Thursday, November 5, 2015

Are We Sitting Comfortably? Right Then, The Rail Lands

Hello Luxembourg, Austria, Brazil, and Ukraine and welcome to TMGI and a long-promised Rail Lands post...(and not before bloody time too, you've promised this stuff over and over-Ed)...I know, I know, but I maintain that right throughout this 'ere blog there's already an irrefutable case argued by moi re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...(fair enough, I'll give ya' that-Ed)...I have proved beyond question that Mt Gambier City Council and it's associated mates/vested interests/whatevs have planned and pursued a massive Retail/Commercial expansion of the adjacent Lakes/Centro/Whatevs Plaza...(I know-Ed)...right across the Rail Lands site...(ok, ok, calm down-Ed)...calm down be damned, the RLRA is a text-book study in the rank corruption of Council, and the devastating cost to Mt Gambier and it's Ratepayers, the ones who actually pay for this corruption and/or incompetence...

(And/or? I thought you said the 'incompetence' of Mt Gambier City Council was actually a deliberate construct to facilitate rorting of project funds via costly frivolities and/or alterations/add-ons/supplementaries/repairs/whatevs?-Ed)...well yes I did, and I maintain that too, but there's also the incompetence of those involved on/with Council, those whom allow this relentless rorting to occur...(but by definition, you're saying that everyone associated with Council is corrupt?-Ed), not even close...I've been very, very specific about whom and/or what I think drives Council's corruption, who on Council is actually corrupt, and the remainder whom are merely weak or are actually incompetent...(ouch-Ed)...ouch nothing, look at how Council conducts itself en masse, how rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council is in their conduct...(oh I'm lookin' mate, I'm lookin' and I ain't likin' what I'm seein'!-Ed)...indeed...and tell me that there isn't an 'en masse responsibility' from the elected Councillors and senior officials...they are responsible...(fair enough-Ed)...

And amongst my mountainous maulings of various vested interests, I hopefully have done enough to distance/remove the third and majoritive tribe of Council employees who are mainly just peeps just tryin' to do a job they've been told to do and thusly make a livin'...(the bastards!-Ed) no, not them, theys be the ones what isn't the real problem...(oh right, sorry-Ed)...for example, I have gone to great lengths to not include any Council employees in any of my Rail Lands photos...(well yeah, that's true-Ed)...

But First:...the Magistrate's final decision in the Bernard Finnigan Child Pornography Trial was postponed on Monday November 2nd 2015, from 1400hrs the next day Tuesday 3rd November, half an hour before the Melbourne Cup was run, postponed until Tuesday November 10th...dunno' why, there is reportedly 'no explanation' offered...(terrific-Ed)...mmm, Justice SA Style, tasty...     

The Rail Lands:...(hurrah!-Ed)...because there's so much here I've had no choice but to post the whole articles again (only one page here) from The Border Watch Thursday October 15th 2015, and then reference specific bits...ultimately though, as established previous in this 'ere blog, it's all effectively bollocks from Council via TBW because it's all based on fundamental lies, from start to whenevs the actual finish eventually is, the One and Only True Plan is the RLRA...

1)  It's Only Ratepayers Money and Council has casually discussed figures ranging from $10,000 to $100,000 just to 'tart-up' the Old Station, having allegedly spent $4.5million on the Rail Lands site without yet touching the iconic Old Rail Station, riddled as it is with disintegrating Asbestos...(and don't forget that the $250,000 Shade Shelter Bus Terminus is at the Lady Nelson on Jubilee Hwy because Council didn't want it established in the most obvious place, the Old Station right in the centre of town, right by Centro/Lakes Plaza, etc, because Council has only ever seen that building as an obstacle to the RLRA and they didn't want something permanent there that might compromise that agenda-Ed)...absolutely Ed, it's not a straight line of corruption, it branches out into many areas...

