Thursday, June 2, 2022

Always Happy To Be Wrong - Some Slight Respite From Pro-LNP Media Bias

***I realise it's been a month since my last post, but I ain't gunna' apologise for it...ironically, trying to do a 'positive' post, this post, about the rancidly pro-LNP corrupt Main Stream Media in Australia, that effort drove me into a deeply depressive was the last ABC 7.30 interview with (then still Prime Minister) Scott 'Scummo' Morrison, a week before the election, that finally ripped the rug out from under me, and left me feeling like I was literally lying on my back, winded, and staring at the said interview, the notoriously pro-LNP Leigh Sales several times laughed at Scummo's statements, but in a context where she and her pro-LNP ilk at the ABC would otherwise scowl and badger the interviewee be they Labor/other...this is a major bone of contention identified in Twitter comments from ABC followers/viewers, that there's 2 different 'styles' of interview, namely, the soft-ball, giggly, smiley one for LNP/IPA/etc, and scowling, snappy, aggressive interview of ALP (Labor) or others...

And then there's the unchallenged lies that the LNP spew relentlessly, not least of all 'cos they know they're gunna' get away with it...which leads directly to another critical issue we at TMGI have covered repeatedly, and again as identified in criticism of the ABC, is that the MSM use these often highly deceitful/erroneous LNP 'talking points' as the basis for questions spat at ALP the LNP gets to trot-out whatevs dross virtually unchallenged, and then that gets vitriolically hurled at some poor Labor stooge who's wandered into the headlights...we cover this down the page a bit...   

The ultimate damning indictment of the ABC's appalling 'reportage' is the undeniable reality that the 2 harshest grillings that Scummo received from the MSM was on the oft-mocked Ch9 A Current Affair...often dismissed as tabloid-trash journalism on the telly, it was ACA host Tracy Grimshaw whom twice ripped into Scummo, and in a manner unlike virtually the entirety of the MSM has ever managed...with the very occasional exception, Scummo has been allowed to ride roughshod over any question, and as identified above, those questions are often 'Dorothy Dixers' from courtier-style sycophants...a certain Phil Coorey leaps to mind as arguably the most infuriating of these...time-and-again, if Scummo didn't like the questions or was caught in one of his own lies, he'd just cut to Phil and Phil would lob him a set-up question to pivot onto something different, usually critical of the ALP...  

Also been having increasingly frequent problems with my computering a hilarious metaphor for my own disposition, it's rather old hardware that's fairly worn-out and not performing anywhere near it's optimum...relatively minor problems like 'drop-outs' and problems getting connections, drawn-out 'loading' issues, and a mouse that's constantly 'switching off' requiring a 're-start', etc, all crescendoed a coupla' weeks back so I've reluctantly dolled-out some cash and hopefully that's that for a after much consideration, I'm gunna' keep bloggin', but just for today I'm gunna' post this weeks-old half-finished half-attempt at 'balance' and let things play-out however as they might...***

 (Wow, talk about damning with faint praise-Ed)...yeah, I know...(last post we were talking about "media whores"-Ed)...yeah, and that was always about the Main Stream Media owners and their willing minions...(like Murdoch (SKY News et al), Costello (Fairfax/Ch 9), Stokes (Ch 7 et al), and the appallingly compromised ABC-Ed)...yep,and I hope we made it clear that whilst it's definably a monstrous problem, it's not a 100% thing...(sure, I mean, PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison is notorious for getting very aggressive with any journo that dares ask him a probing question-Ed)...and/or just spewing nonsense and then turning tail and walking/storming off...(yeah, just non-answer word-salads and turn and run-Ed)...but there's also the very common issue where 'journos' 1) don't challenge LNP interviewees claims/allegations/talking points, which then 2) are regurgitated by as being facts... 

Also at play is the obvious observation that I cannot possibly see every single interaction, watch every program, etc...(and periodically y'all have a bit of a 'crash-and-burn' overload thingy and just switch-off for a bit, heaps of people do that-Ed)...yeah, and I'm not too proud to admit that I'm really struggling just at the moment with my raging contempt and borderline-hatred for my community and humanity in general...(is that 'cos we're nearing the 20th anniversary of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...yeah, and it's a daily struggle made markedly worse by the constant reminders of how corruptly complicit the media is...

In the most recent Leigh Sales interview of Scummo, Sales did ask some 'difficult' questions and did laugh derisively at a coupla' Scummo's stupider/erroneous answers, but ultimately it was still very lame...ultimately Scummo got away with multiple deceits and yards of jibberish that did not answer the actual questions...most telling was his obvious-as go at 'truthifying' the LNP's great lie about "we balanced the Budget just prior to the COVID19 pandemic"...that "balance" never happened, was never going to happen, just Scummo and Josh Frydenburg declaring it had happened...Scummo said it early on and Sales let it sail through to the could literally see Scummo's scheming cogs clunking over as he did it a second time...("got away with that first one, reckon I'll give it another bash'-Ed)...exactly, and again Sales didn't hold him to account for that absolute lie...(and the third time's the charm-Ed) on, and so it was that Scummo said it a third time and again Sales remained complicitly silent...(yep, miss it once maybe, twice is just sloppy journalism, but thrice is deliberately complicit silence-Ed)...and something stated 3 times, a lie repeated 3 times, without contradiction from the interviewer, that's a lie that the viewer will automatically subconsciously accept as the truth...(as intended by the complicit interviewer-Ed)...and the poor long-suffering viewer, trusting the ABC to tell them the truth, is instead, yet again manipulated and deceived...  

