Saturday, January 22, 2022

Another Perspective On The Evils Of Murdoch Media

Howdy dear availees...woweee, another whole week gone peyuhhhh, shot through like a rat out of an this person's Twitter thread on her employment with Murdoch Media and thought it was worth ways of a sortta' disclaimer, I don't know who this person is, but as per her Twitter feed her name is 'Jenni', and I've seen a bit of her stuff on Twitter over recent months...following the clues provided, I've checked by Interweb searching 'Jennine Journalist The Australian' and that confirms that a 'Jennine Khalik' is/was a journo there...on the same search menu page it has her Twitter account...I believe this confirms her bona fides as a (former?) Murdoch journo, and apparently also with the ABC and Crikey...I've included below the links to her Twitter account and this particular thread re Murdoch, should you wish to peruse the 'Comments', etc, and a slimmed-down copy of the thread...Ms Khalik has been very prominent in the actions/debate re Israeli funding of the upcoming Sydney Festival...

Like many people, I am appalled by the conduct of Israel relative to Palestine, particularly the seizure of land and displacement of Palestinians, and believe that the Murdoch Media is a moraless criminal enterprise usurping actual Democracy in Australia and elsewhere...this post, however, is about Ms Khalik and her opinions and/or's the links...*** 

***And here's the copy of that thread*** 

Before I leave this continent, I want share with you some things I have never shared about the @australian, while they continue to publish their disgusting pieces smearing Palestinians. Want to know how unethical they are?

I am glad I stuck through because I can share with the world how they operate. As a young Arab reporter, I was asked to go to a local mosque wearing 'the stuff they wear' (hijab) to act as an informant and listen into sermons. I was given this task by editors and management.

This is the NATIONAL BROADSHEET. This was a demand. Of course, I didn't. I would drive around to pass the time, and would go back and lie and say I went and there was nothing. They wanted to use me as an informant to spy on my community. I remember crying and crying in the car

I can't describe the anger I felt. The pressure I was getting from Zionist lobby groups here + from the Israeli foreign ministry. The pressure + sick, unethical practices of @australian. But I knew I had to stay because if I was going to inform on anyone, it would be News Corp
Is this journalism, in your view? This is the Sh*rri M*rkson brand of 'journalism' –– infiltration, espionage. That's how they operate. This is an extension of the state. And I documented what I could.

While I put my head down and observed quietly, I was in therapy. Because I felt severely morally compromised staying, but if I left sooner and shared this – they could easily write me off as a disgruntled reporter. So I documented. I watched. I broke stories, and I watched.

I drew the ire of literally everyone. But it was in the first week I was there, that I knew (as a journalist) I had to stay. Sh*rri was emailing UN Watch's Hill*l Neuer and Vic Alh*deff from the JBD (two Zionist lobbyists) about me. I was being watched from day one.

This is a newspaper, a media empire, that - from my everything I saw - acts in service of Israeli apartheid + of the Australian state. It is a newspaper that would manufacture a story and find people to stand the story. It did not seek stories, it had stories locked and loaded.

It had headlines prepared, angles manufactured + tasked reporters with seeking out anyone to answer to that headline – ignoring everything else. This is how it drove its campaigns against Safe Schools, Indigenous justice, climate justice, Muslim communities, and ofc, Palestine

I don't want any sympathy. It was extraordinarily tough, but it was something I chose to weather. I have agency. This is something many people intrinsically know about these institutions, but there is no one from 'within' who will divulge how it actually functions.

And my hope is that it will empower people to share what they saw. What they experienced. What they observed. *This* is what is in the public's interest, and there needs to be accountability – aka burn it to the ground.

I have many stories + incidents I've only shared with close friends. At the time, and even now, I didn't + don't know what my avenues are. Where do you seek true accountability? I've thought about it for years + the best thing I can do is to share what I've observed + documented

Can I be bothered to write one long piece about it? Probably not. But I will tweet about it. After I left, I had hinted very vaguely what went on. Vaguely enough that none of you would get it. But an executive reached out to me for coffee to discuss i.e. ass-covering. I ignored.

And of course, this is why there was such an insidious campaign internally to push me out (I have the names of the reporters who created dossiers) and also from lobby groups (who also had dossiers on me). They did not want someone like me there to see this and be privy to it.

I entered a space that wasn't for me. It wasn't meant for me, or for people like me. This is also why media institutions do not want to diversify, and when they do, they instil fear in young, diverse reporters. It's a huge risk for them. They are protecting their fortress.

This goes beyond NewsCorp. Schwartz Media, incl its Saturday Paper, a so-called progressive alternative, have a quiet policy that they do publish anything critical of the state of Israel. If you've noticed, there's been nothing from them about the BDS campaign

***Must admit that I'm a bit disappointed with the stuff about The Saturday Paper, which I have intermittently read stuff from and whilst I don't remember a specific incident/issue, have possibly repeated/quoted...apart from that it's entirely unsurprising...gunna' leave it there for today and go hide from the heat, 37C+ today, but back tomorrow...

Tomorrow: More Mt Gambier City Council Orchestrated Incompetence 

A calvacade of corruption-driven incompetence that seems to fortuitously benefit Councillors mates and/or family members...just this morning (Saturday 22nd February 2022) it was the CEO    on the ABC South East Radio deceitfully skirting around the issue of when the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre will be completed..apparently things are speeding-up again after the Xmas break and in a while after some major stuff is completed we'll have a better idea when the entire project will be completed...whatevs that means, but it's meant to be completed by Autumn 2022, which is itself a lengthy delay from the original supposed date...and at what cost? $80million+?...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters... 

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