Monday, December 28, 2015

Some More Fundamental Realities

Hello Brazil, Pakistan, Luxembourg, and Zambia, and welcome to the Fund A Mentally festive post for 2015...(mate, Christmas was 3 days ago, and no-one needs what I suspect is going to be yet another verbosely rambling herd of Self Justifications shambling about the horizon in mock self-mockery?-Ed)...hold ya' horses, just saying that it's the 'Festive Season' and all that, if you believe in that sort of thing, and I've had what passes for a great week...(sorry what?! I thought I saw you type 'a great week'?-Ed)...or what passes for one, in context, a 'week-off' that was damn near a holiday...and in that context I don't need to apologise because I have so gone the very hard yards so very, very many times, and resultantly had so very many very, very average weeks...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...

Today's is unquestionably a briefish and introverted effort, but it's an effort none the less...and good week or no, this past few weeks has been a perpetual avalanche of predictable propaganda via a wholly corrupted media, and out trot the stories about what great work the Lutherans are doing, and your standard Yuletide ABC interview with Rory McEwen about what a top bloke Rory is...(I believe this year's was Rory bangin' on about what great work he does for the kiddies with the motorcycle Toy Run-Ed)...oh yeah, it's all about the kiddies for Rory...I mean, sure, his corruptly complicit collusion and rankly pro-paedophile conduct re the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, sure that makes Rory look like a rancidly corrupt pro-paedophile politician, but really, he's all about the kiddies...(mmm, and just a suggestion of sarcasm lingering in the after-palate, delicious-Ed)...

Feedback:...has my back these days far more often than critic's blades in the many ways I've received support for 1) doin' the blog, and for 2) not doin' the blog...(and it's just so, so you to take a perfectly nonsense sentence and present it in a context where it makes absolute sense-Ed)...well actually, I haven't explained yet, but thanks, yes it is a perfect metaphor for my life in the apparent contradictions of "doin'/not doin'", where support/feedback is about easing-off a bit on this 'ere blog and/or myself, because apparently me just doin' the blog is considered potentially a very important thing to hopefully be continued...cheers y'all...(yeah, I'll cheers that too-Ed)...

It says a fair bit about my life where-in 7 days of not doin' this 'ere blog is the closest thing to an actual holiday that I've had in more than a decade...just sayin'...but when it comes to the Fund A Mental Fund, namely that fractional percentage of the Social Security bill that slides my way, I maintain the right to recognise the support I receive via the Disability Support Pension and Public Housing (Housing Trust/Housing SA)...we all can look at and learn from the reality where my Australian Poverty Level income is a global luxury...but I have suffered more than enough and worked hard enough to have a clear conscience now about 'qualifying' for the DSP, and that right there, that's where I've crossed that line from indebted gratitude to qualified justification...(I'm holding a fair to raise money for the FAMF-Ed)...the FAMF?...(the Fund A Mental Fund-Ed)...oh ai? and you're having a fundraiser for it?...(yep, a Fund A Mental Fund Fun Day-Ed)...nice...(probably on a Sunday-Ed)...funtastic...

The Holy Grail Of Poisoned Chalices:...or am I just a mug?...(nice-Ed)...and no, I did not attend the Xmas Day 'community' lunch that was moved from the Main Corner...(melodious arrgharghhaaaargh-A Chorus of Angels)......ummm, the lunch that was moved from the Main Corner...(arrgharghhaaaargh-ACoA)...ok, come on, angelic heraldic choralling? really? is that going to happen every time I mention the Main Corner?...(arrgharghhaaaargh-ACoA)...alright, I asked for that...the luncheon that was going to be run by the Lutherans at the, at the, that was moved to the St Pauls Catholic hall place/thingy...had put my name down 'cos I got my wires a bit crossed and thought that the Lutherans weren't doing it 'cos of the move, etc, but anyhoos, long story short, my walking into that room is not something I particularly wanted to do to the attendees...(since when did you give a stuff about upsetting the shreckin' Lutherans? I'll just jump right in here and mention the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up!-Ed)...yeah, ok, settle big fella', I didn't want to upset the punters, the patrons, the guests...  

I've long become accustomed to if not yet quite comfortable with not going unnoticed upon entering a room, even a big room...(like a school gym for example-Ed)...errr, yes I s'pose...even in a big room full of people...(say like 300 people in a school gym-Ed)...that sounds like a very specific number in a very specific place Ed...(that's because I'm specifically referring to the Country Cabinet farce down here back in November, when you walked into a room full of 300 pro-Labor shonks, stooges, cronies and sycophants, and managed to cause all manner of ructions merely by appearing, shazzam!-Ed)...well yes, that was kind of very amusing, but imagine that same reaction or something similar in a polite community luncheon thingy...(yes, there's a time and a place, isn't there, and Xmas luncheon ain't either-Ed)...indeed, but the fundamentally undeniable reality is that time and my own conduct have proven that it ain't me that's the problem...(and ain't that the truth, I'll give ya' that one-Ed)...ta'...

Time and time and time again, for years beyond a Shakespearian age, I've knowingly gone into these situations and behaved calmly, quietly, and respectfully, even when under direct attack by frothing Councillors and angry li'l Mayor persons and the ilk...(I still can't believe that the then Mayor Steve 'Maaate' Perryman tried twice to pick fights with you at Council's 2013/14 Budget meetings-Ed)...a perfect example, thankyou Ed, my mate Mayor Perryman aggressively attempting to provoke me into responses that could then be used against me...(and of course, just the 'look' of being rebuked/engaged in these ways by the Mayor, that infers a 'fault' of/with the rebukee-Ed)...absolutely, but the response by moi to these most aggregious impositions upon my fair person sir, my quiet responses have proven to be the winner on the day and every day since!...(hurrah!-Ed)...

So I've been to whatevs meeting, and then done my level best to deal with the fall-out in my own responses to the stress and anger and frustration, etc...(he's talking about bein' a Mental, folks-Ed)...yes ok, very amusing, but I don't have to try to be a quiet, respectful person in those situations because that's exactly who I am pretty much all the time...not that I'm saintly beyond some very fundamental cussin', eg, at the TV news...(or the ABC Radio-Ed)...well indeed, have been known to swear at the radio...(or Rory McEwen-Ed)...render unto Caesar mate, and Rory's more than earned any earful of abuse I could/will deliver...but just 'cos I ain't flailin' m'arms about and frothin' at the mouth in public, it doesn't mean that I'm not 'passionate' in the moment, and even passion fashioned to anger...

But there's a time and a place and Toy Runs ain't one and neither is me fronting to a 'Community Lunch' with the subsequent potential responses/reactions from the Lutherans, etc, etc, and I just don't want to even run the risk of causing discomfort for the attendees...(and worse, people you like might be seen to like you in a public setting, and you've got all that shizzle goin' on about not wanting to be responsible for contaminating other people's lives with the Poisoned Chalice you feel you've become-Ed)...well quite...if there is such a thing as becoming the Pinnacle of Derision and that being considered somehow a positive thing, then, in my community, I have not just potentially reached the Holy Grail of Poisoned Chalices, but may have actually become it...(drink up big fella-Ed)...and regular availees know it to be true that I have readily shunned those I like and for this very reason...

Anyhoos, because I go to these damn official meetings, etc, as best I can anyway, and because I've run as a candidate and put myself up there on the stage in the staring glare of the community, that does give me the right to unwind a little and unload alot, particularly on those whom foolishly goad and taunt and mock and dismiss me, albeit seldom to my face, and always whilst carefully avoiding the actual issues I've raised, all of the issues I've become...and my name is not 'Troll' because my name is Nick Fletcher and this right here, this is my blog and it's where I've been driven by the rank pro-paedophile corruption of the community I live in...(issues you've become?-Ed)...well, for example, these bizarre charges I'm facing re the ludicrous legislation I "probably" shouldn't name, and the farcical passage of this critically massive precedent case through the Courts, etc, bottomline, all that's about me, isn't it?...(well yeah, sure-Ed)...and that case is in-and-of-itself an issue, an issue amongst many related issues, and one that then itself creates numerous other issues...(wow-Ed)...I know, I know... more funding realities are being rolled-out on the Rail Lands as little extra bits continue to appear, eg, some benches and paths and bins and drinking fountains, etc, after Mt Gambier City Council has declared the project officially over/open, and has disbanded their specific Rail Lands Committee and is now planning to refer all future alleged works/costs through other Council committees/budgets, eg, last meeting on December 15th 2015 they were discussing the 'walkway' through to Margaret St...(wasn't all that going to go in 'Stage 4'?, you know, the walkway and the Sound Shell and of course the iconic Old Rail Station-Ed)...oh my gourd, I'd nearly forgotten again, 'shreckin' 'Stage 4', hilarious...(and 'Stage 4' of course followed the deeply deceitful November 2011 launch of Council's $10million Parklands Concept Plan that not-so-mysteriously metamorphosised into the current $4.5m shambles, sans walkway, shell and station works as promised in 2011-Ed)...indeed, the butterfly that became one ugly mofo of a caterpillar...

Availees, for those not already aware, Council suddenly produced 'Stage 4' at a meeting early this year, but then equally suddenly it just quietly went away...(after you made it go away with a scathingly scything indictment indicating that it was a deliberate deceit to excuse and further defer Council's malingering machinations re the Old Station, etc, 'delays' related to their genuine agenda, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, a massive expansion of the Lakes Plaza shopping centre right across the Rail Lands, a plan that has existed since 2005-Ed)...ahhh (sigh) 'Stage 4', hilarious...(I miss 'Stage 4'-Ed)...I know you do mate, we all do, and we'd all love to have a Council that doesn't compulsively lie at such great cost to the community and actually delivers the things that benefit the community not Council's constituent Members and their families and mates...(you really are a very angry man, aren't you?-Ed)...passionate Ed, passionate...  
Tomorrow: Stuff

(Way to not commit to a topic-Ed)'s got to know 'is limitations...

