Monday, January 28, 2019

Just More South Australian Pro-Paedophile Corruption

Howdy Jersey, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, and Vietnam, and welcome to TMGI...welcome also to y'all else out there in the Blogosphere...I had promised another 'Just How Corrupt is Mt Gambier City Council?' type of post today, but yet again circumstances have dictated otherwise...(ummm, where or what is Jersey? is that the USofA state?-Ed)...nooo, reckon that's New Jersey...(ah yes, of course-Ed)...Jersey is one of the islands in the English Channel, or roughly there abouts...(what, it moves does it?-Ed)...well no, not that I'm aware of, just not exactly sure where it is...(Interweb search it?-Ed)...if you must...(ummm, it's apparently the largest of the Channel islands, but is quite near Normandy, France-Ed)...well there you go...anyhoos, howdy to y'all, and welcome to a brief re-iteration of just a small part of South Australia's rich Pro-Paedophile inclinations and actionings...(we doing the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up again?-Ed)...not specifically, but the St Martins Cover-up is such a text-book case study into how Paedophiles and/or Pro-paedophile attitudes run SA, that it's bound to get at least a mention...(you mean like we just have, twice-Ed)...well indeed...

Just last week it was announced that "notorious" Paedophile Magistrate Peter Liddy may be out of gaol mid-2019 after serving his 18 year non-parole part of a 25 year sentence for multiple Child Abuse charges...(well I've got to say, given what we've experienced of SA's rankly corrupt Pro-Paedophile SAPol (police), Parliament, Public Prosecutors, Judiciary, etc, etc, et al, relative to the St Martins Cover-up, and the lengths that The System has gone to to protect "text-book grooming paedophile" Lutheran teacher Glyn Dorling, including attacking parents and in particular ya' good self, etc, etc, I'm still mildly amazed that Liddy did Day One of any sort of sentence, let alone a full 18 years-Ed)...a fascinating point well made sir...(it's almost as though he pissed-off the wrong people or wasn't in 'The Crew', something like that, or even that the evidence was so vast and so damning even a SA Court couldn't ignore it-Ed)...can't help you with that one mate, sorry, but just a coupla' things, namely 1) I'd hardly refer to myself as 'good', and 2) there's still a tonne of rancidly Pro-Paedophile corruption associated with the Liddy case...(well somehow I just knew there would be, it's SA after all-Ed)...indeed, and at the end of this li'l post we'll bring it right on home to the rancid Pro-Paedophile Corruption of my "bizarre trial" and the "reprehensibly vile" conduct of the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White and the change of ICAC legislation to prosecute me, etc, etc...(is it who I think it is?-Ed)...fair chance it is, but first this...

Regular availees and/or those familiar with the Liddy case will be well acquainted with the roles that 'murderer' and lawyer Eugene Magee and former Magistrate Bill Morris played in the story...Magee was Liddy's lawyer and Morris was Liddy's mate/protege...(and aren't they related somehow-Ed)...not in the 'familial' sense, but absolutely they are 'associates' and co-conspirators in the 'theft' of the Liddy assets...(argh yes, when the Court officially seized Liddy's property and assets to be sold and the money distributed to his victims as compensation-Ed)...exactly...(and then Magee immediately rang Morris and another lawyer who were literally at Liddy's estate, Shanandoah I think it is-Ed)...something like that, but yes Magee rang Morris...(and Magee directed Morris and his mate to remove many if not all antiques, etc, including multiple vintage guns-Ed)...that's correct, Magee, knowing that the Court had just seized those items for Liddy's victims, then told 2 other lawyers, Morris and his mate, to remove those items...they were literally bundled into the boot of a car, several times because of the amount of stuff...

And Magee is still a practicing lawyer and Morris was made a Magistrate not long there-after...(and didn't Magee 'murder' a cyclist in 2003, drunkenly running him over and then leaving the scene, then going to his brother's house, then the Magees drove back through the crash scene to a SAPol station where they knew the senior officer, and Magee wasn't even breathalized but they did blood test the dead cyclist, etc, etc?-Ed)...yeah yeah, all of that good stuff, there's plenty more on the Interweb...(you mean like the series of deeply corrupt State 'Inquiries' into Magee's conduct, including an official exoneration by the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal who reckon his conduct was not 'disreputable'-Ed)...indeed, here's a cut-'n'-paste from 2013...note it doesn't report the bit about Magee and his brother driving back through the crash scene without identifying himself, and Magee was 'arrested' by his SAPol mate many hours after that but not breathoed, etc...***  

New push to have hit-run driver, lawyer Eugene McGee punished

OPPOSITION MPs have used a 7000-signature petition to push for the case of hit-run lawyer Eugene McGee to be referred to the highest-ranking lawyers' disciplinary body.
The petition will be presented to State Parliament today and the Opposition has called on Attorney-General John Rau to use his powers to refer the case to the Legal Practitioners' Disciplinary Tribunal.
McGee was driving a car that hit and killed cyclist Ian Humphrey in 2003 on Kapunda Rd. He fled the scene but was arrested several hours later.
McGee was charged with causing death by dangerous driving but after lengthy legal proceedings was ultimately found guilty of the lesser charge of driving without due care. He was fined $3100 and lost his driver's licence for 12 months.
McGee was cleared of unprofessional conduct by the Legal Practitioners Conduct Board in 2011.
The Disciplinary Tribunal is a higher authority and can deliver sanctions for unprofessional conduct by lawyers.
In December 2011, Mr Rau effectively closed the final avenue of justice sought by Mr Humphrey's family, saying he would not refer the incident to the tribunal for further action.
It followed two trials, a royal commission and numerous appeals.
A year ago, McGee apologised on national television for his actions.
Opposition justice spokesman Stephen Wade today said Mr Rau should refer the case amid overwhelming community unease.
"The current complaints process is failing South Australians and leaving them without a robust framework to deal with their concerns," Mr Wade said.
"The Government has long been promising reform of the Legal Practitioner's Act. We want these draft laws in Parliament now," said Mr Wade.
The push was supported today by Independent MP Don Pegler.
The State Government has indicated it will oppose the move.
Mr Rau said he received advice from Government lawyers about a year ago which led him to determine referring the case "would not be wise" due to grey areas in legislation.
He is currently rewriting legislation regulating the registration and conduct of lawyers.
"I had hoped to have the legislation in the Parliament by now," he said.
"The consulting has gone on and on and on. It's a complex exercise.
"I'm confident that we will have it in the Parliament in the first week of March."
The Opposition is also attempting to highlight division on the matter between Mr Rau and former attorney-general Michael Atkinson.
Mr Atkinson has supported concern over a perceived lack of justice in the way the court and legal system has dealt with the case.
THE Eugene McGee case has frustrated and often outraged South Australians for almost a decade - and has also become one of our politicians' favourite footballs.
The hit-run death of cyclist Ian Humphrey in November 2003 led to McGee being acquitted of a charge of causing death by dangerous driving and receiving a $3100 fine.
The outcome of the case caused a public outcry rarely seen in the state and inevitably became a divisive political hot potato.
Former Premier Mike Rann scathingly echoed the widely held perception that McGee had escaped justice.
At that time a master of gauging public sentiment, Mr Rann ordered the Kapunda Road Royal Commission, the only such inquiry in South Australia since 1995.
The case sparked what became an ongoing and often personal rift between the Premier and the legal profession, inflamed when Mr Rann referred to McGee's defence counsel Grant Algie SC as a "mullet-headed lawyer".
The subsequent Royal Commission resulted in numerous law changes and the laying of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice charges against McGee and his brother Craig.
When the brothers were ultimately acquitted of the charges in 2010 following a protracted legal saga, Mr Humphrey's widow Di Gilcrist again felt jilted by the system.
Ms Gilcrist expressed hope that McGee could be punished by the board which regulates the conduct of lawyers, yet in December 2011, the Legal Practitioners Conduct Board ruled McGee was not guilty of "infamous" conduct and could continue practising.
That decision prompted Attorney General John Rau to review the ruling, however Crown legal advice suggested the decision could not be challenged.
Bitter Labor infighting broke out between Mr Rau and his predecessor, backbencher and powerbroker Michael Atkinson - who called for the Caucus to overrule the Attorney-General and refer the matter to the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal.
In response, Mr Rau announced sweeping changes to the regulation of legal professionals - again in line with widespread public anger at the decision.
But the politicians were far from finished, with Senator Nick Xenophon blaming Mr Rau's alleged inaction for failure to further punish McGee - accusing the Attorney-General of dropping the ball and buck-passing.
In turn, former SA Law Society president Ralph Bonig criticised Senator Xenophon for attempting to make political mileage over the decision.
Mr Bonig said that as a lawyer himself, Senator Xenophon would have been aware that it had not been found McGee's conduct amounted to unprofessional and that, under current laws, there was no scope for McGee to be charged in the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal.
"In the face of the Conduct Board's decision that Mr McGee's conduct did not amount to unprofessional would, in fact, be improper and, arguably, unprofessional for the Attorney to proceed as Mr Xenophon (and for that matter the former Attorney-General) continually advocate," Mr Bonig said.
"The Attorney has tabled proposed amendments to the disciplinary process for legal practitioners in this state. I invite all those interested in this topic to see how we can move forward to ensure the proposed amendments to the Legal Practitioner's Act can best address their concerns."
And today, the Opposition, buoyed by a new leader and a sense of optimism for the March 2014 election, has revived the debate.
Opposition deputy leader Vickie Chapman is herself a legal practitioner and would have a solid knowledge of the processes and events that have led the protracted saga to its current point.
A canny politician as well, Ms Chapman knows full well that the sense of public discontent has barely eased over the years and that there is still valuable political mileage to be made of the McGee case.

