Wednesday, December 5, 2018

An Insider's View Of The Child Abuse National Apology

Howdy dear availees in Colombia, France, Thailand, and Spain, and y'all else, and welcome to another stop-gap cut-'n'-paste post, albeit a very poignant and relevant one given what I've had to say recently about the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption evidenced in the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission...regular availees of this 'ere blog will not need to be reminded that the reason I'm so rabidly furious about the FCARC is that 'they' refused to look at the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...I remind availees that the FCARC rejected myself and other parents who submitted lengthy submissions with extensive supporting documentation...(but not just rejected you lot, they failed/refused to even ask the Lutherans a single official question-Ed)..indeed...(and barely mentions them at all in their Final Report-Ed)...hardly a word...(in a context that indicates that there's never been a 'paedophile issue' in a Lutheran school or other Lutheran institution-Ed)...yep, that's exactly what the FCARC says... 

And as per the most recent post on this 'ere blog, I'm very much pre-occupied with the latest and current SAPol (police) deceits, harassment, and intimidation re my alleged partial breach of the "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders put in place by the definably corrupt Magistrate Ian White...and again, regular availees will be well aware of why it is and how I can justifiably refer to Magistrate White as "rankly corrupt"...(well because you can prove that his outrageous conduct toward you goes far beyond mere bias-Ed) most surely does...(and straight into definable collusion with SAPol-Ed)...yep...(including admitting that you were incorrectly prosecuted under changed legislation, but then waving that away as irrelevant-Ed)...and only admitting that after he was 'outed' by local media The Border Watch...(and he himself also confirmed/identified SAPol Prosecutions repeated attempts to lie about when you were allegedly 'charged'-Ed)...yep, and then dismissed that as irrelevant...(and that's just a coupla' points from a literal litany of defining incidents-Ed)...absolutely, there is no doubt that Magistrate White acted to ignore any and/or all evidence, SAPol conduct, etc, that in any way compromised his agenda of finding me guilty come what may... 

For the record, I repeatedly lodged official complaints and tried to have Magistrate White's bias addressed during my "bizarre trial" (TBW), but I was repeatedly sent back to him to have him rule on his own bias...(wow, how is that even plausible, let alone possible, let alone official policy? how is it a Magistrate gets to rule on their own bias?-Ed)...I know, and when I've pursued my official complaints with Chief Magistrate Hribal, she has deferred me to Judicial Conduct Commissioner Bruce Lander, even after I identified that as ICAC Commissioner, he was responsible for my "bizarre trial" and changing the legislation that I was retrospectively prosecuted with, etc, etc...    

Then there's the ludicrously worded and "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders, 'Orders' worded and issued in such a manner as to deliberately effectively ban me from attending Mt Gambier City Council meetings and/or any public event...(and from the ABC-Ed)...yep...(and from discussing the SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch's raid of your home in May 2014, their subsequent lies in Court, etc-Ed)...yeah, and that's why I use the term "reprehensibly vile", because FIO's are meant to protect (mostly) women and children from violence and abuse, and Magistrate White has used them to try and protect corrupt public officials and censor/quash discussion of that corruption, and that is a "reprehensibly vile" thing to do...(and doesn't the wording of those FIOs also state that you are to monitor other people and indeed the entire Internet so as to prevent or "not allow" others to breach these FIOs?-Ed) I said, ludicrous...

And now I'm again being harassed and intimidated by SAPol re my alleged breach of one of these "reprehensibly vile" FIOs, where-in they've been repeatedly showing-up at my house to video-tape me on my doorstep and lie to me to try and intimidate me into agreeing to undergo farcically irrelevant Simple Identity Procedures, namely a DNA mouth-swab and finger-printing...(although I note they didn't video you last Monday 26th November 2018 when they came to your house to issue that 'Officer's Direction To Attend' form about having to go to Mt Gambier Police Station and submit to those SIPs, etc-Ed)...indeed, they seem almost determined to try to get me to me to react in a way that can actually be used against me, but to not actually charge me with anything, instead using deceit and intimidation to harass and bully me, and shove a video camera in my face as part of that, but not video me when it's about their supposed/alleged failure to SIP me, etc, etc, I'm currently goin' round in small circles with that...

