Monday, December 30, 2019

Everything's Just A Fine, Well, Just Too Fine, Well, Just 2 Fines

Howdy y'all and the briefest of apologies for the Christmas hiatus with this 'ere blog...not a planned holiday thing, it appears that I unintentionally scuppered myself with the last post, and have been barely and basically functioning, again...(please explain-Ed)...well, with the last post I thoroughly dismantled a series of rather sad anonymous abuses, summing-up my disappointment with the very apt catch-cry of 'Where's The Outrage About The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?", and several similar questions/challenges, 'Where's The Shreckin' Outrage?'...(and?-Ed)...well because it's such a relevant and accurate position to take, it took me to that very unpleasant place where-in exists such realities...(so you're saying that identifying so precisely what was so very wrong with those 'Comments' and the associated abuse, etc, only reinforced for you those very harsh realities around the St Martins Cover-up, etc?-Ed)...exactly mate, exactly...

It was a short, sharp and very unpleasant reminder of exactly what 'Mt Gambier' has and/or hasn't done when it comes to the St Martins Cover-up...(namely, cover-up the extended and systemic abuse of a whole class of 7 year old kids by their "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling-Ed) on, and as part of that, attack us few parents who actually have tried to get some appropriate action against Dorling and St Martins school and senior Lutherans who knew what he was doing and protected him for years leading up to 2002, and ever since...(and you's parents have exhausted literally every appropriate forum/protocol/procedure/Authority/whatevs, and have been comprehensively deceived, manipulated, and abused for your efforts-Ed)...indeed we have...(and not least of all by those 'Authorities', eg, the way SAPol (police) repeatedly attacked and blamed parents for SAPol's gross and clearly deliberate failures to conduct any sort of actual investigation-Ed)...oh indeed, we've been royally screwed-over by a 'System' well rehearsed and well practiced in protecting paedophiles...

And so for the third time this year I've tripped and stumbled, crashing face-first into the dirt and the muck and the filth of this litany of unresolved Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Realities...("third time"?-Ed)...yeah, firstly when I tried to do some 'counselling' earlier this year and it just dredged-up a mucky haul of semi-forgotten detritus, then a second serving a few months back when I tried to re-visit/review the St Martins Cover-up on this 'ere blog...(yeah, I was gunna' ask what happened there, but I kinda' figured it was something like that-Ed)...yep, took me exactly one post was it? to run headlong into an unyielding wall St Martins trauma...and then of course this latest partially self-inflicted bludgeoning of 'Where's The Outrage?'...

And on top of all that there's all the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption evident in my "bizarre trial" re SA's ICAC Act 2012, Section 56, which is the main topic of today's post...please find attached my latest correspondence with the Expiation Notice's fairly self-explanatory, so we'll see ya's after, here 'tis...***

Manager                                                                                                 Monday 30th December 2019
Expiation Notice Branch
Re: Notice Number - *********, and
Notice Number - MCMTG-15-72/1 (Payment Reference Number - *********)
Dear Madam/Sir,

As per our previous phone conversations and letters/emails, I have two (2) outstanding Expiation Notices, as identified above. I apologise for the time it has taken me to respond, but I started this letter on 16th December 2019 and due to Christmas closures, lack of formal legal advice, etc, have had trouble trying to sort out what it is I can and/or need and/or want to do.

As you are aware, I have previously Elected to be Prosecuted for **********, but for reasons yet to be explained, that never happened and instead I received a Reminder Notice from the FERU with penalties added, which was kindly reviewed free of charge and withdrawn on 28th October 2019.

For the record, I had originally lodged my Application to be Prosecuted with SAPol Expiation Notice Branch via email on 16th September 2019, the ENB responded later that day requesting I provide my mailing address, which I emailed back on 17th September 2019.

In your email of 28th October 2018 you indicted that I again had “28 days” to either “pay or dispute with the issuing authority”, or contact you to “set up a payment arrangement”. That 28 days expired on 25th November 2019, and so I again emailed my request to be prosecuted on 24th November 2019, and have added here a copy of that letter/email:

  Dear Madam/Sir, 

  For some reason you/your department have not processed my previous request to be prosecuted
  for Expiation Notice *********, originally lodged on 16th September 2019.

