Monday, December 10, 2018

Coppin' Copious Comments And Symptomatic SAPol Shenanigans

Howdy to Kyrgyzstan, Czechia, Lithuania, and Germany, and to y'all else dear availees, and welcome to TMGI...two main topics today, being recent comments left on this 'ere blog, and of course, the latest in what's happening with SAPol's latest round of deceit, harassment, and intimidation, as recently covered in the post Police's Pugnaciously Persistent Perpetual Pro-paedophile Political Persecution of Nick Fletcher...(is that because it's motivated by your ongoing attempts to get someone to do something about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...well other than help to continue it, sure, yep, and it's exactly what I argued in Court during my "bizarre trial" (quote - The Border Watch)...(what, that the entire trial was motivated by an 'official' desire to punish you for blogging about St Martins, and also the institutionalised corruption in state and/or local government, etc, etc?-Ed)...yep, my repeated claims that Her Honour Teresa Anderson legally defined as "Abuse of Process" before upgrading that to "Malicious Prosecution", which I then subsequently proved to HH at trial in November 2016, etc, etc, etc...

Regular availees will be well aware of all that stuff, but it bears mentioning ahead of any discussion of the latest Comments people have left on this 'ere blog, and is fundamentally important when it comes to explaining why SAPol is so obsessed with harassing and abusing me...(speaking of "obsessed", is the ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' still going? I don't see where it has been concluded-Ed)...well quite, and I do cover that stuff in my previous letter to Mt Gambier SAPol Supt Grant Moyle, and attached below is my latest letter to Supt Moyle and also the bizarre and anonymous response from SAPol...(anonymous? didn't the Crown Solicitor 'anonymously' threaten you back in April 2018?-Ed)...indeed he/she/they did, and when I wrote to the Crown Solicitor Mr Wait, I received an even more bizarre response from an anonymous 'Receptionist'...(it's almost like they all want to threaten and harass and abuse you but don't want to be held to account by actually putting their names to any of it-Ed)...that's exactly what it's like mate, and that's a beautiful segue right into Comments...

About a year ago, a certain Mr Cameron Horsburgh left a Comment having a bit of a go at me about me havin' a go at my li'l mate Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh Lynagh...(former-Ed)...sorry?...(former Councillor, he didn't make the cut at the November 2018 Local Government elections-Ed)...ah right you are...(and the beautiful irony of that is that he and former Cr Ian Von Stanke would have been Councillors 9 and 10 if, as Councillors, they hadn't voted to reduce Councillor numbers two years ago, from 10 down to 8-Ed)...that sir, is indeed ironic...(and furtherly ironic in that they did that to 'save money', ironic in the sense that MGCC is currently furiously spending a literal fortune trying to ram the '$40m Recreation Hub' down people's throats, what we will cover tomorrow on this 'ere blog-Ed)...indeed, but we digress...because Mr Horsburgh actually had the common human decency to put his name to his Comments, I ain't gunna' get stuck into him about that stuff...obviously I disagree and feel that I have repeatedly covered all of the issues he raises, etc, but as I say, at least he had the gumption to put his name to his Comments...(good on you Mr Horsburgh-Ed)...indeed, it stands in stark contrast to some other recent efforts...and here they are...***  

Hi, The very next time I read a blog, I hope that it does not disappoint me as much as this particular one.Happy New Year Greetings I mean, I know it was my choice to read, but I truly thought you would probably have something useful to say. All I hear is a bunch of crying about something that you could possibly fix if you were not too busy searching for attention. Thanks on    (7th Dec 2018)

Merry Christmas, You are so interesting! I don't believe I've truly read through anything like that before. So wonderful to discover another person with a few unique thoughts on this issue. Seriously.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is something that is required on the internet, someone with a bit of originality! If you want to read Christmas Quotes For Husband you have to see the link Thank you, on    (6th Dec 2018)

Imagine if you put as much effort into getting your life together as you do with being obsessed with all these people. Running for mayor again? Not well enough to work but well enough to run a council you call regularly call corrupt?? I wonder what centrelink would think about that.... In the decades I've known you you've never actually done anything productive. Try that for a change. Your blog will end up being your downfall. Your obsessive traits and inability to let things go is consuming you. This isn't healthy. You need a friend to tell you to get off here and get some fresh air. Also please stop welcoming random countries at the start of your posts. Nobody from these countries are actually reading your posts. They're bots. Every blog gets them. You'd also be surprised how many people just don't read blogs. Get on social media and express your views there where people can actually challenge your warped sense of reality. on (9th Sept 2018)

