Monday, January 19, 2015

Back-Pedalling Furiously But To Where And Why

Hello Italy, Venezuela, Spain, and India and welcome to the blog...(alright, I'm game, we were going forward yesterday and today it's backward...what is going on?-Ed)...I know, I know, but if I'm confusing things and making mistakes it's best to reverse-up a mo', reconsider the 'big picture', and not waste everyone's time by getting more wronger, and then start-off and get it correct as possible...and so it is with the James Morrison Jazz Academy stuff...

Please excuse me if I concentrate the blog on the relatively mundane domestic issues like the rank corruption of our local elected officials, but I look at the world, particularly the world of organised religion, and I just don't know where to start...all I can say is murder is murder and raping children is raping children and there are no justifications in heaven or earth...(but what of the Pacifist who must kill the killer to protect the innocent?-Ed)...I sure as heck hope that's a rhetorical question, 'cos I got nuthin'...(yeah, me neither, that's why I asked-Ed)...but we digress...

To start-off I've attached the recent Graham Greenwood The Border Watch article, and I'll reference the recent post and the TBW stuff there-in, and the ABC Radio interview with Mr Morrison from a coupla' weeks back...I can only say that I have tried to ascertain what's going on with All That Jazz stuff without directly approaching the businesses involved because they may well be naive players genuinely grateful for the work, etc, and very much don't need the aggravation of a large angry hippy politely asking problematic questions, but I can only say that I have far more questions now than only weeks ago...please check the GG article out first and then come back to just there, down to the left...

Yes, here, excellent...straight off, it is a given that this Academy/Course could do fantastic things for Mt Gambier and have some benefits, and it's undoubtedly the best thing to happen here in a decade make that two...will it be the salve for all Mt Gambier's ills? of course not, and it's cynically manipulative to try and suggest that it obviously does nothing to address the ongoing fall-out of the various Forestry Sale Issues, the gross lack of public services/offices in Mt Gambier, almost non-existent Mental Health and Drug/Alcohol Services, the huge numbers of sex offenders and/or paedophiles in the massively expanding Mt Gambier Gaol, no Child Protection in the entire South East, etc, etc...
FOMCL: when Graham Greenwood writes...(oh I love this one-Ed)...yeah, yeah, when GG states:
     "Inadvertently, the academy will help the much-maligned Main Corner enjoy greater usage,
      with students using the theatrette for concerts, practice, and as a recording studio, when
      not being used by the public."
Graham, nothing will ever justify the Main Corner and the ongoing cascade of Council corruption and de-frauded Ratepayer dollars that define that disgrace of a's outrageous construction cost and extraordinary $650,000+ yearly running cost were committed to by Council without any business plan...Council used Ratepayers money to set up a Commercial Function facility to compete against private business owners, and then handed it free to Lachlan Mutton, a Councillor's son...who was then allowed to hand-ball the lease to a friend via a special Council meeting in November 2012, and that 'lease' was renewed for 5 years via yet another 'secret vote' in yet another completely corrupted Council meeting in August 2014...  (FOMCL-fell off my chair laughing)

(Yeah yeah, everything to do with The Main Corner is atrociously corrupt, front to back, top to bottom, inside out, from start to finish, no-one's denying that-Ed)..except Council...(well of course Council, but you've been over this in previous posts, what's ya' point?-Ed)...indeed, I have been over this many times, even recently, but I'm just doing a quick mood setting for the reality of what's to come...(ahhh ok ok, let're making the comparison between previous clearly rankly corrupt secret deals and nepotism, etc, re The Main Corner, and this Academy stuff, apparently yet another raft of secret meetings and secret deals and public money getting handed to a private business, etc, at that same location-Ed)...exactly...

And given their proven record of rank corruption, not least of all their complicit and indefensible behaviours in helping the St Martins School/Lutheran Church protect paedophile teacher Glyn Dorling, I'll completely re-own my previous concerns about this process and any other that involves Premier Jay Weatherill and the then Mayor of Mt Gambier, Steve Perryman, a concern that rockets into overdrive when I see them grinning sickly at each other at the Course/Academy launch press conference, held in Adelaide, the week before the November 2014 Local Government Elections, in which Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...was a candidate for Councillor...

