Monday, December 30, 2019

Everything's Just A Fine, Well, Just Too Fine, Well, Just 2 Fines

Howdy y'all and the briefest of apologies for the Christmas hiatus with this 'ere blog...not a planned holiday thing, it appears that I unintentionally scuppered myself with the last post, and have been barely and basically functioning, again...(please explain-Ed)...well, with the last post I thoroughly dismantled a series of rather sad anonymous abuses, summing-up my disappointment with the very apt catch-cry of 'Where's The Outrage About The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?", and several similar questions/challenges, 'Where's The Shreckin' Outrage?'...(and?-Ed)...well because it's such a relevant and accurate position to take, it took me to that very unpleasant place where-in exists such realities...(so you're saying that identifying so precisely what was so very wrong with those 'Comments' and the associated abuse, etc, only reinforced for you those very harsh realities around the St Martins Cover-up, etc?-Ed)...exactly mate, exactly...

It was a short, sharp and very unpleasant reminder of exactly what 'Mt Gambier' has and/or hasn't done when it comes to the St Martins Cover-up...(namely, cover-up the extended and systemic abuse of a whole class of 7 year old kids by their "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling-Ed) on, and as part of that, attack us few parents who actually have tried to get some appropriate action against Dorling and St Martins school and senior Lutherans who knew what he was doing and protected him for years leading up to 2002, and ever since...(and you's parents have exhausted literally every appropriate forum/protocol/procedure/Authority/whatevs, and have been comprehensively deceived, manipulated, and abused for your efforts-Ed)...indeed we have...(and not least of all by those 'Authorities', eg, the way SAPol (police) repeatedly attacked and blamed parents for SAPol's gross and clearly deliberate failures to conduct any sort of actual investigation-Ed)...oh indeed, we've been royally screwed-over by a 'System' well rehearsed and well practiced in protecting paedophiles...

And so for the third time this year I've tripped and stumbled, crashing face-first into the dirt and the muck and the filth of this litany of unresolved Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Realities...("third time"?-Ed)...yeah, firstly when I tried to do some 'counselling' earlier this year and it just dredged-up a mucky haul of semi-forgotten detritus, then a second serving a few months back when I tried to re-visit/review the St Martins Cover-up on this 'ere blog...(yeah, I was gunna' ask what happened there, but I kinda' figured it was something like that-Ed)...yep, took me exactly one post was it? to run headlong into an unyielding wall St Martins trauma...and then of course this latest partially self-inflicted bludgeoning of 'Where's The Outrage?'...

And on top of all that there's all the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption evident in my "bizarre trial" re SA's ICAC Act 2012, Section 56, which is the main topic of today's post...please find attached my latest correspondence with the Expiation Notice's fairly self-explanatory, so we'll see ya's after, here 'tis...***

Manager                                                                                                 Monday 30th December 2019
Expiation Notice Branch
Re: Notice Number - *********, and
Notice Number - MCMTG-15-72/1 (Payment Reference Number - *********)
Dear Madam/Sir,

As per our previous phone conversations and letters/emails, I have two (2) outstanding Expiation Notices, as identified above. I apologise for the time it has taken me to respond, but I started this letter on 16th December 2019 and due to Christmas closures, lack of formal legal advice, etc, have had trouble trying to sort out what it is I can and/or need and/or want to do.

As you are aware, I have previously Elected to be Prosecuted for **********, but for reasons yet to be explained, that never happened and instead I received a Reminder Notice from the FERU with penalties added, which was kindly reviewed free of charge and withdrawn on 28th October 2019.

For the record, I had originally lodged my Application to be Prosecuted with SAPol Expiation Notice Branch via email on 16th September 2019, the ENB responded later that day requesting I provide my mailing address, which I emailed back on 17th September 2019.

In your email of 28th October 2018 you indicted that I again had “28 days” to either “pay or dispute with the issuing authority”, or contact you to “set up a payment arrangement”. That 28 days expired on 25th November 2019, and so I again emailed my request to be prosecuted on 24th November 2019, and have added here a copy of that letter/email:

  Dear Madam/Sir, 

  For some reason you/your department have not processed my previous request to be prosecuted
  for Expiation Notice *********, originally lodged on 16th September 2019.

  As this email record confirms, you replied that same day requesting I provide my residential
  address, which I did immediately I saw that request the next day, 17th September 2019.

  I recently received a 'Pay Now Or Lose Your License' notice from the Fines Enforcement and
  Recovery Unit, with an attached increase of $266.00, the fine now totalling $705.00.

  After I contacted them and explained my Application to be Prosecuted via this email exchange,
  the FERU have kindly conducted a no-charge review of this increase, and than approved my
  Application for Revocation, removing the additional $266.00.

  The FERU advised that if I wish to 'dispute this fine with the issuing authority', then I need to re-
  apply to be prosecuted, and do so by (close of business) 25th November 2019.

  Therefore I, Nick Fletcher, of (**address removed**), Mt Gambier SA, 5290, elect (again) to be
  prosecuted for Expiation Notice *********, and as emailed today 24th November 2019, so that
  it will be with you for the start of business Monday 25th November 2019.
Despite this, on Tuesday 10th December 2019 I have received another Expiation Reminder Notice for the Notice No. ********* (dated 2nd Dec 2019, due 16th Dec 2019), with another Reminder Notice Fee of $60.00 added.

Please consider this letter/email as another Request to be Prosecuted, and also please remove the extra $60.00. I apologise if I am somehow submitting my requests incorrectly, but I have been sending them to the provided email address and getting automated responses, etc.

I also acknowledge your email of 29th November 2019 with regard to my outstanding fine for 'Conviction' of alleged breaches of the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, (MCMTG-15-72/1).

As you are aware, across the past 18 months I have repeatedly contacted Attorney-General Vicki Chapman, who finally responded on 6th November 2019 but refused to acknowledge the majority of what I identified to her and/or requested, then refused to act on the rest, then stated that she was not going to answer any further correspondence, then threatened me.

As promised, I have spoken again to my local Community Legal Service, but they have re-iterated their original advice that, largely due to financial/personnel restrictions, they do not have the capacity and therefore do not/cannot assist with any Appeal Processes.

As per my previous correspondence, I am therefore left still trying to Appeal that “bizarre trial”, but I have been refused Legal Aid and therefore have no legal representation, and have been effectively refused access to my own transcripts, by both Magistrate Ian White and AG Chapman.

The Magistrates Court itself is now stating that the original 'Trial' of November 2016, that collapsed in disarray when I proved “Malicious Prosecution”, that 'Trial' is supposedly “Null” and therefore they will not provide those transcripts or any for the multiple Pre-Trial Hearings prior to that.

When I have contacted Chief Magistrate Hribal about my 'Trial' and attempts to Appeal, Her Honour has denied responsibility and referred me to Judicial Conduct Comm Bruce Lander, whom as ICAC Commissioner is directly involved in my prosecution and “bizarre trial”.

I also remind you that I did immediately lodge an 'Appeal' in April 2018, on the forms and in the manner I was advised (by the Courts Administration Authority and/or Legal Services Commission), but that that 'Request' was rejected as being on the wrong forms and not submitted correctly, etc, therefore I consider that I do have a current Appeal Process underway.

Whilst I genuinely appreciate the leniency and understanding that the ENB/FERU have shown me thus far, my ongoing attempts to engage with the Appeal Process is still being deliberately blocked by Magistrate White, AG Chapman, and now it appears the Magistrates Court as well.

Given all of the above, I will do the one thing open to me, and as advised by AG Chapman, and that is to yet again formally request access to my transcripts with a view to re-lodging my 'Appeal'.

Apart from that I am at a loss as to what it is I should and/or can actually do, so I can only request that you continue to 'Suspend' my fine for some period into the New Year whilst I try again to negotiate this transcript access, and therefore find some way to move forward with my 'Appeal Process'. 

*** there ya' go...whilst there's obviously something not quite working there correctly with my repeated attempts to 'Elect To Be Prosecuted', for the majority of this stuff the ENB and/or FERU have been very patient and understanding...apart from that, I cannot say where this is going, but I guess we'll see...(yeah, that MCMTG one, that's your massive ICAC fine thingy I know, but what's the other fine for?-Ed)...April 2019 I was pulled over by SAPol and booked for being 7 days past my car registration due date, and fined the maximum $440, despite it being a 'first offence'...(phew, harsh-Ed)...yeah, and SAPol has refused to explain why I didn't just get a 'warning' etc, which is why I have tried to get my day in Court...(I reckon I know why you were fined not just warned-Ed)...enlighten me...(well because it was you mate-Ed)...mmm, you ain't the only one to suggest that mate...