***so there you go...I've left out a coupla' others 'cos they are potentially 'spam' style semi-ads for businesses, etc, and that middle one actually says nice things, which isn't entirely unusual, but the other 2 are far more typical...and what do they have in common?...(they're all Comments on this 'ere blog?-Ed)...well yeah, of course, but what else?...(dunno'-Ed)...they are all signed 'Unknown', or in other words, anonymous...(ahhh, right-Ed)...and I can fully understand why someone wouldn't want to be associated with saying something supportive about this 'ere blog, particularly in such an insular and retributional community, but it's the rank cowardice of anonymous criticism that is genuinely sad...(well they're not just sad, they're fundamentally incoherent, I mean, if these people have actually read the blog at all, their various criticisms/abuses are all addressed previously-Ed)...well quite, and either they are not actually reading the blog and just slingin' abuse at me, or they're just part of that sad group who flatly refuse to see the unpleasant realities because it's all a bit confronting and a bit difficult, etc...(or they're just corrupt stooges trying to undermine this 'ere blog, but cannot actually address the issues because, as you say, the realities we raise/discuss here-in are far too unpleasant-Ed)...indeed...

Regular availees understand exactly why I started this 'ere blog...(because of the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption in South Australia, as defined by the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...absolutely, and it was after more than a decade of families trying to get 'Authorities' to so something, etc, I say, I don't need to explain myself to anyone who's actually read the blog, TMGI is about trying to get things addressed/resolved in a context where SA's Institutionalised Corruption is absolute and wholly supported by a rankly corrupt more than I wishes that there was nothing to go on this 'ere blog and no need to do it...sure, there's a degree of my own guilt and sense of failure re the unresolved St Martins Cover-up, but then again, if the St Martins Cover-up didn't exist, none of us would be here now...apart from that stuff, some of that Comment from 9th Sept 2018 is just plain stoopid, I mean, 'nobody's reading the blog'...(well yes they are, it's why you cop so much official flak for it, because 'Authorities' are reading it and aren't happy about you discussing/exposing their rank corruptions-Ed)...well quite...and at the very least, these Commentors are reading it...

But the crowning stoopidity is the closing statement of the 9th September Comment...(but the blog is on Social Media, and this clown has left a Comment, albeit 'challenging' what they then seem to concede are 'realities'-Ed)...oh yeah, it's all good stuff...'go onto social media so that more gutless clowns can anonymously abuse you without actually addressing one single issue', what a great idea...and as Ed says, the blog is on Social Media, and this person has abused if not actually challenged me on anything...and dear dickhead from 7th December, how's about, instead of slingin' gutless anonymous abuse, how's about you go and sort out the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption irrefutably defined on this 'ere blog...(you mean the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption of SAPol (police), the SA Parliament (Labor and Liberal alike), the SA Judicial system that has people like Bill Morris presiding, the Crown Solicitor, the Teachers Registration Board, the Dept Public Prosecutions, the SA media, the ABC, the Lutherans, Rory McEwen, Bill  DeGaris, etc, etc, etc, et al?-Ed)...yep, all that...go on, off you trot anonymous champ, and y'all let me know when you've got all that sorted...shouldn't take long for someone of your towering intellect... 

And that brings us to my latest exchange with SAPol about their deceit-laden attempts to force me to undergo Forensic Procedures (DNA swab and finger-printing) re an alleged breach of my "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention I understand is my 'legal right', I am currently pursuing a Judicial Review of this forensic farce, and on Thursday 6th December 2018 I wrote the attached letter to Supt Grant Moyle, emailed at 0830hrs, and at 1420hrs Friday 7th received the attached anonymous emailed response...***

Supt Grant Moyle
c/- Mt Gambier Police Station
Bay Rd
Mt Gambier SA 5290

Dear Supt Moyle,

As per our previous correspondence, I am currently still in the process of getting legal advice regarding SAPol's repeated demands that I undergo two Simple Identity (Forensic) Procedures.

In you letter of 30th November 2018, hand-delivered to my home by two SAPol officers, you acknowledge that I am pursuing and have the right to a “Judicial Review” of the proposed SIPs.

The attached copy of my letter and emails with the Higher Courts Registry show that that process is ongoing, and I am advised that SAPol cannot/should not conduct any SIP given that this Judicial Review process is underway.

I have had trouble getting legal advice on this issue because I have been forced to access 'free' advice like the Community Legal Service, the Legal Services Commission phone line, and the Courts Registry, and as late as 1800hrs Tuesday evening (4th December) was on the phone talking to a local lawyer who was good enough to talk to me briefly for free.

Getting advice has been further complicated because I have not been able to explain why SAPol officers have repeatedly been to my home videotaping me and interviewing me, etc, but have not charged me, and how/why any SIP is “relevant” to the alleged offence.

My 'advisors' have all expressed confusion and/or concern about this 'non-charging' and particularly the “relevance” of any SIPs.

