Sunday, January 18, 2015

Moving Forward, But Not Sure What Or Where

***apologies for no postings last coupla' days but had a day off (Friday?) 'cos I was really crook, and then yesterday, all kinds of shenanigans re this 'ere blog...couldn't even get an Interweb connection, then all 670+ posts have been 'un-shared', again, including the ones I recently 're-shared', and my various attempts to 'un-un-share' them over recent weeks has suddenly shown up en masse in the 'Comments' statistics column and then at the bottom of each post in the related 'Comments' section, and then today all back to 'zeros'...(that is bizarre-Ed)...deadset...and kept dropping out, etc, and I basically got jack of it and then it was today, and so back to finish this 'ere post what actually started several days ago***

But I kinda get the sense that whatever it is I am movin' forward, it's potentially just more perpetual pushin' of a very large pile of something unpleasant in a direction that is most certainly uphill...(nice-Ed)...and I'm not to proud to admit that again this week I've taken a bit of a hit with my health due in part to the pogoing weather but equally as a result of not eating properly, stressin' out, it remains to be seen where this post is going...hobbling about rather lamely still ain't much fun either...but anyhoos, I'll start by saying...

Hello Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ireland, here in Australia just becos', and Aotearoa (New Zealand) just aways over there across The Dutch...(The Dutch?-Ed) no, The Dutch, the Tusmun...(ah ah, the Tasman Sea between, of course, us here in Oz and our Kiwi cousins in NZ...but it's called 'The Ditch'-Ed)...yu, thut's whut U sud, 'Thu Dutch'...(really? your authentic imitation Kiwi accent basically involves turning every vowel into an 'u'?-Ed)...curruct, sucks dusn't ut...(quite alot-Ed)...and before anyone goes gettin' all bent outta' shape, this hilarious socio/racial-stereotyping is brought to you by someone 1/4 Kiwi...(oh yeah-Ed)...

So it was I had a slight chuckle to myself when local RSL (Returned and Services League) President and recent Mayoral candidate Bob Sandow, was on the ABC Local Radio just recently saying that he was 'really keen to get the NZ back in ANZAC (the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps) this upcoming ANZAC Day April 25th 2015, particularly given that it's the 100 year anniversary of the original Gallipoli landings' (paraphrase, but close)...(I've always thought it very strange that armys have the word 'Corps' in their titles, given that just adding an 'e' makes the word 'Corpse'...just sayin'-Ed)...

I can see how one might think there is some sort of connection and I'm going to out-limb it...(rad man, feel the gnarly burn, limb-it to the limit-Ed)...stop that...(sorry-Ed)...I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that Latin is involved and the army used the L word that means 'body' as in the main part of the entire army, the foot soldiery are the body, the core, and say from 'corpus' or something like that...(did you just look that up?-Ed), it seems a fair guess though...I reckon 'Corpus Christi' means 'the body of Christ'...and 'corpse' would be about 'body'...check it out if you want on one of those Latin/dictionary/whatevs sites...

But I found my humour as I so often do, viewed through the lense of one less than welcome let alone likely to be celebrated...(sorry, not with you-Ed)...well, Bob put the call-out to Kiwis here-abouts to get amongst it with the ANZAC stuff, to get involved and bring the NZ, and it immediately occurred to me that I wonder if there'd be anyone more Kiwi ANZAC in Mt Gambier than li'l 'ol me...(now I'm with you, what with your family history of grandfather's military service in both Australian and New Zealand forces, and that great-grandfather who was at/on Gallipoli with the Kiwis-Ed)...and Papa was/is one of NZ's top fighter pilots in any theatre, any conflict, and Pops was a Rat of Tobruk, etc, both in WWII...

But it won't matter a damn, because it's me that brings this extraordinarily woven tapestry of a family history driven through with military service to the Empire in theatres esteemed as iconic and definitive...because it's me there will be a rabid rush to shut that out of the debate as is the case with pretty much everything I'm trying to bring to public attention and/or appropriate resolution...(yeah, there's a fair bit of that unfortunately, isn't there-Ed)...indeed there is Ed, indeed there is...

