Wednesday, June 29, 2022

How Yesterday Restored An Iota Of My Faith In The Human Race

Howdy dear availees...just a super-short post to acknowledge the multiple peeps who yesterday went to the aid of a fellow human in need...I know this stuff goes on every day, all over the world, via many volunteer and/or support groups, charities...(the genuine ones, not the bureaucratic money-pits that some are-Ed)...yeah, fair point, but we're focussing on the genuine people and the positives, etc, today...(I can do that-Ed) there's heapsa' people, from groups like Medecin Sans Frontiers through to local ambulance and St Johns volunteers, etc, and Meals on Wheels and multiple community groups, eg, Cancer support groups, etc, etc...there are many people trying to better the lives of others, but I do lose sight of that sometimes, irretrievably traumatised as I am by the relentless Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption of the community/state/country I live in...anyhoos, then this happened...  

I was at gym with every intention of actually doing a workout...was just chatting to the manager at the front desk when I saw an elderly lady take a spectacular nose-dive out in the carpark...I make flippant about "a spectacular nosedive" 'cos ultimately she was relatively ok, in no small part a testimony as to what a tough ol' bird she is...but initially it looked horrendous, I mean, really horrendous...she was moving quite quickly when she tripped and pitched forward...from where I was it appeared that she didn't even manage to get her hands in front of her, and instead hit the ground face/head first...some cuts/grazes on her hands showed that she had sortta' got her hands up, but there was a big cut/graze on her left temple too...again, it looked really, really bad, and she hadn't moved by the time I got to her...

There was a guy right there just getting in his car and I was second to her...the lady, name known but withheld, was conscious but not moving..there was already blood dripping from a nasty gash on her left forehead...I rushed back into the gym and grabbed my 2 towels, went back, and put 1 under her head and laid the second over her like a blanket...the gym manager was right behind me and had a small towel which the first bloke held gently against her head...I grabbed my phone and called an ambulance, and the gym manager fetched the first aid kit...several other people stopped to help...the gym manager bandaged her hand, and she asked that someone call her sister, so I did...spoke briefly with the sister and I assured her that her sibling was relatively ok, ie, no apparent broken bones, ambulance on way, people with her, etc, and promised to call her back when the ambos got it transpired, I called her back just before the ambos arrived, approx 10-15 minutes after my 000 call...the sister said she was going to head down and arrived just as the ambos did...

A nurse had already stopped to help and a second had come running across, and several people had grabbed blankets from their cars...we all stood back and let the ambos do their assessment, and it seems miraculously there were no broken bones, neck/back injury, or any injuries other than the cuts and grazes...I was just offering to look after the ladies car for her, and I was gunna' say take it to the police station carpark and leave the keys with them, etc, but a lady who had stopped to help cut me off mid-sentence and suggested that I drive it home for the lady and she and her husband would follow, then give me a lift back to the gym...the sister was extremely grateful and we organised that I would do that then hold on to the keys and return them the next arvo...I parked the car, and what a car, in their driveway, and was just leaving when the sister rocked-up and so I gave her the keys and the other couple gave me a lift back to the gym, where I collected my blood-stained towels and headed home...

Firstly, the car...a very early model Holden Gemini, mid-late 1970s, and it was immaculate...looked like it had come outta' the showroom a week ago...steered like a drunken sailing boat, as was the tech of the time, but the interior was reminded me of my own grandmas' car and even my mums' when I was a kid...I'd guess that lady had that car from new and maintained it with absolute was a rolling window into another age, another mentality, and it was most excellent...

As for the lady, like I said, she was very slight but clearly also a tough ol' bird...I'm still shuddering at the mental image of her pitching forward, face first, and can't help thinking of how I might have ended-up...but that's not why we're here today, today it's about how, when an elderly lady, she's 84, when she was down and needed help, a bunch of strangers rallied around, and then not one but 2 ambulances attended, within 15 mins...I think the second ambo unit was like a spinal specialist team or something similar, whatevs...and when I offered to help with the car, a stranger offered to help me help... 

And that's it, when someone really needed the kindness of strangers, there it was...and that's the kinda' humanity I wanna' be a part of...

(Ya' know, it reminds me of that very similar incident a few years back when a lady went ass-over-apex out front of the Jens Hotel, and Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin walked past, looked at her lying there, and kept walking-Ed)...yeah, I do remember, but I'm not sure how that's similar, it's effectively the exact opposite...(I know, I was just having a massively facetious dig at Pasin-Ed)...fair enough...(and ya' know, I never really figured out in my head whether it was 1) that he's just an empathy/morality vacuum bordering on sociopath, or 2) figured he was looking at a lawsuit against Council for the very dodgy footpaths, and didn't want to be dragged into it as a witness against his mates/co-conspirators on Council-Ed)...well quite, but why not both?...(good point-Ed)...and for that matter, why just those 2 possibilities/realities?...whatevs, Pasin just walked past and away...and before y'all ask, I've spoken to 2 people who witnessed that 'incident'...

