Monday, January 5, 2015

Holding On The Fourth

Hello and welcome to the blog and apologies for no post yesterday, but I was in and out all day and of course, no laptop...(still? have the cops still got it?-Ed)...damn straight, nearly 8 months now since they first visited and then the next day very politely 'raided' my home and "seized" my laptop as 'evidence' that I have allegedly transgressed the Unwritten Law re Club GoGo Bananas and the Banana assured this postlessness is a minor technical hitch, not a depressive dysfunction...(well no more than usual-Ed)...indeed...

**And just for the record, yet again someone has 'un-shared' the last 50-60 posts re the 'Google share' notification feature of the blog...I have no idea how this can be done other than by Google themselves, I assume, but I've received no notifications/warnings/whatevs, and I'm advised it's far more likely that someone is surreptitiously 'hacking' the blog and 'un-sharing' them, which for me would most likely be them what done have my laptop...still**

And because I like to open with a laugh...(the latest Graham Greenwood effort in The Border Watch?-Ed)...hey, stop that...(with a special contribution from former TBW Editor now City Councillor Frank 'The Ghost' Morello-Ed)...hey, stop using my jokes before I do...ya' know Ed, if you weren't an invented linguistic device utilised to create conversations with/amongst TMGI availees, I'd show you the door...(no need, it's just there, I can see it from here-Ed), was there something you wanted to say?...(yeah, ta-Ed) away...

(Two things, namely, there is no 'allegedly', the 2 Adelaide-based Anti-Corruption detectives who twice 'raided' your home thrice stated directly "expect to be charged" amongst various explanations for why they were there/here doing what they did-Ed)...fair enough, and two?...(the law is 'Written', albeit a massively sweeping and crushing 'Writtenness' that in it's all encompassing vagueness officially directs that no-one can ever talk about nuthin', particularly not 'Bananas', not nuthin' not ever because, whatever the specific issue, it 'may' wind up under the tender machinations of said Banana Lord-Ed) matter how many times we go through this, it just doesn't become any less bizarre...

(It ain't bizarre champ, it's exactly what the Banana Lord was created to do...use vastly sweeping yet almost indefinable powers to crush dissent in Sow Straya, particularly to officially divert, silence and bury any discussion of the official pro-paedophile corruption that defines South Australia...the Banana Lord was created by and to protect an entirely corrupted Labor Party from the consequences of it's pro-paedophile actions and multiple other gross corruptions, eg, the Gillman Land Sale, the Mt Barker Land Re-zoning, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed, and the Liberals were 100% on board with this because they're just as corrupt...

And again, anytime guys, anytime you all are ready to get it on re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...anytime, take me to Court and let us all get it all on the public record just exactly what's happened...moving on...

I think it says a lot about what didn't happen with the fires in the Southern Lofty Ranges/Northern Adelaide Hills yesterday (*on Friday 2nd January 2015/Saturday 3rd) that the loss of 12  is to be considered a massive win...there are reports 30+ homes may have been lost, but no fatalities...however, the looming reality is that there are still fires burning across about 150+kms of scattered fronts in steep often inaccessible terrain and that any time in the next week any of those fronts could kick-off due to very high temperatures in the coming days may and/or the expected gully winds gusting up through the flue-like foothill's gorges and valleys as they funnel on-shore sea breezes...

In my post 2 days ago I was only regurgitating the official positions/warnings of the Country Fire Service, etc, and everyone knows damn well that this Sampson Flat (Lofty Ranges) fire is a long way from being extinguished and at any stage could fulfil the concerns expressed that the predicted disastrous wildfire didn't occur, but this is just one day with at least 4 months of the exact situation ahead of us...and remiss of me not to mention the relatively minor Victorian fires over the last few days...(and to acknowledge not just CFS volunteers, police, and the ABC, but also the Metro Fire Service, Dept Environment and Natural Resources, Forestry SA, etc, who fought the fires-Ed)...indeed, kudos all...

