Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A Very Brief Interim Post

Howdy y'all and equally brief apologies, got some stuff goin' on and some more to come, but just wanna' get this stuff posted attempts at humour or 'style' today, just this...

Was just beginning to think perhaps I'd imagined it, but have 're-found' the official document that specifically identifies that indeed it was the Insidious Commissioner Assisting Corruption...(or as some call him, the 'Independent Commissioner Against Corruption'-Ed)...whatevs, My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Comm Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander, it was my mate Bruce himself who directly referred me to SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch in February 2014, leading to ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' purely me about me and this 'ere blog, for my supposedly heinous crime of  'talking about' Bruce's/ICAC's fraudulently fake investigation of Mt Gambier City Council...

ICAC Comm Lander was/is the complainant against me, directly referring me to SAPol ACB, leading to the ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone'...

This relates then directly to my attempts to hold the definably corrupt Magistrate Ian White to account, via my multiple correspondencings with both Attorney-General Vicki Chapman and Chief Magistrate Mary-Louise y'all are aware, AG Chapman refused to respond to me at all until November 2019...(and only then after a journo contacted her in October 2019-Ed)...indeed, and then Vicki denied responsibility, lied and deceived, refused to act, stated that she wouldn't respond to anymore letters/emails, and then threatened me about printing that farcical 'response'...please see previous post on this issue if y'all wish to...

Just watching Scott 'Scummo' Morrison fact-rorting his way towards increased government control to 'call out the defense forces'...he's using his litany of abject failures re the current bushfire disasters to justify this frightening grab for militarisation of the government's response to public disorder and organised opposition like marches and strikes...he's using his own bush fire failures to justify giving himself openly Fascist control of the military...and repeatedly using the re-defining language of "natural disasters", and 'land clearing' and 'hazard reduction', etc, etc, all the same deliberate obfuscations and denials of the real problem, namely him and his gross failures in ignoring multiple professional warnings given over an extended period, and his coal-lovin' freak show of a government who desperately blame everyone and everything else, eg, it's because of all those arsonists and the Greens...he is a sickening individual at the head of a sick government...and now he's defending coal again...(wow-Ed)...

But I digress, back to my ICAC farce...Chief Magistrate Hribal, knowing that Bruce mate is the original complainant against me, that he personally and without any apparent actual ICAC investigation, Bruce himself instigated the rankly Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of my "bizarre trial", knowing this, CM Hribal referred my complaints about Magistrate White back to Bruce in his other guise as Judicial Conduct Commissioner...CM Hribal stated that it was down to Bruce to decide whether or not his previous involvement compromised his functioning as JCC...CM Hribal was/is also aware that any complaint to the JCC subjects the complainant to the same bizarrely undefinable and Fascist legislation of Section 56 of the ICAC Act 2012 that I have been 'Convicted' of, legislation that effectively silences the complainant...and as I discovered recently after lodging a complaint about police conduct, Bruce as Police Complaints Commissioner applies exactly the same legislation, word for word verbatim, of the ICAC Act 2012 Sec 56...said it before and I'll say it again because it is critically important...

If you lodge a complaint about a State or Local Government Politician, or state Public Servant, or SA Police Officer, or SA Magistrate/Judge, then that complaint is overseen by the definably corrupt Bruce Lander, and the complainant is subject to Section 56 of the ICAC Act 2012.

The ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 is text-book Fascism that threatens/targets those who seek to speak-out against SA's Institutionalised Corruption.

With my own Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution under the ICAC legislation, I also found those documents proving that SAPol Prosecutions knew very early in proceedings that 2 of the 18 'Counts' I was ultimately 'Convicted' of were actually (alleged) breaches of Section 54, not Section 56...(really?-Ed)...yep, the 'Counts' of talking to the ABC and The Border Watch newspaper do not constitute 'publishing' and therefore fall under Sec 54, and as their own documents prove, SAPol knew this but continued to pursue the charges under Sec 56...(but why didn't Magistrate White pick this up?-Ed)...didn't know, didn't care, whatevs, his definably biased and corrupt conduct clearly demonstrates that he only had one goal, getting through the 'Trail' to his intended conclusion, to finding me 'Guilty' regardless of what had happened and/or what happened at 'Trial', etc...(and didn't Comm Bruce and the then Labor AG li'l Johnny Rau actually add that definition of 'To Publish' to the ICAC Act in November 2014, months after you'd been raided by SAPol ACB in May 2014, and long after the period of alleged breaches, being December 2013 - April 2014?-Ed)...yep, indeed they did change the legislation so as to retrospectively prosecute/persecute me, as I've proven on previous posts back in February - May 2018...