I am Nick Fletcher, you know I am, and you know I give a damn even if none of us is entirely sure why and/or how...and also, this here is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, December 21, 2015

Got Some Stuff Goin' On Don't Cha' Know

And here's some of it...howdy to Andorra, Finland, the Philippines, and Canada, and to y'all else elsewhere also and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent...I will genuinely apologise for the nearly 7 day hiatus, but I genuinely didn't realise that it had been a whole week since the last post...(well 6 days, not a full week-Ed)...wellll, a touch pedantic Ed, it's as good as a week...and the sweet irony of the simple joy to be found in not actually thinking about this 'ere blog at all for nearly a full 48 hours...sure I've still got the TV news a runnin' and my li'l tranny hummin' and there's stories whizzin' to-and-fro, but it doesn't seem like 6 full days since the last post 'cos I've effectively lost 2 days just not thinking about this 'ere blog...(and yes, that is a 'transistor radio' he's got hummin' folks-Ed)...

And sorry to keep dredging-up the same ol' issues in trawlin' for a flock a' sheepish self-justifications, but I do consider that not thinkin' about this 'ere blog is exactly the place I want to be able to be, and a massive positive when it comes to continuing...(it's somewhat indicative of your current position/existence I feel, when that last ridiculous sentence makes perfect sense...I mean, clearly, repeatedly re-self-traumatising by cryingly scything and swathefully raging for page after page, of mentally renting and hissingly venting, of painful recollections and self-imposed isolation, none of that does ya' much good-Ed)...indeed, and I want me back, a me that still does a fairly decent blog but exists beyond it and/or without it, not solely to produce it...I am a man, I am not a blog...(you're a ManBear StuffPig if I remember correctly-Ed)...yeah alright thankyou, I was trying to be a little more esoteric and visceral about it all, but when you're right Ed......

JusticeNet SA have now officially dumped me via a bizarrely disingenuous and erroneous letter that very carefully quotes tiny parts of what I've said to them, albeit usually well out of context, but for the greater part appears every bit as corrupted and betraying as the ludicrous 'legal advice' they quote as being their justification for dumping me...(charming!-Ed)...indeed, and this letter also has all the same shizzle about how it's a "Privileged Communication" and why I musn't even mention that they've advised me let alone discuss that 'advise'...(but the whole thing's as crooked as a dog's hind leg! this 'legal advice/communicatin' thingy is a corrupt piece of bollocks that reads like it's been drafted and produced to be used against you!-Ed)...well indeed Ed, it's quite the mark of the degree of arrogance and corruption at play that these clowns would so crassly attempt to betray me and then vacuously threaten me with 'oo oo, you can't talk about it'...(laugh I nearly-Ed)...

I re-iterate, that JusticeNet SA appointed some clown lawyer to my case, then threatened me in writing to 'accept him despite his unacceptable behaviour or else no lawyer for you matey', and has now chosen to run away and try and hide behind this rankly corrupt document...(what was that hilarious line from JusticeNet SA?...something about 'a lawyer doesn't need to speak with their client to produce a legal advice'?-Ed)...not quite Ed, but it's certainly implied given that said lawyer refused to even speak with me and/or sign the requisite 'solicitor/client agreement', etc, and JusticeNet SA know all that...what JusticeNet SA actually say re this 'Privileged Communication' nonsense re this vacuous 'advice' is;
     "This applies even if you say (the law firm) never acted for you - the advice was, nevertheless,
       legal advice provided for your benefit. Please note that this principle extends to this letter and
       to our previous communications with you."   

(Seriously, some hack lawyer appointed by JusticeNet SA can, without contacting you or ever actually officially representing you, this clown can churn out some farcical piece of nonsense claiming to be "for your benefit" but that is clearly prepared on behalf of the Prosecution, and then they all collectively threaten you with 'the Prosecution will use it against you if you talk about any of this'?-Ed)...that's about it Ed...(what a rancidly corrupt load of bollocks-Ed)...well really Ed, what did you expect to happen from such a corrupt state? fair and judicious proceedings?...(well no, of course not, I mean, who in their right mind would 1) engage in a pitched battle with these wholly pro-paedophile corrupt Authorities for over 13 years as they collude to cover-up the gross abuses committed against 7 year old kids at St Martins Lutheran School in 2002, and then even more stupidly, 2) expect these same corrupt Authorities will treat you reasonably now?-Ed)...well indeed...

I'll say it again...I have at literally every juncture done exactly as was asked of me by the South East Community Legal Service, upto and including pleading Not Guilty at the May 2015 hearing when I initially refused to plead at all because we were still receiving documents/affidavits from Police was the SECLS's initial excellent help that saw me again following their advice to make every effort to just stand back and to let these lawyer persons in Adelaide do their thing...with SECLS no longer involved, and despite my multiple concerns and attempts to address these concerns, here we are, with this debasco (debacle/fiasco)...  

I was aware last week that this JusticeNet SA letter was going to say the things it does because, as self-referenced by JNSA, I discussed it with them via phone on Tuesday 8th December 2015, after receiving this 'Privileged Communication' from the lawyer just on close of business Monday 7th...(so you've never spoken with this lawyer, etc, and 2 days before your next critical hearing, they send you pages of conflicting nonsense?-Ed)...exactly...and give me time, I will appropriately redact all of these documents and post them and availees can decide for yourselves what's real 'legal advice' and what's a carefully constructed betrayal of the alleged client...I don't take kindly to being threatened, particularly by those whom claim to be helping me...(you don't say!-Ed)...well yeah I do, I just did...

Issues Of personal shizzle simply don't come into it when the realities are seeping almost daily onto our newses and even just a vague awareness of this reportage must be a jarring and glaring, even frightening affront for those who want to try and live in South Australia...for example, recent reports re the new Royal Adelaide Hospital have, apart from exposing the raft of major problems with the still unfinished facility, moving patients, etc, has also strayed very near the truth I've previously defined about Labor privatising Health via their 'guaranteed profit agreement' with the private consortium building the RAH, and the devastating results this is having for every other aspect of the SA Health Service...across the board, from hospital closures to service cuts and staffing reductions, etc...(tell' em about all the bloody problems those shreckin' Wind Turbines are causing-Ed)...well yes Ed, that is one critical issue for SA, and indeed, as recently evidenced, one that affects the National Energy Grid...  

There have been multiple recent reports, eg, several on Channel 7's Today Tonight program, that have specifically dismantled the lies from Turbine proponents about how terrific Turbines are, specifically focussing on the intermittent and unreliable nature of Energy Production...last week (week before?) there was zero, count them, zero electricities being produced via Turbines, which forced SA to access/acquire that power from Victoria, which had a domino affect on other areas in Victoria and New South Wales...another main problem, the intermittent and problematic production/supply and massive cost of power directly compromises business investment in SA because companies can half their energy costs just by being in Victoria or NSW... 

Wipe Your Feet On The Math:...'cos there's no way of getting around the sucking quagmire of debt that this Rann/Weatherill Labor government have cast SA into with their openly Fascist pro-Turbine corruption, which is only mildly slighter than their rank, institutionalised, pro-paedophile the math with the '40% Renewables' already installed/producing in SA (that's pretty much all solar and Turbines), which means that at any given time of optimum/maximum energy production from 'Renewables', SA still requires 60% from elsewhere...and then when it all goes to heck-in-a-handbasket like it did the other day, and it's stinking hot and there's no Turbine production at all during the day/night, and very minimal battery/solar energy available, etc,etc, that demand for base-load energy rocketed to well over 90%...

(Apparently some Turbines were even drawing power from the grid, not an unusual occurrence in these circumstances-Ed)...indeed, and this sudden massive drop in local energy production, forcing as it did a hugely increased demand for Victorian Brown Coal-fueled power draining across to SA via the Interconnector, had multiple affects, including price spikes in SA and up the East Coast...(where does Canberra get it's power when SA needs Victorian Coal Power? the same source, Victoria?-Ed)...dunno' exactly, s'pose it's something like that...(and what about the constant transmission losses of daily supply from Victoria to Adelaide, and how that raises costs to consumers?-Ed)...another good point Ed...   

Not A Word Of A Lie:...but hardly surprising given just how many crass pro-Turbine infommercials that the supposedly bipartisan ABC have been running lately, that just now there was yet another mind-numbingly droll stroll down Deceit Street with the Australian Wind Alliance, and yet another 'Dorothy Dixer' interview about the latest Jamestown Turbine development, currently underway...(is that the one that's producing for Canberra ACT, over 1,000kms away, the one we've discussed just recently?-Ed)...yep, that's the one...and the AWA dude was bangin' on about how this $77/kw rate is the lowest price paid ever for Wind Energy, etc, and it's all about the ACT gettin' it's 'Renewable Credits' to meet it's target, etc, etc, and it's all about the jobs for the region, etc, and it's all just fantastic...(but it's not, Turbines are proving to be a complete disaster for the economics of SA...and what about stuff like the massive losses during 1,000kms of transmission between source and market?-Ed) probs Ed, wasn't specifically mentioned other than a reference to the National Grid...

(But it is a problem, it's a huge problem in numerous ways, as witnessed with the recent widespread blackouts in Adelaide, the sudden price spikes as described above and why they happened, and where does Canberra plan to get their 'Leccy when the wind don't blow in SA causing these price spikes, etc, etc?...just look at the multiple stories about unpredictable but constantly spiralling prices for consumers, our reliance on pleasant weather, etc-Ed)...I know Ed, all great points, and I can only direct availees to Today Tonight for a more complete run-down, and I'm sure that some of the other written articles are findable on the Interweb, etc... 

