Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Nighty Night Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans

Howdy y'all to a very brief post...(good gourd, I've heard that before-Ed)...okay, a shortish post about the 'retirement' of Mt Gambier City Council CEO Mark 'Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans' McShane, given that the bulk of issues here-in are to be covered in the next post...(ah, you mean the stuff about Mt Gambier City Council's rank deceits regarding the Recreation Hub mallarchy?-Ed...exactly...(and particularly the critical role that our mate Marky Mark has played in those relentless deceits-Ed)...spot on, the self-contradicting lies, the lies that contradict other MGCC Councillors...(the hover-lies of such gravity that they defy the most fundamental Laws of Reality?-Ed)...yeah, all a' that stuff, sell Mt Gambier Ratepayers right down the river into a fathomless whirlpool of debt with relentless lies and then just bugger-off over the horizon...(charming-Ed)..yes, quite, but first, the odd angry shot...(that's such a great movie-Ed)...it is, but I was in fact referring to the following series of spleen-ventings, not the iconic Ozzie movie about Australians at war in Vietnam in the 1960s/70s, The Odd Angry Shot...

Will Boat People Bow To Stern Warning?:...our illustrious leader Herr Scummo...(who?-Ed)...Scomo, the Prime Minister Scott Morrison...(ah of course-Ed)...just doing a hilarious reference to both his self-anointed very hip and like totes street-cred handle of 'Scomo', and the rankly Fascist playbook he's operating from as he screech-lies us to yet another Federal Election sometime between now and, say, June/July 2019...well, me ol' mucker Scummo has done a mind-numbingly insincere 'warning video' to tell 'people smugglers' that he's personally gunna' stop them bringing people to Oz...it's supposedly gunna' be released overseas but is quite clearly for domestic consumption...Scummo the Shouty leads a Liberal/National Party defined by a cavalcade of corruption, lies, bigotry, and racism, and the latest screeching blizzard of lie-riddled fear-mongering about 'Boat Arrivals' is straight-out of the Fascist playbook, that is, deceitfully ratchet-up the fear and the loathing and SHOUT AND SHOUT AND SHOUT AGAIN AHHHHH...(WELL IF YOU SHOUT, IT MAKES IT REAL DON'T CHA' KNOW?-Ed)...pardon, I was too distracted, what with all my fearing and loathing that I apparently need to be having...

The Distemper's New Loathing:...is a rather tenuous play-on-words...(umm, the Emperor's New Clothes?-Ed)...that's the one, but it absolutely defines both Scummo's sneeringly smug self-satisfaction combined with his pouty-shouty distemperous displays in Parliament, the default 'Emperor' angrily shouting-out his lies and deceits, deliberately seeking to create disproportionate fear and sew confusion because he ain't actually got any real ground to stand on...the Liberal/National Party are chronic Fascists when it comes to manipulating people's fears and confusion, case in point, the John Howard-led Tampa disgrace...(what about the 'Children Overboard' lies?-Ed)...indeed, and then there's li'l Johnny's warmongering deceits dumping Australian troops into Iraq whilst screeching about Saddam Hussein and non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction, etc...(yeah, he really seemed to think that you're not a real Aussie PM until you have a lovely li'l war to ya' name-Ed)...well quite...

Wielders Of Mass Deception:...perfectly sums-up the Liberal Party's rank deceits and related manipulation of people with these hugely inflated and often quite erroneous issues of National Safety...(ahhh, 'Bow To Stern', 'Boat', now I get it, nice one man-Ed)...oh keep-up buttercup...
Paladin Sane:...is how David Bowie would describe the awarding of the $423million contract to shadowy 'shelf company' Paladin...(Paladin? don't you mean the Barrier Reef Foundation? and that was actually $444m-Ed)...ah sure, that's another massively corrupt LNP rort, an un-requested grant of $444m to a 'Foundation' run by Fossil Fuel company executives, etc, but no, I'm referring to Paladin and the $423m they've just been handed to run the Manus Island Detention Centre...(is that the stuff about people buying their way out of Offshore Detention by paying Peter Dutton and/or one of his mates?-Ed)...nah, well, sure, that's all over Social Media, starting with the extraordinary corruption of the William Betham case, where-in a convicted drug dealer had his 'citizenship' cancelled by P Dutty, was sent to offshore detention, etc, but then only months later had his 'citizenship' inexplicably returned...(wow-Ed)...Dutty and Co. screech about the "paedophiles and rapists and drug dealers" being held on Manus Island/Offshore Detention, yet this drug dealer suddenly gets his 'citizenship' returned, but no, the Paladin contract is a separate issue...   

And the rank complicity of the ABC was on full display on Sunday with a truly craptacular pseudo-interview of Liberal Attorney-General Christian Porter by Barry Cassidy on the Insiders program...Bazza straight-out ran the Liberal Party line as his supposed line of questioning with the Paladin stuff, including stating as fact, "the Minister (P Dutty) didn't know", and very carefully only covered the points that have already been exposed via Social Media...(well that entire Insiders was a farcical pro-Liberal platform for the relentless fear-mongering we've covered just above there, repeatedly pumping oxygen into the issue to give it unwarranted credibility-Ed)...exactly, and it's continued across The Drum and other programming, raising these extraordinary issues and then giving LNP acolytes almost free-rein to dismiss it all as perfectly reasonable and standard practice and etc, etc, etc, nothing to see here, everything's fine...(just fine-Ed)...and that's the game afoot at present...

