Monday, February 25, 2019

LNP - The Lascivious Nepotism Party

Howdy dear availees in Israel, Japan, Vietnam, and Singapore...(and to our dear friends in the ever availing Ukraine-Ed)...absolutely, cheers...(and of course howdy to y'all else elsewhere...dare I say it, 'hello world'-Ed)...well indeed, we're all equal here and all welcome...(unless of course you're one of the alleged 48% of Australians whom apparently believe that the rancidly corrupt and self-serving Liberal/National Party are still a viable option as the federal government-Ed)...hmmm, I'd like to challenge your albeit faux-bias, but that is remarkable...(but is it realistic? we ourselves have repeatedly identified the extraordinary pro-LNP bias of the Main Stream Media, and the unapologetic grovelling of the supposed Left-Wing ABC broadcaster, themselves relentless LNP apologists-Ed)...well indeed, if the ABC stooges are not actually willingly corrupt, they are clearly running scared for their jobs, and this morning's The Insiders was another bizarre pro-LNP farce, constantly raising critical issues of definable LNP corruption, eg, the HelloWorld scandal, but then casually dismissing it all as relatively okey-dokes, 'it's not indictable conduct'...(well that's just a ludicrous statement-Ed)...indeed...

And I know we promised this post would be another excruciating excoriation of the litany of Mt Gambier City Council lies and manipulations related to the proposed $40million Recreation Hub farce, but in what has been an equally excruciating week of exposed LNP scandal heaped-upon LNP rort, thought we should cover all that...(and the Rec Hub stuff ain't goin' nowhere fast, least ways not at the moment-Ed)...true, now we're waiting for those Funding Applications to be processed, etc...anyhoos, it's been such a terrific week in federal politics...(just terrific-Ed)...with the Preachy Screecher, PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison spewing nonsense about Helloworld and 'Labor conspiracies to smear Joe Hockey', etc, and rabbiting-on about 'the chum bucket', etc, etc...but then when it comes to Labor's questions about the Helloworld CEO Andrew Burnes, coincidentally Liberal Party Treasurer and massive donator to the Libs, and his alleged 'He (Hockey) Owes Me' statement, etc, etc, there's Scummo failing/refusing to respond, instead literally hiding behind fellow screecher, Liberal vicious attack-Shih Tzu Christopher 'Tidy Gentleman's Perm' Pyne...(I thought it was 'attack-Poodle', not 'Shit Tzu?-Ed)...yeah, but I prefer my bent on that, it just seems somehow more disrespectful, and that's what I really want to impart, a sense of disrespect boarding on loathing...(hahhh, there's nothing like a bit of impartial imparting-Ed)...yes, I'm rather partial to impartial imparting...(nice-Ed)...

For those blissfully unawares of the extraordinary Hockey/Cormann/Helloworld/Andrew Burnes scandal, what can be said in only one paragraph, but here goes...first stop, Interweb search it for y'allselves, that'd be easiest for me, but here's a very brief summary...Finance Minister Matthias Cormann has been caught-out receiving $2700 of 'family/staff discount' airfares from Helloworld, and when exposed has gone, 'oops, didn't notice not getting charged, my bad, here's the money back'...(which he did, but without any repercussions at all for the alleged oversight-Ed)...exactly, and if this was a Social Security recipient like moi, we'd have had our accounts/payments frozen and fines for breaching, etc, etc, but the Finance Minister gets off scott-free...(and then it's a litany of unraveling improprieties implicating Australia's USofA ambassador 'Smokin' Joe Hockey and his definable role in the awarding of a massive government contract to his personal friend Burnesy, the CEO of Helloworld-Ed)...indeed, and then it's multiple other LNP politicians alleged to have also received 'free flights', and Scummo himself complicitly involved...(Scummo? how so?-Ed)...well he's previously had a role with Helloworld...(really?-Ed)...and there's questions of who paid for Cormann's family's accommodation, etc, related to that 'free trip', etc, etc, it just goes on and on... 

Alleged Attorney General Christian Porter apparently doesn't know what everyone is actually accusing 'Smokin' Joe Hockey of doing wrong...(despite the litany of incriminating emails being tabled in Parliament Estimates Hearings that clearly show that Mighty Joe, a $1m shareholder in Helloworld,  was directly involved in awarding that reportedly $1billion government travel contract to his mate and Liberal Treasurer Andrew Burns?-Ed)...right, on top of the $2billion monopoly contract Helloworld already has for government travel...and when he's attacking the recent Labor-backed MedEvac legislation, El Porto continues to claim he has 'legal advice' that there are massive loopholes that will lead to a new wave of people-smuggling boat arrivals, but when challenged, he refuses to produce this alleged 'advice'...(well I guess we'll just have to take him at his word then-Ed)...sure, let's do that...and in amongst all that un-supported hyperbole and fear-mongering, out mate Christian has taken just enough time to appoint a slew of Liberal Party former Ministers and assorted cronies/stooges to massively lucrative positions on the Administrative Appeals Tribunal...(well that's just super-Ed)... 

