Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Mt Gambier Thanks Nick Fletcher For Main St Revitalisation

Howdy y'all dear availees in the Netherlands, the Philippines, Czechia, and  'Unknown Region, and a special shout-out to Ukraine whom/which is not only front-and-centre of the news feed because of the Trump Impeachment stuff, but have also been top of the availee stats for this past month...(do you reckon there's a correlation?-Ed)...between the Impeachment and the TMGI stats?...(yeah-Ed)...well I can't imagine why there would be, but who knows, maybe there's some odd link via Twitter or something like that, but, dunno'...(fair enough-Ed)...I mean, whilst Corruption and/or Collusion and/or Conspiracy are unquestionably the usual motivations/mechanisms of supposed or apparent 'Coincidence', coincidences do just happen...(like magic does-Ed)...shut it you damn hippy...anyhoos, welcome one-n-all to a post that isn't specifically about the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre Corruption stuff, but that's still a Liberal Party-endorsed Rort-Fest that isn't just looking for somewhere to happen, it's found it...(in Mt Gambier City Council?-Ed)...precisely, the FARC is just another litany of MGCC lies, deceits, manipulations, incompetence and self-interest...(well that sentence is rather redundant really-Ed)...how so...(well when one refers to a MGCC project, it automatically self-identifies as being a "litany of lies, deceits, manipulations, incompetence, and self-interest"-Ed)...good call big fella'...(and add to that Corruption, Collusion, Nepotism, Insider Trading, and Conflict of Interests-Ed)...mmm, all the good stuff...

So to summarise, just saying that it's a Mt Gambier City Council Project automatically identifies it as being a "Litany of Lies, Deceits, Manipulations, Incompetence, (and) Self Interest, Corruption, Collusion, Nepotism, Insider Trading and Conflict of Interests"...(I think we've covered everything-Ed)...reckon we might have...and it's a remarkable 'Coincidence' that that descriptor, LoLDMISICCNITCoI, that exactly encapsulates how the Mt Gambier Show Society handled the original attempt to sell-off a juicy chunk a' the Show Grounds site to supermarket chain ALDI...we've covered this in posts from that time, around February 2015...I do not hesitate to again call that attempted sell-off Corrupt, and to identify the players specifically involved, namely ALDI, Herbert Real Estate, and MGSS Treasurer Roger Saunders...(and isn't Roger also President of the Mt Gambier Liberal Party Branch?-Ed)...was, yeah, and still is I think, and I reckon he took over in 2010(?) from our current Federal Member for Barker and former MGCC Councillor Tony Pasin...(reaaaaally?-Ed)...yep...(good ol' Tones, critically complicit player in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...well that's a bit of a cheap shot Ed...(how so?-Ed)...well, pretty-much anyone and everyone of any political involvement and/or influence in this sad, sick town, be it Liberal, Labor, MGCC, The Border Watch, the ABC, SAPol (police), etc, etc, etc, every single one of them is intimately complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(fair point-Ed)...I mean sure, he is a corruptly complicit co-conspirator in the St Martins Cover-up, but he's hardly Robinson Crusoe...

But anyhoos, I re-iterate, that I can and will continue to say that this attempted MGSS/Saunders/Herbert/ALDI process was/is Corrupt because I was handed the relevant albeit very vague document involved, handed that at the February 2015 meeting, and those are the names on it...ALDI's specific conduct is absolutely questionable...(but those questions have never been asked-Ed)..indeed, but being an international corporation I find it ludicrously inconceivable that they would enter into such a dramatically problematic contract, eg, where-in that specific section of Show Grounds land had not actually been 'Valued'...("not 'Valued'"? what do you mean "not 'Valued'"?-Ed)...exactly that, there was no formal/official evaluation as to the monetary value of that section of land...(but if it wasn't 'Valued', how can there be a 'Contract' in the offing?-Ed)...you tell me mate...(because one assumes that a 'Contract' had a $$$'Value' as part of that 'Sale'?-Ed)...I believe that it was going to be sold for approx $1million, but how that amount was decided remains a mystery...(but that bit would have been worth way more than $1m, surely?-Ed)...again, I cannot say for sure, but there has been discussion that $4m-$5m was more appropriate...(well that would have been a very pleasant windfall for ALDI!-Ed)...indeed, and as such, with those 2 quantifiers in place, ie, 1) no Evaluation, leading to 2) a 'Sale Value' at least 1/4 of it's actual value, I find it very hard to believe that ALDI was not fully understanding what it was they were engaging in and/or being a part of, namely, Corruption...(mate, there's no way ALDI didn't do Due Diligence re that non-existent Evaluation, etc, that would be Gross Corporate Negligence-Ed)...well quite...

