Friday, December 28, 2018

Another Alleged FIO Breach, Or More SAPol Harrassment?

Howdy dear availees everywhere, just a shortish post to alert ya's to the fact that this morning Thursday 27th December 2018 I done have SAPol (police) on my doorstep yet again, again 'reporting' me and 'interviewing' me whilst 'videotaping' me, again about an alleged breach of the "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders (Suppression/Restraining Orders) put in place by the "rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White" following the "bizarre trial" of my "Malicious Prosecution", all of which was originally courtesy of the rankly corrupt ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander and SA Labor government operating in absolutely definable collusion with the rankly Pro-Paedophile corrupt SAPol...(well you could have put "Pro-Paedophile Corrupt" in front of all those other 'quotes' because this ongoing Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution all stems from the original Pro-Paedophile Conspiracy of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...well that's a most excellent observation and explanation thanks Ed, mate, and here's a coupla' others...

For recent/new availees of this 'ere blog, most of that opening paragraph may well sound like the rampant rantings of a wildly unhinged individual wallowing in a sumptuous sump of paranoid self-pity...(paranoid?!!! tell them about your very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone'! tell them about 'Operation bloody Baritone'!-Ed)...yeah yeah, cool ya' jets champ, start at the start, get to the middle, bring it on home...(what? like the cops are constantly doing at the moment, repeatedly bringing it to your home?-Ed)...well sortta', yeah, but slow down a sec...dear availees, if y'all are not aware of the many issues and/or incidents at play, as referenced in the opening paragraph, please to be availeeing ya'selves of a fistful of previous posts...even just the last half dozen will be a good start, but as you can see, this 'ere blog goes aways back to January 2013, and is motivated by one main issue...(the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...exactly, the cover-up of the abuse of my child and dozens of other 7 year-old grade 2 students by their teacher Glyn Dorling in 2002 at St Martins Lutheran School here in Mt Gambier, South Australia...

The Lutherans had moved Glyn Dorling from Adelaide to Mt Gambier in the late 1990s following "an incident" at his/their previous school, and there were many complaints about his conduct at St Martins from then until 2002...repeated complaints in 2002 went un-addressed until several children disclosed deeply concerning conduct by Dorling, at which time he was suddenly immediately removed on the June long weekend...Dorling later received a $250,000 'Unfair Dismissal' compensation payment from the Lutherans, with multiple 'Confidentiality Clauses' attached, and he was moved to a school in took parents organising/lobbying to get Child Protection Services involved at all, and they described Dorling as "a text-book grooming paedophile" who had "placed himself (well) within the system to abuse kids and get away with it"...this is exactly as they said it to me, explaining that he was 'safe' because he was "the Teachers Union rep in a privately run religious school in a country town"...I'll say it again, Glyn Dorling, the Teachers Union representative at St Martins Lutheran School in 2002, was/is a "text-book grooming paedophile"...

CPS directly identified the breadth and very specific nature of Dorling's daily regime of physical and/or psychological and/or emotional abuses committed against the 7 year olds in his care, as being proof that he had "researched" this regime; they felt it was just not possible that he was doing so many "specific grooming behaviours" by accident...hence their use of the descriptor "text-book grooming paedophile"...I have repeatedly made the observation that no-one knows exactly the extent of these abuses because no-one ever fully investigated the situation...even CPS only spoke to a handful of kids and their parents, and we parents were refused our own kid's CPS statements, we received vastly redacted mini-versions...and these redacted copies were of the reports that Lutheran lawyers had already had access to and redacted/censored themselves...(that is just extraordinary, that Labor's Attorney-General Michael Atkinson would take those reports off CPS and hand them to the Lutherans-Ed)...indeed Ed, just another undeniable indicator of the Pro-Paedophile control of SA's Parliament...if Michael Atkinson is not himself a paedophile, and I'm not venturing an opinion either way, his actions clearly show a deeply complicit and conspiratorial desire to participate in and/or direct the Pro-Paedophile Corruption of the St Martins Cover-up...