And we were doing so well with the 'Restoration of Faith' thingy too, but it's kinda' that Ying/Yang, Thus Nature Restores The Balance sortta' stuff...there's 2 examples of how different people have reacted to basically the same situation...I guess, it's down to y'all dear availee as to what you'd do, what sortta' 'Humanity' you'd like to be...

Tomorrow: James 'Jimmy Trumpets' Morrison Bails From Generations In Jazz/Mt Gambier       

Just the latest Morrison withdrawal from Mt Gambier...first it was the collapse/closure of his Jazz Academy, then selling-off property and chattels, etc, and now this...but apparently he's gunna' keep the Ratepayer subsidised Town Hall office space...I don't claim to know what he's thinking or planning, but I'd reckon his actions point to a certain mindset/agenda...and never let it be forgotten that this man has knowingly, willingly, repeatedly supported/protected at least 2 Rapists associated with GIJ and his Academy, and to the massive detriment of the female students assaulted...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Latest Mt Gambier City Council Lies About The FARC (Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre)

Howdy dear availees everywhere...I realise that it's been another fortnight between posts but it's a sortta' self-protective strategy regarding the 20th anniversary of the 'official' St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, just 'walk away' for a bit then come back and go again....I also noticed that we've started and/or posted several St Martins Reviews and never really got to complete any of today we're goin' around that to do this and therefore keep moving forward whilst irretrievably mired in the St Martins Cover-up...and when we say the 'latest lies' it's more of a review of all the lies that Mt Gambier City Council has spewed onto the long-suffering Ratepayers of Mt let's start at the beginning...

For literally decades people have wanted an All Weather Pool for Mt Gambier, that is, for the outdoor Olympic sized pool to be 'covered'...that's all anybody really wanted...(and for decades nuthin' happened and the pool was shut half the year, and, being open to the elements, eg, the prevailing cold Southerly wind, was only really 'pleasant' on the few weeks of really hot weather-Ed)...and it would have been so simple and relatively so, so cheap...a hangar-style shed erected over it, then enclosed with roller doors and sliding glass doors that could be fully opened in 'pleasant' weather but closed when it's inclement...(and solar panels could provide much of the power and roof-top heating to be utilised during Winter, etc-Ed)...I did a rough basic costing of this a decade ago and it would have cost approx $400,000 to $500k for the materials, ie, a kit-form hangar and the roller/sliding doors...I didn't include the solar panels or heating...I did however also include enclosing the small wading pools immediately adjacent the main pool with similar 'kit sheds' and doors...(allowing a massive mark-up for labour, etc, this could have been easily achieved in only a coupla' months for well under, say, $4million-Ed) that's roughly $1m for materials, including solar panels, and allowing $3m purely for construction...(and that's all anybody really wanted-Ed)...but nuthin' ever happened...    

For the record, my plan included similar hangar-style coverage of the adjacent netball and tennis courts...(and rule one, the vast amount of inclement weather comes from the South, so that's the side that needs to be protected-Ed)...then, in Winter, the Sun is very low in the Northern sky so having it open is important to minimise lighting costs...simple, particularly with the North/South tennis courts...fully enclose both sides and back of the Southern-most 3 courts, with high roof and roller-door sides, etc, opening out to the Northern 3 courts with only a roof over them...(well that'd also provide great sun shelter in the hotter months-Ed)...indeed it would, and provide year-round protection for the Southern-most 3 courts...(so if Mt Gambier ever gets it's International competition round back we can guarantee at least 3 courts to be always available-Ed)...exactly...and there's some design considerations about translucent panelling to allow maximum natural light, etc, with some artificial lighting to allow play on dark rainy days/evenings/etc...(basically, enclose and put lights over the 3 Southern courts, and continue that roof over the other 6 courts-Ed)...and apply similar principles to the netball courts, obviously with a much lower roof needed...I costed these projects at a combined price tag similar to the, for under $10m you could have had the entire precinct suitably weather-proofed...   

Thirdly, but by no means least, there was some public interest in a proper Exhibition Hall style structure, preferably on the Show Grounds...(such as they have at the Adelaide Showgrounds-Ed)...exactly, Mt Gambier lacks such a facility...(and this FARC debacle sure ain't it-Ed) it's not...this small to mid-sized 'hall' does not cater for the sort of large exhibitions or music events that will attract these events to Mt Gambier...there could also have been proper renovation of the old exhibition hall currently on the Showgrounds...none of this is even vaguely possible now that Council has committed Mt Gambier Ratepayers to 50+ years of massive debt with the FARC...

