Monday, January 26, 2015

Austrians, All Let Us Read Joyce

Hello Cambodia, Czech Republic, Thailand, and Russia and welcome to the blog for this January 26th 2015, which is celebrated by some as Australia Day, as being the anniversary of the first official European/English colony/landing at Botany Bay...(I think, Sydney somewhere-Ed) the year 1788, or as PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott likes to call it, 'The Year Australia Really Started'...

Ironically, some Australians have coincidentally chosen to observe/commemorate rather than celebrate today, calling it instead Invasion Day, and here's the real kicker...(and ya' gunna' love this one-Ed)...indeed, they call it Invasion Day and observe this event on the same day that others celebrate Australia Day, because, and how's this for a coincidence, they're actually observing the exact same event...(the same event, on the exact same day? wow, that is a coincidence-Ed)...

Please excuse these clumsy attempts at humour, I'm just trying to acknowledge that whilst there are some things to be grateful for as Australians, some Australians find today more as a confronting reminder of a grinding and very current reality...and again, as a First Generation White Australian I live the privileged life of White Man in a White Man's world, and not being an Aboriginal person, it's not appropriate for me to tell Aboriginal people what they think/feel/believe/whatevs...across the board, I would consider Australia Day better spent considering these 1788 realities...(that's a lot of realities-Ed)...indeed...and what's happening in this country right now, than engaging in mindless pageantry and superfluous hyperbolous rhetoric ...

Another actual genuine coincidence, that I should be briefly channel-surfing the news services during a mid-post break, and run into the Channel 7 Cities Of The Underworld program doing a show from Sydney, parts of Victoria, etc...and there's a map of the globe showing a line drawing from England across the globe toward Oz, and the dude's sayin', "...boatload of convicts were sent to Botany expensive dumping ground for prisoners...continued for many years..."...hilarious...unfortunately Channel 7 is 'pixellating' so badly at the moment it's basically unwatchable so I missed most of it and changed channels...might be able to access the program via the Interweb, and you'd only need to watch the first bit... 

(Ya' know, sometimes I get a li'l bemused by some things I see-Ed) tell, do tell...(well there's that you've just mentioned, hilarious, and Scarface with Al Pacino was on and I watched the opening credits because it has fascinating archival footage from the flotilla of boats that were allowed to go to Cuba, from the USofA, and fetch relatives, etc, back to the USofA, and Fidel, sly fox, loaded-up those boats with criminals and Mental patients...I've several times read the line, 'Castro unloaded his prisons and asylums onto boats and sailed them all to Miami'-Ed)...that is interesting, but why 'bemused'?...(because today we are celebrating ol' Mother England dumping Her precious dregs into this land-Ed)...oh here we go...(yes here we bloody go-Ed)...calm down...

Turning Back The Boats:...(I don't even need to try and make a scythingly cynical joke about the many, many issues at play re the arrival of boats in this country 220 years ago , and just how that's worked out for the peoples already living here...go on tell me I'm wrong that that is not exactly what happened-Ed)...technically I think the First Fleet was meant to be sort of a Colony with convict labour, and the same thing is officially said about Adelaide/SA, but yes, I take your point that there are certainly many things that perhaps we should be focussing on rather than celebrating, including yes, that at many locations, Australia was specifically used to dump the Empire's criminals...

A Daze Of Knights: is the collective noun for when your PM drops a bucket of Acid and suddenly goes right off his li'l shiny skull and awards Kniggethoods to the Queens Greeker half, Prince Phillip, and yet another military figure, General Angus 'Burgers' Houston...(dude, I'm glad as heck it's The Monkster who's trippin', because I sure as hell thought I was-Ed)...indeed...apparently PM Tones consulted one person about bestowing Oz's highest honour (apparently) on Phil, not an Australian, and that person was 'Burgers', whom himself was about to be put to the sword. in the 'good way'...and again only one person re 'Burgers' award, and that person was the first Knigget Tones appointed just recently, Peter Cosgrove...and in the words of PM Tones,"...the monarchy has been an important part of Oz since 1788..."...

Please find attached below 2 items from The Border Watch Friday 23rd January 2015, one of which caught my eye and one of which didn't, so's cheers to that person for pointing me to this...this miss is also a quick reminder to y'all and oneself, memo to Ed, that I'm just one person and I'm trying to do a bunch of stuff with this 'ere blog, and try to be informed, accurate, etc, and sometimes I'm going to miss stuff...but now that I've found it, here comes another massive Council rort for mates/relatives/whatevs, and haven't we all been here before doing this exact same rort...

See below the advertisement as placed by Council's CEO Mark McShane...(or as I like to call him, Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans-Ed)...sweet...and please note that 1) literally at a whim and with no Public Consultation, in 2011 Council commissioned the ludicrous 'Volcano' movie thingy for The Main Corner, where it regularly plays to houses packed with air...commissioned and then casually spent/burned officially $650,000, likely higher given it's alleged to me that some costs were 'diverted' to other Council department budgets, as with other aspects of The Main Corner project...(yay-Ed)...indeed...

And 2) that there is only 8 working days for a prospective Tender to get their info together and prepare some sort of quote/brief...(that is brief, it's almost like Council have already got someone chosen and are just goin' through the motions to make it look like they're doing a proper Tender process-Ed)...almost...the second attachment is a self-explanatory letter...reckon I must've met this lady but I can't put a face to the name...make a cuppa' and get comfy and read this letter, I genuinely laughed out loud...

Tomorrow: Stuff Man, Can You Dig It?

Just A Thought: I wish that Famous Fiscal Femme Heather Ridout would move to Sydney's slightly more famous Manly Beach so that I could refer to her as 'an Economic Manly Girl'...thankyou, thankyou...oh, and get stuffed Matthias Corman...thankyou...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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