Monday, January 14, 2019

Mathias Cormann, Nearly Corrupt Enough To Be On Mt Gambier City Council

Howdy dear availees everywhere, just a quick venting of the ol' spleen...(well, one would never have guessed given the title for this 'ere post-Ed)...yeah, well I was gunna' go with, And You Thought Mt Gambier City Council Couldn't Get Any More Corrupt, but then events intervened and my mate Matthias showed us all what true corruption and avarice and self-interest and hypocrisy and gross indifference to the plight of Taxpayers/Ratepayers really is...and I am of course applying my personal standard/definition of 'Corruption' here because I believe that Mathias's mates in the Liberal Party are all saying 'no probs mate' with his latest li'l stunt...(yeah, sure, but by any standard/definition, what he has done is a gross hypocrisy from a Liberal/National government who routinely, dare I say it, addictively screech abuse at and/or about what a scurrilous burden the unemployed and/or pensioners, etc, are on good law-abiding Taxpayers-Ed)...well indeed...(whilst doing deals with/for their mates/donors, etc, and simultaneously rorting their Taxpayer-funded expense accounts, etc, etc-Ed)...I'm surprised they've actually got any energy or time left to govern...

And here I'd like to open with a bit of something that bobbed-up on my Facebook thingy...(I didn't know you use Facebook-Ed)...well I don't, but my tech-support hooked me up aways back and I intermittently check what's happening, and today I ran into a lovely piece about former PM Tony Abbott, again mouthing-off about the unemployed, and the writer observed that Tony, mate, is the biggest 'unemployed' person in the country, getting paid over $200kpa, plus over $500kpa expenses, etc, for doing absolutely squat...(well except for his relentless, rancid Right-wing mouthing-off-Ed)...well sure, but that's just Tony, that's just him being the deplorable person that he is, it doesn't justify or excuse the massive financial burden he is on us Taxpayers who pay for everything, including the horrendously massive Superannuation/Retirement funding he gets...(well I for one am surprised at your surprise, the Liberal/National Party have clearly defined themselves as nasty, reactionary, and deliberately divisive hypocrites who are only too happy to attack the unemployed and/or vulnerable about what a burden they/we are, whilst themselves relentlessly rorting the public dollar, rootin' the staff, etc-Ed)...well quite, and is there any greater hypocrisy than having this appalling bigot, who called Australia an "empty country", as the Special Envoy for Indigenous Affairs...(wow-Ed)...

And as appalling as literally every word is that excretes itself out of Tony's leering, smirking, sneering smear of a maw, equally appalling is the Not One Bloody Word from Prime Minister Scott 'Scummo' Morrison about the disastrous condition of the Darling River and associated fish die-offs, etc...(all of which is clearly caused 'upstream' by the wholesale diversion of water for industrial scale cotton production and/or other agro-industry, etc-Ed)...indeed, and largely thanks to the cynically self-serving conduct of the farcical 'Special Envoy for Drought', the atrocious Barnaby Joyce...(more like 'Special Envoy for Jumpin' The Help'-Ed)...well indeed, but he's hardly the only National Party stooge to cheat on his wife whilst bellowing about their belief in 'traditional marriage', eg, the ever-charming Andrew 'Sugar Daddy' Broad...(and now there's further chatter about another Nat cheating on their wife, but who apparently cannot be named for 'legal reasons', but it's being reported that 'he has little to be proud of'-Ed)...well quite, but we digress...

Scummo* only commented when specifically asked, and even today David Littleproud, Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources is still trying to defer away from the realities with waffle about a 'changing environment', repeating Scummo's ludicrous statement that "nothing will change until it rains", and then announcing a bizarre $5million grant for researching fish die-offs, money he's taking from the Murray-Darling Plan funding...(but, doesn't that money therefore already go toward such issues as water quality and fish die-offs?-Ed)...well exactly, and the interviews I've seen/heard recently on the ABC on this issue would seem to confirm widespread concerns that the ABC is increasingly soft, bordering on pathetic when it comes to holding the Liberals to account...the Liberal/National Party are bleating about how this outrageous destruction of one of our nation's major river systems is all due to 'drought'...(bollocks! it's the relentless theft of water upstream, with illegal diversions exacerbating ludicrous 'allowances' for Cubby Station, etc-Ed)...well exactly, some of these fish are 100+ years old and have dealt with multiple droughts, etc, it's clearly our greed and our actions...(abso-bloody-lutely-Ed)...and yet nothing from 'Scummo' about that, no, instead we get a jingoistic big-brother barrow-load a' bullshit about forcing Local Councils to do Citizenship Ceremonies on Australia Day...
(*Scummo - the widely used hilarious re-working of Scomo, Scotty's street-smart name for himself)

