Wednesday, January 21, 2015

More ABC Involvement In St Martins ABC Cover-up

Hello and welcome to the blog and apologies for no post yesterday, was in and then out all day and then went to a Council meeting that wasn't because I had it right that it was the right night, but it was apparently the wrong night this time round...(yay-Ed)...and then went to do stuff instead, got home laptop of course...(yeah right, what's happening with that then? it's been what, 8 months now?-Ed) idea, but yep it's been 8 months, just over in fact, since SAPol very politely raided my home and took it as an "exhibit" whilst repeatedly telling me "expect to be charged" and 'we're here to gather evidence', etc, etc...

Apparently I've committed the heinous crime of blogging/talking/whatevs about a state authority allegedly doing what it's supposedly supposed to do...not for defaming or threatening or whatevs, for merely talking about it doing what it's meant to do...the truly bizarre thing is that everyone else involved is apparently squeaky clean, and I get SAPol in my home raiding me and stealing my stuff...(haven't heard a word since?-Ed)...indeed, I had to go to legal advice to get them to try and find out what they could do to help, and the first thing they had to do was write to ask for official written permission to even talk to me...

I'll say that again...even though I've not even been charged with anything, my legal advice's first necessary action was to write and ask for permission to even talk to me...(wow, I've heard it a few times now, but it just gets more and more insidious and bizarre-Ed)...that's exactly what it is...I maintain that this isn't about appropriate application of appropriate law, this is about utilising recently created laws to attack and crush opposition, dissent, criticism, etc, and those laws were created specifically for that purpose...and those laws are so thorough that I can't even identify the specific legislation for fear of transgressing the all encompassing legislation itself...(without even having been charged?-Ed)...indeed... 

Thankyou: for the feedback/critquing/advice/whatevs that I continue to receive re the blog...two of those things raised with me cover several bases, namely 1) that given that pretty much everybody in town is reading and/or aware of this 'ere blog and it's often very unpleasant content...(I thought you said you wouldn't put any pictures of ya'self in-Ed)...oh hilarious, you know that's not what I mean...(ah, then it must be the groaningly woeful attempts at humour-Ed)...thankyou, that's enough...(in fact, if I'm not much mistaken, we may well be in the middle of one right now-Ed)...look you...(it's just so hard to tell-Ed)...rightfj8648sdfg45...(orr you can dish it out carncha'? but when it ckiu476hgj-Ed)...give me thatjrsankhggp86[wj658...right, that's twice in a week, privileges denied...(noooooooowhatevs-Ed)...

Unfortunately, due to technical issues, Ed will be unable to join us for the rest of this post...(I'm right back here-Ed) you're not...ya' know dear availee, there's nothin' more annoying that a confected literary device used to create a sense of engaging discussion rather than rasping dissertation and litanous lecturing, that then insists on working in the 'Self-Deprecating Dead Joke Zone'...but seriously, this is a rather circuitous route to the point that the issues covered in this blog are known not just by many people in Mt Gambier, including a goodly number of the goodly godly leading citizens, but also by SAPol/the Anti-Corruption Branch, and the ABC, both of whom have told me they are monitoring the blog, but not monitoring with a view to use that info to pursue and resolve these issues, but instead to pursue and get me for essentially merely speaking these self-apparent truths...

(Well, they're all too busy doing 'Ice' probably, according to Mt Gambier SAPol Supt Trevor Twilley. on the front page of The Border Watch late last year-Ed)...well I think that's a joke in very poor taste Ed, unless of course you're using deeply cynical humour to scythingly highlight the extraordinary seriousness of 1) the extraordinary statement itself by Supt Twilley's re his knowledge of the use  of 'Ice' by senior local people, as made on the front page of The Border Watch, 2) the reality of what these comments identify, and 3) TBW's appalling shop-front poster that said, Drug Use In High Places....(yeah, all that second one, that 'not a joke' stuff-Ed)...why am I not convinced?...

Anyway, the original point being point 1) that the question is asked of me 'why, if pretty much everyone who's in the know knows about St Martins, particularly in Mt Gambier, why doesn't someone do something about it?'...and I have to answer 'you tell me'...(well that's not an answer, more of a demandy sortta' question thingy-Ed)...whatevs...(and point 2)?-Ed)...that during a discussion re the power of words to create false realities in a malicious context, someone quoted back to me the 'Dick Stretcher Comments' stuff from August 2013 where I create a very menacing but entirely false reality for dear 'DS' in a paragraph and then deconstruct it a paragraph later, and done playing 'DS's' own words back to them...this was said to me to be a great example of the power of language...cheers for the kudos...

