Monday, November 16, 2015

Still Tryin' And Maybe Just Achievin'

Hello y'all and welcome to the blog...I'm just gunna' make another 'general apology' for the continuing saga that is gettin' this 'ere blog back on the rails as a daily (5 per week) is hardly my best effort and I know that but I still want to do this...(dude, ease-up on yourself a bit, it's not like you're just hangin'-out or just kickin'-back and relaxin' or nuthin', you've had another hugely stressful coupla' weeks, not least of all chasin' a recalcitrant and elusive lawyer who you've never met nor spoken to, and who doesn't even officially represent you, yet somehow has come to be running your case re 20 charges/counts of 'talking about stuff', a precedent case re a hugely powerful piece of undefined legislation-Ed)...well, when you put it like that, it's a genuine apology prefaced with a very real 'excuse'...(fair enough-Ed)...

But First:...maybe I will defend myself a bit amongst that verdant apologising, because it has been hugely stressful, particularly last week with yet another hearing...(the tenth?-Ed)...yep, 10 now, with 10 adjournments, after I already pleaded Not Guilty at the third hearing back in April 2015...and it's still goin' nowhere fast...(whatta' shambles-Ed)...indeed, but anyhoos, it was really difficult to compose a 3 page letter to said lawyer that comprehensively covered the many, many aspects of this case, and my many concerns about this lawyer's conduct, etc, and do so politely and sans sarcasm, etc...(and without my many witty cynicisms and pithy prose to help it all flow a li'l better-Ed)...somehow I managed...but yes, I've been writing in the 'style' of this 'ere blog for so long that it's really difficult to back-off a bit and just write a normal literally took me all day to compose just one letter...(but it was worth the time and effort, yeah?-Ed)...absolutely, I hope, as time will tell, probably...but quickly moving on...

And it continues to be the Child Abuse stuff that really gets me riled, depressed, and wound-up all at the same time...for weeks now there's been relentless reportage of the Federal Royal Commission and of course the Bernard Finnigan case...and of course every time I see/hear our charming Premier Jay Weatherill, that right there's the very shiny man with his grubby hands on the controls of the St Martins Cover-up...(yeah, it's a tough call when ya' want to monitor the news and stuff and it's just this shizzle over and over again, and then ya' set down to do this 'ere blog and churn it all out all over yet again-Ed)...indeed Ed, it's a hard row to hoe most days and only harder on others...   

The Bernard Finnigan Decision:...good ol' South Australia maintains the pro-paedophile non-rage with a farcical Guilty/Not Guilty decision re the 2 Child Pornography charges he finally faced this year...I remind availees that Bernie was the Mike Rann Labor government's Acting Police Minister back in April 2011 when SAPol (police) raided his (Bernie's) home, seized several laptops and/or computers, and arrested and detained Mr Acting Police Minister on multiple Child Pornography charges...(but how can it be Guilty/Not Guilty'?-Ed)...Guilty of 'Accessing CP', but Not Guilty of 'Attempting To Access CP'...(what's the bloody difference?-Ed)...and there-in lies The Crunch...

This double decision plays perfectly to Bernie's legal defense that he'd accidentally viewed Child Pornography whilst looking at adult porn, but hadn't tried to 'Access CP'...with the Magistrate's highly unusual deferral of any decision re an actual 'Conviction', Bernie has been allowed to resign from Parliament, amid the hypocritical screechings of our charming pro-paedophile Premier Jay Weatherill, thus holding-on to all his (Bernie's) accrued pay and entitlements...I believe that it can/will be argued that the Guilty finding has ruined his career and he's lost enough already so no Conviction and no gaol, and anyhoos ya' Honour, your own findings of 'did but didn't mean to' show that you accept the defense's position that this is all just a terrible misunderstanding, under very difficult circumstances...(ooo, isn't this fun, just like a real trial-Ed)...*a nod to BlackAdder BBC TV*  

And thank goodness, because, whilst this might have been a massively corrupted 4 1/2 year farce, we're going to have a review and there'll be at least one Inquiry...(and a jolly thorough one too, no doubt!-Ed)...and Attorney General John Rau is all over it and he's gunna' sort it all out, etc, etc...and Bernie isn't the first Labor Police Minister to find themselves busted for  behaviours...(oh yeah, there was that highly corrupted deceit where paedophile politician 'Terry' was busted in his car with a teenage boy, whilst sitting in the Veale Gardens carpark-Ed)...indeed, Veale Gardens on Adelaide's South Tce being a notorious 'cottaging' area where gay men hook-up, engage under-age male prostitutes, etc...(sounds like a charming place-Ed)'s Adelaide all over isn't it...anyhoos, 'Terry' was the Labor Police Minister at the time and, despite the fact he was caught engaging in a sex act with a teenage male prostitute in a carpark, was officially charged with drink-driving along the adjacent main road...

