Monday, February 28, 2022

Ms Grace Tame - A Study In Where Nominative Determanism Meets Absolute Irony

Howdy dear availees...sorry, not doing the long-promised post about the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, it's part-finished and has just become one of the several dozen similarly part-done posts queuing-up in the 'Drafts' section of this 'ere blog...(and it's quite an important post when one considers that one of the lead stooges from MGCC, Ben Hood, is the current Liberal Party candidate for the Sow Strayan State Election on 19th March 2022-Ed)..indeed, but we've got that covered in a separate part-done post about 1) his particular personal cowardice and unpleasantness...(what a guy-Ed)...2) including his explicitly complicit lead role in MGCC's deceitful corruption regarding the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre (FARC)...(now at $76million and counting-Ed)...yep, and 3) a vote for any Liberal candidate in SA is a vote for Pentecostal/Fundamentalist Christian control of your life...(yay, just like Scott 'Scummo' Morrison's Federal Liberal government-Ed)...exactly like that...but that can wait 'cos today we're gunna' sink the boot into Scummo on another specific issue...(I thought we were doin' a 'Grace Tame' post today?-Ed)...yep, and with all due respect to Ms Tame, she is the boot we shall be usin' today...

First off, I want to re-iterate my absolute respect, admiration, and sense of quiet awe for the 2021 Australian Of the Year, Ms Grace Tame...thusly it is with genuine good humour that I reference her name as being text-book definitions of both Nominative Determinism and Irony...(it's a bit like those Harry and Paul comedy skits about Nelson Mandela, the satirical humour is derived from the statesmanship and integrity of the man-Ed)...exactly...firstly, it is remarkable that someone who has been through the trauma that Ms Tame has, and particularly how appallingly she has been treated in the past year...(and most particularly in the last month or so since the famous 'Side-eye at Scummo' interaction-Ed)...indeed, most particularly since that context Ms Tame perfectly illustrates the Nominative Determanism of 'Grace', especially as it relates to 'grace under fire'...(spot on! given all the pressure to 'conform' and 'perform' within 'acceptable parameters' and the abuse for 'not smiling compliantly', etc, Ms Tame has conducted herself with absolute 'grace'-Ed)...including but not least whilst having to publicly deal with people like Scummo who have been deceitful and misogynistic and outright abusive...(who can forget his extraordinary comments about/to the (women's) March4Justice in Canberra on 15th March 2021, quote, "Not far from here, such marches, even now are being met with bullets, but not here in this country"-Ed)...just wow... 

And the multi-level irony of Ms Tame's name stems from the fact that whilst she does show absolute 'grace', she simultaneously is everything but 'tame'...(indeed, she is fierce and fiery and fervent and motivated and pro-active and all-things positively self-expressive-Ed)...indeed, all that and so much more...and it's ironically contrasting that by way of her genuine nature she can be both things at once, that is, conduct herself with respect and 'grace', etc, but do so without being in any way compromising of her strength, of being 'tame'...(and then there's the irony forced on her by the appallingly abusive conduct/discourse of others, eg, the shameless and cowardly bully Peter Van Onselen, in so much as much of that criticism/abuse/misogyny is motivated by and focussed on Ms Tame's genuine and grounded natural refusal to be 'tame'-Ed)...absolutely spot on...and whilst PeeVee is only one of many largely Right Wing misogynists and Crumb Maidens who have mouthed-off at Ms Tame for her failure to 'make nice and smile at the nasty old man', he's arguably the worst...

So I'm gunna' do a series of links to the stuff I want to address and/or refer to, starting with a reference to the immediate previous post on this 'ere blog...once and/or if you've already read that, please to be moving directly onto this next is the most extraordinary display of courage and dignity and conviction, as displayed by 2 genuinely inspirational young women, Ms Tame and Ms Brittany Higgins, during their combined presentation to the National Press Club on 9th February's about 1hr20m but absolutely worth the effort...

Some things I noted...1) PM Scummo did not attend...(as indeed he refused to address the March4Justice right outside Parliament House-Ed)...2) Labor leader Anthony Albanese did attend...3) Liberals were reportedly told not to go...4) the several who did attend, namely Simon Birmingham, Minister for Women Marise Payne, Minister for Women's Safety Anne Ruston, and Minister for Women's Economic Security Jane Hume, failed/refused to stand during the ovations at the end of each speech...this article/link (below) includes footage of Payne and Birmingham briefly standing well into the applause...(but almost if doing so under protest/succumbing to the pressure/not wanting to appear petty-Ed)...whatevs, but Hume and Ruston remain firmly seated...(and weren't their 'Ministerial Women's positions created by Scummo directly in response to and to distract away from the Ms Higgins 'alleged' Rape Cover-up scandal?-Ed)...exactly...(and why doesn't this article even identify that Birmingham was present, that's him sitting right behind Anne Ruston, and doesn't include him in the red circle around the women Liberals?-Ed)...excellent observation, but  I got no idea, maybe the writer/editor was trying to protect Birmo? who's the link...

