Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Federal ICAC - Set To Be As Corrupt As South Australia's

Howdy Germany, Russia, the USofA, and India, welcome one and all to TMGI and another semi-brief sortta' stop-gap post...apologies for the ten day hiatus, but I just lost track and to a lesser degree interest, and have been couch-snoozing 8hrs/day and all that other terrific 'Depression' shizzle...I am dead-seat knackered after several long weeks of running in small circles chasing people whom, when held to account for their lies and harassment, etc, well then they suddenly 'disappear' and instead I get anonymous pseudo-responses...(are you referring to that nonsense from SAPol in the last few weeks, including that rather bizarre 'anonymous' response from 'SAPol Information Services' to your very specific letters to Mt Gambier SAPol Supt Grant Moyle?-Ed)...absolutely exactly like that, and as covered in recent posts, and as also segues beautifully straight into...

STOP PRESS:...SAPol Supt Grant Moyle 'retires'...(whaaa?-Ed)...orrrr yes, my mate Moylesy has suddenly decided that now is the time...and here from the top right-hand corner of page 4 of The Border Watch is the entire story...(mmm, one could be excused for missing that tiny little thing aways-up in the corner there as being just an ad-Ed)...well quite, and indeed many people have, but anyhoos, here 'tis...
     Regional police leader announces retirement
     Limestone Coast Superintendent Grant Moyle has signalled his retirement as he prepares
     to end a long career with the South Australian Police.
     The Adelaide-based SAPol media unit said fellow veteran officer Superintendent Phil Hoff
     would be taking his place in the new year, but the date has yet to be determined.
     Superintendent Moyle has spent over two years based in Mount Gambier.

...and that, as they say, is that...without going into specifics, I am aware that I'm not the only person who has been on Supt Moyle's case since he moved here...(what, about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and/or the institutionalised corruption of Mt Gambier City Council, and/or the "Malicious Prosecution" of your "bizarre trial", and/or how many people are, via this 'ere blog, watching his/SAPol's current actions?-Ed)...yes and/or yes and/or yes and/or yes, but I find it an extraordinary coincidence that just recently I and/or TMGI has been the renewed focus of a rankly Pro-Paedophile complicit SAPol...(you mean these recent multiple visits to ya' home and repeatedly videotaping you on ya' own doorstep and straight-out lying to ya' to try and trick and bully and harass you into agreeing to farcically irrelevant 'DNA swabs and fingerprinting', etc, etc-Ed)...yep, all that, with all of that goin' on I find it an extraordinary coincidence that Supt Moyle has suddenly decided to bail...

(And when they say "spent over two years based", do they mean, 'living and working in', or rather 'zonked outta' his little skull after freebasing cocaine'?-Ed)...mmm, interesting question Ed, I'm gunna' go with the former, but ultimately it's irrelevant, the current reality is that Supt Moyle has suddenly had a nasty Nick Fletcher-shaped boil develop on his career...(aha, nice one man-Ed)...and equally suddenly he's decided it's time to shoot-through...and what do you mean "nice one"?...('boil on his ca-rear'-Ed)...ah, yes, unintended puns are truly the best...anyhoos, all joking aside, whilst other recent 'retirements' may be aligned with content of this 'ere blog because that's the stuff and/or the people we write about...(you mean like Mt Gambier City Council CEO Mark McShane suddenly 'retiring' 4 years early?-Ed)...yep, exactly like that...(or Labor's Jay Weatherill and li'l Johnny Rau suddenly resigning/retiring?-Ed)...yeah, them too...(and not forgetting Robe CEO Roger Sweetman 'retiring'-Ed)...mate, who could forget Roger 'Whim and Fancy' Sweetman?...(well not us, obviously-Ed)...indeed, but all of those co-inkydinks aside, this sudden departure by Supt Moyle is a huge coincidence relative to what has just been happening re SAPol lying and threatening and harassing me about these farcical 'DNA swabs and fingerprinting'...   

