Wednesday, June 29, 2022

How Yesterday Restored An Iota Of My Faith In The Human Race

Howdy dear availees...just a super-short post to acknowledge the multiple peeps who yesterday went to the aid of a fellow human in need...I know this stuff goes on every day, all over the world, via many volunteer and/or support groups, charities...(the genuine ones, not the bureaucratic money-pits that some are-Ed)...yeah, fair point, but we're focussing on the genuine people and the positives, etc, today...(I can do that-Ed) there's heapsa' people, from groups like Medecin Sans Frontiers through to local ambulance and St Johns volunteers, etc, and Meals on Wheels and multiple community groups, eg, Cancer support groups, etc, etc...there are many people trying to better the lives of others, but I do lose sight of that sometimes, irretrievably traumatised as I am by the relentless Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption of the community/state/country I live in...anyhoos, then this happened...  

I was at gym with every intention of actually doing a workout...was just chatting to the manager at the front desk when I saw an elderly lady take a spectacular nose-dive out in the carpark...I make flippant about "a spectacular nosedive" 'cos ultimately she was relatively ok, in no small part a testimony as to what a tough ol' bird she is...but initially it looked horrendous, I mean, really horrendous...she was moving quite quickly when she tripped and pitched forward...from where I was it appeared that she didn't even manage to get her hands in front of her, and instead hit the ground face/head first...some cuts/grazes on her hands showed that she had sortta' got her hands up, but there was a big cut/graze on her left temple too...again, it looked really, really bad, and she hadn't moved by the time I got to her...

There was a guy right there just getting in his car and I was second to her...the lady, name known but withheld, was conscious but not moving..there was already blood dripping from a nasty gash on her left forehead...I rushed back into the gym and grabbed my 2 towels, went back, and put 1 under her head and laid the second over her like a blanket...the gym manager was right behind me and had a small towel which the first bloke held gently against her head...I grabbed my phone and called an ambulance, and the gym manager fetched the first aid kit...several other people stopped to help...the gym manager bandaged her hand, and she asked that someone call her sister, so I did...spoke briefly with the sister and I assured her that her sibling was relatively ok, ie, no apparent broken bones, ambulance on way, people with her, etc, and promised to call her back when the ambos got it transpired, I called her back just before the ambos arrived, approx 10-15 minutes after my 000 call...the sister said she was going to head down and arrived just as the ambos did...

A nurse had already stopped to help and a second had come running across, and several people had grabbed blankets from their cars...we all stood back and let the ambos do their assessment, and it seems miraculously there were no broken bones, neck/back injury, or any injuries other than the cuts and grazes...I was just offering to look after the ladies car for her, and I was gunna' say take it to the police station carpark and leave the keys with them, etc, but a lady who had stopped to help cut me off mid-sentence and suggested that I drive it home for the lady and she and her husband would follow, then give me a lift back to the gym...the sister was extremely grateful and we organised that I would do that then hold on to the keys and return them the next arvo...I parked the car, and what a car, in their driveway, and was just leaving when the sister rocked-up and so I gave her the keys and the other couple gave me a lift back to the gym, where I collected my blood-stained towels and headed home...

Firstly, the car...a very early model Holden Gemini, mid-late 1970s, and it was immaculate...looked like it had come outta' the showroom a week ago...steered like a drunken sailing boat, as was the tech of the time, but the interior was reminded me of my own grandmas' car and even my mums' when I was a kid...I'd guess that lady had that car from new and maintained it with absolute was a rolling window into another age, another mentality, and it was most excellent...

As for the lady, like I said, she was very slight but clearly also a tough ol' bird...I'm still shuddering at the mental image of her pitching forward, face first, and can't help thinking of how I might have ended-up...but that's not why we're here today, today it's about how, when an elderly lady, she's 84, when she was down and needed help, a bunch of strangers rallied around, and then not one but 2 ambulances attended, within 15 mins...I think the second ambo unit was like a spinal specialist team or something similar, whatevs...and when I offered to help with the car, a stranger offered to help me help... 

And that's it, when someone really needed the kindness of strangers, there it was...and that's the kinda' humanity I wanna' be a part of...

(Ya' know, it reminds me of that very similar incident a few years back when a lady went ass-over-apex out front of the Jens Hotel, and Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin walked past, looked at her lying there, and kept walking-Ed)...yeah, I do remember, but I'm not sure how that's similar, it's effectively the exact opposite...(I know, I was just having a massively facetious dig at Pasin-Ed)...fair enough...(and ya' know, I never really figured out in my head whether it was 1) that he's just an empathy/morality vacuum bordering on sociopath, or 2) figured he was looking at a lawsuit against Council for the very dodgy footpaths, and didn't want to be dragged into it as a witness against his mates/co-conspirators on Council-Ed)...well quite, but why not both?...(good point-Ed)...and for that matter, why just those 2 possibilities/realities?...whatevs, Pasin just walked past and away...and before y'all ask, I've spoken to 2 people who witnessed that 'incident'...

And we were doing so well with the 'Restoration of Faith' thingy too, but it's kinda' that Ying/Yang, Thus Nature Restores The Balance sortta' stuff...there's 2 examples of how different people have reacted to basically the same situation...I guess, it's down to y'all dear availee as to what you'd do, what sortta' 'Humanity' you'd like to be...

Tomorrow: James 'Jimmy Trumpets' Morrison Bails From Generations In Jazz/Mt Gambier       

Just the latest Morrison withdrawal from Mt Gambier...first it was the collapse/closure of his Jazz Academy, then selling-off property and chattels, etc, and now this...but apparently he's gunna' keep the Ratepayer subsidised Town Hall office space...I don't claim to know what he's thinking or planning, but I'd reckon his actions point to a certain mindset/agenda...and never let it be forgotten that this man has knowingly, willingly, repeatedly supported/protected at least 2 Rapists associated with GIJ and his Academy, and to the massive detriment of the female students assaulted...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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