I've posted this letter because, despite the positive attitude and actions of the ENB and/or FERU thus far, they can only provide a finite number of 'extensions', and outside of that, it is my experience that the best thing I can do to 'protect' myself is to post on this 'ere I said, I got no idea where this is headed, so I'll just have to wait and see...(ummm, I note where you state that the Magistrates Court is trying to say that the abandoned/collapsed "Malicious Prosecution" 'Trial' of November 2016, that 'Trial' is now supposedly 'Null', what does that mean exactly?-Ed)...dunno' mate, but I think they're trying to say that it doesn't count as an actual 'Trial' now, and not least of all to deny me access to those wholly damning transcripts...(but of course it's a 'real Trial', it was your bloody 'Trial', it just went belly-up due to SAPol Prosecution's mind-boggling incompetence and the fact that you clearly proved "Malicious Prosecution"!-Ed)...indeed, even the Court's own official Certificate of Record identifies "Abuse of Process", which is in and of itself bad enough, and every reason that there should have been a 'Permanent Stay of the 'Charges', not just a farcical continuance with a different Magistrate who deliberately ignored all that stuff...(strewth, no wonder they don't want you getting ya' hands on those transcripts-Ed)...well quite, and it also very effectively stops me proceeding with my 'Appeal Process', so it's a win/win for a rankly corrupted 'System'...   

To close this post, I'd just like to re-visit a pet-peeve of mine, and that is the farcical lack of Public Transport available in Mt Gambier, especially across the Christmas/New Year period... (well it's a fair enough whinge isn't it? Mt Gambier is SA's largest regional centre and the bus service is woeful, particularly at this time of year!-Ed)...absolutely it is...because of gross under-funding, the City Bus Service does not (cannot) operate on public holidays or weekends, which means that this year, from approx 1730hrs Friday 20th December 2019 until approx 0900hrs 6th January 2020, there will be no bus service for 9 out of that 16 days...and years ago I went through the process of trying to get more funding, and Mt Gambier City Council refused to contribute, still do, and the then Labor government stated that the service was just fine as it was...come on Mt Gambier, surely we can do better than this...

Tomorrow: The FARC Gets A Well Earned Serve

Why the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre will sink Mt Gambier, not save it, and all of the lies and deceits that the MGCC has used to manipulate Ratepayers...(and you'll fit all of that into just one post?-Ed) a push, should manage, yeah...(fair enough-Ed)...

(And what's happening with that stuff with former MGCC Councillor Josh Lynagh-Ed) do you mean?...(well I see that he's left a coupla, more 'Comments' and has apparently been discussing you at the supermarket, etc, etc-Ed)...yeah yeah, I flicked through that stuff, and it's still the same deliberately deceitful denials and disingenuous stuff that he posted before...(how so?-Ed)...well , he's again bleating his faux-ignorance about why I and others are so unhappy with his conduct, and quoting back at me stuff about my personal traumas that he's read on this 'ere blog but is trying to represent as his own enlightened empathy, etc, etc...(I see what you mean-Ed)...yeah, it's all weasel-worded dross designed for the consumption of uninformedthird parties, not least of all The Googles...Josh knows exactly what he's done, and trying to deny and/or redefine that only makes it worse...Josh knows that he needs to produce a written Public Apology across the various 'Social Media' sites he has been utilising to attack me and deceive others...Josh knows that that apology needs to include all of those families involved with the St Martins Cover-up, and all of the people he has deliberately deceived and manipulated on behalf of Mt Gambier City Council...Josh knows that I am more than prepared to talk to him after he drops this facade of caring and ignorance, etc, and makes that Public Apology...until then...............

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...   

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Quickly Acknowledging Some Recent Feedback

Howdy y'all and welcome to TMGI...just a quick thank you to all those people who have gone to the trouble of reading this 'ere blog, TMGI, and then providing Feedback, be it either personally or via the 'Comments' section...I'd particularly like to thank the recent mini-swathe of highly abusive and derogatory 'Comments' in the 'Comment' section here-in...thank y'all for confirming 2 main things for me, namely that, 1) as I suspected and identified, the recent post 'Comment' from former Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh Lynagh was/is some sort of 'set-up'...(yeah, it does seem an extraordinary coincidence that so many people have suddenly decided to engage with TMGI-Ed)...heck of a coincidence I'd say...and 2) that I'm right on track and doing absolutely the right thing with TMGI...(indeed, for someone who's work is apparently so pointless and inappropriate, etc, you certainly seem to be hitting a few raw nerves around the place-Ed)...and rather than waste time trying to re-explain myself to each individual or address every specific accusation/abuse, I'll take this perfect invitation to reiterate my position across a range of these issues...apologies if I miss something, but I've just skimmed through these 'Comments' once and really can't be bothered trawling through all that bitterness and sadness again...

Positive I've previously covered, I don't blame people for not coming onto the blog to agree with me and/or praise and/or offer support...(well in such a bitterly insular, corrupt, and vengeful community, particularly in the sphere where Politics and Business collide, why would anyone want to run the risk of falling foul of that Socio-Political Retribution?-Ed) on mate...people have families, careers, homes, businesses, etc, to worry about...(let alone the social implications-Ed)...exactly, and they know only too well that speaking-out against the Institutionalised Corruption we identify and define here on TMGI, speaking-out in any way about that stuff is to invite upon themselves the vicious Socio/Political Retribution they have witnessed me being subjected to...(well TMGI proves those 2 exact issues, being 1) the often Pro-Paedophile nature of Institutionalised Corruption in all levels of Australian Politics, Federal, State, and Local, and 2) what will be done to you if you speak-out against that Corruption-Ed) on, look at the way us families were openly attacked and abused by the Lutherans and Rory McEwen and SAPol, etc, and shunned by the St Martins Community for trying to get something done about the abuses committed against our 7 year old kids in 2002 by their teacher Glyn Dorling...

But even before Pro-Paedophile or general Insitutionalised Corruption influences anyone, it is a common human trait/condition that people are far more likely to act to complain about something than act to praise, eg, poor customer service complaints are far more common than praise...(true-Ed)...anyhoos, I genuinely appreciate the positive feedback that I do get 'off-blog', eg, that me and my humble blog are a constant topic of conversation within Mt Gambier City Council... 

He's A Dole Bludger:...or words to that effect...more callous, bigotted and bitter denigration...only 2 posts ago I presented a glowing reference from early 2002 about who I was, and that I say 'was' because that person is somewhat alien to me these days...I am currently on the Disability Support Pension, having been officially diagnosed with extreme Anxiety, Depression, and Agoraphobia, as a result of continuous (and ongoing) extreme Trauma, almost entirely related to the St Martins Abuse Cover-up...obviously I've been through the notoriously tortuous Centrelink application/approval process for the DSP 'conditions' are ongoing, it is literally a daily 'fight', and not least of all because I literally cannot leave the house without running into someone directly associated with the St Martins Cover-up, eg, went walking the Blue Lake a few weeks back and immediately ran into former Headmaster and Education Dept big-wig Gary Costello, and I regularly run into former ABC doyen Stan Thompson, etc, etc...(gotta' love people who summarily diagnose ya' with Mental Health Issues and then screech anonymous abuse at ya' about it-Ed)...sure, people are just hilarious...

Nick is A Keyboard Warrior:..(wow-Ed)...yeah, I was a candidate in the 2010 State Election, and a Mayoral candidate in the 2014 Local Government Election, obviously not expecting to win either, but putting myself right in the public eye/firing-line...prior to that (2002 onward), I spent countless hours writing letters and/or lobbying and/or attending meetings/Inquiries and/or politely forcing literally dozens of politicians and government departments and the media and SAPol (police), etc, etc, etc, trying to get someone to do something about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(apart from be a complicit part of the cover-up-Ed)...indeed...also, until I was effectively banned from attending MGCC meetings in April 2018 by Magistrate White's reprehensible mis-use of  'Final Intervention Orders' from my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch) for supposedly breaching ICAC legislation, etc, I had been to many dozens of Mt Gambier City Council meetings across many years...(and was frequently the only person in the public gallery-Ed)...yep...I only started this 'ere blog in January 2013, and have openly acknowledged that it was pretty-much an act of desperation in response to a decade of the St Martins Abuse Cover-up and the Pro-Paedophile Institutionalised Corruption that I and other families have witnessed... 