Bur we digress from the ICAC stuff, albeit it's all the same Institutionalised Corruption, just to set the tone, here's another cut-'n'-paste from some website...(is it In Daily?-Ed)...reckon it might be, sorry, didn't save the source...(yeah, it is, just checked, but anyhoos-Ed)...anyhoos, it's another account of the farcical faux-fight between the rankly corrupt My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander and his pay-masters in the South Australian Parliament...***

‘Wheels have fallen off’ ICAC Act, says Lander


Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Bruce Lander says it’s not for him to say whether Attorney-General Vickie Chapman broke the law, but concedes the ongoing controversy has “reflected badly” on his organisation.
Lander and the ICAC Act have been in the public spotlight since September, when Chapman publicly linked his office to questions about the whereabouts of senior Renewal SA executives in a statement distributed to media, prompting questions as to whether she had breached the law – a suggestion she denies.
Her statement followed a tense exchange in a parliamentary estimates hearing, during which Labor frontbencher Tom Koutsantonis grilled Planning Minister Stephan Knoll about a bizarre public statement he issued, unsolicited, to The Advertiser newspaper about the missing executives. Koutsantonis also raised the spectre of ICAC in his questions.

Neither Koutsantonis’s questions nor Chapman’s statement relating to ICAC were reported by media, on legal advice, until Lander issued his own statement authorising publication of the Attorney-General’s release.
In an interview on ABC Radio Adelaide today, Lander conceded he was “more concerned” about Koutsantonis’s questions in parliament than he was about the Attorney-General’s public statement, but he refused to say whether he believed she had breached the ICAC Act.
“Nobody is allowed to break the law… we all must comply with the law, but it’s not for me to pass an opinion as to whether she has,” he said.
“What I’m concerned about is if members exercise that right of parliamentary privilege in a way that impacts upon the operation of the Act under which I work – that’s my concern.”
He reiterated his point made in evidence to a parliamentary committee this week that the use of privilege to seek information about an ongoing investigation was “novel” and “hasn’t occurred before in the last five and a half years of the operation of my office”.
“The effect of what [Koutsantonis] has done is to change the landscape in relation to the operation of the Act and as a consequence of that, we’ve got to look at how the Act works and how it’s going to work in the future,” he told presenter David Bevan.
“You’ve said that the ‘wheels have fallen off’ and I think that’s a fair description… I think the events of the last six or so weeks have been very unfortunate and have reflected rather badly… perhaps badly on my organisation.
“I think what has happened is the spirit of the Act… that I carry out my investigations quietly and unobtrusively, has been compromised.”
Earlier this week, he flagged a broader debate about the use of parliamentary privilege in relation to ICAC and police investigations, adding today that “if parliamentarians insist upon the right to continue to bring allegations of that kind into the public through the parliament, then something has to be done about the Act”.

Asked whether politics had “trumped principle” in the recent controversies, he said, “possibly [but] I think there are a number of decisions that have been made over the last few years in response to my claims for public hearings in relation to maladministration that had been driven by politics rather than principle”.
Lander has long called for the right to hold public maladministration hearings, a request that was frustrated by the former Labor government. He had previously welcomed the Liberal Government’s Bill to allow public hearings, but recent changes to the legislation giving witnesses Supreme Court appeal rights have seen him deem it effectively unworkable and providing merely the “illusion” of transparency.
“It seems to me absurd that I can publish a public report identifying the issues which I’ve investigated, but the public can’t see the way in which I’ve investigated it,” he told the ABC today.
“My view is that if there’s an appeal process, parties and lawyers will use it to stultify the investigation and to obtain evidence to which they’re not otherwise entitled at that stage of the investigation… it’ll be used as a tactic for the purpose of persons obtaining an advantage to which they’re not entitled.”
Lander conceded SA had “considerable” maladministration issues due to “poor governance”, which was allowing corruption to flourish.
He said this included “procurement corruption, corruption in the use of credit cards [and] in the exercise of power”.
“I’ve said publicly a number of times, I think maladministration in South Australia is more important that corruption because I think the existence of maladministration allows for the exercise of corruption but I think there is significant evidence of poor governance amongst some of the larger agencies in South Australia,” he said.
Interviewed on the same station, Premier Steven Marshall said Koutsantonis was “probably technically perfectly entitled” to ask questions about ICAC under parliamentary privilege, but added: “Do I think he was reckless? Yes.”
But Koutsantonis said he had no regrets about his line of questioning and that “the Opposition is always going to ask difficult questions”.
“The Government runs a number of government businesses – SA Water, Renewal SA, the South Australian Financing Authority – that on our behalf go out and borrow hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions of dollars… we are going to ask difficult questions about the management of those agencies, because we want to protect the taxpayers,” he said.