Only yesterday I spoke with a local lawyer I was referred to by the Law Society, and that lawyer either had no idea what they were talking about, or they were straight-out lying to me...for example, even after I explained exactly what was on the 'Officer's Direction' form about how, in the event I fail/refuse to comply, then police can/may go to a Magistrate and apply for a warrant for my arrest to then force me to undergo these SIPs, the lawyer insisted that police could just come get me and arrest me...(yeah, find an honest lawyer in Mt Gambier, good luck with that-Ed)...well maybe such a wondrous creature does exist, indeed, my dealings with the Community Legal Service have been excellent when/where they could help, but this person was the one that the Law Society 'recommended', and they were useless at best, potentially deliberately deceitful...

But I digress, because today's post is about the FCARC, and other people's perspective...I reckon this was taken from The Chronicle...(well that's what that blue 'link' thingy says when you click on George Helon-Ed)...well quite, that's what I'm going by 'cos I can't remember, but anyhoos, here 'tis, and I'll see y'all at the end...***

Abuse victims reeling from Clayton’s apology!

On Monday 22 October 2018, the Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, delivered the National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse at Parliament House in Canberra.

I was very fortunate to have been one of the 800 'Wonka' gold ticket holders invited to Canberra to attend at the Great Hall of Parliament House as the Apology was conveyed.

Albeit a good intention might have been there, many of those attending felt aggrieved and angered by the government's lack of compassion and understanding of their personal situations.

Indeed, some were infuriated by the lack of consultation with victims in the organization of the event, particularly the logistics involved in the co-ordination of travel arrangements, which in some cases were made with little or no notice by the National Apology Secretariat.

Once again victims and survivors of systemic abuse in institutions found themselves helpless and at the whims and mercy of yet another system.

The government just doesn't get it, victims and survivors are fed up with having to navigate, and stressed to the hilt when it comes to negotiating political and bureaucratic systems; after all it was a system that allowed the abuse to happen, a system that covered-up the abuse, the system that accepts no responsibility for the abuse, the system that has minimized accountably, and the system that created another system to deal with the system to lessen any culpability or responsibility of the system for what that system did!

And just as the former PM, Mr Turnbull ignored victims and survivors in developing the National Redress Scheme, so too had our latest PM, Mr Scott Morrison who had ignored the views, wishes, concerns and the most basic expectations of victims and survivors in facilitating the National Apology.

Many victims - most with no support persons - were expected to travel from interstate the day before; there were no contingency arrangements; many missed connecting flights because of cancellations and re-routing caused by inclement weather conditions, and some were delayed in transit and arrived the next day, after the National Apology!

Many felt that the PM's heart wasn't really in it, that he was arrogant and just pandering to the moment and paying lip service to abuse victims and survivors.

The PM was booed and heckled during his address in the Great Hall; to many, his words were scripted and hollow.

At one point the PM said he understood the anger and hurt felt by survivors of childhood sexual abuse, but then he asked those present to stand together and hold hands in solidarity.

The PM might have thought his action as some sort of empathetic and symbolic support, but nothing could have been further from the truth as many in the Great Hall were gobsmacked and took offence!

Obviously the PM is oblivious, doesn't fully understand, or could never comprehend that the traumatic effects and impact of sexual, physical, mental, emotional and other abuse shapes a person's life, makes them who they are and prevents them from being who or what they could have been.

Sexual abuse affects victims, their families, and associates every day of their existence, in all that they do, in any company they are in, and in any undertaking they might endeavor.

Asking victims and survivors to hold hands might have seemed like a touching gesture, but many sexual assault victims aren't comfortable with touching, or being touched by members of their own families, let alone strangers.

When the Leader of the Opposition the Hon Bill Shorten MP delivered his speech many were of the opinion that his address was much more relevant and poignant.

There was resounding applause for mentions of, and when pictures of Julia Gillard and the Leader of the Opposition shown, more so when they entered the Great Hall.

