stuff-Ed)...why am I not convinced?...

Anyway, the original point being point 1) that the question is asked of me 'why, if pretty much everyone who's in the know knows about St Martins, particularly in Mt Gambier, why doesn't someone do something about it?'...and I have to answer 'you tell me'...(well that's not an answer, more of a demandy sortta' question thingy-Ed)...whatevs...(and point 2)?-Ed)...that during a discussion re the power of words to create false realities in a malicious context, someone quoted back to me the 'Dick Stretcher Comments' stuff from August 2013 where I create a very menacing but entirely false reality for dear 'DS' in a paragraph and then deconstruct it a paragraph later, and done playing 'DS's' own words back to them...this was said to me to be a great example of the power of language...cheers for the kudos...

I reference it too as being relevant to how I try to conduct the blog...sure I get angry even vindictive and even occasionally abusive...(occasionally? bless you-Ed)...and sometimes wrong, whatevs, but I work very, very hard to try and stay on the facts (for lack of a better word) and plot a very confused course through very treacherous waters...(on A Ship Of Fools?-Ed)...not quite, but I don't need to create any of the realities here-in as they are self-evident...and I live these day in, day out, and nobody else seems to give a damn...

Ahahaha: say I to Federal Liberal Treasurer 'Smokin'' Joe Hockey, whom is currently across the news cycle, stating re his/their Budget Bastardry that people seem to think that he/they enjoy doing this to people, but that he/they don't...(well then he probably shouldn't do it with a big smile on 'is shreckin'  face-Ed)...absolutely...(and then go off and have a big fat shreckin' cigar with his BB Bestie Mathias 'Always Blue' Cormann-Ed)...indeed, there's a reason why those photos of Mighty Joe and The Matman look like two self-satisified shrecks laughing at the suffering of the people they are screwing over...(is Mathias Cormann a mat that wipes it's feet on the people?-Ed)...nice... 

Kinda' concerned to see reports that the 'Aussie housing boom' is slowing/cooling/whatevs, because the local market, construction jobs, and all of the peripheral industries involved have already been struggling, and any national slowing is going to hurt...(well perhaps, hopefully, the local market remains where it is at least, and the national trend, which is arguably ridiculous high anyway, that that comes back to nearer where we are-Ed)...nice attempt at optimism...(ta'-Ed)...and a delicious little segue into a brief mention of tomorrow's post, in which we travel back in time to when someone knew to build 20 new homes that a year later were all suddenly snapped-up by the Jazz Academy...or not...but I digress...

Re-attached below are the emails from the head of the ABC in South Australia, Sandra Winter-Dewhirst...apologies that this is just one of many issues I've started, stopped, did a bit, forgotten to finish, etc, so I'll just dot point it through...I think regular blog availees will quickly see the patterns...

1)  Straight off, SWD is trying to fob me off to the "complaints handling process" rather than accept
     responsibility for and then deal with "this issue", which is the second point;
2)  this first email is the template for the second, setting up a swathe of 'plausible deniabilities' mention of
     whom SWD will "speak" to, and for god sake don't identify what "this issue" is actually about because
     then some nutter might be able to use these emails to prove irrefutably that the ABC/it's senior people
     are aware of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the willingly complicit conduct
     of the state Labor Rann/Weatherill government and the Liberals and the Lutherans and SAPol and the
     Teachers Registration Board, etc, etc.

The second email merely expands these denials of responsibility whilst yet again carefully avoiding actually identifying any one person or aspect of the situation other than to present it as something solely of my construction and then refute it:
1)  referring to my repeated attempts to catch-up with her after she failed to contact me as per her promise
     of email one, check the dates, SWD presents these as being unreasonable and almost harassing of the
     ABC staff;
2)  "...incident that you allege occurred..."..."...the concerns you have raised..."...yet again the agenda is
     about belittling the issues by making them the 'allegations' of only one person, but:
3)  SWD slips up a bit in this email because she does identify that it is about a "pedophile incident", and;
4)  then again with "further editorial coverage", confirming that there has already been some coverage;
5)  but again no names of whom was spoken too, etc;
6)  concluded with an acknowledgement that she/they know families have suffered, suffered because it's real.