This whole dialogue about 'start-ups' and 'leasees', etc, is absolute bollocks, as realised in the counter-dialogue about how difficult it would be to get short-term tenants without promises of further Council investment, etc, leading to the reality of the Rail Lands Retail Agenda irresistibly seeping into the light at the Council Meeting October 20th 2015 when Councillor (former Mayor) Steve Perryman and CEO Mark McShane casually exchanged rehearsed pleasantries re the potential sale of the Old Station...(I say I say I say Mr CEO, a completely spontaneous question entirely without notice or prior discussion, but can Council sell the Old Station?-Stevo, maate)...(well well well Mr Steve, a most excellent entirely unexpected and clearly genuinely spontaneous question I just happen to have a detailed prepared response to, namely 'yo' ma' homie, fa' shizzle, provided we spend the De Niros (funds) on the Rail Lands'-CE Yo')...   

2) Council's Activation Test Phase...(oh my gourd, what the shreck does that mean?-Ed)...well clearly redeveloping the Rail Lands to a $4.5m bit of flat ground with shocking drainage issues, a Death Pit of Stupidity drainage pond, and virtually no weather-proof cover, all surrounding a derelict Old Station and flanked by a line of similarly derelict buildings, etc, etc, well all that nonsense, that's apparently akin to shreckin' Rocket Surgery and requires hiring the services of 'international experts' to run 'workshops'...(but apparently not a surveyor to properly align the site, etc, and address and thus avoid the extraordinary flooding issues that have necessitated costly further drainage works, etc-Ed)...absolutely, a good point well made Ed...anyhoos, workshops about how to 'Activate The Site', a duty tasked to Council's very own 'Rail Lands Activation Team'...(sweet baby cheeses!-Ed)...orrr yeah, the 'Rail Lands Activation Team'...

Council continues to trot-out a litany of deceitful proposals and plans re the Rail Lands, from the November 2011 $10m Parklands Concept Plan and Skate Parks and 'Stage 4' with 'Sound Shells' and $20m Regional Recreation Facilities, etc, etc, and none of it genuine and not yet one cent for the main feature on the site, the Old Station...and here we go again with more vacuously disingenuous statements about access to Margaret St...and with this raft of lies comes the other outright deceits of Council's complaints about the problems with 'the Deed' and/or 'the Easement' and/or 'the contamination', their roster of constantly rotating excuses for years of delays and then ultimately squandering $millions on corruptly unnecessary 'reclamation' and the entirely RLRA-driven moving of the Easement...(so the Rail Easement has been moved solely to facilitate the RLRA?-Ed)...absolutely... 

Despite (or in ignorance of) the Asbestos contamination in the Old Station building there have apparently been numerous Expressions of Interest made to Council re occupation/leasing, but rejected, but Council for it's part insists that there's been virtually no interest despite extensive public consultation/enquiry, etc, leading to the introduction of the subject of the possibility of selling-off the Old's not a question of who to believe, whatevs, I have been saying for years that the Old Station had a very problematic future because it compromises the RLRA, and that reality has finally surfaced/been aired last week in Council...      

Apologies that yet again I've only scratched the surface of all of the latest bollocks from Council re the RLRA, but, what can I say?...

Tomorrow: Mo' Rail Fools

I've often made reference to my whirrr click belief that my phones, computer, whirrr click emails, etc, are all monitored/recorded whirrr click by SAPol (police) and potentially whirrr click others, but I have been rather whirrr click miffed that they seem to be using whirrr click old technology rather than state-of-whirr click-the art digital stuff, leading to whirrr click a lot of 'whirring' and whirrr click 'clicking' noises on my phone whirrr click, and odd occurrences like whirrr my computer telling me I'm click already online on my computer elsewhere whirrrrrrrrrr click!...but I think SAPol have stepped-up their game lately with a suite of shiny new high-tech devices crammed into this rather cleverly disguised and inconspicuous surveillance vehicle I spotted parked casually across the road from my home earlier today...
Feeling All Warm And whilst standing at the Bus Terminus near The House of Targét, on a geographically unusual, certainly un-seasonally tropical kinda' Spring day, I was warmly swarmed by a bunch of plain-clothed SAPol officers...(whaaa?-Ed)...yeah, the Police Band was playing/rehearsing at the Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre nearby...(oh strewth, don't do that, you had me panicking about nothing-Ed)...and they were coming and going from their bus...(you idiot, that's that bus photo isn't it?-Ed)...I don't know what you mean...and anyway, it's name is Ted...(what?-Ed)...police bus Ted...(right, that's it, I'm going home-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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