Thursday, February 10, 2022

9 Years Of This 'Ere Blog, And 20 Years Of The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

Howdy dear availees...been doin' it pretty tough for a few weeks now, and seriously considering what I really want to do blog-wise, and then what that means more generally...not least of all, massively depressed and frustrated and embarrassed and embittered and infuriated about the farcically corrupt Pentecostal-controlled Federal Parliament...(you mean the god-botherer faux-Christians polluting the Liberal/National Party criminal cartel with Scott 'Scummo' Morrison at the helm?-Ed)...exactly! and the rankly complicit pro-LNP subservience of our Main Stream Media, particularly the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)...(and the apparent compliance of the Labor Party?-Ed)...yeah, that too...but it was the beastly heatwave we had, 8 straight days over 34C, and the resultant heat-stress and lack of sleep, and those 2 things accumulate and exacerbate each other, etc, and I'm still trying to get back some of that time/sleep...usually I wake-up exhausted on a good day, but that li'l baking has sorted me right out...(I read somewhere that it takes 3-4 good nights sleep to recoup 1 lost, and that even then it can take months and months-Ed)...sure, I can see that, and in Australia heatwaves will kill more people than cold snaps, with the deaths often spread-out over the ensuing weeks and months...but I digress...  

Nine Years:...9 sheckin' years I've been doin' this flamin' blog, and anyone who knows me and/or avails themselves of this 'ere blog, knows full-well that I've been struggling with it for years now...but, I have continued to try, and for all my personal faults and failings...(and they are manifest-Ed)...indeed, but despite all that, I stand proudly 100% certain of 2 things...1) my commitment to being accurate, regardless of personal opinion, etc, which leads directly to 2) that I'm 10-times better a journalist/news source than the vast majority of the pathetic Australian MSM and ABC...and I am rightly proud of what I have achieved...I've been abused and belittled and mocked and threatened, usually anonymously...(but also publicly, eg, by former Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh 'Ambulance Chaser' Lynagh, and by corruptly pro-Paedophile complicit lawyers like 'Bouncin' Billy DeGaris-Ed)...indeed, good ol' Billy-boy who's gunna' sue me for supposed 'Defamation', sue me real soon, eventually...

And of course I've been officially attacked, via the rank corruption of the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of my "bizarre trial" under the equally bizarre and corrupt ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) and it's hilariously undefinable catch-all ICAC Act 2012 Section 56...won't go into it all now, but regular availees know what's gone on there anyway with the definable Pro-Paedophile collusion between SAPol (police), the Rann/Weatherill Labor government, the SA Parliament in it's entirety, the ICAC Commissioner Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander, the SA Judiciary...(thought you weren't gunna' go on about it now?-Ed)...ah yeah sorry, lotta' frustration and abuse to sheet-home to a lotta' very corrupt people...(nah I get it, absolute corruption at every level of 'Authority', why wouldn't you be angry-Ed)...sure, and then there's this... 

20 Years:...there's what led me to starting the blog and there-on to what genuinely motivated/generated the afore mentioned Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution, etc, and that is the rancid and wholesale Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption as defined by the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...20 years of the St Martins Cover-up in June 2022, and it's why I struggle on a daily basis to not hate this sad, weak town, to not hate this sad sick State, to not hate my gender, to not hate myself for 'failing' to resolve it all, to not hate my 'society', to not hate my species for what it is I see it to be...(and that is?-Ed)...a 'society', a species that preys on it's own children, a species that consumes it's own children for sport...and I see it manifest in every Political Party, every Politician, in every 'Authority', in every Religious Organisation/Cult, it is everywhere and in all things and controls all is what we are and we are all complicit because we have allowed it and continue to allow it...and it's why I feel so defeated and so exhausted from the moment I wake-up...

But then I see people like Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins and Amy Remeikis and Prof Gemma Carey, et al, and what they have endured and what they have been subjected to for merely speaking-out, and I feel no-less exhausted or frustrated or infuriated, if anything, I'm more so all those things, but I know that I cannot and will not just give-up or quit or stop...if I achieve nothing more than the little I have already, be that effecting some actual change or merely not letting the Inconvenient Truth of the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up silently 'disappear', then so be it...I will try again to apply myself to be more productive with this 'ere blog...if it's all I can do, and in many ways it is, then that's what I'll do...

