Sunday, February 3, 2019

Mt Gambier Show Society Should Show Grounds For Actions

Howdy y'all dear availees in France, Germany, Estonia, and the United Kingdom, and to y'all else elsewhere...just a very quick post that is largely re-iteration of previous posts about the shonky shenanigans with the Mt Gambier Agricultural and Horticultural Society and their relentlessly unprofessional conduct re management of the Mt Gambier Showgrounds...(is this the stuff about the rankly corrupt attempt to flog-off a fair ol' chunk of the Showgrounds to ALDI aways back in late 2014/early 2015?-Ed)...not specifically, but we will briefly re-visit that definably corrupt conduct, no, this is about the blatant deceits and direct fraudulent conduct relative to the attached article (below) about on-site camping...(are we also looking at the rankly fraudulent mismanagement of the yearly Mt Gambier Show?-Ed)...why not, it's all the same dodgy crew acting in openly inappropriate fashion... 

To just quickly review, it was late 2014 when a coupla' MGAHS members became aware that there was a super-dodgy 'contract' in play between MGAHS Treasurer Roger Saunders, Herbert Real Estate, and supermarket giant ALDI...(where-in it looked exactly like Roger was colluding with Herberts and effectively ALDI to sell-off a large area of the Showgrounds to ALDI-Ed)...absolutely, and it looked like that because that's exactly what was happening, and they were trying to do it without any MGAHS members or the general public knowing about it until it was too late...(we have covered this quite extensively in posts from that time-Ed)...indeed we have, but it does bear repeating in context of this latest shenanigans because it defines/highlights a pattern of deceitful and fraudulent conduct...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...but by all means dear availees go back and check-out that stuff from early 2015...anyhoos, this attempted sell-off quickly became public knowledge...(and weren't the public impressed-Ed)...indeed, so impressed they, or rather MGAHS members demanded an immediate meeting where-in they/we demanded an immediate halt to the 'process'..

And I am absolutely confident about calling that original 'contract' as being dodgy if not straight-out corrupt...(well I would think that the absolute lack of appropriate scrutiny, lack of land value appraisal, deliberate exclusion of MGAHS members, etc, etc, it defines that process/'contract' as being absolutely corrupt-Ed)...well, Ed, I appreciate your position on this and it indeed mimics many of the opinions expressed to me at the time and since...also I still have a copy of that original 'contract' as was handed to me at the first meeting where/when I heard multiple personal accounts/opinions, and various direct 'allegations' of various very questionable 'incidents' regarding MGAHS and how they conducted their 'financial affairs'...(well to paraphrase that stuff, there seemed to be an awful lot of 'envelopes full of cash' swapping hands and very little evidence of relevant receipts-Ed)...mmm, that's the polite way of putting it Ed, so well done you...(and that these 'envelope exchanges' went from 'Gate Takings' and 'Site Payments' from the yearly Show, right through to general 'Employment Contracts' and 'Construction Tenders', etc, and pretty much everywhere/thing in between-Ed)...mmm, and that's a very specific way of putting it...

I repeat my personal position that MGAHS Treasurer Roger Saunders' conduct re ALDI should have triggered an immediate and rather angry MGAHS Inquiry, to be closely followed by his immediate sacking and the high-likelihood of the laying of charges...(and you ain't Robinson Crusoe on that one mate, plenty of MGAHS members and others look at that original 'contract' and associated dealings as being straight-out corrupt and also believe that the MGAHS Committees abject failure to conduct even the most cursory Inquiry shows them to be effectively complicit-Ed)...well at best ineffectual and incompetent, but indeed, the failure to challenge Roger Saunder's conduct and/or admonish him in any manner is an irrefutable proof that the MGAHS Committee condone those actions...and despite the clearly stated wishes of many MGAHS members at those 2015 meetings, Roger & Co have had a second albeit failed go at floggin'-off part of the Show Grounds to ALDI...

Now I can appreciate how some availees might perceive my actionings re the MGAHS as being an angry and even vindictive response to the appalling way that Kerry Hill has treated me personally...(you mean a coupla' years back where she told you that they didn't need any more volunteers for the upcoming Show, and then the very next morning a different MGAHS Committee member was on the ABC South East Radio encouraging people to contact them because they needed more volunteers?-Ed)...yeah, that stuff, when in 2016, after 4 years of extensive volunteering I was told 'thanks but no thanks' in a context where it was specifically about me and my personal politicking...(and especially regarding this dodgy ALDI 'contract'-Ed)...well indeed...regardless, my conscience is absolutely clear because I wrote to ALDI without response...(and the Consumer Affairs people-Ed)...indeed, and I went to those MGAHS meetings and engaged in a polite and informed manner, and resultantly I can and do take genuine pride in being one of the handful of people who saved the Show Grounds from that rankly corrupt sell-off...(right, so it's just a pleasant co-incidence that you've managed to royally root things up for our mate Roger and his co-conspirator buddies at Herbert Real Estate?-Ed)...indeed, a win on so many levels...and I further note that out mate Roger is the President for the Mt Gambier branch of the Liberal Party...(you are joking?!-Ed) I look like I'm joking?...