I have always put my name/face to everything I do and/or say...

I regularly acknowledge and duly praise 'Social Media' and especially The Googles and their 'Blogspot' service, which we are currently on, because without these many people would be completely 'silenced' in a climate of wholly compromised Main Stream Media and a wholly complicit and compromised Australian Broadcasting Corporation...for example, I have repeatedly identified specific issues that have started on Twitter until they gained such momentum that the MSM/ABC could no longer ignore them...(like PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison secretly pissing-off on holiday somewhere whilst literally the entire Eastern seaboard burns-Ed)...a perfect example Ed, not one bloody word until the issue worked-up a full head of steam on Twitter, then out it comes on MSM/ABC...I am well aware that without 'Social Media' I would have no voice...

I note that not one of you recent 'Commenters' has the courage to actually put your name to your 'Comments' so that I can respond to you personally, even if it's not in the same abusive and irresponsible manner that you have attacked there any greater hypocrisy-laden cowardice than to hurl this particular accusation/denigration at someone when you yourselves are the text-book definition, it's classic 'Gaslighting'...Keyboard Warriors - cowardly people anonymously hurling abuse...

Playing The Man:...yet again, in all of this personal abuse there's barely a mention of the actual issues covered here in TMGI, not one single issue directly is confirmation writ-large that literally everything I say on here, no matter how unpleasant, is factually genuinely challenges me directly on the facts of what I'm saying, it's all anonymous sniping from the sides...if it weren't so sad and concerning, it'd be laughable...dead-set, you people claim to be reading this 'ere blog, and of all the horrendous issues specifically and factually defined here-in, the one thing you come away with, the one thing you choose to comment about, is me...not only are you yourselves exactly what you so viciously and erroneously accuse me of being, Cowardly Keyboard Warriors, but it's people like you who enable and embolden the Pro-Paedophile Institutionalised Corruption that has seen so many of thousands of kids abused within religious organisations like the Catholics, the Anglicans, the Lutherans, et al, and most recently, Hillsong Pentacostals...

Where's your outrage about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?

Where's your outrage about the gross abuses committed against 7 year old kids at St Martins?

Where's your outrage about the Pro-Paedophile Insitutionalised Corruption of the Lutherans, your government, and local politicians like Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, and Rory McEwen?

Where's your outrage about the Institutionalised Corruption on Mt Gambier City Council?
Where's your outrage about a person being subjected to a Judicial/ICAC Lynching for speaking the truth to the St Martins Cover-up and this Corruption?

Hands Up If You Have Your Own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation':......anyone??? here been the subject of their own ICAC /SAPol Operation, because I have, 'Operation Baritone'...and if you ain't absolutely stunned and more than a li'l concerned that a mere blogger has had that amount of time and expense dedicated to them and their humble li'l blog, then I don't know what to tell ya'...(well it's not so much the cost that worries me, it's just the fact that 'Operation Baritone' exists at all-Ed)...well indeed Ed, and lawyers and the general public who have seen this are equally shocked and concerned that the ICAC and SAPol have established an 'Operation' just for one person and their where's the outrage about the blatant Fascism of a person who hasn't even been 'Charged' with anything still needing written permission from the ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander to, 1) speak the truth about a (fake) ICAC investigation, or 2) speak to your lawyer, your doctor, or even your family or friends...forget who it's happening to and look at the fact that it has happened at all, look at the extraordinary Fascism of SA's ICAC Act 2012...that's the story, there-in lies the outrage...  
'Bots':...pardon my tech-ignorance, but I think this stuff refers to Automated or Robotic Readers/Programs, etc, and I'm only partially acquainted with how they operate and why and who does it, etc...undoubtedly there's some of this stuff happening with any/every blog, this one included, but there are more then enough actual real availees of this 'ere blog...(and cheers to y'all-Ed)...

'Touched My Boy...You Pervert':...again, an anonymous and unfounded denigration, albeit a very serious one, designed to discredit and upset is grossly inappropriate, very saddening, and potentially deeply distressing, that someone would make this statement to the parent of an abused child and/or to an abuse survivor, and most particularly to use this as a political attack...for all the times I have identified someone as being "Pro-Paedophile Corrupt" because of their direct or complicit involvement in issues like the St Martins Cover-up, I have never directly accused anyone other than the "text-book grooming paedophile" Lutheran teacher Glyn Dorling of being a paedophile and/or abusing children...I've occasionally reported other's specific public claims, eg, public statements about former SA Premier John Olsson using teenage male 'prostitutes'...I have even found myself in the bizarre 'Devil's Advocate' position of defending people I loathe, eg, Rory McEwen, as others accused him of being 'a paedophile'...

He Copies is always appropriate to provide a copy of whatevs it is I'm referring to...aside from that, I have openly discussed that I've been struggling with energy/motivation with TMGI and have been trying to continue forward by cobbling together a few lesser quality posts and/or trying to clean-out the 'Drafts Section', apologies for any of that stuff...I also refer y'all back to the many years of me personally witnessing, creating, and/or even being 'The News'...

Ed Should Quit:...'Ed' is short for 'Editor', and is not an actual person...'Ed' is a contrived/confected literary device that I stumbled into early in the blog, and I use him/her as a way of discussing often opposing view points or expanding on something, etc...(like setting-up attempted jokes-Ed)...well exactly...he/she is designed to create a sense of discussion rather than me just lecturing at availees, and to try and provide a degree of 'light-relief' from what is otherwise often very heavy and confronting subject matter...TMGI is written as a sort of play with 2 characters... 

Obsessed With Josh me Josh Lynagh is no more than a representative of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council and broader corruption issues, and someone who has used his 'Public Profile' to knowingly deceive and manipulate Mt Gambier Ratepayers and readers of his blog, etc, and we'll cover all that in detail...

Tomorrow: An Open Letter To Josh, Mate

I note that Josh, mate, has left yet another comment, as self-contradictory as his first...I can only repeat myself, again, Josh knows exactly what he has done, and his continued faux-ignorance is only further evidence of his disingenuous and deceitful nature...Josh knows exactly about the St Martins Cover-up because he's had it carefully explained to him a coupla' times, including well before he chose to go into Local Government...he also knows exactly what MGCC's real goals were/are with The Rail Lands and the Old Station, etc, because he's had that explained to him as well, both before being and whilst part of MGCC...that's what defines his subsequent conduct as deceitful and disingenuous, especially his recent conduct on this 'ere blog, conduct which falls directly under the category of 'Where's The Outrage?'...given everything he knows, and having claimed to have read much of this 'ere blog, Josh, mate, chooses to ignore all of that and instead criticise/denigrate me...according to Josh I'm obsessed with Josh, but clearly all Josh cares about is Josh...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

ICAC Comm Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander's Latest Hypocrisy

Howdy dear availees in Aotearoa (New Zealand), Uzbekistan, Sweden, and Hong Kong, and every elsewhere, nearly wasn't with you after hearing this...(why? what happened?-Ed)...well it was a case of mullet-stunning shock, fuelled by incandescent incredulity, immediately overtaken by gut-knotting breath-sucking hilarity, and I nearly crashed my li'l car...well, metaphorically here 'tis, what My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce, mate, had to say about his 'SA Health Inquiry Report'...had planned to do some more ICAC stuff again soon anyways, so I've modified this part-finished post from my Drafts Section to accommodate this new SA Health stuff...still gunna' get to the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre stuff and other posts, but this is just extraordinary...the specific quote that caused me such nearly catastrophic distraction and disruption, I heard on the ABC Radio whilst driving, hence the near-crash, and is covered at the end of this here 'tis...***

ICAC report into SA Health privately met with anger by Premier, commissioner says

SA's corruption watchdog claims Premier Steven Marshall privately rebuked him for releasing a report into potential health department corruption, despite Mr Marshall telling Parliament he found the report "extraordinarily helpful".

