Sunday, January 5, 2020

Wrapped Ya' Presents, Spent A Coastal Christmas vs Rapture Represents A Pentecostal Christ-Wish

***...given the horrendous fire conditions and incidents of the last few weeks and even months, just an appropriately respectful partial-apology for the terrible punning of that title that otherwise I would be claiming as witty word wizardry...many people have spent their Xmas/New Years fleeing from ravaging fires, losing their homes, seeking refuge on beaches, etc, whilst their Pentecostal PM Scummo goes on holidays and has parties...I try to hide my loathing and contempt in humour...***

Howdy dear availees here in Oz, and particularly anyone in either the Fire Crisis area of New South Wales or parts of Victoria...(and to those in the Adelaide Hills and surrounds, there was a person killed and heaps of homes lost in the Cudlee Creek fire, and there's been huge fires on Kangaroo Island, and now 2 people killed-Ed)...well quite, but in NSW there's been major fires for 3-4 months in places, and apparently as bad or even worse to come...(and same with the major fires in Victoria-Ed)...indeed, and concerns that some of those fires may connect to create fire-fronts 300-400kms across, or even larger...and I cannot begin to imagine what it must be like to try and face that maelstrom, not for a single day let-alone for weeks, let-alone now running into months...nearly 30 years ago now, whilst on work experience at Cleland Wildlife Park (Adelaide hills) I was involved in a coupla' minor controlled burn-offs with the CFS and National Parks, and I recall that they were mildly terrifying because of how big the fire got and how quickly it moved even in such relatively low growth and with a dozen+ fire trucks and dozens of people right there already in attendance, etc...I remember as a teenager the Black Saturday fires in the Adelaide Hills, and standing at school down in Adelaide, looking back to where I lived at the almost nuclear mushroom cloud that engulfed the entire Hills area...I also remember back when I was 9-10,  nearly getting caught in the car as a grass fire near Pt Lincoln raced down the hill just ahead of us, effortlessly jumped the road, and only stopped moments later when it got to the ocean...

So I guess I can say that like many of us I can sort of imagine, a bit, what people are going through, but I've never faced a towering wall of flame or had to be evacuated or lost my home or business or farm and livestock, etc, etc...what I can say with absolute certainty though, is that if it were my responsibility, if I were the Main Man, there's no way I'd be skiving-off on holiday somewhere...

But firstly, a quick shout-out to the hilarious response to the hateful rascist rant of 'Rob and Karen of Mildura', as caught on video, and where-in 'Karen' tries to rip-down an Aboriginal flag, but epically fails...not only is it great to hear of the 'official backlash' against these 2 appalling individuals, with companies pulling their endorsements and/or employment, etc, but now, courtesy of Senator Briggs (who I'm aware of as the musician Briggsy) there's emerging an exciting new measure for 'Flag Strength'...(and it is?-Ed)...The Karen...(nice-Ed) coincides with the hilarious release of the 'new Indigenous flag' that is virtually indestructible, rated to 100 Karens...the yellow centre of the flag has been replaced with a McDonalds' cheeseburger 'cos that's where Karen used to work, emphasis on 'used to' terrible as the incident itself was/is, it is terrific to see this sort of witty bite-back, using humour to critique and simultaneously dis-empower the abusers...

Anyhoos, regular availees will excuse me the terrible punning of the title, because they'll appreciate that it's not just witty word-play, it is a seething, scything indictment of the bizarre realities that we all currently endure with a Pentecostal Prime his abject refusal to accept professional advice and/or accept scientific evidence and/or accept international offers of support, and to piss-off on holidays mid-crisis, etc, is this merely the extreme hubris of a self-important stooge, or is it far more concerning?...("hubris"?-Ed)...excessive pride or self-confidence, conceit, arrogance, and ironically, originally referred to this behaviour 'toward the gods'...('ironic' because?-Ed)...because the other potential Scummo motivation/explanation lies with his well documented and openly embraced Pentecostal (Hillsong Church) allegiance...and that's the reference to 'the Rapture', because that's the core Pentecostal belief, that tremendous natural disasters, particularly fires, herald the onset of 'the Rapture', and with that the 'second coming of Christ', and the 'ascension to Paradise of the true believers' this is a very basic explanation of their/his belief system, so by all means research this stuff for y'all's also been referred to as 'Affluence Theology' or similar terms, referring to their beliefs that worship is rewarded with wealth, and even that accumulating wealth is an obligation, etc...  