And the pair of them leering inanely whilst Steve praises-up Ray Jay, saying 'you (Jay) said that you'd make-up to the South East for the Forestry Sale, and with this money you have made good on your word'...and this money ($750,000 from The J-Man and another $500,000 from the Regional Development Minister Geoff Brock), where is all that going? I have previously expressed my opinion as based on what I've witnessed, that any government funds to Mt Gambier City Council is blood/hush money soon to be in the pockets of Councillors, their families, and/or mates...

Remove Mr Morrison entirely from the equation and you have the exact same corrupt public officials conducting themselves in the exact same manner as they have this context, even The Main Corner is basically irrelevant because the exact same corruption is smeared all over the Old Hospital Demolition, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, indeed Council contracts across the board...

In the context of the corruption already witnessed from Council, it is completely appropriate indeed obligatory to ask what 'secret deals' have Ratepayers been signed up for, again, in a building they own and pay to run, and exactly where is all the money going, eg, the total $1.25million of state government funding...(well at least some of that is going to furnish those houses for the students-Ed)...thankyou for reminding me, of course it is, and who owns those homes?...(errr, I dunno'-Ed), that's ok 'cos neither do I...

All That I Can Ask Is To Trust Me: is an absolutely atrocious thing for even a pseudo-politician to say and yet what else can I do when I talk about issues of what has happened but I cannot prove, eg, my words came back to hug me when the announcement of these '15-20 student houses in Harrald St' found me in discussion with someone whom reminded me of my own words of nearly a year ago...when I asked 'where's Harrald St?', the response was 'that's those houses you said last year that it was brave someone was building in the current depressed market'...I didn't immediately remember which houses, but a brief further discussion saw me enlightened and I said, 'oh those ones by SMB Civil'...

Early in 2014, before the March state election I'd reckon, I was cruisin' the Old Rail Corridor re my idea for the Bike Lane along it to get cyclists off the roads, and saw a SMB Civil sign out front of a foundation level estate of 15-20 houses, thought to myself, 'that's brave', and happened to mention that to this person, but they insist that it was EMPAK Homes involved, and there starts the a result of my expeditionings I have heard a raft of almost conflicting but reasonably coherent versions of what has happened with those protect my 'sources' I'll just 'montage paraphrase' the various issues...tomorrow...(orrr, no fair-Ed)...

Sorry mate but this is a huge issue for Mt Gambier's future and I don't want to see these Council clowns completely root it up in the manner that they have royally rooted everything else they've got their grubby li'l paws on...(fair enough-Ed) closing, I'd like to suggest to Mr Greenwood that he read the paper that employs him because on Friday 16th January 2014 he states that, "James and Judi (Morrison) are looking to rent between 15-20 homes to accommodate students.", but in TBW on Friday 2nd January it clearly states that they have already secured the houses in Harrald St, where 'students will be paying $130 each per week, 3 to a home'...just sayin', and much more such sayin's tomorrow...

Well That's Just Super: as Health 'On Earth' Minister Jack 'The Rat' Snelling announces that 3 Adelaide suburban fringe hospitals will no longer offer 'Critical Care Emergency Admissions', via their Emergency Jack's words, 'if you've got a broken arm or something, you'll be fine', but anything worse will require extra transporting to more central hospitals, Flinders, the Royal Adelaide, and I think the Lyell McEwin, and these 3 will apparently have 'Super' Emergency Depts...(but what about the multiple overcrowding issues at those hospitals already, eg, the ongoing 'Ramping' problems at Flinders, where numerous patients get stuck in ambulances therefore also stuck literally on the Access Ramp into the ED because the ED's full...what happens then?-Ed)...gourd knows, but it ain't needin' a rocket surgeon to see the implications for Regional Health Services when Adelaide based EDs are being all but shut...(yay-Ed)...

Tomorrow: BPFBTWAW Part II

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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