***...(well I don't belief a single word about their 'concerns' and/or the supposed 'conflict' between Rann and/or Atkinson and/or Rau-Ed)...well indeed, it's all clearly bollocks pandering to the 'public outrage', as much a pantomime as the farcically corrupt 'Inquiries' involved...Magee was/is clearly protected by a rancidly corrupt 'System' that's the Liddy stuff as it relates to Magee, which leads to Morris and the knowing 'theft' of those Court-seized items, after which Morris was made a Magistrate...(wow-Ed)...indeed, but not before he was appointed as the Main Investigator for the Mullighan Child Abuse Royal Commission, a position from which he was immediately removed after wide-spread public outcry that a man with such corrupt and definable Pro-Paedophile attitude/conduct would be considered appropriate for such a delicate and important position...(wow again-Ed)...and it wasn't a question of ignorance or incompetence, it was/is very well and widely known that Morris 'stole' that stuff, and indeed many consider that his appointment as Magistrate was part-reward and part acknowledgement of the rankly and willingly corrupt role he could/would play in a rancidly Pro-Paedophile SA Judiciary...

And he was such a diabolical failure as a Magistrate, not least of all as the Resident Magistrate here in Mt Gambier, 2007-2010, with a reportedly record number of decisions overturned upon Appeal, that he's back working as a lawyer...and then last week my mate Bill's beaming countenance did once again grace my telly as he was broadcast leaving an Adelaide Court, in the company of accused Child Abuser Peter Seppelt...just search 'Seppelt leaves Court', and there's Bill Morris, not specifically identified but referred to as "another man"...other reportage refers to Seppelt's lawyer making statements in Court, but doesn't say who that lawyer actually is...(hang on, the ABC reportage states Seppelt leaving Court "with his lawyer"-Ed)...which in the same article then changes to "A member of Mr Seppelt's legal team"', and it's the same footage with only Bill Morris in the shot...(but he's not identified as notoriously corrupt Pro-Paedophile former Magistrate Bill Morris?-Ed)...I cannot see where he is specifically identified at all in any's either gross incompetence or rancid collusion by an inept and/or corrupt media...(I don't think they restrict themselves to mere incompetence-Ed)...well quite, and neither do I think that, I find it quite extraordinary that supposedly no-one has made that connection and/or identified Morris...     

And as 'fascinating' as all that is, we digress somewhat because I'd like to focus on that 'Liddy Assets' stuff...again, there's plenty on the Interweb, eg, search 'Robert Moles Liddy assets', here's a link to one such story,
...and if you've already read that link/story before gettin' to this bit, then you've spoiled my big surprise 'cos you'll have already discovered what, or should I say whom, I was heading toward...(may I then?-Ed)...go on...(super, well that story is a partial explanation of how lawyers tasked with valuing Liddy's assets produced a farcically low 'estimate', and when questioned/exposed by Channel 7 reportage, claimed that reportage impugned their (the lawyer's) reputation, etc, and therefore they went after Channel 7-Ed)...correct, and due to the many parties involved in the Liddy case and the highly 'incestuous' nature of Law...(particularly in SA and most particularly when it comes to the Liddy case-Ed)...sure, Mr Moles 'report' explains why we (SA) were allegedly forced to go outside the state to try and get a supposedly independent Judge...(and drum roll please, that supposedly independent Judge who found against Channel 7 and in favour of the rankly corrupt and/or incompetent lawyers, it's Our Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander-Ed)...well hurrah...

Apologies that I didn't pick this up earlier, but there you go...the rank corruption evidenced in that farcical finding by 'Judge Bruce Lander' is clear dress rehearsal and job application for his current position as the farcically corrupt SA Independent Commissioner Against Corruption...(which includes of course changing the ICAC Act 2012 specifically to allow prosecuting you-Ed)...indeed it does mate, changes made via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act of November 2014, in collusion with my other li'l bestie, the then Labor Attorney-General li'l Johnny Rau...(onya' fella's-Ed)...yeah, good on ya' fella's for putting the Miscellaneous Amendment in The Notorious Nick "Miscellaneous Amendment" Fletcher...(you are special aren't you-Ed)...certainly special enough to get my very own 'Amendment'...(not to forget your very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone'-Ed)...well, who could forget that?...