Language Warning:...And yes folks, it really is that simple...(or at least it was-Ed)...indeed, it was that simple, but MGCC have completely fucked it right up, and just about as fucked-up as you could get without deliberately trying...(mate, MGCC couldn't fuck things up this thoroughly if they tried 'cos they are fundamentally incompetent-Ed)...unless of course fucking it up is the agenda...(how so?-Ed)...well, the bigger the project and the more delays and price increases, etc, etc, the more of Ratepayers money is there to be rorted/ripped-off...remember that approx $2m went 'missing' on the 100% over budget Main Corner and Library projects...(and of course there's those Councillors directly profitting from their association with this project-Ed)...yeah, for 'legal reasons' no names, but it's a fact...and also remember that Council bragged that "$21m will go to local contractors", which means that roughly $60m has been spent elsewhere and/or 'left' Mt Gambier...this unmitigated debasco is a license for certain people to literally help themselves to Ratepayer's money...

So here's the latest 'release' from MGCC via interviews on the ever compliant and complicit ABC South East Radio, and this from their Facebook page 20th June 2022, and my attached 'Comment'...apols that I can't get the included damn photos to copy/paste so's I've included the link just below...please open that and then you'll be able to access and enlarge the photos to see what we're talking about...***

 ABC South East SA - Posts | Facebook   

A sneak peek inside Wulanda🏀🤽‍♀️🏊‍♂️
The City of Mount Gambier hopes to provide an update on the opening timeframe of the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre in the coming weeks.
Recent progress on the site includes the installation of a pool plant room and mechanical equipment, fix lighting throughout the pool hall, and an installation of the splash pad area. Sign up to the ABC South East SA newsletter to keep up with the latest local news:
  • Nick Fletcher
    Cost has already exceeded $80million, not the "$57m" Council keeps stating. Don't believe that? Just check Council's own past 4 Budgets on their website and do your own math. When questioned about the $39.1m price tag that they originally presented, and the associated vote to accept it, Council falsely states that 1) was never a final total cost, and 2) actually about voting to accept the $25m state and federal grants. Council was on ABC Radio 5 months ago stating outright that "the outdoor pool is completed", and it clearly isn't. Six months ago Council was stating that a tender/contract about who would operate the centre was nearly finalised, but nothing since. This article doesn't show the indoor pools at all, why not? Council on ABC right now blaming COVID, rain, port closures in China, literally everyone and everything, but still not giving a completion date. Council has been deliberately deceitful when initially promoting this project, have been repeatedly deceitful about the huge cost blowout, and continue to deceive Ratepayers about multiple aspects of the project. This massive expenditure and associated $50m+ Council 'borrowing' and running costs, maintenance, etc, will hang over Ratepayers and directly negatively affect Council's ability to provide basic services for many decades to come. Ratepayers have been left holding the bill for this. Today Council appeared to confirm there is still no 'operating contract' and no 'entry cost structure' finalised. How expensive will this be and how many will be able to afford it? Council has spent $80m+ and Mt Gambier has neither an indoor 50m pool, the one thing everyone wanted, so no winter competitions, etc, nor a proper dedicated 'convention/music centre'.

***...So first things first, I don't know when these photos were taken, but it is reasonable to assume that given the article is a 'latest update', then these are fairly recent...(but hang on a second, didn't Council say that the 50m outdoor pool was "completed"?-Ed)...indeed they did Ed, again via the ABC SER...(well it doesn't look like it in that photo-Ed)...well no it doesn't...(and that was said like 5 or 6 months ago?-Ed)...yeah, I'd say 5 months ago when either Barbara Cernovskis or Sarah Philpott were on the ABC stating outright that it was "completed", and as is my want, I went past there and had a look, been doin' that about once a month, and it was only part-lined and surrounded by piles of rubble and dirt...and it was still being worked on only about 3 weeks ago...(and how do you know that?-Ed)...'cos I went past again and there were 5-6 workers in it working on it...(fair dues-Ed)...neither do I see any sort of shade structure erected, and the surrounds are (were?) still piles of dirt...(and there's no splashdeck/surrounds either-Ed)...that's what I'm saying, it's a long way from "completed", which makes that statement from Council an abject lie, and just one of the many they've spewed-forth on this project...(strewth! and what's with the cartoon images in these 'photos?-Ed)...well I reckon they're 'artist's impressions' of the finished product, but basically they just serve to highlight how far from completion those bits are...

