Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Mount Gambier Independent - 2018 In Review

Howdy y'all in France, Turkmenistan, Czechia, and Belarus...(and of course, 'Unknown Region'-Ed)...well of course 'Unknown Region', and also all dear availees here in Oz, and mildest apologies for the 8-9 day gap between posts but time just keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future...(so the song says-Ed)...anyhoos, welcome to TMGI for 2019, closing-in as we are on 6 years of this 'ere blog...(nooo?!-Ed)...yeah, in a coupla' weeks it'll be 6 years...(and what's changed in that time?-Ed)...unfortunately, not much mate, not much...(well it's no wonder then that we seem to keep trawling over the same old ground-Ed)...well indeed...and the most fundamental non-change is the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, starting in 2002, going strong over 16 years later, and involving the complicit collusion of SAPol (police), Labor Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill and literally every local/state politician you care to name, the rankly corrupt Crown Solicitor, the equally corrupt Teachers Registration Board, etc, etc, et al, as supported by a complicitly corrupt media, eg, The Border Watch, the ABC, The Advertiser, et al...(and not forgetting the extraordinary Pro-Paedophile corruption evidenced in the proven "Malicious Prosecution" of your "bizarre trial"-Ed)...well indeed, the official continuation of the official attacks on parents who have tried to get action against "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins School...

It'll come as no surprise to regular availees that I don't 'celebrate' New Year anymore, and haven't for quite some time...('celebrate' what exactly?-Ed)...well quite, I see no change and therefore no genuine reason to leap about yahooing about the value of some arbitrary mark on the calendar...(well that and all the Agoraphobia stuff, you know, not leaving the house, etc-Ed)...oh well yeah, of course there's that...I also openly acknowledge how jaded and cynical I can be around these 'issues', but there's a basic reality to that cynicism, eg, how do we have the money for $$$millions of fireworks whilst 1,000s are sleeping on the streets, etc...(yeah, no criticism of those who work hard to organise Mt Gambier's li'l New Years shindig, but how's about a few less whizzy-bang lights and instead some proper Mental Health and Drug/Alcohol Services in Mt Gambier?-Ed)...well exactly, but properly funded Medical Services, etc, are clearly not the responsibility of a volunteer group trying to bring a bit a' joy to Mt Gambier kiddies, etc...(my point exactly-Ed)...sure, but I'd rather see 'Mt Gambier' actually act to protect kids from the Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines Mt Gambier/South Australia...(a reasonable point in itself-Ed)...and one that I rather I didn't need to make...

And as for this farcically corrupt Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission...(what, the FCARC that refused to look at the St Martins Cover-up, rejecting families submissions and then failing/refusing to ask the Lutherans a single question?-Ed)...yeah, that's the one...if anything, I see the Pro-Paedophile nature of Australian politics just getting worse, officially hiding behind this FCARC, the exact same way that the rancidly Pro-Paedophile South Australian Parliament hides behind repeated 'Child Abuse Royal Commissions'...research for ya'selves the current situation about the rank failures of the FCARC, eg, no-one's actually gone to gaol, the 'Redress Scheme' has dealt with only 24 people out of many thousands...(and of course, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up just rolls merrily along-Ed)...indeed, and not least of all, with the full support of the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White who ruled in February 2017 that there is no such thing as the St Martins Cover-up...(was that after he refused to allow you to present or even speak to your 100 Document "Malicious Prosecution" submission?-Ed)...that's the one, said 'no evidence of a Cover-up', and simultaneously tried to set me up for bogus 'Defamation Action' by carefully cherry-picking a coupla' tiny fragments from that 100 Documents whilst ignoring the rest...(whatta' a li'l champ-Ed)...     