Tomorrow: More Mt Gambier City Council Deceits And Corruptionings

MGCC can't open their collective mouths for blatantly contradicting each other and/or reality itself, eg, they're supposedly gunna' find another $5million for the farcical Recreation Hub, but Rates won't ever go up...(oh ai, and how do they plan to do that?-Ed)...well they're simply gunna' borrow it...(and what about repaying that extra $5m+, where's that coming from?-Ed)...ohhh, questions questions Ed, what is it with you and the perfectly reasonable questions? can't have you talking-down Mt Gambier with perfectly reasonable and rational questions...(and what about the inevitable massive cost blow-out, where's that money comin' from?-Ed) just can't help ya'self, can ya'?...(and don't MGCC still owe $2.5m on the New Library that was opened January 2010?-Ed)...ah yes, now, that entirely depends on who you ask on what day, 'cos last week MGCC representatives repeatedly contradicted each other...(well that's what happens when people lie, when a Council lies, they quickly start contradicting themselves-Ed)...well indeed...(and if they still owe $2.5 after 9 years, 1) how much did they initially borrow and 2) how much have they therefore managed to repay?-Ed)...well the first answer clearly gives us the second, but I don't know either...

And I'll just note that the Supreme Court Judge Mullighan mentioned in that Robert Moles 'link', as identified, he's the Child Abuse Royal Commissioner Mullighan who callously and relentlessly manipulated and deceived myself and other families who went to him for help with the St Martins Cover-up...(omg-Ed)...told you it'd come down to the St Martins Cover-up...(well your whole ICAC/SAPol 'trial' is motivated by your activism about St Martins-Ed)...that sir, is also correct...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, January 21, 2019

And You Thought Mt Gambier City Council Couldn't Get Any More Corrupt

(Well I hope you're not talking to me, because I think that MGCC have an infinite capacity for corruption-Ed)...well ok, sure...(as evidenced by their relentless Nepotism and/or Insider Trading and/or Conflict of Interest breaches and/or straight-out Theft and/or Lies and Deceits and Manipulations with issues like the Main Corner, the Library, the Old Hospital Demolition and associated Rail Lands debasco (debacle meets fiasco), the Blue Lake Lights, the Tourism Mt Gambier funding, the Indoor Pool farce, etc, etc, ad infinitum-Ed)...again, sure...(and all as supported, protected, excused and empowered by the rankly corrupt SA Independent Commission Against Corruption-Ed)...certainly doesn't help matters...(or as we have borrowed and now like to call it, the Insidious Commissioner Assisting Corruption, as run by our mate, our Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Comm Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander-Ed)...yeah, it really does somewhat complicate matters when the supposed official monitor/enforcer is the official motivator/enabler...

And howdy to y'all dear availees from Singapore, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Vietnam, and Brazil...(and to y'all else elsewhere-Ed)...indeed, and all regular availees will be well aware of the details of the issues described above...(well MGCC Deputy Mayor Sonya Mezinec oughtta' avail herself of this 'ere blog then, because she was on the ABC South East Radio this morning, lying through her teeth about the Pool/Recreation Centre funding, and particularly lying about the massive cost blow-out on the Main Corner Project-Ed)...yeah, but was she knowingly lying or just belligerently ignorant of the truth and simply regurgitating the deceits that others at/on MGCC have loaded her up with?...(what's the difference? she's the Deputy Mayor making deeply deceitful statements on public radio, whilst pushing the rankly corrupt MGCC's agenda-Ed)...sorry, did you say "Deputy Mayor"?...(twice-Ed)...oh gourd, Lynette Martin as Mayor and her as Deputy...(yep-Ed)...I spent years listening to her at MGCC Full Meetings, an absolute automaton spewing forth relentless jargonistic rhetoric about "activating precincts" and "connective synergies" and "blahhhhhhhhhhh"...we'll cover this specific Rec Centre stuff and associated MGCC Liefest tomorrow in a specific post, 'cos today we're just gunna' cover some of their other rank corruptionings...(yay-Ed)... 

Various incarnations of MGCC have long been notorious for deciding issues on a mutually beneficial basis, usually by getting together privately and/or having private chats in the carpark, etc, and these practices have repeatedly been reported, even in the rankly complicit The Border Watch newspaper...(sure, MGCC is well known for holding private meetings outside of official Full Meetings or even Committee Meetings, deliberately excluding those who are not in the corrupt core-group, and deciding issues based-on who on Council gets to profit, etc, to the extent that projects are approved or canned almost solely on their potential to benefit Councillors-Ed) on, but the 'new' MGCC has taken this to a whole new level, holding increasing numbers of 'Secret Meetings' via the medium of semi-official 'Workshops' that the public are not allowed to attend...('the public', or just you?-Ed) no, The Public en masse...already the 'new MGCC' have held several of these 'Workshops', not least of all to choose an 'Interim CEO' to replace the outgoing rankly corrupt Mark McShane...(and isn't that dude currently the 'Interim CEO' over at the equally dodgy Grant District Council?-Ed)...yep, that be he, Graeme Maxwell..(wow-Ed)...and he's obviously either as corrupt as those he's 'Interim Interning' for, or he's a naive dunce blissfully unawares of the rancid corruption swirling around him...(well, there's nothing like giving him the benefit of the doubt-Ed) is what it is mate, and so from that Secret Meeting to this...

And yes you've read that correctly...(well you sir have read my mind, because I was gunna' say how is that right? and then, where to start?-Ed)...well indeed...(so the QEPT membership is comprised from MGCC and the MG Chamber of Commerce?-Ed)...yep...(but MGCC itself has multiple MGCofC members as Councillors, including Mayor Lynette Martin-Ed)...and that's just one aspect of the almost incestuous relationships within MGCC, the MGCofC, and the self-appointed but Ratepayer-funded Tourism Mt Gambier group, itself added to MGCofC as a 'tax-dodging sub-committee' after the rankly corrupt MGCC funding approval process...(so MGCC, largely consisting of MGCofC members, is gunna' decide in a secret meeting what happens with the QEPT as run by the MGCC and MGCofC?-Ed)...has decided, but yeah, you got it...(ugh, my head hurts-Ed)...oh it gets better...(why do you do that?-Ed)...not my fault, it just gets more 'incestuous'...(ok, tell me then-Ed)...well, I have done extensive 'Googlings' to try and find out who the current QEPT Members are, but it's clouded in best I've managed to ascertain, it was until recently Chaired by former MGC Councillor (2010-14) and fellow-failed Mayoral candidate (2014) Allen Smith, but I think he's now gone...(wasn't it previously run by notorious MGC Councillor 'Swervin' Merv White?-Ed)...yes, yes it was, charming individual...

Now, as stated, I've had to ask-around as to the current composition of the QEPT Board because of the absence/vagueness of info on the Interweb and/or MGCC and/or MGCofC sites, etc...(why not just ring MGCC and ask?-Ed)...well, given 1) my "reprehensibly vile" politically-motivated Pro-Paedophile Persecution Final Intervention (Suppression/Restraining) Orders, and 2) that SAPol are currently constantly harassing and threatening me about those FIOs, etc, it is potentially 'illegal' for me to attend or even contact MGCC or even get someone to do it for me...(yeah, I can see your point-Ed)...however, it is my understanding that the QEPT apparently/currently includes recently retired (2018) MGC Councillor Des Mutton...(wasn't it his son Lachlan who was handed free-of-charge the Main Corner/Town Hall Function Facility with $1m Commercial Kitchen?-Ed)...yeah, that's them, classic MGCC corruption...and also apparently on QEPT is current MGCC '$200kpa Manager' Judy Nagy...(is she the one that MGCC specifically created a position for after she was dumped by UniSA?-Eed)...that's her...(created for her a completely superfluous $200kpa job then employed her without conducting any appropriate advertising and/or recruitment process?-Ed)...yep and yep...(wow, now that's some Rolled-Gold Nepotism right there-Ed)...indeed, and put her onto the QEPT Trust as well...