The Numero Uno thing I take from this is how it reflects on the same time-frame that he's been 'too busy' to attend...(his official excuse for refusing and/or just being too scared and piss-weak to attend-Ed)...exactly, like with the March4Justice and then this Tame/Higgins event, amongst other incidences where he's too busy "just getting on with the job", but Scummo has had any amount of time to do carefully choreographed yet still cringe-worthy, pathetic and even "creepy" photo-ops...(not least of all the intensely "creepy" thing where he washed that young woman's hair at what turned-out to be a former Liberal candidate's hair salon-Ed)...a perfect example, absolutely confected stunt with a complicit/compliant business owner, a pathetic Scummo attempt at showing that he was down with the women and what concerned them...his latest daily cowardly, scared of powerful intelligent women effort is that he's refused to go on the ABC's 7.30 Report with the most excellent Laura Tingle, but he had 45 mins for a chat with the self-satisfied, pig-ignorant mouth-breather Piers Morgan, shipped out here by Rupert Murdoch to try and manipulate Scummo out of losing the 2022 Federal Election...(including a big photo-op with Peirsy maaaate-Ed)...well ya' gotta' have a photo-op...

And finally, I want to address the cynically sycophantic anti-female gaslighting that was/is the Sixty Minutes 'exclusive' interview with Scummo and Jenny...(Scummo's missus, Jenny Morrison, whom he constantly references/trots-out when trying to give the impression that he's somehow vaguely aware of and indeed the least bit interested in what women think, want, experience, and/or are...that Jenny?-Ed)...yes, or as so exquisitely parodied on the ABC's comedy show Mad As Hell, The Ask-Wife 2022 Hologram...and 'cos that's such a spot-on satirical piss-take of what Scummo does, and the complicit part that Jenny apparently willingly plays in that deceit/gas-lighting/manipulation/abuse, here's the link...please note that the 'Donald McEngadine' character references the 'allegation' that years ago Scummo shat himself at a Mcdonald's in the suburb of Engadine...having said that, please leave watching this until after you've watched the actual Sixty Minutes piece, link below, 'cos then you'll properly appreciate 1) how sickening the 'interview is, and 2) how brilliant the parody is in here's the Sixty Minutes link first, then the AskWife 2022 link...

Hilarious, absolutely specifically directly accurately hilarious...(love the closing about how everyone can see through it-Ed)...and whilst I have no pity for the complicit Jenny, I will note that Scummo also routinely drags his 2 young daughters into the media spotlight, not least of all, to try and bolster his relentlessly failing 'every man's family man/daggy dad/I understand women' narratives...but back to the appalling Channel 9's Sixty Minutes program of 13th February 2022...(ah, Channel 9, where former Howard-era Liberal Treasurer Peter Costello is the Chairman, and whom hold Liberal fundraisers at Ch9 premises, etc, that Ch9?-Ed)...yep, and it was everything that genuine journalism isn't, it was a sickening slab of genuflecting sycophancy, barely trying to conceal it's true agenda...(namely?-Ed) Scummo to trot-out Jen, right into the line of fire, to try and distract and deflect and excuse the disgrace that is's a litany of forced/faked laughter and pro-Scummo sympathies, etc, but a coupla' main things stuck out regarding Jenny's role...

She was there not just to 'humanise' Scummo, but to do his bidding...(mate! you can see him sitting next to her literally mouthing through her script with her as she speaks, and then beaming proudly once she's correctly regurgitated her lines-Ed)...indeed, and part of that was 1) taking responsibility for Scummo's bizarrely selfish/cowardly/uncaring decision to take the kids to Hawaii during the devastating 2019 nation-wide bushfires...(ha! typical, Scummo hiding behind the missus and the kids, again-Ed)...yep, it's Jen's fault but she was just thinking about the kids, it's carefully confected multiple layers of taking the responsibility/blame away from Scummo...(it was because of the kid's, it was the missus's fault-Ed)...and whilst this was clearly one of the main reasons for the entire 'interview', to try and draw a line through and/or under that Hawaii holiday that continues to haunt Scummo, and underpins the broader discourse about how he runs away and hides during emergencies/problems/failings, there was another even less subtle attempt to promote Scummo's thoughts/words in the context where he himself simply cannot speak them out loud...(so just get the AskWife 2022 to do it instead-Ed)...exactly....   

