Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Lame Excuse For No Apology

(Well, no, I think it's great that you can make a bit of a joke about how ya' strugglin' with that knee, and even then feel like ya' should at least mention an apology re those regular availees 'cos you're still committed to doin' this 'ere blog and doin' it propers like-Ed)...indeed, just went to do some watering late yesterday arvo, and carefully wrenched the crap out of my knee and didn't get the watering done nor much else other than sit on the couch with my leg up on a chair...  

Not much better today, and it's doing that bullshit thing where my knees just sort of 'lock-up' in self-protection...(the selfish bastards-Ed)...well quite, and then it starts grabbing in my back and even neck...gone basically full circle to where it's actually more comfortable sitting in the car/driving, because one may somewhat recline oneself and have El Leggos kind of stretched out..(but doesn't it hurt still? ya' know, doing the clutch and that?-Ed) all hurts mate, just sittin' here hurts, it's just a matter of what, when, and how incapacitating it is in the moment...thank gourd I'm already in the Victorian Health system...

Mobility Issues: immediately put one in mind of those whom have their own personal and/or public transportation issues...just explainin' to my family visitation of early last week, just exactly how rooted I'd be without my li'l cheapy car that they effectively bought for me, and partially help pay for the registration and insurance, petrol, etc...this is support many others don't have, and/or they cannot drive, and that means a reliance on what little public transport exists in Mt Gambier (nothing on weekends and public holidays) and/or taxis, etc, etc...

And I'd just like to re-iterate the points I made visitor-wise re how very fortunate I am that given all of the shizzle constantly jammin' itself all up in my grill, and the massive multiple traumas that have accompanied much of it, and the price I have and clearly continue to pay, that for all of that, the support I receive via the Disability Support Pension and the Housing Trust (Housing SA) may be right on the 'poverty line' for my society, but what good luck that I live in a Socialist society that provides such support and where the 'poverty line' exists so globally high...

And in that conversation I allowed myself one brief moment of self-approval and genuinely emotionless self-reflection, and instantly divested myself of the haunting sense of indebtedness that has dogged me re being on the DSP, etc, as covered in previous posts...yes I'm struggling daily, but I have earned a dozen times over the support I receive and I am under absolutely no obligation what-so-ever to do anything, let alone this 'ere blog...and so I choose to make it my choice, I'm not going to have it all run my life or push me to do what I don't wanna'...

I choose to do the blog because it needs to be done and I'm the one who's doing it already anyways so's I might as well...(oh very amusing, either you're doing it because you choose or you have no choice...which is it?-Ed)...I choose both...(ya' can't have both, choose one-Ed)...I choose to not have a choice and choose rather to just do it because it ain't nuthin' but a Thang...(well now there ya' see, now you're makin' some sense...just doin' it 'cos it just ain't nuthin' but a Thang-Ed)...that needs to be done....(a Thang that needs to be done...that's like so beautiful man, sob-Ed)...bloody hippy...

Cool Ya' Jets: Just being announced by PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott, that we're getting another 58 "state of the art aircraft" from the USofA, namely the F-35 'Flying Pig'...I got no idea, one side says 'best stealth/fighter aircraft ever'...(namely them what's gettin' paid a fortune-Ed)...generally, yes, and others saying it's a flyin' bathtub electronically clanking across the sky lookin' for somewhere to be shot-down...I guess we' all here in Oz will find out 'cos we're apparently buying 58 more, for a total of 72 aircraft, to a total cost of $24billion...(sorry, you f***in' what?-Ed)...whoa, Ed, it's meant to be your job to monitor my language, etc...(yeah, yeah, I'll go back and 'asterix' it all better, hang on.........there it's done, happy? now what's that about $24billion for 72 jets?-Ed)...

Um, I don't know what to tell ya', other than there's possibly/probably (depends again on who's opinion) even more jets to be purchased after that...(perhaps it's the same tactic as the Royal Air Force used during World War II, where small groups of bomber aircraft dropped clouds of shredded alfoil known as 'chaff' to confuse ground radars into thinking that there were large groups of aircraft in the area-Ed)...I am familiar with the RAF Project/Operation 'Window', yes, but I'm not with you otherwise...(well, if the F-35 is as electronically obvious to radars, weapons systems, etc, as is being spuriously alleged and furiously denied, then it'll be chaos to the point of dysfunction in any enemy monitoring station-Ed)...still not with you...