I reference it too as being relevant to how I try to conduct the blog...sure I get angry even vindictive and even occasionally abusive...(occasionally? bless you-Ed)...and sometimes wrong, whatevs, but I work very, very hard to try and stay on the facts (for lack of a better word) and plot a very confused course through very treacherous waters...(on A Ship Of Fools?-Ed)...not quite, but I don't need to create any of the realities here-in as they are self-evident...and I live these day in, day out, and nobody else seems to give a damn...

Ahahaha: say I to Federal Liberal Treasurer 'Smokin'' Joe Hockey, whom is currently across the news cycle, stating re his/their Budget Bastardry that people seem to think that he/they enjoy doing this to people, but that he/they don't...(well then he probably shouldn't do it with a big smile on 'is shreckin'  face-Ed)...absolutely...(and then go off and have a big fat shreckin' cigar with his BB Bestie Mathias 'Always Blue' Cormann-Ed)...indeed, there's a reason why those photos of Mighty Joe and The Matman look like two self-satisified shrecks laughing at the suffering of the people they are screwing over...(is Mathias Cormann a mat that wipes it's feet on the people?-Ed)...nice... 

Kinda' concerned to see reports that the 'Aussie housing boom' is slowing/cooling/whatevs, because the local market, construction jobs, and all of the peripheral industries involved have already been struggling, and any national slowing is going to hurt...(well perhaps, hopefully, the local market remains where it is at least, and the national trend, which is arguably ridiculous high anyway, that that comes back to nearer where we are-Ed)...nice attempt at optimism...(ta'-Ed)...and a delicious little segue into a brief mention of tomorrow's post, in which we travel back in time to when someone knew to build 20 new homes that a year later were all suddenly snapped-up by the Jazz Academy...or not...but I digress...

Re-attached below are the emails from the head of the ABC in South Australia, Sandra Winter-Dewhirst...apologies that this is just one of many issues I've started, stopped, did a bit, forgotten to finish, etc, so I'll just dot point it through...I think regular blog availees will quickly see the patterns...

1)  Straight off, SWD is trying to fob me off to the "complaints handling process" rather than accept
     responsibility for and then deal with "this issue", which is the second point;
2)  this first email is the template for the second, setting up a swathe of 'plausible deniabilities' mention of
     whom SWD will "speak" to, and for god sake don't identify what "this issue" is actually about because
     then some nutter might be able to use these emails to prove irrefutably that the ABC/it's senior people
     are aware of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the willingly complicit conduct
     of the state Labor Rann/Weatherill government and the Liberals and the Lutherans and SAPol and the
     Teachers Registration Board, etc, etc.

The second email merely expands these denials of responsibility whilst yet again carefully avoiding actually identifying any one person or aspect of the situation other than to present it as something solely of my construction and then refute it:
1)  referring to my repeated attempts to catch-up with her after she failed to contact me as per her promise
     of email one, check the dates, SWD presents these as being unreasonable and almost harassing of the
     ABC staff;
2)  "...incident that you allege occurred..."..."...the concerns you have raised..."...yet again the agenda is
     about belittling the issues by making them the 'allegations' of only one person, but:
3)  SWD slips up a bit in this email because she does identify that it is about a "pedophile incident", and;
4)  then again with "further editorial coverage", confirming that there has already been some coverage;
5)  but again no names of whom was spoken too, etc;
6)  concluded with an acknowledgement that she/they know families have suffered, suffered because it's real.

An email of 'get stuffed, go away, don't care' all rounded out with a charmingly dismissive and patronising,
     "I acknowledge this has been a distressing issue for you and your family...",
well thankyou Sandra, because I wasn't sure whether or not this had been a massively distressing issue for myself, my child, my family, and many other families, but now that you've acknowledged it, it must be true... 

So SWD/the ABC knows what the issue is and the distress this has caused and has previously covered it, etc, yet at some point, after having discussed it at length, has decided to just dump it...and I remind availees that August 2007 was when then SA MLC Nick Xenophon was officially calling for a Parliamentary Inquiry (Statutory Authorities Review Committee) into the Teachers Registration Board (that started late 2008 and concluded mid 2011), citing the St Martins/Glyn Dorling/TRB case as cause enough for a full Inquiry into the TRB...and the ABC decide to dump it...what a bloody disgrace...

Tomorrow: I Admit Yet Again To My Confusion Re The Jazz Academy

I continue to hear expanding, often intercrossing 'allegations' re what's happened re this shenaniganaceous business re the Jazz Academy student housing, eg, various versions of roughly the same story that these were originally planned to be Housing Trust (Housing SA) and/or AC Care (Anglicare) and/or some similar organisation for refugee and/or public housing...much more to come...

Also attached, just for the sake of art, random sunrise photo from Monday January 19th 2015...not sure whether that's a rainbow in the low cloud or perhaps one of those 'ice halos' from higher up in the atmosphere...have done next post purely as photo gallery of these, with some photos I took decades ago as well when I did stuff...might have to get a really cheap proper camera if poss and set up a blog for photos and stuff...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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