And that was Jenny's very 'polite' pseudo-support for Ms Tame's actions re the 'Side-Eye' interaction, pseudo-support that was actually just the set-up to a deeply misogynistic criticism about Ms Tame 'not being polite'...(so, starting as faint praise, which included deliberately involving their daughters, again, but actually just a gas-lighting set-up for the thinly veiled criticism about 'respect'...'I hope my girls are like that when they grow-up, just respectful'-Ed)...yep, that one brief statement speaks volumes for the genuine intent, and that is to say the things about Ms Tame that Scummo wanted to but knew would be damaging for him...(so trot-out the AskWife 2022 to do your dirty work for you instead-Ed)...precisely...and don't get me started about the farcical and very deliberate pantomime with playing the ukulele...(more 'daggy dad' role playing?-Ed)...exactly, he's just a bloke like us, just an embarrassing dopey ol' dad like us... 

So there's heaps to go through there, and a whole bunch of stuff I haven't specifically covered, but please do try to get through all of these linked articles/features...just to finish, here's a very rude take on Scummo's ukulele performance, using the lyrics from another song, but perfectly synced-over the Sixty Minutes footage...Language Warning, but enjoy...

Tomorrow: A Liberal Dose Of Candidate Ben 'From The' Hood   

Will he be elected ahead of incumbent Member for Mt Gambier, the frequently charged Troy 'Saved By The' Bell?...(never met a shocking pun you could walk past, eh?-Ed)...well I was gunna' go with 'Can Bell End Hood Rise'...(oh bravo sir, that's actually almost funny-Ed)...well if you liked that then you're gunna' love the next post...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, February 21, 2022

Latest Atrocious Bile From Self-Satisfied Peter Van Onselen

Howdy dear a bludgeoning reminder of just how powerful trauma can be, I've again literally lost several days, lost them somewhere between the last post and this...could've sworn it was a week and turns-out it's 10 days, sorry, 11 days, and I'm genuinely at a loss to explain...(let me try...just engaging with the facts about 9 years of doin' this 'ere blog, and 20 years of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the abject failures of everyone to act, particularly the supposed 'Authorities', other than to perpetuate/protect the St Martins Cover-up and attack you personally, etc, etc, that's a veritable truck-load of perpetual and constantly re-enforced trauma, and that's a constant burden that unironically feeds-back on itself and re-traumatises, and on and on it goes-Ed)...fair call...(and trying to stay engaged with politics,which means being constantly exposed to abusive gas-lighters like Scott 'Scummo' Morrison and Christian Porter and PeeVee Onselen, et al, that just compounds and refreshes one's own personal traumas, etc, and on and on it goes-Ed)...indeed, and that sense of being completely swamped and then scrambling back to the surface to grab another breath before being dragged back under, etc, etc...(but knowing exactly what's happening doesn't make it any easier to deal with or resist, etc-Ed)...and round and round we go, and so it is and so it will continue to be...

To quote myself when providing counsel to others whom express dismay and depression, etc, at the state of the world and appallingly abusive and misogynistic gaslighting that defines Australian politics and it's complicit handmaiden the Main Stream Media, etc, etc, 'aside from the recollections of your own personal traumas, etc, it upsets you and angers you because anyone who is even just vaguely aware of the realities and is even just halfway intelligent, and gives just half a damn, that person is going to be upset and angered by those realities, and so, therefore, you as an informed, intelligent, caring person, you're gunna' be hugely confronted by those realities, and that's the cross you have to bear, and you should be extremely proud of that, 'cos by my estimation, it's a badge of honour...(well put sir, it is the intelligent ones whom give a damn, they are the ones most traumatised by trying to be informed and involved in the welfare of others, etc, it is far easier to be a selfish and self-involved-Ed)...indeed, as it also takes far less effort to be committed to your own opinion than it does to try and understand another's...  

And if y'all have been livin' it large under a rock somewhere, and therefore don't know what's being referred to in today's post, basically, Scummo had a li'l self-promotional 'meet-'n'-greet' photo-op outside the Australian Of The Year ceremony (January 2022), and AOTY 2021 Ms Grace Tame and her fiance were obliged to line-up and wait, and then shake hands, exchange pleasantries, etc, with Scummo and Jen...and Ms Tame politely shook Scummo's hand but always with a well-deserved look of disapproval for the low-life Gaslighter In Chief who had said such sub-intelligent things like 'female protestors are lucky they're not met with bullets', etc...(and who had definably acted to cover-up the 'alleged' Rape of Ms Brittany Higgins back in April 2019, and then relentlessly lied about it, and back-grounded against her and her partner last year-Ed)...exactly, and at this AOTY  Scummo photo-op Ms Tame has famously 'side-eyed' Scummo...(famously and quite rightly 'side-eyed' her disapproval of him as a person, which is, to our opinion, an immoral, psychotic prick!-Ed)..indeed, it's exactly what so many think of Scummo and would ourselves love to have the opportunity to participate in...(and indeed to have the courage to express so eloquently-Ed)...indeed, and both the courage of character and of conviction...(and never were so many things said so eloquently with ne'ry a single word spoken, ne'er so much expressed with a merely seering glance-Ed)...indeed, and for those whom ain't had the pleasure, here 'tis the link to that li'l exchange...please note that Ms Tame does respectfully acknowledge and briefly smile at Jenny Morrison...                 