An email of 'get stuffed, go away, don't care' all rounded out with a charmingly dismissive and patronising,
     "I acknowledge this has been a distressing issue for you and your family...",
well thankyou Sandra, because I wasn't sure whether or not this had been a massively distressing issue for myself, my child, my family, and many other families, but now that you've acknowledged it, it must be true... 

So SWD/the ABC knows what the issue is and the distress this has caused and has previously covered it, etc, yet at some point, after having discussed it at length, has decided to just dump it...and I remind availees that August 2007 was when then SA MLC Nick Xenophon was officially calling for a Parliamentary Inquiry (Statutory Authorities Review Committee) into the Teachers Registration Board (that started late 2008 and concluded mid 2011), citing the St Martins/Glyn Dorling/TRB case as cause enough for a full Inquiry into the TRB...and the ABC decide to dump it...what a bloody disgrace...

Tomorrow: I Admit Yet Again To My Confusion Re The Jazz Academy

I continue to hear expanding, often intercrossing 'allegations' re what's happened re this shenaniganaceous business re the Jazz Academy student housing, eg, various versions of roughly the same story that these were originally planned to be Housing Trust (Housing SA) and/or AC Care (Anglicare) and/or some similar organisation for refugee and/or public housing...much more to come...

Also attached, just for the sake of art, random sunrise photo from Monday January 19th 2015...not sure whether that's a rainbow in the low cloud or perhaps one of those 'ice halos' from higher up in the atmosphere...have done next post purely as photo gallery of these, with some photos I took decades ago as well when I did stuff...might have to get a really cheap proper camera if poss and set up a blog for photos and stuff...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, January 19, 2015

Back-Pedalling Furiously But To Where And Why

Hello Italy, Venezuela, Spain, and India and welcome to the blog...(alright, I'm game, we were going forward yesterday and today it's backward...what is going on?-Ed)...I know, I know, but if I'm confusing things and making mistakes it's best to reverse-up a mo', reconsider the 'big picture', and not waste everyone's time by getting more wronger, and then start-off and get it correct as possible...and so it is with the James Morrison Jazz Academy stuff...

Please excuse me if I concentrate the blog on the relatively mundane domestic issues like the rank corruption of our local elected officials, but I look at the world, particularly the world of organised religion, and I just don't know where to start...all I can say is murder is murder and raping children is raping children and there are no justifications in heaven or earth...(but what of the Pacifist who must kill the killer to protect the innocent?-Ed)...I sure as heck hope that's a rhetorical question, 'cos I got nuthin'...(yeah, me neither, that's why I asked-Ed)...but we digress...

To start-off I've attached the recent Graham Greenwood The Border Watch article, and I'll reference the recent post and the TBW stuff there-in, and the ABC Radio interview with Mr Morrison from a coupla' weeks back...I can only say that I have tried to ascertain what's going on with All That Jazz stuff without directly approaching the businesses involved because they may well be naive players genuinely grateful for the work, etc, and very much don't need the aggravation of a large angry hippy politely asking problematic questions, but I can only say that I have far more questions now than only weeks ago...please check the GG article out first and then come back to just there, down to the left...

Yes, here, excellent...straight off, it is a given that this Academy/Course could do fantastic things for Mt Gambier and have some benefits, and it's undoubtedly the best thing to happen here in a decade make that two...will it be the salve for all Mt Gambier's ills? of course not, and it's cynically manipulative to try and suggest that it obviously does nothing to address the ongoing fall-out of the various Forestry Sale Issues, the gross lack of public services/offices in Mt Gambier, almost non-existent Mental Health and Drug/Alcohol Services, the huge numbers of sex offenders and/or paedophiles in the massively expanding Mt Gambier Gaol, no Child Protection in the entire South East, etc, etc...
FOMCL: when Graham Greenwood writes...(oh I love this one-Ed)...yeah, yeah, when GG states:
     "Inadvertently, the academy will help the much-maligned Main Corner enjoy greater usage,
      with students using the theatrette for concerts, practice, and as a recording studio, when
      not being used by the public."
Graham, nothing will ever justify the Main Corner and the ongoing cascade of Council corruption and de-frauded Ratepayer dollars that define that disgrace of a's outrageous construction cost and extraordinary $650,000+ yearly running cost were committed to by Council without any business plan...Council used Ratepayers money to set up a Commercial Function facility to compete against private business owners, and then handed it free to Lachlan Mutton, a Councillor's son...who was then allowed to hand-ball the lease to a friend via a special Council meeting in November 2012, and that 'lease' was renewed for 5 years via yet another 'secret vote' in yet another completely corrupted Council meeting in August 2014...  (FOMCL-fell off my chair laughing)

