Thursday, December 19, 2019

Quickly Acknowledging Some Recent Feedback

Howdy y'all and welcome to TMGI...just a quick thank you to all those people who have gone to the trouble of reading this 'ere blog, TMGI, and then providing Feedback, be it either personally or via the 'Comments' section...I'd particularly like to thank the recent mini-swathe of highly abusive and derogatory 'Comments' in the 'Comment' section here-in...thank y'all for confirming 2 main things for me, namely that, 1) as I suspected and identified, the recent post 'Comment' from former Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh Lynagh was/is some sort of 'set-up'...(yeah, it does seem an extraordinary coincidence that so many people have suddenly decided to engage with TMGI-Ed)...heck of a coincidence I'd say...and 2) that I'm right on track and doing absolutely the right thing with TMGI...(indeed, for someone who's work is apparently so pointless and inappropriate, etc, you certainly seem to be hitting a few raw nerves around the place-Ed)...and rather than waste time trying to re-explain myself to each individual or address every specific accusation/abuse, I'll take this perfect invitation to reiterate my position across a range of these issues...apologies if I miss something, but I've just skimmed through these 'Comments' once and really can't be bothered trawling through all that bitterness and sadness again...

Positive I've previously covered, I don't blame people for not coming onto the blog to agree with me and/or praise and/or offer support...(well in such a bitterly insular, corrupt, and vengeful community, particularly in the sphere where Politics and Business collide, why would anyone want to run the risk of falling foul of that Socio-Political Retribution?-Ed) on mate...people have families, careers, homes, businesses, etc, to worry about...(let alone the social implications-Ed)...exactly, and they know only too well that speaking-out against the Institutionalised Corruption we identify and define here on TMGI, speaking-out in any way about that stuff is to invite upon themselves the vicious Socio/Political Retribution they have witnessed me being subjected to...(well TMGI proves those 2 exact issues, being 1) the often Pro-Paedophile nature of Institutionalised Corruption in all levels of Australian Politics, Federal, State, and Local, and 2) what will be done to you if you speak-out against that Corruption-Ed) on, look at the way us families were openly attacked and abused by the Lutherans and Rory McEwen and SAPol, etc, and shunned by the St Martins Community for trying to get something done about the abuses committed against our 7 year old kids in 2002 by their teacher Glyn Dorling...

But even before Pro-Paedophile or general Insitutionalised Corruption influences anyone, it is a common human trait/condition that people are far more likely to act to complain about something than act to praise, eg, poor customer service complaints are far more common than praise...(true-Ed)...anyhoos, I genuinely appreciate the positive feedback that I do get 'off-blog', eg, that me and my humble blog are a constant topic of conversation within Mt Gambier City Council... 

He's A Dole Bludger:...or words to that effect...more callous, bigotted and bitter denigration...only 2 posts ago I presented a glowing reference from early 2002 about who I was, and that I say 'was' because that person is somewhat alien to me these days...I am currently on the Disability Support Pension, having been officially diagnosed with extreme Anxiety, Depression, and Agoraphobia, as a result of continuous (and ongoing) extreme Trauma, almost entirely related to the St Martins Abuse Cover-up...obviously I've been through the notoriously tortuous Centrelink application/approval process for the DSP 'conditions' are ongoing, it is literally a daily 'fight', and not least of all because I literally cannot leave the house without running into someone directly associated with the St Martins Cover-up, eg, went walking the Blue Lake a few weeks back and immediately ran into former Headmaster and Education Dept big-wig Gary Costello, and I regularly run into former ABC doyen Stan Thompson, etc, etc...(gotta' love people who summarily diagnose ya' with Mental Health Issues and then screech anonymous abuse at ya' about it-Ed)...sure, people are just hilarious...

Nick is A Keyboard Warrior:..(wow-Ed)...yeah, I was a candidate in the 2010 State Election, and a Mayoral candidate in the 2014 Local Government Election, obviously not expecting to win either, but putting myself right in the public eye/firing-line...prior to that (2002 onward), I spent countless hours writing letters and/or lobbying and/or attending meetings/Inquiries and/or politely forcing literally dozens of politicians and government departments and the media and SAPol (police), etc, etc, etc, trying to get someone to do something about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(apart from be a complicit part of the cover-up-Ed)...indeed...also, until I was effectively banned from attending MGCC meetings in April 2018 by Magistrate White's reprehensible mis-use of  'Final Intervention Orders' from my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch) for supposedly breaching ICAC legislation, etc, I had been to many dozens of Mt Gambier City Council meetings across many years...(and was frequently the only person in the public gallery-Ed)...yep...I only started this 'ere blog in January 2013, and have openly acknowledged that it was pretty-much an act of desperation in response to a decade of the St Martins Abuse Cover-up and the Pro-Paedophile Institutionalised Corruption that I and other families have witnessed... 

I have always put my name/face to everything I do and/or say...