Key points:

  • An ICAC report found SA Health was at risk of corruption, misconduct and maladministration
  • Publicly, Premier Steven Marshall said he found the report "extraordinarily helpful"
  • But the ICAC says privately the Premier expressed "dissatisfaction" at the report's release
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Bruce Lander said while Mr Marshall was publicly praising his report into SA Health, he "forcefully" labelled it as inflammatory in a private meeting.
Mr Lander delivered a report to the State Government last week outlining his concerns that SA Health was at risk of corruption, misconduct and maladministration.
The following day, Mr Marshall said he found the document to be "extraordinarily helpful".
However, Mr Lander said during a private meeting on Friday, the Premier "forcefully" expressed "dissatisfaction" at the report's release.
"I've spoken to the Premier … he said publicly that he's found the report very useful, very helpful, but that wasn't what he conveyed to me though," Mr Lander told ABC Radio Adelaide.
"He said that the report had put back the chances of correcting the problems in health … I think he meant that the report was inflammatory.
"I defended myself, I said that the public had a right to know about this, that the public should know that a person in my position had reached a state of frustration in relation to an agency that had a budget of an excess of $6 billion and that there was significant waste.
"The impression he gave me is he didn't think it was helpful."
When asked if the Premier was angry during the exchange, the commissioner simply replied "yes".
Mr Marshall said he and the commissioner regularly spoke and the State Government appreciated his input.
"I'm not going to go through the details of that conversation, but I'm very happy to stand by all my public and private statements that I have made," he said.
"We welcome the report coming to the Parliament but there have been some aspects which I think have been quite demoralising on the workforce."

SA Health's poor reporting makes corruption 'easier'

Last week, Mr Lander said he wrote the report when an investigation into the conduct of an SA Health employee stalled because of poor record keeping.
His report outlined cultural issues, poor record management, bullying and harassment, conflicts of interest and mismanaged procurement practices.

"These are learnings I have obtained over the last six or more years in investigations I've carried out into corruption in SA Health," he said this morning.
"The poor documentation within SA Health makes it very difficult to establish corruption and it makes it easy to engage in corruption."
On the same day the report was released, the State Government announced a new taskforce would be deployed to crack down on corruption within SA Health.
Mr Lander has asked the State Government for $2 million to conduct a full evaluation of SA Health's practices, a request that has been rejected.

'Devastating blow' to Premier's credibility

Opposition Leader Peter Malinauskas said the incident had brought Mr Marshall's integrity into question.
"This morning we have seen the ICAC … deliver a devastating blow to the credibility of Steven Marshall," he said.
"If we can't trust the Premier on this, how can we trust the Premier on anything at all?
"It's extraordinary to have the Premier of the state receiving the report from the ICAC, then failing to read it, then having been embarrassed into reading it, then trying to essentially dress down the ICAC commissioner for having written it in the first place."
SA Best MLC Connie Bonaros said the Premier had been "two-faced" and she had lost confidence in him.
"It is absolutely Steven Marshall's biggest and most scandalous situation in office," she said.
"I think we are all going to have to ask ourselves some very serious questions about what the fallout will be from here."

***Language Warning:...unbe-fuckin'-lievable!...truly unbe-fuckin'-lievable!...
                "I said that the public had a right to know about this"
...and with all the due respect I can muster, fuck you Bruce Lander you corruptly complicit minion masquerading as intensely independent master-of-all...(strewth! say what you really think!-Ed)...I just did...(ah, alright, well, End Language Warning then-Ed)...fair enough...and if y'all don't understand why I am so vehemently 'disrespectful' of my mate Bruce, then y'all are clearly a relatively new availee of this 'ere blog and are therefore blissfully unawares of his/ICAC's 2013-14 fraudulent faux-investigation of the Mt Gambier City Council...(well given that here on TMGI is literally the only place you'll see that fake investigation reported, it's a safe bet that new availees will not be aware of it-Ed)...indeed, and therefore not aware either of,
1)  the related SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch raid of my home 7th/8th May 2014, as part of
2)  my own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' starting "mid-February 2014" and possibly still going,
3)  leading into my "bizarre trial" (TBW) from February 2015 - April 2018,
4)  which continued even after I proved "Malicious Prosecution" at Trial in November 2016,
5)  until in April 2018 I was 'Convicted' of 18 breaches of the SA ICAC Act 2012 Section 56,
6)  and fined the maximum $30,000 per 'Count' (total $540,000 commuted to 'Community Service'),
7)  with 3 unexplained Suppression/Restraining Orders attached.
(Well, when you put it like that, and regular availees will know that that is a micro-explanation of this massively broad and ongoing Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution, your anger and disdain are surely hard-earned and absolutely appropriate-Ed)...well I certainly think so...this is what has been done to me, under the direct control of Bruce, mate, because I dared to speak/blog about his fake investigation of MGCC, an investigation I proved in Court was an unrecorded 30min chat with me in a cafe and another unrecorded chat in a hallway with (then) MGCC CEO Mark McShane, no hearings, no interviews of MGCC Councillors or staff, not nothing..(well clearly "the public had the right to know" doesn't apply to SA ICAC and this fake MGCC inquiry, either during or after the event-Ed)...exactly...and as appalling as Premier Stephen Marshall's conduct is...(and Health Minister Stephen Wades as well, he hadn't read that report either-Ed)...absolutely, as inexcusable as the Liberal's conduct has been, I ain't gunna' let Labor go mouthing-off about others when it was Labor's 16 years of catastrophic incompetence and corruption that caused and continues to cause such chaos in/for the SA Health system...(fair point sir, particularly when it comes to Regional Health Services, or rather the lack of-Ed)...exactly... 

I also point dear availees to the associated story, Why SA Has The Most Secretive ICAC, which I have attached here below...this is from over 2 years ago, but it is absolutely relevant, and the title of the article indicates that it is an explanatory rather than a challenging piece...I note that this article seems to contradict itself, quoting Labor as referring to the NSW ICAC as a "Star Chamber" dragging politician's reputations through the mud, but after having already identified that multiple NSW politicians faced charges or were even gaoled...(and some quit, eg, NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell-Ed)...true, it would seem to indicate that the NSW ICAC was very open and extremely effective, at least until it was fundamentally gutted by recent changes...a quick Google search brings us this 'Star Chamber' definition from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary...
     "Characterized by secrecy and often being irresponsibly arbitrary and oppressive."
...and another definition/observation provided...
     "Judgements in Star Chamber proceedings will be high-handed, unfair, and predetermined."
...clearly the NSW ICAC was not a Star Chamber, it operated openly and fairly and with numerous seemingly appropriate outcomes affecting both major political parties...anyhoos, here 'tis...***

Why South Australia has the nation's most secretive anti-corruption commission

ICAC (Independent Commissioner Against Corruption): Four letters that can send a chill down the spine of any bureaucrat or minister.
The New South Wales ICAC has seen a parade of politicians and public servants front public hearings to explain themselves.
Some have gone on to face charges and end up behind bars.
In other states, the letters are different — IBAC (Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission), CCC (Corruption and Crime Commission) or CCC (Crime and Corruption Commission) elicit similar chills.
But South Australia's ICAC is an altogether different beast.
Commissioner and former judge Bruce Lander conducts his investigations in strict secrecy.
It's illegal in SA to reveal that an ICAC investigation is underway, or that a matter had been referred to the commissioner — unless the commissioner himself chooses to publicise the information.
The stealth was intended. The Weatherill Government — dragged to the point of establishing an ICAC after spending years decrying the need for one — was eager to avoid the "star chamber" approach in New South Wales, where reputations were dragged to the public mud before charges would ever be laid.
The SA Government argued that ICAC was an investigative body and, if it established a case of corruption, the matter would ultimately be dealt with in full public view by the courts.
But under the ICAC Act Commissioner Lander has another important role.
At his choosing, he can exercise the powers of an Ombudsman to investigate what he considers to be serious cases of misconduct or maladministration — conduct unlikely to result in criminal charges, but nonetheless a serious threat to the good governance of the state.
He has chosen to exercise this power by launching an investigation into the Oakden nursing home abuse scandal.

Oakden matter to be heard behind closed doors

Like the investigation into the Government's controversial sale of land at Gillman two years ago, the Oakden matter will be heard behind closed doors.