(Yeah yeah, everything to do with The Main Corner is atrociously corrupt, front to back, top to bottom, inside out, from start to finish, no-one's denying that-Ed)..except Council...(well of course Council, but you've been over this in previous posts, what's ya' point?-Ed)...indeed, I have been over this many times, even recently, but I'm just doing a quick mood setting for the reality of what's to come...(ahhh ok ok, let're making the comparison between previous clearly rankly corrupt secret deals and nepotism, etc, re The Main Corner, and this Academy stuff, apparently yet another raft of secret meetings and secret deals and public money getting handed to a private business, etc, at that same location-Ed)...exactly...

And given their proven record of rank corruption, not least of all their complicit and indefensible behaviours in helping the St Martins School/Lutheran Church protect paedophile teacher Glyn Dorling, I'll completely re-own my previous concerns about this process and any other that involves Premier Jay Weatherill and the then Mayor of Mt Gambier, Steve Perryman, a concern that rockets into overdrive when I see them grinning sickly at each other at the Course/Academy launch press conference, held in Adelaide, the week before the November 2014 Local Government Elections, in which Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...was a candidate for Councillor...

And the pair of them leering inanely whilst Steve praises-up Ray Jay, saying 'you (Jay) said that you'd make-up to the South East for the Forestry Sale, and with this money you have made good on your word'...and this money ($750,000 from The J-Man and another $500,000 from the Regional Development Minister Geoff Brock), where is all that going? I have previously expressed my opinion as based on what I've witnessed, that any government funds to Mt Gambier City Council is blood/hush money soon to be in the pockets of Councillors, their families, and/or mates...

Remove Mr Morrison entirely from the equation and you have the exact same corrupt public officials conducting themselves in the exact same manner as they have this context, even The Main Corner is basically irrelevant because the exact same corruption is smeared all over the Old Hospital Demolition, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, indeed Council contracts across the board...

In the context of the corruption already witnessed from Council, it is completely appropriate indeed obligatory to ask what 'secret deals' have Ratepayers been signed up for, again, in a building they own and pay to run, and exactly where is all the money going, eg, the total $1.25million of state government funding...(well at least some of that is going to furnish those houses for the students-Ed)...thankyou for reminding me, of course it is, and who owns those homes?...(errr, I dunno'-Ed), that's ok 'cos neither do I...

All That I Can Ask Is To Trust Me: is an absolutely atrocious thing for even a pseudo-politician to say and yet what else can I do when I talk about issues of what has happened but I cannot prove, eg, my words came back to hug me when the announcement of these '15-20 student houses in Harrald St' found me in discussion with someone whom reminded me of my own words of nearly a year ago...when I asked 'where's Harrald St?', the response was 'that's those houses you said last year that it was brave someone was building in the current depressed market'...I didn't immediately remember which houses, but a brief further discussion saw me enlightened and I said, 'oh those ones by SMB Civil'...

Early in 2014, before the March state election I'd reckon, I was cruisin' the Old Rail Corridor re my idea for the Bike Lane along it to get cyclists off the roads, and saw a SMB Civil sign out front of a foundation level estate of 15-20 houses, thought to myself, 'that's brave', and happened to mention that to this person, but they insist that it was EMPAK Homes involved, and there starts the a result of my expeditionings I have heard a raft of almost conflicting but reasonably coherent versions of what has happened with those protect my 'sources' I'll just 'montage paraphrase' the various issues...tomorrow...(orrr, no fair-Ed)...