I ain't claimin' to be right about everything or 'a better person than', or none of that, but on top of trying to address/critique/whatevs all of the political bastardry and corruption, etc, I offer the many examples in this 'ere blog of the many positive things I've tried to envisage for Mt Gambier as being an example of the many examples of positive things I've said that no, wait, hang on, 'many examples of the many examples', no, that's examples...unfortunately the 2 are almost inevitably entwined, eg, it is impossible to discuss the appropriately centralised restored Old Rail Station ...(iconic-Ed) it...(sorry-Ed)...without slewing irretrievably straight into a quagmire of corruption and lies...

That classic old building restored and utilised as a Rail Museum with Bus Terminal/Transport Hub with Tourism info, etc, linking through to a Covered Aquatic Centre and sheltered tennis/netball/basketball area, etc, all of which Mt Gambier should already have but doesn't, it's impossible to discuss this without discussing the raft of Council-centred corruption and greed and lies and mismanagement that define every single aspect of the Rail Lands Retail Agenda and how Council's commitment to the RLRA has decided other issues, the relevant example being of course the ludicrous Lady Nelson Bus Shelter, a largely useless shade-cloth embarrassment jammed incoherently in the middle of nowhere...

A Moment's Self-justification: in that I've been copping all manner of abuse and denigration and character assassination for over 12 years now, initially off the back of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and many, many times what I say is/has been dismissed out of hand not least of all because behind my back certain charming local dignitaries are deliberately attacking and undermining me (and other parents)...for example, the then Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen, having initially repeatedly promised parents his help and support in resolving the St Martins cover-up, then completely betrayed us and instead literally followed us about denigrating us to people trying to help us, and/or threatening them...

In early 2005 Rory notoriously spoke with Child Protection Advocates operating from the Adelaide Parliamentary Speaker's office, whom parents had been liaising with re St Martins and Commissioner Ted Mulligan, etc, Rory spoke with them and denigrated us as being unstable, and then unsubtly threatened them about supporting us crazy peoples and our crazy, crazy lies...problem being, however crazy I am or ain't, there's nothing 'lie' about anything we parents have had to say, and I'll say it again, I genuinely wish that I was simply but extensively delusional rather than deeply traumatised by the reality of what has happened at St Martins and since...

(Aren't you confusing that phonecall with the one that lawyer Stephen Lietchke made to those same CPA when y'all were at Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan's office in February 2005?-Ed)...well spotted Ed, but it's different calls and Lieschke's pre-dated Rory's effort by several weeks, but yeah Stephen Liechske was "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling's lawyer from the Teachers Registration Board hearing into Dorling...(and  just by happy happenstance, isn't Lieschke also Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner?-Ed)...indeed, happy happenstance, that's what it was...

Yep, it was one great wadding chunk of happy happenstance that Stephen Lieshke, business partner of Labor Premier Jay Weatherill's, was teacher Glyn Dorling's lawyer at the TRB/Crown Solicitor hearing that started in March 2003, stopped for a year, commenced hearings June 1st 2004, and then ran 7 hearing days spread out across 6 months, before completely exonerating Dorling...sorry, I know I've been through/over this several times in previous posts, but I don't know a better example of the level of official organisation involved in covering up the abuses at St Martins...(well except of course for the vast raft of other incidents/hearings/documents/whatevs that are exemplary in their definition of the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...well indeed, well said...        

Attached below is the latest Graham Greenwood letter from The Border Watch Friday 16th January 2015...I don't even have the energy today to make the hilariously scathing observation that in the middle of a bad week I know that I just have to get to Friday and GG's gunna light up my day with a series of howling satiricisms and quick-quipped witticisms dripping insightful cynicism...(that's not what you said earlier, before you switched the computer on, then you said gdjkj7788erui-Ed)...give me that damn keyboardmnmnggnadyt5...(no I fdjhjac5w-Ed)...cgji84711xx here...(no, and further moremrtkjyk-Ed)

**apols some more, but still having tech issues, dropping out and not saving, etc...tidied/finished this up as best I can and try some more tomorrow...sorry no letter attached...I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters*** 


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