For example, what you can't quite see in these cropped photos is that the slide thingy is sitting about a foot off the floor on 'reo-bar stilts'...(hey yeah, if you look at those individual photos on the ABC's Facebook page link we've provided, those expanded photos show the footings about 12inches (30cm) off the floor, but why?-Ed)...well I don't know for sure, but that looks to me like they haven't poured the floor slab yet, or at least the pool bit that goes under that structure...(and doesn't that include underfloor heating, which doesn't appear to be set out in this photo either?-Ed)...well that was the original plan/story, a 'heated splash-pan area', but I couldn't say for certain...(but that slide, that single small slide, that is clearly set well off the 'floor', and there's some piping/plumbing sticking up as well, so it does look like there's something to go under/around it-Ed)...indeed, it looks like it's set-up for a floor/pour to come up to where it's currently 'floating'...

(And hey, given that they're the much-hyped centre-piece of this 'ere monstrosity, where's the photos of the indoor heated 25m pool and other pool/s?-Ed)...fabulous question Ed, and one that several people have asked, including in the 'Comments' bit of that article...(and the answer is?-Ed)...I dunno mate, but I'd hazard a guess that they're nowhere near ready and hence Council chose to deliberately exclude them...(oh yay, so that's what? further delays and further costs?-Ed) this point, neither is unlikely and even probable...(yay-Ed)...

I also refer dear availees back to the points I've made in my 'Comment', particularly the factual aspects of my various's a fact that MGCC has identified $80m+ cost in their 4 recent Budgets...(as we covered in a recent previous post, 4th Jan 2022, What Will The FARC Really Cost Mt Gambier Ratepayers?-Ed) indeed we did, that was about the 3 previous Budgets, not the 2022/23 year, but the math's also a fact that MGCC furiously promoted a "$39.1m" project, but then tried to backtrack away from that with lies about the 'vote' being only about accepting the $25m in grants...(bollocks! Council specifically and repeatedly promoted a $39.1m project!-Ed)...yes, that's what I said...(oh right, yeah-Ed)...and the rest is self-evident...there never was and still isn't any actual business plan, operational plan, access cost structure/plan, etc,'s all been done on the good ol' Build It And They Will Come ethos...(and apparently at whatevs cost-Ed)...exactly...nor have I been able to find any explanation of the projected ongoing operational costs, that is, what is it gunna' cost Ratepayers yearly to actually run the facility?...and it's just a fundamental nonsense to say that Rates will not be increased to help pay for this...(well Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin, he whom kicked-off this perpetual cluster stuff-up, he himself said right at the beginning that Rates could easily be raised to cover these costs-Ed)...yes he did...

And the upshot of all of this latest deceit/propaganda from Council is that they still don't have a completion date...(well they're stating that Council "hopes to provide an update on the opening the coming weeks." that's as clear as of 20th June 2022 MGCC doesn't even have a ballpark date they can offer-Ed)...well quite, it's about as unspecific an answer as you can conjure, and when Barbara Cernovskis was specifically asked, she wouldn't commit to it being open 'this summer', but when gently pushed, somewhat relented, but it was still a very non-committal answer...(and 'this Summer' potentially means sometime in January even February 2023, some 7 or 8 months away-Ed)...and depending on what 'schedule' you're referring to, the FARC is already roughly 2 years behind schedule...  

Just a quick reminder that Council is also still repaying approx $2m of monies borrowed to pay for the Library project, a $12m+ project that received approx $5m in funding and was completed over a decade ago...(so how long is it gunna' take MGCC to repay $50m+ borrowed for the FARC?-Ed)...well that's the point I was making about how the FARC cost blowout completely compromises any future Council's opportunity to have future infrastructure plans and/or even provide basic services...(for decades to come, future Councils and Ratepayers will pay a heavy price for this immediate previous and current Council's incompetence-Ed)...yes, we all will...and I'd also note that, for those who try to accuse me of just being a naysayer, a knocker, a whinger, above I have provided a very thorough, well considered and budgeted alternative way in which far more could have been achieved for far less...

Tomorrow: 20 Years Of The St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up

I've been pretty much avoiding it for fairly obvious reasons, but that ain't gunna change anything, so here 'tis...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

Friday, June 10, 2022

The Pro-LNP Corrupt Media Just Won't Let It Go And PRGuy17

Howdy dear availees...been another very, very long week since the last post on this 'ere blog, and just on 3 weeks since the Anthony Albanese led Labor Party won the May 21st Federal Election...(not that you'd know it with the way the Main Stream Media is carrying on-Ed)...well quite, and hence today's latest in a series of posts on the ways that the rankly pro-LNP corrupt MSM affects the public perception of reality...not gunna' go through it all again, just please avail y'allselves of the previous few posts, but I will again declare my disbelief and disgust that SKYNews is allowed a broadcasting license...(you mean that something so openly and massively Right Wing biased and untruthful and just generally unhinged is allowed to spew their wildly distorted bile into Aussie homes?-Ed)...yeah, that, that's exactly what I mean...(well Murdoch owns the LNP and SKYNews is his/their hobby horse of the Right Wing Anti-Truth Apocalypse-Ed) on...  

