Saturday, November 14, 2015

And Yet Further Apologies

But I have finally run into that wall/swamp/reality/inevitability where the traumas in my life that I'm trying to not let define me, those traumas manifest themselves as a palatable loathing and contempt for Mt Gambier, and I too ask myself, why do I bother and why do I stay.

I may be that metaphoric meteorite hurling itself through a bitterly resistant atmosphere of personal vilification and State corruption, as chunks break-off and flare to dust behind me, but I'm headed for a fairly un-gentle touchdown in a State that is itself disintegrating under the weight of the pro-paedophile corruption that controls South Australia's Parliament, SAPol (police), the Crown Solicitor, etc, etc...I may be in trouble, but this State is rooted, rooted and rotting...and I'm pretty much done with it...(oh dear-Ed)...

Having said that, very fortunately for me if not so much for anyone else, I'm a vain, stubborn, arrogant, bastard who won't be told nuthin' 'bout nuthin' by no-one and I will do this 'ere shreckin' blog whether 1) I like it or not, 2) 'It' (the blog) likes it or not, and 3) anyone else likes it or not...(and what about me then? what about what I want? or is this just another situation where my wants and needs are considered redundant if not irrelevant because I'm not an actual person, but a confected literary device developed and utilised to engage availees in discussion and set-up your shocking puns/jokes/whatevs?-Ed)...ummm, yes, I'll leave it to others to decide...(mate, nice, a classic Aussie political line...'I'll leave that for others to comment'-Ed)...indeed, a classic 'cop-out' line...

And apologies that I haven't posted that Court hearing stuff, but I was advised to let it all play-out first...(oh, so you've finally spoken to the lawyer representing you in Adelaide then?-Ed)...nup...(no? but who advised you then?-Ed)...someone else unofficially, I've never spoken to the lawyer who claims to be representing me in Adelaide...(never? but how do they know what you want them to do, etc, if you haven't even spoken?-Ed) tell me Ed, you tell far as I'm concerned this 'lawyer' has not just failed but has refused to speak with me and certainly doesn't act for me...(but they've represented you at 2 hearings now, without having spoken to you and without taking any direction from you-Ed)...I know, I know, it absolutely reeks...

Even if I wasn't in a decade-long pitched battle with wholly corrupt State authorities over their complicit corruption re the 2002 St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and I hadn't been routinely betrayed by corrupt lawyers like Peter Humphries, Tim Bourne, Bill DeGaris, etc...(gidday Billy-boy, still waiting for you to make good your multiple gutless threats to sue us Billy-Ed)...aren't we though, sue us for telling the truth about you Billy and your atrociously incompetent betrayal re the St Martins Cover-up...(and the super-dodgy SERDE building sale-Ed)...indeed...even if one disregards all this pro-paedophile corruption, this Adelaide lawyer's/firm's conduct is extraordinarily unprofessional and fundamentally incompetent, and I find it difficult to see this bizarre refusal to contact me as anything but a deliberate construct of plausible denial, and not to my favour...(but I still don't can the lawyer/firm be running a case without even speaking to the client?-Ed)...

I will cover this Court stuff as future posts are rolled-out, but later today I'll get on board with another Rail Lands post...(oh my god, they're doing the Grand Launch on Sunday 15th November 2015-Ed)...I know mate, and it's called 'Activating The Site' apparently...(what a laughable disaster-Ed)...I know...(mate, you should have heard the local ABC Radio yesterday morning, it was like they had this 'ere blog in front of them and were going through the litany of Council's gross failures, deliberate deceits and outright lies and crass nepotism, just your traditional Mt Gambier City Council corruption, and carefully trying to re-define them as vague ideas from the distant past, eg, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda was a bit of an idea way back when, but is completely irrelevant to the current shreckin' mess, apparently-Ed)...I heard it mate, just another deeply deceitful ABC manipulation of the community on behalf of the rankly corrupted vested interests who effectively run the ABC Mt Gambier...

I'll stop here with the casual observation that former Labor Acting Police Minister Bernard Finnigan, arrested in April 2011 re Child Pornography charges, has been found Guilty of one count of Accessing Child Pornography, and Not Guilty of one count of Attempting to Access CP...(what's the difference?-Ed)...well one allows the argument that it was an accident, and the second supports it...there's clearly no avoiding that Bernie did access Child Pornogrphy, but this Guilty/Not Guilty allows him to continue the 'defense' that if he had done it, it wasn't deliberate, it was an accident...(right, which further allows him to argue against an actual conviction and gaol-time-Ed)...indeed, and he has resigned this week, but he'll get to just walk away and hang-on to the near $1million that he has 'earned' as a serving MP in the 4 1/2 years since his arrest...

(And as for the seethingly hypocritical crocodile tears and faux outrage from our pro-paedophile Premier Jay Weatherill, well what about your own personal rank pro-paedophile corruption in stopping appropriate investigation of the St Martins Cover-up Jay, and your repeated lies about 'not recalling that'?-Ed)...ah yes, good ol' SA, the Pro-paedophile state with the Pro-paedophile Premier.. 

Today: The Rail Lands Corruption Rolls On

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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