I have a coupla' other names but I'm not sure about them so I'll just skip them, but one I am sure about and the one that really brings it on home for me is a certain Mr Colin Martin...(wow, what a coincidence-Ed)...what is?...(well MGCC Mayor Lynette Martin has a husband called Colin-Ed)...really Ed? really? a coincidence?...(yeah, what are the odds?-Ed)...well I'd say the odds are very, very good...(obviously-Ed)...I'd say that the odds are very, very good given that MGCC Mayor Lynette Martin has a husband called Colin who is the Chair of the QEPT...(ahhhhhh, right-Ed)...yes, right...(so the Mayor's spouse is the Chair of the QEPT?-Ed)...yep...(oh dear-Ed)...nah, that's fine...(just fine-Ed)...but if even that wasn't enough for ya's, cop this, there were at least 2 other 'Workshops' held in January 2019, namely a Local Government Assoc one, and one for the CAP...(the CAP? isn't that just a re-badged Development Assessment Panel (DAP), now called the Council Assessment Panel?-Ed)...yep...(I don't follow, other than your point that the public are excluded, effectively rendering these Secret Meetings-Ed)...fair enough, but read this...

(Well animal/pet management is quite important, even if the costs seem quite exorbitant-Ed)...yeah, and?...(not sure about the RSL Rates Rebate stuff, that's a lot of money for Ratepayers to stump-up but the RSL is important but there are issues of RSL mismanagement, etc, it's a tough one-Ed)...yeah yeah, and...(and I don't have a problem with some support for the Brass Band thingy, although again it does seem like a lot-Ed)...yeah nah, I was referring specifically to that very last paragraph, the bit snuck-in right at the end about the CAP...(mmm, 'Council will also vote'...sorry, hang on, is that 'Mr Ian Von Stanke', is that the same Ian Von Stanke who was a MGCC Councillor from 2010-2018?-Ed) bet...(the same MGC Councillor Ian Von Stanke who came to your home with a 'Defamation Threat Letter' in April 2011, an act of direct intimidation/threat/harassment of a private citizen, and as repeatedly ignored/excused by MGCC CEOs Greg Muller and Mark McShane?-Ed)...yep, that Ian Von Stanke...(and who was officially 'un-elected' only months ago as a failed candidate in the November 2018 Local Government Elections?-Ed)...why look so surprised, this is the rankly corrupt MGCC we're talking about, of course they've appointed one of their own to this supposedly 'Independent Panel'...(OMG served with a healthy slice of WTF?-Ed)...yeah, they've appointed Ian Von Stanke as Presiding Member of the CAP, as ratified/carried at MGCC's Full Meeting of 15th January 2019...(I thought you were 'Suppressed/Restrained' from attending anything even vaguely MGCC?-Ed)'s in the official Minutes...(ah, clever-Ed)...well yes and no, because the rankly corrupt MGCC have demonstrated a proclivity for altering Minutes to suit their need/wants...(mmm, yeah, fair point-Ed)...

And now's there some absolute kerfuffle about MGCC suddenly blocking a Mt Gambier Bowls Club from erecting some shade cloth, after the club has done all sorts of work, organised funding, been partly 'approved', etc, and Ian Von Stanke is President of that club...(ah come on, now you're just making shizzle-up-Ed) I ain't, and from my perspective it looks as though this a cost-saving exercise by MGCC, but it's not immediately clear what exactly is going on here...(well I think the public response I've heard that MGCC has royally screwed-over the club involved, and right at the last hurdle, etc, that all seems fairly clear to me-Ed)...indeed, and Public Feedback is entirely relevant, but I'm trying to gleen the official reality from MGCC Minutes and/or The Border Watch...(oh well, good luck with that-Ed) point exactly...dear availees, I will continue to pursue this issue and try to suss-it out properly...wish me luck, yeah?... 

Tomorrow: The Latest Pool/Recreation Centre Deceits And Manipulations

(Or, 'It's Only Ratepayer's Money'-Ed)...indeed...Federal and State contributions, when and if they actually happen, are set to only reach $25m of the proposed ludicrous $40m project, so Mt Gambier Ratepayers are set to be on the hook for at least $15m...(and that's if the costs don't blow-out massively like every other project MGCC touches-Ed)...and hence the "at least" bit because MGCC managed to mismanage, be that orchestrated corruption or just incremental incompetence, they bungled the Main Corner and Library projects to cost blow-outs of "at least" 100%...(and that's the stuff Sonya Mezinec was blatantly lying about on the ABC this morning?-Ed)...blatantly/ignorantly/whatevs, but yes, absolute lies, including the extraordinary dual-edged lie that MGCC will somehow just find another $5m, just like that, most likely borrowed, and then somehow they'll pay it back but Council Rates won't go up as a result...(yeah right!-Ed)...and also including deceits about 'Council savings' and 'Council's excellent financial position', etc...(wow-Ed)...indeed,'wow-ful' to the point of woeful...(ah, witty Wilde-Ed)...and I haven't even mentioned the small fortune that MGCC have poured into the embarrassing Rail Lands, yet still haven't built the promised huge Sound Shell or extensive Covered Plaza area or even renovated the iconic Old Rail Station...(well best you do mention it then-Ed)...just did...(dah, clever-Ed)...indeed, not always witty and clever, but at least we try... 

And if y'all think I'm just takin' random pot-shots at poor ol' Grant District Council, is there any better example of the catastrophic effect that the complicit corruption of Grant District and/or Mt Gambier City Councils has than the deeply corrupt Retail/Commercial and Rural Living/Residential Re-zonings of the previously slated Industrial Zone on Millicent Rd, re-zoning involving the land owner and serving Grant District Councillor Brenton James, re-zoning that has destroyed appropriate potential Industrial development in Mt Gambier, directly threatening the Water Catchment, etc, etc...(and of course that process involved the deeply complicit MGCC and Labor Minister Paul Holloway changing zonings within Mt Gambier and then moving the City/District boundaries, etc, etc, etc-Ed)...definably complicit and mutually beneficial corruption...(and didn't current Federal Liberal Member for Barker, Tony Pasin, a MGC Councillor at the time, didn't he also benefit directly from specifically preferential and extremely profitable 're-zoning' done as part of that process?-Ed)...indeed he did mate, indeed he did...(but that's ok because he's a Liberal Member of Parliament-E)...cynically succinct mate, and witheringly accurate...

I am Nick Fletcher and just the other day I was apparently 'trending' in the Twitterverse, a li'l bit...(really?-Ed)...well I was being discussed on Twitter, but in positive and supportive terms, and there was a link through to this 'ere blog, etc...(well, maybe not quite 'trending', but still-Ed)...that's what I reckon, better than nothing, which is incidentally what I'm still getting from SA Liberal Attorney-General Vicki Chapman, the Dept of Corrections, SAPol (police), the Fines Dept, etc, etc, et attempts to 'Appeal' my rankly corrupt 'Conviction' by the definably corrupt Magistrate Ian White, all of that is still in a quite deliberate limbo courtesy of a wholly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt 'system' steadfastly refusing to expose itself to it's own stinky realities as evidenced in the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of Nick Fletcher...having said that, cheers and laters...

