Friday, January 9, 2015

My Words Come Back To Hug Me

Hello UK, USofA, Antigua and Barbuda, and Germany and welcome to the blog...pardon me for the sortta' days off...(days off? you've been buzzin' about like a blue-arsed fly doin' it's impersonation of a lizard flat-out drinkin'-Ed)...well indeed, and that is quite busy, but it was a sortta' holiday in that I was doin' the ol' 'family tourist guide' bit, and that meant sortta' being kind of like on a holiday...and I know that at 48 I'm not exactly a young man anymore, but a week of family and heat is enough to knock me off my feet...

I Love A Sunburnt Country: of droughts and flooding rains, and all that and that's all well and groovy, but on Wednesday 7th January it was 42C here in Mt Gambier and today (9th) it's maybe gunna' get to 21C...across the state there are flash-flooding warnings as a massive Low Pressure system moves in from the South West fed by Tropical moisture drawn down from the North, with heaps of thunderstorms and predicted record rainfalls, leading to flooding, etc...and this at the end of a week that started last Friday with Catastrophic Fire Conditions declared across the state and a fire already burning in the Mount Lofty Ranges...super-kudos to the CFS (Country Fire Service) and others involved whom go onto fire-grounds usually in 35C+ conditions, often for days at a time, often over several weeks, and potentially for year after year...

(Omg, what's gunna' happen on the Rail Lands if it gets a delugian downpour on there?-Ed)'ll flood the site and then potentially the surrounding areas and/or adjacent properties...and making the point that there were no drainage issues across that site until Council ludicrously squandered $millions of Ratepayers money needlessly pushing dirt 'round in circles...(yeah, yet another job well done-Ed)...and state-wide the issues are re the ash and fire retardant and multiple other contaminants that will wash into dams/creeks,/rivers/whatevs and all that shizzle followed by the topsoil now not held in place by the burnt-off vegetation...

Housekeeping: re the statistics page stuff that indicates that someone has 'un-shared' nearly all of the first 400+ posts, with the occasional odd exception...made inquires as best I could without resolving the issue, 'possibly a glitch', until I mention that SAPol (police) have my laptop and passwords (following the SAPol raid of my home in May 2014, now 8 months ago) and then it's all like 'oh, um, yeah, well'..(oh-Ed)...well indeed, could be some other external 'hacking' or whatevs, gourd knows...

Also continue to turn on my computer to occasionally get a 'fault notification' that 'another computer with the same IP address is on this network', and the other day my printer re-printed the blank end thingy pages off some emails I'd looked at the day before...I hadn't printed them out...almost as if someone was printing them off somewhere else when I turned on my computer and happened to interrupt and my printer thought it was it that was supposed to be printing and spat out the last idea why it would be the last pages of several but not the actual material...whatevs...

Unfortunately, whilst I remain very much committed to this 'ere blog and being as strictly accurate as possible and apologising when I ain't, etc, etc, I've very much lost track of the blog due to this repeated/extended  disjointedness across several recent months, and in recent days have heard/seen the best part of nuthin' via the media, particularly the radio because I've been in the car/company/wherevs with/of/whatevs a nearly deaf passenger/person/whatevs...(but when you say 'best part of nuthin'', that's a 'bpon' compared to the usual 12-15hrs a day-Ed)...well yeah...but that 12-15 includes 3-6 hrs on this 'ere blog...

(Really? 3 up to sometimes 6 hours doin' this ere blog?-Ed)...yeah, what's ya' beef?...(no beef here...sans le beouf...not even a little European horse...sans petite cheveaux mon cherie...just sayin' that's quite a lot of time given it all seems to be quite, so, well, effortless-Ed)...effortless? you mean in that it reads well, flowing seamlessly from point to point, and yet makes it's point's pointedly yet profoundly with pretty prose and scything insightfulness?...(well yes, but no, more as in there appears to have been no effort applied to it at all-Ed)...alright thankyou, I should have seen that coming...

(And don't you mean that your words came back to 'haunt' you, not 'hug' you?-Ed)...well yes, that's the common phrasing, but it ain't I that's gunna' be haunted by this reality as it unravels for the bloody crooks involved...(oh so it's about Mt Gambier City Council then-Ed)...absolutely...and what looks to be yet another raft of wholly corrupted, self-serving, Nepotistic Insider Trading that involves the Main Corner 'secret' lease issues and the symptomatically sly assimilation of large parts of The Old Institute/Town Hall facilities under that Main Corner 'secret' lease, etc, etc, and litany of dodgy contracts clearly organised outside of Council Chambers/Committees/Whatevs...

(Just a technical point, if I may-Ed) away...(to clarify some issues re the Main Corner 'secret lease' issues issue, not least of all in vicarious response for all of those sayin' to the blog as they're readin' it, 'what's wrong with a secret lease? Commercial Confidentiality and all that?'-Ed)...well it's a facility (or rather facilities) owned by the Ratepayers of Mt Gambier, repeatedly renovated and/or reconstructed with money taken from Ratepayers either 1) directly via rates, 2) from the government funding/grants/whatevs that Council has received because that's Ratepayer's money, and 3) in the interest that Ratepayers cover, again via their rates, for repayments of all the money has Council borrowed, eg, the $6million self-approved expansion in their 2013/14 Budget, majoritively splurged in an orgy of Mate-Payments re the Old Hospital Demolition and the Rail Lands, and all inside 12 months...