And whilst Ms Tame has had widespread support for her brilliant side-eye, it has been much to the chagrin of every rabid Right Wing 'commentator' and Liberal/National Crumb Maiden...(including our mate li'l PeeVee, who immediately did an article calling Ms Tame "childish" and questioning why she bothered to even show-up if she wasn't going to be polite and play nice, etc-Ed)...there's so much to cover just in that, but he was duly called-out about it by journo Amy Remeikis on Channel 10's The Project, where-in PeeVee is a regular host/panellist...The Project co-host Carrie Bickmore also challenged/questioned PeeVee's conduct/attitude/article, and he conceded that he 'could have just thought that not written it'...(so he didn't listen to what Remeikis and Bickmore actually said, and didn't recognise the inappropriateness of what he'd said, and didn't apologise, etc?-Ed), but then in the days following, after a storm of protest about his pig-ignorance, he started saying 'by writing  about her like that, I was no better than Ms Tame'...(and that's not an apology or anything even remotely like it, it's absolute gaslighting about the criticism he's copped and trying to deflect it by-way of another attack on Ms Tame...what an arsehole!-Ed)...yep, PeeVee is right-up there with the best of's the link to PeeVee's 'Editorial', one of many from various Right Wing sycophants in the pathetically pro-LNP complicit Main Stream Media...

There's so many things factually incorrect in this 'article', aside from the pro-LNP deceits, text-book misogyny, etc...for example, PeeVee carefully misrepresents the fact that 1) Ms Tame was technically obliged and/or chose to be there as the incumbent 2021 AOTY, there to respectfully acknowledge the 2022 appointee, and 2) that is not Scummo's house, it is a Taxpayer-funded public residence attached to the office of PM...the rest is typical PeeVee crap...Ms Tame is not "embarrassing" Petey, mate, you're the embarrassment, you're a pathetically thin-skinned coward who is a big man when attacking those you deem less powerful than ya'self...pathetic, cowardly, embarrassment of an alleged man...not gunna' try to go through it all again now, but I refer dear availees to previous posts on this 'ere blog about PeeVee...also, just Interweb search 'Van Onselen' in association with names like 'Christian Porter' and 'Ms Katharine Thornton' or 'Prof Gemma Carey'...I will however include this link to a Twitter feed that includes The Project exchange referred to above...I urge y'all to watch it, and just watch PeeVee's face as he gets thoroughly 'owned' but his arrogance and hubris and ignorance just won't allow him to accept that...

And to conclude, here's the article I had first started to post about, and below that the original article the first one refers to...resultantly there's some repetition, but it's still worth reading both..there's also several links to other articles, etc...***