And as for the conduct of Roger Saunders and Herbert Real Estate, that was/is deeply Corrupt...how did they negotiate this deeply flawed Sale Contract without an official Evaluation?...not least-of-all, they must have known the land was worth far more than $1m...(especially Herberts would have known, and they must have told Saunders, even if he was completely incompetent and had no idea!-Ed)...precisely, they all knew exactly what they were doing, and they tried to shove that Sale through the Show Society at that meeting, and do so with as little scrutiny as possible...(with none at all if possible-Ed)...yes, indeed, and as it was explained to me, it was "a done deal" going to get voted through that night, and it was only when that attempt/agenda was exposed via a Letter to the Editor in The Border Watch, that several other concerned citizens like myself got involved and effectively stopped it...(I do recall with a certain relish the looks on a few people's faces when you lobbed into that meeting, a fully paid-up member of the Show Society-Ed)...you mean those looks of intense trepidation, outright fear, and a chunky side-serve of loathing?...(yeah, that be they, and as explained to us here at TMGI, it was the fearsome reputation of TMGI that generated those 'looks'-Ed)...and I think it says a lot that much of that response was from those who were directly responsible for and/or involved in the Sale process...       

And Dear Googles:...yet again, I know that I'm slingin' allegations of 'Corruption' at specific people, and indirectly at ALDI, but the proof is in the puddin'...were it to be that anyone comes-a-bleatin' to ya' about this 'ere post and it's contents, etc, like Bill DeGaris apparently repeatedly does...(Bouncin' Billyyyy, maaate-Ed)...yes, well, Dear Googles, please to be considerin' that what I'm saying is actually true, as witnessed by a room full of people, and as reported in TBW, and as per the document I previously identified, a copy of which I still possess, etc, and that because that Sale process was/is so deeply and definably 'Corrupted', that saying as such is therefore not 'Defamation' or even anything close to it, it's merely The Truth...

(Ndaaahhhh!!!-Ed)...what?! what?...(well, I was just about to ask what all this has to do with the title of the post, but I think I see it now-Ed)...well just keep it to ya'self thanks, don't spoil the surprise for dear availees, just write it down and if you're right, you can show me when we get there...(well I'd reckon that dear availees, being the highly intelligent, well-read, insightful, witty, and adorable sentient beings that they are, they'll have already made that link for themselves-Ed)...fair enough, but still, let's not unveil 'til the bitter end, okay?...("bitter end"?-Ed)...well, for all these casual attempts at humour, there's always a deep undercurrent of cynicism and bitterness and vengeance in everything we do here at TMGI...(well can you blame us mate?!-Ed)...no no...(for gourd sake, look at the shizzle we're trying to deal with!-Ed)...I know, I know...(the St Martins Cover-up stuff, the relentless corruption of Federal, State, and Local Politics!-Ed)...yeah, I agree...(not to mention where all those things collide in a mind-boggling maelstrom of Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption and Political Persecution!-Ed)...namely my "bizarre trial" and 'Conviction' under the openly Fascist South Australian ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, yeah I know...(exactly! who wouldn't be cynical and bitter?!...for shreck sake, it's a minor miracle that you're even still vaguely coherent, let-alone semi-functioning as an actual human being!-Ed)...cheers mate, I appreciate your support, really I do, and similarly a big 'Cheers' to the availees who bother to let me know, often 'off-blog', that they support and appreciate what we're trying to do here at TMGI...