And as though to confirm everything I've come to loathe about the Body Politique, especially the criminal LNP, just listening to that career automaton Right Wing stooge Eric Abetz railing against all those nasty people, ie, Labor, who have been so scurrilously attacking poor ol' Scummo, good ol' super PM Scummo...Labor negativity, Labor "throwing rocks", Labor Labor Labor...(and the Unions, don't forget the Unions-Ed)...yeah yeah, Labor bad, Unions bad, Greens bad, Scummo terrific, etc etc etc, blah blah blah, ad infinitum, as he praisingly welcomes new Liberal Senator (Upper House) Greg Mirabella...(oh gourd, please tell me that is not a relative of that RW Crumb Maiden horror, the hate-filled Sophie Mirabella-Ed)...her husband...(ohhh, for f*** sake! what the actual f***?! hey, why are you f***in' censoring me?-Ed)...sorry, forgot to do Language Warning...(well fucking do one so I can tell these LNP fuckwits exactly what I think of their collective fuckin' criminality and institutionalised sociopathic fuckery! oh, you have-Ed)'re welcome...

And Eric's still going strong, monotonally droning his way through his carefully practised redefining of reality as everyone else experiences it...(what a clown! he's actually having a go at Labor for supposedly criticising/questioning the Fair Work Commission, and mocking them for establishing it in the first instance, but Scummo/LNP has studiously loaded the FWC with LNP stooges like Sophie 'Ditch The Witch' Mirabella-Ed) I said, not one to let reality impinge on his well rehearsed anti-Labor whinge is our Eric, what a some other LNP stooge (sorry, don't recognise her voice, possibly Jane Hume) is attacking Labor for criticising the LNP's farcically incompetent handling of the RATS (Rapid Antigen Tests), stating that the LNP couldn't act until the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) gave the nod/approval...(but that's a straight-out lie! months ago the TGA said that the lengthy delay was 'cos they had to wait for the government to give them "a signal"-Ed)...yep, never let the truth and/or reality compromise your wholly politically-motivated narrative...

(And didn't Scummo reject the approaches of that Australian RAT producer aways way back in mid-2021, meaning that company's RATS all went overseas?-Ed)...correct, fucked-up the local production/supply chain, fucked-up and/or failed to do at all the order process months after they should have already had it sorted, and then fucked-up the distribution, eg, telling pharmacies to hand-out free RATS, to then get reimbursed by the government, but with no such reimbursement mechanism announced or even in place or even planned, not nuthin'...(and that's why he's known as #ScottyFromAnnouncements, 'cos that's all he does, announce shizzle, often sans actual plan, and then abjectly fail to follow-through anyway-Ed)...yes, and another perfect example is the gross failure of his grandiose self-congratulatory Bushfire Recovery Announcements as opposed to the wholly pathetic and in many instances non-existent actual funding/resources that eventuated/resulted...

And now she's gone with the "Labor...throwing stones" catch-phrase, and "let's focus on today", etc...(reckon we'll be hearing heaps of both in the lead-up to the Federal Election-Ed)...without a doubt, absolutely, over and over, ad's absolute and utter deceit and denial, Scummo and the LNP have completely fucked the vaccine roll-out and then double cluster-fucked the RATS...this LNP Senator is ranting about "global supply problems" but multiple countries had plenty, and some even had vending machine-style dispensers operating in public malls and rail stations, etc...(I believe that lying, apart from being wilful lying, is also called gas-lighting denial and deflection, blaming the opponent/critic for accurately identifying what you've completely's always someone else's fault, especially if they're holding you to account for your mind-numbing incompetence and hubris and arrogance and corruption-Ed)...yeah, the LNP, where deceitful denial and professional gaslighting is preferred to actual policy and governing... 

Tomorrow: Going Over Peter Van Onselen's Latest Self-Obsessed Fuckery   

Can't help but laugh that the most read post on this 'ere blog in the past 6 months is the one about PeeVee being a misogynist Rapist protector...(seems like a harsh label, but then you look at Christian Porter as being a Self-Defined Rapist, and the rank bastardry that PeeVee has engaged in to protect his self-declared mate, eg, his abhorrent, cowardly attacks on Katharine Thornton (deceased) and Prof Gemma Carey, and well, in that light/context, how else could you describe PeeVee?-Ed)...well, glad you asked Ed, tune in tomorrow when I shall entertain you with a series of very apt and viciously pointed descriptors and related nomenclature for our li'l pal PeeVee...(you don't like him much, do ya'?-Ed)...what's to like?...(fair enough-Ed)...and after that we'll go after Mt Gambier City Council for their Institutionalised Incompetence/Corruption...and then some revisionary stuff about my "bizarre trial" and the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up...

Sure I've taken a bit of a tumble, but I'm back on my figurative feet, dusted myself off, and intend to plow ahead as best can...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...oh, and End Language Warning...

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