Monday, January 14, 2019

Mathias Cormann, Nearly Corrupt Enough To Be On Mt Gambier City Council

Howdy dear availees everywhere, just a quick venting of the ol' spleen...(well, one would never have guessed given the title for this 'ere post-Ed)...yeah, well I was gunna' go with, And You Thought Mt Gambier City Council Couldn't Get Any More Corrupt, but then events intervened and my mate Matthias showed us all what true corruption and avarice and self-interest and hypocrisy and gross indifference to the plight of Taxpayers/Ratepayers really is...and I am of course applying my personal standard/definition of 'Corruption' here because I believe that Mathias's mates in the Liberal Party are all saying 'no probs mate' with his latest li'l stunt...(yeah, sure, but by any standard/definition, what he has done is a gross hypocrisy from a Liberal/National government who routinely, dare I say it, addictively screech abuse at and/or about what a scurrilous burden the unemployed and/or pensioners, etc, are on good law-abiding Taxpayers-Ed)...well indeed...(whilst doing deals with/for their mates/donors, etc, and simultaneously rorting their Taxpayer-funded expense accounts, etc, etc-Ed)...I'm surprised they've actually got any energy or time left to govern...

And here I'd like to open with a bit of something that bobbed-up on my Facebook thingy...(I didn't know you use Facebook-Ed)...well I don't, but my tech-support hooked me up aways back and I intermittently check what's happening, and today I ran into a lovely piece about former PM Tony Abbott, again mouthing-off about the unemployed, and the writer observed that Tony, mate, is the biggest 'unemployed' person in the country, getting paid over $200kpa, plus over $500kpa expenses, etc, for doing absolutely squat...(well except for his relentless, rancid Right-wing mouthing-off-Ed)...well sure, but that's just Tony, that's just him being the deplorable person that he is, it doesn't justify or excuse the massive financial burden he is on us Taxpayers who pay for everything, including the horrendously massive Superannuation/Retirement funding he gets...(well I for one am surprised at your surprise, the Liberal/National Party have clearly defined themselves as nasty, reactionary, and deliberately divisive hypocrites who are only too happy to attack the unemployed and/or vulnerable about what a burden they/we are, whilst themselves relentlessly rorting the public dollar, rootin' the staff, etc-Ed)...well quite, and is there any greater hypocrisy than having this appalling bigot, who called Australia an "empty country", as the Special Envoy for Indigenous Affairs...(wow-Ed)...

And as appalling as literally every word is that excretes itself out of Tony's leering, smirking, sneering smear of a maw, equally appalling is the Not One Bloody Word from Prime Minister Scott 'Scummo' Morrison about the disastrous condition of the Darling River and associated fish die-offs, etc...(all of which is clearly caused 'upstream' by the wholesale diversion of water for industrial scale cotton production and/or other agro-industry, etc-Ed)...indeed, and largely thanks to the cynically self-serving conduct of the farcical 'Special Envoy for Drought', the atrocious Barnaby Joyce...(more like 'Special Envoy for Jumpin' The Help'-Ed)...well indeed, but he's hardly the only National Party stooge to cheat on his wife whilst bellowing about their belief in 'traditional marriage', eg, the ever-charming Andrew 'Sugar Daddy' Broad...(and now there's further chatter about another Nat cheating on their wife, but who apparently cannot be named for 'legal reasons', but it's being reported that 'he has little to be proud of'-Ed)...well quite, but we digress...

Scummo* only commented when specifically asked, and even today David Littleproud, Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources is still trying to defer away from the realities with waffle about a 'changing environment', repeating Scummo's ludicrous statement that "nothing will change until it rains", and then announcing a bizarre $5million grant for researching fish die-offs, money he's taking from the Murray-Darling Plan funding...(but, doesn't that money therefore already go toward such issues as water quality and fish die-offs?-Ed)...well exactly, and the interviews I've seen/heard recently on the ABC on this issue would seem to confirm widespread concerns that the ABC is increasingly soft, bordering on pathetic when it comes to holding the Liberals to account...the Liberal/National Party are bleating about how this outrageous destruction of one of our nation's major river systems is all due to 'drought'...(bollocks! it's the relentless theft of water upstream, with illegal diversions exacerbating ludicrous 'allowances' for Cubby Station, etc-Ed)...well exactly, some of these fish are 100+ years old and have dealt with multiple droughts, etc, it's clearly our greed and our actions...(abso-bloody-lutely-Ed)...and yet nothing from 'Scummo' about that, no, instead we get a jingoistic big-brother barrow-load a' bullshit about forcing Local Councils to do Citizenship Ceremonies on Australia Day...
(*Scummo - the widely used hilarious re-working of Scomo, Scotty's street-smart name for himself)

(But most Councils already do these ceremonies on January 26th, and several other times a year to boot-Ed)...well quite...(and Citizenship Day is sometime in September-Ed)...indeed, 17th September, and that's why it defines itself as a farcical stunt from someone who just can't help himself...and when questioned about his motivations, he cuts-loose with faux outrage about, 'I can't even raise an issue without getting attacked'...he is absolutely pathetic, can't govern, therefore must stunt...and so I'll say it again, January 26th is Invasion Day, it is the day that us non-Aboriginal peoples, that we officially stole this land from the people who were already living here for a conservatively estimated 50,000 years...and so I'll say this again also; whilst I live on a 'poverty-level' Disability Support Pension and in Public Housing, etc, I live a life of relatively extraordinary privilege and luxury for being born a White Man in a Stolen Land...and I think that segues rather beautifully into 2 issues, namely, 1) the current Mexican Wall issues in the USofA, and 2) the ludicrous carry-on from our government about moving our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, thusly parroting the USofA's move...(well you'll have to explain to me how these things are related-Ed)...surely sir...Donald Trump has justified moving the USofA embassy by stating that 'the Jews/Israelis were there first', a position quietly supported by Scott Morrison, who insists his own hard-core Pentecostal Christian 'faith' has nothing to do with it...(yeah sure, but what's the connection you identify?-Ed)...well, I'd suggest that both men should be rather careful about attributing/justifying Ownership Rights on a 'They Were Here First' basis...(how so?-Ed)...