And in that same vein, and as luck would have it, I happened upon this li'l gem last week whilst sorting through yet another pile of paperwork...fairly sure I haven't posted this before, but whatevs, it remains valid...it's a short, sharp reminder of the person that I used to be, a person I sort of recognise and sort of remember, but that really only exists in the dim, distant past...it is a stark personal reminder and illustrator of what a devastating effect that the St Martins Cover-up and simply 'existing' in Mt Gambier has had on me as a person...please note that the author of this reference was/is a senior Lutheran (no longer in Mt Gambier), and was quite supportive of me and other parents when the St Martins Cover-up stuff originally/officially kicked-off in mid-2002...it's a good reminder that the Lutherans as individuals are not all arseholes...(just most of them are-Ed)...sure...(and their official hierarchy are not just complete arseholes, they're rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt-Ed)...well indeed, that's exactly what they are...but anyhoos, this was me, way back then, talk to y'all after...

So there ya's go, a valued volunteer, intelligent, hard-working, strong...(a hard-working contributor? but I thought you're a lazy, good-fa'-nuthin' trouble-maker?-Ed)...well that's what some would have you believe...(namely those whom cannot directly deal with your excoriating expose of their rank Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption and various other corruptions, like this ALDI/Saunders/Herbert stuff-Ed)...indeed, no-one dare front me and directly challenge my narrative because literally everything I say is built on a towering foundation of unchallengeable, bludgeoning truths, so I get subjected to anonymous moronic denigration and cowardly abuse, eg, former MGCC Councillor Josh Lynagh, who was/is doing MGCC's bidding when he knowingly lied/lies about me on his 'social media', but when I see him in the street, he daren't look at me let-alone challenge me...  

Tomorrow: The FARC In The Park

(But hey, what about explaining the title?-Ed)...oops, sorry...if y'all haven't already figured that out, it's big news locally that, after a second failed attempt to purchase Show Grounds land, ALDI has eventually bought and demolished the empty and derelict Fidler's site on Commercial St East, and redeveloped it as a spankin' new ALDI with a coupla' new 'speciality store' sites immediately adjacent...(which is being touted as 'Revitalisation of the Main St'-Ed)...which it is for that Eastern side of the town centre...(but why is Mt Gambier thanking you for this revitalisation?-Ed)...I thought you said you know?...(I do, I'm just doing the set-up thing for you that is my main function as a confected literary device, not an actual person...as you are so keen to remind me of...so often-Ed)...and it's a role you perform wonderfully well...(well you have to say that, don't you?-Ed)...anyhooooos, back to the issue at hand...

Mt Gambier thanks me for the revitalisation because if I hadn't stepped-in to that MGSS Sell-Off fiasco, and attended that meeting where-in the ALDI Sale was supposedly a fait-de-complete, and then spoke-out at that meeting, and effectively turned the tide of submissive acceptance, then ALDI would be on the Show Grounds and not in Commercial St...(I had that! I had that! look, it's what I wrote down!-Ed)...well done sir, and it's an undeniable and undoubtedly very uncomfortable-for-some reality...(absolutely it is, but I can't imagine that too many people are actually going to thank you for it-Ed)...well of course they're not, as I said, it's a "very uncomfortable-for-some reality"...but that's even better, I know, they know, it's The Truth, and there's nuthin' any of us can do to alter that very spanky reality...(well other than to point out that there were a coupla' other people involved in stopping that Sale-Ed)...damn you Ed...(because we here at TMGI are neither too proud nor too vain to not give full credit where it is due-Ed)...yeah yeah, whatevs...(and so it must be said that it was that initial letter to TBW, by local man Mr Wayne Philp, that tore that attempted Sale Process a Titanic-sized New One-Ed)...a "New One"?...(a new anus, tore it a new anus-Ed)...oh charming...(well if the time-honoured saying fits...that letter did effectively rip a huge hole in that 'Corrupt' plan, therefore it 1) literally sank that plan, and 2) really screwed it up for those attempting the Sale, thusly tearing them a collective 'new one'-Ed)...fair enough, when you explain it like that, 'tore it a new one' is really quite accurate...