I regularly acknowledge and duly praise 'Social Media' and especially The Googles and their 'Blogspot' service, which we are currently on, because without these many people would be completely 'silenced' in a climate of wholly compromised Main Stream Media and a wholly complicit and compromised Australian Broadcasting Corporation...for example, I have repeatedly identified specific issues that have started on Twitter until they gained such momentum that the MSM/ABC could no longer ignore them...(like PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison secretly pissing-off on holiday somewhere whilst literally the entire Eastern seaboard burns-Ed)...a perfect example Ed, not one bloody word until the issue worked-up a full head of steam on Twitter, then out it comes on MSM/ABC...I am well aware that without 'Social Media' I would have no voice...

I note that not one of you recent 'Commenters' has the courage to actually put your name to your 'Comments' so that I can respond to you personally, even if it's not in the same abusive and irresponsible manner that you have attacked there any greater hypocrisy-laden cowardice than to hurl this particular accusation/denigration at someone when you yourselves are the text-book definition, it's classic 'Gaslighting'...Keyboard Warriors - cowardly people anonymously hurling abuse...

Playing The Man:...yet again, in all of this personal abuse there's barely a mention of the actual issues covered here in TMGI, not one single issue directly is confirmation writ-large that literally everything I say on here, no matter how unpleasant, is factually genuinely challenges me directly on the facts of what I'm saying, it's all anonymous sniping from the sides...if it weren't so sad and concerning, it'd be laughable...dead-set, you people claim to be reading this 'ere blog, and of all the horrendous issues specifically and factually defined here-in, the one thing you come away with, the one thing you choose to comment about, is me...not only are you yourselves exactly what you so viciously and erroneously accuse me of being, Cowardly Keyboard Warriors, but it's people like you who enable and embolden the Pro-Paedophile Institutionalised Corruption that has seen so many of thousands of kids abused within religious organisations like the Catholics, the Anglicans, the Lutherans, et al, and most recently, Hillsong Pentacostals...

Where's your outrage about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?

Where's your outrage about the gross abuses committed against 7 year old kids at St Martins?

Where's your outrage about the Pro-Paedophile Insitutionalised Corruption of the Lutherans, your government, and local politicians like Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, and Rory McEwen?

Where's your outrage about the Institutionalised Corruption on Mt Gambier City Council?
Where's your outrage about a person being subjected to a Judicial/ICAC Lynching for speaking the truth to the St Martins Cover-up and this Corruption?

Hands Up If You Have Your Own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation':......anyone??? here been the subject of their own ICAC /SAPol Operation, because I have, 'Operation Baritone'...and if you ain't absolutely stunned and more than a li'l concerned that a mere blogger has had that amount of time and expense dedicated to them and their humble li'l blog, then I don't know what to tell ya'...(well it's not so much the cost that worries me, it's just the fact that 'Operation Baritone' exists at all-Ed)...well indeed Ed, and lawyers and the general public who have seen this are equally shocked and concerned that the ICAC and SAPol have established an 'Operation' just for one person and their where's the outrage about the blatant Fascism of a person who hasn't even been 'Charged' with anything still needing written permission from the ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander to, 1) speak the truth about a (fake) ICAC investigation, or 2) speak to your lawyer, your doctor, or even your family or friends...forget who it's happening to and look at the fact that it has happened at all, look at the extraordinary Fascism of SA's ICAC Act 2012...that's the story, there-in lies the outrage...  
'Bots':...pardon my tech-ignorance, but I think this stuff refers to Automated or Robotic Readers/Programs, etc, and I'm only partially acquainted with how they operate and why and who does it, etc...undoubtedly there's some of this stuff happening with any/every blog, this one included, but there are more then enough actual real availees of this 'ere blog...(and cheers to y'all-Ed)...

'Touched My Boy...You Pervert':...again, an anonymous and unfounded denigration, albeit a very serious one, designed to discredit and upset is grossly inappropriate, very saddening, and potentially deeply distressing, that someone would make this statement to the parent of an abused child and/or to an abuse survivor, and most particularly to use this as a political attack...for all the times I have identified someone as being "Pro-Paedophile Corrupt" because of their direct or complicit involvement in issues like the St Martins Cover-up, I have never directly accused anyone other than the "text-book grooming paedophile" Lutheran teacher Glyn Dorling of being a paedophile and/or abusing children...I've occasionally reported other's specific public claims, eg, public statements about former SA Premier John Olsson using teenage male 'prostitutes'...I have even found myself in the bizarre 'Devil's Advocate' position of defending people I loathe, eg, Rory McEwen, as others accused him of being 'a paedophile'...

He Copies is always appropriate to provide a copy of whatevs it is I'm referring to...aside from that, I have openly discussed that I've been struggling with energy/motivation with TMGI and have been trying to continue forward by cobbling together a few lesser quality posts and/or trying to clean-out the 'Drafts Section', apologies for any of that stuff...I also refer y'all back to the many years of me personally witnessing, creating, and/or even being 'The News'...

