Monday, January 28, 2019

Just More South Australian Pro-Paedophile Corruption

Howdy Jersey, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, and Vietnam, and welcome to TMGI...welcome also to y'all else out there in the Blogosphere...I had promised another 'Just How Corrupt is Mt Gambier City Council?' type of post today, but yet again circumstances have dictated otherwise...(ummm, where or what is Jersey? is that the USofA state?-Ed)...nooo, reckon that's New Jersey...(ah yes, of course-Ed)...Jersey is one of the islands in the English Channel, or roughly there abouts...(what, it moves does it?-Ed)...well no, not that I'm aware of, just not exactly sure where it is...(Interweb search it?-Ed)...if you must...(ummm, it's apparently the largest of the Channel islands, but is quite near Normandy, France-Ed)...well there you go...anyhoos, howdy to y'all, and welcome to a brief re-iteration of just a small part of South Australia's rich Pro-Paedophile inclinations and actionings...(we doing the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up again?-Ed)...not specifically, but the St Martins Cover-up is such a text-book case study into how Paedophiles and/or Pro-paedophile attitudes run SA, that it's bound to get at least a mention...(you mean like we just have, twice-Ed)...well indeed...

Just last week it was announced that "notorious" Paedophile Magistrate Peter Liddy may be out of gaol mid-2019 after serving his 18 year non-parole part of a 25 year sentence for multiple Child Abuse charges...(well I've got to say, given what we've experienced of SA's rankly corrupt Pro-Paedophile SAPol (police), Parliament, Public Prosecutors, Judiciary, etc, etc, et al, relative to the St Martins Cover-up, and the lengths that The System has gone to to protect "text-book grooming paedophile" Lutheran teacher Glyn Dorling, including attacking parents and in particular ya' good self, etc, etc, I'm still mildly amazed that Liddy did Day One of any sort of sentence, let alone a full 18 years-Ed)...a fascinating point well made sir...(it's almost as though he pissed-off the wrong people or wasn't in 'The Crew', something like that, or even that the evidence was so vast and so damning even a SA Court couldn't ignore it-Ed)...can't help you with that one mate, sorry, but just a coupla' things, namely 1) I'd hardly refer to myself as 'good', and 2) there's still a tonne of rancidly Pro-Paedophile corruption associated with the Liddy case...(well somehow I just knew there would be, it's SA after all-Ed)...indeed, and at the end of this li'l post we'll bring it right on home to the rancid Pro-Paedophile Corruption of my "bizarre trial" and the "reprehensibly vile" conduct of the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White and the change of ICAC legislation to prosecute me, etc, etc...(is it who I think it is?-Ed)...fair chance it is, but first this...

Regular availees and/or those familiar with the Liddy case will be well acquainted with the roles that 'murderer' and lawyer Eugene Magee and former Magistrate Bill Morris played in the story...Magee was Liddy's lawyer and Morris was Liddy's mate/protege...(and aren't they related somehow-Ed)...not in the 'familial' sense, but absolutely they are 'associates' and co-conspirators in the 'theft' of the Liddy assets...(argh yes, when the Court officially seized Liddy's property and assets to be sold and the money distributed to his victims as compensation-Ed)...exactly...(and then Magee immediately rang Morris and another lawyer who were literally at Liddy's estate, Shanandoah I think it is-Ed)...something like that, but yes Magee rang Morris...(and Magee directed Morris and his mate to remove many if not all antiques, etc, including multiple vintage guns-Ed)...that's correct, Magee, knowing that the Court had just seized those items for Liddy's victims, then told 2 other lawyers, Morris and his mate, to remove those items...they were literally bundled into the boot of a car, several times because of the amount of stuff...