This Pro-Paedophile Corruption is evident in the definable actions of former Labor Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, multiple Labor Ministers including their Mt Gambier based stooge Rory McEwen, and by association, the Rob Kerin led Liberal Party...I and/or other parents have met with literally dozens of SA politicians and/or public servants...(for example, Speaker of Parliament Peter Lewis, 2005-Ed)...for example...(and Nick Xenophon, 2006 and repeatedly since-Ed)...indeed, him and the rankly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Teachers Registration Board and Crown Solicitor reps (2003-04), the Public Prosecutor (DPP), and Child Abuse Royal Commissioner Ted Mullighan (2005-06), and so on and so forth, ad infinitum...everybody knows and they're either actively complicit or complicit by inaction...(well they're mostly 'actively complicit', particularly people like Rory McEwen and other Mt Gambier politicians-Ed)...well indeed, Rory is a spectacularly rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt individual, outstanding even in a vast field of like-minded crooks...

And what an extraordinary coincidence that I might run into my mate Rory today...(oh this is a beauty...I mean, I know you like to big-up ya'self, bangin'-on about how the Universe sometimes gives you a li'l pat on the head for your efforts, etc, but today was truly wondrous-Ed)...just a quick aside dear availees, if y'all will please indulge me...(indulge? mate? if you haven't earned the occasional tangential and meandering 'indulgence', I'm not a confected literary device called 'Ed'-Ed)...but you are a confected literary device called Ed, an imagined individual whom I utilise to discuss issues rather than lecture at people, to self-question rather than self-contradict, to help set-up jokes, etc, etc...(yeah, that's my exact point-Ed)...ahhh, right, and a fair point it is...anyhoos, after the cops were at my home again this morning, and due to the excessive heat, and because my li'l car is sort-of fixed and not leaking furiously everywhere, etc, with all those li'l ducks neatly aligned, I drove to the beach for as to get the heck outta' Mt Gambier for a brief respite and soak my saggy carcass in the salty brine, like what I ain't done for nearly 2 years...(has it been 2 years? really? wow-Ed)...I know, at least 18 months, closer to 2 years...(well that's Chronic Depression for ya'-Ed)...indeed it is mate, indeed it is...but we digress... 

Feeling the need for a li'l pre-plunge sustenance, I stopped-by the Pt McDonnell supermarket, and happy happenstance found me parking right next to my mate Rory, standing as he was at the open rear of his vehicle and engaging a young girl about his dog there-in...and I pulled-up right behind Rory as he engaged and then chatted to the child; "he's 11 years old, that's about 77 in (our years?)"...that's right Rory mate, I was right there behind and then beside you, only metres away, and you were so involved with this small girl that you didn't even see me standing right there, mate...I've never actually accused Rory of being an actual paedophile because I have never witnessed him touch a child, etc, but I have repeatedly identified him as a rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt person who has publicly acted to attack and denigrate us parents as part of his deeply complicit role in protecting Glyn Dorling and the Lutherans and his Labor pay-masters, etc, etc, and someone who spends large amounts of time involved with small children through various programs and/or organisations and/or events...I and other families have been ruthlessly subjected to his criminally corrupt conduct regarding the abuse of our children and the subsequent cover-up, etc, and the reality of his actions re the St Martins Cover-up completely counter and contradict his supposed public support of kids...

Even without knowing what I do about Rory and his rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corruption, what I witnessed today in the Pt McDonnell supermarket carpark was rather unnerving...then the girl's mother walked around the corner from the street, coincidentally as Di McEwen walked-out of the shop and right past me, fully focused on her hubbie and the girl...(wow-Ed)...indeed, and you know it happened Rory, mate, exactly as I have described it, and you know I was parking/standing right there to witness it...anyhoos, I didn't say a word, he/they never saw me, and I just walked into the store...(again, wow-Ed)...and just to round-out the day, after a brief and very bracing swim, I headed home and stopped through a Mt Gambier supermarket for further supplies, and immediately ran into my other good friend, Mt Gambier City Council CEO Mark McShane...(ahoy! Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans! sing it everyone, "it's raining friends, hallelujah, it's rainin' friends, amen"-Ed)...stop that, but yes, that be he, and I reckon he did spot me approaching 'cos he shot-off across the store like a scalded cat...(huzzah!-Ed)...and that's life in a small town...(well technically, 2 small towns-Ed)...oh alright, sure, life in 2 small towns...