Eventually, the commissioner may choose to release a public report of his findings.
The report into the Gillman matter slapped two senior bureaucrats for maladministration.
Premier Jay Weatherill and Minister Tom Koutsantonis were cleared, but not before the latter was called out for crude language when dealing with his agency.
Commissioner Lander has been a strong supporter of the secrecy provisions surrounding his office. But in the wake of Gillman, he had a change of heart.
He requested that the Government consider allowing him to hold public hearings, but only when he is exercising his role to investigate maladministration.
"I made that recommendation to protect myself so that people would understand and would be satisfied that the way in which the investigation was carried out was transparent and was conducted appropriately," Mr Lander told a parliamentary committee.
The idea was ignored by the SA Government and its chief lawmaker Attorney-General John Rau.
Commissioner Lander offered some interesting reflections on that decision yesterday.
When asked why the idea lacked political support, Bruce Lander mused on the fact that public hearings were an ongoing process and the publicity surrounding them had the potential to cause political damage.
It is an interesting point for the South Australian Government to reflect on, as it rails against what has been dubbed a culture of cover-up at an institutional level, which led to the Oakden mess.

***...and there we go...Bruce protected Weatherill and Koutsontonis over the extraordinary corruption of the (ultimately failed) Gillman Land Sale, and I believe that the "two senior bureaucrats" were merely scapegoats who even then never faced any actual charges...then he has jumped-on the Aged Care bandwagon and simultaneously locked that down as well, again clearing the responsible Labor Ministers, Jack 'The Rat' Snelling and Leesa Vlahos, exonerations duly decorated with Bruce's faux-outrage about Leesa'a supposed disrespect, etc, etc...if y'all don't know this stuff, please to be Googling it...

The bottom-line reality is that SA's ICAC is the dictionary definition of a 'Star Chamber', and Comm Bruce Lander's conduct is unacceptably self-serving, that is, he exercises his extraordinary powers as ICAC Comm, Judicial Conduct Comm, Police Conduct Comm, and when it suits him as Ombudsman as well, he uses these vast and in some cases undefinable powers as-and-when it suits him and his paymasters in the SA Parliament...SA ICAC is about protecting high-level Institutionalised Corruption in SA, and I confidently predict that for all his bluff and bluster theatrics, for all his piss and vinegar carry-on, we in SA will never ever see a State Politician charged under ICAC...(what about our local Member Troy Bell? he's facing ICAC charges-Ed)...yeah, fair call, but that's for stuff he allegedly did before being elected, and the politically expedient timing of it shows that it was exactly that, politically expedient action against a then Liberal Opposition Member...(a political attack you reckon-Ed)...indeed, and one that also conveniently proffers Bruce a chance to point at something that supposedly proves his genuine intent and worth to SA...(yeah, it is all a bit too convenient isn't it-Ed)...who knows, maybe Mr Bell is guilty as sin, but the timing, etc, that reeks of opportunistic political manipulation...

Tomorrow: An Open Letter To Former MGCC Councillor Josh Lynagh

(Umm, why?-Ed)...because our mate Josh has allegedly gone to the trouble of reading great chunks of this 'ere blog and then chosen to leave a 'Comment' to that effect...(really?-Ed)...oh yeah, it's a fabulous piece of feigned ignorance and deleted realities where-in Josh, mate, claims he doesn't understand why he would feature here on TMGI...(you're shitting me, right?-Ed) no, supposedly Josh, mate, either doesn't understand or remember what it is he's done, and he'd like to get together and have a chat about it to sort things out...(you are kidding me?-Ed), there's no way I'd be going anywhere near him, it sounds like an absolute set-up-Ed) ain't the first person to express that concern, and indeed, I have my own concerns about this hugely disingenuous attempt to redefine what he has said and/or done...and to that end, the safest way to respond, the best way to protect myself, is as always, via this 'ere blog...(and how do you know he'll see it?-Ed)...well according to Josh, people tell him when he's mentioned here-in...(well we are apparently the talk of the town, not least of all in Council-Ed)...well apparently...
And just to preempt one of my concerns, Dear Googles, I am immediately responding to my mate put it simply, when he goes back into all the places, spaces, and/or websites where he has denigrated and defamed me and denigrated other St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up parents, and/or lied to Mt Gambier Ratepayers, etc, etc, all with a direct intent to deceive and manipulate them, often on behalf of MGCC, when he has gone into all of those forums and publicly apologised for all of the things he knows he has done, then I'll consider meeting with him to offer my forgiveness...("offer your forgiveness", you are a bloody gem mate-Ed)...for example, I refer The Googles to where Josh, mate, made a very specific statement about me on his Limestone Coast Community News website, where-in he promoted and encouraged a grossly misinformed and derogatory debate about me, and himself stated, "He defames people", which is in and of itself technically a Criminal Defamation of me because it's a knowingly untrue statement of fact about a specific criminal behaviour, and is/was made deliberately to denigrate and discredit me, not least of all politically...(and that right there is Criminal Defamation-Ed)...indeed it is...

So tomorrow we'll spell it out for you Josh, mate, and remind you of all of the things you've done that you seem to have conveniently forgotten, and sure, when you've publicly apologised for your very public actions, then I'll absolutely consider possibly meeting with you, mate...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog....(mate, I cannot wait 'til tomorrow, it's gunna' be a corker!-Ed)...indeed, so until then, cheers and laters..

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Mt Gambier Thanks Nick Fletcher For Main St Revitalisation

Howdy y'all dear availees in the Netherlands, the Philippines, Czechia, and  'Unknown Region, and a special shout-out to Ukraine whom/which is not only front-and-centre of the news feed because of the Trump Impeachment stuff, but have also been top of the availee stats for this past month...(do you reckon there's a correlation?-Ed)...between the Impeachment and the TMGI stats?...(yeah-Ed)...well I can't imagine why there would be, but who knows, maybe there's some odd link via Twitter or something like that, but, dunno'...(fair enough-Ed)...I mean, whilst Corruption and/or Collusion and/or Conspiracy are unquestionably the usual motivations/mechanisms of supposed or apparent 'Coincidence', coincidences do just happen...(like magic does-Ed)...shut it you damn hippy...anyhoos, welcome one-n-all to a post that isn't specifically about the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre Corruption stuff, but that's still a Liberal Party-endorsed Rort-Fest that isn't just looking for somewhere to happen, it's found it...(in Mt Gambier City Council?-Ed)...precisely, the FARC is just another litany of MGCC lies, deceits, manipulations, incompetence and self-interest...(well that sentence is rather redundant really-Ed) so...(well when one refers to a MGCC project, it automatically self-identifies as being a "litany of lies, deceits, manipulations, incompetence, and self-interest"-Ed)...good call big fella'...(and add to that Corruption, Collusion, Nepotism, Insider Trading, and Conflict of Interests-Ed)...mmm, all the good stuff...

So to summarise, just saying that it's a Mt Gambier City Council Project automatically identifies it as being a "Litany of Lies, Deceits, Manipulations, Incompetence, (and) Self Interest, Corruption, Collusion, Nepotism, Insider Trading and Conflict of Interests"...(I think we've covered everything-Ed)...reckon we might have...and it's a remarkable 'Coincidence' that that descriptor, LoLDMISICCNITCoI, that exactly encapsulates how the Mt Gambier Show Society handled the original attempt to sell-off a juicy chunk a' the Show Grounds site to supermarket chain ALDI...we've covered this in posts from that time, around February 2015...I do not hesitate to again call that attempted sell-off Corrupt, and to identify the players specifically involved, namely ALDI, Herbert Real Estate, and MGSS Treasurer Roger Saunders...(and isn't Roger also President of the Mt Gambier Liberal Party Branch?-Ed)...was, yeah, and still is I think, and I reckon he took over in 2010(?) from our current Federal Member for Barker and former MGCC Councillor Tony Pasin...(reaaaaally?-Ed)...yep...(good ol' Tones, critically complicit player in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...well that's a bit of a cheap shot Ed...(how so?-Ed)...well, pretty-much anyone and everyone of any political involvement and/or influence in this sad, sick town, be it Liberal, Labor, MGCC, The Border Watch, the ABC, SAPol (police), etc, etc, etc, every single one of them is intimately complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(fair point-Ed)...I mean sure, he is a corruptly complicit co-conspirator in the St Martins Cover-up, but he's hardly Robinson Crusoe...