And Magee is still a practicing lawyer and Morris was made a Magistrate not long there-after...(and didn't Magee 'murder' a cyclist in 2003, drunkenly running him over and then leaving the scene, then going to his brother's house, then the Magees drove back through the crash scene to a SAPol station where they knew the senior officer, and Magee wasn't even breathalized but they did blood test the dead cyclist, etc, etc?-Ed)...yeah yeah, all of that good stuff, there's plenty more on the Interweb...(you mean like the series of deeply corrupt State 'Inquiries' into Magee's conduct, including an official exoneration by the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal who reckon his conduct was not 'disreputable'-Ed)...indeed, here's a cut-'n'-paste from 2013...note it doesn't report the bit about Magee and his brother driving back through the crash scene without identifying himself, and Magee was 'arrested' by his SAPol mate many hours after that but not breathoed, etc...***  

New push to have hit-run driver, lawyer Eugene McGee punished

OPPOSITION MPs have used a 7000-signature petition to push for the case of hit-run lawyer Eugene McGee to be referred to the highest-ranking lawyers' disciplinary body.
The petition will be presented to State Parliament today and the Opposition has called on Attorney-General John Rau to use his powers to refer the case to the Legal Practitioners' Disciplinary Tribunal.
McGee was driving a car that hit and killed cyclist Ian Humphrey in 2003 on Kapunda Rd. He fled the scene but was arrested several hours later.
McGee was charged with causing death by dangerous driving but after lengthy legal proceedings was ultimately found guilty of the lesser charge of driving without due care. He was fined $3100 and lost his driver's licence for 12 months.
McGee was cleared of unprofessional conduct by the Legal Practitioners Conduct Board in 2011.
The Disciplinary Tribunal is a higher authority and can deliver sanctions for unprofessional conduct by lawyers.
In December 2011, Mr Rau effectively closed the final avenue of justice sought by Mr Humphrey's family, saying he would not refer the incident to the tribunal for further action.
It followed two trials, a royal commission and numerous appeals.
A year ago, McGee apologised on national television for his actions.
Opposition justice spokesman Stephen Wade today said Mr Rau should refer the case amid overwhelming community unease.
"The current complaints process is failing South Australians and leaving them without a robust framework to deal with their concerns," Mr Wade said.
"The Government has long been promising reform of the Legal Practitioner's Act. We want these draft laws in Parliament now," said Mr Wade.
The push was supported today by Independent MP Don Pegler.
The State Government has indicated it will oppose the move.
Mr Rau said he received advice from Government lawyers about a year ago which led him to determine referring the case "would not be wise" due to grey areas in legislation.
He is currently rewriting legislation regulating the registration and conduct of lawyers.
"I had hoped to have the legislation in the Parliament by now," he said.
"The consulting has gone on and on and on. It's a complex exercise.
"I'm confident that we will have it in the Parliament in the first week of March."
The Opposition is also attempting to highlight division on the matter between Mr Rau and former attorney-general Michael Atkinson.
Mr Atkinson has supported concern over a perceived lack of justice in the way the court and legal system has dealt with the case.
THE Eugene McGee case has frustrated and often outraged South Australians for almost a decade - and has also become one of our politicians' favourite footballs.
The hit-run death of cyclist Ian Humphrey in November 2003 led to McGee being acquitted of a charge of causing death by dangerous driving and receiving a $3100 fine.
The outcome of the case caused a public outcry rarely seen in the state and inevitably became a divisive political hot potato.
Former Premier Mike Rann scathingly echoed the widely held perception that McGee had escaped justice.
At that time a master of gauging public sentiment, Mr Rann ordered the Kapunda Road Royal Commission, the only such inquiry in South Australia since 1995.
The case sparked what became an ongoing and often personal rift between the Premier and the legal profession, inflamed when Mr Rann referred to McGee's defence counsel Grant Algie SC as a "mullet-headed lawyer".
The subsequent Royal Commission resulted in numerous law changes and the laying of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice charges against McGee and his brother Craig.
When the brothers were ultimately acquitted of the charges in 2010 following a protracted legal saga, Mr Humphrey's widow Di Gilcrist again felt jilted by the system.
Ms Gilcrist expressed hope that McGee could be punished by the board which regulates the conduct of lawyers, yet in December 2011, the Legal Practitioners Conduct Board ruled McGee was not guilty of "infamous" conduct and could continue practising.
That decision prompted Attorney General John Rau to review the ruling, however Crown legal advice suggested the decision could not be challenged.
Bitter Labor infighting broke out between Mr Rau and his predecessor, backbencher and powerbroker Michael Atkinson - who called for the Caucus to overrule the Attorney-General and refer the matter to the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal.
In response, Mr Rau announced sweeping changes to the regulation of legal professionals - again in line with widespread public anger at the decision.
But the politicians were far from finished, with Senator Nick Xenophon blaming Mr Rau's alleged inaction for failure to further punish McGee - accusing the Attorney-General of dropping the ball and buck-passing.
In turn, former SA Law Society president Ralph Bonig criticised Senator Xenophon for attempting to make political mileage over the decision.
Mr Bonig said that as a lawyer himself, Senator Xenophon would have been aware that it had not been found McGee's conduct amounted to unprofessional and that, under current laws, there was no scope for McGee to be charged in the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal.
"In the face of the Conduct Board's decision that Mr McGee's conduct did not amount to unprofessional would, in fact, be improper and, arguably, unprofessional for the Attorney to proceed as Mr Xenophon (and for that matter the former Attorney-General) continually advocate," Mr Bonig said.
"The Attorney has tabled proposed amendments to the disciplinary process for legal practitioners in this state. I invite all those interested in this topic to see how we can move forward to ensure the proposed amendments to the Legal Practitioner's Act can best address their concerns."
And today, the Opposition, buoyed by a new leader and a sense of optimism for the March 2014 election, has revived the debate.
Opposition deputy leader Vickie Chapman is herself a legal practitioner and would have a solid knowledge of the processes and events that have led the protracted saga to its current point.
A canny politician as well, Ms Chapman knows full well that the sense of public discontent has barely eased over the years and that there is still valuable political mileage to be made of the McGee case.