And the beautiful irony of this latest Rory encounter, the third in as many weeks, is that whilst I found it 'disturbing' because of the context, him engaging with a young girl, on a coupla' occasions I have found myself effectively defending Rory when others have stated that he is a paedophile...(wow, that is most assuredly ironic-Ed)...ain't it though...I have put it to those people, 'have you seen him do anything, touch a kid, etc?', and they've said 'no', and I've said 'then you can't say he's a paedophile', and gone on to explain my experience of Rory and the fact that I refer to him as 'Pro-Paedophile Corrupt' but have never stated he is a paedophile, etc, not on this 'ere blog, not privately, not well-stated position has however not stopped others from claiming that I have...(well multiple people, particularly Mt Gambier City Councillors have claimed you've called them 'paedophiles', but what you've actually said is that they're 'Pro-Paedophile Corrupt'-Ed)...absolutely, I may have been deeply traumatised by 16 years of the St Martins Cover-up, but I am not just slingin' wild abuse at random people or seeing things that don't exist, I'm just fundamentally versed in the reality of the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that is South Australia...    

And to quickly revisit Rory's complicit role in the St Martins Cover-up...parents first went to our then Member for Mt Gambier and alleged Independent, Rory McEwen, in early August 2002 when we found out by accident that SAPol had in mid-July "closed the file" on Dorling/St Martins but not told us parents or even CPS or even interviewed Dorling, etc...Rory was all piss-'n'-vinegar about how brave we parents were and how he was gunna' help us "fix a broken system", etc, etc...immediately there-after he officially sided with the Rann Labor government, was richly rewarded with a Minister position, and immediately withdrew his supposed support from is my personal opinion that Rory used the St Martins Cover-up to bargain his way into a massive pay-rise if no actual genuine influence, and I'd be more than happy to discuss it with May 2005 he openly attacked us parents on the front page of The Border Watch, accusing us of having "actually hounded the teacher", and lying through his teeth about multiple alleged 'investigations' that he already knew were complicit or never actually happened...and that's why I am entirely justified in asking the question, is Rory McEwen actually a paedophile, or is he just plainly insanely Pro-Paedophile Corrupt?...(well either way, he's definably complicit in knowingly and willingly covering-up the abuse of dozens, potentially hundreds of kids at St Martins-Ed) point exactly, who Rory actually is is actually irrelevant as is his motivations, etc, it is his actions that speak for themselves and define who he is...     

And this is current and relevant because when SAPol were videotaping me at my home again this morning, yet another act of outright harassment and intimidation, I repeatedly explained to them that that is what they were doing, and that the original motivation was/is the St Martins Cover-up...(so you're suggesting that SAPol are repeatedly coming to your home so as to traumatise and stress you and make you feel unsafe in your personal space-Ed)...exactly, whilst simultaneously trying to get me to say and/or do something that can actually be used against me...this entire 'breach' carry-on is about trying to establish a 'genuine criminality' off the back of the rank Pro-Paedophile corruption of the original "bizarre trial" and "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders...(yeah, fair enough, but does this mean that we've now moved-on from the SAPol lies and manipulation and bullying and threatening of this 'DNA swab and fingerprinting' nonsense, and you've now been 'charged' and/or Summonsed?-Ed)...mate, this latest visit wasn't about that at all, and when I identified/asked about my recent letters to Supt Grant Moyle regarding those lies, threats, the general conduct of Sen Const (***name removed***), etc, I was told that he (Moyle) wasn't required to respond to me...(but he did, albeit ignoring all your questions and repeating those lies, threats, etc-Ed)...sure, he did respond to that first letter, but remember my second letter received an anonymous one-line response from SAPol Information Services...

