Monday, January 21, 2019

And You Thought Mt Gambier City Council Couldn't Get Any More Corrupt

(Well I hope you're not talking to me, because I think that MGCC have an infinite capacity for corruption-Ed)...well ok, sure...(as evidenced by their relentless Nepotism and/or Insider Trading and/or Conflict of Interest breaches and/or straight-out Theft and/or Lies and Deceits and Manipulations with issues like the Main Corner, the Library, the Old Hospital Demolition and associated Rail Lands debasco (debacle meets fiasco), the Blue Lake Lights, the Tourism Mt Gambier funding, the Indoor Pool farce, etc, etc, ad infinitum-Ed)...again, sure...(and all as supported, protected, excused and empowered by the rankly corrupt SA Independent Commission Against Corruption-Ed)...certainly doesn't help matters...(or as we have borrowed and now like to call it, the Insidious Commissioner Assisting Corruption, as run by our mate, our Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Comm Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander-Ed)...yeah, it really does somewhat complicate matters when the supposed official monitor/enforcer is the official motivator/enabler...

And howdy to y'all dear availees from Singapore, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Vietnam, and Brazil...(and to y'all else elsewhere-Ed)...indeed, and all regular availees will be well aware of the details of the issues described above...(well MGCC Deputy Mayor Sonya Mezinec oughtta' avail herself of this 'ere blog then, because she was on the ABC South East Radio this morning, lying through her teeth about the Pool/Recreation Centre funding, and particularly lying about the massive cost blow-out on the Main Corner Project-Ed)...yeah, but was she knowingly lying or just belligerently ignorant of the truth and simply regurgitating the deceits that others at/on MGCC have loaded her up with?...(what's the difference? she's the Deputy Mayor making deeply deceitful statements on public radio, whilst pushing the rankly corrupt MGCC's agenda-Ed)...sorry, did you say "Deputy Mayor"?...(twice-Ed)...oh gourd, Lynette Martin as Mayor and her as Deputy...(yep-Ed)...I spent years listening to her at MGCC Full Meetings, an absolute automaton spewing forth relentless jargonistic rhetoric about "activating precincts" and "connective synergies" and "blahhhhhhhhhhh"...we'll cover this specific Rec Centre stuff and associated MGCC Liefest tomorrow in a specific post, 'cos today we're just gunna' cover some of their other rank corruptionings...(yay-Ed)... 

Various incarnations of MGCC have long been notorious for deciding issues on a mutually beneficial basis, usually by getting together privately and/or having private chats in the carpark, etc, and these practices have repeatedly been reported, even in the rankly complicit The Border Watch newspaper...(sure, MGCC is well known for holding private meetings outside of official Full Meetings or even Committee Meetings, deliberately excluding those who are not in the corrupt core-group, and deciding issues based-on who on Council gets to profit, etc, to the extent that projects are approved or canned almost solely on their potential to benefit Councillors-Ed) on, but the 'new' MGCC has taken this to a whole new level, holding increasing numbers of 'Secret Meetings' via the medium of semi-official 'Workshops' that the public are not allowed to attend...('the public', or just you?-Ed) no, The Public en masse...already the 'new MGCC' have held several of these 'Workshops', not least of all to choose an 'Interim CEO' to replace the outgoing rankly corrupt Mark McShane...(and isn't that dude currently the 'Interim CEO' over at the equally dodgy Grant District Council?-Ed)...yep, that be he, Graeme Maxwell..(wow-Ed)...and he's obviously either as corrupt as those he's 'Interim Interning' for, or he's a naive dunce blissfully unawares of the rancid corruption swirling around him...(well, there's nothing like giving him the benefit of the doubt-Ed) is what it is mate, and so from that Secret Meeting to this...

And yes you've read that correctly...(well you sir have read my mind, because I was gunna' say how is that right? and then, where to start?-Ed)...well indeed...(so the QEPT membership is comprised from MGCC and the MG Chamber of Commerce?-Ed)...yep...(but MGCC itself has multiple MGCofC members as Councillors, including Mayor Lynette Martin-Ed)...and that's just one aspect of the almost incestuous relationships within MGCC, the MGCofC, and the self-appointed but Ratepayer-funded Tourism Mt Gambier group, itself added to MGCofC as a 'tax-dodging sub-committee' after the rankly corrupt MGCC funding approval process...(so MGCC, largely consisting of MGCofC members, is gunna' decide in a secret meeting what happens with the QEPT as run by the MGCC and MGCofC?-Ed)...has decided, but yeah, you got it...(ugh, my head hurts-Ed)...oh it gets better...(why do you do that?-Ed)...not my fault, it just gets more 'incestuous'...(ok, tell me then-Ed)...well, I have done extensive 'Googlings' to try and find out who the current QEPT Members are, but it's clouded in best I've managed to ascertain, it was until recently Chaired by former MGC Councillor (2010-14) and fellow-failed Mayoral candidate (2014) Allen Smith, but I think he's now gone...(wasn't it previously run by notorious MGC Councillor 'Swervin' Merv White?-Ed)...yes, yes it was, charming individual...