Credit For Speaking Frankly:...Liberal Tim Wilson, chairing the supposed independent Committee/Inquiry into Franking Credits, has multiple Conflict of Interest issues, including direct involvement in his relatives accounting firm, etc, we covered this stuff in the previous post...(I particularly like the bit where he was allowing another Lib to hand out Liberal pamphlets-Ed)...I like the bit where all the info gathered about attendees and/or people who did submissions had their personal details handed to Timbolina's uncle's Management Fund company...(yeeha! and hows about moving a hearing date to allow/facilitate the attendance of protestors?-Ed)...absolutely, another beauty, it's a litany of mis-use/corruption, excused by his fellow Victorian Liberal Tony 'Dismissy' Smith, maaate...(maaate, apparently Smitho doesn't think that Wilso's outrageous manipulation of the committee process actually constitutes "interference with the committee's authority and functions"-Ed), I'd dearly love to see Tones, mate, define just how much a committee chair needs to bastardise the formal processes before there is an 'inappropriate issue'...

Here's a lovely opening bit from a long story from The Age...the full article is well worth a look if y'all are interested, just Interweb search 'Speaker Clears Tim Wilson The Age'... 
  "Liberal MP Tim has been cleared of contempt by Speaker Tony Smith, but has been rebuked for
   conduct that may have caused damage to the House economics committee's reputation and to the
   House committee system.
  The committee chair was referred to Mr Smith by Labor after The Sydney Morning Herald and The 
   Age revealed he collaborated with a multibillion-dollar fund manager on a campaign against the
   opposition's franking credit policy, failed to declare his investments in funds run by the firm to
   inquiry hearings, and used the taxpayer-funded probe to help spruik Liberal Party fundraisers."
...(hey, they forgot to mention where Wilso himself wrote the 'anti-franking cut pro forma submissions' and then himself reviewed nearly 100 of those forms-Ed)...well they can't really be blamed for missing one part of this cavalcade of pro-Liberal rorting... 

(And what about the rank corruption of Ministers Michaela Cash and Michael Keenan and their role in the tip-offs to the media about the AFP (Aust Federal Police) raids that saw media standing outside the AWU offices waiting when the AFP arrived?-Ed)...sure, and both Cash and Keenan have been shown to have lied to the Estimates Committee, etc, and both refused to provide evidence/written statements to the AFP investigation of those leaks...(and last week, again in Estimates, Cash couldn't remember the name of her legal representatives from her other related Court appearance just the week before-Ed)...and her legal defence has cost taxpayers $288,000, which, along with the ABCC (Aust Building and Construction Comm) costs, totals over $800k...(well as we always say here at TMGI, it's only not their money they're spending-Ed)...      

And here's a brief piece I've just cut-'n'-pasted across from The Chasers twitter thingy that covers part of this week...(I'm guessing that that's not actually a real quote from Prime Muppet Scummo?-Ed)...well I'm not entirely sure, given that it was Scummo who described his own party as 'the Muppet Show' relative to the knifing of his predecessor Malcolm Turnbull, but okay, I'd reckon this bit is 'satire'...

It's rather telling that the "drug cartels" reference could be either the stuff about Australian airports being used as drug transit hubs...(you mean like the Schappelle Corby stuff? that does look as suss as all get-out-Ed)...indeed, there's a ton of info on the Interweb about how she was supposedly innocent, and that the Howard Liberal government sold her out/sacrificed her over that case, etc...but it's also likely referring to the Cash-for-Visas scandal referred to above, involving Home Affairs Minister Peter 'Potato Head' Dutton and his alleged drug dealer 'customer' William Betham...(and apparently Spud has been screeching his innocence at the media, despite not actually being accused of anything specific, yet-Ed)...and as many have already observed, Spuddy's the man with the money and the power, so why isn't he threatening and/or just actioning 'defamation' against everyone for these alleged salaciously-smearing untruths?...
And of course we chuck onto that steaming pile of impropriety the rank incompetence of the 'No Energy Plan' fiasco where-in the LNP took their proposed 'Big Stick' threat of dismantling energy companies, and soundly struck themselves about the head and shoulders in some sort of self-flagellating frenzy reminiscent of a Monty Python movie...(and now instead plan to introduce some farcical plan to force companies to give customers the cheapest rate-Ed)...and I'm not even going to get into their reality-denying stance on coal-fired energy production...(which could be balanced with an accurate dissection of the lunacy of this Wind Turbines obsession-Ed)...well indeed...and then there's the disastrous Murray-Darling situation where-in the LNP is saying it's got nothing to do with the relentless theft of massive amounts of water by equally massive irrigators, mostly for cotton grown on foreign owned properties, and excused/denied by the LNP with mindless drivel about how it's simply a drought thing that'll be fine as soon as it rains a bit...(and LNP Minister Andrew Broad is related to someone charged with stealing water, etc-Ed)...yep, another story to Interweb search...

