Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Hillsong Is Alive With The Sound Of Politics

Howdy y'all dear availees in Kosovo, the USofA, Albania, and India...I have frequently begged pardons for lengthy gaps and/or interludes between posts, usually because of debilitating depression and/or trauma, etc, but this time I am relatively happy to report that it's more a case of being too busy and beltin' back and forward, etc...had to go to Adelaide, which takes a coupla' days, and then had familial visitationings back here in jolly ol' Mt Gambier, not least of in celebration of being 25 years a dad...(sorry?-Ed) child turned 25 last week...(oh right, well congratulations all round-Ed)...cheers mate, and anyhoos, bingo, it's another week just flown by...(well that does make a relatively pleasant change though-Ed)...indeed, but quite frankly I'm still absolutely knackered, it's gunna' take a coupla' days to get my energies, in the interests of plowing-ahead regardless, I'm gunna' chuck together a bit of a bits-n-pieces post that goes a bit like this...

There's Quiet And Then There's Silenced I've stated in the past, I am a huge supporter of Twitter and other 'Social Media', which, for all their faults and failings, give otherwise 'Silenced Australians' like myself a forum to discuss issues that would otherwise never see the light of day...(well I love your classic example of the SA ICAC supposedly but fraudulently investigating the Mt Gambier City Council, and then completely exonerating everyone involved of anything and/or anything, and despite you providing that info to all the Adelaide media and The Border Watch and the ABC South East Radio, etc, etc, etc, the only place it has ever actually been reported is right here on TMGI-Ed)..indeed, a perfect example, a critically important story for the entire state of an entire Council 'investigated' by the Insidious Commissioner Assisting Corruption, and diddly-squat reported...a nationally important example is the whole 'Watergate' rort, first exposed on Twitter, until it reached a critical mass and then was taken-up by the Main Stream Media...(and the same with National Party leader Barnaby 'Beetrooter' Joyce's affair with his staffer, and getting her a non-existent job in Matt Canavan's office, etc, etc, all that was exposed via Twitter-Ed)...indeed, only then for that story to be stolen by that choice piece-a-work Sharri Markson who bizarrely received a 'Scoop' Walkley Award for it...(yeah, that was a huge shreck you to the Twitterers involved, the MSM saying that you's lot aren't real journos because you don't work for us in the MSM-Ed)...well said sir, 'cos that's pretty much exactly how I interpreted that 'award'...

At the very least, granting that 'award for journalism' for what was clearly and widely known to be a 'stolen article', those involved haven't just said shreck you to Twitterers and bloggers like us here at TMGI, et al, but they have fundamentally undermined the credibility of the Walkleys and completely de-valued any previous awards/recipients and any future awards/recipients...(spot on mate! if Sharri Markson gets a Walkley for that 'stolen article', then the whole concept and/or process is absolutely rooted-Ed)...indeed, and we'll come back to this stuff later in the post, but my main abuse today goes directly to those glassy-eyed, happy-clapper god-botherers at Hillsong Church...I'll just note, whilst this was obviously reported/discussed in February 2006, before Twitter even technically existed, I was first aware of it because someone recently chucked it on Twitter and it bobbed-up on my feed...there's another excellent story available at that outlines the origins of the story, namely, Labor's Chris Evans asking questions in Federal Parliament...this story clearly illustrates the Liberal/National Party's connections to and/or bribing of Hillsong aways back in 2006...

Recently, there's been much discussion of the huge influence that Hillsong has with Prime Minister Scott 'Scummo' Morrison, the current and former NSW Police Commissioners, and multiple other LNP members and staffers and public servants, etc...this discussion was front and centre of the bizarre contacts between Scummo and NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller, former neighbours and 'mates', when Scummo rang Mick about the police investigation into LNP Minister 'Angry' Angus part of that farce, Mick Fuller took only 3 hours to directly contradict himself about his relationship with Scummo...(and wasn't Attorney-General Christian Porter present for what then turned-out to be 4 phone calls?-Ed)...yep, all that stuff, all very corrupt and completely inappropriate, but what else would you expect from the rankly criminal organisation that is the Liberal/National Party?...(I'll take it that's a rhetorical question-Ed)...indeed it is, and whilst we're speaking about rankly criminal organisations, let's have a butchers' at that zany cult called's a perfect example of how these charming 'Christians' conduct themselves, and it's a beautiful illustration of the attitudes that prevail in the LNP, Hillsong, and their ilk, self-praising preaching about compassion and empathy and generosity, etc, when the whole set-up is nothing more than a conduit for rorting, de-frauding and outright theft from vulnerable persons who the LNP/Hillsong actually genuinely here 'tis the Twitter bit...***  

Hillsong is an unchristian religion which steals funds meant for Aborigines!