What's particularly complicitous about these ABC pro-Turbine stories are the couple I've heard, again involving the AWA, where-in these critical issues are raised purely that they may be casually dismissed as irrelevant or wrong...according to the AWA 'SA has always had high electricity prices, it's nuthin' to do with Turbines', etc...issues re the Fascism of SA's Turbine legislation have been well defined here-in this 'ere blog...(even if you do say so yourself-Ed)...but ne'ery warrants a mention during these discussions...and Health Issues are just being ignored now, other than the usual references to 'a lack of evidence that Turbines cause health problems', a carefully deceitful misrepresentation of the lack of appropriate testing where-in no testing means no evidence either way, a mis-claim dimly regurgitated by various ignorant commentators...(it's a bit like those moronic Memes that compare Turbines to domestic windmills, mocking people who oppose their visual impact and/or comparing them to the visual impacts of Coal mines, etc-Ed)...indeed...  

Couldn't Stand The Weather: by Stevie Ray Vaughn used to be just about my favourite song, but now it's the anthem for Electricity Supply in the most critical times, when it's stinking hot, if it gets too hot Adelaide's substandard supply/distribution systems collapse leading to preemptive 'rostering' of power, ever-so politely re-named Load Shedding 'cos that sounds so much nicer than the truth of 'Rationing', rationing what's done via deliberate rolling blackouts at times when even the production/supply of that power is drastically compromised by reliance on distant base-load production in another State, production/supply itself already under maximum demand up the East Coast at these times...(yay-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Some More Stuff Dudes

In closing, please find attached some feedback someone was good enough to get to me, and feedback in that they pointed to the last line first and said, "...that's why you need to keep going, that's're functioning at the intersection of law, publishing and social media with the blog", which I found to be most supportive and even flattering... 

Just A Thought:...are consecutive things consequentially sequential?...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

My Cot Case Court Case

Howdy in Turkey, Russia, Hong Kong and Syria...(Turkey? I thought they were officially blocked from 'social media' stuff like bloggers, etc?-Ed)...well so did I, so do I, sort was certainly the case that President Erdogan had recently banned this 'ere blog amongst many others, but my li'l statistics page thingy says otherwise...(and one from Syria?-Ed)...yep, a single 'availee' in Syria apparently, and one in Honkers, and a whole bunch from Russia, Portugal, the USofA, etc...(that is mildly bizarre-Ed)...indeed, it is a little bit bizarre to think that people across the globe are availing themselves of this 'ere blog...cheers y'all...and excuse me if my vocabulary fails me a little today and the word 'bizarre' occurs very, very frequently, but when it comes to my Court case, what other word will suffice?...

Whilst I've given-up obsessively monitoring my own statistics pages like what I used to 2-3 years ago when I first started doin' this 'ere blog (January 2012), I still occasionally cruisely peruse my own news about availee's views ('Comments') and who from where is reading what post when, simply because it's blog, feedback has become more of a norm than a stand-out, and it's been almost wholly positive, particularly the stuff about how poorly I was treated when trying to volunteer again for the Mt Gambier Show...(it's odd how the littler things sometimes really grab people, isn't it?-Ed)...I think it's because most nearly everyone can identify with the scenario, coupled with the reality that many people have seen me there doin' my volunteer thang...(and they've seen you politely wade into the Show Grounds/ALDI Land Sale debasco (debacle/fiasco) and stand-up at that meeting and be partially responsible for stopping that bullshizzle transaction, to the obvious betterment/benefit of Mt Gambier-Ed)...well I like to think it was the right thing to do...

In many respects and as bizarre as it sounds, I've had one of my 'best weeks' for a long, long time, followed rudely by a rather average weekend...(and thus Nature restores the balance-Ed)...whatevs...which brings me again to acknowledge the life of extraordinary privilege and relative security that I 'enjoy' as a Disability Support Pension recipient and Housing Trust (Housing SA) tenant...and there's a whole bunch of stuff goin' on here in my life that's directly relevant to the disintegrating state of this State when it comes to issues of Social Support and Social Justice, etc...a soon-to-be post will be SA - Privatising Poverty...(oh yay, some true Christmas cheer at last, hurrah-Ed)...I'll do the sarcasm 'round here thanks...

Hear My Tears: when mid-post I'm momentarily pole-axed by the radio's latest offering and I sob for the terrible death of a young girl who's parents repeatedly took her to hospital after a bad fall but who died after multiple failures to diagnose her internal injuries...followed immediately by the report of a young boy who drowned in a neighbour's pool...and as saddening as these stories are, it wasn't either that really tore me up and finally got me all a sookin', for oddly these things made me think of a recent trip on Mt Gambier's intermittent Public Bus when a small boy hopped on with his Mum and was banging the floor with his hand and then I noticed he had a cane and was hitting to hear what it was like around him because he was blind...the driver (bless him) deliberately stopped the bus just short of the final stop and told the boy to push the 'stop' button, which his Mum directed him to...

He hit the button and the buzzer rang-out as the bus lurched gently forward that final few inches, the brakes hissed, and then so too the door pistons, and the bus settled slightly as it does and the doors whooshed open with that noticeable change of pressure, all happened in a moment and the kid went off, squealing with delight, leaping up and down, laughing and smiling so hard the top of his head threatened to detach, the most amazing joy from the simplest thing...we all feel super when our kids laugh, etc, but I have never heard such joy ever in my life, may I hear the like again, this random incident has done more to 'improve my attitude' than anything I could possibly conjure myself...can't even type about it without the welling swelling turning to tears burning down flushed cheeks...not ashamed to say that on the day it left this ol' hippy walkin' down the street with tears sheetin' down 'is face...(you bloody hippy-Ed)...

I do not apologise for the random and raw emotion poured into these last 2 paragraphs for I cannot ignore these realities that literally slap me into shape with the simplest, harshest, clumsiest of all realisations, 'there but for the grace of God'...and I don't care if it is simplistic even jingoistic to think this way, and I'm fairly sure that God doesn't really give a rat's what I think anyways, but it helps me to continue to try to be the better if not quite extraordinary person I am capable of being...(a man more than the sum of his traumas?-Ed)...exactly...a man what gets it done because unfortunately it needs doing...(he means this 'ere blog, availees-Ed)...damn straight I do, that and so much more...(giddy-up!-Ed)...but I digress, let's move onto the Court stuff...but first a lame disclaimer...   

Please Note: that whilst I have initially received some great support/advice re these charges/counts, the whole shmozzle has disintegrated into a fragmented farce and I am now quite literally forced to represent myself back here in Mt Gambier, and I don't have any specific direction from anyone as to what it is I can and/or can't say about my hearings/case, other than some broad verbal requests that involved lots of "probably shouldn't" and "possibly might be a good idea" and the like...(and of course the bizarre legislation itself that says talking about anything anytime is potentially a breach, etc, etc-Ed)...and therefore I cannot be held responsible for any accidental amateurish transgressions of this ridiculous legislation and/or it's equally ludicrous attempted prosecution as li'l ol' I attempt to sort this shizzle out...(bizarre doesn't begin to describe it, but very does-Ed)...whaaa?...(very, with bizarre second-Ed)...oh, you mean 'very bizarre'?...(exactly, very bizarre-Ed)... 

And I have been left literally no choice but to defend myself as best I can via the only option I have, this 'ere blog...(and enter stage right on a horse called Irony because the cause of the strife, this 'ere blog, is the only respite, the offense is the defence-Ed)...and the best offence I can offer is to stand and defend...(one could almost say that the offence as charged is the defence as stood-Ed)...well, if one wanted to be a whimsical annoyance flippantly filling-up precious paragraphs with precocious pretence, one would probably say something exactly like that...

On Thursday 10th December 2015 I had my latest hearing re the 20 (19?) counts I'm charged with re allegedly breaching section ** of the **** Act...(and all the "***" are because you can't actually name the legislation because by definition of the legislation itself, merely mentioning the fact that the legislation is being enacted indicates the involvement of the State Authority involved, and even just talking about that Authority acting as it supposedly should, even that is a breach of the legislation?-Ed)...that's a very long and rather extraordinary rhetorical question, but yes, the best 'advice' I've had re this problem of identifying said Authority is that I "probably shouldn't"...(wow, only you could make the 'said Authority' actually the un-said Authority-Ed)...well cheers, but technically it's the bizarrely undefined yet all-encompassing nature of the legislation that makes it potentially unnameable, nuthin' to do with me...(other than you're the one being prosecuted re this ludicrous legislation via this farcical precedent case-Ed)...well quite...

And so it is, with a whimper not a bang, this hugely important precedent case re this extraordinarily powerful and sweeping legislation for an omnipotent Authority whom I "probably shouldn't" name, has got itself all in a flap and come home to roost...(not quite with you sorry-Ed)...after the 11th (12th?) adjournment of my case last week, the Magistrate has returned the case from Adelaide to the Mt Gambier Magistrates Court to effectively begin again early in the New Year 2016...(you're not serious?-Ed)...absolutely...(so nearly a year after it started, it's been in Court a dozen times, including to Adelaide and back, and is now gunna' start again, back here?-Ed)...basically...(and because you've been refused Legal Aid Funding, you'll have no legal representation down here either?-Ed)...apparently...(because the South East Community Legal Service, who most excellently advised/helped/represented you here in the MGMC, and have thusly markedly restored your faith in the ability of lawyers to actually represent their clients best interests, they cannot possibly handle the enormous workload requiring numerous staff at great cost, etc, this case generates/requires?-Ed)...exactly, it's why it was moved to Adelaide, potentially headed to Canberra...