***...(well I don't belief a single word about their 'concerns' and/or the supposed 'conflict' between Rann and/or Atkinson and/or Rau-Ed)...well indeed, it's all clearly bollocks pandering to the 'public outrage', as much a pantomime as the farcically corrupt 'Inquiries' involved...Magee was/is clearly protected by a rancidly corrupt 'System' that's the Liddy stuff as it relates to Magee, which leads to Morris and the knowing 'theft' of those Court-seized items, after which Morris was made a Magistrate...(wow-Ed)...indeed, but not before he was appointed as the Main Investigator for the Mullighan Child Abuse Royal Commission, a position from which he was immediately removed after wide-spread public outcry that a man with such corrupt and definable Pro-Paedophile attitude/conduct would be considered appropriate for such a delicate and important position...(wow again-Ed)...and it wasn't a question of ignorance or incompetence, it was/is very well and widely known that Morris 'stole' that stuff, and indeed many consider that his appointment as Magistrate was part-reward and part acknowledgement of the rankly and willingly corrupt role he could/would play in a rancidly Pro-Paedophile SA Judiciary...

And he was such a diabolical failure as a Magistrate, not least of all as the Resident Magistrate here in Mt Gambier, 2007-2010, with a reportedly record number of decisions overturned upon Appeal, that he's back working as a lawyer...and then last week my mate Bill's beaming countenance did once again grace my telly as he was broadcast leaving an Adelaide Court, in the company of accused Child Abuser Peter Seppelt...just search 'Seppelt leaves Court', and there's Bill Morris, not specifically identified but referred to as "another man"...other reportage refers to Seppelt's lawyer making statements in Court, but doesn't say who that lawyer actually is...(hang on, the ABC reportage states Seppelt leaving Court "with his lawyer"-Ed)...which in the same article then changes to "A member of Mr Seppelt's legal team"', and it's the same footage with only Bill Morris in the shot...(but he's not identified as notoriously corrupt Pro-Paedophile former Magistrate Bill Morris?-Ed)...I cannot see where he is specifically identified at all in any's either gross incompetence or rancid collusion by an inept and/or corrupt media...(I don't think they restrict themselves to mere incompetence-Ed)...well quite, and neither do I think that, I find it quite extraordinary that supposedly no-one has made that connection and/or identified Morris...     