Regular ABC watchers and/or Twitter users will be well aware that the ABC is continuing to platform multiple LNP stooges ahead of actual Labor government Ministers...(sure, with a definable imbalance, almost like there wasn't an election or that the LNP won it-Ed)...indeed, one could be forgiven for thinking either of those things...(I note that the ABC's notorious LNP gushing fangirl Jane Norman has been trending on Twitter for failing to refer to Prime Minister Albanese by his actual title, instead calling him "Mr Albanese"-Ed)...yeah, and she's only one of multiple pro-LNP hacks on 'our' ABC who make no effort or are simply unable to hide their disappointment/despair that the LNP lost...(and right across the MSM, it's still wall-to-wall LNP stooges!-Ed) I said, almost like nuthin's changed...

Regular Twitter availees will be aware that the Federal Court has ruled that Twitter must reveal the true identity of whomever writes the famous/infamous anonymous account/site PRGuy17...I have issues with 'anonymous' sites, but given the political motivation/justification behind this decision, it's a hugely concerning outcome...(and follows closely the bizarre Federal Court decision to award former New South Wales Deputy Premier, National's leader John Barilaro $700k, for a supposed 'defamation' on comedy news site FriendlyJordies-Ed)...yes, in a context where 1) those 'allegations'/facts have not been investigated by police and/or tested in Court, 2) FJ were not part of the process, and 3) Barilaro was allowed to use 'Parliamentary Privilege' to hide most of the evidence revealed by FJ...(also note that quite a few people have had something to say about that particular Magistrate's, errr, conduct and/or reliability-Ed)...indeed, there's a real push to use the Courts to prosecute political retribution agendas against a very nasty li'l RW hack and self-declared 'journo' Avi Yemini...(and convicted 'Wife Basher'-Ed)...yeah, and that, well he's had a 'win' in the Federal Court to supposedly 'expose' PRGuy17...(and what about all the RW/LNP stooges with dodgy anonymous accounts?-Ed) mean like Andrew Laming, Amanda Stoker, Peta Credlin, etc, well that's the point isn't it...if this decision stands, then why doesn't Twitter have to 'expose' every anonymous account?...     

Given that Twitter is a largely 'Left-leaning platform', often addressing the massive pro-LNP bias of the MSM/ABC, it would very much suit the agenda of the LNP/Murdoch et al, to have their critics exposed and/or here's a near-perfect summary/explanation of what has happened with PRGuy17...and it's near-perfect 'cos it beautifully encapsulates/explains the role that the pro-LNP corrupt MSM has played and continues to play...(especially "continues to play" regarding the basic ignoring of Australia's increasing COVID19 infection and death rates-Ed)...and the whole subtext, albeit dominant subtext, of how the lunacy of the LNP/Murdoch Right Wing Neo-Liberalism hates-on the less fortunate, the poor, etc, and absolutely hates having to give-up Cent One of what they consider is 'their' money to try and help others...I've copied and pasted the thread 'cos it's just that good, it says exactly what I want to say...massive kudos to Lee Tenant for this...*** 

The thing about PRGuy is that you have to understand where he/she came from and why they do what they do. Tweet 1 of several, all of which are merely my armchair assessment of the situation.

Australia for the last decade has been held hostage by the Murdoch press lock step with other large corporations in an economic system increasingly lurching towards fascism and run by kleptocrats and oligarchs.

The Covid pandemic was a huge threat to this group because it demanded social expenditure and actions that benefited people rather corporations. All societies plagued by Murdoch and his ilk promoted a laissez faire attitude to the pandemic.

This was entirely so resources wouldn't be redirected away from corporations and oligarchs to ordinary people. It had no backing in science, medicine or epidemiology. It was, in fact, madness to just pretend the pandemic wasn't happening. But that's what they wanted to happen.

In the middle of all this, came Dan Andrews. Originally Dan caved to the weight of the media and the federal LNP but once there was a large outbreak in his state he rallied and insisted on implementing measures to contain Covid as per the science.

These measures needed to be harsher and more far reaching than if they'd be implemented nationwide with a strategic and coordinated federal effort. They hurt. But they needed to be done.

The media - Murdoch or non-Murdoch - had, however, bought wholesale into Murdoch's international narrative on the Covid response. That there shouldn't be one. So they went FERAL. Absolutely feral.