(And what happened to the 'pro bono' representation that you were supposed to have in Adelaide?-Ed) idea, never met or spoke to them and they have apparently "withdrawn" from 'representing me', but not before producing a wholly irrelevant yet definitively corrupted document claiming to be a "privileged communication" allegedly prepared on my behalf, and that alleges to be 'advice' re my case...(is that the solicitor who refused to talk to you and refused to negotiate/sign that "solicitor/client agreement" contract thingy that JusticeNet SA told you in writing that you had to negotiate/sign before the solicitor/firm could/would represent you?-Ed)...yep, that's he's circulating some fraudulent document claiming to be 'legal advice' prepared for me re my case...

(Mate, I've read that 'advice', and it's 7 pages of spuriously irrelevant nonsense and erroneous dribblings that bears almost no resemblance to your actual case, and appears to be written on behalf of the Prosecution! a word, it's crap-Ed)...well quite...(the 'advice' re the reach and application of the **** legislation is so farcically wrong that one can only assume the lawyer hasn't actually read the shreckin' **** Act!-Ed)...not a great look is it...(that or they are deliberately misrepresenting the realities so as to try to stuff-up your case!-Ed)...indeed, now I think you're getting closer to the tell me Ed, a solicitor appointed by JusticeNet SA, who I've never met and refuses to speak with me and has never acted with my consent, direction or approval, who in short is not and never was my representative in any way, this person produces a rankly erroneous document that completely betrays my case, only days before the next critical hearing...(wow, it's either massively incompetent or rabidly corrupt-Ed)...indeed...

And JusticeNet SA have now said that I must not talk about this "privileged communication" because the Prosecution will then possibly have access to it and use it against me...(but it's a corrupt and irrelevant piece of fiction from some clown you've never met or even spoken to, who's just made shizzle up!-Ed)...and that's why I will post it and let everyone see exactly what good ol' Mr Lawyer has had to say because he ain't my lawyer, never has been and never will be...this 'document' is a fraudulently deliberate misrepresentation of the realities of my bizarre case ...I have expressed all this to JusticeNet SA via phone, but they will not help me anymore citing this 'advice' as evidence my case does not meet their 'criteria' anymore...(but it did meet those criteria because JusticeNet SA initially ran it past a barrister who said 'yep, this dude's defence has merit', and it was following that advice/opinion that JusticeNet SA agreed to help you-Ed)...I know, I know...       

(So you've done everything that was asked of you re trying to get this case into the correct Court and some proper legal representation, etc?-Ed) was asked of me by the SECLS, and I was happy to follow that advice, although obviously I didn't ultimately have much choice, again, because the case is so humongous and requires a whole flock a' Leagles far beyond anything the SECLS could possibly afford to do...(but how can you not automatically qualify for proper Legal Aid if the State is prosecuting you?-Ed)...the Legal Services Commission is flat broke but their official explanation is 'no gaol time, no funding', and there currently is only a huge fine attached to these extraordinary charges...(and why has it been moved back to Mt Gambier when you've been repeatedly advised that it could/should be heading for the High Court on Constitutional grounds?-Ed)...mate, you tell me...

(Alright then, sure, I ain't no lawyer with no book learnin' nor nuthin', but I do reckon that it looks like an un-prosecutable case based on bizarre and undefined legislation that all concerned would rather just quietly collapse, well away from Adelaide-Ed)...well that's a very real possibility well argued, but given the bizarrely random nature of the way that this case has progressed thus farly, it's just as likely I'll get a 'Guilty' thrown at li'l ol' unrepresented me, thus forcing me to spend years more pursuing an 'Appeal' process...whatevs...

At this point, literally all I know is that I handed this over to Adelaide based lawyers, as the SECLS asked me to do, and I repeatedly hung-back as per requested by SECLS, and initially it looked potentially ok, but then I end-up with some nutter claiming to be my lawyer but who refuses to even talk to me, etc, and this clown tries to completely sabotage my case with a bizarre document riddled with gross errors and outright falsehoods, errors and falsehoods that I could have corrected for him if he'd bothered to talk to me...
Tomorrow: The Rail Lands, Probably, Or That Bizarrely Corrupt 'Advice' Letter

And just as I finish today, on the good ol' ABC Radio, a story about how a lucrative contract has been awarded to the company that employs a certain Ms Winter-Dewhirst, daughter of Premier Jay Weatherill's right hand man, the $550,000 per annum Dept of Premier and Cabinet CEO Kym Winter-Dewhirst, who is of course husband of Sandra W-D who has previously featured on this 'ere blog as the head of ABC Adelaide/SA who back in 2007 officially refused the ABC running any stories about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and on comes The Shiny Man himself, Ray Jay, to casually wave it all away as being perfectly appropriate and unimportant...(wow, so much pro-paedophile corruption and rank nepotism, it's almost like a meeting of the Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...almost...

This news follows recent announcements that a raft of senior Weatherill appointees are to get massive pay rises, eg, SAPol (police) officer now Head of Education and Gourd Knows What Else, Mr...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison there (The Mighty Boosh BBC TV), he's suddenly getting $50,000 more per year...(and they say corruption doesn't pay-Ed)...not in SA they don't, in SA they're queuing-up sayin' 'pay me to be corrupt, oo oo, pick me pick me'...(again, sounds just like a Mt Gambier Council meeting-Ed)...indeed... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...  

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Well Here's The Thang, 'Right.

Hello Turkey, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Japan, and China and welcome to the ongoing The Mount Gambier Independent, even if this post is a bit of a stop-gapish re-hashing of some old favourites, it's all about the context...(aughhh sweet baby cheeses, not the bloody context again-Ed)...steady on, it's all good, it's about putting into context TMGI and how it all is nuthin' but a Thang...(well?-Ed)...and that accepting that I don't particularly want to be doin' this 'ere blog anymore doesn't make me a bad and/or weak person...(but here you are doing it-Ed)...and that's the Thang right there...

I have no problem finally accepting that currently I do not want to be doing the blog because I find it deeply depressing to constantly drag myself back into the sad, sick reality of what is happening in this state, and particularly when I have been working so hard to 'adjust my attitude' in positive ways...(and again, but here you are doing it-Ed)...and I will continue to do it, and I will get more 'frequent' again, etc...and most importantly, I can look back over this 'ere blog with a relatively clear conscience in that I have triumphed over many foes, both internal and external, and if there are any mistakes at any point they are few and far between and genuine rather than malicious...(go you good thing-Ed)...

And cheers availees, because the reality to be gleaned from this desire to retire from doin' this 'ere blog is exactly as Ed has identified...(I what sorry?-Ed)...where observed 'but here you are doing it'...(I don't get it-Ed)...Ed, I have finally accepted that I don't want to do this 'ere blog anymore, but yet I still am and have every intention of continuing and expanding, etc...(ohhh, right, yes, you've genuinely moved beyond 'want' and 'self' to just following what appears to be the correct thing to do, etc, and that is continue-Ed)...exactly...and so here's we go as I give it a shot via some old documents, but in a context where these are very relevant and ongoing issues, particularly re this 'ere blog itself...but first...  

The Bernie Chronicles:...lurched to it's inevitable farcical conclusion today as Bernard Finnigan, the former Labor Acting Police Minister when he was busted in April 2011, 4 years and 9 months later has received a 15 months gaol term fully suspended, and instead a $1,000, 3 year Good Behaviour Bond...(wow...and what about the bizarre bizzo with the Magistrate finding Bernie actually Guilty of one count of Accessing Child Pornography, but then deferring the sentencing and not recording a 'Conviction'?-Ed)...dunno, the whole bizarre 'Conviction' issue has been vaguely covered in reportage I've seen/heard thus farly...ah, Justice SA Style, ya' gotta' love it...(but the  'Conviction' issue is basically irrelevant financially because by deferring it the Magistrate has allowed Bernie to resign and therefore hangs onto all his Parliamentary salaries and superannuation, etc, as accrued from April 2011?-Ed)...absolutely, and all future entitlements re that superannuation, etc...(wow with a strewth chaser-Ed) thanks, I'm trying to give it up myself.........(have we just strayed into the Dead Joke Zone?-Ed)...I don't know what you're talking about...bahhhh penguin...

Deadset though, the Police Minister is busted on multiple Child Pornography charges in April 2011 and 4 3/4 years later we get this nonsense...he's been allowed to sit there and amass approx $1million in taxpayer's cash, plus benefits/extras, and then allowed to resign before a 'Conviction' is 'sort of' recorded re the Guilty finding, and then even the 'Conviction' appears to be irrelevant...whatta' a sad, sick joke, and exactly the sort of rancidly bent pro-paedophile reality that I've been existing with for more than 13 years now re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(yay-Ed)...moving on...

The attached documents are self-explanatory as being the vacuous bleatings of a legion of lawyers, actual and alleged...(what do you mean "alleged"-Ed)...well, where it's actual lawyers having a good ol' whinge about what a bastard I am and how my outrageous descriptions of the truth as I have personally experienced it is all just 'defamation' and they're gunna' take action, etc, etc, well I accept that that is those 'lawyers', but where they just say 'my lawyers say I can sue for defamation', etc, well that could be anything, that could be whoevs just makin' it up to force the issue with Google...(fair enough, and I guess the bottomline, the glaring reality is that none of it's happened, none of these threats have been realised-Ed) these are what, well over 2 years ago?-Ed)...yep, the dates are on each one, and I've written in the top corner which post they relate to...(ah excellent, ta'-Ed)...and all of this stuff has been re-worked slightly and/or simply re-posted, and in most cases remains as replaced...

(My personal favourite is the one from 'Bouncin'' Billy DeGaris where he blows multiple valves with a series of hilarious hissy-fits and has the post pulled, and then you posted that letter from Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan to Billy boy, a letter effectively confirming all the technical truths you've posted about by identifying you by name as Billy's client, and asking Billy to help organise/liaise re another meeting with parents re St Martins, etc, etc-Ed)...yep, it's a classic, no question...("not one shred of evidence". ahahhaaahhahhaaaa...ahhh-Ed)...indeed, so here again is that first (and second) 'Pulled Post Justification' from Billy, dating way back to 26th and 27th March 2013, a stand-alone classic...