And as just stated, it is my understanding that Roger the Dodgy has since February 2015 had another go at floggin'-off some of the Show Grounds but that MGAHS members put the kibosh on that straight away...(and good on them, and I think it is important to re-iterate how the vast majority of members were shocked by and opposed to that original sell-off attempt, and when informed via those meetings voted accordingly, they weren't deceived by the gross misrepresentation of the issues or bamboozled by the cash being waved in their faces-Ed)...well sure, credit where credit's due, when they became aware of what was goin' on, sure, they responded appropriately, and that only further highlights Roger Saunders actions and intent of deliberately trying to sneak it through without anyone finding out...but we digress with this albeit very relevant review of past shenanigannings at the MGAHS, because just this week we have more of the same absolute dodginess and direct deceits...please to be availing y'all selves of the attached article, and see ya's afters... there you unless I'm much mistaken, Kerry Hill has personally been involved in multiple meetings/contacts with Mt Gambier City Council about the exact issue of expanding the Camping facilities at the Show Grounds...(hasn't it actually been raised in Council meetings?-Ed)...I reckon it has Ed, but of course I can't speak for anything recently because 1) MGCC Minutes are so notoriously compromised because they are a rankly corrupt Council who manipulate and/or edit and/or censor their Minutes...(sorry, did you say MGCC are rankly corrupt?-Ed)...yes Ed, yes I did say that MGCC are rankly corrupt, but I only say that because they are...(always have been as far as I'm aware-Ed)...well certainly as long as I've been personally involved...and of course 2) since April 2018 I am officially banned from attending any MGCC meeting of any description due to the "reprehensibly vile" politically-motivated misuse of Final Intervention Orders by the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White...(don't those FIOs effectively ban you from attending any sort of Public Meeting and/or gathering and/or event of any kind?-Ed)...absolutely they do Ed, and that is exactly the intent, to ban me from everything and try to deny me access to information, etc, etc, like I said, a "reprehensibly vile" politically-motivated misuse of FIOs by a rankly corrupt Magistrate, Ian White...

MGCC Declined To Comment:...(well what sort of bollocks is that? if MGCC is responsible for this 'licensing' and has been in regular contact with the MGAHS about said camping license, etc, how is it appropriate for the MGCC to dodge their share of responsibility?-Ed)...indeed, it's absolute confirmation that MGCC are exactly aware of just exactly how deceit-ridden these MGAHS statements are, and that to offer any opinion on the subject would either openly contradict their mates like Roger and Kerry at the MGAHS, and/or define MGCC's collusion in the shenanigannings...(it's also an appallingly gutless buck-passing in the exact same vein that Kerry Hill is trying to defer responsibility to the un-named "on-ground camp host"-Ed)...well quite, all of those actually responsible stating 'I know nu-think' and blaming others...(or not saying nuthink at all, effectively blaming others-Ed) on...(and who is the un-named "new person on council (who) came on board", apparently quite recently-Ed)...indeed, another deliberate obfuscation, make vague references to someone supposedly responsible but don't name them thus avoiding any direct accountability...(oh, and blame the campers themselves, why not-Ed)...again, it's everybody else's responsibility/fault except for those who are actually legally responsible...

If MGAHS don't have appropriate processes and security, etc, in place that means anyone can just lob there anytime and set-up wherevs without MGAHS knowing and having control of the situation, then that is directly down to MGAHS, not the "camp host", and definitely not the campers themselves...(and if there's an "on-ground camp host" how can anyone supposedly sneak in "after hours" without being detected?-Ed)...sure, and if there was a "function" on at the time this photo was taken surely MGAHS accounts would clearly confirm that when cross-referenced with the Camping Register?...(and what about the Insurance Issues of having many more campers on site than licensed?-Ed)...another great point Ed...(and if receipts aren't being issued, how does the MGAHS know what to pay the "camp host"?-Ed)...another great point...(and that relates to Taxation issues, etc-Ed)...indeed it does, and directly to allegations that the camp host is/was 'being payed off the books because of pension issues'...(or was that the previous host?-Ed)...dunno', all I know is that that specific allegation has persisted for years now, and segues neatly into all of the other very dodgy MGAHS practices when it comes to finances...