And yes dear availees, I do know I bang-on about this stuff repeatedly, but honestly, does it get anymore corrupt than the ICAC Commissioner and the Attorney-General conspiring to change the law specifically to facilitate retrospectively prosecuting a private citizen?

On a related topic, I was just gob-smacked to see a very naive journo praising-up the NSW Police about their alleged concerns with their ongoing refusal to investigate numerous Rapes and Sexual Assault complaints...(naive or stupid or complicit-Ed)...well quite, NSW Police are only being 'incredibly cooperative' because they've got a journo in their faces about it, their actual conduct defines the Ed says, you'd have to be either extraordinarily naive, box 'a' hammers stupid, or sickly complicit...and I completely reject the NSW Police's 'excuse' that it's largely down to 'inadequate resources' so many of these farcically deceitful denials of responsibility, it takes me directly to the lame excuses we were given as to the deliberately woeful SAPol Mt Gambier 'investigation' of "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling, and the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(well I think that lack of services/resources in Mt Gambier is a very real issue though mate, I mean, look at the recent Rape at Robe where-in the young woman had to be 'escorted to Adelaide by SAPol officers' due to a lack of appropriate services here in Mt Gambier-Ed)...fair point, but in the case of the St Martins Cover-up, both realities are true...(fair enough-Ed)...

The Dorling/St Martins Cover-up was/is a deliberate construct to protect the Lutherans and assorted other vested interests, eg, state politicians, but it was put to us parents by groups like Flinders Child Protection Services/Unit that the whole case would have been handled much differently had it occurred in FCPS put it to me, "we have grave concerns about how well he (Dorling) has placed himself within the system to abuse children and get away with it, namely, as the Teacher's Union representative in a privately run religious school in a country town"...and I've put that in direct quotations because it is literally a direct quote that has rung in my ears every day since I heard it in August 2002...and time has proven those comments exactly accurate, eg, the lengths that the Teachers Registration Board went to to protect Glyn Dorling, a TRB loaded with Teachers Union reps acting in collusion with the Lutherans, SAPol, and Labor and Liberal, etc, etc, et al...but for all of the rankly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Collusion, the issue of a lack of resources in Rural/Regional South Australia is still is a classic example of how one truth doesn't necessarily deny another...and it's the same thing with this NSW Police stuff, whilst their may be issues of limited resources, their current attitudes are defined by their current actions or lack of, not by flowery public statements about 'concerns' and 'wanting to change', etc...   

And y'all will again please pardon my abjectly absolute cynicism about this sort of stuff, but we live under an openly corrupt and increasingly Fascist Federal government, in a Pro-Paedophile State that already has openly Facsist ICAC legislation in place...(and as officially ratified by your rankly corrupt 'Conviction'-Ed)...indeed, and there's still a raft of rancidly Right Wing nutters spewing forth their bigotted and usually proudly ignorant bile, usually via the Murdoch media but too often on the supposedly Left Wing ABC, and just so many equally proudly ignorant human-sheep bleatingly regurgitating whatevs they're told, regardless of how carefully or factually you explain it to them...I again refer to my specific personal experience of this phenomenon, eg, the recent torrent of abuse anonymously hurled at me in the 'Comments' of this 'ere blog...(yeah, but that is almost certainly an 'organised political attack' rather than just random moronicisms-Ed)...true, but there's just as likely some randoms involved who have simply taken the opportunity to publicly display their cowardice and stupidity...(sure, but Josh Lynagh's stuff is clearly a politically-motivated and desperate attempt to redefine realities about his own appalling conduct-Ed)...agreed, but again, can't both truths stand together, namely, it is a political set-up attracting other randoms...(I'll give ya' that-Ed)...cheers...    