We were all there. We all saw it. The howling rage of a media who couldn't handle a Premier going against their established narrative. In the middle of this, came PRGuy.

Let's be clear here. PRGuy's aim was not to be balanced, neutral or journalistic. It was entirely to create a counter-narrative. To skillfully use (impressive) social media skills to promote an alternative narrative.

This is really important! To understand PRGuy you have to analyse the account in relation to the narrative he was trying to counter.

Criticism 1: PRGuy lacks nuance Of course they lack nuance! The narrative they're countering lacks nuance. They weren't trying to provide an intelligent, nuanced discussion of the pandemic. They were providing a direct counter-balance to something equally broad.

Criticism 2: PRGuy is working for Dan Andrews While I of course allow for the possibility that this may be true, the main reason PRGuy is stridently pro the Andrews administration is in direct response to the stridently anti Andrews propaganda at the time.

The implication that somehow they must be a staffer or directly on the payroll simply doesn't stack up against what we know of political bots and fake accounts. They pretend to be everyman, not start hashtags that say IStandWithDan.

PRGuy's entire purpose was to reflect back Murdoch driven narratives with a mirror narrative. Equally as shallow, equally as simplistic, equally as emotion-based. To expect either more of the account or to accuse it of less is to misunderstand its purpose.

There is a reason why pro/anti PRGuy tweets are geographically distinct. For Victorians living through a lockdown, they wanted the media to reflect their reality: that it was difficult but necessary, something they were happy to do because of the benefits for everybody.

Instead they were fed an insane and distorted version of reality - yes even from people like Karvelas - that portrayed them as victims of injustice. They wanted the lockdowns, they wanted the government to do something about the pandemic but the media was wedded to its story.

Is it really any surprise that a populist account arose out of this cognitive dissonance? Once that provided a coherent counter-narrative to the mainstream media that reflected how Victorians felt about themselves, their community, their government and the pandemic?

Who is PRGuy? I don't know and I honestly don't care. But if they've pissed off somebody like Avi Yemini they must have done something right.

***...simply brilliantly exactly true...

In closing, I'll just acknowledged what regular availees will already know...this weekend, the June long weekend 2022 is exactly 20 years since "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling was 'removed' from St Martins Lutheran School in Mt Gambier, South Australia, officially the start of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(albeit the cover-up truly began several years earlier when Dorling was first moved to St Martins from Adelaide after "an incident" there-Ed)...exactly, and included the 3-4 years of multiple complaints the Lutherans ignored/covered-up between then and 2002... 

Tomorrow: A Brief Chronology Of The St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up

A text-book study of an Institutionally Pro-Paedophile Corrupt State's protection of a "text-book grooming paedophile", including how that manifested as the Pro-Paedohile Political Persecution of my "bizarre trial" under the equally bizarre ICAC secrecy legislation...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...  

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Always Happy To Be Wrong - Some Slight Respite From Pro-LNP Media Bias

***I realise it's been a month since my last post, but I ain't gunna' apologise for it...ironically, trying to do a 'positive' post, this post, about the rancidly pro-LNP corrupt Main Stream Media in Australia, that effort drove me into a deeply depressive was the last ABC 7.30 interview with (then still Prime Minister) Scott 'Scummo' Morrison, a week before the election, that finally ripped the rug out from under me, and left me feeling like I was literally lying on my back, winded, and staring at the said interview, the notoriously pro-LNP Leigh Sales several times laughed at Scummo's statements, but in a context where she and her pro-LNP ilk at the ABC would otherwise scowl and badger the interviewee be they Labor/other...this is a major bone of contention identified in Twitter comments from ABC followers/viewers, that there's 2 different 'styles' of interview, namely, the soft-ball, giggly, smiley one for LNP/IPA/etc, and scowling, snappy, aggressive interview of ALP (Labor) or others...

And then there's the unchallenged lies that the LNP spew relentlessly, not least of all 'cos they know they're gunna' get away with it...which leads directly to another critical issue we at TMGI have covered repeatedly, and again as identified in criticism of the ABC, is that the MSM use these often highly deceitful/erroneous LNP 'talking points' as the basis for questions spat at ALP the LNP gets to trot-out whatevs dross virtually unchallenged, and then that gets vitriolically hurled at some poor Labor stooge who's wandered into the headlights...we cover this down the page a bit...   

