Saturday, January 3, 2015

Making A Choice Bro'

Hello and welcome to the blog Bahrain, Ukraine, Sweden and Taiwan...I am yet again lost for words in seeking to try and discuss the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine or Syria/Iraq or Nigeria or any of the many other places that flicker across the ticker on my li'l telly or get a paragraph on page 20 and how that level of suffering and/or poverty, etc, compares to my personal situation, but what's happening in my community is my problem and I'm going to continue to fight it...(is that a choice, bro?-Ed)...well that's a yes and that's a no...(yeah, I know-Ed)...
(And how sad that someone's genuine attempts to act with genuine intent to improve their community is defined best as 'a fight'-Ed)...well observed Ed...and I'll take that as a compliment too because for all my anger and my frustration and my sadness and my 57 shades of supposedly bat-shit crazy, for all of that...(and it is quite a lot of 'of that'-Ed)...indeed, for all of that, no-one can deny me, no-one can refuse me, that I have acted with relative restraint and appropriate respect and very genuine intent to try and address the gross pro-paedophile corruption that defines Mt Gambier City Council and various other local authorities and/or elected officials, our elected Members of Parliament, our police force, well, South Australia basically, and the shocking price we pay as a community for this corruption...

(Well just look around ya' mate, because pretty much wherever ya' look in Mt Gambier, ya' lookin' at the pro-paedophile corruption that clearly controls this community and behind which so much other corruption festers and thrives-Ed)...absolutely Ed, and people who choose to profit under such circumstances deserve every bit of abuse that the reality of their own actions generates...I'm just the poor schmuck who happened to be standing under all this when it dropped, so ya' can't blame me when I responsibly try to return some of whence it came, after all, it's not mine to keep...

(Nice, render unto Caesar that which be his, and so it is that you release this herd of Shambolic beasties that is creatures created of contemptuous realities, and they find their own way home-Ed)...that started out as Shakespeare I reckon, and ended up as I'm not sure what...(ta', redefining the classics me-Ed) I'd have said...(sorry what?-Ed)...nuthin', onto more important news...

As several bushfires continue to burn near Glencoe and Tantanoola (near Millicent, 50kms West of Mt Gambier) and Kersbrook in the Adelaide Hills and also just North of Adelaide near Gawler (these are not official statements, just my rough globe-pointing -*officially Sampson Flat, just North of suburban Golden Grove, near One Tree Hill, etc*) we continue to celebrate the amazing work of the Country Fire Service and many associated volunteers who continue to risk their lives for their communities and neighbours...just now stating on ABC Radio that the Tantanoola fire is relatively under control, but that the Mt Lofty/Adelaide Hills fire will potentially expand massively and uncontrollably in conditions that are being officially described as the worst in decades...

Warnings to get the shreck out now are being issued for areas around Millbrook, Gumeracha, etc, in the Adelaide Hills and there are severe warnings for anyone 20-30kms South of where the fire is currently burning ahead of impending atrocious fire conditions with predicted 100+km/hr Northerlies hitting Adelaide mid-late morning, and 'dry thunderstorms' meaning lightning strikes but probably no rain, meaning potentially multiple spot fires, eg, through the Riverland...if the winds do get up there will be no aerial fire-fighting available due to the multiplier hazards of high-winds with smoke clouding visibility, etc, and because of the mostly inaccessible terrain ground crews will be virtually powerless to combat a fire in these conditions and very sensibly will be withdrawn...

And he (the CFS bloke) just said it, this is looking like another Ash Wednesday as per 1983, and worse than recent predictions of fire danger in that this is already burning in the Hills and will be driven South right along the Hills, and that means many 1000's of homes directly in the line of a massive wildfire..."we will not be in charge of this fire, nature is"...this is a terrifying reality that we lived through as Hill's residents in my dimly distant childhood, and the realities of building in this heavily wooded and extremely steep terrain that typifies the Adelaide Hills/Lofty Ranges...

Those potential evacuation areas now reportedly include major population centres like Stirling, Aldgate, etc, which was immediately obvious when you draw a line 20-30kms South of where this fire is currently burning out of control across a wide front and threatening several Hill's communities...and a wiff of potentially good news that a slight Westerly cool change has pushed in ahead of the predicted horror Northerlies and that that this may mean that the fire today may not take-off South as a catastrophic wildfire...unfortunately that slight change could still at literally any minute turn to the Northerly with subsequent terrible results...