Peter van Onselen's record on Rapes:
(a short history of a man who thinks 'rape' is a topic that you can decide whose sides you're on)...
PART 1 - Grace Tame:
Peter van Onselen, via your article on Grace, you punished her because you DIDN'T LIKE THE WAY SHE LOOKED, or THE WAY SHE CARRIED HERSELF, or THE WAY SHE DIDN'T SMILE.
(Perpetrators share this feature with you, particularly the 'smiling' part, PvO).
PART 2 - Katharine Thornton:
This is a TRAIT that the public has seen in you PvO: that you punish women when you don't like the way a woman behaves or looks or thinks or defends themselves (as Katharine tried to do by raising the historical rape).
* 7 March 2021: After Christian Porter 'outs' himself as the Govt Minister whom Katharine accused of raping her,
Peter van Onselen says on ABC's Insiders programme about rape:
"if it's someone you know and if they claim that they're innocent — boy it's a difficult issue."
* within 1 week of saying this, PvO tweets a photo of the fictional book by Franz Kafka's "The Trial" about a man arrested & prosecuted for a crime that is not revealed to him nor to the reader (except that Porter was never prosecuted... so PvO paints a picture of a real crucifixion when there was none = gaslighting).
* PvO continued to write on the allegations against Porter, despite the clear conflict of interest.
In New York, famous journalist Chris Cuomo faced a conflict of interest in 2021 when his New York Governor brother Andrew Cuomo faced sexual harassment claims. CNN sacked the journalist when they found out he was helping his brother make statements to the public and using his media connections.
Compare the pair... except that PvO didn't help Porter make public statements because PvO made all the statements that Porter would have needed to gaslight the public: PvO carried out public lobbying for his close mate AND character assassination of Katharine Thornton when she was no longer alive to defend herself (RIP Katharine).
* PvO went on to PUBLISH the dossier of Porter’s accuser, Katherine. Her dossier was her harrowing and traumatic record of the rapes that Porter allegedly carried out when she was sleeping or had been plied with too much alcohol.
* While PUBLISHING it, PvO deliberately tries to smear Katharine's reputation by highlighting her mental health struggles and doubts on her rape claim, writing:
"Her life and death are a tragedy. Especially for her family, who have expressed concerns that, perhaps due to mental illness that included a bipolar disorder, she may have imagined the rape."
--> PvO suggests that the rape was 'imagined' (!!) and reduces it to a single rape when the dossier described multiple. At NO time did PvO acknowledge that Katharine's mental health struggles came from the alleged rapes as stated in the dossier.
* PvO was defaming Katharine, but unlike his current attempt to sue Gemma Carey for defamation, he is comfortable that he can't be sued by someone who has committed suicide following the rapes.
As Hayden O'Connor wrote in his brilliant article (attached) and from which many of the above & below paragraphs were obtained or paraphrased, Hayden said "It’s of vital importance to note that one’s mental health issues should never be used to cast doubt over allegations of rape or sexual assault."
* In Oct/Nov 2021 PvO serves a notice to sue Gemma Carey for defamation over her 9-word tweet. And when someone replies to his tweet asking if PvO will withdraw his court action given that she's apologised, PvO wrote "if you saw the despicable tweets that she did that required this apology you'd be shocked someone who should know better stooped so incredibly low".
* On 25 January 2022, PvO wrote a national article humiliating rape survivor Grace Tame for not smiling at the Prime Minister who had twice blocked parliament from investigating alleged rapist Porter.
* After PvO was widely criticised on social media for DEFAMING Grace Tame, he said he still has the same belief about Tame's non-smile but that it would have been better for him to have those thoughts without writing them publicly.
SO F*ckn PvO, you think it's ok for you to regret writing words publicly and choose differently in future, but you think it's not ok for Gemma Carey to regret writing her words publicly as you feel she NEEDS TO BE PUNISHED.
Rather than respecting that a woman has a right to make mistakes and choose differently in the future (it is ACTUALLY a human right to make errors and choose differently), you think she needs to be PUNISHED. Similar to your character assassination of & grueling punishment of Katharine Thornton for raising the allegation, like Peng Shuai in China.
This is what the nation and Gemma Carey picked up on from your actions around Porter, and which Gemma reflected in her writing in October 2021.
You think that you can defame Grace Tame and not be sued but instead "learn from the lesson", while you do not give Gemma the same courtesy.
PvO, you are POISON and a danger to women, that's what Gemma is getting at, she is merely reflecting on the public opinion of you.
Who are you Peter van Onselen?
(a) A self-entitled man who victimises women (even those who passed away).
(b) A man whose sense of purpose is to throw their weight around the country bullying women to 'defend his mate' even if his mate might have raped a woman.
(c) a man who takes the definition of public lobbying to a whole new level and carries out character assassination and defamation of numerous women repeatedly.
(d) A man who demands perfection from women, and takes away a woman's humanity by denying them basic human rights of making mistakes.
(e) a man so entitled that he THINKS rape is a topic that you can decide whose side you are on.
WTF, this is not 15th Netherlands PvO! This is 21st century, where a rape allegation MUST be investigated, YOU don't get to choose whose side you are on, you f*k!!!
Peter van Onselen, you better withdraw your action against Gemma Carey, for you don't realise how close you are to not being sued for defamation your f*ckg self.

***...and the original article, with the link included...*** 

Peter van Onselen's misogyny should be taken off air ( 

Peter van Onselen's misogyny should be taken off air

By  |  |  32 comments |  9,370 | 

Journalist Peter van Onselen has been criticised over slandering Grace Tame's demeanour towards the PM (Image by Dan Jensen
Grace Tame’s refusal to appease Morrison with a smile has set off a typical reaction from privileged, middle-aged men, including Peter van Onselen whose smug arrogance and sexism should no longer be tolerated by Channel 10.

* CONTENT WARNING: This article discusses rape

Australia has a Prime Minister who can’t understand the seriousness of rape unless he thinks about it as a father, also believing female protesters are lucky not to be met with bullets. Our Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, is a misogynist and it’s entirely appropriate to believe on the available evidence that his government deliberately covered up the rape of Brittany Higgins.