This is followed by Piper Alderman lawyers with two identical complaints from 2 posts of the same day, 1st April 2013, then one from the Education Dept/Gary Costello from 24th April 2013... (hilarious...2 1/2 years later he's apparently still "considering legal action"?-Ed)...well one doesn't want to rush into these things Ed, and well spotted too...everyone's gunna' sue me, you just wait mister, anytime now...(by that do you mean a very sarcastic 'never'?-Ed)...indeed I do...and then Piper Alderman twice re-submit the complaint from April 1st re posts of 6th and 7th May 2013...and closing-out this post, the complaint from Stuart Stansfield re the post of June 5th here's 4 'complaints' that cover 7 removed posts...

I think that what we can all learn from this is that I'm a bastard, apparently...(and there's a bunch more where these came from-Ed)...well yes, we've only got to June 2013 and there's several others since then, but y'all get the point I reckon, and that stuff can be a future post or two itself...(yay-Ed)...
Tomorrow: The Country Cabinet Stuff

(Oh dear gourd, what a circus-Ed)...I know, I know, but we've gotta' cover it so just chill-out and we'll do your other favourite, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda again real soon, how's about that...(yes, better thanks, much better-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Rail Lands And The Bus Shelter: A Modern Farci-tale

Hello Brazil, Ukraine, Canada, and all new availees in Montenegro again, cheers and welcome to the blog...uber-cheers for the support/advice off-blog about learning to enjoy life a li'l bit better than perhaps I have of late...(if by 'of late' you mean for a decade-Ed)..well quite, and to 'let-up' on myself a li'l more than I have on occasion...(if by 'on occasion' you mean like ever-Ed)...yes, thankyou, you've made your point...(my point beingggg???? what?-Ed)...that it hasn't all been every moment a waking nightmare, but that doesn't mean it hasn't been a hellish grind on a good day...(it's like you can read my mind-Ed)...and some people even suggest that they reckon it's alright if I do maybe only one or two posts per week while I get my shizzle together because the blog is in and of itself quite important...(and that right there's some pretty amazing praise, and not least of all because of some of it's sources-Ed)...absolutely...

Others have suggested to me that, what with the nearly 3 years committed to trying to address such manifestly unpleasant issues yet still produce a readable and engaging blog...(thankyou-Ed)...what?...(thankyou, you said readable and engaging, and that's me, Ed, a confected literary device utilised to engage availees in a readable debate that's not just preachy doomsdaying-Ed)...yeah, fair enough, anyhoos, some suggest that 800 posts on this 'ere blog and the stack of vacuous defamation threats I've accumulated...(and this extraordinary 20 (19?) counts/charges you're facing re this 'ere blog!-Ed)...and yes, that was my next point, ta', my current debasco of a Court case re 'talking about stuff' that is apparently all fine, apart from me talking about it being fine on this 'ere blog, that's a crime, apparently...what with all that, some suggest that I've gone the hard yards so very often enough to have earned the right to do what I want when I need to for a little while so's to ensure that I keep going until I can go properly again...(and fair enough-Ed)...
Still, ain't too proud to admit that it's been a very, very long week or two, again, and it is what it is, and sometimes that means losing days at a time to the stress and resultant tiredness, etc, and for every crest there's a fall...and that's just the shizzle goin' down in my own life and/or re this 'ere blog, without looking to the external media...(and to really confuse the issue, there's been good days that didn't need spoilin' by doin' this 'ere blog-Ed)...well that was the crest I was referring to, but yes, some days simply settin' down to a li'l bloggin' is still just proving a burden to hurdle...("a burden to hurdle"? trying to get over that which ones' self carries? good luck with that!-Ed)...cheers, and awayyyyyy we go...

Any week with a Council meeting in it means effectively 2 days lost, it's a real day-long grind to just go there and sit silently through that manifestly corrupt nepotistic circus...and then I'm just thoroughly over the whole damn thing for a day or two...and last week with the Frida Briggs 'Child Protection' forum/seminar thingy on that same night, I literally didn't sleep that night then lost 3 days going on 4...(and then it's Crash-out Narcolepsy for 36-48 hours?-Ed)...sometimes, it's more just a case of I go until that happens, and when it happens it happens good, and I do some serious sleeping...and last week there was also the relative deluge of familial visits that chewed-up a bunch of time, including the undisguised joy of catching-up a bit with my child back briefly from university...(woohoo!-Ed)...indeed, including a lovely trip to the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter debasco (debacle/fiasco) to stand in the pissing rain and howling wind, and so that's today's post topic...

(Mate, I agree that the Bus Shelter corruption and subsequent 'stand in the weather shizzle' is worthy of much more attention on this 'ere blog-Ed)...absolutely...(and I love the adjectival puns about a "relative deluge of familial visitors", nice-Ed)...thanks Ed, I try...(indeed, but I thought we were doing Rail Lands again today and the associated rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council, not least of all because of the small fortune Council spent on the official 'Activation' of 'The Rail' back on Sunday 15th November?-Ed)...but Ed, the LN Bus Shelter is yet another manifestation of both Council and It's/their corruption, as collides/culminates in the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...(ah yes, I do beg your pardon, please continue-Ed) fact, I would submit that the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter intricately defines the institutionalised corruption of Mt Gambier City Council...(indeed-Ed)...

(You of course refer to the two issues of 1) the  hyper-dodgy 'Two Different Tenders' process, and 2) the RLRA that drove the need for said Tender at all-Ed)...absolutely, 1) Council distributed a Tender Plan locally that included a very large, long wall along the back of the shelter, but then rejected all local bids as being too expensive, and instead chose a Queensland the current backless marquee bears testament, that 'cheaper winning bid' was re a different Tender for a different project ...(a sexy backless number-Ed)...and then of course there's 2) the Rail Lands Retail Agenda which I have thoroughly defined repeatedly over many, many posts...Council has since 2004/05 planned massive Retail/Commercial development on that site, and has relentlessly lied about it, up to and including the farcical $10million Parklands Concept Plan of November 2011, etc...

The Great White Open is a fundamentally undeniable reality that the LNBS exists because City Council didn't want anything getting in the way of the RLRA...end of story...

In seeing-off one of my visitors at the LNBS Tuesday morning 'round 0800hrs, we had the collective pleasure of each other's cold, wet company...(and a good whinge was had by all-Ed)...indeed, as the reality of the pointless disaster that is the LNBS 'Shade Shelter' was driven home by a stiff, bracing wind and drifting showers...passengers and particularly drivers were/are completely exposed to the vaguaries of even slightly inclement cold/wet weather, and completely exposed to extreme wasn't even a particularly nasty morning Tuesday, but still unpleasant enough to stand there exposed, particularly for the several elderly people waiting...and then the Universe reached out and gave me one of those li'l pats on the head as an ABC Local Radio announcer showed-up to see off a passenger, and ended-up standing only metres away...and so it was that as I explained to my departing visitor the rank corruption of Council re the ridiculous tent we were standing under, an ABCer was standin' right there coppin' an earful...(hilarious-Ed)... 

And my visitor commented that in other places the Bus Station is right at the centre of town, like at Portland or Warrnambool where it's right at the Rail Station, not 'stuck in the middle of nowhere', etc...and I explained the connection between the RLRA and Council's refusal to put the Bus Station where everyone wanted it, namely, at/on the Rail Lands, particularly utilising a renovated Old Rail Station, but Council refused because they don't want anything compromising their ongoing plans for development on the Rail Lands...and then I explained the 'Two Tenders' how we laughed, hee hee hee, ha ha ha...(nod to The Young Ones BBC TV)...and the ABCer was privy to it all...(still hilarious-Ed)...

And so there you have it, even a brief sortie to affect a simple farewell is laden with the craven indulgences of Council and their mates as we all stand on Jubilee Hwy exposed to the weather whilst the classic Old Rail Station is left to rot...($4.63million they've spent on that Rail Lands site and not one cent on the Old Station, it's a bloody disgrace-Ed)...absolutely...and just to prove myself even righter, here's the article (below) from The Border Watch from March 2006 (immediately following the meetings of 28th February 2006 where Council presented their plans for the huge expansion of the Lakes Plaza), clearly stating what I witnessed myself at those meetings, and as was again defined when Council first mooted the LNBS as it is now...there'll be more to come on the Rail Lands in near future posts, but this li'l scenario does perfectly illustrate the harsh realities of the damage done by this rank Council corruption...

Instead of a modern, weather-proof central Bus Terminus at a beautifully renovated Old Station, with all the adjacent amenities of the Lakes Plaza (food, cash, indoor toilets, etc), we have this bullshizzle tent aways away out on the wrong side of Jubilee Hwy, literally miles from's an embarrassing disgrace...       
Tomorrow: Country Cabinet - The Bureau Of Lies

Riddle Me is it that the Upper House seat vacated 2 weeks ago when 'disgraced' MP Bernard Finnigan was allowed to resign from Parliament following a 'Guilty' verdict re one of the two Child Pornography charges he finally did face this year...(on charges dating back to his arrest in April 2011-Ed)...indeed...even when one gets past the rankly corrupt conduct of this case as Bernie sat there in the Legislative Council for 4 and a half years voting on matters and drawing a full parliamentary wage and associated superannuation, allowances, etc, whilst his case went through 30 adjournments, multiple Courts, etc, how is it that that MLC position just suddenly reverts to the Labor Party and becomes our charming Premier's 'pick'?...(good point, 'cos back in 2011 Labor/Premier Mike Rann immediately dumped Bernie from the Party, albeit whilst preaching 'innocent until proven guilty', etc-Ed)...indeed...