But anyhoos, I re-iterate, that I can and will continue to say that this attempted MGSS/Saunders/Herbert/ALDI process was/is Corrupt because I was handed the relevant albeit very vague document involved, handed that at the February 2015 meeting, and those are the names on it...ALDI's specific conduct is absolutely questionable...(but those questions have never been asked-Ed)..indeed, but being an international corporation I find it ludicrously inconceivable that they would enter into such a dramatically problematic contract, eg, where-in that specific section of Show Grounds land had not actually been 'Valued'...("not 'Valued'"? what do you mean "not 'Valued'"?-Ed)...exactly that, there was no formal/official evaluation as to the monetary value of that section of land...(but if it wasn't 'Valued', how can there be a 'Contract' in the offing?-Ed) tell me mate...(because one assumes that a 'Contract' had a $$$'Value' as part of that 'Sale'?-Ed)...I believe that it was going to be sold for approx $1million, but how that amount was decided remains a mystery...(but that bit would have been worth way more than $1m, surely?-Ed)...again, I cannot say for sure, but there has been discussion that $4m-$5m was more appropriate...(well that would have been a very pleasant windfall for ALDI!-Ed)...indeed, and as such, with those 2 quantifiers in place, ie, 1) no Evaluation, leading to 2) a 'Sale Value' at least 1/4 of it's actual value, I find it very hard to believe that ALDI was not fully understanding what it was they were engaging in and/or being a part of, namely, Corruption...(mate, there's no way ALDI didn't do Due Diligence re that non-existent Evaluation, etc, that would be Gross Corporate Negligence-Ed)...well quite...

And as for the conduct of Roger Saunders and Herbert Real Estate, that was/is deeply did they negotiate this deeply flawed Sale Contract without an official Evaluation?...not least-of-all, they must have known the land was worth far more than $1m...(especially Herberts would have known, and they must have told Saunders, even if he was completely incompetent and had no idea!-Ed)...precisely, they all knew exactly what they were doing, and they tried to shove that Sale through the Show Society at that meeting, and do so with as little scrutiny as possible...(with none at all if possible-Ed)...yes, indeed, and as it was explained to me, it was "a done deal" going to get voted through that night, and it was only when that attempt/agenda was exposed via a Letter to the Editor in The Border Watch, that several other concerned citizens like myself got involved and effectively stopped it...(I do recall with a certain relish the looks on a few people's faces when you lobbed into that meeting, a fully paid-up member of the Show Society-Ed) mean those looks of intense trepidation, outright fear, and a chunky side-serve of loathing?...(yeah, that be they, and as explained to us here at TMGI, it was the fearsome reputation of TMGI that generated those 'looks'-Ed)...and I think it says a lot that much of that response was from those who were directly responsible for and/or involved in the Sale process...       

And Dear Googles:...yet again, I know that I'm slingin' allegations of 'Corruption' at specific people, and indirectly at ALDI, but the proof is in the puddin'...were it to be that anyone comes-a-bleatin' to ya' about this 'ere post and it's contents, etc, like Bill DeGaris apparently repeatedly does...(Bouncin' Billyyyy, maaate-Ed)...yes, well, Dear Googles, please to be considerin' that what I'm saying is actually true, as witnessed by a room full of people, and as reported in TBW, and as per the document I previously identified, a copy of which I still possess, etc, and that because that Sale process was/is so deeply and definably 'Corrupted', that saying as such is therefore not 'Defamation' or even anything close to it, it's merely The Truth...

(Ndaaahhhh!!!-Ed)...what?! what?...(well, I was just about to ask what all this has to do with the title of the post, but I think I see it now-Ed)...well just keep it to ya'self thanks, don't spoil the surprise for dear availees, just write it down and if you're right, you can show me when we get there...(well I'd reckon that dear availees, being the highly intelligent, well-read, insightful, witty, and adorable sentient beings that they are, they'll have already made that link for themselves-Ed)...fair enough, but still, let's not unveil 'til the bitter end, okay?...("bitter end"?-Ed)...well, for all these casual attempts at humour, there's always a deep undercurrent of cynicism and bitterness and vengeance in everything we do here at TMGI...(well can you blame us mate?!-Ed) no...(for gourd sake, look at the shizzle we're trying to deal with!-Ed)...I know, I know...(the St Martins Cover-up stuff, the relentless corruption of Federal, State, and Local Politics!-Ed)...yeah, I agree...(not to mention where all those things collide in a mind-boggling maelstrom of Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption and Political Persecution!-Ed)...namely my "bizarre trial" and 'Conviction' under the openly Fascist South Australian ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, yeah I know...(exactly! who wouldn't be cynical and bitter?!...for shreck sake, it's a minor miracle that you're even still vaguely coherent, let-alone semi-functioning as an actual human being!-Ed)...cheers mate, I appreciate your support, really I do, and similarly a big 'Cheers' to the availees who bother to let me know, often 'off-blog', that they support and appreciate what we're trying to do here at TMGI...

And in that same vein, and as luck would have it, I happened upon this li'l gem last week whilst sorting through yet another pile of paperwork...fairly sure I haven't posted this before, but whatevs, it remains's a short, sharp reminder of the person that I used to be, a person I sort of recognise and sort of remember, but that really only exists in the dim, distant is a stark personal reminder and illustrator of what a devastating effect that the St Martins Cover-up and simply 'existing' in Mt Gambier has had on me as a person...please note that the author of this reference was/is a senior Lutheran (no longer in Mt Gambier), and was quite supportive of me and other parents when the St Martins Cover-up stuff originally/officially kicked-off in's a good reminder that the Lutherans as individuals are not all arseholes...(just most of them are-Ed)...sure...(and their official hierarchy are not just complete arseholes, they're rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt-Ed)...well indeed, that's exactly what they are...but anyhoos, this was me, way back then, talk to y'all after...

So there ya's go, a valued volunteer, intelligent, hard-working, strong...(a hard-working contributor? but I thought you're a lazy, good-fa'-nuthin' trouble-maker?-Ed)...well that's what some would have you believe...(namely those whom cannot directly deal with your excoriating expose of their rank Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption and various other corruptions, like this ALDI/Saunders/Herbert stuff-Ed)...indeed, no-one dare front me and directly challenge my narrative because literally everything I say is built on a towering foundation of unchallengeable, bludgeoning truths, so I get subjected to anonymous moronic denigration and cowardly abuse, eg, former MGCC Councillor Josh Lynagh, who was/is doing MGCC's bidding when he knowingly lied/lies about me on his 'social media', but when I see him in the street, he daren't look at me let-alone challenge me...  

Tomorrow: The FARC In The Park

(But hey, what about explaining the title?-Ed)...oops, sorry...if y'all haven't already figured that out, it's big news locally that, after a second failed attempt to purchase Show Grounds land, ALDI has eventually bought and demolished the empty and derelict Fidler's site on Commercial St East, and redeveloped it as a spankin' new ALDI with a coupla' new 'speciality store' sites immediately adjacent...(which is being touted as 'Revitalisation of the Main St'-Ed)...which it is for that Eastern side of the town centre...(but why is Mt Gambier thanking you for this revitalisation?-Ed)...I thought you said you know?...(I do, I'm just doing the set-up thing for you that is my main function as a confected literary device, not an actual you are so keen to remind me often-Ed)...and it's a role you perform wonderfully well...(well you have to say that, don't you?-Ed)...anyhooooos, back to the issue at hand...

Mt Gambier thanks me for the revitalisation because if I hadn't stepped-in to that MGSS Sell-Off fiasco, and attended that meeting where-in the ALDI Sale was supposedly a fait-de-complete, and then spoke-out at that meeting, and effectively turned the tide of submissive acceptance, then ALDI would be on the Show Grounds and not in Commercial St...(I had that! I had that! look, it's what I wrote down!-Ed)...well done sir, and it's an undeniable and undoubtedly very uncomfortable-for-some reality...(absolutely it is, but I can't imagine that too many people are actually going to thank you for it-Ed)...well of course they're not, as I said, it's a "very uncomfortable-for-some reality"...but that's even better, I know, they know, it's The Truth, and there's nuthin' any of us can do to alter that very spanky reality...(well other than to point out that there were a coupla' other people involved in stopping that Sale-Ed)...damn you Ed...(because we here at TMGI are neither too proud nor too vain to not give full credit where it is due-Ed)...yeah yeah, whatevs...(and so it must be said that it was that initial letter to TBW, by local man Mr Wayne Philp, that tore that attempted Sale Process a Titanic-sized New One-Ed)...a "New One"?...(a new anus, tore it a new anus-Ed)...oh charming...(well if the time-honoured saying fits...that letter did effectively rip a huge hole in that 'Corrupt' plan, therefore it 1) literally sank that plan, and 2) really screwed it up for those attempting the Sale, thusly tearing them a collective 'new one'-Ed)...fair enough, when you explain it like that, 'tore it a new one' is really quite accurate...