It would greatly improve my chances of getting succinct and appropriate advice if you would provide me with answers to those two specific questions, namely;
  1. why am I being repeatedly interviewed, taped, etc, but not charged, and;
  2. why/how is any SIP specifically “relevant” to the alleged offence of 'blogging'.
At my home on Monday 26th November, SAPol Sen Const (***name removed) repeatedly stated that there is a specific time limit within which I must undergo the SIPs, insisting that it must be done by/on Friday 30th November 2018, which you then moved to today Thursday 6th December, but I am advised that there is apparently no specific time limit.

Why have I been told by SAPol that there is a specific 'time limit' if that is not the case? If my 'advisors' are incorrect, please direct me to where that time limit is legislated and/or identified.

Given that this Judicial Review process is still underway, and there is no apparent time limit, I will not be attending Mt Gambier Police Station today to undergo any SIP as per your second 'Officer's Direction To Attend'.

I am advised that, given the ongoing Judicial Review process, this is not considered a 'refusal to comply' with the 'Officer's Direction', but is my 'legal right' and 'legally appropriate'.

I therefore request that any further 'Direction' not be issued until this entire Judicial Review process is completed/concluded, and potentially allows/approves the SIPs.

Furthermore, given the Judicial Review process, I am advised that it would not be appropriate for SAPol to seek a Magistrate's Warrant to allow me to be arrested and forced to submit to any SIP, as identified/threatened on the 'Officer's Direction' form and in your letter.

I expect that you will respect the Judicial Review process, etc, and not apply for this warrant.

As a matter of courtesy, and to advise them of the situation, I have provided the Magistrate Courts Registry with a copy of this letter and attached emails.

Again, I request specific answers to the specific questions in my original letter 29th November 2018, particularly regarding the multiple errors and/or deceits in SAPol's conduct of this SIP process.

It appears that this Judicial Review process may yet take some time to conclude/resolve so I request that you postpone any further attempts to conduct these proposed SIPs.

Please respond immediately to this letter/email, indicating that you have received and understand it, and that you will accordingly postpone any further attempt to force me to undergo these SIPs until such time as this Judicial Review process has concluded.

When I have any further specific information I will notify you.

Yours, Nick Fletcher.

*** emailed at 0830hrs 6th December 2018, and as stated, a copy went to the Magistrates Court Registry, who responded at 1130hrs, stating they had forwarded it to the Mt Gambier Registry...(fair enough-Ed)...sure, but SAPol eventually responded mid-afternoon Friday 7th December, thusly...***

SAPOL:Enquiries <>
Re: SAPol v Fletcher MCMTG-15-72
07/12/2018 2:51 PM


Good afternoon Sir

We will not be taking any action to alter the direction that was given to you.  No further correspondence will be entered into on this topic.

Customer Service Officer    
Information Release Unit  
100 Angas Street ADELAIDE SA 5000
The information contained in this message and any attachment is confidential and may also be the subject of legal, professional privilege or public interest immunity.  If you are not the intended recipient, any use, disclosure or copying of this document and or its attachments is unauthorised.
Please advise us by reply and then delete it from your system. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of SAPOL.

***...(wow, what does that even mean? what has it got to do with the Information Release Unit? why is it anonymous? why hasn't Supt Moyle responded? what about your questions about the SAPol deceits and associated threats? WTF?-Ed)...all very valid questions Ed, particularly the last, and one's I will myself be asking Supt Moyle when I write to him again, of noon today Monday 10th December 2018 I am still waiting for clarification/information about the Judicial Review process...(and answers from Attorney General Vicki Chapman-Ed)...sure...(and Dept of Corrections-Ed)...yep...(and the Fines Enforcement people-Ed), nearly forgot, yeah, them too...(in fact, is anyone actually answering your letters?-Ed)...ummm, can I get back to you on that one...(sure, no rush, apparently-Ed)...

Tomorrow: MGCC's Relentless Lies And Abuse About The $40m Recreation Hub

And because it's so important, I'll actually do that one this arvo'...(2 posts in one day? not falling back into bad, obsessive habits?-Ed) no, just for today, and it'll be mostly a cut-'n'-paste post too...(welllll, okay, so long as we're not goin' off the deep end into twice-daily posts again, like you were doing back when you started TMGI-Ed)..back before you even existed you confected literary device you...(well quite, but I still think a coupla' times a week is healthier than a coupla' posts a day-Ed)...althoughhhh, with former Labor Premier Jay 'The Shiny Man' Weatherill and his Attorney General li'l Johnny Rau both retiring/resigning, we might just be back tomorrow with that...(mmm, fair enough, it is an extraordinary situation that reasonably demands a prompt post-Ed)...right on...

I am Nick Fletcher, and that is Ed...(cheers-Ed)...who is as I said, not actually an actual person but a literary device utilised to discuss issues rather than lecture...(and set-up jokes, don't forget the setting-up of the jokes-Ed)...well we try, don't we, but humour ain't always that appropriate or even accessible...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...but anyhoos, this is TMGI, and cheers and laters...

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