Well, obviously and as previously stated, here in Oz us non-Aboriginal peoples have very recently stolen this country from the people already living here for over 50,000 years...(well sure, and did it with murder and poison and imprisonment and slavery and genocide, all the good stuff, and 250 years is sure-as-shreck nuthin' up against 50,000, and I can definitely see how it does relate directly to the 'Here First' debate, but how does it relate to Donald's Wall?-Ed)...well the Orange Roughy* wants to build his precious bloody wall along a border that is in many places if not entirely, on land taken from Mexico by the USofA after the 1846-48 Mexico/USofA War...(ah, so you're saying that Donald wants to build a wall to keep Mexicans out of what is, by his own definition, actually Mexico-Ed), partially Mexico and the rest First Nation indigenous 'Indians'...and that takes us back to Israel/Palestine...(whaaa?! slow down! how?-Ed)...well, with the 'violent unrest' that erupted following Trump's announcement of moving the USofA Embassy to Jerusalem, a unilateral decision/announcement that takes a massive dump on the Two-State solution, many of the 55-58 Palestinians killed were approaching a fence built by the Israelis on Palestinian land...(man, I hate all this shizzle about which bit of dirt belongs to whom and why, etc-Ed)...sure, I agree, but that's how it is, and the reality is that many of the Palestinians were killed for approaching a fence/wall built through Palestine by Israel...(sooo, therefore, they were killed by Israel whilst actually still in Palestine?-Ed) on, killed by Israel whilst still in Palestine as defined by Israel's own bloody fence...(wow-Ed)...      (*Orange Roughy - a species of fish)

So you see, it's all quite self-evident and simultaneously irrefutable once you look at the bleedin'  obvious...(I never cease to be amazed at your capacity for 1) spottin' the bleedin' obvious, and then 2) claiming it as your own-Ed)...well cheers mate, but as some availees have stated to me, it's my proven ability to clearly and specifically define fundamental aspects of arguments/issues/debates/whatevs, it is that ability/style that endears me to them...(ok, I can see that, I s'pose there is a certain skill/style to ferretting-out some of this stuff and explaining it such that others are informed/enlightened-Ed)...absolutely, and as for the rest of it, eg, my Pro-Paedophile "bizarre trial" and the associated collusion and corruption between the ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander, Labor's Attorney General li'l Johnny Rau, SA Parliament both Labor and Liberal, and SAPol, and Magistrate Ian White, and the Crown Solicitor, etc, etc, et al, all that stuff is all so mind-bogglingly self-evident as rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Collusion, that I don't need to 'ferret-out' anything...(well quite, all you need do is accurately recount the actual events and behaviours of all involved, and the gross corruption is immediately evident-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, and yet, there are still those who flatly refuse to see those realities, those whom find it far easier and/or expedient to blame and abuse me...    

And Vainly In The Same Vein:..and yes I did mean 'vain' in it's egomanic context, because the immensely self-impressed Donald Trump, has specifically and repeatedly identified 3-4 crimes/murders that he states justify his extraordinary Man-baby Tantrum of shutting-down the government, with all the suffering that entails for government employees, etc, for the sake of a 'Wall' he stated that Mexico would actually pay for, and won't stop drugs being trafficked into the USofA, etc, yet not one bloody mention of the hundreds of people killed in the past 12 months as a result of almost daily multiple-fatality shootings...(shootings largely perpetrated by White USofA citizens using 'legal guns'-Ed)...yep, not one bloody word about that because it doesn't suit his agenda of fear-mongering and bigotry and finding others to blame, etc, his core strategy when it comes to appealing to his 'base support'...(which includes the National Rifle Assoc-Ed) here's the USofA President, absolutely prepared to misappropriate and manipulate the trauma and suffering of families to promote his agenda and justify his related disgusting selfishness...

And whilst not quite as abhorrent as Donald's soulless bastardry in using these crimes/murders for his own twisted agenda, the words "disgusting selfishness" sheet-home snugly when it comes to my mate Mathias's li'l $37,000 Private Jet effort recently...(well it was June 2018, but I take your point, the initial motivation and subsequent defense of that extraordinary expenditure are both "disgusting selfishness"-Ed)...well quite, Dan Tehan's bizarre defense of this incident is ludicrous, 'I'm sure most Australians are pleased to hear that Mathias is working so hard for them'...(wow-Ed)...but before we really set-sail on this particular event, let's just acknowledge that it ain't the first time he's done this, also previously using a 'private jet' to fly himself and a coupla' Liberal colleagues back from Perth to Canberra...(it's only money-Ed)...well quite, but even more typical of Mathias, is the notorious Cigar-gate incident with then Treasurer Joe Hockey...(ah yeah, when our mate Matty and Smokin' Joe were photographed in a Parliament House courtyard grinning broadly and puffing on massive cigars, literally hours after handing down a budget that slashed funding/services for millions of Australians-Ed)...and shortly thereafter Joe was rushed out of the country to be USofA ambassador...(super-Ed)...

And now (June 2018) of course we have Mathias Cormann using an airforce jet to fly from Canberra to Adelaide to spruik his then proposed Tax Cuts to a coupla' SA cross-benchers...(didn't that proposed Tax Cut stuff fail/collapse?-Ed)...indeed it did, but that's not really the point, here's several others far more relevant...1) why did Matty need to speak directly to those cross-benchers face-to-face? why not just phone them?...(well call me a cynic, but it immediately occurs to me that Matty wanted have those discussions in a context where no-one could be listening-Ed)...well quite...(and I'd suggest that potentially indicates a desire/intent to threaten/bribe/extort/whatevs -Ed)...indeed, outrageous expenditure aside, it's extremely odd and screeches dodgy intent, content, and/or conduct...why did Mathias Cormann need to speak privately to these 2 cross-benchers?...and 2) why couldn't it wait several days until they were all back in Canberra anyway?...(really?-Ed)...apparently, this could all have waited 2-3 days, or even just have been done by phonecalls...why did he have to fly a private jet to Adelaide?...(well in jest I'd suggest that it was so he could smoke a big fat cigar, as is his wanton habit, 'cos smoking's banned on commercial flights-Ed)...nice one...(and/or he just enjoys looking down on the people he's ripping-off-Ed)...another nice one...(but in all seriousness, I refer to my previous point about intent-Ed)...

And you're right Ed, there's something very, very suss about this, but all of those very questionable and dodgy variables aside, that one flight, that $37,000, that's slightly more than 2 Disability Support Pensioners get paid in an entire year...(wow-Ed)...indeed, we could have supported 2 DSP recipients for an entire year with that money...and that's where I personally cross the line into what defines 'Corrupt'...I personally believe what I've semi-joked about above, that Mathias had deeply problematic motivations that he wanted to keep from prying ears, but it still doesn't explain why it couldn't wait 2-3 days, and therefore it's the attitude that is most prominent's a Liberal government that relentlessly attacks 'vulnerable' people like me, DSP recipients and the unemployed and single mothers, etc, etc, as being a blight on the economy/country, yet when it suits him, Mathias Cormann will spend $37,000 on a single and wholly unnecessary private jet flight...(what a bloody disgrace-Ed) is a screeching hypocrisy committed with your money Taxpayers... 

(Well at least when Barnaby 'Cotton-Mouth' Joyce swans about the place in a private jet, he's not doing it at Taxpayer's expense-Ed)...errr, please explain...(well Barnaby gets to use mining magnate Gina Rinehart's personal private jet, remember?-Ed)...ah yes, of course, a few years back jetting around Asia on Gina's dollar...and of course it's just a complete coincidence that Barnaby then appears to act politically to benefit Gina financially...(well absolutely, it's more of a happy co-incidence that runs parallel to all of the other things Barnaby does to benefit his mates/donors/supporters-Ed)...well hurrah for Barnaby...