So fair dues, it was Mr Wayne Philp who initially exposed the Sale plan...(and kudos where appropriate to TBW for printing that letter-Ed) you're pushing it mate...(no, no, TBW must have had some idea what was going on, not least-of-all via Mr Philp's letter, but they still printed it-Ed)...oh alright, so after Mr Wayne Philp and his ever-lovin' letter, and after TBW for printing that letter and thusly informing the broader Mt Gambier public, then it was down to li'l ol' moi, so Mt Gambier thanks me...(and of course there was that Lutheran woman who passionately and intelligently spoke against the Sale at that meeting-Ed)...oh for gourd sake Ed! are you quite finished?!...(ummm, Mr Philp, TBW, that Lutheran woman, mmm, yep, I'm done-Ed)...alright then, whilst it is true to say that that woman's contribution was critical and a deciding factor for many, Mt Gambier still thanks me!...(and why was it "critical and a deciding factor for many"?-Ed)...because what Mr Philp said was only begrudgingly acknowledged and what I said was clearly being dismissed due to my 'reputation', etc, but she was a respected member of the Show Society, so when she spoke against it that really had an impact...there, you happy now?...(sure, but I do also recognise that it was the combined efforts of you 3 that turned the tide, that woman confirmed exactly what had already been said, so in that context, yes, you were a critical player, as was Mr Philp, and Mt Gambier can thank the 3 of you-Ed)...sure, I concur...

And after we 3 spoke-out, there were increasing murmurings from others about the problematic Sale Plan...(and indeed I think some only attended due to that letter-Ed)...sure, and ultimately we all stopped that Sale and the Show Grounds was 'saved' and ALDI is now right in Commercial St East, only 150-200m from the Main Corner, not kilometres aways down the far end...and y'all are welcome...           

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

...sweet baby cheeses mate, praising TBW and twice praising the Lutherans, I must be losin' my shreckin' mind...(nah, if anything it demonstrates that you have got a relatively balanced approach to not just what we do here at TMGI, but also more generally-Ed)...still, it's hardly my usual idiom is it...(nope, but it is appropriate and healthy-Ed)...ah mate, where would I be without you...(talking to ya'self?-Ed)................................cheers...............................(laters-Ed)...

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Hillsong Is Alive With The Sound Of Politics

Howdy y'all dear availees in Kosovo, the USofA, Albania, and India...I have frequently begged pardons for lengthy gaps and/or interludes between posts, usually because of debilitating depression and/or trauma, etc, but this time I am relatively happy to report that it's more a case of being too busy and beltin' back and forward, etc...had to go to Adelaide, which takes a coupla' days, and then had familial visitationings back here in jolly ol' Mt Gambier, not least of in celebration of being 25 years a dad...(sorry?-Ed) child turned 25 last week...(oh right, well congratulations all round-Ed)...cheers mate, and anyhoos, bingo, it's another week just flown by...(well that does make a relatively pleasant change though-Ed)...indeed, but quite frankly I'm still absolutely knackered, it's gunna' take a coupla' days to get my energies, in the interests of plowing-ahead regardless, I'm gunna' chuck together a bit of a bits-n-pieces post that goes a bit like this...

There's Quiet And Then There's Silenced I've stated in the past, I am a huge supporter of Twitter and other 'Social Media', which, for all their faults and failings, give otherwise 'Silenced Australians' like myself a forum to discuss issues that would otherwise never see the light of day...(well I love your classic example of the SA ICAC supposedly but fraudulently investigating the Mt Gambier City Council, and then completely exonerating everyone involved of anything and/or anything, and despite you providing that info to all the Adelaide media and The Border Watch and the ABC South East Radio, etc, etc, etc, the only place it has ever actually been reported is right here on TMGI-Ed)..indeed, a perfect example, a critically important story for the entire state of an entire Council 'investigated' by the Insidious Commissioner Assisting Corruption, and diddly-squat reported...a nationally important example is the whole 'Watergate' rort, first exposed on Twitter, until it reached a critical mass and then was taken-up by the Main Stream Media...(and the same with National Party leader Barnaby 'Beetrooter' Joyce's affair with his staffer, and getting her a non-existent job in Matt Canavan's office, etc, etc, all that was exposed via Twitter-Ed)...indeed, only then for that story to be stolen by that choice piece-a-work Sharri Markson who bizarrely received a 'Scoop' Walkley Award for it...(yeah, that was a huge shreck you to the Twitterers involved, the MSM saying that you's lot aren't real journos because you don't work for us in the MSM-Ed)...well said sir, 'cos that's pretty much exactly how I interpreted that 'award'...

At the very least, granting that 'award for journalism' for what was clearly and widely known to be a 'stolen article', those involved haven't just said shreck you to Twitterers and bloggers like us here at TMGI, et al, but they have fundamentally undermined the credibility of the Walkleys and completely de-valued any previous awards/recipients and any future awards/recipients...(spot on mate! if Sharri Markson gets a Walkley for that 'stolen article', then the whole concept and/or process is absolutely rooted-Ed)...indeed, and we'll come back to this stuff later in the post, but my main abuse today goes directly to those glassy-eyed, happy-clapper god-botherers at Hillsong Church...I'll just note, whilst this was obviously reported/discussed in February 2006, before Twitter even technically existed, I was first aware of it because someone recently chucked it on Twitter and it bobbed-up on my feed...there's another excellent story available at that outlines the origins of the story, namely, Labor's Chris Evans asking questions in Federal Parliament...this story clearly illustrates the Liberal/National Party's connections to and/or bribing of Hillsong aways back in 2006...

Recently, there's been much discussion of the huge influence that Hillsong has with Prime Minister Scott 'Scummo' Morrison, the current and former NSW Police Commissioners, and multiple other LNP members and staffers and public servants, etc...this discussion was front and centre of the bizarre contacts between Scummo and NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller, former neighbours and 'mates', when Scummo rang Mick about the police investigation into LNP Minister 'Angry' Angus part of that farce, Mick Fuller took only 3 hours to directly contradict himself about his relationship with Scummo...(and wasn't Attorney-General Christian Porter present for what then turned-out to be 4 phone calls?-Ed)...yep, all that stuff, all very corrupt and completely inappropriate, but what else would you expect from the rankly criminal organisation that is the Liberal/National Party?...(I'll take it that's a rhetorical question-Ed)...indeed it is, and whilst we're speaking about rankly criminal organisations, let's have a butchers' at that zany cult called's a perfect example of how these charming 'Christians' conduct themselves, and it's a beautiful illustration of the attitudes that prevail in the LNP, Hillsong, and their ilk, self-praising preaching about compassion and empathy and generosity, etc, when the whole set-up is nothing more than a conduit for rorting, de-frauding and outright theft from vulnerable persons who the LNP/Hillsong actually genuinely here 'tis the Twitter bit...***  

Hillsong is an unchristian religion which steals funds meant for Aborigines!

***...and here's the statement from MP Warren Snowden, pasted across directly from the Federal Parliament Hansard, 16th February 2006...***

