Thursday, January 15, 2015

My Words Come Back To Hug Me Part III

Hello Cambodia, France, Netherlands, and China and welcome to the blog...been a long and taxing day so I'm just gunna' jump right into some stuff re the Mt Gambier Jazz Course, after these clumsy attempts at humour...(oh dear-Ed) dear, duck...(duck? as in 'look out!', or as in 'quack'?-Ed) in 'billed platypus'...which all segues rather nicely into the story first, then the joke for pudding...and the story is...

Federal Liberal's latest proposed Medicare Levy changes (after just recently dumping the $7 co-payment) that would have affected maybe even stopped doctors bulk-billing patients by chopping $20 off doctors refunds/rebates for sub-10 minute appointments, have been so vehemently opposed in the Senate, have copped so much flak, that they're effectively a shot duck 'afore the new parliamentary season has even opened...(PULL!-Ed)...indeed, and duly the Libs have pulled the attempt before it even got off the ground...and a big shout-out to those whom spent all last weekend over at the Mt Gambier Gun Club shouting out PULL! followed closely by BANG! BANG!...(they're very good too, when they shout BANG! BANG! it sounds like real shotguns-Ed)...that is real shotguns...(sorry what?-Ed)... 

I can't understand why people would be so upset that the Liberal Party, having failed to jam through a $7 Co-payment, itself effectively if not specifically yet another lie from the Libs, that having failed to reach $7 heaven they would then retaliate with a $20 hack into patients via doctors, many of whom themselves openly opposed the $7 Co-payment idea...(so a dual-retaliation against plebs like us, and those loony Leftie snake-oil salesmen in the Australian Medical Assoc and/or their associated Voodoo Shaman buddies-Ed) why would people get upset about that? by lumping patients and doctors together as recipients of this rapacious retaliation PM Abbott et al are clearly saying that they hold us plebs in/with the same esteem as they do our learned medical fraternity...(contempt?-Ed)...exactly...

And as though on...(PULL!...BANG! BANG!-Ed)...thankyou, I know that's not you...(might be-Ed) though on cue some BANG! BANGIN' goin' on over yonder...(real guns you say-Ed)...yep, and I recall catching the bus from the stop just nearby and there was this odd rattling in an immediately adjacent gum tree over in a paddock, rattling which was actually pellets/shot hitting the tree and tumbling down through the leaves...(shot!-Ed)...indeed...the bus stop's not in the line of fire but certainly in range...(of the range-Ed)...home, home near the range...

The Puddin': is in the photo below and the observation that Mt Gambier City Council, with great vision toward the future of Health Provision, has turned the Old Rail Lands into a facility that bulk-bills, because that right there baby, standing in the remnant pondage of the Council created swampage of the Rail Lands, is a pair of Pacific Black Ducks...(hilarious, but I'll see your 2 little Black Ducks, there they are right there on the right, and then I'll also see you them and raise you a White-faced Heron-Ed)...what? where?...(right there, in the left-hand pool-Ed)...ahahahaaa...that lawn hasn't been down 12 months yet and the local wildlife has already spotted it as a prime piece of swamp...

Sorry, did I say 'ahahahaaa'?, what I meant was, 'what a bloody farcical disgrace as the direct result of $millions of entirely unnecessary ground/earthworks' purile and 'schoolyardy' as it is, well done Council...and furthermorely purile, I'm also going to say that everyone is telling me that everyone they know...(so everyone then?-Ed)...yep, everyone is sayin' the same thing re the $700,000 Rail Lands Fake Lake Drainage Pond thingy aka The Death Pit of Stupidity......(what? what are they saying?-Ed)...oh, yeah, 'What The?', they're all sayin' 'What The?'...(fair enough, so much money for what and why?-Ed)...   

Wish Me Luck: but I'm going to email all my Swamp Series to The Border Watch and the ABC and lets see if they're interested in the debasco (where debacle collides catastrophically with fiasco) that Council have created on the Rail has been alleged to me that there was meant to be but isn't a 'drainage ditch/channel/whatevs' right along this Southern boundary (to the left), emptying into the Fake Lake down the far is furtherly alleged that Council had planned paving at the back of these businesses here where it's dirt, and had duly  put it on these businesses to tart-up their buildings, but these flooding issues are a bit of a spanner in the works...

I've received widely varying feedback and/or 'advice' about issues to do with the James Morrison Jazz Course, including 'advice' that I shouldn't in any way question heaven forbid criticise's not a question of rejecting said advice because there are clearly issues here that do need to be addressed and in previous posts I have expressed both my own concerns and those of others as stated to me, eg, its not my opinion but has been repeatedly put to me that people are concerned that the launch/announcement (of this new 3year course at the newly created Town Hall campus) with the then Mt Gambier Mayor Steve Perryman, James Morrison, and Premier Jay Weatherill, that this launch being held in Adelaide not Mt Gambier, is an indication that the course will very shortly move/be moved to Adelaide...

Similarly, I ain't the voices in Robinson Crusoe's head nor the man himself when I say that it was absolutely woeful to the boundary of betrayal to see Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...praising-up Ray Jay as a man who has kept his promise to help the South East/Mt Gambier after the abject bastardry of the sale of the South East Forestry Estate, by flickin' us a few bucks for this course/campus...(I believe he said "us", 'help us'-Ed)...yeah, where 'us' means 'me'...

Catastrophic Thinking: and/or simply lookin' for things to criticise and/or denigrate, etc, has got nuthin' to do with this 'ere blog...only this week CMFE Union representative Brad Coates was on the ABC listing off the problems with the local economy, the number of closed businesses and/or shops, etc...whilst there are undoubtedly benefits for Mt Gambier from having this Jazz course here, it's clearly been very well organised by a small group of people and they and/or their mates will profit greatly and the rest may get some scraps, it ain't the broad economic saviour it's being praised-up as...

It's text-book Mt Gambier City Council that this whole set-up would be announced after all of the deals were secretly done and given that it's Mt Gambier City Council you just know that that's where all the money is headed, straight into the pockets of Councillors, their mates and families via corrupted processes awash with officials who shouldn't be in those meetings because of their Conflict of Interest obligations, obligations that are routinely ignored by Council...pardon me for predicting the obvious...

What meetings were held over what sort of period? who was it that agreed that James Morrison and UniSA could just have the public facility that is the Town Hall? how can the public use it now? what about the latest mega-dodgy Lease deal re The Main Corner and how that relates to this uni campus now residing in 'their' building? is inconceivable that this 5 year Lease deal, done only in August 2014, with multiple Councillors and Mayor Steve Perryman not leaving the room due to their COIs re their own catering businesses, was conducted without those involved knowing about this impending new tenant...   

I've already spoken to landlords who are rabid that they didn't get any opportunity to get some of their properties populated with $130 per room believes that James Morrison just wandered into town and just happened to find 20 brand new houses all in the same little estate and all ready and all vacant at exactly the right time for 60 of his students to move in...and hence my claim that my words came back to hug me when discussing this with someone just after the announcement about these 'rentals'...

But apologies, because this has blown out already and there's so much goin' on here, I'll Part II this specific MWCBTHM Re All That Jazz and explain myself properly...

Tomorrow: What I Just Said

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...

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