(And don't think I didn't notice you praising and thanking SAPol and the Australian Broadcasting Corp for their roles in covering/addressing these recent fires...I like many others thought you hate all these people-Ed)...1) I 'hate' very few people, and 2) there's a time and a place mate, a time and a place, and I'd suggest a disastrous wildfire is at least one of those times happening in one of those places...(fair enough-Ed)...just discussing now on the ABC the Tantanoola/Glencoe fire and the huge effort that stopped it as it came roaring outta' the Pine plantation onto grassland, in what were officially 'Catastrophic Conditions'...again, an amazing effort but also a great deal of luck...

But back to the chuckles with GG, F'TG'M, and whoevs did the Editorial from TBW Thursday 1st January 2015, about the new Limestone Coast Tourism commercial, etc, including the comment,
    "Thankfully in 2014 we have seen a number of individuals and groups take the lead in 
      bringing unison to the region's tourism desires."
referring I believe to the 3 groups recently discussed in this 'ere blog, one of which involves Rory McEwen and Steve Perryman and by definition is therefore a corrupted body ultimately interested only in the interests of it's constituent members, and another that has clearly been established by City Council to try and push Council agenda's masqueraded as a 'community group'...can't comment on the third 'índustry based' group because I don't really know anything about them...

But that's ok because one can't know everything, and I know enough about the first 2 to keep us all occupied and entertained...a self-appointed Tourism group loaded with corrupt politicians...hello Steve, hello Rory...and another supposedly independent 'community group' furiously stooge-festing its way towards achieving what an equally corrupt Mt Gambier City Council wants it to achieve...(yay-Ed)...and forget this 'Catastrophic Thinking' bollocks, this is not my paranoia or my anger or my nuffin', this is all happening now...(now?-Ed)...right now...

And just for the record I'd like to acknowledge the genuine members of these groups and/or Council whom are being rail-roaded and manipulated and manouvered by crooks like Rory and Steve and the vested interests running Mt Gambier City Council...(acknowledgement received and acknowledged-Ed)......

Graham gets fully excited about Foreign Minister Julie Bishop's recent visit to the South East of SA, and just manages to drop in a long mention of how Ms Bishop was equally excited about the idea that our illustrious new Mayor Andrew Lee is going to take a delegation to China...(orr this is a classic-Ed)...settle...and in the last paragraphs;
   "It will be interesting to see what the new council decides on this latest plan. If it comes off, the 
    China visit will be no junket or "fact-finding mission"."

(Aaahahahhhaahahh  ahahhaaahh ahahaa ahaa ha ahaa ooo ohhh, I've got a stitch-Ed)...indeed, it's a done deal and the entirely stoogalicious City Council will vote for this 'not-a-junket' junket...(yeah, wonder how all those thousands of Chinese and Indian tourists in the SE recently managed to find the place without the special attentions of MGCC goin' there personally and telling them-Ed)...just got lucky I guess...

The AAAA (Aerial Agricultural Assoc of Australia) have/intend to soon officially approach the Civil Aviation Authority about setting up a national data base for Wind Turbines, Radio Masts, etc, all structures that pose a danger to low-flying aircraft...this is of course particularly relevant in situations involving fires and I believe includes specific discussion re fire-fighting issues... 

And in closing, just on the ABC, Premier Jay Weatherill reaches yet a new low when aligning his government's abject corruption and bastardry re the recent massive increases in the Emergency Services Levy and how fires like this impact on the ESL funds, etc...and someone rang in to cane Jay Jay about the atrocious way the government treats volunteers, and off goes Jay lying through his teeth about how that caller's wrong, deceived by misinformation, etc...whatta' prick...

Tomorrow: Some Catchin' Up To Catch Up On

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...oo, and only a fortnight away from 2 years at this 'ere blog...cheers...and why is Stan Thompson doing the Adelaide based ABC Radio morning program...oh and there's the reason right now as on comes Health Minister Jack 'The Rat' Snelling to praise himself up re the tiny increases recently made to the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme...(well there's clearly a lot of tepid, sycopahntic Dorothy Dixer interviews to be done and who better to do them?-Ed)...indeed...

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