But Scummo's happy-clapper hand-waving god-bothererness aside for just a moment, his pissing-off on holiday to Hawaii during this National Fire Crisis is simply unforgivable...(but that hasn't stopped ya' good ol' Right Wing Nut Jobs from excusing him and even praising him for 'coming home early'
/cutting short his holiday', etc-Ed)...and even when it's further 'exposed' that he 'cut short' his holiday by one whole day...(and still found time to go via New York to attend the new Hillsong facility just opened there-Ed)...extraordinary isn't it, holiday then Hillsong then National Disaster Emergency, it's a woefully inappropriate rank of hierarchies...(and no amount of blaming the missus and/or the kids excuses it-Ed)...well that was his whole justification wasn't it, 'I promised the kids a holiday'...(and wasn't it actually his third 'family holiday' in 2019?-Ed)...indeed, and even if it was the first, the NFC warranted nay demanded postponing that...and it does beg the oft-asked question, did he piss-off overseas because he genuinely doesn't care about this NFC because it's what he wants to happen, what he believes should happen, and therefore he is sans sympathy for those who suffer 'cos they deserve it, etc?...  

I've had several discussions with people where-in I expressed my hope that Scummo's alleged religious zeal was exactly that, 'alleged', that it was/is a disingenuous smokescreen to align himself with the god-botherer demographic, because the reality of the other option wasn't worth contemplating...(namely?-Ed)...that he genuinely believes this Pentecostal lunacy...

The fundamental question is one that I cannot believe we're asking as a country, let alone as a species in the 21st century, namely, is our government and therefore our country, is it being run to a Religious Agenda based on an Apocalyptic Belief System?

Is PM Scott 'Smoko' Morrison being deliberately so dysfunctional and disrespectful and altogether disastrous as a 'leader', because he genuinely believes his Pentecostal Church's teachings that this is the prerequisite disaster that heralds 'the second coming of Christ'?

Is this what Scott Morrison really wants to happen?

If we were to get all Sherlock Holmes with it, it would seem highly possible and even probable...("Sherlock Holmes with it"?-Ed)...yeah, you know, if you eliminate all other possibilities and/or explanations, etc, then what remains, no matter how improbable, unlikely or bizarre, that remaining possibility/option is the Truth...(bocconcini!-Ed)...indeed Ed, sweet baby cheeses!...(so you're saying that Scummo wants this NFC because it fits his religious belief system?-Ed)...mate, it certainly looks that way, because even if he is just a marketing executive he'd surely be attending to the appropriate 'appearances' of being PM during such a National Disaster...(or is #ScottyFromMarketting such a pathetic 'leader' and so hopelessly lost and so unencumbered by any ability to plan or apply reasonable rationale, that he's so fundamentally ill-equipped to 'lead' that he simply cannot do anything but hide?-Ed)...fair call...(is he hiding from the media and public scrutiny because he's so confronted by his own inadequacies that even he can no longer fake it?-Ed)...again, fair enough, and well, that's where it becomes the confronting choice for us, doesn't it? do we want a rankly ineffective incompetent as PM, or a rancidly religious zealot, either way we're pretty-much screwed...

On New Years Eve, literally half the country is on fire and where's Scotty, mate? He's hiding in Kirribilli House throwing a fireworks garden party for his mates, and then getting photos taken with the Australian and New Zealand cricket teams...(wow, and didn't he say something about how Aussies will be supported and inspired by their cricketers?-Ed)...yeah, not the first time either, and some more "thoughts and prayers" malarky...(and I note that he keeps dragging the missus, 'Jenny', into everything as well, 'Jenny and I think this' and 'Jenny and I went there', etc-Ed)...yeah, more deflection of responsibility and attempt to give what he's saying some credence it otherwise lacks...(I thought it was just more self-marketing stuff about being the 'Everyman, Bloke Next Door' type, ya' know, 'me and the missus', and/or a way to deflect criticism by associating his actions with his wife, eg, 'how dare you criticise my wife'-Ed)...possibly, sure...(well he's done it before with his family, dragging them into the spotlight when it suits his purpose, eg, the holiday stuff, then demanding they get their privacy when it doesn't suit, eg, scrutiny of Scummo's baby-sitter mates from QAnon and their access to him, etc-Ed)...well it's potentially any and/or all of these things isn't it, and applied so frequently so as to cover all potential contingencies...  