(Well, the F-35 can allegedly be detected so thoroughly by so many different devices, that any monitoring station worth it's salt will be awash with wailing warnings, it's every panel lit-up like a bay of beacons, every klaxon blaring, every siren sounding, every screen screaming about the apparently huge fleet of flying foe wingin' their way towards it-Ed)...ah, I get it now, given that each F-35 allegedly has the radar footprint of a small Caribbean nation, even just a handful will give the impression of dozens if not hundreds of aircraft approaching...clever...

Not so funny, the writing on the wall in the words on the air (ABC/BBC Radio) of Federal Liberal Finance Minister Matthias 'Always Blue' Cormann when asked this week about his/their proposed 'Discussion About Aspects' of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), and he responded, 'there'll be no changes to the GST under an Abbott Liberal government'...(ooo, bye bye Tones, hello dirty fat GST on fresh fruit and veg-Ed)...well spotted, dissected, analysed, postulated, and coherently theorised as to potential outcomes...and I for one reckon you're right, and that the Mad Monk needs to start wearing the steel-backed faction-proof cassock lest his buddies decide to render unto Caesar...or am I just jumping at shadows just because it's exactly this sort of plausibly deniable double-talk that would be used in the midst of a leadership challenge/change...              

And to close, yet another 'Dorothy-Dixer' ABC interview with Stan Thompson and his frequent on-air bestie Sow Strayn Labor Health 'On Earth' Minister Jack 'The Rat' Snelling crowing again about the "1/3, the biggest increase in a decade", and accommodation allowance up from $30 to $40 per night, etc, re the recent $2.5milion 'increase' to the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme...and in his infinite generosity and wisdom, he's decided to stop charging Regional patients $30 for processing our PATS forms, and has reversed his government's own change of 5-6 years ago to now 'streamline administration, with less paperwork, no multiple trips to get forms signed, etc'...

When half-asked about patients going to Warnnambool and even Melbourne, thus half-raising the issue of the gross under-servicing of Mt Gambier by the SA Labor government, Jack's response largely referenced Adelaide patients accessing PATS to get to Melbourne...and when asked 'why so long Minister?' about the decade-long failure to do one single increase, Jumpin' Jack leapt straight onto the excuse that 'I was only made Minister 12 months ago, and I immediately asked for Dr Filby to check it out, and I implemented every single one of his 12+ (15?) Recommendations, etc, etc, blah, blah', and in true DD style was duly allowed this vacuous denial of responsibility and all praise be to the Snelling...(we're not worthy-Ed)...

And even when Stanley pointed out that accepting every single Recommendation in itself indicates a major problem with the system, it was still a DD effort that Jack just strolled away from with a casual remark about wanting to 'tick all the boxes'...(well, if all the boxes are empty to start with...-Ed)...exactly, this entire interview should have been a scything diatribe at the Minister re the gross failures of his government, across a range of Health Provision shortfalls across a decade of Adelaide-centric bias, that sees increasing numbers of patients not just leaving Mt Gambier for treatment, but going interstate to Portland, Hamilton, Warnnambool, etc, in Victoria... 

Tomorrow: A Hard Road To Hoe

Re the rank corruption in Mt Gambier City Council as continues to manifest itself across literally every issue, meeting after meeting, virtually every vote, to the definable benefit of a distinct few...(yay-Ed)...and below, just for the sake of trying to be sort of art, a random sunrise across farmland just in North-Eastern Mt Gambier from early December 2014...not bad for a $80 phone/camera that auto-focuses, this time apparently on the small tree in the mid-ground...

And check out the flock of birds...(birds? where?-Ed)...right there, in the middle, just above that small tree, the one on the left's called Wally...(no...I can't, oh wait, yeah there they are...ya' know this photo would make one hellish jigsaw puzzle-Ed), I know what ya' mean, there's lotsa' contrasting colour and shapes, but in 1000 pieces it would be a nightmare of dun-coloured grasses, greyish-white smudges and whispy blue bits...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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