And most of this 'ere blog this year just passed/past has been dedicated to that extraordinary Pro-Paedophile "bizarre trial", and in that context I offer/request dear availees to go back and review for ya'selves all of the things covered...I refer to some specific bizarrenesses like the absolutely extraordinary 'Addenda' of March 2018 and the related posts...the provably corrupt Magistrate Ian White tried to ignore the 'unlawful' changes to the ICAC Act 2012 that I exposed in my Final Submission of 21st February 2018, until he and those changes were 'outed' in the media...this all occurred across March-April-May 2018 and is covered in posts from that time...(are they still there? remember several posts just disappeared completely from the blog around late April 2018-Ed)...indeed they did Ed, but the ones that remain do cover this very briefly summarise, in February 2018 I quite accidentally discovered that My Besty And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander and the then Labor Attorney General li'l Johnny Rau changed the ICAC Act 2012, via SA Parliament, and in a manner designed to allow me to be prosecuted...(do the quick timeline thingy-Ed)...sure...

On May 7th/8th 2014 SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch raided my home, stating that I had breached the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, and I went to the South East Community Legal Service with the one-page photo-copy of Section 56 that SAPol had given me...I asked SECLS if they were even allowed to talk to me relative to the 'bizarre Secrecy Provisions' of ICAC Act Section 56...I'll never forget the bemused look on the lawyer's face when I asked that question, then they read Section 56, then they looked at me again, then they read it through again, and then they agreed that it might be best to write to my mate Bruce and ask for some clarification about certain issues...(like, what the shreck does "tending to suggest" actually mean-Ed)...indeed, just some of the bizarrely undefinable wording of Section 56...(and were they, the lawyers, even allowed to speak to you, their client-Ed)...yeah, that's a beauty, and I believe was eventually specifically changed in later 'Amendments' to the ICAC Act, possibly in 2016 I think...but anyoos, my Legal Eagles at SECLS wrote to ICAC Comm Lander, who initially responded with 'you're his lawyers, you explain it to him', meaning that SECLS wrote a second time, resulting in Comm Lander's official written 'Authorisation...all of these letters/documents are supplied in those February-May 2018 posts and/or the 'Re-posted Posts' of a few weeks later (March?)...

Also supplied, the relevant SAPol Prosecution's email that proves I still hadn't been 'Charged' by SAPol weeks after that exchange of letters, and the stuff from the Parliamentary Hansard record from October/November 2018 that directly quotes those SECLS letters, etc...(and then of course your "bizarre trial" began in February 2015 without you being 'Charged' or even Summonsed-Ed)...indeed...this very specifically documented chronology clearly proves that ICAC Comm Bruce Lander and Attorney-General John Rau and SAPol were corruptly complicit in changing the ICAC Act 2012 specifically to prosecute me, and then very deliberately didn't officially 'Charge' me so as to avoid this reality and the associated reality that therefore, what I was eventually 'Convicted' of in February-April 2018, was in fact not actually a 'Crime' when I was raided, etc, in May 2014...even if y'all have already read that stuff, please to be going back and reading it all again...(and don't just read it, bathe luxuriously in the milky goodness of just exactly what that proves-Ed)...indeed, and if not actually bathe, 'cos that does sound a li'l bit wrong, just dwell uponst...("uponst"?-Ed)...whatevs, just pause to reflect...    

Pause to accept that if I achieved nothing else in 2018, I conclusively proved just exactly how corrupt ICAC Comm Bruce Lander is...

(Well certainly corrupt enough to knowingly change his own legislation so as to prosecute you-Ed)...absolutely...and baked into that same juicy proof, just how corrupt li'l Johnny Rau is/was...(and of course, proof of the collusion between SAPol, Bruce, and li'l Johnny-Ed)...and of course, it's the 100% Proof that just keeps on giving, because it also fundamentally shows just how corrupt Magistrate Ian White is/was in my "bizarre trial"...(well sure, when you carefully explained this to him, in writing, he initially tried to ignore it, then when forced to, acknowledged it but blamed you for not explaining it to him properly-Ed)...indeed, truly farcical, and only trumped by his even more farcical finding that I was 'Guilty' anyway...basically, as best I can figure out, he's found me 'Guilty' of/under some bastardised version of 'Defamation Law'...(but what you were actually 'Tried' for, that wasn't actually a 'Crime' when you did it?-Ed), that's a fundamental reality that he tried to ignore, then acknowledged but dismissed as irrelevant, and 'Convicted' me anyways...(wow-Ed)...