And no wonder he was in hiding when I started this post on New Year's Day, 'cos when Scummo tried to go out into the fire zone for his predicted self-obsessed photo-ops, it went spectacularly pear-shaped...if y'all haven't seen this footage, please to be availing ya'selves on the Interweb, but don't bother with the farcical ABC coverage, they barely show the full responses/abuse that Smoko copped, and appear to have even carefully edited the footage to 'frame-out' one particular interaction...for a 'full coverage' look to the Facebook or better still Twitter coverage, for stories that run for at least 2'll see a firey and a young woman refuse to shake Scummo's hand...(but he grabs them anyway-Ed)...I know, and the firey even gets up and walks away...dear availees, if you haven't seen this stuff already please look at as many sources as possible because there are several expurgated versions circulating, and it has to be seen to be believed...Scummo rocks-up in his luxury BMW, forces people to shake his hand, then when he gets abused by 3-4 people he pseudo-casually retreats to his limo and scarpers...pathetic, gutless, shameful..(you're not just gunna leave it there though, are ya'?-Ed)...damn straight I'm not...   

Did I just imagine this? I fear ABC TV Morning News (3rd Jan 2020) story/footage of the young woman in Cobargo who refused to shake Scummo's hand...(and Smoko then grabbed her arm and forced her hand into his?-Ed)...yeah yeah, that's the one...(and she very calmly says, 'I'm only shaking your hand if you'll get our firies the support they need'-Ed)...yep...(but then Smoko literally just turns his back on her mid-plea, and that lecherous old man intervenes, steps between them and starts touching her and actually kisses her?-Ed)...yep, and turns out he's former local Mayor and National Party member Tony Allen and has a long history of 'touching' and/or legally attacking woman, etc...(mmm, so a classic LNP member then?-Ed)...pretty much, it certainly seems that way...anyhoos, the ABC footage is either very fortuitously or very cynically cropped so that when Scummo grabs her arm, that is out-of-shot, cut-off by the bottom of the screen, and all you see is her shaking his hand...with what I've witnessed about the rancidly pro-LNP ABC, I find it very hard to believe that this is just a chance edit... 

And just watching a trending Channel 10 interview with that young woman, Zoe Salucci-McDermott, where-in she calmly and quietly says it all, 'Don't want to judge him, but it didn't seem like he was here to help us'..."he wasn't here to help us, was he?"...and here's another direct link to another excellent story...

But what I find truly staggering in all of this, is the mind-numbing stupidity and denialism of people who still continue to support the LNP, and Scummo in many times do you have to be lied to? how many ways do you need to be deceived and betrayed? at what point does the sickening smirk-fest that is Scott Morrison become unpalatable? how much Institutionalised Theft and Rorting and Nepotism and Greed does it take before you accept the reality of the Scummo LNP. and what you have individually done to this country by voting for them?...(come on mate, you ya'self have said 'how can you blame people when their info comes via a rankly corrupt, pro-LNP, Murdoch-controlled Main Stream Media and a wholly compromised pro-LNP ABC?-Ed)...well, yeah, I have said that...(and those same controlling factors are still very much in control, the Murdochracy is still spewing-out rancid pro-LNP propaganda and carefully ignoring or attacking anything that might possibly compromise that agenda-Ed)...sure, that's also true...(and those at the ABC who either are in direct fear for their jobs or are just sycophantically compliant, they're collectively protecting the LNP, are they not?-Ed)...well yes, indeed they are...(and haven't the majority of these 'supporters' that are appearing in the media, aren't they almost without exception LNP Members or direct associates?-Ed)...well when you're right you're very right Ed...(wasn't that appalling Mayor Liz Innes on the ABC, criticising those Cobargo people and apologising to Scummo, etc, isn't she aligned with the LNP?-Ed)...yep, and Cobargo's not even in her own Council area, ...(so why was the ABC interviewing her about that then?-Ed)...I think you just answered your own question mate...