And furthermore, that Ratepayer financial support doesn't stop at the construction/renovation costs because the Main Corner costs at least $650,000 per year to run, and a goodly amount of that is wrapped up in utilities and security, etc, re the Main Corner leasees, whom are also using it to prepare food for their privately owned cafe adjacent and/or catering business, and only pay a 'pepper-corn' lease not commensurate with the Commercial value...(so therefore, on multiple levels Ratepayers are subsidising a private company, yet are denied fundamental information like how much that lease is earning/returning Ratepayers for their massive and ongoing financial support of the Main Corner/Town Hall and whoevs it's leasee may be-Ed)...and ad infinitum...

(So you're suggesting that the entire Town Hall/Main Corner/Institute facility is a Commercial Function facility owned by Ratepayers and that therefore it is not appropriate to do secretive Tender processes to run that facility?-Ed)...well I'm not sure that you can even call it a 'Tender process' because I'm not aware that there was one, well not for the recent re-leasing for 5 years anyway...after the first 'Tender process' where Council chose Mayor Steve Perryman and  Councillor Des Mutton's son as the only 2 Tenders, and then gave the lease to Lachlan, and it was then sub-leased/re-leased/whatevs to another party which I believe includes some of the people currently involved, but I gotta' admit that other than the public statements re recent stories and posts, I'm not sure exactly whom owns what where...but it's kinda' irrelevant anyhoos because...    

Writing Of Things I've Missed: and I can only apologise that I didn't pick this up earlier because it's so obvious and so hugely final...namely and because, that having given the original lease to Lachlan Mutton for free, a Commercial Agreement has been entered into that can now be legally, officially referenced as an absolute justification for handing this from Councillor's relative to their mate to the then current Mayor and then back to another Councillor's family, from mate to mate, etc, etc, ad infinitum, because the current tenant/leasee has the right to re-new said lease likely written into any contract...and with associated 'Commercial Confidentialities' attached...

And having established the Lease, it then gets handed from Councillor to relative to mate back to another Councillor, etc, etc, in perpetuity...(omg, of course...with the goodwill of the Landlord, Council, the tenants, Councillor's relatives/mates/whatevs, can quite appropriately be offered perpetual renewals of that Lease as being standard business practice, meaning that no-one outside of this 'Vested Interests' clique can or ever will get a look-in-Ed) remains entirely irrelevant that the original Leasing Process was so rabidly corrupt because that has, to my understanding, supposedly been officially exonerated as just fine...(just fine?-Ed)...just fine, and that these changes and/or renewal to/of the Lease have involved multiple gross Corruptions of Appropriate Process in multiple Council meetings, eg, the November 13th 2012 Council Committee meeting that approved the Lease changes from Mutton to Rothall...

Call Me A Cynic: but then try and say I'm this point in time I see any government grants to Mt Gambier City Council as being pretty much straight out blood money, handed over with the explicit understanding that it all goes in Councillors pockets and or the Mayor's and/or their mates, families, and the small clique of vested interests as inducements and/or rewards for services rendered...and what's the service rendered?...(dunno'-Ed)...well what's the one issue that nobody wants to address because everyone's complicit...(well I don't know about 'the one', but I certainly know of one issue in Mt Gambier that irrefutably shows that multiple senior local politicians, eg, Tony Pasin, Rory McEwen , Steve Perryman, Jim and Viv Maher, Peter Gandolfi, Don Pegler, Greg Muller, etc, are ultimately entirely corruptible if not just outright entirely corrupt, that issue being the St Martins Child Abuse issue-Ed)...ok, fair enough, certainly 'one of' if not 'the one'...

And that's my point which I'll make again here please, namely, that I'm just one person, and just a person...(sometimes only just-Ed)...indeed, I feel that way myself sometimes, but we's just me, Ed is a literary/linguistic device, etc, and I miss stuff in the news or am overwhelmed and miss obvious things and sometimes don't understand somethings, etc, yet I can clearly see a raft of grossly corrupted processes, politicians, and assorted sycophantic acolytes, a collective of local politicians covering-up the abuse of a class of 7 year olds at St Martins Lutheran School...

Apologies that I haven't got to the actual MWCBTHM, so,

Tomorrow: MWCBTHM Part II

(You always do this, start but never finish-Ed)...dude, I'm tryin', gotta lotta' shizzle goin' on...(fair enough-Ed)...look, here's a teaser, the words involved were uttered originally nearly a year ago about how brave someone was to build a whole housing estate given the then and still currently hugely depressed housing words that were reminded to me re the recent announcement that Jazz person James Morrison recently strolled into town and casually has rented 15-20 houses in one small estate...(let me guess-Ed)...yep, the very same estate...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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