(Didn't former Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen, himself a rankly corrupt pro-paedophile Minister in the Rann Labor government and completely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up, didn't he state outright to parents that 'Terry' is former Labor Minister Patrick Conlon?-Ed)...indeed Rory did...(and weren't both SAPol and Victorian police provided copies of the video and/or still images captured that night when 'Terry' was busted?-Ed)...absolutely, and then claimed to have lost and/or accidentally destroyed those copies/discs...(and then the Child Protection activists who exposed this 'Terry' issue as part of a broader anti-paedophile campaign, didn't the State try to gaol them on farcical charges that were quite literally laughed out of Court by the jury?-Ed)...just the Paedophile State protecting it's paedophile mates...(we truly are a disgrace in SA, aren't we-Ed)...I don't know what to say Ed...

What I will say is that when I gave evidence at that trial, before I'd even opened my mouth, I thought that the jury was going to acquit the 'activists' because almost all the jurists were just looking at me shaking their heads and shrugging their shoulders in exasperated was mildly the time I'd given my brief evidence, some in the jury were almost laughing, the whole thing was that ridiculous...I note that prosecutors actually changed the charges mid-trial from Criminal Defamation to some sort of bizarre 'Treason' charge re destroying Public Faith in the State...(deadset?-Ed)...I'm sure that there's correct legal terms for all of this and it may even be technically allowable, I don't know, but that's what happened...(wow-Ed)...indeed, the whole thing sounds ridiculously unlikely, but there you have it...

And if you're new to this 'ere blog and consider any of the last few paragraphs to be beyond believable, please do go back over this 'ere blog and check-out the undeniable realities of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the paths it has taken me down, the rooms it has taken me into, and ask why it is I can continue to speak about these things amid a blizzard of 'defamation threats', etc, yet no-one will take me directly to task over these issues...the 'Terry' stuff in particular is widely known and was openly discussed as fact between activists, abuse survivors, politicians, journalists, etc, in front of me if not actually to me, eg, in February 2005 I sat-in on a meeting between activists and then Liberal leader Rob Kerin where this was openly discussed; a month later a meeting in the Speaker's rooms with Professor Frida Briggs and others, etc...and of course Rory mate...(maaate-Ed)...did outright state that 'Terry' was/is Patrick Conlon...I don't make this shizzle-up for my own entertainment, I just bring the rage to the page along with the facts as I've experienced them...and while I'm on the subject...     

The Federal Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse continues it's deeply cynical deceits and manipulations, continuously spewing-out detailed horror stories about already well-known abuses committed 40-50 years ago by offenders dead for decades, but still refusing to look at the St Martins Cover-up...and the Lutherans still haven't been even mentioned let alone investigated...(wow-Ed)...indeed...I know I've written this same paragraph as many times over as indeed you dear availee has had to read it, but what am I to do when this constant reality re ignoring St Martins constantly shows this Royal Commission for what it is, a sickly cynical exercise in pretending to do something about institutionalised paedophilia whilst current realities like St Martins are carefully avoided...

I genuinely was going to crank-out a brief post yesterday evening (**now actually last week, probably the Tuesday night, maybe? sorry**), about the Rail Lands, but lost all motivation/energy made the mistake of watching the Channel 7 Today Tonight story about the 'massive social experiment' underway in South Australia re Renewable Energy, and the subsequent closure of the Pt Augusta Power Station and how we (SA) are now wholly reliant on solar, wind turbines, or the base-load electricity coming from Victorian brown coal power stations that comes into SA via 'Interconnectors'...and on November 1st 2015 there was a relatively minor fault in the 'Interconnector' near Mingbool here in the South East, and 100,000+ homes and businesses, etc, in Adelaide were left literally powerless...and at the same time our electricity prices, already the second highest on Earth, will further increase without a definable peak...(what? just up and up?-Ed)...yep, it really is a distressing disaster and one of those situations where being 'right' brings no joy what-so-ever...more laters...

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands - I Just Don't Know What To Say

(Well how about just bloody somethin'! you keep saying Rail Lands, Rail Lands, but it never seems to quite happen-Ed)...I know, I know, I'm tryin', really I am...(I know you are, perhaps just try a li'l less sometimes on some things and you'll have a bit more time for these things-Ed)...well that's a bit esoterically obvious, but point taken, but with stuff like my Court case, the whole thing is completely out of my control and I have no choice but to react to what is being done to me...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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