Sorry mate but this is a huge issue for Mt Gambier's future and I don't want to see these Council clowns completely root it up in the manner that they have royally rooted everything else they've got their grubby li'l paws on...(fair enough-Ed) closing, I'd like to suggest to Mr Greenwood that he read the paper that employs him because on Friday 16th January 2014 he states that, "James and Judi (Morrison) are looking to rent between 15-20 homes to accommodate students.", but in TBW on Friday 2nd January it clearly states that they have already secured the houses in Harrald St, where 'students will be paying $130 each per week, 3 to a home'...just sayin', and much more such sayin's tomorrow...

Well That's Just Super: as Health 'On Earth' Minister Jack 'The Rat' Snelling announces that 3 Adelaide suburban fringe hospitals will no longer offer 'Critical Care Emergency Admissions', via their Emergency Jack's words, 'if you've got a broken arm or something, you'll be fine', but anything worse will require extra transporting to more central hospitals, Flinders, the Royal Adelaide, and I think the Lyell McEwin, and these 3 will apparently have 'Super' Emergency Depts...(but what about the multiple overcrowding issues at those hospitals already, eg, the ongoing 'Ramping' problems at Flinders, where numerous patients get stuck in ambulances therefore also stuck literally on the Access Ramp into the ED because the ED's full...what happens then?-Ed)...gourd knows, but it ain't needin' a rocket surgeon to see the implications for Regional Health Services when Adelaide based EDs are being all but shut...(yay-Ed)...

Tomorrow: BPFBTWAW Part II

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Moving Forward, But Not Sure What Or Where

***apologies for no postings last coupla' days but had a day off (Friday?) 'cos I was really crook, and then yesterday, all kinds of shenanigans re this 'ere blog...couldn't even get an Interweb connection, then all 670+ posts have been 'un-shared', again, including the ones I recently 're-shared', and my various attempts to 'un-un-share' them over recent weeks has suddenly shown up en masse in the 'Comments' statistics column and then at the bottom of each post in the related 'Comments' section, and then today all back to 'zeros'...(that is bizarre-Ed)...deadset...and kept dropping out, etc, and I basically got jack of it and then it was today, and so back to finish this 'ere post what actually started several days ago***

But I kinda get the sense that whatever it is I am movin' forward, it's potentially just more perpetual pushin' of a very large pile of something unpleasant in a direction that is most certainly uphill...(nice-Ed)...and I'm not to proud to admit that again this week I've taken a bit of a hit with my health due in part to the pogoing weather but equally as a result of not eating properly, stressin' out, it remains to be seen where this post is going...hobbling about rather lamely still ain't much fun either...but anyhoos, I'll start by saying...

Hello Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ireland, here in Australia just becos', and Aotearoa (New Zealand) just aways over there across The Dutch...(The Dutch?-Ed) no, The Dutch, the Tusmun...(ah ah, the Tasman Sea between, of course, us here in Oz and our Kiwi cousins in NZ...but it's called 'The Ditch'-Ed)...yu, thut's whut U sud, 'Thu Dutch'...(really? your authentic imitation Kiwi accent basically involves turning every vowel into an 'u'?-Ed)...curruct, sucks dusn't ut...(quite alot-Ed)...and before anyone goes gettin' all bent outta' shape, this hilarious socio/racial-stereotyping is brought to you by someone 1/4 Kiwi...(oh yeah-Ed)...

So it was I had a slight chuckle to myself when local RSL (Returned and Services League) President and recent Mayoral candidate Bob Sandow, was on the ABC Local Radio just recently saying that he was 'really keen to get the NZ back in ANZAC (the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps) this upcoming ANZAC Day April 25th 2015, particularly given that it's the 100 year anniversary of the original Gallipoli landings' (paraphrase, but close)...(I've always thought it very strange that armys have the word 'Corps' in their titles, given that just adding an 'e' makes the word 'Corpse'...just sayin'-Ed)...

I can see how one might think there is some sort of connection and I'm going to out-limb it...(rad man, feel the gnarly burn, limb-it to the limit-Ed)...stop that...(sorry-Ed)...I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that Latin is involved and the army used the L word that means 'body' as in the main part of the entire army, the foot soldiery are the body, the core, and say from 'corpus' or something like that...(did you just look that up?-Ed), it seems a fair guess though...I reckon 'Corpus Christi' means 'the body of Christ'...and 'corpse' would be about 'body'...check it out if you want on one of those Latin/dictionary/whatevs sites...