Now, as stated, I've had to ask-around as to the current composition of the QEPT Board because of the absence/vagueness of info on the Interweb and/or MGCC and/or MGCofC sites, etc...(why not just ring MGCC and ask?-Ed)...well, given 1) my "reprehensibly vile" politically-motivated Pro-Paedophile Persecution Final Intervention (Suppression/Restraining) Orders, and 2) that SAPol are currently constantly harassing and threatening me about those FIOs, etc, it is potentially 'illegal' for me to attend or even contact MGCC or even get someone to do it for me...(yeah, I can see your point-Ed)...however, it is my understanding that the QEPT apparently/currently includes recently retired (2018) MGC Councillor Des Mutton...(wasn't it his son Lachlan who was handed free-of-charge the Main Corner/Town Hall Function Facility with $1m Commercial Kitchen?-Ed)...yeah, that's them, classic MGCC corruption...and also apparently on QEPT is current MGCC '$200kpa Manager' Judy Nagy...(is she the one that MGCC specifically created a position for after she was dumped by UniSA?-Eed)...that's her...(created for her a completely superfluous $200kpa job then employed her without conducting any appropriate advertising and/or recruitment process?-Ed)...yep and yep...(wow, now that's some Rolled-Gold Nepotism right there-Ed)...indeed, and put her onto the QEPT Trust as well...

I have a coupla' other names but I'm not sure about them so I'll just skip them, but one I am sure about and the one that really brings it on home for me is a certain Mr Colin Martin...(wow, what a coincidence-Ed)...what is?...(well MGCC Mayor Lynette Martin has a husband called Colin-Ed)...really Ed? really? a coincidence?...(yeah, what are the odds?-Ed)...well I'd say the odds are very, very good...(obviously-Ed)...I'd say that the odds are very, very good given that MGCC Mayor Lynette Martin has a husband called Colin who is the Chair of the QEPT...(ahhhhhh, right-Ed)...yes, right...(so the Mayor's spouse is the Chair of the QEPT?-Ed)...yep...(oh dear-Ed)...nah, that's fine...(just fine-Ed)...but if even that wasn't enough for ya's, cop this, there were at least 2 other 'Workshops' held in January 2019, namely a Local Government Assoc one, and one for the CAP...(the CAP? isn't that just a re-badged Development Assessment Panel (DAP), now called the Council Assessment Panel?-Ed)...yep...(I don't follow, other than your point that the public are excluded, effectively rendering these Secret Meetings-Ed)...fair enough, but read this...

(Well animal/pet management is quite important, even if the costs seem quite exorbitant-Ed)...yeah, and?...(not sure about the RSL Rates Rebate stuff, that's a lot of money for Ratepayers to stump-up but the RSL is important but there are issues of RSL mismanagement, etc, it's a tough one-Ed)...yeah yeah, and...(and I don't have a problem with some support for the Brass Band thingy, although again it does seem like a lot-Ed)...yeah nah, I was referring specifically to that very last paragraph, the bit snuck-in right at the end about the CAP...(mmm, 'Council will also vote'...sorry, hang on, is that 'Mr Ian Von Stanke', is that the same Ian Von Stanke who was a MGCC Councillor from 2010-2018?-Ed) bet...(the same MGC Councillor Ian Von Stanke who came to your home with a 'Defamation Threat Letter' in April 2011, an act of direct intimidation/threat/harassment of a private citizen, and as repeatedly ignored/excused by MGCC CEOs Greg Muller and Mark McShane?-Ed)...yep, that Ian Von Stanke...(and who was officially 'un-elected' only months ago as a failed candidate in the November 2018 Local Government Elections?-Ed)...why look so surprised, this is the rankly corrupt MGCC we're talking about, of course they've appointed one of their own to this supposedly 'Independent Panel'...(OMG served with a healthy slice of WTF?-Ed)...yeah, they've appointed Ian Von Stanke as Presiding Member of the CAP, as ratified/carried at MGCC's Full Meeting of 15th January 2019...(I thought you were 'Suppressed/Restrained' from attending anything even vaguely MGCC?-Ed)'s in the official Minutes...(ah, clever-Ed)...well yes and no, because the rankly corrupt MGCC have demonstrated a proclivity for altering Minutes to suit their need/wants...(mmm, yeah, fair point-Ed)...