Tomorrow: And You Thought That Mt Gambier City Council Couldn't Get Any More Corrupt

(Yay, you are gunna' do that one after all-Ed)...well, it's not like I really have a choice, ay, MGCC's own increasingly corrupt conduct literally forces this stuff onto the electronic page...(you talking about the Recreation Hub 'Yes' vote?-Ed)...partly, but I'm more concerned about the increasing number of issues/business being hidden from Ratepayers...(you mean the increase in 'Closed Workshops' and 'Commercial Confidentiality', etc-Ed)...absolutely...MGCC has long been notorious for deciding issues outside of formal meetings and then Rubber Stamping those decisions in Full Meetings, etc, but this practice is being accelerated and compounded by the use of 'Workshops'...

Not Everyone's A Complete Bastard:...(sorry? am I on the right blog? this is still TMGI, yeah?-Ed)...shut it, I'd just like to close on a more positive note...(this should be good-Ed)...several months back (August 2018), whilst at the supermarket, and my (then) li'l leaky car was dripping all over the carpark, I was just at the checkout when I saw a rather rough looking individual with a plaited beard, etc, approach my car, briefly loiter, and then return to his blue ute-ish vehicle and drive off...I immediately, instinctively thought I knew what he was up-to, and returning to my car I was proven correct...(he was putting a note under your wiper about the leak wasn't he?-Ed)...absolutely he was...(and good on you unknown bearded sir-Ed)...absolutely, and I guarantee it ain't the first or last time that that dude has done something like that...(can't judge a book by it's cover-Ed)...well, sometimes you can, but often you can't...

Then, day after New Years Day 2019, I was cruising South on Bay Rd past the Blue Lake Cafe turn-off, when I encountered a couple stopped in the intersection in the North/City-bound lane, their twin-axled caravan, having jumped-off the tow-ball, was now dragging on the road by it's 2 safety chains...(ooo nasty-Ed)...I pulled-over in the side-street and went to offer help, and 2 Indian(?) tourists stopped, and a coupla' others, including a dude from McSomebody's Engineering with his work ute...(really? "McSomeBody's"?-Ed)...yeah, sorry, I couldn't read it properly from that angle, and before I could ask/check he'd left again, but I want to give him a special mention because he had several wood blocks and a steel pipe/bar he used to lever the heavy caravan into a position that the rest of us could then lift it back onto the tow-ball...(hooray!-Ed)...yep, it'd have been near impossible without the dude with the right tools for the job...kudos to all involved, whoevs y'all are...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and cheers and laters...      

Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Mount Gambier Independent - 2018 In Review

Howdy y'all in France, Turkmenistan, Czechia, and Belarus...(and of course, 'Unknown Region'-Ed)...well of course 'Unknown Region', and also all dear availees here in Oz, and mildest apologies for the 8-9 day gap between posts but time just keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future...(so the song says-Ed)...anyhoos, welcome to TMGI for 2019, closing-in as we are on 6 years of this 'ere blog...(nooo?!-Ed)...yeah, in a coupla' weeks it'll be 6 years...(and what's changed in that time?-Ed)...unfortunately, not much mate, not much...(well it's no wonder then that we seem to keep trawling over the same old ground-Ed)...well indeed...and the most fundamental non-change is the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, starting in 2002, going strong over 16 years later, and involving the complicit collusion of SAPol (police), Labor Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill and literally every local/state politician you care to name, the rankly corrupt Crown Solicitor, the equally corrupt Teachers Registration Board, etc, etc, et al, as supported by a complicitly corrupt media, eg, The Border Watch, the ABC, The Advertiser, et al...(and not forgetting the extraordinary Pro-Paedophile corruption evidenced in the proven "Malicious Prosecution" of your "bizarre trial"-Ed)...well indeed, the official continuation of the official attacks on parents who have tried to get action against "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins School...

It'll come as no surprise to regular availees that I don't 'celebrate' New Year anymore, and haven't for quite some time...('celebrate' what exactly?-Ed)...well quite, I see no change and therefore no genuine reason to leap about yahooing about the value of some arbitrary mark on the calendar...(well that and all the Agoraphobia stuff, you know, not leaving the house, etc-Ed)...oh well yeah, of course there's that...I also openly acknowledge how jaded and cynical I can be around these 'issues', but there's a basic reality to that cynicism, eg, how do we have the money for $$$millions of fireworks whilst 1,000s are sleeping on the streets, etc...(yeah, no criticism of those who work hard to organise Mt Gambier's li'l New Years shindig, but how's about a few less whizzy-bang lights and instead some proper Mental Health and Drug/Alcohol Services in Mt Gambier?-Ed)...well exactly, but properly funded Medical Services, etc, are clearly not the responsibility of a volunteer group trying to bring a bit a' joy to Mt Gambier kiddies, etc...(my point exactly-Ed)...sure, but I'd rather see 'Mt Gambier' actually act to protect kids from the Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines Mt Gambier/South Australia...(a reasonable point in itself-Ed)...and one that I rather I didn't need to make...

And as for this farcically corrupt Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission...(what, the FCARC that refused to look at the St Martins Cover-up, rejecting families submissions and then failing/refusing to ask the Lutherans a single question?-Ed)...yeah, that's the one...if anything, I see the Pro-Paedophile nature of Australian politics just getting worse, officially hiding behind this FCARC, the exact same way that the rancidly Pro-Paedophile South Australian Parliament hides behind repeated 'Child Abuse Royal Commissions'...research for ya'selves the current situation about the rank failures of the FCARC, eg, no-one's actually gone to gaol, the 'Redress Scheme' has dealt with only 24 people out of many thousands...(and of course, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up just rolls merrily along-Ed)...indeed, and not least of all, with the full support of the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White who ruled in February 2017 that there is no such thing as the St Martins Cover-up...(was that after he refused to allow you to present or even speak to your 100 Document "Malicious Prosecution" submission?-Ed)...that's the one, said 'no evidence of a Cover-up', and simultaneously tried to set me up for bogus 'Defamation Action' by carefully cherry-picking a coupla' tiny fragments from that 100 Documents whilst ignoring the rest...(whatta' a li'l champ-Ed)...     

And most of this 'ere blog this year just passed/past has been dedicated to that extraordinary Pro-Paedophile "bizarre trial", and in that context I offer/request dear availees to go back and review for ya'selves all of the things covered...I refer to some specific bizarrenesses like the absolutely extraordinary 'Addenda' of March 2018 and the related posts...the provably corrupt Magistrate Ian White tried to ignore the 'unlawful' changes to the ICAC Act 2012 that I exposed in my Final Submission of 21st February 2018, until he and those changes were 'outed' in the media...this all occurred across March-April-May 2018 and is covered in posts from that time...(are they still there? remember several posts just disappeared completely from the blog around late April 2018-Ed)...indeed they did Ed, but the ones that remain do cover this very briefly summarise, in February 2018 I quite accidentally discovered that My Besty And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander and the then Labor Attorney General li'l Johnny Rau changed the ICAC Act 2012, via SA Parliament, and in a manner designed to allow me to be prosecuted...(do the quick timeline thingy-Ed)...sure...