The National Apology was supposed to have been a watershed moment in Australia's social history, but alas many abuse victims and survivors are bitterly cynical and suspicious of its long term results.

It feels to many as if the National Apology was just another system hiccup, another Clayton's apology where much is promised but the reality is naught!

And interestingly, once off the stage our PM was generally inaccessible because he was surrounded by his goon squad and corralled by the media.

The whole thing about the occasion of the Apology was that it was supposed to be about the victims and survivors - their day - not about politicians, not about point scoring, and certainly not a popularity contest to see who could get more media attention.

For the government the day in Canberra ended with a deep sigh that they got away with it again!

For abuse victims and survivors the day ended just like it did at the sunset of the Royal Commission: everybody left in limbo with no support or clue what to do, or where to go next?

Now as for the National Redress Scheme, it was suggested by many victims and survivors that the benefits of any redress scheme should be without favor or prejudice; that any financial recompense should be equal across the board - not discriminatory.

It was put forward to the Federal government that victims should not feel that they are being singled-out and classed into bands, tiers, or grades; that the severity of the abuse perpetrated against them, and the effects suffered between them should in no way be reduced, minimized, diminished, or exclusionary.

It was proposed by myself and others that it would be more just and fair to all victims - and of benefit to the Federal government too - for no lump sum to be paid because lump sums can be squandered in an instant, but rather a fortnightly benefit payment similar to a tax-free pension for life.

But alas - the government had already made its mind up with victims and survivors now being financially sodomized by the Redress Scheme.

The Morrison government seems oblivious to the fact that the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse received over 68 thousand enquiries.

If you consider each enquirer represents a voting family of four, the government is at odds with over 272 thousand people who could well decide marginal seats come the next Federal election.

So what next?

After years of cover-up, denial, and inaction by institutions victims are very angry and so frustrated at their treatment by the system.

After years of emotional trauma, anger and disappointment welling up, many victims feel they have nothing to lose; how long before a survivor explodes and goes berserk?

The government is playing with unstable gelignite that could well blow-up in its face in more ways than one.

It is time to take victims and survivors seriously.

***...and because in this post I'm deferring to this person's experience and perspective, I'm just gunna' sign-off and let their words tell the story...(well you've already had a good whinge at the top there-Ed)...indeed I have...

Tomorrow: Court Stuff? Probably...Maybe

(At the very least, this process of perpetually persecuting you for speaking-out about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and/or Institutionalised Corruption, etc, it is a very effective strategy in distracting you away from other issues we'all might otherwise be covering on this 'ere blog-Ed)...yeah, but not really, 'cos all it really does is further define the reality of my various statements and claims, eg, this ridiculous DNA/finger-printing stuff is to my understanding widely viewed as undisguised harassment, and it just draws more people to this 'ere blog, and they then go back through the 950+ posts and look at the many issues I've previously covered...(well I s'pose-Ed)...and in a context where a lot of that stuff simply hasn't changed, eg, the definable Fascism of un-challengeable Wind Turbine legislation in South Australia...

Of course, there'll always be those people who choose to blame me for whatevs, and willingly refuse to look at the realities, no matter how simply or thoroughly this stuff is explained to better example, one of the people recently mouthing-off about me on social media, that person's child was in the class of 7 year olds abused by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School in 2002...(wow-Ed)...oh yeah, not only was that person entirely wrong about what my "bizarre trial" was about, etc, but they know exactly why I do this 'ere blog, and yet they still choose to attack and abuse me...also, I'm aware there was recently a heated discussion in a local business where-in another parent with a child from that 2002 class was furiously criticising me...(I love people, really I do-Ed)...I just think it's really sad, and my thoughts as always are with the child...

Apologies that there's no humour in this post, but I'm just really tired, and very, very pissed-off because this latest SAPol harassment and intimidation is causing immense stress, most particularly to my family, following-on as it does from 16 years of stress and anger from the abuse and harassment and intimidation of a police force clearly controlled by Pro-Paedophile Corruption, and particularly as that relates to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...  

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