Sunday, January 25, 2015

Joining The Dot-Points

Hello Macau, India, Italy, and France...hey y'all and welcome to the blog and some staccato dot-pointing to try and round-up some loose ends...(herding cats time?-Ed)...yeah, a bit like that...again apologies for no post but again I'm trying to move my own life forwards, which in many ways starts with just leaving the house, and if I'm not at the house that means no post because SAPol (police) still have my laptop...

I've tried doing hand-written stuff but it's just pages of cross-outs and arrows, etc, and I'm not even gunna' try to do it on my phone...(ooo gourd no-Ed)...using the computer's 'typesetting' programs to re-structure/reposition sentences and paragraphs is a massive boon when doing this 'ere blog, and given that I generally start with only a vague idea of what's hopefully going to be in each post...(you'd never guess, he said with just a hint of sarcasm-Ed)...fair enough, but being able to change stuff around is not just helpful but essential...

SAPol Raid: of my home in May 2014, now over 8 months ago, was an act of outright intimidation from SAPol and their paymasters, the Weatherill Labor state government and their besties the Liberal Party...Two Party System be hanged, there's one Agenda in control in Adelaide, and it's Paedophilia...this raid is in response to this blog and the issues I cover...I remind availees that SAPol came to my home on May 7th 2014 and told me that I was in strife for having written something on the blog about a (if not the) major 'Authority' in the state, but they wouldn't tell me exactly what, and I still don't know...

(Hey, are you allowed to discuss that?-Ed) idea, and that's part of the plan isn't it, a raft of ludicrously undefinable but all encompassing laws that can be used to threaten, harass, intimidate, and bully people into silence in situations where no real charge exists...this is purely about crushing dissent and making it unlawful to even talk about the Institutionalised Corruption of South Australia, a corruption irrefutably mired in and motivated by pro-paedophile attitudes and/or behaviours...over 8 months after my home was raided, and without having been charged with anything, and having heard nothing since from SAPol or the Dept Public Prosecutions whom allegedly sent them, and I can't even name the Authority...WTF...

I repeat, SAPol knew who was writing the blog because I put my name to every post, they knew where I live, and 2 Adelaide-based Anti-Corruption detectives came to my home to interview me, but wouldn't tell me what it was about, and then the next day came back and 'raided' me and took my laptop...I was repeatedly told "expect to be charged" for merely talking about a state Authority supposedly doing it's job, an Authority I now probably cannot even identify, and then they charges, not nuthin' since...I declined to be and therefore was not 'formally interviewed' and I certainly have not seen or am even aware of any transcript, etc, or that there is even anything officially 'on the record' re those 2 visits to my home, other than that they happened...

It is exactly what it appears to be, an intimidatory slap-down of the blog/me because they can't tackle the blog front-on because that would mean trying to explain some of the truths here-in...

I Feel Like I'm Being Watched:...(well that's because you are, remember? both SAPol and the ABC have stated outright that they are monitoring this 'ere blog-Ed)...exactly, and that's another point I'll be making quite frequently here-on-in, namely, that both SAPol and the ABC are monitoring The Mount Gambier Independent/me, Nick Fletcher...(and me-Ed)...yes, and you Ed, 'they' are monitoring 'us'..(it's us and them laddie-Ed)...whatevs...they are watching us, but not to use the evidence here-in to address these issues and identify there own multiple gross failings across many issues but one in particular...(St Martins?-Ed)...oh aye...they have no intention of addressing/dealing with at least some of the gross criminality in their own organisations, no, because SAPol, the ABC, and I suspect/assume the Education Dept still, various lawyers, etc, etc, are all watching the blog/me, waiting, hoping that I'll say something that means they can get'l ol' me...

(I'd suggest the 'Pulled Posts' complaints would make a good list of those also reading, gidday y'all-Ed)...good point Ed, that would be a very reasonable assumption...and I have one of my own...I reasonably assume that, given that these authorities/persons would dearly love to shut down this 'ere blog, that thus far we haven't said and/or done anything that would support that action...(wow, you're right...for all of the supposedly scandalously scurrilous and potentially litigious statements you've made in individual posts, let alone the collective mass of those statements on this 'ere blog, the worst that anyone has managed to muster in response are vacuous, bleating complaints to Google to have posts pulled down, complaints full of bollocks like 'my lawyer says I have a good case for defamation against Nick Fletcher'...and still nuthin' happens...well apart from the cops raiding ya' home-Ed)...well apart from that...