On May 7th/8th 2014 SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch raided my home, stating that I had breached the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, and I went to the South East Community Legal Service with the one-page photo-copy of Section 56 that SAPol had given me...I asked SECLS if they were even allowed to talk to me relative to the 'bizarre Secrecy Provisions' of ICAC Act Section 56...I'll never forget the bemused look on the lawyer's face when I asked that question, then they read Section 56, then they looked at me again, then they read it through again, and then they agreed that it might be best to write to my mate Bruce and ask for some clarification about certain issues...(like, what the shreck does "tending to suggest" actually mean-Ed)...indeed, just some of the bizarrely undefinable wording of Section 56...(and were they, the lawyers, even allowed to speak to you, their client-Ed)...yeah, that's a beauty, and I believe was eventually specifically changed in later 'Amendments' to the ICAC Act, possibly in 2016 I think...but anyoos, my Legal Eagles at SECLS wrote to ICAC Comm Lander, who initially responded with 'you're his lawyers, you explain it to him', meaning that SECLS wrote a second time, resulting in Comm Lander's official written 'Authorisation...all of these letters/documents are supplied in those February-May 2018 posts and/or the 'Re-posted Posts' of a few weeks later (March?)...

Also supplied, the relevant SAPol Prosecution's email that proves I still hadn't been 'Charged' by SAPol weeks after that exchange of letters, and the stuff from the Parliamentary Hansard record from October/November 2018 that directly quotes those SECLS letters, etc...(and then of course your "bizarre trial" began in February 2015 without you being 'Charged' or even Summonsed-Ed)...indeed...this very specifically documented chronology clearly proves that ICAC Comm Bruce Lander and Attorney-General John Rau and SAPol were corruptly complicit in changing the ICAC Act 2012 specifically to prosecute me, and then very deliberately didn't officially 'Charge' me so as to avoid this reality and the associated reality that therefore, what I was eventually 'Convicted' of in February-April 2018, was in fact not actually a 'Crime' when I was raided, etc, in May 2014...even if y'all have already read that stuff, please to be going back and reading it all again...(and don't just read it, bathe luxuriously in the milky goodness of just exactly what that proves-Ed)...indeed, and if not actually bathe, 'cos that does sound a li'l bit wrong, just dwell uponst...("uponst"?-Ed)...whatevs, just pause to reflect...    

Pause to accept that if I achieved nothing else in 2018, I conclusively proved just exactly how corrupt ICAC Comm Bruce Lander is...

(Well certainly corrupt enough to knowingly change his own legislation so as to prosecute you-Ed)...absolutely...and baked into that same juicy proof, just how corrupt li'l Johnny Rau is/was...(and of course, proof of the collusion between SAPol, Bruce, and li'l Johnny-Ed)...and of course, it's the 100% Proof that just keeps on giving, because it also fundamentally shows just how corrupt Magistrate Ian White is/was in my "bizarre trial"...(well sure, when you carefully explained this to him, in writing, he initially tried to ignore it, then when forced to, acknowledged it but blamed you for not explaining it to him properly-Ed)...indeed, truly farcical, and only trumped by his even more farcical finding that I was 'Guilty' anyway...basically, as best I can figure out, he's found me 'Guilty' of/under some bastardised version of 'Defamation Law'...(but what you were actually 'Tried' for, that wasn't actually a 'Crime' when you did it?-Ed), that's a fundamental reality that he tried to ignore, then acknowledged but dismissed as irrelevant, and 'Convicted' me anyways...(wow-Ed)...

And of course the Mt Gambier media have ruthlessly exposed his rank corruption and/or incompetence with a series of blisteringly accurate exposés...(haha, nice one man-Ed)...well quite, the bias against me is fundamentally defined by the reality that local journalists from both The Border Watch newspaper and the ABC were directed by their bosses to not talk to me...(mmm, and you know that how?-Ed)...they told me when I tried to talk to them...(wow-Ed)...indeed, but the 'Trial' was so full-on "bizarre" that even TBW identified these exchanges in Court where-in I confronted/challenged Magistrate White about the legislation changes and how that meant 'No Crime', etc, and had he addressed that in his 'Verdict' that he refused/failed to read onto the record, etc, etc, etc...(indeed, the whole 'Trial' process was so extraordinary that it was TBW who used the term "bizarre trial"-ED)...indeed, it was exactly that "bizarre"...again, all of these documents/articles are supplied in those earlier posts...

And if that ain't enough 'bizarreness' for ya's, please to read again all of my efforts to have this stuff addressed by the new Liberal Attorney-General Vicki Chapman...(and/or the Dept of Corrections-Ed)...yeah, them too...(and the Crown Solicitor's bizarrely anonymous and bordering-on unhinged 'Threat Letters' also from April 2018-Ed)...sure, all of that...(and SAPol's sudden recent flurry of intimidation and threats and harassment re those "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention (Suppression/Restraining) Orders handed down by the definably corrupt Magistrate White-Ed)...yep, all of that stuff is currently, well, current, but the most extraordinary thing amongst all of that extraordinariness, is that the Liberal AG Vicki Chapman clearly doesn't want to do anything about her Labor predecessor's outrageous corruption re those changes to the ICAC Act 2012...(hmmm, it is rather odd that AG Chapman, herself subjected to the ludicrous ICAC Act, doesn't want to act re your letters and explanation of the changes, etc-Ed)...sure, but even more 'bizarre' is that the Liberal Party, handed this definable corruption of their Labor opponents, fail/refuse to act on it...(well you're clearly forgetting the one truly bi-partisan issue in SA Parliament, the rank Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines SA Politics, eg, the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...not forgetting Ed, simply offering you the opportunity to state the bleedin' obvious...

As repeatedly stated and/or proven in this 'ere blog...(and why we're just so very popular with these rancidly corrupt clowns-Ed)...indeed, as proven, all of this rank corruption of my "bizarre trial", etc, it's all about the St Martins Cover-up and how that fundamentally defines this sad, sick State we live in, where children are a Pro-Paedophile Political Commodity being traded by all involved, the SA Parliament, SAPol, the Crown Solicitor, the Teachers Registration Board, the Courts, the Public Service, etc, etc, etc, et al...(Happy New Year!-Ed)...well quite, a truly sarcastic point very soundly made...and of course this Pro-Paedophile Corruption is evident in all levels of government, eg, Local Government...   

Tomorrow: An Angry Man Goes A' Bloggin'

(Mmm, wonder what that looks like-Ed)...nice one man, because obviously what it looks like is right there just above, and in the previous post...(and the one before that-Ed)...indeed...(and the one before that-Ed)...sure, but don't labour the point mate...(sorry, but I do fully appreciate just how badly this affects you, daily, and yet you remain committed to gettin'-up again and goin' again, and still tryin' to bring some humour to it where appropriate, etc, etc-Ed)...and couldn't do it without ya' mate...

And a big shout-out to y'all dear availees, and I am truly sorry if I remind you of you're own traumas and/or issues, etc, please talk to someone, call someone if it helps, but I am clearly just one of ya's just tryin' to ensure that we become a very rare occurrence in the not-too distant future...and never forget that, for all my faults and failings...(and they are legion-Ed)...indeed, but despite all that, the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of Nick Fletcher is a clinical study in the the fundamental realities of what is very much still happening in SA, and I'd rather suffer through that persecution than know all this and just allow it to continue...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...