(But most Councils already do these ceremonies on January 26th, and several other times a year to boot-Ed)...well quite...(and Citizenship Day is sometime in September-Ed)...indeed, 17th September, and that's why it defines itself as a farcical stunt from someone who just can't help himself...and when questioned about his motivations, he cuts-loose with faux outrage about, 'I can't even raise an issue without getting attacked'...he is absolutely pathetic, can't govern, therefore must stunt...and so I'll say it again, January 26th is Invasion Day, it is the day that us non-Aboriginal peoples, that we officially stole this land from the people who were already living here for a conservatively estimated 50,000 years...and so I'll say this again also; whilst I live on a 'poverty-level' Disability Support Pension and in Public Housing, etc, I live a life of relatively extraordinary privilege and luxury for being born a White Man in a Stolen Land...and I think that segues rather beautifully into 2 issues, namely, 1) the current Mexican Wall issues in the USofA, and 2) the ludicrous carry-on from our government about moving our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, thusly parroting the USofA's move...(well you'll have to explain to me how these things are related-Ed)...surely sir...Donald Trump has justified moving the USofA embassy by stating that 'the Jews/Israelis were there first', a position quietly supported by Scott Morrison, who insists his own hard-core Pentecostal Christian 'faith' has nothing to do with it...(yeah sure, but what's the connection you identify?-Ed)...well, I'd suggest that both men should be rather careful about attributing/justifying Ownership Rights on a 'They Were Here First' basis...(how so?-Ed)...

Well, obviously and as previously stated, here in Oz us non-Aboriginal peoples have very recently stolen this country from the people already living here for over 50,000 years...(well sure, and did it with murder and poison and imprisonment and slavery and genocide, all the good stuff, and 250 years is sure-as-shreck nuthin' up against 50,000, and I can definitely see how it does relate directly to the 'Here First' debate, but how does it relate to Donald's Wall?-Ed)...well the Orange Roughy* wants to build his precious bloody wall along a border that is in many places if not entirely, on land taken from Mexico by the USofA after the 1846-48 Mexico/USofA War...(ah, so you're saying that Donald wants to build a wall to keep Mexicans out of what is, by his own definition, actually Mexico-Ed), partially Mexico and the rest First Nation indigenous 'Indians'...and that takes us back to Israel/Palestine...(whaaa?! slow down! how?-Ed)...well, with the 'violent unrest' that erupted following Trump's announcement of moving the USofA Embassy to Jerusalem, a unilateral decision/announcement that takes a massive dump on the Two-State solution, many of the 55-58 Palestinians killed were approaching a fence built by the Israelis on Palestinian land...(man, I hate all this shizzle about which bit of dirt belongs to whom and why, etc-Ed)...sure, I agree, but that's how it is, and the reality is that many of the Palestinians were killed for approaching a fence/wall built through Palestine by Israel...(sooo, therefore, they were killed by Israel whilst actually still in Palestine?-Ed) on, killed by Israel whilst still in Palestine as defined by Israel's own bloody fence...(wow-Ed)...      (*Orange Roughy - a species of fish)