And as 'fascinating' as all that is, we digress somewhat because I'd like to focus on that 'Liddy Assets' stuff...again, there's plenty on the Interweb, eg, search 'Robert Moles Liddy assets', here's a link to one such story,
...and if you've already read that link/story before gettin' to this bit, then you've spoiled my big surprise 'cos you'll have already discovered what, or should I say whom, I was heading toward...(may I then?-Ed)...go on...(super, well that story is a partial explanation of how lawyers tasked with valuing Liddy's assets produced a farcically low 'estimate', and when questioned/exposed by Channel 7 reportage, claimed that reportage impugned their (the lawyer's) reputation, etc, and therefore they went after Channel 7-Ed)...correct, and due to the many parties involved in the Liddy case and the highly 'incestuous' nature of Law...(particularly in SA and most particularly when it comes to the Liddy case-Ed)...sure, Mr Moles 'report' explains why we (SA) were allegedly forced to go outside the state to try and get a supposedly independent Judge...(and drum roll please, that supposedly independent Judge who found against Channel 7 and in favour of the rankly corrupt and/or incompetent lawyers, it's Our Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander-Ed)...well hurrah...

Apologies that I didn't pick this up earlier, but there you go...the rank corruption evidenced in that farcical finding by 'Judge Bruce Lander' is clear dress rehearsal and job application for his current position as the farcically corrupt SA Independent Commissioner Against Corruption...(which includes of course changing the ICAC Act 2012 specifically to allow prosecuting you-Ed)...indeed it does mate, changes made via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act of November 2014, in collusion with my other li'l bestie, the then Labor Attorney-General li'l Johnny Rau...(onya' fella's-Ed)...yeah, good on ya' fella's for putting the Miscellaneous Amendment in The Notorious Nick "Miscellaneous Amendment" Fletcher...(you are special aren't you-Ed)...certainly special enough to get my very own 'Amendment'...(not to forget your very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone'-Ed)...well, who could forget that?...

Tomorrow: More Mt Gambier City Council Deceits And Corruptionings

MGCC can't open their collective mouths for blatantly contradicting each other and/or reality itself, eg, they're supposedly gunna' find another $5million for the farcical Recreation Hub, but Rates won't ever go up...(oh ai, and how do they plan to do that?-Ed)...well they're simply gunna' borrow it...(and what about repaying that extra $5m+, where's that coming from?-Ed)...ohhh, questions questions Ed, what is it with you and the perfectly reasonable questions? can't have you talking-down Mt Gambier with perfectly reasonable and rational questions...(and what about the inevitable massive cost blow-out, where's that money comin' from?-Ed) just can't help ya'self, can ya'?...(and don't MGCC still owe $2.5m on the New Library that was opened January 2010?-Ed)...ah yes, now, that entirely depends on who you ask on what day, 'cos last week MGCC representatives repeatedly contradicted each other...(well that's what happens when people lie, when a Council lies, they quickly start contradicting themselves-Ed)...well indeed...(and if they still owe $2.5 after 9 years, 1) how much did they initially borrow and 2) how much have they therefore managed to repay?-Ed)...well the first answer clearly gives us the second, but I don't know either...

And I'll just note that the Supreme Court Judge Mullighan mentioned in that Robert Moles 'link', as identified, he's the Child Abuse Royal Commissioner Mullighan who callously and relentlessly manipulated and deceived myself and other families who went to him for help with the St Martins Cover-up...(omg-Ed)...told you it'd come down to the St Martins Cover-up...(well your whole ICAC/SAPol 'trial' is motivated by your activism about St Martins-Ed)...that sir, is also correct...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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