And of course the Mt Gambier media have ruthlessly exposed his rank corruption and/or incompetence with a series of blisteringly accurate exposés...(haha, nice one man-Ed)...well quite, the bias against me is fundamentally defined by the reality that local journalists from both The Border Watch newspaper and the ABC were directed by their bosses to not talk to me...(mmm, and you know that how?-Ed)...they told me when I tried to talk to them...(wow-Ed)...indeed, but the 'Trial' was so full-on "bizarre" that even TBW identified these exchanges in Court where-in I confronted/challenged Magistrate White about the legislation changes and how that meant 'No Crime', etc, and had he addressed that in his 'Verdict' that he refused/failed to read onto the record, etc, etc, etc...(indeed, the whole 'Trial' process was so extraordinary that it was TBW who used the term "bizarre trial"-ED)...indeed, it was exactly that "bizarre"...again, all of these documents/articles are supplied in those earlier posts...

And if that ain't enough 'bizarreness' for ya's, please to read again all of my efforts to have this stuff addressed by the new Liberal Attorney-General Vicki Chapman...(and/or the Dept of Corrections-Ed)...yeah, them too...(and the Crown Solicitor's bizarrely anonymous and bordering-on unhinged 'Threat Letters' also from April 2018-Ed)...sure, all of that...(and SAPol's sudden recent flurry of intimidation and threats and harassment re those "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention (Suppression/Restraining) Orders handed down by the definably corrupt Magistrate White-Ed)...yep, all of that stuff is currently, well, current, but the most extraordinary thing amongst all of that extraordinariness, is that the Liberal AG Vicki Chapman clearly doesn't want to do anything about her Labor predecessor's outrageous corruption re those changes to the ICAC Act 2012...(hmmm, it is rather odd that AG Chapman, herself subjected to the ludicrous ICAC Act, doesn't want to act re your letters and explanation of the changes, etc-Ed)...sure, but even more 'bizarre' is that the Liberal Party, handed this definable corruption of their Labor opponents, fail/refuse to act on it...(well you're clearly forgetting the one truly bi-partisan issue in SA Parliament, the rank Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines SA Politics, eg, the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...not forgetting Ed, simply offering you the opportunity to state the bleedin' obvious...

As repeatedly stated and/or proven in this 'ere blog...(and why we're just so very popular with these rancidly corrupt clowns-Ed)...indeed, as proven, all of this rank corruption of my "bizarre trial", etc, it's all about the St Martins Cover-up and how that fundamentally defines this sad, sick State we live in, where children are a Pro-Paedophile Political Commodity being traded by all involved, the SA Parliament, SAPol, the Crown Solicitor, the Teachers Registration Board, the Courts, the Public Service, etc, etc, etc, et al...(Happy New Year!-Ed)...well quite, a truly sarcastic point very soundly made...and of course this Pro-Paedophile Corruption is evident in all levels of government, eg, Local Government...   

Tomorrow: An Angry Man Goes A' Bloggin'

(Mmm, wonder what that looks like-Ed)...nice one man, because obviously what it looks like is right there just above, and in the previous post...(and the one before that-Ed)...indeed...(and the one before that-Ed)...sure, but don't labour the point mate...(sorry, but I do fully appreciate just how badly this affects you, daily, and yet you remain committed to gettin'-up again and goin' again, and still tryin' to bring some humour to it where appropriate, etc, etc-Ed)...and couldn't do it without ya' mate...

And a big shout-out to y'all dear availees, and I am truly sorry if I remind you of you're own traumas and/or issues, etc, please talk to someone, call someone if it helps, but I am clearly just one of ya's just tryin' to ensure that we become a very rare occurrence in the not-too distant future...and never forget that, for all my faults and failings...(and they are legion-Ed)...indeed, but despite all that, the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of Nick Fletcher is a clinical study in the the fundamental realities of what is very much still happening in SA, and I'd rather suffer through that persecution than know all this and just allow it to continue...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...   

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