***...and here's the statement from MP Warren Snowden, pasted across directly from the Federal Parliament Hansard, 16th February 2006...***

Mr SNOWDON (9:36 AM) —I want to talk today about the misuse and misappropriation of funds by Hillsong Church. Questions on notice asked by the shadow minister for Indigenous affairs and media reports have revealed that over $1.2 million in business development grants to the Hillsong Church’s benevolent organisation, Hillsong Emerge, have been wasted. There are very few visible results from the grants, apart from well looked after Hillsong Emerge staff. These are grants that are supposed to assist disadvantaged Indigenous Australians.
Hillsong Emerge spent $315,000 from a federal government grant to employ seven people for a microcredit program in Sydney that gave just six Indigenous people a loan. The total grant for the microcredit program was $965,421, with 93 borrowers across Australia. Only $362,673 of the grant ended up in the hands of Indigenous borrowers. The sum of $610,000 was also spent by Hillsong on projects for ‘business development’ and ‘self-confidence for young women’ in Sydney, which are supposed to help Indigenous people find employment.
Answers to questions asked by the shadow minister reveal that, from 74 clients, Hillsong Emerge advise that to their knowledge ‘none of those assisted have moved to full self-employment’. This shows a frightening lack of oversight and monitoring on behalf of the federal government in administering these grants and indeed in making them in the first instance. It shows how the Howard government has reached a new low of incompetence in Indigenous affairs. It forces us to question the government’s decision to remove responsibility for programs like this from Indigenous organisations.
The government scrapped ATSIC, citing mismanagement and poor financial accountability. Unwisely, responsibility for programs like that administered by Hillsong Emerge were taken away from Indigenous Australians. What we see here is a terrible waste of funding under the government’s new arrangements for Indigenous affairs that were supposed to improve accountability. This funding has been squandered by non-Indigenous people who are completely unaccountable and who cannot show any real results for their spending.
We know in the case of Hillsong what it was all about. It was about the member for Greenway. It was about the Prime Minister flying the flag and showing how beneficent he was to the Christian community, not caring about the accountability measures that should be provided. On 14 February an article appearing under the headline ‘Hillsong stripped of grant’ stated that Hillsong Church’s benevolent arm had been stripped of a $414,000 grant it obtained from federal funds because of its deception. Hillsong was deceiving Aboriginal people. Let us understand what is happening here: these people got these grants by deceiving not only the government but also Indigenous Australians. (Time expired)
*** there you go, and this is just another tiny part of the insidious rancidness that defines exactly what Brian Houston and good ol' Hillsong are all about...good ol' Brian and his ongoing Paedophile Protecting corruption, protecting his paedophile father, a protection apparently supported by the NSW Police who have been 'investigating' that issue for over a decade now...(on and off-Ed)...what?...(well they've been investigating Houston and Hillsong, then they weren't, then they are again, supposedly-Ed)...good point Ed, and why it's so concerning to learn that former NSW Police Comm Scipione is a full happy-clapper at Hillsong...(wow, no Conflict of Interest there then-Ed)...your scepticism is well founded, as evidenced by the ongoing alleged investigation of Brian Houston and'd have to be really, really stupid to think that there's not a problem with these associations...and it gets arguably even worse with the bizarre fraudulent document about Sydney Council expenditure, as circulated by Minister 'Angry' Angus Taylor, and the subsequent fall-out, eg, a NSW Police investigation...this has been all over the media and constantly re-hashed in Federal Parliament, etc, and I think it's clearly obvious that Angus has done exactly what he is accused of, undeniable that he lied about that document's origins, etc, but the really interesting question is why won't he reveal who produced/provided that fake document...(yeah, who exactly is he protecting, and why?-Ed)...I note some claims that Angus's wife Julie Clegg is planning to have a tilt at the Mayorship of Sydney, so maybe there's something there, but who knows...anyhoos, there's plenty of info already out there about this, so I'll jump to this... 

In Australia we supposedly have a Democratic system of government that is itself supposedly governed by the 'Separation of Powers', namely, that the 3 main arms of 'government', being the Legislature (Parliament) and the Executive (Police, Public Servants, etc), and the Judiciary are all meant to operate independently of each other, and 'Religion' is meant to be entirely separate from these whilst it would be naive and unrealistic to ignore the controls and influence that 'Religions' have had and still have in Australia, particularly the Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran Churchs and Judaism, etc, it is an extraordinary corruption of appropriate process for the Hillsong devotee Prime Minister to phone (his mate) the Police Commissioner responsible for investigating Angus Taylor's fraudulent document...(so let's see, Church influenced PM trying to influence police, I mean, 3 outta' 4 breaches of the Separation of Powers, that's a fair effort for just one man-Ed)...indeed, I wonder if the Judiciary is feeling a little's all very corrupted, and here's some more stuff that also looks mighty dodgy...          