And every breathless exasperation and vehement condemnation re Child Abuse that escapes those thin lying lips is defined irrefutably as soulless hypocrisy by his own rankly corrupt behaviour...Premier Weatherill is just the latest pro-paedophile Premier in a sad, sick state collapsing under the weight of Labor's gross corruption and associated incompetence, and Mt Gambier is just a mimicking microcosm of that self-same wonder the State's so fundamentally rooted...(sweet baby cheeses, you might have had nearly a week off, but you're still a very angry not-so-young man, aren't you?-Ed)...mate, it ain't nuthin' but a Thang...

 I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Friday, November 27, 2015

Indignant Tones About The Template of Deceit

Hello Portugal, Taiwan, France, and Montenegro and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent, currently a randomly roughly weekly blog that bobs-up every 4-6 days, but still aspires to be a 5 post per week concern concerned with addressing if maybe not resolving issues in an attempt to improve my community...(and cheers to that-Ed)...thankyou Ed...ladies and gentlemen, Ed, whom is in fact a confected literary device utilised to engage availees of this 'ere blog in conversation, set-up jokes, etc, not an actual real person...(but what is really a real person anyway, do we not all wear masks?-Ed)...mate, faux-philosophising from a faux-person is really not what's needed right now, so let's move on...

Tell Me It's Just Me: because when I see the ABC 7.30 program do yet another long and excruciating piece about the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission and the abuses committed against children by a Catholic priest and the rank bastardry of the Catholic Church in protecting the perpetrators and attacking victims of abuse, etc, etc, when I see this program running this story, all I see is the deeply cynical template of manipulation and deceit that defines the Royal Commission as an exercise in pretending to do something, a wholly corrupted agenda fully supported by a complicit ABC...tell me I'm wrong...

What I see, no sorry, what I live is the reality that the Federal Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse flatly refuses to look at the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up despite submissions from several families, and has failed to even mention the Lutherans, at all, in their (the Commission's) 3 years of supposedly thorough review of all and's a crassly corrupt window to the heart of the beast, and the heart is rotten...I see a rotten Commission promoted on an equally rotten Public Broadcaster, via a program that itself specifically refuses to look at the St Martins Cover-up...

I'll say it again...the St Martins Cover-up, with it's legion of institutionalised failures involving 1) the state's Labor government upto and including 2 Premiers, Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, and a pathetically irrelevant and corruptly complicit Liberal 'Opposition', 2) the rank failure/refusal of SAPol (police) to conduct any sort of investigation in 2002, eg, not even interviewing teacher Glyn Dorling, whom Principal John Alexander had already removed, 3) the extraordinary conduct of the wholly corrupt Teachers Registration Board and Crown Solicitors office in actively protecting by exonerating this "text-book grooming paedophile" (FCPS), a gross 'failure' that generated 4) the (parliamentary) Statutory Authority Review Committee Inquiry no. 54 into the TRB (2008-2011)...

This is but a tiny sample of the broader and clearly deliberate disaster that is the St Martins Cover-up...(you haven't even touched on the rankly corrupt pro-paedophile behaviour of the Lutheran Church who aggressively defended Glyn Dorling, upto and including giving him a massive 'pay-out' via an un-contested claim of Unfair Dismissal made by Dorling in WorkCover-Ed)...ah yeah, that's right, the Lutherans effectively gave him a 6-figure sum, allegedly approx $250,000, and concurrently tried to bury this issue under a blizzard of 'Confidentiality Agreements' that were then also used to block access by Flinders Child Protection Service (FCPS) to teachers, staff, etc...(indeed, a very thorough and well organised and well-rehearsed program of neat legal deceits to protect a paedophile, that's my experience of the  Lutheran Church right there-Ed)...right there...

So you'll excuse me if I continue to indulge in a few days away from these realities and away from this 'ere blog and then get back to it when I can as best I can...please excuse me and then tell me I'm wrong...but I'm not...lay the Template of Deceit across this ABC story and it's all there...pour horrendous stories into the media albeit stories/cases that are already well documented, probably from decades ago, and where the perpetrators are preferably dead/gaoled already, using a victim to gain empathy and support for the Commission and promote the construct that the Commission is worthwhile because some people got to talk about some things, etc...

It's all terrible and it's all wrong, but the deeply cynical manipulation of people's suffering in the way that this Commission does, that's just a shameful disgrace...and I'll withdraw that claim when I see St Martins front and centre and the shreckin' Lutherans up there bleatin' their pathetic excuses about how they can't remember,'s a disgrace...

And if the Royal Commission can ignore the St Martins case, what else does it choose to ignore?       
This is my reality, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up - 13 Years And Counting...this is the life I have...this is the life we all have because we all live the reality that we have a government and a police force and a Child Protection system, etc, etc, that is protecting, has been protecting for at least 13 years, a "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher, Glyn Dorling, whom all these authorities know abused a class of 7 year old kids at St Martins Lutheran School in 2002...and protected not least of all by relentlessly attacking parents...this is your reality, my reality, and the sickeningly frightening reality for children in this State...

If this State is capable of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, what is it not capable of when it comes to pro-paedophile corruption? And if the Royal Commission can ignore Sr Martins....this is the reality, this is the life, and so you'll excuse me if I have the Odd Angry Day Off...

Oh yeah, and apparently I'm only facing 19 charges/counts now re the **** Act, and my case is apparently about to be moved back to Mt Gambier because it's been handled so poorly in Adelaide...(but it was moved to Adelaide so's that you could get proper Legal Eagles 'cos you're gunna' need a bank of them 'cos this case is so huge and also precedent for the Act-Ed)...yep...(but when it comes back here, you'll have no legal representation at all-Ed)...correct...(but you're being prosecuted by the State for 'talking about stuff' that's allegedly all fine-Ed)...just fine...(and you've been refused Legal Aid funding so you've had no choice but to hand it over to others and have therefore ended-up with 'pro bono' lawyers in Adelaide whom you've never met-Ed)...bring it home big fella...(and now it's been handled so badly, it's being sent back to Mt Gambier-Ed)...annnnnd rest...

I don't really know what to tell you about this dear availees, because since I handed control of this across to others, which I did at the specific request of my Leagles from the local Community Legal Service as much as out of necessity, the whole thing's been handled atrociously, and even the minimal stuff I've managed to generate from my alleged legal representatives, it all grossly conflicts with other documents they've sent me, and my 'case' has gone rapidly backwards via a series of adjournments that have absolutely nothing to do with me, and now the Court has clearly had a gutful...(the Court ain't the only one!-Ed)...settle Ed, and now the case is apparently being moved back here...(wow-Ed)...can't imagine what this farce has cost thus far, but there's been a huge swathe of SAPol involvement, the DPP, etc, and now 10 hearings/adjournments in Mt Gambier and Adelaide...(I thought everything was a budgetry crisis demanding massive cuts?-Ed)...yeah, except of course when it comes to getting li'l ol' me, then there's no expense to be spared...(well apart from denying you Legal Aid for appropriate legal representation-Ed)...well yes of course...

If and when I have some true idea of what's going on here in my own massively important case which involves multiple issues of Constitutional Law re freedom of speech, etc, in the precedent prosecution of a vastly powerful yet undefined piece of legislation that makes virtually anything a breach of the Act should authorities choose to go you for something, when I manage to pin-down one actual truth/fact, y'all 'll be the first to know...don't hold ya' breath...

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands Opening Day

(What about the Country Cabinet thingy? didn't you go to that?-Ed)...well I did, yes, but that farcical cluster-shreck can is/was a farcical irrelevance as the wholly corrupt Labor government go through the motions of giving a damn so's they can say they give a damn...and they don't...these are the people who have covered up the gross abuse at St Martins, and who knows what when you deal with these people, say for instance on issues of Fracking in the South East, you know that St Martins is at least the degree of corruption and deceit they are capable of...

I am Nick Fletcher and I am a large, angry hippy...cheers and laters...   

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Winners Write History, But The Extraordinary Become It

This Is The Life You Have:...dear availee, this week's homework is to find, listen to, and absorb the philosophy there-in of the song 'This Is The Life' off the 'Times Up' album by USofA band Living Color..."In another life your face might have been perfect", etc...the upshot is, 'this is the life you have, so make the most of it''s about acceptance without resignation and strength through self-belief, a philosophy I strongly subscribe to if constantly struggle to achieve let alone maintain...and so...

I acknowledge again the life of extraordinary privilege and good fortune that I inherited for being born a White Man in a stolen land, and that continues through the support I receive from my society via the Disability Support Pension and the Housing Trust (Housing SA)...this is a life of globally relative comfort, security, and even wealth, but in my community it is quite literally a Poverty Line much as I can't really prove it here, I am still working really hard 'off-blog' to get my collective shizzle together and continue to at least try to be the bestest man that I can...sure, maybe I ain't quite there yet, maybe still a long way-off, maybe never get there, but I will strive to be extraordinary...(well that's not what some people think-Ed)...orrr yeah, what've ya' heard now?...(just stuff-Ed) tell...

(Well, the word on the street is, 'wow, who's this dude?', and said both in a context of denigration, eg, 'who the heck does he think he is?', right through to near-congratulation, eg, 'we need people like you'-Ed)..."like you"?...(yeah, people who knowingly forgo their own comfort and security to address the rank pro-paedophile corruption that riddles nay runs South Australia-Ed)...well it's hardly by choice though, is it? the St Martins Cover-up pushed me to this, St Martins and the rank corruption of the State and/or Mt Gambier politicians and media...(fair enough-Ed)...and now back to the blog proper...     