And Broady mate is of course quitting for using 'sugar daddy dating sites', etc, not least of all, after attacking fellow National MP Barnaby 'Beetrooter' Joyce for knocking-up a staffer and dumping his family, etc...(and The Beetrooter is notorious for being fully-pissed in parliament-Ed)...sure, all of that, and moving the APVMA from Canberra to his electorate, and his involvement in the Murray/Darling Water scandals, etc, there's Minister Ian Roberts inexplicably spending nearly $40,000 in Interweb services, roughly 20-times the average MP...(and oh, I've seen it reported that the National Party's Bridget McKenzie only paid $20,000 for that one flight from Queensland to Melbourne, only half the previously reported $40,000, as repeated here on TMGI-Ed)...well worth mentioning Ed, for both accuracy and to allow me to again say, 'who can you believe?'...we here at TMGI stated that the $40k was enough to fund two Disability Support Pensioners for an entire year, so obviously $20k would be just one DSPer...(maybe the $40k meant return fares?-Ed)...dunno', whatevs, the $20k alone is a disgrace...

Next!'s the extraordinary corruption of Liberal candidate Georgina Downer handing-over a 'Federal grant cheque' to Yankallila Bowling Club, a large novelty cheque with her face and name on it, as though it were her doing...reportedly, the local Member for the seat of Mayo, Rebecca Sharkie found out about this after the club did...(Georgina Downer? wouldn't by any chance be related to the atrociously corrupt former Howard-era Liberal Foreign Minister Alexander Downer?-Ed)...only his daughter...(and how did Insiders cover this?-Ed)...briefly and laughingly, they were too busy excusing Georgina's explicitly complicit telly ad, where-in a 'poor self-funded retiree' laments how terribly the Labor 'Franking Credits' position will affect his 'self-fundingness'...(let me guess, it was her ol' man Alex mate?-Ed)...close, Jim Bonner a former high-ranking Liberal spin doctor, whom the Insiders' Barrie Cassidy and Annabel Crabbe said is their mate and a top bloke, all whilst just laughing it away as nothing much...(pathetic, rankly corrupt and openly complicit dross from the ABC-Ed)...absolutely...

Tomorrow: The MGCC Recreation Hub Farce

I've undoubtedly missed a raft of LNP corruption issues, eg, the Paladin/Manus Island scandal involving Home Affairs Minister P Dutty and $423m contract to a 2-person company with it's headquarters down the end of a dirt road on Kangaroo Island, etc, etc...(don't feel bad, Insiders didn't even mention it in their show this morning, they were to busy blaming Labor for everything, literally-Ed)...yeah, it used to be that you'd have to watch Sky News to learn that everything going on in the LNP is somehow Labor's fault, how it's all a Left Wing Conspiracy, but Insiders is putting them to shame...(yep, the ABC is absolutely pathetic, bordering on pro-Liberal propagandists-Ed) ifs-buts-or-maybes about it, no 'bordering' on anything, the ABC is an unrepentant, straight-out pro-LNP apologist, an agenda-driven LNP promoter...(ummm, the unrequested $444m grant to The Barrier Reef Foundation?-Ed)...yep, good call...just with those 3, Helloworld, Paladin, and TBRF, that's at least $2billion in super-dodgy payments right there...(wow-Ed)...

I delayed posting this by one day to allow re-watching The Insiders, the ABC's flagship news program, and avail myself again of it's deeply cynical conduct...(you mean the way that they address critical issues that everyone's discussing already, largely due to Social Media, but then carefully and laughingly 'walk them back' to a point where it's all just fine?-Ed)...exactly, and the way they just literally laughed-off the Georgina Downer stuff was absolutely appalling...Annabel Crabbe was/is the worst, constantly dragging the discussion away from LNP criticism and/or accountability...(oh yeah, a former The Advertiser employee, she is an absolute bloody shocker-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and regular availees will know that I ain't one for just slingin' abuse at the LNP, I've had plenty to say about Labor as well...(well TMGI at least tries to attack the issues regardless of the players involved-Ed)...indeed we do...anyhoos, cheers and laters...    

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