***...and that may be from late November 2018 but it's still really relevant...(particularly that farcical pantomime of Bruce mate whinging about his mate Tommy, particularly given how hard Bruce worked to cover-up for Tommy on the rankly corrupt Gillman Land Sale fiasco-Ed)...well quite, it's all an absolute pantomime designed and presented for the consumption of a hopefully ignorant public, and as conducted by the rankly corrupt ICAC Commissioner and the corrupt clowns who appointed him and have subsequently made him also Judicial Conduct Commissioner and Police Complaints Commissioner...(and SAPol Complaints Commissioner?-Ed)...yep...(but that means if ya' make a complaint about a Magistrate/Judge, and/or the cops, and/or any public official and/or politician, it all ultimately goes to the same one person, Bruce-Ed)...yep...(and that one person has already defined himself as being wholly and absolutely corrupt-Ed)...indeed he has Ed, indeed he has...

I also note again with great amusement that the SA Attorney-General Vicki Chapman has transgressed re the exact piece of legislation that I have been 'Convicted' of, namely ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 (a), proving just exactly how convoluted and confusing and unworkable that piece of ludicrous legislation truly is...(and beyond that, having clearly breached Section 56, the AG then gets a Retrospective Approval Letter from Bruce-Ed)...well indeed, but when I was raided by SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch in May 2014, I didn't get a RAL from Bruce mate...(maaate-Ed)...all I got was an official ICAC Comm Authorisation to be allowed to speak to a lawyer, my family, friends, and even a medical practitioner...(and wasn't ICAC legislation later changed to allow a 'suspect' to be allowed to speak to a lawyer without specific permission from Bruce?-Ed)...indeed it was, in 2016 I think it was...(and that of course followed the November 2014 ICAC Miscellaneous Amendments Act where-in Bruce and Labor's Attorney-General li'l Johnny Rau colluded to change the ICAC Act 2012 to included specific definitions/changes that would allow for you to be prosecuted-Ed)...yep, all that, and it does bear repeating because it's a fundamental proof as to the attitude and conduct of SA's rankly corrupt ICAC, and now we're apparently gunna' get a Federal ICAC...(oh boy-Ed)...indeed...

Having flatly refused/rejected the idea of a FICAC, or National Integrity Commission, PM Scott 'Snake-handler' Morrison is now spruiking one, and it's guaranteed to be just as bad as SA's if not far worse...(is that possible?-Ed)...well it's got to involve input from the same rankly corrupt Labor Party who installed the rankly corrupt SA ICAC...(oh strewth, I see what you mean-Ed)...and sans Labor, the proof is in who they're puttin' in charge of creating this supposed Federal ICAC...(do I really want to know?-Ed)...probably not, but here goes's former Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty...(oh gourd-Ed)...WA public servant Mal Wauchope...(who?-Ed)...just look him up on Google mate, and it don't look good...and then there's notorious 'lawyer' Margaret Cuneen...(omg, not Cuneen, for gourd's sake not Cuneen, she is a dead-set shocker, she's the sort of person who should be the subject of ICAC, not in charge of establishing one-Ed)...well quite, and it was her involvement in previous ICAC investigations that is the cause for concern...I don't need to trawl through all this here, it's all readily available across the Interweb, so check it out for yourselves...also check-out where she was the supposed prosecutor for a 'paedophile swimming coach' and her extraordinary work there in dropping the charges and justifying that by saying that '11-year olds can't be molested because they don't have breasts' Ed said, she's an absolute shocker...