But I found my humour as I so often do, viewed through the lense of one less than welcome let alone likely to be celebrated...(sorry, not with you-Ed)...well, Bob put the call-out to Kiwis here-abouts to get amongst it with the ANZAC stuff, to get involved and bring the NZ, and it immediately occurred to me that I wonder if there'd be anyone more Kiwi ANZAC in Mt Gambier than li'l 'ol me...(now I'm with you, what with your family history of grandfather's military service in both Australian and New Zealand forces, and that great-grandfather who was at/on Gallipoli with the Kiwis-Ed)...and Papa was/is one of NZ's top fighter pilots in any theatre, any conflict, and Pops was a Rat of Tobruk, etc, both in WWII...

But it won't matter a damn, because it's me that brings this extraordinarily woven tapestry of a family history driven through with military service to the Empire in theatres esteemed as iconic and definitive...because it's me there will be a rabid rush to shut that out of the debate as is the case with pretty much everything I'm trying to bring to public attention and/or appropriate resolution...(yeah, there's a fair bit of that unfortunately, isn't there-Ed)...indeed there is Ed, indeed there is...

I ain't claimin' to be right about everything or 'a better person than', or none of that, but on top of trying to address/critique/whatevs all of the political bastardry and corruption, etc, I offer the many examples in this 'ere blog of the many positive things I've tried to envisage for Mt Gambier as being an example of the many examples of positive things I've said that no, wait, hang on, 'many examples of the many examples', no, that's examples...unfortunately the 2 are almost inevitably entwined, eg, it is impossible to discuss the appropriately centralised restored Old Rail Station ...(iconic-Ed) it...(sorry-Ed)...without slewing irretrievably straight into a quagmire of corruption and lies...

That classic old building restored and utilised as a Rail Museum with Bus Terminal/Transport Hub with Tourism info, etc, linking through to a Covered Aquatic Centre and sheltered tennis/netball/basketball area, etc, all of which Mt Gambier should already have but doesn't, it's impossible to discuss this without discussing the raft of Council-centred corruption and greed and lies and mismanagement that define every single aspect of the Rail Lands Retail Agenda and how Council's commitment to the RLRA has decided other issues, the relevant example being of course the ludicrous Lady Nelson Bus Shelter, a largely useless shade-cloth embarrassment jammed incoherently in the middle of nowhere...

A Moment's Self-justification: in that I've been copping all manner of abuse and denigration and character assassination for over 12 years now, initially off the back of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and many, many times what I say is/has been dismissed out of hand not least of all because behind my back certain charming local dignitaries are deliberately attacking and undermining me (and other parents)...for example, the then Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen, having initially repeatedly promised parents his help and support in resolving the St Martins cover-up, then completely betrayed us and instead literally followed us about denigrating us to people trying to help us, and/or threatening them...

In early 2005 Rory notoriously spoke with Child Protection Advocates operating from the Adelaide Parliamentary Speaker's office, whom parents had been liaising with re St Martins and Commissioner Ted Mulligan, etc, Rory spoke with them and denigrated us as being unstable, and then unsubtly threatened them about supporting us crazy peoples and our crazy, crazy lies...problem being, however crazy I am or ain't, there's nothing 'lie' about anything we parents have had to say, and I'll say it again, I genuinely wish that I was simply but extensively delusional rather than deeply traumatised by the reality of what has happened at St Martins and since...

(Aren't you confusing that phonecall with the one that lawyer Stephen Lietchke made to those same CPA when y'all were at Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan's office in February 2005?-Ed)...well spotted Ed, but it's different calls and Lieschke's pre-dated Rory's effort by several weeks, but yeah Stephen Liechske was "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling's lawyer from the Teachers Registration Board hearing into Dorling...(and  just by happy happenstance, isn't Lieschke also Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner?-Ed)...indeed, happy happenstance, that's what it was...