So fair dues, it was Mr Wayne Philp who initially exposed the Sale plan...(and kudos where appropriate to TBW for printing that letter-Ed)...now you're pushing it mate...(no, no, TBW must have had some idea what was going on, not least-of-all via Mr Philp's letter, but they still printed it-Ed)...oh alright, so after Mr Wayne Philp and his ever-lovin' letter, and after TBW for printing that letter and thusly informing the broader Mt Gambier public, then it was down to li'l ol' moi, so Mt Gambier thanks me...(and of course there was that Lutheran woman who passionately and intelligently spoke against the Sale at that meeting-Ed)...oh for gourd sake Ed! are you quite finished?!...(ummm, Mr Philp, TBW, that Lutheran woman, mmm, yep, I'm done-Ed)...alright then, whilst it is true to say that that woman's contribution was critical and a deciding factor for many, Mt Gambier still thanks me!...(and why was it "critical and a deciding factor for many"?-Ed)...because what Mr Philp said was only begrudgingly acknowledged and what I said was clearly being dismissed due to my 'reputation', etc, but she was a respected member of the Show Society, so when she spoke against it that really had an impact...there, you happy now?...(sure, but I do also recognise that it was the combined efforts of you 3 that turned the tide, that woman confirmed exactly what had already been said, so in that context, yes, you were a critical player, as was Mr Philp, and Mt Gambier can thank the 3 of you-Ed)...sure, I concur...

And after we 3 spoke-out, there were increasing murmurings from others about the problematic Sale Plan...(and indeed I think some only attended due to that letter-Ed)...sure, and ultimately we all stopped that Sale and the Show Grounds was 'saved' and ALDI is now right in Commercial St East, only 150-200m from the Main Corner, not kilometres aways down the far end...and y'all are welcome...           

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

...sweet baby cheeses mate, praising TBW and twice praising the Lutherans, I must be losin' my shreckin' mind...(nah, if anything it demonstrates that you have got a relatively balanced approach to not just what we do here at TMGI, but also more generally-Ed)...still, it's hardly my usual idiom is it...(nope, but it is appropriate and healthy-Ed)...ah mate, where would I be without you...(talking to ya'self?-Ed)................................cheers...............................(laters-Ed)...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nick. Do you not see the hypocrisy in the fact that you're constantly writing about me in your blog because I wrote about you a couple of times on social media, and calling me "cowardly"?

    This remark suggests to me that you're opposed to people making negative comments about someone online, yet that seems to be the majority of your content on this blog.

    I've just spent far too much time searching your blog, to find that you've referenced me in no less than 28 posts in four years. This included four posts entirely dedicated to me, those totaling close to 10,000 words.

    You've called me corrupt, pro-paedophile, low, selfish, deceitful, deceiving, manipulating, stupid, gutless, disgrace, sly, smug, smart-arse, afeeble-minded stooge, a sad joke and pathetic - and they're just the ones I could find.

    You also wrote about various conspiracy theories including one which included me apparently calling up another councillor because I saw you in the street, and the one where apparently I wanted to become mayor AND our local MP. None of this is true.

    I understand that your blog is your way to vent, but you've got to let go of this. I've done nothing to you to provoke any mention of me on your blog in more than a year, yet you've still mentioned me four times this year. I haven't seen you in years, I haven't talked to you. The only thing you have to say about me is referencing things that happened years ago.

    You've even posted about how I've posted several times about sexual offenders - something you're really passionate about - and still use it as an opportunity to criticise me. Surely this subject is one where you can put aside your disdain for me and just accept that we actually have some things in common.

    I'm not offended by the majority of what you've said about me because I know how false it is, but it's become somewhat of an annoyance that you've continued to mention me.

    Instead of talking about me in post after post after post, how about we meet and talk all this out in person? Surely you're tired of putting so much effort into writing about me and have bigger things to focus on, just as I'm tired of having people tell me how you're posting about me again.

    I think it's time to put all of this aside and deal with things properly.

    Let me know.