  As this email record confirms, you replied that same day requesting I provide my residential
  address, which I did immediately I saw that request the next day, 17th September 2019.

  I recently received a 'Pay Now Or Lose Your License' notice from the Fines Enforcement and
  Recovery Unit, with an attached increase of $266.00, the fine now totalling $705.00.

  After I contacted them and explained my Application to be Prosecuted via this email exchange,
  the FERU have kindly conducted a no-charge review of this increase, and than approved my
  Application for Revocation, removing the additional $266.00.

  The FERU advised that if I wish to 'dispute this fine with the issuing authority', then I need to re-
  apply to be prosecuted, and do so by (close of business) 25th November 2019.

  Therefore I, Nick Fletcher, of (**address removed**), Mt Gambier SA, 5290, elect (again) to be
  prosecuted for Expiation Notice *********, and as emailed today 24th November 2019, so that
  it will be with you for the start of business Monday 25th November 2019.
Despite this, on Tuesday 10th December 2019 I have received another Expiation Reminder Notice for the Notice No. ********* (dated 2nd Dec 2019, due 16th Dec 2019), with another Reminder Notice Fee of $60.00 added.

Please consider this letter/email as another Request to be Prosecuted, and also please remove the extra $60.00. I apologise if I am somehow submitting my requests incorrectly, but I have been sending them to the provided email address and getting automated responses, etc.

I also acknowledge your email of 29th November 2019 with regard to my outstanding fine for 'Conviction' of alleged breaches of the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, (MCMTG-15-72/1).

As you are aware, across the past 18 months I have repeatedly contacted Attorney-General Vicki Chapman, who finally responded on 6th November 2019 but refused to acknowledge the majority of what I identified to her and/or requested, then refused to act on the rest, then stated that she was not going to answer any further correspondence, then threatened me.

As promised, I have spoken again to my local Community Legal Service, but they have re-iterated their original advice that, largely due to financial/personnel restrictions, they do not have the capacity and therefore do not/cannot assist with any Appeal Processes.

As per my previous correspondence, I am therefore left still trying to Appeal that “bizarre trial”, but I have been refused Legal Aid and therefore have no legal representation, and have been effectively refused access to my own transcripts, by both Magistrate Ian White and AG Chapman.

The Magistrates Court itself is now stating that the original 'Trial' of November 2016, that collapsed in disarray when I proved “Malicious Prosecution”, that 'Trial' is supposedly “Null” and therefore they will not provide those transcripts or any for the multiple Pre-Trial Hearings prior to that.

When I have contacted Chief Magistrate Hribal about my 'Trial' and attempts to Appeal, Her Honour has denied responsibility and referred me to Judicial Conduct Comm Bruce Lander, whom as ICAC Commissioner is directly involved in my prosecution and “bizarre trial”.

I also remind you that I did immediately lodge an 'Appeal' in April 2018, on the forms and in the manner I was advised (by the Courts Administration Authority and/or Legal Services Commission), but that that 'Request' was rejected as being on the wrong forms and not submitted correctly, etc, therefore I consider that I do have a current Appeal Process underway.

Whilst I genuinely appreciate the leniency and understanding that the ENB/FERU have shown me thus far, my ongoing attempts to engage with the Appeal Process is still being deliberately blocked by Magistrate White, AG Chapman, and now it appears the Magistrates Court as well.

Given all of the above, I will do the one thing open to me, and as advised by AG Chapman, and that is to yet again formally request access to my transcripts with a view to re-lodging my 'Appeal'.

Apart from that I am at a loss as to what it is I should and/or can actually do, so I can only request that you continue to 'Suspend' my fine for some period into the New Year whilst I try again to negotiate this transcript access, and therefore find some way to move forward with my 'Appeal Process'. 