Her appointment alone is clear indication of what sort of 'ICAC' we are likely to get from any Liberal government...(and Bruce Lander and the SA ICAC are clear indicators of what we're likely to get from any Labor government-Ed)...absolutely, damned if we do and even more damned if we don't...even Scott Morrison's version is already set to officially exonerate anything the Liberals have done in the past 5 years, and then you have people like Cuneen set to draft/influence the's an absolute con-job from a rancidly corrupt governing structure, and I guarantee it will come with a raft of exciting new 'Suppression Orders' legislation...(like the farcically undefinable and openly Fascist SA ICAC Act 2012 Section 56?-Ed)...yep Ed, exactly like that...

SA ICAC is about protecting the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia, and achieving that by threatening and attacking and criminalising genuine 'Whistleblowers' like myself.

It is absolutely apparent that that is exactly where we are headed with this farcical FICAC model.

I note that this follows on from our marvellous new Security/Encryption Laws and the current suppression of a story about a very serious criminal conviction of a high-profile public figure, a story that is front-page news across the globe but entirely suppressed here in Oz...and I defer to comedian Charlie Pickering who made the hilarious observation, 'if there's a major story but we're not allowed to discuss it, how come you all know what I'm talking about'?'...

Tomorrow: I'll Think Of Something

Again apologies for the break between posts, but that was a fully full-on fortnight of daily SAPol visits and/or threats and/or letters, etc, all apparently culminating in the SAPol Supt Moyle bolting...(ya' know, if you can't look after your SAPol Superintendents, you shan't be allowed to have one-Ed)...what?...(well, if you insist on breaking them, you won't get any more-Ed)...what the shreck are you on about?...(well there was Supt Mark Fairney, and that time he was shaking so hard he bounce-threw his phone along the ABC's front counter and into their bookshelf-Ed)...oh I'd forgotten about that, absolutely hilarious, he came into the ABC foyer when I was standing there and said to him 'gidday, we've spoken on the phone', and although we'd never met, he dead-set shat 'ímself and was shaking so hard that when he went to the counter and tried to pick-up his phone, all he achieved was violently bounce-skipping it across the counter, into the bookshelf, and onto the floor...(and Supt Twilley always looked extremely uncomfortable in your presence-Ed)...true, but he apparently had a 'nervous disposition', so it wasn't all me...(but it definitely was you on occasion-Ed)...yeah, fair call...(for example, at Council that time when he and his colleague both looked truly 'spooked' when you hove into view from just around the corner-Ed)...indeed, I have my moments...(and so do others when you're around-Ed)...nice...

And is so often the case, it's not so much 'me' that causes this massive discomfort, rather, it's the huge and very base load of issues that I haul along with me, issues that my presence reminds and/or invokes...(yeah, but it's because of your 'activism', for lack of a better word, and the strength and/or commitment you've shown, etc, it's all that stuff, it's a combination of who you are, what you've done, and how you've conducted ya'self whilst doing it-Ed)...well when you put it like that, sure, it is about me...

In closing, I note with extreme concern and a sense of dawning deja-vu, that the current case of 'extended sexual exploitation of a child' in Mt Gambier has quietly slipped onto page 6 or 7 of The Border Watch and a very small article...this looks exactly like yet another Mt Gambier Child Abuse Cover-up in the making...I have had several people ask me about this and several others tell I've stated previously, I ain't gunna' give rankly corrupt Pro-Paedophile authorities like SAPol and the Crown Solicitor the opportunity for corruptly dropping the case and blaming me for that because I discussed it, etc...(you mean like SAPol repeatedly did with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, repeatedly pretending to investigate "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling, and repeatedly dumping their faux-investigations whilst blaming you's parents for discussing things, etc?-Ed)...yep, that exact template of rancid Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile corruption from SA police and related 'authorities' like Premier Mike Rann, his successor Jay Weatherill, their corrupt stooge Rory McEwen, the Crown Solicitor, etc, etc, et al...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...