Friday, January 30, 2015

A Full Steaming Load Of Somethin'

Hello and welcome to a cut-and-paste post with an 'alf an apology twist for no post yesterday...super apologies but flat-out with some stuff, hardly been home...(which, even if you're doing it in shortish stints with the regular day in, is still fantastic compared to where you've been in recent years-Ed)...oh absolutely...and I reckon gettin' up on that stage at the Mayoral Forum and quietly, politely carrying the evening, and succinctly confronting a few people with the reality of the complete bastard I'm not, I'd say that's really helped...anyhoos, flat-out and it's all good and I'll explain propers tomorrow (next day?)...

Please find attached today's glorious effort from The Border Watch, on behalf of Mt Gambier City Council...and there he is, The Jellyfish that Grew a Spine and Roared like a Mouse from it's Ivory Tower, former TBW Editor and current Helpmann Theatre Manager and 'new' City Councillor Frank 'The Ghost' Morello...whatta' joke Frank...come out from behind your corrupt mates and see how long that smug self-satisfied smirk lasts on ya' face champ...

Just For The Record: and as fully understood by anyone who has any idea of who I am, ever met me, etc, the last paragraph is not a threat of any sort beyond that next I might happen upon Frank I will speak to him  about the intimately complicit role he has played in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(and fair enough too, he absolutely should be held to account for his corruption-Ed)...he and I both know I ain't gunna' touch him, but still his guilt will sense, scent, find, own, and consume him and so then the Fear that renders him almost catatonic and a rather hilarious shade of translucent, hence 'The Ghost'...but I digress...

The first person I spoke to about today's TBW Rail Lands stuff was already well versed in the many issues re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda and the many lies Council has spewed into the public's face via The Border Watch, for not doing anything on the site for 8 years, eg, the cyclical excuses about the Deed, the alleged contamination, etc...this person looked at me blankly with the paper still in their hands, and said, "I've read it through twice and I still don't understand it"...(classic-Ed)...indeed, and that's part of the game isn't it?...(sorry?-Ed)...

Well, there's a whole lot of smoke and mirrors that almost makes it look like something's happening, but when you really break it down, it's just a waffly coating for a big bag of bollocks that tries to separate this 'new' Council from the the corruption, mismanagement and deceits that have thus far defined Council's conduct re the Rail Lands and the associated Agenda to build a massive shopping centre extension right across it...and that is exactly what they've been doing...

I'll say it again...ever since they were 'gifted' the Rail Lands site, City Council and the vested interests that run it have planned/plotted a huge Retail/Commercial development on the Rail Lands site, and have repeatedly lied to Ratepayers, with the complicit support of TBW, and then spent $4.28m of Ratepayers money...($2.28 of which was borrowed as per Council's extra $6m Budget borrowings from 2013/14-Ed)...indeed, and used that money to do ludicrously expensive and unnecessary things like moving the Rail Easement, the $650,000+ Death Pit of Stupidity, $200,000+ of rolled turf instead of $5,000 of grass seed, Palm Trees, etc, etc, and yet not one cent for the Old Station...

Unnecessary unless of course you've moved the Easement out of the way to accommodate the foundation of, and built a Drainage Pond to accept the huge run-off from, a huge Building with a massive roof area...note that the 'Sound Shell' that is repeatedly referred to as being somewhere in the future 'in Stage 3 or 4', is positioned right where the multiple formal plans Council has presented a large Retail/Commercial structure...(hangon, Stage 4? I'm not sure I've read/heard a 'Stage 4' mentioned before, it's always been 1, 2, and 3-Ed)...indeed, it's almost like Council is setting up a further excuse/justification for pushing further projects that they simply don't want to do, eg, pretty much everything they have said thus far is going to be in 'Stage 3' can/will be shoved to 'Stage 4' , aka 'Never'...(it's what I'd do-IB)...thanks Inner Bastard...(piss off-IB)...fair enough...

Dear Ratepayers: Council has burned $4.28m of your money, half of it borrowed, to get the Rail Lands ready for a Shopping Centre, and everything else Council has said/says on this issue is an outright lie, to your face...

I also remind availees that Council has repeatedly used 'unresolved issues and concerns re the Deed and/or the Easement' as being their excuse for not doing anything with the site for 8 years, but then, whilst openly acknowledging that they didn't know if they would be financially responsible to replace any removed infrastructure, Council just ripped up all the rails and moved the Easement...there's a reason platforms are straight, trains are, so have a go at building a platform on the entirely curved 'new Easement'...(ludicrous-Ed)...

Even this latest TBW story opens with the deliberate deceit that the project is "on budget"...(is this the stuff about how Council did a huge but clearly deceitful launch in the Civic Centre foyer with press conference and media in attendance, the whole shebang, in November 2011 of the $10million Parklands Concept Plan, as covered in previous posts?-Ed)...indeed...(and how Council clearly had not one red cent allocated/available at the time because the amounts mentioned here are borrowed or grants-Ed)...right again...(and then have borrowed $2m+, been gifted $2m, and spent the lot achieving bugger-all-Ed)...yay...  

And OMG who was it predicted that this 'new Council' would be lumbered with the corruption of the last...even if these new chums are genuine in their endeavours, they ain't gotta' snowball's chance in hell of stopping the corruption of what is just the same Council returned with a coupla' fresh new stooges...because there's so much goin' on here I'll pull stumps and address the rest,

Tomorrow: More Rail Lands Deceits 

Sorry to keep pushing advertised posts, but I had to do this today...(fair enough, it's hilarious-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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