So you see, it's all quite self-evident and simultaneously irrefutable once you look at the bleedin'  obvious...(I never cease to be amazed at your capacity for 1) spottin' the bleedin' obvious, and then 2) claiming it as your own-Ed)...well cheers mate, but as some availees have stated to me, it's my proven ability to clearly and specifically define fundamental aspects of arguments/issues/debates/whatevs, it is that ability/style that endears me to them...(ok, I can see that, I s'pose there is a certain skill/style to ferretting-out some of this stuff and explaining it such that others are informed/enlightened-Ed)...absolutely, and as for the rest of it, eg, my Pro-Paedophile "bizarre trial" and the associated collusion and corruption between the ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander, Labor's Attorney General li'l Johnny Rau, SA Parliament both Labor and Liberal, and SAPol, and Magistrate Ian White, and the Crown Solicitor, etc, etc, et al, all that stuff is all so mind-bogglingly self-evident as rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Collusion, that I don't need to 'ferret-out' anything...(well quite, all you need do is accurately recount the actual events and behaviours of all involved, and the gross corruption is immediately evident-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, and yet, there are still those who flatly refuse to see those realities, those whom find it far easier and/or expedient to blame and abuse me...    

And Vainly In The Same Vein:..and yes I did mean 'vain' in it's egomanic context, because the immensely self-impressed Donald Trump, has specifically and repeatedly identified 3-4 crimes/murders that he states justify his extraordinary Man-baby Tantrum of shutting-down the government, with all the suffering that entails for government employees, etc, for the sake of a 'Wall' he stated that Mexico would actually pay for, and won't stop drugs being trafficked into the USofA, etc, yet not one bloody mention of the hundreds of people killed in the past 12 months as a result of almost daily multiple-fatality shootings...(shootings largely perpetrated by White USofA citizens using 'legal guns'-Ed)...yep, not one bloody word about that because it doesn't suit his agenda of fear-mongering and bigotry and finding others to blame, etc, his core strategy when it comes to appealing to his 'base support'...(which includes the National Rifle Assoc-Ed) here's the USofA President, absolutely prepared to misappropriate and manipulate the trauma and suffering of families to promote his agenda and justify his related disgusting selfishness...

And whilst not quite as abhorrent as Donald's soulless bastardry in using these crimes/murders for his own twisted agenda, the words "disgusting selfishness" sheet-home snugly when it comes to my mate Mathias's li'l $37,000 Private Jet effort recently...(well it was June 2018, but I take your point, the initial motivation and subsequent defense of that extraordinary expenditure are both "disgusting selfishness"-Ed)...well quite, Dan Tehan's bizarre defense of this incident is ludicrous, 'I'm sure most Australians are pleased to hear that Mathias is working so hard for them'...(wow-Ed)...but before we really set-sail on this particular event, let's just acknowledge that it ain't the first time he's done this, also previously using a 'private jet' to fly himself and a coupla' Liberal colleagues back from Perth to Canberra...(it's only money-Ed)...well quite, but even more typical of Mathias, is the notorious Cigar-gate incident with then Treasurer Joe Hockey...(ah yeah, when our mate Matty and Smokin' Joe were photographed in a Parliament House courtyard grinning broadly and puffing on massive cigars, literally hours after handing down a budget that slashed funding/services for millions of Australians-Ed)...and shortly thereafter Joe was rushed out of the country to be USofA ambassador...(super-Ed)...

And now (June 2018) of course we have Mathias Cormann using an airforce jet to fly from Canberra to Adelaide to spruik his then proposed Tax Cuts to a coupla' SA cross-benchers...(didn't that proposed Tax Cut stuff fail/collapse?-Ed)...indeed it did, but that's not really the point, here's several others far more relevant...1) why did Matty need to speak directly to those cross-benchers face-to-face? why not just phone them?...(well call me a cynic, but it immediately occurs to me that Matty wanted have those discussions in a context where no-one could be listening-Ed)...well quite...(and I'd suggest that potentially indicates a desire/intent to threaten/bribe/extort/whatevs -Ed)...indeed, outrageous expenditure aside, it's extremely odd and screeches dodgy intent, content, and/or conduct...why did Mathias Cormann need to speak privately to these 2 cross-benchers?...and 2) why couldn't it wait several days until they were all back in Canberra anyway?...(really?-Ed)...apparently, this could all have waited 2-3 days, or even just have been done by phonecalls...why did he have to fly a private jet to Adelaide?...(well in jest I'd suggest that it was so he could smoke a big fat cigar, as is his wanton habit, 'cos smoking's banned on commercial flights-Ed)...nice one...(and/or he just enjoys looking down on the people he's ripping-off-Ed)...another nice one...(but in all seriousness, I refer to my previous point about intent-Ed)...