*** there ya' go...whilst there's obviously something not quite working there correctly with my repeated attempts to 'Elect To Be Prosecuted', for the majority of this stuff the ENB and/or FERU have been very patient and understanding...apart from that, I cannot say where this is going, but I guess we'll see...(yeah, that MCMTG one, that's your massive ICAC fine thingy I know, but what's the other fine for?-Ed)...April 2019 I was pulled over by SAPol and booked for being 7 days past my car registration due date, and fined the maximum $440, despite it being a 'first offence'...(phew, harsh-Ed)...yeah, and SAPol has refused to explain why I didn't just get a 'warning' etc, which is why I have tried to get my day in Court...(I reckon I know why you were fined not just warned-Ed)...enlighten me...(well because it was you mate-Ed)...mmm, you ain't the only one to suggest that mate...

I've posted this letter because, despite the positive attitude and actions of the ENB and/or FERU thus far, they can only provide a finite number of 'extensions', and outside of that, it is my experience that the best thing I can do to 'protect' myself is to post on this 'ere I said, I got no idea where this is headed, so I'll just have to wait and see...(ummm, I note where you state that the Magistrates Court is trying to say that the abandoned/collapsed "Malicious Prosecution" 'Trial' of November 2016, that 'Trial' is now supposedly 'Null', what does that mean exactly?-Ed)...dunno' mate, but I think they're trying to say that it doesn't count as an actual 'Trial' now, and not least of all to deny me access to those wholly damning transcripts...(but of course it's a 'real Trial', it was your bloody 'Trial', it just went belly-up due to SAPol Prosecution's mind-boggling incompetence and the fact that you clearly proved "Malicious Prosecution"!-Ed)...indeed, even the Court's own official Certificate of Record identifies "Abuse of Process", which is in and of itself bad enough, and every reason that there should have been a 'Permanent Stay of the 'Charges', not just a farcical continuance with a different Magistrate who deliberately ignored all that stuff...(strewth, no wonder they don't want you getting ya' hands on those transcripts-Ed)...well quite, and it also very effectively stops me proceeding with my 'Appeal Process', so it's a win/win for a rankly corrupted 'System'...   

To close this post, I'd just like to re-visit a pet-peeve of mine, and that is the farcical lack of Public Transport available in Mt Gambier, especially across the Christmas/New Year period... (well it's a fair enough whinge isn't it? Mt Gambier is SA's largest regional centre and the bus service is woeful, particularly at this time of year!-Ed)...absolutely it is...because of gross under-funding, the City Bus Service does not (cannot) operate on public holidays or weekends, which means that this year, from approx 1730hrs Friday 20th December 2019 until approx 0900hrs 6th January 2020, there will be no bus service for 9 out of that 16 days...and years ago I went through the process of trying to get more funding, and Mt Gambier City Council refused to contribute, still do, and the then Labor government stated that the service was just fine as it was...come on Mt Gambier, surely we can do better than this...

Tomorrow: The FARC Gets A Well Earned Serve

Why the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre will sink Mt Gambier, not save it, and all of the lies and deceits that the MGCC has used to manipulate Ratepayers...(and you'll fit all of that into just one post?-Ed) a push, should manage, yeah...(fair enough-Ed)...

(And what's happening with that stuff with former MGCC Councillor Josh Lynagh-Ed) do you mean?...(well I see that he's left a coupla, more 'Comments' and has apparently been discussing you at the supermarket, etc, etc-Ed)...yeah yeah, I flicked through that stuff, and it's still the same deliberately deceitful denials and disingenuous stuff that he posted before...(how so?-Ed)...well , he's again bleating his faux-ignorance about why I and others are so unhappy with his conduct, and quoting back at me stuff about my personal traumas that he's read on this 'ere blog but is trying to represent as his own enlightened empathy, etc, etc...(I see what you mean-Ed)...yeah, it's all weasel-worded dross designed for the consumption of uninformedthird parties, not least of all The Googles...Josh knows exactly what he's done, and trying to deny and/or redefine that only makes it worse...Josh knows that he needs to produce a written Public Apology across the various 'Social Media' sites he has been utilising to attack me and deceive others...Josh knows that that apology needs to include all of those families involved with the St Martins Cover-up, and all of the people he has deliberately deceived and manipulated on behalf of Mt Gambier City Council...Josh knows that I am more than prepared to talk to him after he drops this facade of caring and ignorance, etc, and makes that Public Apology...until then...............

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...   

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