The ultimate damning indictment of the ABC's appalling 'reportage' is the undeniable reality that the 2 harshest grillings that Scummo received from the MSM was on the oft-mocked Ch9 A Current Affair...often dismissed as tabloid-trash journalism on the telly, it was ACA host Tracy Grimshaw whom twice ripped into Scummo, and in a manner unlike virtually the entirety of the MSM has ever managed...with the very occasional exception, Scummo has been allowed to ride roughshod over any question, and as identified above, those questions are often 'Dorothy Dixers' from courtier-style sycophants...a certain Phil Coorey leaps to mind as arguably the most infuriating of these...time-and-again, if Scummo didn't like the questions or was caught in one of his own lies, he'd just cut to Phil and Phil would lob him a set-up question to pivot onto something different, usually critical of the ALP...  

Also been having increasingly frequent problems with my computering a hilarious metaphor for my own disposition, it's rather old hardware that's fairly worn-out and not performing anywhere near it's optimum...relatively minor problems like 'drop-outs' and problems getting connections, drawn-out 'loading' issues, and a mouse that's constantly 'switching off' requiring a 're-start', etc, all crescendoed a coupla' weeks back so I've reluctantly dolled-out some cash and hopefully that's that for a after much consideration, I'm gunna' keep bloggin', but just for today I'm gunna' post this weeks-old half-finished half-attempt at 'balance' and let things play-out however as they might...***

 (Wow, talk about damning with faint praise-Ed)...yeah, I know...(last post we were talking about "media whores"-Ed)...yeah, and that was always about the Main Stream Media owners and their willing minions...(like Murdoch (SKY News et al), Costello (Fairfax/Ch 9), Stokes (Ch 7 et al), and the appallingly compromised ABC-Ed)...yep,and I hope we made it clear that whilst it's definably a monstrous problem, it's not a 100% thing...(sure, I mean, PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison is notorious for getting very aggressive with any journo that dares ask him a probing question-Ed)...and/or just spewing nonsense and then turning tail and walking/storming off...(yeah, just non-answer word-salads and turn and run-Ed)...but there's also the very common issue where 'journos' 1) don't challenge LNP interviewees claims/allegations/talking points, which then 2) are regurgitated by as being facts... 

Also at play is the obvious observation that I cannot possibly see every single interaction, watch every program, etc...(and periodically y'all have a bit of a 'crash-and-burn' overload thingy and just switch-off for a bit, heaps of people do that-Ed)...yeah, and I'm not too proud to admit that I'm really struggling just at the moment with my raging contempt and borderline-hatred for my community and humanity in general...(is that 'cos we're nearing the 20th anniversary of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...yeah, and it's a daily struggle made markedly worse by the constant reminders of how corruptly complicit the media is...

In the most recent Leigh Sales interview of Scummo, Sales did ask some 'difficult' questions and did laugh derisively at a coupla' Scummo's stupider/erroneous answers, but ultimately it was still very lame...ultimately Scummo got away with multiple deceits and yards of jibberish that did not answer the actual questions...most telling was his obvious-as go at 'truthifying' the LNP's great lie about "we balanced the Budget just prior to the COVID19 pandemic"...that "balance" never happened, was never going to happen, just Scummo and Josh Frydenburg declaring it had happened...Scummo said it early on and Sales let it sail through to the could literally see Scummo's scheming cogs clunking over as he did it a second time...("got away with that first one, reckon I'll give it another bash'-Ed)...exactly, and again Sales didn't hold him to account for that absolute lie...(and the third time's the charm-Ed) on, and so it was that Scummo said it a third time and again Sales remained complicitly silent...(yep, miss it once maybe, twice is just sloppy journalism, but thrice is deliberately complicit silence-Ed)...and something stated 3 times, a lie repeated 3 times, without contradiction from the interviewer, that's a lie that the viewer will automatically subconsciously accept as the truth...(as intended by the complicit interviewer-Ed)...and the poor long-suffering viewer, trusting the ABC to tell them the truth, is instead, yet again manipulated and deceived...  

Just listening to Scummo on ABC News 24, jibber-shreckin'-jabber lies about positive aspects of his alleged 'personality', and how he's "saved" Australia...(OMFG! he saved Australia? saved us from what? good governance and leadership? not being an untrusted international laughing-stock?-Ed)...indeed, and as many have observed on Twitter/Social Media, Scummo's behaviours are text-book 'Domestic Abuser', bully, denigrate, control, gaslight, get angry at when questioned, etc, but then when confronted with retribution/accountability, in this case in the form of a looming Election loss, then the abuser is suddenly all disingenuous 'heart-felt' apologies and faux mia culpas...(and "I'll change if you give me another chance" (term in government)-Ed)...exactly...I've read numerous accounts of women having traumatic, visceral negative reactions to what they've seen of Scummo in the past week...  