Despite all of this, when 2021 Australian of the Year Grace Tame (who is a sexual abuse survivor) refused to smile in a photo-op with said Prime Minister, a bunch of sexist, entitled, middle-aged men had a childish meltdown and used their platforms to attack her for displaying authentic and understandable feelings. One of these men was Peter van Onselen — Channel 10 should cut him loose.

Our country needs real action on safety and respect for women, that’s why at least 13 Independent female candidates are running on such a platform at the upcoming Federal Election, but we shouldn’t have to wait that long. Australia’s women have waited long enough and even though our Federal Government refuses to act, that doesn’t mean others can’t take action as individuals — or as a television network. 

Since allegations emerged against van Onselen’s close friend Christian Porter in March 2021, van Onselen has time and time again proven himself to be no friend of women and incapable of the integrity required not to comment on matters where he has a clear conflict of interest.

It started on ABC’s Insiders on 7 March 2021, where van Onselen said the following:

At the macro-level, I couldn't be happier that there is this shift that has occurred, so that women are coming forward and so that there is a move for change so that sexual abuse can somehow hopefully get better recognised and reform of the system.


At the micro-level though, if it's someone you know and if they claim that they're innocent — boy it's a difficult issue.

These comments were and still are highly offensive but evidently not offensive enough for Channel 10 to cut ties with van Onselen. The notion of explaining the “difficulty” of being friends with an accused rapist on national TV is vomit-inducing.

A week after these comments, Peter van Onselen made the following (since deleted) Tweet:

(Image supplied)

Franz Kafka’s The Trial is summarised as the story of ‘a man arrested and prosecuted by a remote, inaccessible authority, with the nature of his crime revealed neither to him nor to the reader’.

Porter was never prosecuted and a statement was never taken from his accuser, so the plot of The Trial does not apply. If van Onselen was suggesting that he or Porter were prosecuted (by public opinion), then that is even more ludicrous. The public has every right to express their views on Porter’s guilt or innocence and also has every right to criticise van Onselen for his gutter journalism on this topic.

Peter van Onselen continued to write on the allegations against Porter, despite the clear conflict of interest and went on to publish the dossier of Porter’s accuser, and deliberately attempted to smear her reputation by highlighting her mental health struggles and doubts on her rape claim:

‘Her life and death are a tragedy. Especially for her family, who have expressed concerns that, perhaps due to mental illness that included a bipolar disorder, she may have imagined the rape.’

It’s of vital importance to note that one’s mental health issues should never be used to cast doubt over allegations of rape or sexual assault.

In April 2021, van Onselen published another article claiming that on addressing sexual assault, ‘surprisingly few ideas for change have been articulated this past month’. This statement was simply not true; at the time, the Respect@Work report had sat untouched with the Government for over a year and Grace Tame was calling for consent training in schools, in addition to a national definition on consent.

There were, of course, plenty of other solutions on offer from activists and experts but van Onselen wasn’t interested in that. Instead, he contributed to the sexist narrative that women only have complaints, rather than ideas and solutions.

Late last year, van Onselen attempted to flex his power and privilege over Professor Gemma Carey by serving a defamation concerns notice simultaneously with Christian Porter and MP Andrew Laming. Van Onselen was upset by comments that Professor Carey had made on Twitter and he now has the screenshots of Professor Carey’s apology pinned at the top of his Twitter profile.

Now, Peter van Onselen has come after Grace Tame and labelled her childish for refusing to smile when dragged into a photo-op with the Prime Minister. When you take in all of van Onselen’s actions as listed above, it’s no surprise that he believes he should have some say on how women should think, feel and act.

It’s time men like van Onselen realised that women don’t have to smile, they don’t have to be kind and they don’t have to fake happiness or “civility” to protect someone’s image and ego — particularly the image and ego of a misogynistic prime minister.

Let’s be clear. As the outgoing Australian of the Year, Grace Tame had every right to be in attendance. Her attendance at the event had nothing to do with the Prime Minister, so the notion that she should not attend due to her dislike of Morrison is simply illogical. Grace Tame certainly doesn’t owe the Prime Minister anything – not even a smile – and the arrogance of Morrison to grab Grace for a photo-op, given the actions (and inaction) of himself and his Government is simply disturbing even if expected.

As we wait for the 2022 Election and hopefully a new government, why can’t Channel 10 stand up and say enough is enough and terminate van Onselen as an employee? By keeping van Onselen on the payroll and giving him a platform on The Project, Channel 10 is not only endorsing his smug sexism, but they are also actively amplifying it.

***So there we go...obviously I concur/agree with literally every word, and we will undoubtedly return to this issue, but that's more than enough for one day...apologies if it's a bit scattered, and I'm dragging along a month behind actual events, but that's exactly how I feel, so why should I be the only one? ahaha...