(Throw them on the pile-Ed)...what?...(throw those 'Defamation Threats' on the pile with all the others going back more than a decade, including the Crown Solicitor's written threats to gaol ya' re their intimately complicit role in the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...good point well made...if what I say is wrong in it's broader substance then I should be held to account, that's perfectly reasonable, no probs, show me I'm wrong and I'm the first to admit it and own that mistake and try to rectify the situation...however, I haven't just been broad in my criticism/condemnation, I have been very, very specific (where possible, without exposing 'sources' or risking the blog, etc) and have on more than one occasion made specific accusations of criminality against named public figures...Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, and Greg Muller are just 3 that immediately come to mind...

House All That Jazz Stuff:...starting at the beginning, because the moment you remove Mr James Morrison from the Jazz Academy equation, it immediately becomes just yet another series of completely inappropriate...(I'll call them dodgy-Ed)...ta...a series of "dodgy" secret meetings conducted outside of Council Chambers by wholly corrupt public officials, engaging in an exact replica of the massively corrupted processes that define this Council and have all but destroyed Mt Gambier...does anybody in this town truly understand and/or care what the levels of corruption in this Council have cost the City and it's citizens? and if so, why is nobody doing anything to try and stop it?...(but you are-Ed)...fair enough, I meant, 'anyone else', why isn't anyone else doing something to stop this?...

I'm not an Accountant or a Journalist or an Economist or not nuthin', yet I can see the massive wall of debt welling on Mt Gambier's horizon, and just this week Councillor and former Mayor Steve Perryman was on the ABC Local Radio stating just how Council's going to deal with it...(I'm sorry, I must have missed that...I caught the interview where he crassly tried to reverse-justify Council plans to borrow another $10million by saying that there's $10m of government grants available but they're $ for $ so we must have our own $10m to get that $10m more-Ed)...yeah, that's the plan alright, just borrow another $10m and hope that gets us at least some of that alleged $10m available...

The Plan: is to try and borrow $10m to build an even bigger wall of denial between the approaching reality of what they've done, and being held to account for it...(but that just means that there'll be a whole pile of wall waiting when that other wall gets here and then Mt Gambier'll get hit by a combined $16m wall of consuming, swamping debt and the best part of bugger-all to show for it-Ed)...yep...(yay-Ed)...

And these breaches of fundamental Protocols/Guidelines/whatevs have not occurred once accidentally or even twice incompetently, but over and over and over again, again and again, clearly quite deliberately corruptly...I've never been to a Council meeting where there wasn't clearly gross breaches of their own Protocols and Rules, particularly on issues of ' Conflict of Interest', and the Minutes are incorrect/altered, etc,'s absolutely farcical...and it's years of this 'Deals In The Carpark' politics by Mt Gambier City Councillors and other public officials that have cost Mt Gambier dearly...

I refer back to some of the meetings I've covered in previous posts, particularly the consecutive meetings (August-September 2013) where I stopped a vote re The Main Corner by speaking-out and Cr Des Mutton, who's son is directly involved as both a cafe owner and the former (original) Leasee of The Main Corner (also in previous posts)...Des, mate, got up and left the Chamber and the vote stalled because of no quorum (not enough Councillors left to vote legally)...but then, under 'Public Exclusion' at the end of the evening, another MC issue saw Councillors whom had previously left the Chamber, remain and vote through whatevs it was...that's in one the next meeting, Cr Jim Maher, absent the month before, gushingly played down the importance of the failed vote and said everything's fine...(fine?-Ed)...just fine...and they voted that through...

Re the 'student housing' in Harrald St and the Old Town Hall Jazz Academy stuff, I've tried to narrow the wide although roughly similar range of claims that the housing involved was initially meant to be 'Public Housing' of some description and that there have been a series of 'odd' occurrences that have fortuitously seen the jazz students all housed there at $130 per person, 3 to a house, etc, but I've been unable to find out anything more exact...I will continue to pursue this issue as possible because it remains very much my very genuine concern that not only will a healthy majority of people in Mt Gambier gain little if anything from the Jazz Academy, but that everything/anyone else that gets in the way will get shoved aside...have 'PH Tenants' been shoved to open up this housing for the students?