And you're right Ed, there's something very, very suss about this, but all of those very questionable and dodgy variables aside, that one flight, that $37,000, that's slightly more than 2 Disability Support Pensioners get paid in an entire year...(wow-Ed)...indeed, we could have supported 2 DSP recipients for an entire year with that money...and that's where I personally cross the line into what defines 'Corrupt'...I personally believe what I've semi-joked about above, that Mathias had deeply problematic motivations that he wanted to keep from prying ears, but it still doesn't explain why it couldn't wait 2-3 days, and therefore it's the attitude that is most prominent's a Liberal government that relentlessly attacks 'vulnerable' people like me, DSP recipients and the unemployed and single mothers, etc, etc, as being a blight on the economy/country, yet when it suits him, Mathias Cormann will spend $37,000 on a single and wholly unnecessary private jet flight...(what a bloody disgrace-Ed) is a screeching hypocrisy committed with your money Taxpayers... 

(Well at least when Barnaby 'Cotton-Mouth' Joyce swans about the place in a private jet, he's not doing it at Taxpayer's expense-Ed)...errr, please explain...(well Barnaby gets to use mining magnate Gina Rinehart's personal private jet, remember?-Ed)...ah yes, of course, a few years back jetting around Asia on Gina's dollar...and of course it's just a complete coincidence that Barnaby then appears to act politically to benefit Gina financially...(well absolutely, it's more of a happy co-incidence that runs parallel to all of the other things Barnaby does to benefit his mates/donors/supporters-Ed)...well hurrah for Barnaby...

Tomorrow: And You Thought That Mt Gambier City Council Couldn't Get Any More Corrupt

(Yay, you are gunna' do that one after all-Ed)...well, it's not like I really have a choice, ay, MGCC's own increasingly corrupt conduct literally forces this stuff onto the electronic page...(you talking about the Recreation Hub 'Yes' vote?-Ed)...partly, but I'm more concerned about the increasing number of issues/business being hidden from Ratepayers...(you mean the increase in 'Closed Workshops' and 'Commercial Confidentiality', etc-Ed)...absolutely...MGCC has long been notorious for deciding issues outside of formal meetings and then Rubber Stamping those decisions in Full Meetings, etc, but this practice is being accelerated and compounded by the use of 'Workshops'...

Not Everyone's A Complete Bastard:...(sorry? am I on the right blog? this is still TMGI, yeah?-Ed)...shut it, I'd just like to close on a more positive note...(this should be good-Ed)...several months back (August 2018), whilst at the supermarket, and my (then) li'l leaky car was dripping all over the carpark, I was just at the checkout when I saw a rather rough looking individual with a plaited beard, etc, approach my car, briefly loiter, and then return to his blue ute-ish vehicle and drive off...I immediately, instinctively thought I knew what he was up-to, and returning to my car I was proven correct...(he was putting a note under your wiper about the leak wasn't he?-Ed)...absolutely he was...(and good on you unknown bearded sir-Ed)...absolutely, and I guarantee it ain't the first or last time that that dude has done something like that...(can't judge a book by it's cover-Ed)...well, sometimes you can, but often you can't...

Then, day after New Years Day 2019, I was cruising South on Bay Rd past the Blue Lake Cafe turn-off, when I encountered a couple stopped in the intersection in the North/City-bound lane, their twin-axled caravan, having jumped-off the tow-ball, was now dragging on the road by it's 2 safety chains...(ooo nasty-Ed)...I pulled-over in the side-street and went to offer help, and 2 Indian(?) tourists stopped, and a coupla' others, including a dude from McSomebody's Engineering with his work ute...(really? "McSomeBody's"?-Ed)...yeah, sorry, I couldn't read it properly from that angle, and before I could ask/check he'd left again, but I want to give him a special mention because he had several wood blocks and a steel pipe/bar he used to lever the heavy caravan into a position that the rest of us could then lift it back onto the tow-ball...(hooray!-Ed)...yep, it'd have been near impossible without the dude with the right tools for the job...kudos to all involved, whoevs y'all are...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and cheers and laters...      

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