I have seen and/or heard enough to know that there really is only one way to appropriately resolve this litany of MGAHS dysfunctionings, and that is that MGAHS needs to submit to a genuinely Independent Audit process, one that definitely doesn't include the ultra-dodgy Roger's very simple, just provide all of their booking schedules and related accounts and all of their alleged book-keeping related to Gate Takings, Tender Processes, Employment Contracts, etc, etc...(well that's never gunna' happen-Ed)...most likely not, like I said, I wrote to the Office of Consumer and Business Affairs some 3 years ago, and their response was 'not our problem, talk to the MGAHS Committee'...(but MGAHS are the problem and OCBA are supposedly the body to manage/police this stuff?!-Ed)...exactly, and I don't doubt that it was my name that in part explains that ludicrously corrupt non-response from the OBCA, but in the broader context, it's just further indication of the Dodgy Business As Usual conduct of the rankly corrupt South Australian Public Service...(I'm not sure whether it's corruptly pathetic or pathetically corrupt?-Ed)...well why not have a bet-each-way and be twice the winner?...(well quite-Ed)...   

Tomorrow:  Yet More MGCC Corruption

As promised, and as directly related to this post and the collusion and corruption evident's all the same self-involved, self-important pack-a-crooks who believe that they have the god-given right to keep appointing each other to important positions, usually as reward for previous mutually beneficial corruptionings, and sure in the knowledge that no-one in the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt South Australia and Mt Gambier is ever going to hold them to account...(take for example how richly rewarded the rankly corrupt Grant King has been, by both Labor and Liberal-Ed)...a perfect example, or Biddie Shearing's mind-numbing appointments to multiple 'Tourism' positions and Chamber of Commerce despite her rank incompetence and definable corruption...(and what about former Wattle Range Mayor and Liberal candidate Peter Gandolfi?-Ed)...indeed, absolutely complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and repeatedly and richly rewarded for it, good onya' Pete, mate...

(Phew, I thought we were gunna' get through a whole post without mentioning the St Martins Lutheran Cover-up-Ed)...what? not mention the cover-up of the gross abuse of a whole class of 7 year olds by their teacher Glyn Dorling? and not mention the rancidly Pro-Paedophile conduct of the Lutherans and SAPol (police) and SA Parliament, including of course Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Michael Atkinson, John Rau, Rory McEwen, Vicki Chapman, Rob Kerin, Rob Lucas, David Ridgway, etc, etc, and our mate Peter Gandolfi...(and of course not forgetting the rancidly corrupt Crown Solicitor, Teachers Registration Board, DPP, Magistrate Ian White, lawyers Piper Alderman, Peter Humphries, Bill DeGaris, etc, etc, etc, et al?-Ed)...indeed, chuck a dart at the board and you're guaranteed to hit a complicit pro-paedophile stooge or three...(oops, nearly forgot Tony Pasin and MGCC-Ed)...yeah, like I said, pick a name, chuck a dart, whatevs, literally everyone involved is complicit and therefore by definition Pro-Paedophile Corrupt...

I am Nick Fletcher and I do not apologise for the anger and the trauma in this 'ere post or any only quantifier is as always this, that within any organisation, eg, the MGAHS and even MGCC, there are always a smattering of genuine and decent people, and I would understand how they might be offended by my words and deeds...(unless of course you do some sort of quantifying statement to identify that specific point-Ed) I have specifically just done?...(dah yeah, nice one-Ed)'s know who you are and if your conscience is clear then clearly this stuff ain't about you...(my only concern is that those genuine peeps never ever get to a position of actual/genuine influence because the rest are so crooked and so compromised that they will never allow any sort of imposition on their mutually beneficial dealings-Ed)...precisely, it's exactly why people like Roger Saunders, Grant King, Biddie Shearing, Peter Gandolfi, etc, etc, get these plum jobs, 'cos they're well defined crooks being appointed to keep well-crooked systems functioning...(and as protected by a definably corrupt SA ICAC and/or Ombudsman-Ed)...well quite...

And there is literally only one person I know openly fighting against this rancid corruption and what it costs us as a community, and that's li'l ol' moi...(and it's why you get your very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' out to getcha', and ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander conspiring with Labor's Attorney General li'l Johnny Rau to change ICAC legislation specifically to prosecute you, via a 39 month "bizarre trial", and the cops repeatedly on ya' doorstep to harass and intimidate you, all of that fun stuff-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, speak-out about the rancidly Pro-Paedophile System that runs SA and that self-same system is guaranteed to come after you...the System that openly protects the "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling and equally obviously goes after the families who seek action against the paedophile...(ah, SA, the Festering State-Ed)...indeed...

Again, I am Nick Fletcher, and again, I am a very angry if not quite young man, and quite frankly, I take a degree of pride in my anger and my actions because 1) any vaguely sane person should be rabidly furious about what happens in this sad, sick state, and 2) it sets me apart from all those identified above...and this 'ere blog may be almost the only 'power' I have, but it quite evidently does get in there...(gets right in there mate, clearly-Ed), I am me, this is mine, and cheers and laters...     

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