There are many other issues re this Academy/student housing, eg, zoning issues for putting a privately-run student accommodation campus in the middle of a residential street...and that one issue in itself creates more questions because I must admit I don't understand to what degree this is a private business or a state-run facility, that is UniSA, because it's clearly promoted as being both, eg, the Graham Greenwood stuff (in The Border Watch) describing it as a "long-term, private business operation", but it also appears to be receiving large amounts of public funding and other support, and the reportage seems to swing from one end of that scale to the other...more laters...

Come On Fellers, It's Basic Maintenance: In many areas of Mt Gambier, City Council continues to fail it's basic responsibilities re maintenance, and street/park trees are an obvious example's so simple, it's such a basic understanding of how to manage street/park trees (especially the native gums, etc, that should make up the vast bulk of any Council plantings, because we are in Australia), that regular pruning helps to grow a stronger, healthier tree that therefore prolongs the lifespan of street/park trees and makes them safer for pedestrians, drivers, etc, because they are far less likely to drop limbs, fall over, etc...letting trees get too big/too wide/too stringy makes them far more dangerous than is necessary...

The Pipes Are Galling:...why has SA Water chosen to hack-up large areas of the Blue Lake/Valley Lake touristy lookouts on Keegan Dve just prior to Xmas holidays, the South East's prime Tourism season?...I get it that new pipes were apparently necessary and that meant extensive groundworks, etc, but the arguably primary tourist lookout area in the Mount (HooHoo Lookout, the Surge Tank Lookout) is an absolute mess...I'm sure it's not deliberate, but why wouldn't SA Water wait until the end of school holidays before ripping the shizzle outta' everything?

Ah, The Sin Of Dinos: is a joke I've used before to describe/name the embarrassingly incompetent attempt by the now former Assistant Treasurer Arthur Sinodinos to de-fraud $20million via dodgy deals...I note that having been busted for this attempted crime, Arfa' was stood down as Ass-T, and has now quietly stooged his way permanently outta' that position and onto the backbenches..(why is the prick not in gaol?-Ed)...because that's what we are Ed, we in Australia are not an Egalitarian Utopia, we are a fuedal class-system run by paedophiles and the corrupt where the law applies to us plebs, not the glorious glitterati of the Liberal Party and their mates the Labor Party...

I won't go into the extensive and well-documented details of how Arfa' intended/organised to fraudulently gain $20m by being involved in attempts to approve a project that he would personally profit from...(and the massive wage he accepted re that company/deal-Ed)...indeed...but again I make the observation/comparison that had Mr Sinodinos tried to organise a bank robbery to the degree that he had been involved in this deal, it wouldn't matter that the robbery ultimately failed due to the incompetence of the gang's own members, a crime has still been committed...(the Law is for the Poor to fear-Ed)...indeed...

Wind It Up, Guvna: say I to the expected back-lash to (Dr) Steven Cooper's Acoustic Report re Wind Turbines...I won't chew up multiple posts trying to re-explain the study, but please do access Dr Cooper's report and if you can the excellent ABC Local Radio interview from last Thursday (22nd January) is not any exaggeration to say that this is a ground-breaking, world first study in that there has not been any genuine attempts to do this testing, which has allowed Turbine proponents to state that 'there's no proof that Turbines cause health issues', which strictly speaking is true, because there's been no testing, so how can there be evidence either way...(clever, don't do the testing and then say there is no evidence-Ed)...

**I am going to quickly make the direct comparison between this and the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, because this is what SAPol (police) did to us families, constantly running us in circles with the perpetual lie that teacher Glyn Dorling wasn't charged with anything because there was no evidence, but the reality is SAPol had/has no evidence because SAPol did no investigation...this blatant lie from SAPol quickly disintegrated under the weight of it's own corruption and SAPol started trying to run the ludicrously self-justifying lunacy that there wasn't enough evidence to warrant an investigation, and therefore, without doing any investigation they couldn't find any may need to read that through a coupla' times, but it's exactly the justification that SAPol has presented parents...**

And look out, here comes Prof/Dr/whatevs Will Grant of the Whatevs Uni in downtown Whogivsaflying to enlighten us as to his opinion re Dr Cooper's study...(I'm sensing that Will has somehow displeased you-Ed)...indeed, he whom was on the ABC Radio on Friday pissing pointless criticisms straight into the wind...because this post has already blown out, I'll give this champ a few paragraphs,

Tomorrow:  Getting Even Dottier

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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