Howdy y'all and welcome to The Mount Gambier apologies for a post-less week on this 'ere blog, it's been another very long and very confronting week re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(but that's hardly your fault now is it?-Ed)...not specifically, but that doesn't mean I don't feel that way sometimes even often...(I know, I know, you still blame yourself because of that time you saw teacher Glyn Dorling touching three girls but didn't realise in the moment what it truly was, and you feel that kids suffered several more weeks of abuses because of your self-imposed 'failure' to spot it that day-Ed) know me too well Ed, indeed I do feel 'responsible', and then there's the whole failure to make any real inroads re the Rann/Weatherill Labor government's cover-up...

The main problem I had with just doin' this 'ere blog this week was the ruthless daily drag-back through the relentless and rank institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption of this sick town in this paedophile-corrupt State...after the Mt Gambier City Council meeting of Tuesday evening 17th November 2015...(ooo gourd-Ed)...indeed, always a thrill, from there I went straight across to the Child Protection Forum at the Town Hall, with guest speaker Frida Briggs...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...yeah, you bet, good ol' Frida...which brings us to some emails, etc, that regular availees have already seen, but with the farcical Country Cabinet in town this weekend, they do bear please find attached the email Frida sent me back on 28th August 2007, clearly stating that SAPol have stuffed-up, albeit not acknowledging that this was a deliberate failure, and then states that the kids would have been useless in Court, etc...she also states that the TRB "completely disregarded" the 2 expert witnesses from Flinders Child Protection Service/Unit...and despite all of these remarkable observations, she's done absolutely bugger-all about it...just another professional carer who ain't gunna' risk her precious position...

I went to that forum/seminar, paid my $20 to get in, and then as promised to the organisers, I didn't say a single word to Frida, indeed I stood out of sight in the foyer whilst she presented her bit, and didn't even go near her afters during tea-and-chat time...she looked at me a couple of times but I even avoided direct eye-contact and I don't know whether she recognised me...I voluntarily promised not to create a ruckus because I considered the situation too important and I didn't want to stuff it all up for the people who had put in so much effort to organise it...this is how I roll, and anyone who's seen me in action, knows that's the truth...when push comes to shove, I shove with the best of them, but there are times when only silence will do, and so silent I was...and I've heard it all before, repeatedly and years ago, and the stress of it all simply writes-off a coupla' days, and then a coupla' more to get back to even and then a coupla' more just to get goin' again...and here we are...  

Every time I see/hear Frida it's a confronting reminder of the many empty promises she made to help us, promises that started over a decade ago...same thing with that vacuous stooge Grant Stephens, our current SAPol (police) Commissioner, every time I hear/see him it slings me right back to when he was head of the Paedophile Taskforce and I spoke to him by phone, and he outright stated that he/the Paedophile Taskforce would not be investigating the St Martins Cover-up because he'd been told by his SAPol superiors to "drop it"...("drop it"?...not, 'that's been thoroughly investigated and sure it wasn't perfect and some of the teacher's behaviours were questionable, but I assure you Mr Fletcher that everything's fine, just fine'? not that?-Ed)...nope, not some long-winded obfuscation and excusing of all involved, a straight-out 'I've been ordered to drop it'...(wow-Ed)...and it seems that that sort of corruption/weakness gets you promoted to SAPol Commissioner...(yeah, but nobody with the vaguest idea what's actually going on, truly believes that he is running SAPol, they know he's the stooge-head of a wholly corrupted Authority-Ed)...indeed, but we digress...  

So here, just for laughs, are some letters/documents I reckon you've seen before dear availee, but I don't know how to get past this stuff in a more thorough and concise way...let these charming leaders of ours take responsibility for their own actions and explain their own rancidly corrupt complicity in the St Martins Cover-up...not least of all our charming former Prime Minister Labor's Julia Gillard, who, as Education Minister wrote to Member for Barker Patrick Secker saying 'not my problem', one from Premier Jay Weatherill blocking/refusing Comm Mullighan any official involvement, and one from my mate Frida Briggs...

And one from Sandra Winter-Dewhirst who is/was head of the ABC Adelaide, and who on 22nd August 2007 emailed me (attached), stating 'gee whiz, sorry to hear about the abuses "that you allege occurred", but damned if we'll touch it', all carefully avoiding naming those she has allegedly spoken to...(well locally that would be Stan Thompson, Alan Richardson, Stuart Stansfield, Greame Bennett, Selina Green, et al, and in Adelaide that's Patrick Emmett, Simon Royal, Ian Hentschke, David Bevan, Matthew Abrahams, et al-Ed)...well indeed Ed, I have personally spoken to each and every one of these people re the St Martins Cover-up, and many others, but you are purely summising as to whom it was that SWD actually spoke to...(if she spoke to anyone-Ed)..indeed, if she actually spoke to anyone...regardless, the point is that she claims to have made the decision to dump the St Martins Cover-up in full knowledge of what has actually happened...

Now her husband Kym Winter-Dewhirst is the $550,000 per annum CEO of the Office of Premier and Cabinet...(wow, and who says that pro-paedophile corruption doesn't pay?-Ed)...well it wasn't me because that's exactly what I'm saying right is the rank, nepotistic, pro-paedophile corruption that is destroying this State...welcome to Mt Gambier Mr Weatherill...

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands Opening

And apologies that it seems I somehow posted just the title of this 'ere post before actually writing it and have then unwittingly changed that title whilst writing and so's here we are and there we went and now we're back here again...whatevs...

Last weekend was the opening of the Rail Lands and I wanted to lay-off it a bit just to see/hear what people think, and I've done my own walk-through as, and not in the good way...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, November 16, 2015

Still Tryin' And Maybe Just Achievin'

Hello y'all and welcome to the blog...I'm just gunna' make another 'general apology' for the continuing saga that is gettin' this 'ere blog back on the rails as a daily (5 per week) is hardly my best effort and I know that but I still want to do this...(dude, ease-up on yourself a bit, it's not like you're just hangin'-out or just kickin'-back and relaxin' or nuthin', you've had another hugely stressful coupla' weeks, not least of all chasin' a recalcitrant and elusive lawyer who you've never met nor spoken to, and who doesn't even officially represent you, yet somehow has come to be running your case re 20 charges/counts of 'talking about stuff', a precedent case re a hugely powerful piece of undefined legislation-Ed)...well, when you put it like that, it's a genuine apology prefaced with a very real 'excuse'...(fair enough-Ed)...

But First:...maybe I will defend myself a bit amongst that verdant apologising, because it has been hugely stressful, particularly last week with yet another hearing...(the tenth?-Ed)...yep, 10 now, with 10 adjournments, after I already pleaded Not Guilty at the third hearing back in April 2015...and it's still goin' nowhere fast...(whatta' shambles-Ed)...indeed, but anyhoos, it was really difficult to compose a 3 page letter to said lawyer that comprehensively covered the many, many aspects of this case, and my many concerns about this lawyer's conduct, etc, and do so politely and sans sarcasm, etc...(and without my many witty cynicisms and pithy prose to help it all flow a li'l better-Ed)...somehow I managed...but yes, I've been writing in the 'style' of this 'ere blog for so long that it's really difficult to back-off a bit and just write a normal literally took me all day to compose just one letter...(but it was worth the time and effort, yeah?-Ed)...absolutely, I hope, as time will tell, probably...but quickly moving on...

And it continues to be the Child Abuse stuff that really gets me riled, depressed, and wound-up all at the same time...for weeks now there's been relentless reportage of the Federal Royal Commission and of course the Bernard Finnigan case...and of course every time I see/hear our charming Premier Jay Weatherill, that right there's the very shiny man with his grubby hands on the controls of the St Martins Cover-up...(yeah, it's a tough call when ya' want to monitor the news and stuff and it's just this shizzle over and over again, and then ya' set down to do this 'ere blog and churn it all out all over yet again-Ed)...indeed Ed, it's a hard row to hoe most days and only harder on others...   

The Bernard Finnigan Decision:...good ol' South Australia maintains the pro-paedophile non-rage with a farcical Guilty/Not Guilty decision re the 2 Child Pornography charges he finally faced this year...I remind availees that Bernie was the Mike Rann Labor government's Acting Police Minister back in April 2011 when SAPol (police) raided his (Bernie's) home, seized several laptops and/or computers, and arrested and detained Mr Acting Police Minister on multiple Child Pornography charges...(but how can it be Guilty/Not Guilty'?-Ed)...Guilty of 'Accessing CP', but Not Guilty of 'Attempting To Access CP'...(what's the bloody difference?-Ed)...and there-in lies The Crunch...

This double decision plays perfectly to Bernie's legal defense that he'd accidentally viewed Child Pornography whilst looking at adult porn, but hadn't tried to 'Access CP'...with the Magistrate's highly unusual deferral of any decision re an actual 'Conviction', Bernie has been allowed to resign from Parliament, amid the hypocritical screechings of our charming pro-paedophile Premier Jay Weatherill, thus holding-on to all his (Bernie's) accrued pay and entitlements...I believe that it can/will be argued that the Guilty finding has ruined his career and he's lost enough already so no Conviction and no gaol, and anyhoos ya' Honour, your own findings of 'did but didn't mean to' show that you accept the defense's position that this is all just a terrible misunderstanding, under very difficult circumstances...(ooo, isn't this fun, just like a real trial-Ed)...*a nod to BlackAdder BBC TV*  

And thank goodness, because, whilst this might have been a massively corrupted 4 1/2 year farce, we're going to have a review and there'll be at least one Inquiry...(and a jolly thorough one too, no doubt!-Ed)...and Attorney General John Rau is all over it and he's gunna' sort it all out, etc, etc...and Bernie isn't the first Labor Police Minister to find themselves busted for  behaviours...(oh yeah, there was that highly corrupted deceit where paedophile politician 'Terry' was busted in his car with a teenage boy, whilst sitting in the Veale Gardens carpark-Ed)...indeed, Veale Gardens on Adelaide's South Tce being a notorious 'cottaging' area where gay men hook-up, engage under-age male prostitutes, etc...(sounds like a charming place-Ed)'s Adelaide all over isn't it...anyhoos, 'Terry' was the Labor Police Minister at the time and, despite the fact he was caught engaging in a sex act with a teenage male prostitute in a carpark, was officially charged with drink-driving along the adjacent main road...