(Well I for one am very confused, so what is happening with that alleged 'breach' then?-Ed)...dunno', the 2 new and unidentified officers wouldn't/didn't discuss it...(hang on, I thought you said that they were here about the alleged breach of the FIO-Ed)...oh sorry, they were, but a different alleged breach...(a different breach? about the same person?-Ed), a different breach about another person, supposedly from 5th October 2018...(and SAPol didn't come to your home until 27th December 2018?-Ed)...yep...(and the first breach was supposedly the end of August 2018 but SAPol didn't come to your home until 2nd November 2018?-Ed)...exactly...(why the huge delays?-Ed)...dunno', whatevs, apparently I have breached a second FIO by talking about the ABC because this person is an ABC employee...(slow down, what's happening with the alleged breach about a Mt Gambier City Councillor?-Ed)...I said, dunno', only that SAPol says I can refer to 'a rancidly corrupt MGCC Councillor' but nothing more beyond that, and now apparently I'm not allowed to talk at all about the ABC...(what?!-Ed)...yeah...(but isn't that "reprehensibly vile" FIO about a specific person who just happens to be an ABC employee, not about the ABC en masse?-Ed)...well exactly, and I've explained that very specifically in my previous posts, which is what I assume they're referring to, but when I explained it again to the SAPol officer, she stated outright that I'm "not allowed to (blog) about the ABC at all"...

(Hang on, SAPol told you that you're not allowed to write/blog about the ABC "at all"?-Ed)...that's what she said...(but that's absolutely nonsense-Ed)...that's what I said...(so you can't comment on some story on the TV and/or news and/or current affairs, or repeat some joke from an ABC show, etc?-Ed)...according to Officer Anon, yep, and it simply confirms everything I've said about these "reprehensibly vile" FIOs, the FIOs are about stopping me talking about these people's definable corruption, it's all about protecting them not from me, but from the reality of their own conduct...(is that even legal, to tell you you can't say anything about the ABC "at all"?-Ed)...I don't think so, like I said, this entire routine is about harassing me and bullying me and threatening me and trying to stress me out, particularly at my home...(and all as part of the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed) indeed I repeatedly explained it to these 2 anonymous officers, along with repeatedly apologising to them that they were the latest officers dragged into the ongoing harassment and intimidation of parents re St Martins, etc, etc...(did you mention the multiple SAPol lies and harassment of the last coupla' months?-Ed)...yeah, like I said, they wouldn't/didn't respond...

Whilst I'm not particularly surprised at this ongoing abuse, harassment, intimidation, etc, and this ludicrous nonsense about not being allowed to discuss the ABC "at all", I was extremely concerned about one thing Officer Anon said...I asked if this new alleged breach meant that she was about to say that she was required to 'DNA swab' me, as per the recent SAPol lies/deceits/threats on that issue, and her response was, no, because it's "already up on the system"...(what? but I thought you had appealed that 'DNA swab' stuff, or were still trying to appeal, whatevs, but that either way you hadn't been 'swabbed' or fingerprinted yet?-Ed)'re right, I have questioned/declined/appealed/whatevs, and I have not done a 'DNA swab' or been fingerprinted...(but how then can it be "already up on the system"?-Ed)...dunno', didn't get an answer to that...(so, apparently, you can't talk about the ABC, and SAPol reckon they've already got your 'DNA' from an unidentified source?-Ed)...well that's the basics, yeah...(wow-Ed)...indeed, it's extraordinary...  

Officer Anonymous was getting increasingly upset/annoyed with me for repeatedly identifying the St Martins Cover-up, the current round of SAPol lies/harassment/threats, etc, and eventually stated I would be Summonsed to Court at some unidentified time, and then to her partner, 'ínterview terminated', before storming-off...(is it legal to keep interviewing you without you having any legal representative present?-Ed)...aha, nice one man, SAPol have clearly indicated that will do whatevs they like when it comes to me, lie/threaten/harass/abuse, and not just on my doorstep but in Court, etc, etc, whatevs it is that's actually legal and/or appropriate is absolutely irrelevant...(mmm-Ed)...anyhoos, I repeatedly asked Officer Anon for but was refused any paperwork what-so-ever, and that's it...(wow, so what now?-Ed)...dunno', I guess I write to Supt Moyle again and ask him to explain exactly where SAPol claim to have accessed my 'DNA', whilst fully expecting to get another anonymous non-response from some random SAPol dept...(hang on, they haven't tried to use your laptop what SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch seized/stole from your home when they raided you aways back on 7th/8th May 2014 and still have?-Ed)...yeah I can see what you're saying, but that wouldn't be a 'DNA swab', and numerous people have touched that laptop, not least of all the 2 SAPol ACB officers who seized it, they weren't wearing gloves...(so even if that's what they've done, any 'result' would be highly contaminated with multiple 'DNAs'?-Ed)...I guess, yeah... 