Tomorrow: I'll Try To Get To All That Mt Gambier City Council Stuff

All sorts of double-talk and careful deceit particularly when it comes to the latest cost blow-out/increases to Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre (FARC), and about 'having a plan to have a plan', etc, for the Crater Lakes Precinct...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Thursday, February 10, 2022

9 Years Of This 'Ere Blog, And 20 Years Of The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

Howdy dear availees...been doin' it pretty tough for a few weeks now, and seriously considering what I really want to do blog-wise, and then what that means more generally...not least of all, massively depressed and frustrated and embarrassed and embittered and infuriated about the farcically corrupt Pentecostal-controlled Federal Parliament...(you mean the god-botherer faux-Christians polluting the Liberal/National Party criminal cartel with Scott 'Scummo' Morrison at the helm?-Ed)...exactly! and the rankly complicit pro-LNP subservience of our Main Stream Media, particularly the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)...(and the apparent compliance of the Labor Party?-Ed)...yeah, that too...but it was the beastly heatwave we had, 8 straight days over 34C, and the resultant heat-stress and lack of sleep, and those 2 things accumulate and exacerbate each other, etc, and I'm still trying to get back some of that time/sleep...usually I wake-up exhausted on a good day, but that li'l baking has sorted me right out...(I read somewhere that it takes 3-4 good nights sleep to recoup 1 lost, and that even then it can take months and months-Ed)...sure, I can see that, and in Australia heatwaves will kill more people than cold snaps, with the deaths often spread-out over the ensuing weeks and months...but I digress...  

Nine Years:...9 sheckin' years I've been doin' this flamin' blog, and anyone who knows me and/or avails themselves of this 'ere blog, knows full-well that I've been struggling with it for years now...but, I have continued to try, and for all my personal faults and failings...(and they are manifest-Ed)...indeed, but despite all that, I stand proudly 100% certain of 2 things...1) my commitment to being accurate, regardless of personal opinion, etc, which leads directly to 2) that I'm 10-times better a journalist/news source than the vast majority of the pathetic Australian MSM and ABC...and I am rightly proud of what I have achieved...I've been abused and belittled and mocked and threatened, usually anonymously...(but also publicly, eg, by former Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh 'Ambulance Chaser' Lynagh, and by corruptly pro-Paedophile complicit lawyers like 'Bouncin' Billy DeGaris-Ed)...indeed, good ol' Billy-boy who's gunna' sue me for supposed 'Defamation', sue me real soon, eventually...

And of course I've been officially attacked, via the rank corruption of the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of my "bizarre trial" under the equally bizarre and corrupt ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) and it's hilariously undefinable catch-all ICAC Act 2012 Section 56...won't go into it all now, but regular availees know what's gone on there anyway with the definable Pro-Paedophile collusion between SAPol (police), the Rann/Weatherill Labor government, the SA Parliament in it's entirety, the ICAC Commissioner Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander, the SA Judiciary...(thought you weren't gunna' go on about it now?-Ed)...ah yeah sorry, lotta' frustration and abuse to sheet-home to a lotta' very corrupt people...(nah I get it, absolute corruption at every level of 'Authority', why wouldn't you be angry-Ed)...sure, and then there's this... 

20 Years:...there's what led me to starting the blog and there-on to what genuinely motivated/generated the afore mentioned Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution, etc, and that is the rancid and wholesale Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption as defined by the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...20 years of the St Martins Cover-up in June 2022, and it's why I struggle on a daily basis to not hate this sad, weak town, to not hate this sad sick State, to not hate my gender, to not hate myself for 'failing' to resolve it all, to not hate my 'society', to not hate my species for what it is I see it to be...(and that is?-Ed)...a 'society', a species that preys on it's own children, a species that consumes it's own children for sport...and I see it manifest in every Political Party, every Politician, in every 'Authority', in every Religious Organisation/Cult, it is everywhere and in all things and controls all is what we are and we are all complicit because we have allowed it and continue to allow it...and it's why I feel so defeated and so exhausted from the moment I wake-up...

But then I see people like Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins and Amy Remeikis and Prof Gemma Carey, et al, and what they have endured and what they have been subjected to for merely speaking-out, and I feel no-less exhausted or frustrated or infuriated, if anything, I'm more so all those things, but I know that I cannot and will not just give-up or quit or stop...if I achieve nothing more than the little I have already, be that effecting some actual change or merely not letting the Inconvenient Truth of the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up silently 'disappear', then so be it...I will try again to apply myself to be more productive with this 'ere blog...if it's all I can do, and in many ways it is, then that's what I'll do...