Mr SNOWDON (9:36 AM) —I want to talk today about the misuse and misappropriation of funds by Hillsong Church. Questions on notice asked by the shadow minister for Indigenous affairs and media reports have revealed that over $1.2 million in business development grants to the Hillsong Church’s benevolent organisation, Hillsong Emerge, have been wasted. There are very few visible results from the grants, apart from well looked after Hillsong Emerge staff. These are grants that are supposed to assist disadvantaged Indigenous Australians.
Hillsong Emerge spent $315,000 from a federal government grant to employ seven people for a microcredit program in Sydney that gave just six Indigenous people a loan. The total grant for the microcredit program was $965,421, with 93 borrowers across Australia. Only $362,673 of the grant ended up in the hands of Indigenous borrowers. The sum of $610,000 was also spent by Hillsong on projects for ‘business development’ and ‘self-confidence for young women’ in Sydney, which are supposed to help Indigenous people find employment.
Answers to questions asked by the shadow minister reveal that, from 74 clients, Hillsong Emerge advise that to their knowledge ‘none of those assisted have moved to full self-employment’. This shows a frightening lack of oversight and monitoring on behalf of the federal government in administering these grants and indeed in making them in the first instance. It shows how the Howard government has reached a new low of incompetence in Indigenous affairs. It forces us to question the government’s decision to remove responsibility for programs like this from Indigenous organisations.
The government scrapped ATSIC, citing mismanagement and poor financial accountability. Unwisely, responsibility for programs like that administered by Hillsong Emerge were taken away from Indigenous Australians. What we see here is a terrible waste of funding under the government’s new arrangements for Indigenous affairs that were supposed to improve accountability. This funding has been squandered by non-Indigenous people who are completely unaccountable and who cannot show any real results for their spending.
We know in the case of Hillsong what it was all about. It was about the member for Greenway. It was about the Prime Minister flying the flag and showing how beneficent he was to the Christian community, not caring about the accountability measures that should be provided. On 14 February an article appearing under the headline ‘Hillsong stripped of grant’ stated that Hillsong Church’s benevolent arm had been stripped of a $414,000 grant it obtained from federal funds because of its deception. Hillsong was deceiving Aboriginal people. Let us understand what is happening here: these people got these grants by deceiving not only the government but also Indigenous Australians. (Time expired)
*** there you go, and this is just another tiny part of the insidious rancidness that defines exactly what Brian Houston and good ol' Hillsong are all about...good ol' Brian and his ongoing Paedophile Protecting corruption, protecting his paedophile father, a protection apparently supported by the NSW Police who have been 'investigating' that issue for over a decade now...(on and off-Ed)...what?...(well they've been investigating Houston and Hillsong, then they weren't, then they are again, supposedly-Ed)...good point Ed, and why it's so concerning to learn that former NSW Police Comm Scipione is a full happy-clapper at Hillsong...(wow, no Conflict of Interest there then-Ed)...your scepticism is well founded, as evidenced by the ongoing alleged investigation of Brian Houston and'd have to be really, really stupid to think that there's not a problem with these associations...and it gets arguably even worse with the bizarre fraudulent document about Sydney Council expenditure, as circulated by Minister 'Angry' Angus Taylor, and the subsequent fall-out, eg, a NSW Police investigation...this has been all over the media and constantly re-hashed in Federal Parliament, etc, and I think it's clearly obvious that Angus has done exactly what he is accused of, undeniable that he lied about that document's origins, etc, but the really interesting question is why won't he reveal who produced/provided that fake document...(yeah, who exactly is he protecting, and why?-Ed)...I note some claims that Angus's wife Julie Clegg is planning to have a tilt at the Mayorship of Sydney, so maybe there's something there, but who knows...anyhoos, there's plenty of info already out there about this, so I'll jump to this... 

In Australia we supposedly have a Democratic system of government that is itself supposedly governed by the 'Separation of Powers', namely, that the 3 main arms of 'government', being the Legislature (Parliament) and the Executive (Police, Public Servants, etc), and the Judiciary are all meant to operate independently of each other, and 'Religion' is meant to be entirely separate from these whilst it would be naive and unrealistic to ignore the controls and influence that 'Religions' have had and still have in Australia, particularly the Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran Churchs and Judaism, etc, it is an extraordinary corruption of appropriate process for the Hillsong devotee Prime Minister to phone (his mate) the Police Commissioner responsible for investigating Angus Taylor's fraudulent document...(so let's see, Church influenced PM trying to influence police, I mean, 3 outta' 4 breaches of the Separation of Powers, that's a fair effort for just one man-Ed)...indeed, I wonder if the Judiciary is feeling a little's all very corrupted, and here's some more stuff that also looks mighty dodgy...          

Dear Availees:...please to be going to Michael West's excellent website at and check-out his latest expose, titled 'Operation Slippery' about apparently dodgy Australian Defense Force contracts with a Russian-based aviation company, with issues of potential 'shelf companies' receiving massive payments and associated apparent money-laundering, is a very long article, and I've read it through but must admit that I didn't follow/understand some of it...Michael West has also done some excellent work looking at the Coal Industry lobbyists literally hangin' from the chandeliers in Scummo's office, and again I urge y'all to check it out...

Also another big shout-out to another Twitter champ, Ronni Salt...Ms Salt et al have just done another excellent piece about our mighty mate 'Angry' Angus Taylor...(um yeah, why "'Angry' Angus"?-Ed)...yeah, it was a fast-food chain's spicy burger made from Angus breed cattle...(and why not, 'Angry' it is-Ed)...well you remember all that stuff about the illegal clearing of native grasslands, and 'Angry' went to the NSW Minister and tried to have the legislation changed, etc, etc...(oh you mean 'Grassgate', all that stuff?-Ed)...yeah yeah, if dear availees are not yet familiar with that particular litany of environmental criminality, legislative manipulation, etc, then just Google it...anyhoos, it appears that 'Angry' was getting all bent outta' shape about Grassgate before he was actually legally responsible for it...(whaaa?-Ed)...well exactly, it appears that his direct connection with that property didn't commence until a coupla' months after he went to the NSW Minister, etc...(but why?-Ed)..exactly, why? from what I'm reading, it looks as though it could be a set-up to establish a government-funded body and/or initiative that then chucks great wads of 'environmental grants' to land-holders and/or leasees like 'Angry'...(ahhh, create the problem that demands the solution that can then be legally rorted-Ed) me a cynic, but that's what it looks like to I say, check-out Ms Salt's excellent reportage and decide for y'allselves...   

I also refer to another journo/blogger that I've been following for a while, Matilda Duncan, who now has her own blog/web-page at to be availing y'allselves of her various stories on there, but I was particularly interested to read her piece from 30th November 2019, where-in Ms Duncan outlines the vary dodgy processes via which the James Morrison Academy, a private business apparently registered in NSW, was given state government funding of $500,000 outside of the required application process and against departmental advice, etc, and even more bizarrely, that Generations In Jazz has been granted 'charity status'...(whaaa? but it's a privately run business that definably profits those involved-Ed)...well that's certainly my understanding of it, it sure-as-shreck ain't no charity...anyhoos, I've just grabbed a coupla' interesting paragraphs to share here...

     The Barn Palais has been a beneficiary of Generations in Jazz—an organisation that was
     approved for charity status in 2016 by the federal charity regulator—through the business being
     subcontracted to provide catering for the event. Cleves and Allert have maintained a close
     friendship for over four decades, according to previous public statements from both men. Allert
     officially opened the $2m in extensions made to Cleves’ business in 2010, while he was the
     Chairman of Tourism Australia.

     Asked to again confirm that the Department held no record of a formal application for funding
     having been made by Morrison for the $500,000, a representative for PIRSA stated on November
     22, 2019: "...further document searches have been undertaken and I advise that Primary Industries
     and Regions SA does not hold any further information relating to an application made by the
     James Morrison Academy of Music."

...and of course there's a bunch more stuff on that website, so peruse and enjoy...

Tomorrow: The FARC Stumbles Forward

Mt Gambier City Council has just yesterday, Tuesday 3rd December 2019, formally announced their final 'design' for the farcically corrupt Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre, but they won't apparently know how much it's gunna' cost until they've 'gone to Tender'...(but they've already stated $39.1 million-Ed)...yep, but they've also already 1) grossly manipulated the vote process, 2) changed the design a coupla' times, 3) lied relentlessly about how this will affect various community groups, then called some of those people liars, then blamed the architects, etc, 4) lied about much MGCC Ratepayers are gunna' get slugged to build this ludicrous monument to MGCC's incompetence and corruption, 5) lied about how it's gunna' be funded, and straight-out lied about how they're gunna' pay to run the damn thing, eg, from Rate increases but then not from Rate increases, and 6) only last week openly stated that they didn't know what was happening, how much, etc...a cavalcade of lies and deceits from serial liars...

Also, I missed/misinterpreted the reality of this very dodgy Truck Stop approval on Mt Gambier's Eastern approach, with MGCC allowing not just one but actually two developments inside City Limits, well inside the Heavy Vehicle turn-off some kilometers out...I'll have to check this because it sounds so outrageous, but it appears that one Truck Stop will be right opposite the Show Grounds, immediately adjacent the notoriously problematic Jubilee Highway/Pick Ave intersection...such an approval is so obviously inappropriate, dangerous and potentially disastrous that I find it hard to believe it could happen, but then again, it is Mt Gambier City Council...(fair call-Ed)...and last I was aware, former MGCC Councillor Ian Von Stanke was Presiding Member of the Council Assessment Panel...(oh gourd, not Von Stanke-Ed)...yep, 'fraid so...

I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog, cheers and laters...