But now just announced via the ABC Radio operating as the Emergency Broadcaster that this fire (at Sampson Flat) has been declared a Major Emergency for at least the next 2 weeks, let alone today, and warnings for Northern suburbs like Golden Grove...and that there are currently attempts being made at the Tantanoola/Glencoe fire to tackle some flare-ups and a meeting at the Glencoe Hall (I think), but no further info...and the potential remains that both fires may yet get away as major wildfires...and again kudos to the  police and for the ABC, etc, but in particular to those volunteers actually risking their lives on the fireground...

(And again, how sadly ironic that direct parallel that you fear for your own personal safety as a volunteer in the service of your community, for acting to protect your community-Ed)...interesting comparison to draw Ed, and I'm gunna run with it because there is a degree of courage in not being able to leave the home where you genuinely fear for your own safety at the hands of state authorities like SAPol (police) who have demonstrated a clear compulsion to cover-up paedophilia, eg, their corruptly complicit conduct re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

I've said it before, what the shreck is goin' on in this State that parents come to fear for their own/each others safety because, in trying to get something done about the "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling whom abused their children at St Martins, all they've really managed to do is summon the wrath of official authorities whom are clearly obsessed with protecting their own wholly corrupted systems, and have done so by protecting Dorling...

And So My Choice: remains one that was made for me the day that the Lutherans put my 7 year old child in the classroom with a man they knew was going to abuse those kids...I believe there is no doubt that the Lutherans deliberately had Dorling in one of their classrooms knowing that he would abuse the children put at his mercy...why the Lutherans would choose to do this, to knowingly have children be abused in one of their classrooms, is a question that only they can answer...(I've gotta' coupla' ideas if ya' wanna' borrow one...but I want it back asap 'cos I'll be usin' it laters-Ed)...sure, ta, I'll let ya' know...

And really, who would choose to try and address a system so corrupt that the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission can receive...(and officially acknowledge receipt of-Ed)...indeed, submissions (plural) about the St Martins/Lutheran Cover-up and the wholesale institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption readily evidenced there-in, and then proceed to never even mention the Lutherans, let alone come to Mt Gambier...(yeah, that's pretty shreckin' corrupt isn't it...a Royal Commission into Institutionalised Child Abuse, and it's not even going to look at the St Martins case...bloody disgraceful-Ed)...

In Closin':...lotsa' stuff on the ABC radio yesterday about how people making claims/allegations/whatevs on 'social media' about misconduct/criminality/whatevs, are compromising legal cases and putting themselves 'on the record' guest, Prof Whatevs (sorry, missed it, but an Aussie uni prof), stated that making statements on the Interweb was in effect in fact making one's first draft of one's first statement, although he didn't directly compare it to a correctly prepared and legally binding Statutory Declaration that carries great weight of responsibility and accountability...(ah, you mean like the multiple SDs that parents provided multiple state Authorities re the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed)...yeah, exactly like that...

This was immediately followed by separate lengthy discussion about how people hear what they want to, don't see what conflicts with their opinion, etc, etc...pardon me for being paranoid, but whilst there's a swathe of truths running through this stuff, yes cases might be compromised because people say/do stupid things in ignorance of the actual facts as opposed to what they think is the facts, etc, this is exactly the agenda/strategy that SAPol, Rory McEwen, Jay Weatherill, et al, have used against myself and other parents to attack and blame me/parents for the multiple layers of failures that define the St Martins case...

We talked about it and/or we didn't fill out the form that we were never given in the first place and/or we've compromised Glyn Dorling's "right to a fair hearing", etc, etc, over and over...(well it would seem appropriate I think that parents be blamed for the failure of any alleged investigation because anything that did happen, eg, the involvement of Flinders Child Protection Service, the Teachers Registration Board hearing, etc, etc, happened because parents organised/forced it from reluctant and often refusing authorities-Ed)...indeed...

Tomorrow : The Promised Catch-up Re Recent Posts...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Oh, and the choice is to continue with and improve and expand the blog...regular TMGI availees may well have figured out that every other day for the past 2 months I've given-up and given it away and all that...and I've got through that one day after another and out the other side and so away we go...(yeeha, go big fella-Ed)...

And as bizarre as it reads, as I type to a close...(finally-Ed)...the reports are of heavy showers in patchy areas immediately adjacent if not right over the Lofty Ranges/Adelaide Hills fire, but even these thunderstorms may rain on one spot and then ignite a fire with a lightning strike only a few kilometres away...good luck...

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