(Didn't former Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen, himself a rankly corrupt pro-paedophile Minister in the Rann Labor government and completely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up, didn't he state outright to parents that 'Terry' is former Labor Minister Patrick Conlon?-Ed)...indeed Rory did...(and weren't both SAPol and Victorian police provided copies of the video and/or still images captured that night when 'Terry' was busted?-Ed)...absolutely, and then claimed to have lost and/or accidentally destroyed those copies/discs...(and then the Child Protection activists who exposed this 'Terry' issue as part of a broader anti-paedophile campaign, didn't the State try to gaol them on farcical charges that were quite literally laughed out of Court by the jury?-Ed)...just the Paedophile State protecting it's paedophile mates...(we truly are a disgrace in SA, aren't we-Ed)...I don't know what to say Ed...

What I will say is that when I gave evidence at that trial, before I'd even opened my mouth, I thought that the jury was going to acquit the 'activists' because almost all the jurists were just looking at me shaking their heads and shrugging their shoulders in exasperated was mildly the time I'd given my brief evidence, some in the jury were almost laughing, the whole thing was that ridiculous...I note that prosecutors actually changed the charges mid-trial from Criminal Defamation to some sort of bizarre 'Treason' charge re destroying Public Faith in the State...(deadset?-Ed)...I'm sure that there's correct legal terms for all of this and it may even be technically allowable, I don't know, but that's what happened...(wow-Ed)...indeed, the whole thing sounds ridiculously unlikely, but there you have it...

And if you're new to this 'ere blog and consider any of the last few paragraphs to be beyond believable, please do go back over this 'ere blog and check-out the undeniable realities of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the paths it has taken me down, the rooms it has taken me into, and ask why it is I can continue to speak about these things amid a blizzard of 'defamation threats', etc, yet no-one will take me directly to task over these issues...the 'Terry' stuff in particular is widely known and was openly discussed as fact between activists, abuse survivors, politicians, journalists, etc, in front of me if not actually to me, eg, in February 2005 I sat-in on a meeting between activists and then Liberal leader Rob Kerin where this was openly discussed; a month later a meeting in the Speaker's rooms with Professor Frida Briggs and others, etc...and of course Rory mate...(maaate-Ed)...did outright state that 'Terry' was/is Patrick Conlon...I don't make this shizzle-up for my own entertainment, I just bring the rage to the page along with the facts as I've experienced them...and while I'm on the subject...     

The Federal Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse continues it's deeply cynical deceits and manipulations, continuously spewing-out detailed horror stories about already well-known abuses committed 40-50 years ago by offenders dead for decades, but still refusing to look at the St Martins Cover-up...and the Lutherans still haven't been even mentioned let alone investigated...(wow-Ed)...indeed...I know I've written this same paragraph as many times over as indeed you dear availee has had to read it, but what am I to do when this constant reality re ignoring St Martins constantly shows this Royal Commission for what it is, a sickly cynical exercise in pretending to do something about institutionalised paedophilia whilst current realities like St Martins are carefully avoided...

I genuinely was going to crank-out a brief post yesterday evening (**now actually last week, probably the Tuesday night, maybe? sorry**), about the Rail Lands, but lost all motivation/energy made the mistake of watching the Channel 7 Today Tonight story about the 'massive social experiment' underway in South Australia re Renewable Energy, and the subsequent closure of the Pt Augusta Power Station and how we (SA) are now wholly reliant on solar, wind turbines, or the base-load electricity coming from Victorian brown coal power stations that comes into SA via 'Interconnectors'...and on November 1st 2015 there was a relatively minor fault in the 'Interconnector' near Mingbool here in the South East, and 100,000+ homes and businesses, etc, in Adelaide were left literally powerless...and at the same time our electricity prices, already the second highest on Earth, will further increase without a definable peak...(what? just up and up?-Ed)...yep, it really is a distressing disaster and one of those situations where being 'right' brings no joy what-so-ever...more laters...

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands - I Just Don't Know What To Say

(Well how about just bloody somethin'! you keep saying Rail Lands, Rail Lands, but it never seems to quite happen-Ed)...I know, I know, I'm tryin', really I am...(I know you are, perhaps just try a li'l less sometimes on some things and you'll have a bit more time for these things-Ed)...well that's a bit esoterically obvious, but point taken, but with stuff like my Court case, the whole thing is completely out of my control and I have no choice but to react to what is being done to me...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Saturday, November 14, 2015

And Yet Further Apologies

But I have finally run into that wall/swamp/reality/inevitability where the traumas in my life that I'm trying to not let define me, those traumas manifest themselves as a palatable loathing and contempt for Mt Gambier, and I too ask myself, why do I bother and why do I stay.

I may be that metaphoric meteorite hurling itself through a bitterly resistant atmosphere of personal vilification and State corruption, as chunks break-off and flare to dust behind me, but I'm headed for a fairly un-gentle touchdown in a State that is itself disintegrating under the weight of the pro-paedophile corruption that controls South Australia's Parliament, SAPol (police), the Crown Solicitor, etc, etc...I may be in trouble, but this State is rooted, rooted and rotting...and I'm pretty much done with it...(oh dear-Ed)...

Having said that, very fortunately for me if not so much for anyone else, I'm a vain, stubborn, arrogant, bastard who won't be told nuthin' 'bout nuthin' by no-one and I will do this 'ere shreckin' blog whether 1) I like it or not, 2) 'It' (the blog) likes it or not, and 3) anyone else likes it or not...(and what about me then? what about what I want? or is this just another situation where my wants and needs are considered redundant if not irrelevant because I'm not an actual person, but a confected literary device developed and utilised to engage availees in discussion and set-up your shocking puns/jokes/whatevs?-Ed)...ummm, yes, I'll leave it to others to decide...(mate, nice, a classic Aussie political line...'I'll leave that for others to comment'-Ed)...indeed, a classic 'cop-out' line...

And apologies that I haven't posted that Court hearing stuff, but I was advised to let it all play-out first...(oh, so you've finally spoken to the lawyer representing you in Adelaide then?-Ed)...nup...(no? but who advised you then?-Ed)...someone else unofficially, I've never spoken to the lawyer who claims to be representing me in Adelaide...(never? but how do they know what you want them to do, etc, if you haven't even spoken?-Ed) tell me Ed, you tell far as I'm concerned this 'lawyer' has not just failed but has refused to speak with me and certainly doesn't act for me...(but they've represented you at 2 hearings now, without having spoken to you and without taking any direction from you-Ed)...I know, I know, it absolutely reeks...

Even if I wasn't in a decade-long pitched battle with wholly corrupt State authorities over their complicit corruption re the 2002 St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and I hadn't been routinely betrayed by corrupt lawyers like Peter Humphries, Tim Bourne, Bill DeGaris, etc...(gidday Billy-boy, still waiting for you to make good your multiple gutless threats to sue us Billy-Ed)...aren't we though, sue us for telling the truth about you Billy and your atrociously incompetent betrayal re the St Martins Cover-up...(and the super-dodgy SERDE building sale-Ed)...indeed...even if one disregards all this pro-paedophile corruption, this Adelaide lawyer's/firm's conduct is extraordinarily unprofessional and fundamentally incompetent, and I find it difficult to see this bizarre refusal to contact me as anything but a deliberate construct of plausible denial, and not to my favour...(but I still don't can the lawyer/firm be running a case without even speaking to the client?-Ed)...

I will cover this Court stuff as future posts are rolled-out, but later today I'll get on board with another Rail Lands post...(oh my god, they're doing the Grand Launch on Sunday 15th November 2015-Ed)...I know mate, and it's called 'Activating The Site' apparently...(what a laughable disaster-Ed)...I know...(mate, you should have heard the local ABC Radio yesterday morning, it was like they had this 'ere blog in front of them and were going through the litany of Council's gross failures, deliberate deceits and outright lies and crass nepotism, just your traditional Mt Gambier City Council corruption, and carefully trying to re-define them as vague ideas from the distant past, eg, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda was a bit of an idea way back when, but is completely irrelevant to the current shreckin' mess, apparently-Ed)...I heard it mate, just another deeply deceitful ABC manipulation of the community on behalf of the rankly corrupted vested interests who effectively run the ABC Mt Gambier...

I'll stop here with the casual observation that former Labor Acting Police Minister Bernard Finnigan, arrested in April 2011 re Child Pornography charges, has been found Guilty of one count of Accessing Child Pornography, and Not Guilty of one count of Attempting to Access CP...(what's the difference?-Ed)...well one allows the argument that it was an accident, and the second supports it...there's clearly no avoiding that Bernie did access Child Pornogrphy, but this Guilty/Not Guilty allows him to continue the 'defense' that if he had done it, it wasn't deliberate, it was an accident...(right, which further allows him to argue against an actual conviction and gaol-time-Ed)...indeed, and he has resigned this week, but he'll get to just walk away and hang-on to the near $1million that he has 'earned' as a serving MP in the 4 1/2 years since his arrest...

(And as for the seethingly hypocritical crocodile tears and faux outrage from our pro-paedophile Premier Jay Weatherill, well what about your own personal rank pro-paedophile corruption in stopping appropriate investigation of the St Martins Cover-up Jay, and your repeated lies about 'not recalling that'?-Ed)...ah yes, good ol' SA, the Pro-paedophile state with the Pro-paedophile Premier.. 

Today: The Rail Lands Corruption Rolls On

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...