Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Winners Write History, But The Extraordinary Become It

This Is The Life You Have:...dear availee, this week's homework is to find, listen to, and absorb the philosophy there-in of the song 'This Is The Life' off the 'Times Up' album by USofA band Living Color..."In another life your face might have been perfect", etc...the upshot is, 'this is the life you have, so make the most of it''s about acceptance without resignation and strength through self-belief, a philosophy I strongly subscribe to if constantly struggle to achieve let alone maintain...and so...

I acknowledge again the life of extraordinary privilege and good fortune that I inherited for being born a White Man in a stolen land, and that continues through the support I receive from my society via the Disability Support Pension and the Housing Trust (Housing SA)...this is a life of globally relative comfort, security, and even wealth, but in my community it is quite literally a Poverty Line much as I can't really prove it here, I am still working really hard 'off-blog' to get my collective shizzle together and continue to at least try to be the bestest man that I can...sure, maybe I ain't quite there yet, maybe still a long way-off, maybe never get there, but I will strive to be extraordinary...(well that's not what some people think-Ed)...orrr yeah, what've ya' heard now?...(just stuff-Ed) tell...

(Well, the word on the street is, 'wow, who's this dude?', and said both in a context of denigration, eg, 'who the heck does he think he is?', right through to near-congratulation, eg, 'we need people like you'-Ed)..."like you"?...(yeah, people who knowingly forgo their own comfort and security to address the rank pro-paedophile corruption that riddles nay runs South Australia-Ed)...well it's hardly by choice though, is it? the St Martins Cover-up pushed me to this, St Martins and the rank corruption of the State and/or Mt Gambier politicians and media...(fair enough-Ed)...and now back to the blog proper...     

Howdy y'all and welcome to The Mount Gambier apologies for a post-less week on this 'ere blog, it's been another very long and very confronting week re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(but that's hardly your fault now is it?-Ed)...not specifically, but that doesn't mean I don't feel that way sometimes even often...(I know, I know, you still blame yourself because of that time you saw teacher Glyn Dorling touching three girls but didn't realise in the moment what it truly was, and you feel that kids suffered several more weeks of abuses because of your self-imposed 'failure' to spot it that day-Ed) know me too well Ed, indeed I do feel 'responsible', and then there's the whole failure to make any real inroads re the Rann/Weatherill Labor government's cover-up...

The main problem I had with just doin' this 'ere blog this week was the ruthless daily drag-back through the relentless and rank institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption of this sick town in this paedophile-corrupt State...after the Mt Gambier City Council meeting of Tuesday evening 17th November 2015...(ooo gourd-Ed)...indeed, always a thrill, from there I went straight across to the Child Protection Forum at the Town Hall, with guest speaker Frida Briggs...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...yeah, you bet, good ol' Frida...which brings us to some emails, etc, that regular availees have already seen, but with the farcical Country Cabinet in town this weekend, they do bear please find attached the email Frida sent me back on 28th August 2007, clearly stating that SAPol have stuffed-up, albeit not acknowledging that this was a deliberate failure, and then states that the kids would have been useless in Court, etc...she also states that the TRB "completely disregarded" the 2 expert witnesses from Flinders Child Protection Service/Unit...and despite all of these remarkable observations, she's done absolutely bugger-all about it...just another professional carer who ain't gunna' risk her precious position...

I went to that forum/seminar, paid my $20 to get in, and then as promised to the organisers, I didn't say a single word to Frida, indeed I stood out of sight in the foyer whilst she presented her bit, and didn't even go near her afters during tea-and-chat time...she looked at me a couple of times but I even avoided direct eye-contact and I don't know whether she recognised me...I voluntarily promised not to create a ruckus because I considered the situation too important and I didn't want to stuff it all up for the people who had put in so much effort to organise it...this is how I roll, and anyone who's seen me in action, knows that's the truth...when push comes to shove, I shove with the best of them, but there are times when only silence will do, and so silent I was...and I've heard it all before, repeatedly and years ago, and the stress of it all simply writes-off a coupla' days, and then a coupla' more to get back to even and then a coupla' more just to get goin' again...and here we are...  

Every time I see/hear Frida it's a confronting reminder of the many empty promises she made to help us, promises that started over a decade ago...same thing with that vacuous stooge Grant Stephens, our current SAPol (police) Commissioner, every time I hear/see him it slings me right back to when he was head of the Paedophile Taskforce and I spoke to him by phone, and he outright stated that he/the Paedophile Taskforce would not be investigating the St Martins Cover-up because he'd been told by his SAPol superiors to "drop it"...("drop it"?...not, 'that's been thoroughly investigated and sure it wasn't perfect and some of the teacher's behaviours were questionable, but I assure you Mr Fletcher that everything's fine, just fine'? not that?-Ed)...nope, not some long-winded obfuscation and excusing of all involved, a straight-out 'I've been ordered to drop it'...(wow-Ed)...and it seems that that sort of corruption/weakness gets you promoted to SAPol Commissioner...(yeah, but nobody with the vaguest idea what's actually going on, truly believes that he is running SAPol, they know he's the stooge-head of a wholly corrupted Authority-Ed)...indeed, but we digress...  

So here, just for laughs, are some letters/documents I reckon you've seen before dear availee, but I don't know how to get past this stuff in a more thorough and concise way...let these charming leaders of ours take responsibility for their own actions and explain their own rancidly corrupt complicity in the St Martins Cover-up...not least of all our charming former Prime Minister Labor's Julia Gillard, who, as Education Minister wrote to Member for Barker Patrick Secker saying 'not my problem', one from Premier Jay Weatherill blocking/refusing Comm Mullighan any official involvement, and one from my mate Frida Briggs...

And one from Sandra Winter-Dewhirst who is/was head of the ABC Adelaide, and who on 22nd August 2007 emailed me (attached), stating 'gee whiz, sorry to hear about the abuses "that you allege occurred", but damned if we'll touch it', all carefully avoiding naming those she has allegedly spoken to...(well locally that would be Stan Thompson, Alan Richardson, Stuart Stansfield, Greame Bennett, Selina Green, et al, and in Adelaide that's Patrick Emmett, Simon Royal, Ian Hentschke, David Bevan, Matthew Abrahams, et al-Ed)...well indeed Ed, I have personally spoken to each and every one of these people re the St Martins Cover-up, and many others, but you are purely summising as to whom it was that SWD actually spoke to...(if she spoke to anyone-Ed)..indeed, if she actually spoke to anyone...regardless, the point is that she claims to have made the decision to dump the St Martins Cover-up in full knowledge of what has actually happened...

Now her husband Kym Winter-Dewhirst is the $550,000 per annum CEO of the Office of Premier and Cabinet...(wow, and who says that pro-paedophile corruption doesn't pay?-Ed)...well it wasn't me because that's exactly what I'm saying right is the rank, nepotistic, pro-paedophile corruption that is destroying this State...welcome to Mt Gambier Mr Weatherill...

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands Opening

And apologies that it seems I somehow posted just the title of this 'ere post before actually writing it and have then unwittingly changed that title whilst writing and so's here we are and there we went and now we're back here again...whatevs...

Last weekend was the opening of the Rail Lands and I wanted to lay-off it a bit just to see/hear what people think, and I've done my own walk-through as, and not in the good way...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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