(And when Scummo tries to do a retrieval media photo-op pit-stop in another small community, accompanied by well respected local Member Darren Chester, was that not Darren's dear mum, in the guise of a volunteer, albeit a genuine volunteer, wasn't it Darren's mum there to greet Scummo with welcoming smiles, etc?-Ed) are joking right? that wasn't Darren's actual mum?...(apparently it was-Ed)...noooo???...(when Scummo et al 'secretly' lobbed at Lucknow, the main greeter was Darren's mum-Ed)...and how do we know this?...(because it's all over Twitter mate, the locals are jumping all over it-Ed)...which is quite ironically where virtually all accurate 'reportage' occurs in this massively shrecked-up media climate...and look, forget what I said before, I am gob-smacked that so many insular, bigotted, dim-witted denialists refuse to acknowledge what is happening right in front of them, regardless of how much it happens or how carefully it's explained to them, etc, etc...(I somehow sense that that's a bit of a snide dig at the recent spate of anonymous 'Comments' on this 'ere blog-Ed)...sorry, did I not make that clear enough? I'm referring exactly to those 'Comments' as perfect illustration of just what moronic, bigotted, and/or corrupt people are capable of, and there's none so pig-ignorant as those who choose to be... 

And just when I thought I couldn't be anymore staggered or smacked about the gob or numb-minded, Scummo commits possibly his greatest act of gas-lighting...(and that's saying somethin' for a man who effectively governs by gas-light-Ed)...nice one Ed, but anyhoos, Scummo is now denying that he walked away from (Ms) Salucci-McDermott, and is saying instead that he stood and discussed with her what she wanted, etc...(well that's just bizarre bordering on delusional, we've all seen the footage, she starts talking and Smoko just turns and walks away!-Ed)...I know, I again dear availees, for example, just check-out this Twitter feed...*** 
   This is bizarre PM @ScottMorrisonMP now says he talked this this woman the video literally   
   shows him walking away
***...(well I see it, but I just cannot believe it, I think he really is struggling with the reality, or rather, just with Reality full-stop-Ed)...I think he's a slippery marketing executive who ain't got nuthin' but smoke and mirrors slogans and is completely lost when true leadership is required...that or the Rapture stuff is what he wants and it drives him to such contempt and disinterest...(great, what a choice, regimented incompetence or religious indifference-Ed)...

And as every day passes, it just gets worse and worse, Scummo just gets worse and he's released a super-sexy slick promo advertisement for himself, officially signed by him, bangin'-on about how the Defense Forces have been deployed and there's 140 aircraft involved and $20million for more aircraft, etc...and released originally on Facebook, attached to it is/was a link encouraging 'donations', but that link is directly to the Liberal Party, not an actual fund-raising group...(well now you're just making shizzle up, that can't be true-Ed)...true as mate, and it was immediately spotted and outed via Twitter and shortly thereafter that 'link' was removed...and he hadn't informed the NSW Emergency Headquarters that they were about to suddenly have 1,000s of Defense Force Reservists thrown into the mix unannounced, and then this morning does yet another lengthy press conference where-in he/Minister Linda Reynolds blamed the NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian for that 'failure to communicate'...(well Gladys's hardly covered herself in glory has she? cutting funding to Fire Protection Services and/or National Parks, etc, and refusing to talk about Climate Change, etc-Ed)...sure, there's a whole bunch of stuff to discuss there, but in this instance, they are contradicting each other, Gladys and Scummo, so who's telling the truth?...and then, wait for it, then Linda Reynolds very reluctantly admits that she's been on holidays in Bali...(wow-Ed)...deadset, after all the grief that Scummo's Hawaii jaunt produced for the LNP, she's gone to Bali while the nation burns...

And again being widely discussed on Twitter and remarkable by the total lack of discussion in the Main Stream Media or the ABC, etc, is 'where's the rest of the bloody government?, are they all on holiday as well? gourd knows he ain't exactly missed, but where that actual shreck is Federal Emergency (Border Force/Home Affairs) Minister Peter Dutton? where've all the LNP politicians disappeared to?...(it's almost like it's another 2019 Election campaign, ya' know, where they all vanished and it was the Scummo show from dawn to dusk-Ed)..interesting observation Ed, but I think it's more along the lines that either 1) none of them want to compromise their personal wealth-streams from their Fossil Fuel Industry paymasters by even accidentally acknowledging the Climate Change Crisis associated with Fossil Fuel dependence/exploitation, etc, or 2) they've abandoned Scummo to his fateful demise...(and possibly a combination of both, they're hiding to protect themselves and their self-interests whilst letting the sacrificial lummox cop all the flak-Ed)...sure...    