The ABC is exactly like other Main Stream Media (MSM), and they only address the really ugly corruption stuff, like Paladin, when it's already been exposed on Social Media...(well it's why we're so stunningly popular with the rankly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Political System here in good ol' South Australia-Ed)...well indeed...(how many times, how many grossly corrupt issues are covered here on TMGI and nowhere else in the pathetically complicit SA media?-Ed)...absolutely, and that manipulative Insiders interview is exactly that, only identifying the stuff already exposed on Social Media whilst not holding anyone to account for it, and merely the latest in a long series of similar dross, it's what the ABC does, and the ABC South East Radio are particularly persistent practitioners...(well I'd argue that it's just standard complicit ABC fare, made more obvious with SE ABC because we are so intimately aware of many of the issues-Ed)...yeah, fair point...and it's on Social Media that you'll find the genuinely hard questions being asked...(and the hard answers too-Ed)...and they're often one and the same, as is the case with this P Dutty/Paladin corruption...

To this end I'll just paraphrase/quote exactly what's being said on Social Media about these vacuous denials of impropriety and/or involvement of P Dutty, namely, 'are we to believe that the same man who micro-managed au-pairs visas on a Sunday afternoon had no involvement or even knowledge of his department awarding a $420m+ contract via a Closed Tender?'...(that is indeed the question that answers itself-Ed)...ain't it though...but now onto our main subject...  

From The Border Watch, Friday 15th February 2019, here 'tis...

...(whatta' load of bollocks-Ed)...indeed...(and typical complicit Mt Gambier media, not one genuine shreckin' word about why McShonks is leaping outta' his contract 4 years early-Ed)...and the same insipid dross on the ABC SE...to just unravel these unchallenged lies, we'll just list them off, namely;
1)  central business district upgrade - means the horrendous third-rate grey Chinese pavers
     slapped-down around town, $$$millions of Ratepayer's hard-earned tipped into the pockets of
     specific individuals related to MGCC;
2)  art gallery - lumbering Ratepayers with the costly and largely self-indulgent running of the
     Riddoch Gallery, following-on from the related massive expenditure of the farcical Main
     Corner debasco (debacle/fiasco);
3)  railway lands - another farcical waste of Ratepayer's money, unusable in even slightly
     inclement weather, and defined by incompetence of planning, Insider Trading, and multiple
     unfinished aspects, eg, no Sound Shell, no Covered Plaza, no Old Rail Station Restoration;
4)  ReUse Market - what a joke, MGCC closed the original Recycling Depot located on the
     exact same site, then the huge hangar-style shed 'disappeared', allegedly taken by a MGCC
     Councillor, and then MGCC re-opens the exact same business;
5)  former hospital demolition - another litany of rank MGCC corruption, Insider Trading,
     Nepotism, etc, where-in Ratepayers paid 50% more than the building wasn't selling for,
     thus corruptly ensuring creditors related to developers Skytowers Mt Gambier got their
     money back, then a rankly corrupt Tender process that saw a structurally sound building,
     a Ratepayer-funded city asset demolished whilst still riddled with Asbestos, leading to an
     Asbestos-contaminated dust cloud blowing across the city;
6)  I am not aware of the exact machinations of the Rail Trail, other than people had been
     calling for it for over a decade.

I remind regular availees that it was the gross corruption of the Old Hospital Demolition that led to my official complaints/reports to my local Member Don Pegler and the Ombudsman, reports that themselves became the farcically corrupt faux-investigation by the Independent Commission Against Corruption...(which then became your farcically corrupt trial and equally corrupt 'Conviction' for the heinous crime of talking and/or blogging about that corrupt ICAC nonsense-Ed)...well quite, corruption to cover-up corruption, welcome to SA...nor am I gunna' wade into the nonsense about the James Morrison Academy, because I'm gunna' get stuck into all that stuff in a soon-to-come post dedicated specifically to all those related issues...(sounds intriguing-Ed)...I reckon that regular availees will have a fair idea what's comin'...

As for the unrelenting crap about what great work Marky Mark has done "Securing $25m worth of grants..."...(but nothing's been "secured", it's all entirely theoretical, at this stage all they've done is make applications which have received verbal support, but each 'grant' is highly reliant on other 'grants' and MGCC borrowing $10m+, etc, etc-Ed)...well exactly, that's what I mean when I talk about the relentless deceits, the only thing missing here is Marky's verbal lies from his farewell ABC SE interview from the following Saturday morning, ie, "72% of people voted for it"...(but that's a lie! even if you believe MGCC, who are proven serial liars, it was 72% of the 40% who responded, not a straight-out "72%"-Ed)...and that's why we need to do a full post dedicated to the subject...(fair enough-Ed)...

Tomorrow: The Recreation Centre Debasco

I'll finish here and be back as soon as possible, quite likely actually tomorrow...I'm looking to restore myself somewhat by returning to a more frequent posting regime...cannot say exactly what that might turn-out to be, but here's to more posts more often...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...      

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