Yep, it was one great wadding chunk of happy happenstance that Stephen Lieshke, business partner of Labor Premier Jay Weatherill's, was teacher Glyn Dorling's lawyer at the TRB/Crown Solicitor hearing that started in March 2003, stopped for a year, commenced hearings June 1st 2004, and then ran 7 hearing days spread out across 6 months, before completely exonerating Dorling...sorry, I know I've been through/over this several times in previous posts, but I don't know a better example of the level of official organisation involved in covering up the abuses at St Martins...(well except of course for the vast raft of other incidents/hearings/documents/whatevs that are exemplary in their definition of the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...well indeed, well said...        

Attached below is the latest Graham Greenwood letter from The Border Watch Friday 16th January 2015...I don't even have the energy today to make the hilariously scathing observation that in the middle of a bad week I know that I just have to get to Friday and GG's gunna light up my day with a series of howling satiricisms and quick-quipped witticisms dripping insightful cynicism...(that's not what you said earlier, before you switched the computer on, then you said gdjkj7788erui-Ed)...give me that damn keyboardmnmnggnadyt5...(no I fdjhjac5w-Ed)...cgji84711xx here...(no, and further moremrtkjyk-Ed)

**apols some more, but still having tech issues, dropping out and not saving, etc...tidied/finished this up as best I can and try some more tomorrow...sorry no letter attached...I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters*** 


Thursday, January 15, 2015

My Words Come Back To Hug Me Part III

Hello Cambodia, France, Netherlands, and China and welcome to the blog...been a long and taxing day so I'm just gunna' jump right into some stuff re the Mt Gambier Jazz Course, after these clumsy attempts at humour...(oh dear-Ed) dear, duck...(duck? as in 'look out!', or as in 'quack'?-Ed) in 'billed platypus'...which all segues rather nicely into the story first, then the joke for pudding...and the story is...

Federal Liberal's latest proposed Medicare Levy changes (after just recently dumping the $7 co-payment) that would have affected maybe even stopped doctors bulk-billing patients by chopping $20 off doctors refunds/rebates for sub-10 minute appointments, have been so vehemently opposed in the Senate, have copped so much flak, that they're effectively a shot duck 'afore the new parliamentary season has even opened...(PULL!-Ed)...indeed, and duly the Libs have pulled the attempt before it even got off the ground...and a big shout-out to those whom spent all last weekend over at the Mt Gambier Gun Club shouting out PULL! followed closely by BANG! BANG!...(they're very good too, when they shout BANG! BANG! it sounds like real shotguns-Ed)...that is real shotguns...(sorry what?-Ed)... 

I can't understand why people would be so upset that the Liberal Party, having failed to jam through a $7 Co-payment, itself effectively if not specifically yet another lie from the Libs, that having failed to reach $7 heaven they would then retaliate with a $20 hack into patients via doctors, many of whom themselves openly opposed the $7 Co-payment idea...(so a dual-retaliation against plebs like us, and those loony Leftie snake-oil salesmen in the Australian Medical Assoc and/or their associated Voodoo Shaman buddies-Ed) why would people get upset about that? by lumping patients and doctors together as recipients of this rapacious retaliation PM Abbott et al are clearly saying that they hold us plebs in/with the same esteem as they do our learned medical fraternity...(contempt?-Ed)...exactly...

And as though on...(PULL!...BANG! BANG!-Ed)...thankyou, I know that's not you...(might be-Ed) though on cue some BANG! BANGIN' goin' on over yonder...(real guns you say-Ed)...yep, and I recall catching the bus from the stop just nearby and there was this odd rattling in an immediately adjacent gum tree over in a paddock, rattling which was actually pellets/shot hitting the tree and tumbling down through the leaves...(shot!-Ed)...indeed...the bus stop's not in the line of fire but certainly in range...(of the range-Ed)...home, home near the range...

The Puddin': is in the photo below and the observation that Mt Gambier City Council, with great vision toward the future of Health Provision, has turned the Old Rail Lands into a facility that bulk-bills, because that right there baby, standing in the remnant pondage of the Council created swampage of the Rail Lands, is a pair of Pacific Black Ducks...(hilarious, but I'll see your 2 little Black Ducks, there they are right there on the right, and then I'll also see you them and raise you a White-faced Heron-Ed)...what? where?...(right there, in the left-hand pool-Ed)...ahahahaaa...that lawn hasn't been down 12 months yet and the local wildlife has already spotted it as a prime piece of swamp...