And our other good mate, 'Angry' Angus Taylor, Minister for Misinformation and Water-Rorting, he's got the sheer bloody-mindedness to piggy-back on the McGrath Foundation (Breast Cancer) fundraising day at the Ozzie/Kiwi cricket test today (Sunday 5th Jan 2020) with a $3,000/head Liberal I ain't a huge fan of Glenn 'Elephant Murderer' McGrath, and some people have questioned his apparent self-interest and/or apparent profiterring, etc, from that 'foundation', but how shameless is Angry Dingus to pull this stunt, spruiking this Liberal soiree...(well latest news is that apparently Dingus has pulled his own plug, and now won't be attending that soiree today-Ed)...yet another Twitter victory?...

The irony in what has been happening for weeks now, is that this country is effectively being governed by Twitter, with the ultimate irony being Scummo's own comments....when asked a coupla' weeks back about whether or not he/the government had responded appropriately and provided sufficient support, etc, re the fires, Scummo denied any failure, etc, and then went swerving-off into a rant about how 'we won't govern according to Twitter, etc'...(talk about a guilty conscience, denying an allegation that hasn't even been made-Ed)...absolutely, and it gets better, because not only is it the undeniable Truth that indeed it is the Twitterverse forcing government policy, the Truth that Scummo's alleged 'governing' is knee-jerk reaction to try and counter Twitterverse discourse and dissent, etc, this slick marketing self-promo ad that he is currently copping so much criticism for, that ad/promo pretty much encapsulates exactly what he's been forced into doing by Twitter, eg, more funding for aircraft, engaging the Defense Forces, etc...  

It was Twitteratti who exposed Scummo's Hawaii holiday whilst the PM's Office openly lied in denying that he was away and the MSM failed/refused to report any of it, etc, then Twitter exposed his New York Hillsong jaunt, etc...Twitter has led the charge on so many of these issues for so long now, eg, all of the rank corruption of Angus Taylor and Barnaby Joyce with Watergate fake buy-backs, and Barnaby's affair with his staffer and her subsequent 'fake jobs' in LNP offices, etc, etc, we've discussed before on this 'ere blog, given the wholly complicit to the point of being corrupt MSM and ABC, so many of these issues start on Twitter until they develop so much momentum that the issue/story literally forces itself into the MSM/ABC...(and even then the MSM/ABC spend the vast majority of their subsequent coverage furiously apologising for the LNP and trying to undermine and/or underplay the rankly corrupt realities-Ed)...indeed they do mate, just today the ABC instead of an LNP Minister had Georgina Downer on, a twice-failed Liberal candidate and member of the rancidly Right-Wing IPA...yet again today the ABC cut-off Labor leader Anthony Albanese, and they've done it so often they're becoming notoriously predictable for it...

What does it say about the State of the Nation, the state of our Government, and particularly the state of our Media, when Twitter has become, 1) the trusted go-to source for news, and 2) the force that governs the nation?      

Tomorrow: The Long-Awaited Latest FARC News

Just as a quick aside, I've been reading some reports/allegations that across New Years, telephone communications with the Fire Region in South-Western NSW were simultaneously and potentially deliberately cut, and that these 'outages' were being reported in the media before they actually happened...(how do you know that?-Ed)...well obviously I don't, I'm in Mt Gambier, I'm just reading-off the Twitter stuff, which is talking about this very strange occurrence of reportage before the actual event...(sure, but why would that happen?-Ed)...well, the 'conspiracy theory' is that elements within the Federal and/or State governments didn't want unpleasant stories/pictures circulating and thusly compromising/embarrassing the LNP government...again, I dunno', I'm not there, but these allegations are largely coming from people within the fire zones themselves...  

Oh, and in case y'all missed it, USofA President Donald Trump has done his level best to kick-off World War III, or at least another major Middle East conflict, by killing a senior Iranian official, and then tweeted the USofA words, just the flag...and almost instantly is there circulating footage from 2011(?) of The Orange Roughy (Trump) holding forth about how President Obama is trying to start a war with Iran as part of his (Obama's) re-election strategy/attempt to distract public attention from other domestic issues...(but isn't that exactly what Trump is doing right now with this attack?-Ed)...absolutely, and yet another classic example of bare-faced hypocrisy and gaslighting from the gibbering lunatic at the head of the Free World...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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