And now's there some absolute kerfuffle about MGCC suddenly blocking a Mt Gambier Bowls Club from erecting some shade cloth, after the club has done all sorts of work, organised funding, been partly 'approved', etc, and Ian Von Stanke is President of that club...(ah come on, now you're just making shizzle-up-Ed) I ain't, and from my perspective it looks as though this a cost-saving exercise by MGCC, but it's not immediately clear what exactly is going on here...(well I think the public response I've heard that MGCC has royally screwed-over the club involved, and right at the last hurdle, etc, that all seems fairly clear to me-Ed)...indeed, and Public Feedback is entirely relevant, but I'm trying to gleen the official reality from MGCC Minutes and/or The Border Watch...(oh well, good luck with that-Ed) point exactly...dear availees, I will continue to pursue this issue and try to suss-it out properly...wish me luck, yeah?... 

Tomorrow: The Latest Pool/Recreation Centre Deceits And Manipulations

(Or, 'It's Only Ratepayer's Money'-Ed)...indeed...Federal and State contributions, when and if they actually happen, are set to only reach $25m of the proposed ludicrous $40m project, so Mt Gambier Ratepayers are set to be on the hook for at least $15m...(and that's if the costs don't blow-out massively like every other project MGCC touches-Ed)...and hence the "at least" bit because MGCC managed to mismanage, be that orchestrated corruption or just incremental incompetence, they bungled the Main Corner and Library projects to cost blow-outs of "at least" 100%...(and that's the stuff Sonya Mezinec was blatantly lying about on the ABC this morning?-Ed)...blatantly/ignorantly/whatevs, but yes, absolute lies, including the extraordinary dual-edged lie that MGCC will somehow just find another $5m, just like that, most likely borrowed, and then somehow they'll pay it back but Council Rates won't go up as a result...(yeah right!-Ed)...and also including deceits about 'Council savings' and 'Council's excellent financial position', etc...(wow-Ed)...indeed,'wow-ful' to the point of woeful...(ah, witty Wilde-Ed)...and I haven't even mentioned the small fortune that MGCC have poured into the embarrassing Rail Lands, yet still haven't built the promised huge Sound Shell or extensive Covered Plaza area or even renovated the iconic Old Rail Station...(well best you do mention it then-Ed)...just did...(dah, clever-Ed)...indeed, not always witty and clever, but at least we try... 

And if y'all think I'm just takin' random pot-shots at poor ol' Grant District Council, is there any better example of the catastrophic effect that the complicit corruption of Grant District and/or Mt Gambier City Councils has than the deeply corrupt Retail/Commercial and Rural Living/Residential Re-zonings of the previously slated Industrial Zone on Millicent Rd, re-zoning involving the land owner and serving Grant District Councillor Brenton James, re-zoning that has destroyed appropriate potential Industrial development in Mt Gambier, directly threatening the Water Catchment, etc, etc...(and of course that process involved the deeply complicit MGCC and Labor Minister Paul Holloway changing zonings within Mt Gambier and then moving the City/District boundaries, etc, etc, etc-Ed)...definably complicit and mutually beneficial corruption...(and didn't current Federal Liberal Member for Barker, Tony Pasin, a MGC Councillor at the time, didn't he also benefit directly from specifically preferential and extremely profitable 're-zoning' done as part of that process?-Ed)...indeed he did mate, indeed he did...(but that's ok because he's a Liberal Member of Parliament-E)...cynically succinct mate, and witheringly accurate...

I am Nick Fletcher and just the other day I was apparently 'trending' in the Twitterverse, a li'l bit...(really?-Ed)...well I was being discussed on Twitter, but in positive and supportive terms, and there was a link through to this 'ere blog, etc...(well, maybe not quite 'trending', but still-Ed)...that's what I reckon, better than nothing, which is incidentally what I'm still getting from SA Liberal Attorney-General Vicki Chapman, the Dept of Corrections, SAPol (police), the Fines Dept, etc, etc, et attempts to 'Appeal' my rankly corrupt 'Conviction' by the definably corrupt Magistrate Ian White, all of that is still in a quite deliberate limbo courtesy of a wholly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt 'system' steadfastly refusing to expose itself to it's own stinky realities as evidenced in the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of Nick Fletcher...having said that, cheers and laters...

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