Just listening to Scummo on ABC News 24, jibber-shreckin'-jabber lies about positive aspects of his alleged 'personality', and how he's "saved" Australia...(OMFG! he saved Australia? saved us from what? good governance and leadership? not being an untrusted international laughing-stock?-Ed)...indeed, and as many have observed on Twitter/Social Media, Scummo's behaviours are text-book 'Domestic Abuser', bully, denigrate, control, gaslight, get angry at when questioned, etc, but then when confronted with retribution/accountability, in this case in the form of a looming Election loss, then the abuser is suddenly all disingenuous 'heart-felt' apologies and faux mia culpas...(and "I'll change if you give me another chance" (term in government)-Ed)...exactly...I've read numerous accounts of women having traumatic, visceral negative reactions to what they've seen of Scummo in the past week...  

A Perfect Example:...of just how corrupted the ABC has become, and by association how the broader MSM distorts the realities/discussion, was the reportage around the Leaders Debates, Scummo vs Anthony 'Eggs Over' Albanese...en masse the MSM/ABC reported that the farcical argue-athon second LD was just 2 blokes yelling at each other, but the reality was that it was predominantly Scummo trying to over-talk/intimidate everyone (the mediator and 'Eggs Over') and dominate the time/discourse, and 'Eggs Over' was in many respects just trying to fight a rear-guard action to be heard and address Scummo's lies/allegations/whatevs...(point being, representing/reporting that arguing as being purely a mutual responsibility is a very much a distortion of the truth-Ed)...indeed, and given the long history of the MSM/ABC framing things in a pro-LNP light, then that happening yet again is clearly not just some unfortunate anomaly, it is yet another example of an already defined agenda...(and the many, many times they cut from Albo pressers to go to some dodgy faux LNP announcement, I mean, like literally any half-arsed excuse will do-Ed)...

Currently watching/listening to the National Press Club with Adam Bandt (Greens), Zali Steggall (Independent), Senator Rex Patrick (Ind), and Craig Kelly (United (Palmer) Australia Party)...I've got a fairly low opinion of most politicians, but Craig 'Cooker' Kelly is a whole nother level of warped...(and your point?-Ed)...well I just wanna' know who are the fellow cookers sitting just off-screen and madly clapping his every crazy-eyed nonsense utterance...(well I'd suggest that each guest was allowed a small entourage and that's your clappers right there-Ed)...yeah, possibly...(and being fervent borderline-cultist acolytes they are, The Cookers, they'll clap louder and literally at whatevs dross falls outta' Craigo's gob-Ed)...fair point, and just for the benefit of those dear availees whom may not know, please explain the term 'Cookers'...('Cookers' is a colloquial denigration basically about those whom believe and parrot everything as a 'Conspiracy Theory', which is the fertile turf that Craigo plows through with his well-rehearsed spiel about Vaccine Mandates, etc-Ed)...and apparently, like any good cultists will, eg, Pentecostal god-botherers, the 'Cookers' take great pride in being labelled as such, 'cos criticism is apparently an indicator that they are correct and everyone else is wrong...(yeah, it's that 'Righteousness Martyr Syndrome' stuff where-in the external criticism cements the supposed reality of the belief system for the 'Believer'-Ed) I said, it's Cultism 101...   

And there's the pig-ignorant half-wit Kelly ranting about banning Vaccine mandates for Australian workers, and here comes the Cooker-clapping...Oh My Shrecking Lord, it really does my head in that idiots like this get a national platform 'cos he's being bank-rolled by the deplorable Clive Palmer...(it is literally proves the saying "Democracy is the best government that money can buy"-Ed)...I've already voted and it was an absolutely appalling shit-storm of Cookers and Racists and Right Wing Nutters...(and that was just the LNP candidates!-Ed)...yes, very amusing, not far wrong, but I was referring specifically to the United (Clive Palmer) Australia Party and One Nation (Pauline Hanson) candidates, along with assorted 'Cooker-style' alleged Independents...I got to '2' of 9 on my House of Representatives 'green' voting ticket, and I just didn't want to go any further 'cos I just didn't want to give any credence to the remaining candidates...(what I wouldn't give for an actual 'Teal Independent' in our electorate-Ed)...or 6 or 7 of them...and what's worse is that "Barker' is such a sadly, stupidly, selfishly safe Liberal seat that any vote other than that is effectively a none-vote...(yay for democracy-Ed)... 

Tomorrow: Those ANZAC Medals Of My Ancestors

As stated previously, I have not just a right but an obligation to engage in discussion about the Australian National Security issues involving the Solomon Islands...(and not in a telling SI what to do kinda' way-Ed)...exactly, not in a paternally patronising way...(like Scummo and the LNP have consistently done-Ed)...yeah, exactly not like that, but in a 'my Papa fought on the SI in WWII and received the DSO (Distinguished Service Order) for his efforts' kinda' way...(hey do you remember that Pacific Leaders zoom meeting last year where-in Scummo was eating whilst others were speaking?-Ed)...yeah, nuthin' says respect like munching toast at your counterparts whilst they're talking...(just looked it up, that was August 2021, opening of the Pacific Leaders Forum-Ed)...indeed, and it ain't brain science to know that's base-line disrespectful, but in Pacific Nations culture it is considered "extremely rude"...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

***so I know that's a bit all over the place, but I do promise to get my collective shizzle in order and press ahead...(yeah, I know you set-out with every intention to do a more positive post, but that very quickly descended into another bin fire of abuse-Ed)...yeah, unfortunatelt the reality got a hold a' me, and, post will be a coupla' days, but it will happen...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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