(And what about this conflicting info from SAPol regarding these 3 FIOs and what you supposedly can and/or can't say?-Ed)...dunno'...(but as you've identified, one SAPol officer says you can say 'MGCC Councillor' because that doesn't identify a specific individual-Ed)...well I actually jokingly said to that officer, 'so I can say "rancidly corrupt MGCC Councillor" because that doesn't narrow it down', and he said "yes"...(fair enough, but speaking about MGCC non-specifically is alright, even though that situation is identified in the relevant FIO and it does effectively ban you from any MGCC meetings, etc, because that FIO is about an individual who happens to be an MGCC Councillor, but not an FIO about MGCC itself?-Ed)...yep, apparently, that's how SAPol explained it to me back on 2nd November 2018...(but now you've been told, albeit by a different SAPol officer, that you can't speak about the ABC "at all" because that FIO, which doesn't identify the ABC at all, is about an individual who happens to be an ABC employee?-Ed)...that is what Officer Anon said...(so the third FIO, that's about a specific SAPol officer involved in your "bizarre trial", etc, yeah?-Ed)...yep...(so, ignoring the obvious contradiction of the two 'advices/directions' from SAPol, by the logic of Officer Anon, that would mean that you can't/blog about anything 'SAPol', eg, any aspect of SAPol's rancidly corrupt conduct during your "bizarre trial"-Ed)...yeah, I see what you're saying...(including not even talking/blogging about these recent repeated SAPol harassmentings on your own doorstep?-Ed)...well your logic is flawless, albeit based on a non-logical premise, a premise SAPol themselves have self-contradicted...

I remind availees that I currently have multiple outstanding unanswered communications with;
   1) SA Attorney-General Vicki Chapman re my resultantly stalled but ongoing attempt to
       'Appeal' the outcome of my "bizarre trial";
   2) the Dept of Corrections re my Court-'Ordered' 260hrs of Community Service and the
       issues of (a) said 'Appeal', and (b) my Disability Support Pension and Agoraphobia, etc,
       and how all that relates to serving that 260hrs, etc; and
   3) my letter from early November 2018 to the Fines Enforcement office re my fines, etc.
...(and of course 4) your 2 recent letters to SAPol Supt Moyle-Ed)...well yeah, them too...I have also  received multiple and often conflicting 'legal advice' about the SAPol attempts/threats to 'DNA swab' and fingerprint me, but it remains my understanding that I do have the right to an official Judicial review, and so that process also continues...

So that's where we are me paranoid, but it looks like all concerned are just going to ignore me until a certain point, and then they'll collectively sling multiple combined accusations at me about how I haven't done such-and-such, or refused to do so-and-so, and have breached whatevs, etc, etc...(nah yeah, I see what you mean, sling you into Court again, and try to pile this stuff up to try and create that 'genuine criminality' you referred to earlier-Ed)...exactly...(but it could well be that it's all just far too difficult and definably corrupt, etc, and they all just want it to go away-Ed)...yeah, could be, whatevs, the reality is that I have done exactly what I've been told to do and/or sought clarification and/or action on these issues, and I am currently being collectively ignored...(except when it suits SAPol and then they wanna' repeatedly lob on your doorstep to harass, deceive, threaten, and intimidate you-Ed)...well quite...

Tomorrow: And Just When You Thought MGCC Couldn't Get Any More Corrupt       

This is what they are, corrupt, and this is what they do, corruption...and just for the record, again, because some people are apparently still struggling with the Reality, I am not in trouble for slandering or defaming or for lying or even for misrepresenting or even for being wrong, I am in trouble for telling absolute and accurate truths about the 16 years of rank Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption I have personally witnessed and/or experienced...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and it's the one place in Mt Gambier, dare I say it South Australia, potentially even Australia, that you will get anything near an accurate reportage of what actually goes on in Mt Gambier/SA...(that is really rather sad-Ed)...better that than it not happening at all...(yeah, fair point-Ed)...and so on that note, upwards and onwards, and cheers and laters...

PS:...this was finished this morning Friday 28th December 2018, and if we don't have y'all looking at us again until 2019, Happy New Year and all that...(yeah, cheers y'all-Ed)...

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