And as though to confirm everything I've come to loathe about the Body Politique, especially the criminal LNP, just listening to that career automaton Right Wing stooge Eric Abetz railing against all those nasty people, ie, Labor, who have been so scurrilously attacking poor ol' Scummo, good ol' super PM Scummo...Labor negativity, Labor "throwing rocks", Labor Labor Labor...(and the Unions, don't forget the Unions-Ed)...yeah yeah, Labor bad, Unions bad, Greens bad, Scummo terrific, etc etc etc, blah blah blah, ad infinitum, as he praisingly welcomes new Liberal Senator (Upper House) Greg Mirabella...(oh gourd, please tell me that is not a relative of that RW Crumb Maiden horror, the hate-filled Sophie Mirabella-Ed)...her husband...(ohhh, for f*** sake! what the actual f***?! hey, why are you f***in' censoring me?-Ed)...sorry, forgot to do Language Warning...(well fucking do one so I can tell these LNP fuckwits exactly what I think of their collective fuckin' criminality and institutionalised sociopathic fuckery! oh, you have-Ed)'re welcome...

And Eric's still going strong, monotonally droning his way through his carefully practised redefining of reality as everyone else experiences it...(what a clown! he's actually having a go at Labor for supposedly criticising/questioning the Fair Work Commission, and mocking them for establishing it in the first instance, but Scummo/LNP has studiously loaded the FWC with LNP stooges like Sophie 'Ditch The Witch' Mirabella-Ed) I said, not one to let reality impinge on his well rehearsed anti-Labor whinge is our Eric, what a some other LNP stooge (sorry, don't recognise her voice, possibly Jane Hume) is attacking Labor for criticising the LNP's farcically incompetent handling of the RATS (Rapid Antigen Tests), stating that the LNP couldn't act until the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) gave the nod/approval...(but that's a straight-out lie! months ago the TGA said that the lengthy delay was 'cos they had to wait for the government to give them "a signal"-Ed)...yep, never let the truth and/or reality compromise your wholly politically-motivated narrative...

(And didn't Scummo reject the approaches of that Australian RAT producer aways way back in mid-2021, meaning that company's RATS all went overseas?-Ed)...correct, fucked-up the local production/supply chain, fucked-up and/or failed to do at all the order process months after they should have already had it sorted, and then fucked-up the distribution, eg, telling pharmacies to hand-out free RATS, to then get reimbursed by the government, but with no such reimbursement mechanism announced or even in place or even planned, not nuthin'...(and that's why he's known as #ScottyFromAnnouncements, 'cos that's all he does, announce shizzle, often sans actual plan, and then abjectly fail to follow-through anyway-Ed)...yes, and another perfect example is the gross failure of his grandiose self-congratulatory Bushfire Recovery Announcements as opposed to the wholly pathetic and in many instances non-existent actual funding/resources that eventuated/resulted...

And now she's gone with the "Labor...throwing stones" catch-phrase, and "let's focus on today", etc...(reckon we'll be hearing heaps of both in the lead-up to the Federal Election-Ed)...without a doubt, absolutely, over and over, ad's absolute and utter deceit and denial, Scummo and the LNP have completely fucked the vaccine roll-out and then double cluster-fucked the RATS...this LNP Senator is ranting about "global supply problems" but multiple countries had plenty, and some even had vending machine-style dispensers operating in public malls and rail stations, etc...(I believe that lying, apart from being wilful lying, is also called gas-lighting denial and deflection, blaming the opponent/critic for accurately identifying what you've completely's always someone else's fault, especially if they're holding you to account for your mind-numbing incompetence and hubris and arrogance and corruption-Ed)...yeah, the LNP, where deceitful denial and professional gaslighting is preferred to actual policy and governing... 

Tomorrow: Going Over Peter Van Onselen's Latest Self-Obsessed Fuckery   

Can't help but laugh that the most read post on this 'ere blog in the past 6 months is the one about PeeVee being a misogynist Rapist protector...(seems like a harsh label, but then you look at Christian Porter as being a Self-Defined Rapist, and the rank bastardry that PeeVee has engaged in to protect his self-declared mate, eg, his abhorrent, cowardly attacks on Katharine Thornton (deceased) and Prof Gemma Carey, and well, in that light/context, how else could you describe PeeVee?-Ed)...well, glad you asked Ed, tune in tomorrow when I shall entertain you with a series of very apt and viciously pointed descriptors and related nomenclature for our li'l pal PeeVee...(you don't like him much, do ya'?-Ed)...what's to like?...(fair enough-Ed)...and after that we'll go after Mt Gambier City Council for their Institutionalised Incompetence/Corruption...and then some revisionary stuff about my "bizarre trial" and the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up...

Sure I've taken a bit of a tumble, but I'm back on my figurative feet, dusted myself off, and intend to plow ahead as best can...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...oh, and End Language Warning...