Sorry, did I say 'ahahahaaa'?, what I meant was, 'what a bloody farcical disgrace as the direct result of $millions of entirely unnecessary ground/earthworks' purile and 'schoolyardy' as it is, well done Council...and furthermorely purile, I'm also going to say that everyone is telling me that everyone they know...(so everyone then?-Ed)...yep, everyone is sayin' the same thing re the $700,000 Rail Lands Fake Lake Drainage Pond thingy aka The Death Pit of Stupidity......(what? what are they saying?-Ed)...oh, yeah, 'What The?', they're all sayin' 'What The?'...(fair enough, so much money for what and why?-Ed)...   

Wish Me Luck: but I'm going to email all my Swamp Series to The Border Watch and the ABC and lets see if they're interested in the debasco (where debacle collides catastrophically with fiasco) that Council have created on the Rail has been alleged to me that there was meant to be but isn't a 'drainage ditch/channel/whatevs' right along this Southern boundary (to the left), emptying into the Fake Lake down the far is furtherly alleged that Council had planned paving at the back of these businesses here where it's dirt, and had duly  put it on these businesses to tart-up their buildings, but these flooding issues are a bit of a spanner in the works...

I've received widely varying feedback and/or 'advice' about issues to do with the James Morrison Jazz Course, including 'advice' that I shouldn't in any way question heaven forbid criticise's not a question of rejecting said advice because there are clearly issues here that do need to be addressed and in previous posts I have expressed both my own concerns and those of others as stated to me, eg, its not my opinion but has been repeatedly put to me that people are concerned that the launch/announcement (of this new 3year course at the newly created Town Hall campus) with the then Mt Gambier Mayor Steve Perryman, James Morrison, and Premier Jay Weatherill, that this launch being held in Adelaide not Mt Gambier, is an indication that the course will very shortly move/be moved to Adelaide...

Similarly, I ain't the voices in Robinson Crusoe's head nor the man himself when I say that it was absolutely woeful to the boundary of betrayal to see Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...praising-up Ray Jay as a man who has kept his promise to help the South East/Mt Gambier after the abject bastardry of the sale of the South East Forestry Estate, by flickin' us a few bucks for this course/campus...(I believe he said "us", 'help us'-Ed)...yeah, where 'us' means 'me'...

Catastrophic Thinking: and/or simply lookin' for things to criticise and/or denigrate, etc, has got nuthin' to do with this 'ere blog...only this week CMFE Union representative Brad Coates was on the ABC listing off the problems with the local economy, the number of closed businesses and/or shops, etc...whilst there are undoubtedly benefits for Mt Gambier from having this Jazz course here, it's clearly been very well organised by a small group of people and they and/or their mates will profit greatly and the rest may get some scraps, it ain't the broad economic saviour it's being praised-up as...

It's text-book Mt Gambier City Council that this whole set-up would be announced after all of the deals were secretly done and given that it's Mt Gambier City Council you just know that that's where all the money is headed, straight into the pockets of Councillors, their mates and families via corrupted processes awash with officials who shouldn't be in those meetings because of their Conflict of Interest obligations, obligations that are routinely ignored by Council...pardon me for predicting the obvious...

What meetings were held over what sort of period? who was it that agreed that James Morrison and UniSA could just have the public facility that is the Town Hall? how can the public use it now? what about the latest mega-dodgy Lease deal re The Main Corner and how that relates to this uni campus now residing in 'their' building? is inconceivable that this 5 year Lease deal, done only in August 2014, with multiple Councillors and Mayor Steve Perryman not leaving the room due to their COIs re their own catering businesses, was conducted without those involved knowing about this impending new tenant...   

I've already spoken to landlords who are rabid that they didn't get any opportunity to get some of their properties populated with $130 per room believes that James Morrison just wandered into town and just happened to find 20 brand new houses all in the same little estate and all ready and all vacant at exactly the right time for 60 of his students to move in...and hence my claim that my words came back to hug me when discussing this with someone just after the announcement about these 'rentals'...

But apologies, because this has blown out already and there's so much goin' on here, I'll Part II this specific MWCBTHM Re All That Jazz and explain myself properly...

Tomorrow: What I Just Said

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...