Dear Availees:...please to be going to Michael West's excellent website at and check-out his latest expose, titled 'Operation Slippery' about apparently dodgy Australian Defense Force contracts with a Russian-based aviation company, with issues of potential 'shelf companies' receiving massive payments and associated apparent money-laundering, is a very long article, and I've read it through but must admit that I didn't follow/understand some of it...Michael West has also done some excellent work looking at the Coal Industry lobbyists literally hangin' from the chandeliers in Scummo's office, and again I urge y'all to check it out...

Also another big shout-out to another Twitter champ, Ronni Salt...Ms Salt et al have just done another excellent piece about our mighty mate 'Angry' Angus Taylor...(um yeah, why "'Angry' Angus"?-Ed)...yeah, it was a fast-food chain's spicy burger made from Angus breed cattle...(and why not, 'Angry' it is-Ed)...well you remember all that stuff about the illegal clearing of native grasslands, and 'Angry' went to the NSW Minister and tried to have the legislation changed, etc, etc...(oh you mean 'Grassgate', all that stuff?-Ed)...yeah yeah, if dear availees are not yet familiar with that particular litany of environmental criminality, legislative manipulation, etc, then just Google it...anyhoos, it appears that 'Angry' was getting all bent outta' shape about Grassgate before he was actually legally responsible for it...(whaaa?-Ed)...well exactly, it appears that his direct connection with that property didn't commence until a coupla' months after he went to the NSW Minister, etc...(but why?-Ed)..exactly, why? from what I'm reading, it looks as though it could be a set-up to establish a government-funded body and/or initiative that then chucks great wads of 'environmental grants' to land-holders and/or leasees like 'Angry'...(ahhh, create the problem that demands the solution that can then be legally rorted-Ed) me a cynic, but that's what it looks like to I say, check-out Ms Salt's excellent reportage and decide for y'allselves...   

I also refer to another journo/blogger that I've been following for a while, Matilda Duncan, who now has her own blog/web-page at to be availing y'allselves of her various stories on there, but I was particularly interested to read her piece from 30th November 2019, where-in Ms Duncan outlines the vary dodgy processes via which the James Morrison Academy, a private business apparently registered in NSW, was given state government funding of $500,000 outside of the required application process and against departmental advice, etc, and even more bizarrely, that Generations In Jazz has been granted 'charity status'...(whaaa? but it's a privately run business that definably profits those involved-Ed)...well that's certainly my understanding of it, it sure-as-shreck ain't no charity...anyhoos, I've just grabbed a coupla' interesting paragraphs to share here...

     The Barn Palais has been a beneficiary of Generations in Jazz—an organisation that was
     approved for charity status in 2016 by the federal charity regulator—through the business being
     subcontracted to provide catering for the event. Cleves and Allert have maintained a close
     friendship for over four decades, according to previous public statements from both men. Allert
     officially opened the $2m in extensions made to Cleves’ business in 2010, while he was the
     Chairman of Tourism Australia.

     Asked to again confirm that the Department held no record of a formal application for funding
     having been made by Morrison for the $500,000, a representative for PIRSA stated on November
     22, 2019: "...further document searches have been undertaken and I advise that Primary Industries
     and Regions SA does not hold any further information relating to an application made by the
     James Morrison Academy of Music."

...and of course there's a bunch more stuff on that website, so peruse and enjoy...

Tomorrow: The FARC Stumbles Forward

Mt Gambier City Council has just yesterday, Tuesday 3rd December 2019, formally announced their final 'design' for the farcically corrupt Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre, but they won't apparently know how much it's gunna' cost until they've 'gone to Tender'...(but they've already stated $39.1 million-Ed)...yep, but they've also already 1) grossly manipulated the vote process, 2) changed the design a coupla' times, 3) lied relentlessly about how this will affect various community groups, then called some of those people liars, then blamed the architects, etc, 4) lied about much MGCC Ratepayers are gunna' get slugged to build this ludicrous monument to MGCC's incompetence and corruption, 5) lied about how it's gunna' be funded, and straight-out lied about how they're gunna' pay to run the damn thing, eg, from Rate increases but then not from Rate increases, and 6) only last week openly stated that they didn't know what was happening, how much, etc...a cavalcade of lies and deceits from serial liars...

Also, I missed/misinterpreted the reality of this very dodgy Truck Stop approval on Mt Gambier's Eastern approach, with MGCC allowing not just one but actually two developments inside City Limits, well inside the Heavy Vehicle turn-off some kilometers out...I'll have to check this because it sounds so outrageous, but it appears that one Truck Stop will be right opposite the Show Grounds, immediately adjacent the notoriously problematic Jubilee Highway/Pick Ave intersection...such an approval is so obviously inappropriate, dangerous and potentially disastrous that I find it hard to believe it could happen, but then again, it is Mt Gambier City Council...(fair call-Ed)...and last I was aware, former MGCC Councillor Ian Von Stanke was Presiding Member of the Council Assessment Panel...(oh gourd, not Von Stanke-Ed)...yep, 'fraid so...

I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog, cheers and laters...    

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