So to draw all that together, I again refer to the motivations and intent of the litany of abject failures and/or refusals of SAPol and the TRB and the state government and the Courts, et al, and the associated excuses about 'lack of resources', etc, when it doesn't suit them, eg, the St Martins Cover-up, and how that compares to the extraordinary time, effort, resources and expense of pursuing and persecuting and prosecuting li'l ol' moi, Nick Fletcher, the sole focus of ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' and 3 years of "bizarre trial" and ICAC legislation changes in November 2014, etc, etc, ad infinitum...when it comes to the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of a private citizen, they've got all the time and all the money and all the resources...(and this of course has direct parallels with the way that the Federal Police act politically to attack journos, etc, on behalf of ther LNP government, but don't seem interested in investigating the relentless litany of glaring corruption from LNP Ministers-Ed)...yeah, I s'pose there are some parallels there, but I was speaking more specifically about this oft-proffered excuse about 'Lack of Resources', as opposed to the realities exposed by actual actions...(well sure, in that specific context, I can't think of a better example than your personal experiences of the St Martins Cover-up as opposed to your "bizarre trial"-Ed)...and where-in the ultimate irony is that the fundamental motivation for the ICAC 'Charges' is to attack me and this 'ere blog for exposing the rancid Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption in South Australia...  

Who Wants To "Meet And Beat" Scummo?:...every time they hear Scummo's relentless lies about 'meeting and beating" our Emission Reduction targets/obligations, and the associated fear-mongering about 'job losses in the coal industry', and 'electricity prices going up', etc, as it comes pouring out of that sickening smirk?...(well plenty of people if Twitter's anything to go by-Ed)...indeed, and I ain't the only one to use The Smirkers own base lies back at him as a witty quote like that, but I had thought of that joke before I saw others use it, so I'm pseudo-claiming that as my joke...just spent the last hour watching the Crime Minister at the National Press Club, an hour bravely enduring the relentless obfuscating deceits, deliberate failure to directly answer direct questions, and carefully crafted word-weaselling of Scotty From Marketting, a slick Snake Oil salesman when he's spewing forth his well rehearsed rhetoric, and an angry denier when confronted with truths he doesn't like...(I reject the premise of that question Nick-Ed) wasn't a question...(but the quiet Australians band together in these troubled times, that's what we do-Ed)...what?...(the Greens blocked the hazard reduction that would have denied fuel for the arsonists responsible for all these fires-Ed)...sorry?...(don't apologise mate, Labor, Labor Labor will tax you with fear and panic-Ed)'ve gone wrong in the brain-box mate...(yeah, I need a holiday, I hear the South Coast of Hawaii is lovely at this time of National Disaster, I mean year, this time of year-Ed)...don't hurry back...      

And the Ozzie media at it's pathetic best, a couple of half-attempts to raise the extraordinary Sports Rorts scandal, waved away by Scummo as 'editorialising', and 'commentary', etc, especially when confronted with the actual colour-coded Electorate spreadsheet used by the LNP...Scummo just waves it away and the press gallery simply moves onto other questions...and now it's the ABC self-reviewing with it's usual mind-numbing subservience, continuing with the appallingly sycophantic Jane Norman, arguably one of the worst in a woeful bunch, cheerfully big-upping Scummo, again...(almost every 'professional journo' in this country needs to hang their heads, shamed as they are by the ABC's Morning TV News 'Sports Reporter come fill-in host' Paul Kennedy who absolutely dismantled Liberal Ministers Greg Hunt and David Littleproud in wonderfully frank interviews-Ed)...indeed, and now they're whinging about Scummo's lack of response, but when he's right there in front of them they didn't hold him to account, they just threw it up there and then let it go...extraordinary...

Tomorrow: Is Another Day And Surely Another LNP Fraud/Rort

And I'm still working through that extraordinary litany of deceits, omissions, and incompetence that is the MGCC FARC Development Application, but 156 pages is a lotta' shizzle to have to wade through...(but we'll get there-Ed)...yes we will, 'cos it's a $50m+ disaster that will hang about Mt Gambier Ratepayer's necks for many decades to come...(I thought it's $40m?-Ed)...carn' mate, you've seen what MGCC does with these major projects, predicting a mere 25% blow-out is being incredibly generous to them I reckon...(good point, the Library and the Main Corner both went more than 100% over-Ed)...and we're still owing $2m on the Library 10 years later...(and the Rail Lands cost gourd knows how much for a fraction of what was promised, eg, no Sound Shell and no Covered Plaza-Ed)...indeed, and I remind dear availees that MGCC originally stated that Rate Increases would help fund the initial building and the running costs, but have since repeatedly and vigorously denied that there will be Rate Increases...(well at least one of those have to be true-Ed) only lying half the time is quite an improvement for MGCC-Ed)...I thought I said we wouldn't be doing any jokes today...(who's joking?!-Ed)...fair enough...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...  

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