Ed Should Quit:...'Ed' is short for 'Editor', and is not an actual person...'Ed' is a contrived/confected literary device that I stumbled into early in the blog, and I use him/her as a way of discussing often opposing view points or expanding on something, etc...(like setting-up attempted jokes-Ed)...well exactly...he/she is designed to create a sense of discussion rather than me just lecturing at availees, and to try and provide a degree of 'light-relief' from what is otherwise often very heavy and confronting subject matter...TMGI is written as a sort of play with 2 characters... 

Obsessed With Josh me Josh Lynagh is no more than a representative of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council and broader corruption issues, and someone who has used his 'Public Profile' to knowingly deceive and manipulate Mt Gambier Ratepayers and readers of his blog, etc, and we'll cover all that in detail...

Tomorrow: An Open Letter To Josh, Mate

I note that Josh, mate, has left yet another comment, as self-contradictory as his first...I can only repeat myself, again, Josh knows exactly what he has done, and his continued faux-ignorance is only further evidence of his disingenuous and deceitful nature...Josh knows exactly about the St Martins Cover-up because he's had it carefully explained to him a coupla' times, including well before he chose to go into Local Government...he also knows exactly what MGCC's real goals were/are with The Rail Lands and the Old Station, etc, because he's had that explained to him as well, both before being and whilst part of MGCC...that's what defines his subsequent conduct as deceitful and disingenuous, especially his recent conduct on this 'ere blog, conduct which falls directly under the category of 'Where's The Outrage?'...given everything he knows, and having claimed to have read much of this 'ere blog, Josh, mate, chooses to ignore all of that and instead criticise/denigrate me...according to Josh I'm obsessed with Josh, but clearly all Josh cares about is Josh...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


  1. (part 1 of 2)

    Note: I'm doing this as a public post because I have no other way to contact you.

    You clearly put a lot of your time and energy into this blog that people largely don't take seriously which is a pity, because you're passionate about a lot of issues that are important. You've seen the posts I've made about allegations of sexual abuse and rape. You don't see anyone else covering these things. I'm sure you saw the posts I made which helped towards an appeal of a sentence of a convicted rapist from Penola that actually put him behind bars.

    Corruption is clearly not something anyone should be advocating, and obviously I don't. The fact that you so often associate corruption with me is something I find offensive, because you have no evidence of that.
    You called me "complicit" in the cover-up because I ended up on the council that you claim was involved in the cover-up in 2002. I was a child when that happened. Clearly I wasn't involved. I know a lot of people doubt what you've said about what happened there, but I don't. All I know about it is what you've told me, and what a few other parents have told me. Stories from both sides. But clearly this is something that has seriously affected you, evidenced here by the majority of the posts on this blog.

    You can paint me as whatever you like. You have used a lot of colourful words to describe me, and regularly insult me about things that happened months or years prior. But the truth is you know very little about me. You'll notice not once have I called you names, and this is the first time I've written publicly about you in a very long time. I think you let things consume you, and your methods of trying to fix them aren't solving anything. I think we live in very different worlds.

  2. (part 2 of 2)

    I'm sympathetic to the situation you've been put in, no parent should have to go through that - and I guess a lot of that has lead to what we see today with your posts, how it's clearly consuming you. I'm sure you can see that's not healthy.

    Credit where credit's due. You've always put your name to things and haven't been afraid to stand up publicly and do something about what you're passionate about. That's the opposite of cowardice. It's the ongoing commentary about me instead of talking to me personally that has spawned these comments. You've had opportunities to talk to me personally and you didn't. You've made no effort to contact me. I'm fairly sure I was the only candidate willing to talk to you back in 2014, because despite thinking some of your ideas were a bit odd, I could see you were passionate about some important things. I'll still even defend you to this day. Just tonight I had people at the supermarket ask me about you, and I said "well, honestly I think his intentions are good and it's clear he's passionate about the right things" - I'm not out trash-talking you everywhere.

    The wave of comments last night, yes, that was spawned by me. I made a post on my personal social media account directing people to the post, and some people made comments - not all of which I agree with. The "you touched my son" one - personally I found that to be quite disgusting. As a result, I won't be posting about you or your posts on social media anymore. You did say that nobody put their name to their comments, but I'd just like to point out that I did. Always have and always will. Call me a coward all you like, but I'm not hiding (and you know how to get in contact with me)

    You can take this comment however you like. I'm sure you'll be able to twist it and see it as disingenuous, or perhaps I'm trying to stop you from making your open letter post (I know you'll do that anyway, and it doesn't phase me) or you could see this as some set-up for something. That's up to you. But at the end of the day, I know you're a hurt man who has struggled to process things for a long time, and I'm sick of being a part of that. You don't know me, I don't know you. Surely your time could be better spent focusing on helping yourself, and I'm not going to take any of that time away from you.
