Friday, November 27, 2015

Indignant Tones About The Template of Deceit

Hello Portugal, Taiwan, France, and Montenegro and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent, currently a randomly roughly weekly blog that bobs-up every 4-6 days, but still aspires to be a 5 post per week concern concerned with addressing if maybe not resolving issues in an attempt to improve my community...(and cheers to that-Ed)...thankyou Ed...ladies and gentlemen, Ed, whom is in fact a confected literary device utilised to engage availees of this 'ere blog in conversation, set-up jokes, etc, not an actual real person...(but what is really a real person anyway, do we not all wear masks?-Ed)...mate, faux-philosophising from a faux-person is really not what's needed right now, so let's move on...

Tell Me It's Just Me: because when I see the ABC 7.30 program do yet another long and excruciating piece about the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission and the abuses committed against children by a Catholic priest and the rank bastardry of the Catholic Church in protecting the perpetrators and attacking victims of abuse, etc, etc, when I see this program running this story, all I see is the deeply cynical template of manipulation and deceit that defines the Royal Commission as an exercise in pretending to do something, a wholly corrupted agenda fully supported by a complicit ABC...tell me I'm wrong...

What I see, no sorry, what I live is the reality that the Federal Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse flatly refuses to look at the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up despite submissions from several families, and has failed to even mention the Lutherans, at all, in their (the Commission's) 3 years of supposedly thorough review of all and's a crassly corrupt window to the heart of the beast, and the heart is rotten...I see a rotten Commission promoted on an equally rotten Public Broadcaster, via a program that itself specifically refuses to look at the St Martins Cover-up...

I'll say it again...the St Martins Cover-up, with it's legion of institutionalised failures involving 1) the state's Labor government upto and including 2 Premiers, Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, and a pathetically irrelevant and corruptly complicit Liberal 'Opposition', 2) the rank failure/refusal of SAPol (police) to conduct any sort of investigation in 2002, eg, not even interviewing teacher Glyn Dorling, whom Principal John Alexander had already removed, 3) the extraordinary conduct of the wholly corrupt Teachers Registration Board and Crown Solicitors office in actively protecting by exonerating this "text-book grooming paedophile" (FCPS), a gross 'failure' that generated 4) the (parliamentary) Statutory Authority Review Committee Inquiry no. 54 into the TRB (2008-2011)...

This is but a tiny sample of the broader and clearly deliberate disaster that is the St Martins Cover-up...(you haven't even touched on the rankly corrupt pro-paedophile behaviour of the Lutheran Church who aggressively defended Glyn Dorling, upto and including giving him a massive 'pay-out' via an un-contested claim of Unfair Dismissal made by Dorling in WorkCover-Ed)...ah yeah, that's right, the Lutherans effectively gave him a 6-figure sum, allegedly approx $250,000, and concurrently tried to bury this issue under a blizzard of 'Confidentiality Agreements' that were then also used to block access by Flinders Child Protection Service (FCPS) to teachers, staff, etc...(indeed, a very thorough and well organised and well-rehearsed program of neat legal deceits to protect a paedophile, that's my experience of the  Lutheran Church right there-Ed)...right there...

So you'll excuse me if I continue to indulge in a few days away from these realities and away from this 'ere blog and then get back to it when I can as best I can...please excuse me and then tell me I'm wrong...but I'm not...lay the Template of Deceit across this ABC story and it's all there...pour horrendous stories into the media albeit stories/cases that are already well documented, probably from decades ago, and where the perpetrators are preferably dead/gaoled already, using a victim to gain empathy and support for the Commission and promote the construct that the Commission is worthwhile because some people got to talk about some things, etc...

It's all terrible and it's all wrong, but the deeply cynical manipulation of people's suffering in the way that this Commission does, that's just a shameful disgrace...and I'll withdraw that claim when I see St Martins front and centre and the shreckin' Lutherans up there bleatin' their pathetic excuses about how they can't remember,'s a disgrace...

And if the Royal Commission can ignore the St Martins case, what else does it choose to ignore?       
This is my reality, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up - 13 Years And Counting...this is the life I have...this is the life we all have because we all live the reality that we have a government and a police force and a Child Protection system, etc, etc, that is protecting, has been protecting for at least 13 years, a "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher, Glyn Dorling, whom all these authorities know abused a class of 7 year old kids at St Martins Lutheran School in 2002...and protected not least of all by relentlessly attacking parents...this is your reality, my reality, and the sickeningly frightening reality for children in this State...

If this State is capable of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, what is it not capable of when it comes to pro-paedophile corruption? And if the Royal Commission can ignore Sr Martins....this is the reality, this is the life, and so you'll excuse me if I have the Odd Angry Day Off...

Oh yeah, and apparently I'm only facing 19 charges/counts now re the **** Act, and my case is apparently about to be moved back to Mt Gambier because it's been handled so poorly in Adelaide...(but it was moved to Adelaide so's that you could get proper Legal Eagles 'cos you're gunna' need a bank of them 'cos this case is so huge and also precedent for the Act-Ed)...yep...(but when it comes back here, you'll have no legal representation at all-Ed)...correct...(but you're being prosecuted by the State for 'talking about stuff' that's allegedly all fine-Ed)...just fine...(and you've been refused Legal Aid funding so you've had no choice but to hand it over to others and have therefore ended-up with 'pro bono' lawyers in Adelaide whom you've never met-Ed)...bring it home big fella...(and now it's been handled so badly, it's being sent back to Mt Gambier-Ed)...annnnnd rest...

I don't really know what to tell you about this dear availees, because since I handed control of this across to others, which I did at the specific request of my Leagles from the local Community Legal Service as much as out of necessity, the whole thing's been handled atrociously, and even the minimal stuff I've managed to generate from my alleged legal representatives, it all grossly conflicts with other documents they've sent me, and my 'case' has gone rapidly backwards via a series of adjournments that have absolutely nothing to do with me, and now the Court has clearly had a gutful...(the Court ain't the only one!-Ed)...settle Ed, and now the case is apparently being moved back here...(wow-Ed)...can't imagine what this farce has cost thus far, but there's been a huge swathe of SAPol involvement, the DPP, etc, and now 10 hearings/adjournments in Mt Gambier and Adelaide...(I thought everything was a budgetry crisis demanding massive cuts?-Ed)...yeah, except of course when it comes to getting li'l ol' me, then there's no expense to be spared...(well apart from denying you Legal Aid for appropriate legal representation-Ed)...well yes of course...

If and when I have some true idea of what's going on here in my own massively important case which involves multiple issues of Constitutional Law re freedom of speech, etc, in the precedent prosecution of a vastly powerful yet undefined piece of legislation that makes virtually anything a breach of the Act should authorities choose to go you for something, when I manage to pin-down one actual truth/fact, y'all 'll be the first to know...don't hold ya' breath...

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands Opening Day

(What about the Country Cabinet thingy? didn't you go to that?-Ed)...well I did, yes, but that farcical cluster-shreck can is/was a farcical irrelevance as the wholly corrupt Labor government go through the motions of giving a damn so's they can say they give a damn...and they don't...these are the people who have covered up the gross abuse at St Martins, and who knows what when you deal with these people, say for instance on issues of Fracking in the South East, you know that St Martins is at least the degree of corruption and deceit they are capable of...

I am Nick Fletcher and I am a large, angry hippy...cheers and laters...   

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