A Perfect Example:...of just how corrupted the ABC has become, and by association how the broader MSM distorts the realities/discussion, was the reportage around the Leaders Debates, Scummo vs Anthony 'Eggs Over' Albanese...en masse the MSM/ABC reported that the farcical argue-athon second LD was just 2 blokes yelling at each other, but the reality was that it was predominantly Scummo trying to over-talk/intimidate everyone (the mediator and 'Eggs Over') and dominate the time/discourse, and 'Eggs Over' was in many respects just trying to fight a rear-guard action to be heard and address Scummo's lies/allegations/whatevs...(point being, representing/reporting that arguing as being purely a mutual responsibility is a very much a distortion of the truth-Ed)...indeed, and given the long history of the MSM/ABC framing things in a pro-LNP light, then that happening yet again is clearly not just some unfortunate anomaly, it is yet another example of an already defined agenda...(and the many, many times they cut from Albo pressers to go to some dodgy faux LNP announcement, I mean, like literally any half-arsed excuse will do-Ed)...

Currently watching/listening to the National Press Club with Adam Bandt (Greens), Zali Steggall (Independent), Senator Rex Patrick (Ind), and Craig Kelly (United (Palmer) Australia Party)...I've got a fairly low opinion of most politicians, but Craig 'Cooker' Kelly is a whole nother level of warped...(and your point?-Ed)...well I just wanna' know who are the fellow cookers sitting just off-screen and madly clapping his every crazy-eyed nonsense utterance...(well I'd suggest that each guest was allowed a small entourage and that's your clappers right there-Ed)...yeah, possibly...(and being fervent borderline-cultist acolytes they are, The Cookers, they'll clap louder and literally at whatevs dross falls outta' Craigo's gob-Ed)...fair point, and just for the benefit of those dear availees whom may not know, please explain the term 'Cookers'...('Cookers' is a colloquial denigration basically about those whom believe and parrot everything as a 'Conspiracy Theory', which is the fertile turf that Craigo plows through with his well-rehearsed spiel about Vaccine Mandates, etc-Ed)...and apparently, like any good cultists will, eg, Pentecostal god-botherers, the 'Cookers' take great pride in being labelled as such, 'cos criticism is apparently an indicator that they are correct and everyone else is wrong...(yeah, it's that 'Righteousness Martyr Syndrome' stuff where-in the external criticism cements the supposed reality of the belief system for the 'Believer'-Ed) I said, it's Cultism 101...   

And there's the pig-ignorant half-wit Kelly ranting about banning Vaccine mandates for Australian workers, and here comes the Cooker-clapping...Oh My Shrecking Lord, it really does my head in that idiots like this get a national platform 'cos he's being bank-rolled by the deplorable Clive Palmer...(it is literally proves the saying "Democracy is the best government that money can buy"-Ed)...I've already voted and it was an absolutely appalling shit-storm of Cookers and Racists and Right Wing Nutters...(and that was just the LNP candidates!-Ed)...yes, very amusing, not far wrong, but I was referring specifically to the United (Clive Palmer) Australia Party and One Nation (Pauline Hanson) candidates, along with assorted 'Cooker-style' alleged Independents...I got to '2' of 9 on my House of Representatives 'green' voting ticket, and I just didn't want to go any further 'cos I just didn't want to give any credence to the remaining candidates...(what I wouldn't give for an actual 'Teal Independent' in our electorate-Ed)...or 6 or 7 of them...and what's worse is that "Barker' is such a sadly, stupidly, selfishly safe Liberal seat that any vote other than that is effectively a none-vote...(yay for democracy-Ed)... 

Tomorrow: Those ANZAC Medals Of My Ancestors

As stated previously, I have not just a right but an obligation to engage in discussion about the Australian National Security issues involving the Solomon Islands...(and not in a telling SI what to do kinda' way-Ed)...exactly, not in a paternally patronising way...(like Scummo and the LNP have consistently done-Ed)...yeah, exactly not like that, but in a 'my Papa fought on the SI in WWII and received the DSO (Distinguished Service Order) for his efforts' kinda' way...(hey do you remember that Pacific Leaders zoom meeting last year where-in Scummo was eating whilst others were speaking?-Ed)...yeah, nuthin' says respect like munching toast at your counterparts whilst they're talking...(just looked it up, that was August 2021, opening of the Pacific Leaders Forum-Ed)...indeed, and it ain't brain science to know that's base-line disrespectful, but in Pacific Nations culture it is considered "extremely rude"...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

***so I know that's a bit all over the place, but I do promise to get my collective shizzle in order and press ahead...(yeah, I know you set-out with every intention to do a more positive post, but that very quickly descended into another bin fire of abuse-Ed)...yeah, unfortunatelt the reality got a hold a' me, and, post will be a coupla' days, but it will happen...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...